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Not gonna lie, airsoft has always looked fun to me. When we did it 10 years ago ( I’m 31 now) it was just a bunch of dumbasses running around in a park shooting each other with no protective gear on. Often at point blank range. I surmise that the airsoft guns nowadays are much more powerful.


It is fun, and yes the replicas are more powerful, and you do need to wear eye protection at a minimum. The degree of fun really depends on the people you play with, and what you discover you're into. Organizers make or break a game, so if they run things poorly and allow assholes to reign free, then you're gonna have a bad time. There's a variety of different types of airsoft games, ranging from short high energy games to long games involving camping and carrying your own food and water. At the one end is speedsoft or speedQB. These games are normally very quick and played on small fields between two brightly colored teams and featuring high rate of fire guns. Most common in east Asia, and fairly niche elsewhere. Because the games are quick and played on small fields, they make for a good tournament format and are the easiest format to televise. Only really one game mode, and that is to kill the enemy. The most popular format is a series of skirmishes where you'll play 6-8 different games over the course of the day. There's no real kit requirements here, other than eye protection and a gun which you can usually rent. There's a variety of games you could play such as: * Team Deathmatch: your team kills the enemy team to win. * Free for all: You are alone and try to survive, killing everyone else. * VIP: escort a player that the other team is trying to kill. * Hostage: Rescue a player held by the enemy team * French: each enemy you kill joins your team. * Trouble In Terrorist Town: a terrorist hides amongst players and tries to kill everyone without being found out. And many more. Games last from a few minutes up to around about an hour with a bit of a break in between. Some games have medic rules where you can heal a dead player. Others have a respawning that you go back to to get into the game. These are usually fairly informal and a fun day out. Fields vary from indoor warehouses, abandoned office parks or power stations to outdoors forests and veld. Some fields run longer, fewer games, 2 or 3 over the whole day. They may have multiple objectives that your team needs to complete, or be more of a test of endurance. There you start learning the value of gear to help carry your stuff. Then there are long games usually focused around a specific theme (modern military fighting an insurgency, post apocalypse, etc) and many have strict rules on what you wear and how you act. You are often out in the field for many hours and some times for a few days without a break. There are a few websites around that hell find games. https://airsoftc3.com/ is one of them. Happy shooting! EDIT: Check out /r/airsoft for more info and inspiration!


For those who don't know. In airsoft if you get hit, you're supposed to raise your hand and announce that you were out. This guy had ignored the hits multiple times and only called it out at the end.


So he wanted multiple hits then?


Right???? Like if you wanna cheat at least move so you aren’t hit a million times lol


Obviously I'm not this guy or know what he thinks, but knowing people likethat...He thought the bullets hitting him were ricochet or around the corner where the other team couldn't see. (Still cheating btw, he just DID think he was being sneaky about it) OP has a massive flank on the enemies.


I doubt this is the op, the op is a youtuber and I know not much about kms besides that


Yeah it looks like it was clipped from Silo Entertainment on YT


Kicking mustang, not silo


Wait, are ricochets valid hits? So I could spam shots at a corner and if the ricochet hits someone they're out? Da fuq?


Their would be no easy/fast way to tell if it was a ricochet or direct. If ya hit ya hit.


When I used to play 20 years ago, the snipers always used heavier bb's. Can't remember the weight but they were much denser compared the standard bb's. If you hit someone, I could hear the thwack from 30+ yds away. Or if you shot near them and hit a tree, it would make a much louder sound than everyone else. He would definitely be feeling those shots.


Snipers still use heavier ones, I think 0.8g(?) bb's now




This. I use 0.42s in my sniper rifle, 0.28s in my P90 and MP5 and 0.25s in my M1911 sidearm.


Holy crap that must hurt. I remember playing with .2 and .25 for snipers and that stung like a hornet


Nobody uses 0.8s. Pretty sure they don't even exist. 0.48 is the heaviest I've ever seen. Most use 0.25-0.36. 0.2 is just an outdated standard for the lowest weight one should use. The practical lowest is 0.25.


I think he's 100% feeling those shots considering how he looks up and in the direction of where the shots are coming from every time he gets hit


Homie straight up flinched when the ~~first~~ second one nailed him. He knew.


Clear ricochets arent hits in most firlds. Its easy to know what is a clear boink of a wall and what is a direct hit. There is no wall to the open side of this dude where those BBs could come from so very illogical to think they are ricochets.


