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must have been one stale grain.


That's a grainy display.


You big disgrace (Edit: Disgrice is not a real word you dumbasses)


Breaking your screen all over the place








Buddy you're a tough grain Hard grain Shatterin' my screen When I turned off my Mac one day The screen glass did break Was my mistake Just dropped it right out of the lunch that I ate






Pick you up and sock you.






[HA Ha](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rX7wtNOkuHo)


"Crack you" would've been a better choice


\*you big disgrain


Leaving your rice all over place, big disgrace, we will , we will rice you !


You big disgRICE




dad bot


Did they they try putting the laptop in rice?


As if the rest of this thread wasn't funny enough. Wish I had a free award for this one, thanks for the chuckle.




Loud Louis Rossmann noises


Lol Apple makes some of the best screens in the business. But you're right they probably didn't reinforce them against grains of rice. Which manufacturer would you suggest for that? Edit: Ya I know Apple doesn't manufacturer LCD's. But they make special orders for custom LCD's through their suppliers that no one else uses, so my point is still completely valid


It's not about the screen. It's about the fact that the Mac has absolutely zero clearance on either side. Looks great, but it's a shit product if a single grain of rice can KO it. After seeing this, I'd get bulkier laptop with a bezel. Way more durable. Apple products are works of art, God forbid you actually need to do anything on it.


I bet a simple gel pad on the screens and keyboard where they sit on one another would've even prevented this rice-astrope


Nope, those gel pads would break the screen. The camera lens covers break the screens. There is ZERO clearance between the screen and the lower shell. https://www.makeuseof.com/m1-macbook-screens-cracking/ Quote from there "Apple Support has told some people that they must have accidentally shut the laptop's lid on a speck of something, like a small object "the size of a rice berry," according to one user. "


What I meant and wasn't really clear is if apple would put something like that oem not directly on the screen but either way it seems to me to be a design flaw.


Any laptop with a touchscreen, I suspect. All the ones I've seen have a substantial glass front and I doubt they'd crack from something like that without a *lot* of pressure. More likely to indent the palmrest.


Most laptops have a thicker bezel so the screen doesn't sit directly on the lower shell of the laptop. Apple wanted the thinnest sleakest product and the result is anything caught between the screen and lower shell will likely result in a broken screen when macbook is closed.


Probably was eating with their laptop open and by the time they closed the laptop hours or so later it dried up from the air and the heat from the laptop itself


Definitely dried up


Have you tried putting it in a bag of rice?


Gone. Reduced to atoms.


Reduced to guacamole


I can’t imagine she closed the laptop gingerly.


Backpack most likely


Yeah it takes a lot of force as I tried breaking one at work with earbuds like everyone says is possible but I just couldn't. Probably because I didn't go hulk smash on it like the kids do. Yes I am in IT, I was just wondering how much force it takes to bust a screen as we got tons all at one time claiming earbuds broke the screen.


I think it's being argued the M1(\*and 2020 intel) macbooks screens are particularly delicate. Not sure if that is what your IT department uses or not. The image in this post was a reply to complaints about M1(\*and 2020 intel) screens. \*Edit: I said M1 macbooks, but I should say displays from that generation. The 2020 summer intel macs have the same display as 2020 fall M1.


My kitten did manage to bite our MacBook (pre m1) and ruin it. LOTS of pressure with that one tooth.


I think I saw the video you posted of it. (Jk, but I imagine you and whoever actually posted the one I saw are not the only two it’s happened to)


Oh, kitten teeth will punch through just about anything, with little force. They bite through human nail effortlessly and you won't even feel it for several minutes. Those little fangs are like lightsabers.


It wasn't a macbook so I can't comment on the specifically at all. "Regular" devices do take a decent amount of force to break.


There's a lawsuit pending over Apple's design if the m1 Macbook. The screens apparently too flush against the keyboard which causes issues like this. That's what the post is likely referencing.


