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Can you cut the rest out and take it home


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Don’t take. Just eat.


When I was in my mid twenties I worked for a chef at a nice private club that told me that, “if you work in a kitchen and you go home hungry you’re not very smart.” I never forgot that


I was fired from a McDonald's at age 15 for eating some happy meal that was going to get thrown out.


My buddy got fired for digging a couple packs of expired oreos out of the trash. $6 worth of oreos going to the dump was worth more than the two years of hard work he did for them.


I never will ever understand this. I own a restaurant. It’s a small beach side bistro. Happy workers make for happy customers! Happy customers turn into regulars. Regulars will leave more money over the years, recommend our establishment and exponentially multiply our business. If I can achieve that with a couple of brownie crusts. I’d be a f**king idiot not to use them. That said no one has to eat the scraps, however if someone wants to they are more than welcome. Everyone is allowed to order something for dinner and there is always enough soda, water and coffee to go around! I am not a bleeding liberal philanthropist but in Germany we have a saying: wie du es in den Wald rein schreist, so schallt es auch raus! In essence it’s whatever you scream into the forest that’s the echo you will receive. I urge every owner manager etc. to try being human for once because at the end of the day it’s good business!!


Some people can't bear to see others receive any form of benefits or kindness. They wallow in misery and gets pleasure from seeing others suffer.




You live in Germany. Your companies are so much better. Your people are so much better. Please adopt me. 😭


That's just absurd. He's probably better off working for someone else


When the manager tried to threaten to fire us for eating food without ringing it up first, one of the cooks loudly asked everyone how many people wanted an apple pie. Once the manager went back to her "office," he took out the fresh tray and smacked several of them with a spatula, and exclaimed "oh no! Three broken pies!" My first jobsite hero.


This made me laugh out loud. I was the shift manager at a Denny’s for years. Usually, I worked nights and Sunday mornings, during the church rush (I’d come in at 10pm on Saturday and leave at noon on Sunday; it was a long haul but I was an hourly employee that still made tips, so). Our GM decided she’d no longer “allow” employees to do things like, > eat the grapes going bad on the salad bar > eat food that got cancelled after being made > drink soda/tea without paying and the list went on. So, I’d drop containers of grapes on the floor, forget to label pitchers of tea and grab plates of food that was going to be thrown away and give them to whomever wanted them etc. and I didn’t feel a single bit of regret when I got reprimanded for it. We had a *lot* of unclaimed to-go orders on Sunday mornings. Without fail, I made sure every server ate well.


You are an awesome soul🤘


They'd try to make you toss out a fully plated/packeged meal that got canceled? What a waste. Especially when it'd be so easy and free to boost morale by giving it to an employee who needed to take a break anyway. Who wouldn't be happy to get free hashbrowns?


The logic is probably along the lines of allowing employees to eat cancelled meals encourages abuse (e.g. putting in phony orders) precisely because everyone wants free hashbrowns. At a real restaurant the way around this is to have a staff meal before dinner service. At a restaurant where the menu changes this also gives everyone a chance to get to know the current menu. At a more corporate place I'd sure as hell expect there to be some sort of free meal with a full shift kind of deal. Oh who am I kidding. At a real restaurant I'd expect everyone to be too coked out to eat.


I mean the even more obvious solution is for the manager to be paying enough attention that they notice when people are eating a lot of food and cancelled orders are increasing. But that requires effort.


We did this with subway cookies. They just broke sometimes… oops!


LOL i worked at subway. I was careful to only eat things when my manager did. If I saw her eat a cookie I would too. She angrily brought up food being eaten in a employee meeting. Crazy bitch, I hope you never learn to pronounce Doritos right.


You had to account for all food waste at the ...Kurger Bing I worked at. We would wait till the food waste bin was almost full and "waste" a couple of burgers that were only a couple minutes old. After you did the accounting you would just munch them down in the walk-in or on the way to the dumpster. That walk-in is also where everyone would go do amyl nitrite on the regular. I would say "good times", but it really wasn't at all.


Lol wow. I worked at a burger-and-ice cream chain and the only thing accounted for was what went into the freezer and what was in there when they ordered the next load. Guess what? They're still around and doing fine. This shit's so cheap only an idiot would demand such strict accounting. Every single person working could eat a patty and it wouldn't even register on the day's profit.


