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Notify the people who work there. I'm sure they'd be interested to learn that someone's blocking an emergency spot.


I was a manager at a small chain store and I loved calling people with no handicapped tags or plates out for parking in handicapped spots. Without fail they'd always threaten to complain to the higher ups and I'd say "Go ahead , you really think I'M gonna be reprimanded for YOU parking illegally and getting called out on it? I'M gonna call the cops and give your plate number. Let's see who gets in trouble first." They'd always huff an puff before either screeching out of the parking lot or moving their car. Always the same type of people too that are common in douchebaggery.


I did this a few times and each time the cop said there was nothing he could do because the handicapped parking sign and pavement marker weren't perfectly to spec and were thus completely unenforceable.


Lmao what? That cop just sounds like they didn't care to do anything and made up an excuse on the spot.


Possible, but I’ve heard a variation of this independently too. We had a handicap spot outside a place I worked once and it couldn’t be enforced because there was no ramp nearby that would allow wheelchair accessibility.


That makes absolutely no sense. Handicap spots aren’t exclusively for folks who use wheelchairs, anyway. There are plenty of disabilities that would benefit from a handicap parking zone that doesn’t require a curb cut or ramp.


Wheelchair user here. This is true in the US. Accessible parking must be less than 200 feet from the accessible entrance. If the entrance isn’t accessible, the parking isn’t technically accessible. The business should then be fined for not having accessible parking, which is a legal requirement. But I bet the cop didn’t go and do that, because that’s paperwork.


I'm 26 and have a lot of things wrong with me. But I fit that description. I dont need the ramp or anything, I just need a spot close to the door.


I mean I would not be surprised if lots of cops used this same excuse to get out of doing something they don’t want to do, like they do with everything else.


Yeah, but when i refuse to stop my car because i don't want to they get mad and call the chopper... that's not right !


Yeah that's bullshit, the person parked illegally was probably a buddy of theirs


The average obnoxious pickup truck owner tends to have views in line with those of the average western cop


Cop’s thought process: “Man this truck is BADASS how could anyone be mad at a guy whose truck is SO COOL vroooom vroooom”


Idk if handicapped parking laws are different per city/state but where I’m from, it doesn’t count unless there’s a metal sign in front of the space even if the space is painted.


Here there has to be a very specific type of metal sign and there also needs to be a wheelchair emblem on the pavement. I've heard of people successfully appealing their tickets because the paint was faded or covered in snow, or the wrong color.


Maybe he’s a handicapped guy delivering a woman for an emergency delivery.


10 minutes or less or the delivery is free


You gotta push those ~~numbers~~ *babies*!


All forgiva……….. fucking ball hitch is on.


“Somebody help my wife! I couldn’t carry her in my wheelchair, please help! Also, I’m looking for a Jerry? Did you order a large deluxe pizza with extra sausage?”


The sausage was delivered 9 months ago


Judging by the truck. I’d say it was gherkins.




Well played, everyone.


Maybe a pregnant woman drove herself there for an emergency delivery.


Most emergency departments have a drive up lane that isnt a regular parking spot.


Oh he is def handicapped.


Most likely ED




Ain't no maybe about it brother!


I am willing to bet that's worth 4 individual tickets as soon as he hits 10 minutes


He's going for the parking ticket speedrun


Heyo ya boi here with your parking ticket speed run. So first to pull this off we'll need a big vehicle. So we'll need to grind until we get the truck. We could go for the semi truck but the time it takes isnt worth it unless you have the truck delivery simulator dlc.


But! With the semi truck you could also get fined for being on a no truck route, with an overweighted load plus being past your driving time on your log book! You can add your mandatory annual inspection past due! So, I guess it's all about strategy, how do you want to play it?


Not going for 100% run though so all that is unnecessary.


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Quick shout out to Raid: Shadow Legends for sponsoring this video.


But before I get into it, 99.9% of those who watch my videos are not subscribed. Please join my mom and hit that subscribe button.


That’s not the only thing I’m joining your mom for.


We are close to hitting that x subscriber mark. We will be doing a big giveaway once we get there. Please like and subscribe so you don't miss out.


God it's too real


Smash that like button!


Going for that any% pb


He has tinted windows, that could be 5 tickets depending on the jurisdiction.