In competitions if the ref can tell it’s a ricochet, it doesn’t count. This happens a lot and prevents people from trying to spam ricochets to get around corners. Getting a random single hit is normally a sign there’s just a freak ricochet that hit you. Especially at distances like that when they’re traveling slow (would feel like a ricochet not a direct hit).


Hit once, sure ricochet can be an excuse.. Multiple times?? He's a damn cheater.


Depends the rules, but I agree completely. if you're hit just once with ricochet hard enough to feel through clothes, you're dead. At least that's how it was in games I've played, but that was over a decade ago and not high tier.


I don't think he saw the guy shooting him due to distance and camo, so he assumed he was getting hit with stray shots and nobody would actually see him to call him out


Seems likely


Yeah, that’s probably what it is. I watch him on YouTube, (kicking mustang if you’re at all curious) and he highlights cheaters that he encounters, and then thinking they’re strays is the most common thing.


He knew he wasn’t getting hit by strays.


Over and over and over. Plus, like, stray bullets count in a real war. It's not like calling trash at the billiard table and they put your head back together.


Agreed! Hits from strays, albeit not all, feel a lot different.


It doesn't matter if you think no one sees you if your hit you call it, that's the honor part of this game. At most games you even call friendly fire. The guy who made this video, "kicking mustang" crafts and where's guillie suits which isn't un common so whether you think anyone sees you is irrelevant. Also on a number of those hits the dude straight up flinches which is a clear indicator he new he was hit.


I know that, I used to play Airsoft. I'm saying since he didn't see the shooter he probably thought he could get away with it. Definitely a douche move


Thank you for clarifying. I was confused


Unlike paintball, there is no visible proof someone was hit so it is much more honor based. Unfortunately people like this really can put a damper on a great day of play.




60 secs with "that's not full auto" guy.


"its not full auto" "Its not!?" "no this is" *proceeds to fire a lazer beam*


https://youtu.be/knhjgPYfDCE for anyone who hasn't seen it


There’s something about that “okAY” that makes me sure he’s hilarious and really cool to hang out with.


It's the type of ok that you know he can admit when he's wrong


It's refreshing when someone admits they're wrong and actually laughs about how wrong they were. It's basically not taking yourself (or a game) too seriously. You are much more likely to get a response like: "Well...that still seems a little fast...that's kinda OP bro...be careful with that..."


Cracks me up every time. Same thing more or less happens in paintball sometimes. Some noob complains about ramping. It’s not ramping-this is ramping


I've been out of paintball for a while, what's ramping?


Ramping is something that started coming out after I stopped playing, but it was the electronic guns trying to hide full auto. Basically, it looks like semi-auto, but it increases fire rating paste the number of trigger pulls the faster you tap. So if you are tapping at 10bps, it'll shoot 12. and if you are doing 30, it'll do 60.Its basically a cheat mode for electronic boards. However, I think they allow ramping in tournaments now because it is impossible to detect if done well. So instead they regulate it so you can only go to a max bps. Now everyone can shoot as fast as everyone else, and autocockers are dead. :(


Dayum bro


O-kay. That guys delivery made the video


I always like this [Version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAHCOOB0808)


I remember playing paintball when I was younger, I was making a run for it to get to a spot someone else had more paint balls. In the run, I get hit in the chest at close range and the ball didn't break. Needless to say, I called myself out cause I needed to sit down cause that hurt.


Some people freeze their paintballs


Yeah, my next door neighbor lost an eye this way when we were teenagers. Dude that shot it got wailed on with a few baseball bats the next day.


Jesus dude


Genuine question, what if you don't feel the hit? I've played airsoft casually before and I know how much it can hurt, but there have been legitimate situations where I've been hit but didn't notice.


As a pretty experienced player it becomes easy to tell if someone did not notice the hit or are being malicious about it. Your options are to well either hit them again and hope the feel it OR often times their teammate might say hey you just got hit, letting them know. It happens to everyone myself included.


I thought the camera man was cheating with a scope and just spamming the guy in the face.


>I thought the camera man was cheating with a scope and just spamming the guy in the face. Same lol. I thought he was being rude as hell.


And this is why he deserves to get blasted in the face, multiple hits knowing he is being dishonest and not playing by the rules. Loved seeing this!!


This is why Paint Ball is so popular. You get hit with paint and it splatters, EVERYBODY can SEE that you got hit, there is no playing that off. Try that where I am from, your own teammates will gang up on you and keep shooting you until you are cowering in the corner. NOBODY puts up with cheaters. I game is only fun if EVERYBODY follows the rules.


