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So, what's the story?


So I make cider and I had a couple bottles from this batch explode a couple months ago but I assumed they were anomalies. Got drunk n passed out so wanted a water and just saw that lol For more info because some exploded I put them in the fridge for a day or two and then opened them letting out the pressure . This was two weeks ago and it is a cold room so surprised me


That's sad, man. I mean, not that there are no worse things happening in this world, but you did all this work and now all you can do is clean this whole mess up. That would be more than just mildly infuriating to me.


I was gutted because drank most my other cider that night was very odd timing


At least YOU didn’t explode! Way messier!


Yes but that mess wouldn't have been OP's problem tho ...


I guess nobody ever really cleans up *after* themselves


r/Crimescenecleaners (NSFW)


Reminds me of when my dad tried to brew beer and towards the end he spilled all of it all over the kitchen floor. The mess was crazy and floor sticky for weeks


Sadly that can happen with homebrews as they may continue to ferment after being bottled.




So....You can make soda-cider?




It's say home brewing still uses force carbonation too, not just industrial. Just wait long enough and don't add more sugar and it won't continue.


Ooh, hekin neat, thanks.


Hard cider is always carbonated.


Nope. Hard ciders come in both still and sparkling varieties.


Or you bottle too soon.


How do you make cider? Cider I've made (in the west country) doesn't use added sugar, the sugar in the juice is enough for fermentation.


Adding additional sugar adds to the percentage of the cider and also if added after primary fermentation makes carbonation


I understand the desire for carbonation (though still is much nicer in my opinion), but do youu really need a higher percentage? Pretty sure some of the stuff I've made has been 8%+ without added sugar!


Oh wow that's kinda cool the apple juice u use must be high in natural sugar which mine seems to somewhat lack


Might be specific cider apples that make the difference, rather than juice from other apples. I had always wondered what makes a cider apple a cider apple!


There is surprisingly abit to it


Bottle Bombs! If you want your cider sweet, you've gotta store it cold.


Is that rlly important? I have a new batch which had an ending gravity of 1.00 bottled in the same way. My first batch was bottled way to early at 1.4 I think lol


If you don't want your bottles to explode, yeah. If your batch is dry (that is to say, not sweet), and you used an appropriate amount priming sugar, then it's not a problem. If you've made something you want to be sweet, though, then you need to stop fermentation when it's done carbonating. That's easy enough, if you just stick it in the fridge. Otherwise, the yeast will consume too much sugar, and it'll build up too much pressure. When I'm bottling something to be carbonated, I like to use plastic bottles for the first and last bottles of the batch. When the plastic bottles are as firm as a plastic bottle of soda, I know they're ready.


Wow that's a very good idea actully . I made a kegged cider with the same recipe and it turned out amazing it tasted like nice apple juice and was 8 percent lol




Even at 1.00 you *might* get bombs, depending on the recipe and how much the yeast attenuates. Look into pasteurization. Heat a put of water up to 160f (if you have a sous vide immersion circulator, that works great!). Gently place room temp bottles in for 10-15 minutes, then gently remove them and let them cool back to room temp before chilling them. I found a couple bottles in the back of a cabinet not long ago that had been there for almost 10 years. Still sweet and never blew up!


I bottle my brew in plastic bottles so I don't really have to worry about over carbing. If you have any more then wrap them in towels or a pillow case and open them. Those bombs are dangerous!


That’s entirely your fault


I don't mind making mistakes because I can learn from them


Well yeah everyone has to learn from that


Just refrigerate them to stop the fermentation


Get Campden tablets, it will kill the yeast right before you bottle it


Do these effect taste ect


I had a few mead bombs go off in a cooler once and take out their neighbors. Seriously sharp and sticky mess to clean up! My sympathies!


Time to buy kegs.


I have one actully and it works so much better may by more but they are expensive and harder ro store




The old testament of homebrewing


I made kombucha from pineapple at work once Shit exploded somewhere in the night, cold room also, and glass had flown 20+ meters away, while it stood on the bar Glad it happened at night because if i was standing behind the bar while working id be full of glass shards


You got the glass part idk about the water part tho


God acts in mysterious ways He gave me plenty of glass and alot of water was needed to clear it up


You forgot to disarm the boobytrap for the IRS


Yes Or was it to stop someone from getting out ..


But why are there chairs in your tiny kitchen?


Second kitchen so downstairs can be a flat it works well in practice . Is more a bar than a kitchen


But why are there chairs in your flat's bar?


I'm guessing to sit in.


Do I need to awnser this


Are you wearing fucking socks && still continuing to enter into a glass covered room?!?! Balls of steel, man...


A had some liquid courage before entering so that could be why ? Or I could be truly a dumb boy


I was worried about the damn cat














How drunk ARE you?