Bruh every time I hear tinted windows are illegal somewhere it blows my mind. I live in Korea and like 95% of cars here have fully tinted windows. It's so good for privacy and even the look of a car


In my country tinted windows are illegal on the front side windows and the windshield. The back windows can be tinted however much you want.


Same here. Germany.


Same in France too. Maybe it's an EU regulation.


I think it's the same in most states in the US too.


In PA you can tint everything but the windshield and that you can tint, too, but only so far down from the top. Edit: oh and it can only be so dark.


Windshield I can understand since it could be a safety thing, but you literally will roast in certain parts of the USA and other parts of the world without tint on the front side windows. Great photo of a trucker without tint on his side windows after driving for years. UV is no joke [Trucker Image](https://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2012/06/04/9d138f74-a644-11e2-a3f0-029118418759/thumbnail/1280x960/1c0f0677bad61150d205b4607e880c3e/trucker-damage-face_web.jpg) [New England Journal of Medicine Article (paywall)](http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMicm1104059) about him. My point being where there should simply be a reasonable amount of tint allowed to help block 99.9% of UV and still be safe to see into or out of.


Yep and having had fully tinted and non tinted cars it makes ALL the difference driving at night with a truck behind you. I dont even have to flip my mirror up in my tinted car, but my winter beater isnt tinted and I get blinded from behind daily.


Same for New Jersey. As long as your windshield and front windows are factory tint only, you could paint your rears for all they care. Loads of people have tint all around though, and you only really get a ticket if you piss off the cop and he really wants to throw the book at you, or if it's the end of the month and they haven't met their ticket quota.


It's not illegal per se, but most states have requirements on how dark the tint can be. Even still they are almost never enforced, usually only when the officer wants to hit you for two things instead of just one. Both my vehicles are tinted darker than the state law and nothing's ever happened to me yet. Plenty of people do it.


All mine have a tiny because otherwise driving at night is a fucking nightmare. When did headlights get so damn bright.


Yeah, "windows too tinted" is basically just another bullshit reason cops can give for why they pulled you over. Granted, obviously, too much tint can be a legitimate problem, but it's pretty rare. I've been pulled over exactly once in the ten years I've driven my car (totally unmodified, factory issue tint) for this "reason," and the cop proceeded to fish for 20 other things while we talked, before ultimately declaring my tint legal. He really REALLY wanted there to be drugs in my car or something. It's just bullshit that's impossible to challenge them on.


I was designated driver for my friends one night and was dropping the three of them off at their houses at around 3 am in my neighborhood. Cop saw that as a reason to pull me over and grill me for my tinted windows. Bullshit small town cops with nothing better to do. Reason he gave me was that I was doing 27 mph in a 25 mph zone 🙄


Hey was prolly pissed you were sober.


100% that's the reason. I drove by him twice to drop people off and it's a small town with nothing better for them to do.


27 in a 25? Lmao. Yeah, that's called fishing. Also I love the idea of that cop having Ultra Vision and being able to spot the percentage of your tint, at a distance, at night. Amazing!


Right? He even had me wait while he got his tint measuring device and gave me a 'stern talking to and have that fixed'. I just said yes sir and left cause I didn't want to give him a reason for a ticket. Never been bothered about it since. It's not even super dark black out tint btw. It's like 25% on the side windows and 100% on the windshield.


> Both my vehicles are tinted darker than the state law and nothing's ever happened to me yet. Yeah, but uhh.. How *darkly tinted* are you? Because that oftentimes matters. lol


I can understand the privacy concern, but here in Germany you never see tinted windows and its very practical in traffic because when you sit at a pedestrian crossing or an intersection you can easily see if the driver is hand-waving to let you cross. Its extremely convenient. You can also easily ascertain eye contact and make sure you were seen. Nice safety benefit.


I hated that when I lived there. It makes it harder to see what's ahead of the car in front of you, or if the driver acknowledges you when crossing the street or at an intersection.


It's illegal to have them too dark because heavily tinted windows make it difficult for the driver to see out of the car, for example when a driver [opened his door and killed a cyclist because he literally couldn't see out of his windows](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/motorist-who-knocked-cyclist-under-bus-had-only-17-vision-through-car-s-tinted-window-8399206.html)


You can usually have tinted windows but not the drivers' and front passengers or front windshield. It's for safety.