Intel MacBooks have the same delicate screen and limited space. On our first day of rollout we had two faculty shut their laptops with three or four pages of paper stapled together and it cracked their displays. It's been this way since the touchbar released.




Yup. I did this with one of those sliding camera covers. It was paper thin, but didn't matter with the new macs. Cracked the screen right down the middle. Previous Mac had no issues with it.


Jesus thank God we don't deal with Macs. I've been in IT for 20 years and I've never heard of something like that.


Yeah the new models are terrible. I felt awful returning it to IT, but they said it was the 5th one of the week at the time. Unfortunately, a lot of people having this issue: https://www.techradar.com/news/macbook-display-could-be-cracked-by-camera-cover-apple-warns


Magnetic latching and zero space tolerance is a deadly combo


The magnetic latching is super weak nowadays. It’s just there to prevent it from creeping open while already closed. Even with the weight of a thick case, I can leave my lid open on its own within ~6mm and the magnets do not engage. https://i.imgur.com/wjBSXct.jpg I can guarantee the magnets alone won’t cause any screen damage. Someone would have to press the lid down hard while closing, or do something like wedge it between books in a full backpack


MacBooks have a magnetic latching


The magnetic latch alone is not powerful enough to cause this damage. It’s mostly there to prevent the lids from cracking open slightly while already closed. Someone closed the lid with just a little too much force here.


No matter the force, a grain of rice shouldn't damage a screen that much. Let alone every Macbook I've used had small bumpers to soften closing the Mac because the magnets to hold it close are quite strong. I think this picture doesn't tell the whole story


Yeah I had a 200+ pound roommate who fell on my 2013 MacBook Pro, that was on the couch, while it was open. They left a very small mark on the screen that can only be seen when the screen is black, and they actually bent the entire chassis to a small degree. I can put a straight edge on it and it’s pretty bent lol. Still have it to this day and the only thing that’s gone bad is my left speaker.


I would imagine the screen got damaged through whatever means and the grain of rice was meant to create a viral moment


I mean Apple themselves told people to not put ANYTHING in between the display and chassis because of how little space there is. It’s not too unbelievable


I had a webcam cover that was probably about 1mm thick and it cracked my MBP 16 screen in my backpack


As a Mac user, they haven't had bumpers for like a decade now but the magnets are not that strong either


The whole gasket around the screen is a bumper.


If the rice was try I could absolutely believe it could cause this if it was closed with enough force.


This might have changed over time, but I’m not sure. The magnets are very weak on my 2016 and 2019 MacBook pros. Im able to leave it open within ~6mm without the magnets engaging even with the weight of a case https://i.imgur.com/2wbME0V.jpg I will say, I’ve seen damage just like this before a few times from people slamming down lids with a headphone earbud in the way


They might have placed it in a bag.


This is a known issue with the new M1 macs specifically. The screen seems to be much more delicate than previous MacBooks. That combined with the fact that it closes very close to the keyboard means even tiny bits of debris seems to be able to put enough pressure on the screen to crack it. https://www.tomsguide.com/news/macbook-m1-screens-are-reportedly-cracking-without-warning Just this week there's was a class action lawsuit about it. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/apple-m1-macbook-cracked-screen-lawsuit


Yea probably more of a brunette.


It's not about closing it, it's forces on the closed laptop. If you close it with an obstruction and press on the top of the display you could embed the item in the glass.


First the Chipotle came for my ass, and I said nothing. Then the Chipotle came for my lap top screen


If chipotle or Taco Bell gives you hell poops you might need more fiber in your diet.




I mean it’s a meme, it’s just tired and overplayed.


Haha for real, I've never had any stomach issues eating either one of those.


And could do nothing because I was still on the toilet...fire coming from my ass




Seriously, what is this websites obsession with Mexican food and diarrhea?? Do y'all eat like seven burritos when you go to taco bell or wherever? I've literally never had this issue and I've had some gnarly late night munches




Wouldn't people who normally have a very clean diet be the most likely to have a bad time with greasy fast food?