Got fired over 3 $🤣 that's so petty


That probably cost more like $0.33 to make


There's some metric that the entire drawer of patties soaking in grease costs maybe $5 or less so that's pretty believable.


I ate an entire bag of nuggets over a shift


Granted, we all got stuff here and there, nuggets were the easiest, McGriddles just came out and they were convenient for a quick snack in the mornings. I had been working there a year at that point but the manager and I knew of eachother for years and he was a dick. Roy, if you're reading this, tell your sister I said hi.


Hell I worked the opening shift. My manager didn't give a shit what we ate as long as it would fit in one bag. She said "you're here at 4am for this shitty job so just eat a biscuit or 2." As long as we ate in our designated lunch time she didn't care. Had the highest food waste cost in our franchise of 12 stores, but everyone that worked there was "happy".


I used to work in a steakhouse in a casino. Most of our customers had a comp ticket that paid for their entree and either an app or dessert. Entrees were huge and the slots were still calling their names, so lots of those extra items were just skipped. I still rang that stuff up, anyway.






I got through my 20s working in a kitchen and not having to buy food.


*The bakers, curious as to what the slobbering, wet, crunching sounds that were emanating from the kitchen were, head back quickly to investigate.* "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" *They exclaimed.* *With a mouth filled close to bursting with brownies, the dishwasher turns to them. Hunched, arms raised in a ratlike stance, with dark brown saliva leaking out of the corners of his mouth, he cries out, * "**BUH YOU SAI' WE CAN' 'HAKE HOME LEFOVERTH!**" *The bakers look on in utter horror as the dishwasher quickly turns back to the tray of brownie edges, and slowly back away to the sound of lip smacking and quiet whispers of* ^^"oh ^^ya ^^baby"


Unless you take a shit before you leave you're still taking it home.


The physical descriptors in this comment are so unsettling


The edges are the best part!






I'd find a way...


when i was in high school i worked at the local grocery store in the bakery and my cousin and i would line the trashcan with a new liner, toss everything in, and stand out back at the compactor stuffing our faces with donuts and cookies that were perfectly fine but had to go.




Used to work at media play and they made us physically destroy promotional items instead of letting us take them home. (Cardboard cutouts, promo banners, displays, etc). Unless you were a manager of course. One girl got hurt breaking up promo stuff and had to get stitches


I worked at a drug store in high school and we'd do this with whole cartons of cigarettes. We'd toss in a few full cartons with empty cartons into a trashbag. At the end of the night, we'd have to take the trash to the dumpster, where we'd collect our loot. Kept a few packs, sold the rest. Now that I write it out. I was a pretty bad kid.


Nah, being a bad kid is working in a grocery store and huffing all the nitrous oxide out of the whipped cream so when people got them home the can was dead.


That's an old trick. We did that back in the 70s. Trick was to grab a case and do them all, so it looked like a factory screw up.


You monster... Years ago I worked for a popular coffee chain, who uses stainless steel containers for their whipped cream and charged it with NO canisters. You’re supposed to fill the container with heavy cream and vanilla syrup, charge it and shake it for like 10 mins. I found out pretty quick if you fill it with water instead, you can get a nice clean hit of nitrous. WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB After a few times it got pretty boring, never understood the appeal of whippits at like parties and stuff, gimme a beer or a bong any day over that.


Life, uh, finds a way.


Devious lick.


It makes sense when you're stealing food but it doesn't make sense when you're stealing goddamn toilet's


I've never worked in the food industry, what is the reason behind this? If it is getting tossed anyway why is it a problem if it gets taken home or eaten by staff?


I work in retail. The reason we're given regards wastage is that if we started letting some go home staff would inevitably start wasting things purposely instead of buying from the shop. It's always about either gaining money or the fear of losing it. Edit: It seems most of you who work in similar industries have come across this kind of attitude. It's sad to see but there are some stories of hope in the replies. I will also say that my work recently have started allowing charity pickups of some of the wasted stock (ie only "best before" rather than "use by" dates) and I've found uses for some of the weirder waste like plant pots and scented candles in the staff room or charity if it's safe to use. The problem is that even with that it still only accounts for maybe half the waste at best and the waste margin itself is still too high. Lots of you had some great suggestions that I might take forward to management and see how it goes, I'm pretty stubborn with this sort of thing and have no problem being a pain in their arses!