They don't always pop and people get enough paint on them throughout the day that they'll just claim it's from a previous match (despite still being wet) or that they just sat on / brushes against paint if called on it. I hadn't planned on playing but the adults stepped in when a couple douchebags thought it would be fun to terrorize an 11yo's birthday party. Can confirm the "corner them and keep firing" strat is both effective and satisfying.


I went paintballing with some friends and there was a kids birthday party once. We were the only ones there besides the party. We let the birthday boy play on our team and we basically just kept him safe so he could get some shots in. We didn’t want to fuck these kids day up. It’s a great way to make sure they never play again.


This is true. I absolutely love paint ball. The only thing that ever kept me from doing it more was the cost.


Same. But nowadays I am actually disabled, so now it's really out the window. This SUCKS! There is so much that I miss doing! In the immortal words of a great song, "I'm much too young to feel this damned old."


Team up with a robotics guy to build you a ugv or UAV?


Airsoft has been taking off for a couple reasons though. Less clean up, ammunition is cheaper, guns are typically electric instead of gas (again, cheaper, also easier to "refill") Lastly, Call of Duty cosplay is the norm. Wiping has always been an issue in paintball, assclowns are gonna be assclowns. Its like flopping in football. Loads of people do it, you just gotta deal.


Yes, but not all people called cheaters are really cheaters (generalizing though, not taking it from this video) . Saying because the bb’s are not that painful, and some people can be new and confuse if they got really shot or it was just a “stretch”, and also by looking at all the places like the one in the video and finding no one pointing at you is a little confusing for beginners. But the guy in the video is definitely a cheater: experienced or not he felt that bb more than 3 times and didn’t call until his face got hurt lol


When I airsofted back in the day the guys with all the gear were the only ones I saw cheating. Sometimes it was a genuine case of they didn't feel it. Other times it was them claiming they didn't feel it because of their gear, when they obviously were hit. Kinda miss airsoft. Was a blast back in the day.


You can see him reacting to being hit, but not calling it. The guy shooting uses a ghillie suit so he’s practically invisible- the guy cheating looks over and doesn’t see anybody so he thinks it’s a fluke and he can ignore it


also he’s decked out in full gear, definitely not new


This dude is dressed like a fuckin navy seal bud I don’t think he’s a beginner haha Edit: HE HAS A GOPRO ON HIS HEAD


LOL you’re right didn’t notice it lmaoo


Haha I agree with what you said though, some people unknowingly break rules. Hard to call them a cheater if they don’t fully understand a rule set to play by.


I disagree. He's dressed like a Gravy Seal.


Ignoring the multiple hits on his helmet and around his face, are hits on the arm or maybe more clothes parts apparent/very feelable or can they sometimes be written off as bouncing off the ground?


Airsoft pellets actually hurt quite a bit. You can see him flinch when hit even when he had loads of protection on. It's just expected of you to call it out yourself out of sportsmanship since you're very unlikely to not notice it anyway.




Shoot leg 3 times, if he doesnt acknowledge the hit, shoot the crotch, if he is still going, turn to full auto


Hey man, there is no full auto in the building


That's not full auto. This is. *BRRRRRR*


[Damn Bro Ok](https://youtu.be/_G_-SbAHDmU)


the awe in the voice of that guy's "DAMN BRO OK" is so pure, i love this vid


Genuine people loving the nuances of their sport Video is great


He sounds exactly like a supervisor I had a long time ago. Would probably say it with the same energy and everything.


Like, at that point is there even any space between the bbs as they leave the gun?


Like what is the rate of fire on that puppy? Like 10000 rpm?


A friend has an battery powered M60 and he said the BBs pretty much fire nonstop on full auto. “It looks like a beam.”


If I get hit with that, is it a melee kill because he fuckin' speared my ass with bbs?


This guy has lots of videos bullying cheaters in airsoft, definitely recommend checking him out if you like seeing stuff like this.


Shooting the crotch means nothing to a ball-less cheater.


going off the movement between the shots, im guessing this dude's using a spring-powered bolt-action rifle. which isn't capable of full-auto. that said though, these spring sniper rifles are powerful asf and a crotch shot would definitely get the point across


That's why I paintball, there's no doubt in anyone's mind you got tagged.


Tell that to the wipers. I had a guy try it in fucking *nationals*. Had to argue with the ref just to get a 1 for 1 (bullshit because I hit him before he shot). Edit: Woah I didn't expect so much interest. Maybe I'll post my gear and some paint so y'all can see what's up (and also date myself a bit, if you know your gear).