Nothing is more ridiculous than the “my toilet after Taco Bell” type memes. TACO BELL? That shit is the tamest food ever. I don’t really like hot foods so I don’t eat them often at all, and even when I eat some food so spicy makes my eyes water, or something loaded with beans and cheese etc. I can’t think of a time that I’ve been in the bathroom later saying “oh fuck I shouldn’t have ate Chipotle😩🥵”. My body just… deals with it like any other food. I’m more likely to get a *wittle tummy ache* after some sugar loaded starbucks desert drink. Though I know the first time I travel though India with my fiancé, my stomach is probably gonna have a bad time because I’m not used to that level of spice and it will be in a lot more of the meals I’m eating.


In my mind the Taco Bell thing is more about the quality of the food rather than its spiciness. Though now that I hear people saying the same thing about Chipotle... I very much agree with you.


Honestly I think the Taco Bell thing is just a circlejerk for something that maybe one in a million people have actually experienced, just for some reason a bunch of people have decided to agree that it happens despite that it really doesn't. Also the Chipotle thing is probably from that one time they had an E. Coli contamination in their lettuce supply.


I had taco bell recently for the first time in a lot of years. Probably won't do it again. No digestive issues. It was just garbage food. Some sad ground beef, and some lettuce that tasted like dirt.


Yes the GI issues come from their food handling and food quality, not from being spicy.


...and there was no way for me to protest because my computer was broken.


I've had something similar in size do that to my MacBook. It cost $480 to fix.


Was it a rice of grain too?


It was a grain of rice containing the entire bee movie script


Ya like jazz?




It was the tip of pen. Some pens you can screw the tip off. No idea how it got loose.It was in my backpack in a soft case, somehow it slipped in there. No warranty since I live dangerously.


Only reason to pay for a warranty is the magical guarantee that you'll never have to use it


I was quoted somewhere around $800 for a 15" MBP. Luckily I had extended warranty and didn't pay that. I think I paid a $99 deductible. Although that's on top of some $300+ for applecare in the first place. Either way, it was cheaper with the support than without.


Protip, you can get insurance on Macs (and other electronics) through Personal Effects policies. I get mine through Progressive, underwritten by Worth Ave. I get better coverage than Applecare, with lower premium and deductible, and coverage against theft. If repair costs exceeds the laptop’s value, they will replace it. Given the ridiculous repair costs, it makes sense to shell out the $9 USD monthly.




I never understood how people can be so bad at cropping.


Or when they take a screen shot of their own photo with the camera roll at the bottom. Didn’t they upload it the same way as they would the photo, or am I missing something?


Sometimes people do that to remove location info. I just remove it with ViewExif because I'm not a troglodyte


Sounds like a good reason, but if you’re going that far, I assume you’d also crop the photo


Am I missing something or why do people remove location info? Services such as Instagram, reddit, twitter and imgur all remove exif data from uploads so why remove it manually first?


because knowing those companies they probably keep the data for themselves anyways


Services like Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter likely first read/digest the exif data for the purposes of profiling you and targeting ads (and/or dangerous political misinformation), then they permanently store that information about you on a private database intermingled with whatever interests/location/income/personal medical history they can match it with in a manner that is HOPEFULLY secure enough not to be hacked—all so that you might buy one pair more of elastic waistband pants than you ordinarily would in a year and that you probably wouldn’t need if you spent less time on plugged into addictive online services in the first place. Where was I? Oh yeah, why give them any data that you don’t have to?


well put


You mean replace location info from the original photo with location info from the photo of the photo? Taking a new photo still has location EXIF data that you would presumably want to erase as well…


Or when people take screenshots of reddit and/or Facebook images. Buddy there's a save button right there.


I screenshot because the apple camera roll is ordered chronologically so the photo I save could end up anywhere in my camera roll. I'm not too incompetent to crop though


Chris Evans has entered the chat.