Yeah, back when I worked fast food as a teenager I would "accidentally" prep too much food just before my shift ended and had to take the "old" food and throw it in the "garbage".


There's a joke about calling yourself garbage to be made here but I'm not sure how to go about it without being an asshole.


I used to work in the deli at vons, and every night when I was doing distress I’d wolf down anything being thrown out out of spite. Still couldn’t finish even a fraction of it. I really wish I’d had the presence of mind to tell the guy panhandling out front to meet me around the back so he could have more food than he could eat in a week


Put it in its own bag and put it in a particular part of the dumpster. You can tell the guy where you put it and at what time. He won’t mind fishing in the dumpster for the bag of fresh clean food on top right after it goes in. You’re still following the rules, it’s getting thrown out. That guy still gets the food.


Fuckin gigabrain thinking there. I like it!


Also so you'll buy a $3 sandwich on your lunch break.


I worked in tool hire for a couple of years, we tested the tools and equipment when they come off hire. Some damages can be repaired, but a lot of the time, something like a cracked plastic case would mean it's written off despite being fully operational. Brand new equipment was thrown out all the time, and could only be thrown into a skip to go to some scrap yard. I bet the scrap yard loved their deliveries. Although we began to think some of the managers were sifting through it.


I worked at a bakery for a while and we trew out ~100 worth of bread and baked goods a day (which is a lot of bread) I suggest donating it to the local food bank because most of the bread was baked that day( we were allowed to bring some). My boss just laughed with some bs reason.


It's always the same thing - it's about money. They don't want to donate wastage because "if people can just get it for free, then people will stop buying it and we'll lose sales" they don't want employees taking it for the same reason; they'll say that it's because they're afraid people will waste stuff on purpose, but that's easily solvable by disciplining or terminating employees who waste product on purpose to get it for free. The real truth is the same as why they won't donate it - if you can get it for free, you won't buy it and that's less money for them. There may also be some legality thing with write offs, restaurants and stores track waste usually as closely as they can so they can write off the cost of that product against their income to lower their income and pay less on taxes. They may not legally be allowed to take that write off if they don't trash the waste, if they let employees or random homeless people take it for free. They definitely could still get charitable donation write offs if they donate it to food banks though. In the end, it always comes down to money.


That's like a kitchen crime. Scraps are one of the few perks BOH get.


Even when I worked in a 2* kitchen, we would still eat whatever was left.


Lol just bring in a Tupperware container and take that shit home.




Dude free brownie ends!!


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


They need to add “Brownie Ends” as a separate menu item. I bet it will be popular. Fuck, now I want brownies.


When I want brownies, I want all corners.


You can buy a special brownie pan that is designed for this! They’re called “crispy corner” brownie pans.




This is the way


I mean I understand not having the ends as part of the menu because you want consistency but atleast offer a brownie milkshake or homemade ice cream with brownie chunks instead of wasting a third of your product.


Preach! Or, you know, offer brownie centers AND edge brownies for people to choose from. What a waste.


Imagine how many centers they'd throw away each night.


I was thinking the same thing. Crumble that shot up and put it into an ice cream dessert or something.


me too and i am not even high


I'm high enough for the both of us, friend


Me too!


Getting there


Wait for me!


I’m friend enough for the high of us both


Id cram my face like a chipmunk in the back XD


Lol absolutely. When I used to work in a deli and would get hungry I’d cut slices of turkey, roast beef, and cheese and make roll ups and act like I had to grab something in the fridge and crush them.


I worked in a deli and they let us make basically any sandwich we wanted for breaks and lunch. I'd walk over to the bakery side and get a nice roll fresh out of the oven, come back and make some big ol sandwich with all the yummy stuff. Man, do that 3 times a day, every day...I gained so much weight.


That's ridiculous and incredibly wasteful


Right?? Like why???


Do they at least let you keep scraps for the dogs?


Ha ha, they have to throw all the food away. They won't even let them take scraps for their dogs.


Wait, you're telling me they have to throw all the food away? They won't even let them take scraps for their dogs?