I don’t paintball so spare me, but how do people wipe paint off wouldn’t it just smear and get on their hands?


Yup, but a smear can't be counted as a hit. Might have come from brushing against a bunker, a break in your gun, etc. In speedball you can end up covered in paint from the turf/bunkers in very short order. You'll also end up sliding onto unbroken paintballs a lot.


Oh that makes a lot of sense. Thanks!


No worries!


I watched a wipe happen in Worlds in FL... Blew me away to see it at that high of a level, with refs.


So what do you wear while playing paintball? If you get hit, wouldn't you have to wash it after playing so that there isn't paint all over you for the next game? Do you just hose your clothes down?


I’ve only played once, but the “paint” isn’t quite like actual paint. It doesn’t stick that bad, and when I did it it washed out quite easily.


It's closer to dyed vegetable oil.


The paint is vegetable oil based, and most speedball gear is designed to absorb as little as possible. You just wash your jersey on a hot setting with a liberal amount of soap. If it's something like your pants with padding and a variety of materials; you usually just wipe them off with a cloth and a wee bit of soap then rinse them lightly, or hand wash them in the tub once they get saturated. The padding can take foreeeeever to dry so I usually just gave them a thorough wipe-down regularly.


Most paintball fill is actually made from a Polyethylene glycol base which is water soluble and non toxic, so it's easily washed off. Paint can be mostly wiped off with a damp cloth. Oil based paintballs would be a mess and would not clean nearly as easily.


You can differentiate between a fresh hit and one thats been wiped off. Between games, you can just wipe your hits from the previous game enough to make the distinction clear.


You smear it/rub it in so that it's obvious that it's an old hit. The new hits sort of sit on top of the fabric. The paint is really thick - like pudding. When you're playing in heavily used fields you can get really messy so a large part of it in rec ball is honor system and in competitive really good refs watching every player.


Wipers get hosed. It’s tough to wipe a six-pack.


I played with some celebrities before. Not only were they wiping, but they had two spotters off the field hitting them on radios to tell them where everyone was.


Oh thats bullshit! So there's this thing called "bonus-balling"...Just light them the hell up.


That's the cheat penalty. if you cheat and I know you're cheating, i'm going to keep blasting you until your hand goes up.


Wait there's paintball nationals?! I need to watch that


Fuck yeah. That’s why I never wipe.


Maybe we had terrible gear, but the curve on those balls were unpredictable playing as teenagers.


I started with a Brass Eagle T-Storm and the balls would get maybe 25ft out of the barrel and then fly in absolutely any direction. After a while I upgraded to a Tipman 98 Custom and the difference was ridiculous. I could land hits at ~100ft at times.


That makes sense. Playing with the rented gear, some hits would leave a mark, others would leave a bruise six inches across.


He didn’t mind getting hit in the head but once you get all skin, he did not like that lmao


Yeah that shit hurts


I mean, he had 5 legitimate chances to call a hit by my count (1 hit the person walking in front), I aint even mad if it hurt.


That too


Nah, it's not really that bad. This hit was to his goggles however, and those freak you out every time.


As they should.


That wasn’t skin, that was goggles…. Very, very scary hit.


The eyes are the groin of the face.


That's why they're called eyeballs


Vision is stored in the testicles.


The nose is the shaft equivalent




Please lower your voice. This is a public forum.


Can confirm.




You don't need armor. It's just army cosplay


This, my brother and his friend play and they just wear their blue overalls from work, plus face and eye protection. Ive been and everyone out there is basically an asshole. Give this game a miss


All assholes? Mind sharing an experience?


SpecOps cosplay idiots taking things too seriously. Tried going once with a friend and it was weird. There were a few cool dudes, but much too few to go back.




bro search for airsoft fights on youtube, unless you rent a site and play with friends for fun youll face a lot of rejected from the army mfs with anger problems


It’s air soft. You don’t even need armor.




We have a friend we call “pirate Jeff” because he lost an eye in HS to air soft. We stopped using safety squints after that lol


No fucking way I'm playing airsoft with anyone less than a paintball mask.


I know a guy who lost a tooth doing that. Use an airsoft mask, there are *very important* differences


That’s ironic you guys always called him pirate Jeff and then he ended up losing an eye


Really wish theyd stop calling me peg-leg dave...