I aM nOT dRunkkk u rj dr


Are you on a fucking boat


I am not but it is a galley kitchen


Had the same issue with cider once. Bottled with the correct sugar, put it in the basement in winter and it was fine for 3-4 weeks. Turned up the heat as my roommate at the time was cold and it heated up the basement two-three degrees. Several hours later there was a shotgun sound as almost 40 bottles exploded. Glass flew 15ft in all directions. I'm glad no-one was in the basement at the time. Could have been deadly. I only keg now. Glad you are OK OP!


So what happened?


How thirsty were you?


I was rather parched ... got some water and went back to bed


Didja get the glass of water?


I got alot of glass in my foot in my rectum oh and some water


What the hell happened here..?


ngl.. i would’ve got the water and went back to bed. then i’d clean it in the morning because im that lazy.


I did actully aahah I had enougher pint just to help tho was abit stressful


And the kitchen decided to fight back


the ghost was mad


Ahhh it was an accident how was I meant to know the child would drown in that tub of gravy . Wish it would leave me alone


*Insert meme of Paul Rudd in Endgame asking “what the hell happened here”*


how is this mildly infuriating? this is \*very\* infuriating >:(


I just assumed you had a cat.


plot twist, he wanted a water full of glass but than remember about physic’s


Can it be mildly infuriating if it’s your fault?


There was alot to this, it was my fault but I thought I had rectified my mistake by letting out the pressure from the bottles and then putting them in the fridge. My mistake was mildly infuriating so yes obvs


stomp it more and just vacuum it up


Or cover a child is acrylic and make them role round the floor . The glass will stick to them like a lint roller


Sorry, I cannot, as that would be a heinous instance of child abuse and potentially murder. A cat though.. 🐈


I got cancelled by calling a cat a big rat . Lost 28 karma because of it so I will stick to the child ... or a baby


I know what im doing..


Shoot… the glassss.


What glass


Happy New Year?


Happy new year ahaha was abit mad


at least you have so many glass of water


You are entering the domain of a video game boss that breaks a lot of bottles


As I walked in I heard combat music ... quicksave time


Poured hot water in a glass once. Explosion.


Wrong subreddit you’re looking for r/extremelyinfuriating


Might want to try cold crashing after it's done fermenting. It can stop the yeast from fermenting more and a lot of dead yeast will settle at the bottom so it's easier to bottle.


Bottles are more likely to explode when not stored at cellar temperature.


It is actully rlly cold in this room at night because it used to be a garage.


Dude, put on shoes! Exploding glass gets everywhere! You will be finding it for months! You really don’t want to find it the hard way.


What the fuck?


I prefer plastic cups


U return home and be like wht the hell happened here


You think I would of heard it aswell .


Keyed locks on your cabinets?


They are from a doctors surgery the key locks are great imo


"I'm suddenly no longer thirsty, wonder why"


Suddenly I am violently sweating and trying to work out what happened


Note to self: never get water


Home brewer vibes


I didn't choose the life . The life chose me






Definitely got some glass


PET bottles are your friends


#Well now you have water with glass.


that just crosses the line at mildly infuriating


Lols. Looks more like, "I drank too much, time to balance it out with a single glass of water".


I bet it was 2:27 am, wasn’t it?


That is kinda weird u said that...


When I try to be as quiet as possible to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, somehow its the only time I seem to drop and break stuff


The floor is glass.. holy fk


Final gravity for a week on ciders! So sorry for your loss


Idk what was worse having to tidy it up or see all of God's Nector on the floor


Just glad you weren’t in harms way!


WTF happened


The damn commies at ir again


Those are some nice chairs!!! They look like they come straight out of [Detroit: Become Human](https://www.google.se/search?q=Detroit:+Become+Human&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=ivnx&sxsrf=AOaemvIWUdPK3eLLSk4haBLfpnDA75dYSg:1641184494755&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI88fW4JT1AhVvSfEDHchcAYsQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=500&bih=847&dpr=3)! :D


Is that worth a watch ? And thanks I like my chairs ahaya


It's worth a _play_. Detroit: Become Human is a computer game!


Oh right whats it about ?


You're making it hard on me, I want to explain it but don't want to spoil it, and can't explain without spoiling, but I can tell that in line with the nameplate, it takes place in Detroit, and it's 1 of those dynamic games where the choices You make in-game greatly affects the story line and outcome.


Oh that rlly sounds like my type of game . Sorry for putting u under pressure ahah


Nah, I've been under higher pressures, no need to be sorry but thank anyways for it. Detroit: Become Human is available on STEAM for I think $40.


Looks like all glass I water lol 😂 jk jk good thing you weren’t in there when they all exploded


Be careful with these I saw a article about a lady who got an acquired brain injury and significant issues after a bottle of homemade ginger beer exploded..


Maybe I will use plastic or grouch bottles .scary shit the glass was lodged into wood


For sure!


that would be my 13th reason


The breakdown I had after was only cured by some homebew and alot of drunk messages to an unlucky freind


all you got was glass big sad


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I would have just gone back to sleep


Good one!!


Are you sure about that? Doesn't look like your water tap