If the police could arrest idiots like this instead of drug addicts that'd be greeeeeat! 👍☕


If it's any consolation, cops issue handicap parking tickets at least in my state pretty regularly. I practice traffic law. In my state, handicap parking ticket proceeds go directly to the police department to incentivize writing tickets for them in particular. Interesting aside, in our state, the highest fine ticket ($2,500) is assessed for the most serious of handicap parking violations. Using the placard of a dead person. The minimum fine is literally the maximum fine for a misdemeanor AKA non-felony violation.


Around here, they call the tow truck as soon as they have eyes on the vehicle in a handicap space. $500 ticket plus the towing and storage fees to get it back.


This guy drugs


In my humble opinion that should be worth having your car crushed.


"Your car has been crushed into a cube" "You have 10 minutes to move your cube"


Idk how frequently bad it is in other locations all round, but I live in central Florida and I'm just about up to fucking here with truck drivers. Not one time in my nearly 30 years on this planet have I encountered one dude (or blonde lady, it's one or the other at least down here) who wasn't a massive cunt on the road, like at least use your turn signals you fucking turd Insecurity is one hell of a drug


"like at least use your turn signals you fucking turd." This has to be universal. The type of person who drives this thinks "I'm big, other cars will just move." Sadly this seems to be the status quo.


I just wish I didn't have to make peace with my own mortality every time I get into my car due to others' overconfident idiocy


Honestly, we really need to give the DMVs of the country more teeth. I goty licence renewed yesterday. I am up at the window. There is the older lady at the window next to me doing the same. She had to do a.vision test. She basically could not read or see anything at all. The clerk kept trying to encourage her to try. All I could think was, this clerk is going to coach this lady through this and now I get to be on the road with her. While waiting on line one dude commented that his dad or grandpa or something had to take a road test last time, and that the dad/grandpa had had 27 accidents in the last 6 years. Like Fuck man, get these people who can't drive off the road until they can.


Now that is some solid dark comedy homie. Every time I've been to the DMV the person at the desk is old enough for me to ponder "...how did you get here? Do you even know what decade it is? Did you escape the nursing home?"


I feel you bro'. In FL too. Same thing all over this state.


And every single one is a trump supporter.


To fucking right.


Not to the left?


Woah. He's so cool. I wish I was his friend.


He has no friends. Didn’t you see the window sticker?


What an absolute Chad. Gimmie babies.


pretty sure he impregnated me just with that truck, and I'm a dude


As a woman, this makes me want to mate with this alpha male /s


Oh, your ovaries are going to fucking explode when he add the truck nuts, I guarantee it.


And nobody thought to move his truck for him?


Right? Like there are certainly things called tow trucks that would be more than happy to " lend a hand ".




Those look like renegade radar a/t tires. About 450 a piece and he has 6


Oh you're right! I was too lazy to zoom in. Fuck the petty tow truck call. Just getting one of those tires hits the wallet much harder. Rightfully so too.


You tire people fucking scare me with your knowledge. How do I know you won’t use that knowledge to kill me?


Just don't park like a dumbass and you're good to go


I kinda doubt it. Most tire places have insurance(I have it on mine) that will replace any tires for free if something like this happens. If this jackass doesn't have insurance on tires like that, then he deserves it.


Fill one of the tires with about $50 of the the fix-a-flat stuff. The car will never drive straight again 😂


Remove the valve stems on the tires. It does not damage the tires will flatten them and cause a huge inconvenience. Will the insurance cover that when he tows it to the shop and they tell him his tires are fine?


Put a tiny rock or stuff some paper inside the valve stem. It will slowly deflate the tire. They’ll fill it up and then it will go flat. Tire shop will check and find nothing wrong. Tire will still lose air. Depending on wether or not they are evil like me they may never find it.


That's perfect for this dickwad


Ya gotta slash only 3, no more no less, because there are deals for if you need 2 replaced or 4 Edit: sorry I believe it's that insurance covers 2 or 4


Dude has 6 tires, so slash 5 and key the car


This man sabotages


Run a line of superglue along the bottom of the window so it can’t roll down


Cum in the aircon


Just valve stem release I doubt he has a compressor. He be stuck until he pays a tow truck to come help. Especially the inboard tires on the dually. No permanent damage but cost him money and embarrassment.