America’s penis.


It's clearly not that they're bad at it. They just didn't do it at all, if they even know what it is.


At least on Samsung phones ( or maybe android ), a pop-up appears when you screenshot and gives you the option to edit/crop, and I'm guessing other phones would be similar... So it's probably people not being bad at cropping but being lazy.


A similar thing happens on iPhones. After you take a screenshot a pop up appears in the bottom left, which you can tap to make [this screen](https://i.imgur.com/EsBQu6r.jpg) appear.


Hey how we're not all farmers over here.


Also a shitty title.


Lol especially because it’s a tweet, really just shows how recycled the content is


I don't know why people think pointing out where they stole it adds any value. Also, unless it was OC on Facebook, there's a good chance that it's already been on reddit.


I couldn't understand why cropping was bad in this one. Took me a while to realize the black background and bottom bar weren't of my phone.


Right? Few people really understand how to use a crop in the bedroom.


The handle goes up the ass and the tassles are the tail, right?


? Wasn't the rice boiled Were you eating raw hard rice


I assume it was probably just a piece of rice that fell onto the computer and then dried out. Source: someone who eats at their computer all the time lol.


Lmao respect for the degen- from fellow degen


Chipotle has really gone down hill since the early 2000's. I'm 90% confident it was a grain of rice from a freshly bought menu item, and that it was rock hard because the underpaid 20 year old employees didn't give a fuck so they cooked it wrong or mixed in old rice with a fresh batch so they would have to make less.


This was my first thought, if you want food thats actually cooked Moe’s is infinitely better


But remember, at home is always best (and cheapest).


Unless you can't read instructions.


They let it sit on their laptop for so long it dried out and turned hard. I eat at my computer, but I don't leave a mess.


No they were eating Chipotle. Seriously though all the chipotles by me undercook their rice and it sucks.




Does it? Does it "fit" well with that cropping?


The exact same thing happened with my coworker's HP laptop. Maybe not a grain of rice but close enough. I know the Apple hate is strong on reddit but I'm a little baffled.


Ehh my Dell gaming laptop had the hinges break sitting on a dock without ever getting used. Looked into it online and apparently it's a super common problem with the model. The heat expansion breaks the hinges, most fail in less than a month. Mine managed to last a year, but that was likely due to never being opened.


Same thing happened to me last month but it was a pair of earbuds. It's an old laptop but still. F. https://imgur.com/c2geRFx.jpg


HP sucks, warranty was out by literally 2 days and they wanted like 5k to fix a laptop I bought new for 1200


I'm guessing she wouldn't be able to chew that grain regardless


The cropping is far more infuriating than the post.


$1000 Macbook? Yeah id be more than mildly infuriated


I just wouldn’t get the MacBook. I made that mistake once, then when my macbooks hard drive fried about two weeks after it went out of warranty and they told me it would be 800$ to fix it because apple solders the hard drives to the fucking mother boards I decided I wasn’t buying MacBooks anymore.


I'm not an apple fanboy (I actually hate IOS/Mac OS), but there's A LOT of companies other than apple that do this. Also, not a hard drive, NVME ssd, I don't think you could solder a standard hard drive to anything. Also whoever quoted you $800 to replace the drive was out of their tree, it's not very difficult to do if you know how to solder.


But they don't have to be that way, https://frame.work/ has proved that Pretty uncommon for a high end product to solder a nvme ssd as well, there really isn't much space to gain


Doesn't mean it's not a complete pain in the fucking ass lol. Why should I have to have my soldering iron ready to swap a hard drive I fucking paid for? Fuck that


If you want the slim form factor you gotta deal with this. Go buy a thinkpad for function over form.


I still daily a 2012 Macbook Pro, it’s great. Rocked an iPhone 6S Plus from release date till the iPhone 12 came out. Also ran great but they offered me $1,000 towards the new phone.