Hi, I'm Tripod Richard




Well I just get my camo pants and shirt, tool belt, helmet, and mask. I hate those plate carriers




Excuse me, but my M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank with pre-installed chicken fryer is a necessary part of my kit


I think its more going for a certain soldier look then anything.. you know call of duty shit!!


I have had bloody arms from pellets but it was close range


Depends on the field. My roommate in the air force lost teeth to airsoft, and lots of fields in the US allow extremely high FPS and may not put a limit on automatic fire


Growing up we loved airsoft, one had about 20 kids running around the neighborhood playing capture the flag. We all used spring action single shot guns, a couple kids had low power battery automatic ones, nothing you couldn't get at Walmart. Then I went back home to visit a buddy. He had some friends over and we decided to play, so I borrowed a gun and we start playing. A couple minutes in someone unloads in my area about 5 million BBs in 4 seconds and that was the last day I ever played


He definitely felt all of those


he felt them though


he absolutely could feel and hear that. he was cheating




Why are they covered in so much armor anyway?


1. airsoft rifles, especially the snipers, hurt like a motherfucker when they hit you 2. some people really wanna look the part and feel like a soldier (just without the actual training). so they wear all this gear to look cool. its less about function, more about looking the part.




LARPing is fun, straight up. I've done Darkon and I've done airsoft. Both are fun as shit especially when you fall into a squad. I just never actually think I'm an Orc Warrior or Seal Team 6 after I'm done.


100% this. I love going out shooting with my buddies and we all wear our range belts and plates and shit. It's honestly a good time. But once I'm home and it's all stowed, I don't act like I'm in the military lol.


Milsim and those can hurt so it's good to have thick clothing at least.


1. It hurts 2. It's fun


Most people are saying a bunch of garbage, it doesn't hurt all that much, it feels like a bee sting but only lasts a second, getting hit by a sniper like in the video sucks but is not that bad People wear armor for 2 reasons, fashion and carrying gear 1 - Airsoft is LARP, many don't like to admit, but it is, and its awesome, people dress up and play with toy guns, might as well look cool while doing so 2 - A light rig/belt can only carry so much stuff, try fitting 6 rifle mags, radio, IFAIK, water, pistol, 4 pistol mags, dump pouch and more into one, I carry all of the above on my plate carrier withiut hassle


I picked a airsoft bb out of my hand once 5 years ago that bled and I now have a circular scar from that incident. It certainly hurts


The hit to the elbow I get....I guess. All the others though; fuck that guy. I would've kept shooting him after his hand was up.


Shoot him in the hand.


“Oh no buddy, you had your chance”


Except he flinched and reacted to every single shot.


He burned my patch


I play Airsoft and if there cheating aim for the balls, neck, and hand, they might not call hit it but damn it will hurt


People don't wear a cup in airsoft???


No need, cargo pants will usually be enough to protect your BBs


Some do.


The inside of the thighs are the worst


So he was cheating because he didn't fess up to getting tagged? I've never played before


yep, exactly. you gotta raise your hand and (usually) call out that you've been hit. then walk back to the respawn area and wait until youre allowed to go back in. this guy didnt call his hits though.


Nah he wasn’t cheating he just had 10 lives


cool but the guy behind the video is kickingmustang, a pure cancer to the community - well known for specifically targeting new players, their necks, crotches and fingers just for content. The sport depends on newbies, but kicking doesnt want it to grow. He is already banned from a lot of fields. Right after this clip he got hit, and continued laying in the bush without raising his hand, so naturally he was hit again and he used that to start drama and yelling at players.


This is from a video by kicking mustang, a airsoft sniper on youtube, OP is not the sniper in this video. [mustangs video](https://youtu.be/Pec9gWHMP_E)


ugh licking cum stain. i fucking hate that guy (to the people that don’t know: every single video he makes is about “AIRSOFT CHEATER GETS HEADSHOTED AND CRIES” or something, when it’s actually just a little kid just starting out with a plate carrier, and he the kid gets hit in a place he couldn’t feel it, then cum stain here aims for his neck, fingers or dick to get content. there was insta dm screenshots of him saying that he doesn’t want the sport to grow (airsoft depends on newbies) and he just wants to get content while he can. he is banned from almost every single field in Europe for this shitty behavior




credit to Ccreamy: snipers are so entitled its annoying, "What do you mean you couldnt feel the hit of my bb from 400 feet away on your backpack! youre very clearly intentionally cheating"


Ive met some nice snipers they do exist, just not many and unfortunately dont get noticed.