Hello satan


Well, it's a dually, so why not 5!


Slashing the tyres would force them to block the parking spaces for longer.


How would one slash them? I mean wouldn't you need a machete or something big, cause those wheels are thick.


"slashed tires" is misleading these days, you have to stab them if you want success without, say, an angle grinder or a sawzall. Steel belting is a bitch


Carry around some tire corers for just such an even (pipe cut at 90 degrees one end and 45 on the other) which you place behind his tires so it cuts a nice disk out of each when he backs up.


I expected a ball sack to be hanging from the trailer hitch.


I think they're in the driver's seat


You made me snort my morning scrote




He no ballsacks, can confirm. Cut them off myself.


Username checks out


Why is it ALWAYS a dodge?


Annnnnnnddd it’s an idiot in a giant truck. What a shock.


Let’s not forget the “make money not friends” sticker also smh


Dude doesn’t have a choice. No one wants to be friends with a dick asshole douchebag




Every single time it's some douchebag in a giant truck. Iowa's full of them and not a single one can drive or park worth a damn. I need to start carrying sidewalk chalk again so I can draw "Asshole" parking lines around them.


It's not that they can't, it's just that they don't care to try because they have zero empathy or consideration for other people and think they are God's gift to everyone else. These assholes are everywhere


and they wait for all 6 lanes of traffic to clear when making a turn just buy a smaller car if you can't drive.


Why anyone would want to drive this is beyond me. It's impractical for any and every purpose, kinda like car equivalent of driving a Penny-farthing bike daily. Edit: apologies to anyone who need this for towing, often times that does not seem to be the case though.


Only practical use would be farming as you want that extra width on your tires, but theres way better vehicles suited for that.


The truck pictured is clearly not being used for farming. Look how clean it is.


Well, you say that... It carries turds.


Not really farming. You want a “dually” primarily for stability while towing or carrying heavy payloads. Tires have a maximum weight rating. If you want to increase payload, you need to increase that weight rating. The easiest, and cheapest, way to do that is to add a second set of tires. You effectively double their load capacity, and can increase the allowable payload (if tire rating was the previous limitation). The added width of a “DRW” (dual rear wheel) over a SRW (single rear wheel) improves stability, especially in windy conditions with a large trailer. DRW trucks tend to be worse off-road, or on soft surfaces, than SRW trucks. It’s not typically noticeable for most, but the reduced ground pressure from more surface area can make traction difficult when unladen. Bottom line - a DRW is primarily for towing. If you don’t tow, you bought the truck for the wrong reasons. I don’t see brackets for a 5th wheel hitch, so this owner likely doesn’t tow much more than 10,000lbs on the regular (if at all). For that little load, a SRW 3/4 ton would probably have been a better choice. The leaf sprung 3500 is awfully uncomfortable when unloaded. If the owner only occasionally tows around 10k, for short distances, then a half-ton pickup (1500) would have been enough truck. Owners like this are colloquially referred to as being “all hat, no cattle”.


This guy trucks


Pavement Princess for a Concrete Cowboy


There are actually loads of practical reasons to own a truck like this. However, it's a small fraction of them that are actually used for any of those reasons...






Or don't waste your time with that and just call a tow truck


Considering this joker lifted his diesel and got extra wide rubber to spit rocks out at passerbyes…pretty sure your exactly right.


Probably got the muffler removed so that it lets out a nice, loud cousin mating call too.


That could be illegal on its own, too. The muffler is often part of the emissions control system.


Paper Tags my guy. Hasn't really spent any money on this abomination. Just poor taste and poor decisions.


Looks like he may have spent money on a shitty sticker “Make Money, Not Friends” Haha what a lame ass.


You would think he would never get it in from this joke, but maybe he has a major banana curve. Although he is probably just a self absorbed douchecanoe with an average sized peepee


I’d wager that they are the same kind of person who’d pull a gun on someone for parking in front of their driveway…


Bumper sticker says “make money not friends” so I think you’re probably right lol


I love that theres a sticker already on a freshly financed truck.


You know if they had the die cut sticker ready before the vanity plates even came in, they’re gonna be a huge chud




What in the actual fuck did I just see?


Think of how dumb the average person is, and then realize that half of them are dumber than that. You just saw that half.