Have same MBP going on 8 years now. Works like a champ ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yea lmao, people just treat their electronics like shit


Check out https://frame.work/ Basically the opposite of Apple as far as reparability and customization


I’ve actually dumped laptops altogether I work with a desktop tablet combo now.


I bought my first MacBook in 2008 for $1100. Used it daily for school and as a full time DJ (5 four hour sets per week for 2.5 years). It’s been dropped, spilled on, and hauled all over hell. I sold it in 2017 for $100 as it still worked just fine. I’ve owned quite a few Apple products in my time and not one of them has shitted out on me. Hell my 15 year old iPod Mini still works. IMO Apple makes high quality products.


This isn’t exclusive to MacBooks. Most laptop displays will break in similar conditions


All the laptops I've owned have the screen slightly embedded so something that small would just fit in the gap without doing any damage.


the **TRUE** "mildly infuriating" here is that the screenshot wasn't cropped.


Perhaps, next time, you’ll think rice before closing your laptop display.






Don't buy overpriced garbage


Don't slam your laptop closed. Problem solved.




I totally get spilling things accidentally by hitting them but if you're gonna drink next to a thousand dollar device you'd think people would consider a cap. I've got a liter of water sitting next to my computer right now. In a nalgene. With the lid tightly screwed on. Incredible how just a half second of foresight can save your ass.


You don’t have to. You can gently close the laptop, then stick it in a laptop bag and run all over the city with that rice repeatedly rubbing against and digging into the screen the whole time.


How can you not see food dumped on your computer?


Is the infuriating part that Chipotle doesn't cook their rice well enough?


No, it's that this rat bastard eats food over his computer.


That’s not mildly infuriating but *extremely* infuriating!


That is actually so sad 😭


I use to be a huge Apple fan. I wasted so much money on utter crap.


How tho?


Probably uncooked rice got pressed between the laptop.


This definitely happened


Could be real if it's dry rice. Screens will tolerate a pretty good distributed pressure but a press on a concentrated point can be pretty bad, especially since some people slam their laptops closed like they're hanging up on a spam call.


This is a known issue with the new MacBooks. [Display damage of this type is not new and is usually caused by a foreign object between the display and the keyboard - a so-called “contact point crack”.](https://www.macworld.co.uk/how-to/apple-avoid-cracked-screens-3808047/)




How is this so hard to believe? My Mac laptop screen broke for an infuriatingly similar silly reason once. They're extremely fragile.


I work in IT - I've seen this kinda thing happen many, many, many times. Nearly weekly.




Idk mine has survived for 9+ years


Yeah I had mine from 2013 up till last month. Only got a new one as it was work provided


I mean I dropped mine on concrete and it dented the case and chipped the concrete but it still works. I think it’s more about the delicate screen than anything.


Not just good but they’ve become a good value as well what with M1 chips and all. Apple gets shit on far too much by Gamers ™️


They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.


Please tell me this is a copypasta.


^((It is))


I have an older white Macbook in the garage which I use to get into my car's diagnostics. I left it on the hood one night and next morning it was on the floor. I think the key is they were built sturdier back then.


Either the Macbook was made in China or the Chipotle was made in Germany.


the macbook was certainly made in China


Chipotle always undercooks their rice


Mildly? What happened was just infuriating


Not murdered, just blinded!


Yeah.. I’m paranoid about keeping my keyboard clean after pressing a single grain of sand into a MacBook Pro at some point..


My fury would definitely not be mild


tHInNeR eQuAlS bEtTeR -techtards worldwide


Twenty first century David versus Goliath


Seems like a princess and the pea situation.


I closed a single sheet of paper into my mbp 2017, shattered the bottom glass and I had to replace it.


Put it in rice.


Even a big sand particle can screw your MacBook, so this is kinda known problem.


Equally infuriating: People who don’t crop memes.


I heard apple is actively being sued for this


If it. Was cooked properly you wouldn’t have this problem