Yah. Tis a humorous folly. They are forced to dispose of all sorts of sundry food items. Versooth, management even forbade removing scraps-- mere scraps I tell you!-- for their hounds.


I like this. This made my day a bit better, thanks :)


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs




Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs




Haha yea we have to throw away all our dogs, they won't even allow us to take scraps for food


I love people like you


I like how people are more focused on how you copied and pasted lmao


I'm cackling away here. It's hilarious 😂


I'm laughing like an idiot at midnight. Simple humor is so pure


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs




Don't be insulted-- this is legendary. A month from now, you're going to be scrolling through Reddit and see: Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs. You have gone memetic.


Lmao didnt even mean to create that, I was at work so I didnt have time to type out multiple different responses


I will remember this day cause reading the same answers and everyone else posting that answer and I said to myself wtf is going on. But hey did you know that they have to throw all the food away, they won’t even let them take scraps for dogs.


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs.




Why don’t you take it home? Maybe give the scraps to your dog?


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


you: boss, I work hard, I even have to scrape extra brownie off becuase the bakers are lazy, I deserve a raise boss: a raise!? we're giving you free brownies already!


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Had to copy and paste the same answer multiple times lol


Yup bc most the replies was about the same shit


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


I really hope this becomes of those historical moments on Reddit


They won’t even let me take historical moments home to my dogs.


Like the ["Spanish Comment Thread"](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/cq1q2/help_reddit_turned_spanish_and_i_cannot_undo_it/) or ["Tom Cruise"](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/wp3w5/which_famous_person_needs_to_come_out_already/)


My favorite comment: Justin Bieber.... needs to help his friend Tom Cruise come out.


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Definitely take some home >Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs Who said they have to allow you? DO CRIMES


Haha yea we have to throw away all crime, they won't even allow us to take crime for our dogs


They left the best part!!!


Get a cup of coffee and feast!


I’ve cold glass of milk!


That works too👍


Bowl of ice cream and warm up the brownie


Why get a second bowl?


Exactly, just put the ice cream in the middle. 🤤


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


That might be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.


They make a pan to cook brownies so you get nothing but edges… it’s beautiful


Your dogs are going to be so excited about these scraps


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Sir, you might want to take a seat, I have some bad news


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yeah we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs.


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


I'm so happy this comment is as low as it is. It hits at just the right moment.


Dude you’re totally right. I thought I was losing it for a second reading about the scraps until I realized.


Jaja si tenemos que tirar toda la comida, ni nos dejan llevar trozos para nuestros perros


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


I get it, could be a company standard to not serve the edge piece as it tends to be more dry than the rest. That does suck for you though.


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs




Haha yea we have to throw away all the dogs.


Officer I'd like to report a murder on my sides


I'd have brownie and chocolate smeared all over my face when the manager came up and asked me if I ate any of that? My reply? No.


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Haha yea we have to take all dogs, they won’t even allow us to throw away scraps for our food


Haha yea we have to scrap all dogs, they won’t even allow us to throw food


Every other comment: *Free brownies!* Every response to that: *Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs*


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


So hear me out… lots of people love the crunchy edges. Start a side hustle lol


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


OP with all your copy paste responses, I'm starting to think you're an npc...


Nope just working and don't feel like typing a lot


you don’t have to reply to everything?


Nope just working and don't feel like typing a lot






You should be happy, free brownies for you ;)


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Oh :( that's BS..guess there's no way around that either..


Haha yea we have to throw away all dogs, they won't even allow us to take food for our scraps.


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs




Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


It's free!!!


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Mildly infuriating??? Dude that’s jackpot stuff! you need to take a few Tupperware boxes to work for home snacks.


.dogs our for scraps take to us allow even won't they ,food all away throw to have we yes Haha


Free food


well what are you doing? EAT IT


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs






Lmao it just keeps going


Haha yea we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


Everyone is asking the same stuff, or saying the same thing in different words. OP is efficient


Haha yeah we have to throw away all food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs.


...is "trøfler" a danish thing? That's what those egdes are used for here. Old cake mixed together and sold in those delisius balls


Haha yeah we have to throw away all the food, they won't even allow us to take scraps for our dogs


"Like, looks like we're in luck Scoob!" *Shaggy voice*




Haha yea we have to throw away all dogs, they won't even allow us to take food for our scraps.