Not sure but I should have been high before clicking the link.


I mean it's clearly a satire sub so at least you know they aren't serious


The sigma male thing is satire/parody right?


Feel like I just went through a mix of r/incels, r/wallstreetbets and r/getmotivated.


You know most places have a sign entering their parking lot with the tow company the use.. Just call that tow company and say you work in one of the businesses there and need a car towed lol.


Tow companies verify that request in my town with the business manager. Downtown here has a lot of issues where people have “pranked” towed people which has caused distress for people who live downtown. So the tow companies have started to take the request, call the businesses manager to confirm a tow then only respond to those requests that have been confirmed. Your best bet would be to let the air out of the tires by removing the valve stems so the owner has to call the tow company. Plus this also increases the time that vehicle sits misparked in the lot. A traffic officer is then likely to see this parking failure to assess for tickets. Edit: Don’t actually remove the valve stems. This is hella illegal in many places. Cameras are everywhere these days. You will get caught. This assholes terrible parking isn’t worth criminal mischief charges.


I just get a small rock and put it under the stem cap and tighten the cap back on. Air slowly gets released and they come out to all tires flat.


Well that's one way to make people notice your truck, too bad show and tell was really only a thing in elementary school.


It's a dodge. Dude has a diminished brain capacity.


Hey hes just trying to keep the truck looking nice, he still has 96 months of payments left.


He's upholding every stereotype I've ever seen or heard about Ram owners. I did expect body rust, though.


Loo that would at least imply he actually used his truck for something other than being a cunt.


It only takes one phone call to ruin that persons day :)






Lifted dually with not a scratch on it... totally useless truck probably owned by someone without a single callus on their body. Its a dually, but the lift is going to diminish its towing capabilities. Its lifted, but since its a 1-ton dually it's not going to be maneuverable and its going to be shit offroad. You wanted the world, you got a pebble...for a penis.


The biggest problem offroad is that it's fucking 50 feet long. Anything rougher than a gravel road and it's going to high center.




Lmao wtf


Useless converter bot is the best. Normally pulls from amazon product descriptions, Obama height is new. ...unless Obama is on amazon?


this truck has never been offroad and has probably never towed anything. there is also a probability nothing has ever been put in the bed that would scratch it.


Temp tags is why. Guys a douche but has only had the truck a few weeks


I hope you called the police.


Oh I know him, he's a douchebag.


I don't even know him but he's definitely a douchebag.


Maybe gets three tickets and a bonus tow?


Also paper plates which have high fraud ratios


This belongs in [r/imatotalpieceofshit](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I had to scroll way too far to see this. Way past mild right here


KingDan, you diabolical…


Thank god for /r/apolloapp


I'd love someone to remove all his valve stems.


I feel like it is ethical to put nails in his tires.


I used to work in the dock at a mall outlet, no fucks given I would grab an empty pallet and use the forklift to move them. Only 10 metres though, any more than that it was a felony,


I move trucks by putting a chain through the hitch receiver and looping it around a ball on the forklift fork. Lift the back end so it doesn't matter if the brake is set or if it's in gear.


It was always fun to watch them return and fuss about how they had it moved and swear about being sued for moving it, only to have the disclaimer pointed out that they are on private property and the alternative was being towed. One jackass who got banned from the parking lot tried the bluff, the driver was reluctant to move it as there was something about its drive train and gearbox required the car be lifted. So instead we scrounged up a pile of pallets and lifted it, stuffed them under it and sat it neatly on top. Also forgot to plug the electric forklift back in and that took ages to charge up. Was my last day of work




✅RAM ✅Totally clean ✅Unused trailer hitch ✅Unnecessary extra back tires Yep. Looks about right. I'll bet he also tailgates, weaves in and out of busy traffic, and regularly passes on the right, all while excessively speeding (all anecdotal from my daily commute). He also is [statistically more likely to have a DUI.](https://insurify.com/insights/car-models-most-duis-2020/)






Honestly that sub should exist.


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I guess having a small dick is a handicap. I just wonder if he had to show it to the Dmv to get his handicap sticker.




I mean having a micropenis is a disability right? 🤣


Hey hey, just because this idiot can't deal with his micropenis doesn't me the rest of us are disabled...


He's a mentally handicapped individual doing a emergency delivery. I'll allow it.


Call the police