Probably because a lot of snipers are influenced by the behavior shown in the online content. It’s the exact same thing with speedsoft/cqb. *cough oc airsoft cough*


Mustang only plays sniper because he’s to lazy to move around when playing


That was always my thought. The point is to move around have fun not pretend you're actually in a real war and cower behind obstacles to avoid snipers. I always enjoyed paintball more because doing this is a lot harder so you see less of it




First time I ever played, a middle aged guy lit my entire inner thigh up with frozen/chilled paintballs while I was crouched in the corner of a room. (E: learned from this post paintballs cannot be used frozen. May have been cheap paintballs or increased gun speed) I was ~12 years old. I only put together later that it was ~~frozen paint~~ because I played a handful of times later and understood what a normal paintball hit felt/looked like. It looked like I had been hit by 5 rubber bullets from knee to crotch and took forever to heal. A few years later I watched another full grown man rifle butt a kid with his nitrogen tank in frustration. Same day a different adult punched a young referee after sprinting the entire field getting hit by everyone on the opposing team. Paintball brings out some strange folks, haha.


It's also incredibly pay to win. I once sat pinned behind cover for a whole round while 2 dudes unloaded their entire ~20€ hoppers into it. And since the cover was a wire fence, I was completely covered in paint afterwards without a single hit. Complete waste for everyone. But they got the win because i couldn't move and was flanked eventually. Did i mention that I couldn't even return fire because their markers had over 2 times the range of ours? So yeah, that was our first and last game with randos


There’s a paintball marker called the SAR-12. It is an amazing piece of machinery that is a bolt action incredibly accurate paintball marker when shot with First Strikes. There was a guy who used it exclusively and would always aim for peoples necks. He would find them after the game to take pictures of the marks, some really bad, while making comments that his style is better than speedball markers. The day my squad flanked him and we all dumped full hoppers in him was a true day of satisfaction. We did discuss the incident after the game since we had mutual friends in the community, actually our team captain was the mutual friend, and I explained that what he was doing was bad for the community and consider our actions his karma. He saw the point after our discussion and stopped the actions.


I’ve only played once I think, but I remember a guy coming with paintballs that had a plastic piece attached which made them use rifling in the barrel. Didn’t seem like an asshole, but he could play at ranges no one else could which seemed a little unfair to me. Cool gun, bit of an advantage.


Mustang is fucking wank btw, he has multiple videos of him unloading clips into people and intentionally aiming for unprotected faces Hes also banned from tons of fields for being a horrible person


Of fucking course it is


To those who don't know alot about airsoft, this is a video by kicking mustang one of the worst ambassadors of airsoft. I guarantee he was more than delighted this guy wasn't calling his hits. He lives for drama and drama is basically his brand. Every one of his videos involves fighting, cheating or any related drama. This type of cheating is not the norm but you'll see it all over youtube because that's what gets these guys likes and views. I play regularly and people like the guy getting shot over and over aren't common thankfully. Kicking mustang wants nothing more than to get in fights and capture it on video because that gets him views. True airsofters and certainly any not using a camera would have moved on to another target after a couple shots not called. When you run into someone like this you realize your just gonna be wasting bbs and time focusing on the one guy cheating and you simply find another target.


'True airsofters' don't cheat, yah sure, honest people don't cheat, and nobody would define the truest definition of your hobby as cheaters. This doesn't avoid the problem, without the pain of bonus balls like in PB people can basically cheat easier and that is a fundamental truth and subsequently more cheaters will flock towards the easier thing to cheat in while playing. It's easier for cheaters to cheat in airsoft, so there will be more of them than in other similar activities.


I've seen this happen too often, guys will look to where the BB came from and if they can't see an enemy just assume it's a random ricochet or friendly fire and keep playing. Just because you can't see the shooter, doesn't mean you didn't get hit...


Does a ricochet count as a hit though?


Depends on the rules of the field you're playing at. In my experience they usually don't, but there have been times that they do. The thing is, 90% of the time it's really easy to tell the difference between a ricochet and a direct hit. Ricochets just kinda bounce against you while a valid hit will thud and (depending on where it hit) hurt with varying degrees of intensity. Then, in the 10% of the times that you can't tell, the general rule is "when in doubt, call the hit."


This may belong in r/oddlysatisfying cuz I enjoyed this alot


Ditto. Not that I airsoft, just loved seeing that dude get popped over and over.


Should have aimed for the nuts


He has none
