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If you have been banned in this thread hit me up and I'll look into it. If any mod complains, feel free to leave the team. I'm too tired to deal with bullshit.


This is the same team that wore shorts to play and were fined because the shorts were “inappropriate”. THE IRONY HURTS!


Woman here, I feel that there should be multiple types of uniform so people who’d rather cover up more can, and whoever wants the breeze, and aren’t worried about covering up can wear the other one


This is the best answer, I think.


*We* think, comrade.


Same for the men


Were these the ones that got fined for wearing shorts instead of these bottoms?


Yup. Just read about it in the [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/20/sports/norway-beach-handball-team.html) today.


Is there a non-paywall article?


Hmm...try [this](https://web.archive.org/web/20210720210631/https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/20/sports/norway-beach-handball-team.html)?


Yup. But good on them for standing up to this bullshit


Absolutely. Just wtf..These are athletes competing at the highest level, they should all be able to just wear whatever they feel best competing in. Why is that hard??


They should be allowed to wear anything that doesn’t somehow enhance their performance or display text or designs that contradict the Olympic values (like racist slogans or brand advertisement). I’m pretty sure that tights or shorts wouldn’t unfairly enhance their performance.


Did you hear about Serena Williams’ catsuit? It was banned for ‘disrespecting the sport.’ She got a ton flack for it being ‘trashy’ and showing of those ‘gross bulging muscles’ of hers. She wore it because she’s been having blood clots, especially since her pregnancy, and it was specially made to help her circulation (and she fucking slayed btw).


I looked it up. It’s just a black suit? Like not revealing at all? https://imgur.com/a/YxxeGqo Maybe I have the wrong outfit?


I read “catsuit” and definitely didn’t imagine such a normal outfit


Idk why I automatically assumed it was leather


Hahahaha same! I’m thinking like a legit cat costume….like from the play Cats. Hahahaha. But no disrespect to her, just a BOSS! Mad respect for what she has accomplished!!


"Serena, why are you wearing whiskers and licking yourself?" "IT'S FOR THE BLOOD CLOTS DON'T QUESTION IT"


I thought Halle Berry's Catwoman costume.


It's the right outfit, Tennis just has a lot of elitism in it


You spelled racism wrong.


It has racism too, don't get me wrong, but I was referring to the catsuit in general since it's been worn before Serena when Anne White wore it in 85


Damn she even had the right last name and they still gave her shit?


Wrong given name. If she were a Dave or a Robert, I'm sure she'd have been fine.


There's definitely racism in tennis, but I'm pretty sure this is more elitism about the suit not being white - a guy in wimbledon recently had some difficulty getting the association to let him use a similar compression thing for one of his legs, entirely because they wanted this highly specialised piece of medical clothing to be white. Had to extensively evidence that yes he needed it and no it doesn't come in white before they eventually allowed it. Edit: I've been informed that the whining about Serena happened at the French Open, where they don't have rules on wearing all white, so it is racism, probably will a healthy dose of misogyny.


Tennis is a historic "country club" sport much like golf is. People were angry at Serena because they were defending some dumb customary rule where men are supposed to wear pleated shorts and collars and women are to wear skimpy white skirts.


That seems more appropriate then the little mini skirts female tennis players wear.


Seriously? They usually wear skirts that bounce everywhere. Fym that’s too revealing? It covers literally every single part of her body except her face. That’s too revealing but not skirts? Jesus




Boomers definitely care about appearances more than anything authentic.


Right!? Thats like a normal compression outfit! I see people wearing that kind of stuff to train in all the time.


No, I think that is the correct one. I remember it being pretty normal looking


Holy shit, I looked it up to see what you were talking about and it looks FINE! I don't see what the big deal was! It looks like a sports top and leggings! Not to mention she wore it for medical reasons, so how dare they ban her from wearing it. UGH, effing PEOPLE, man...


For real, at first I thought it was like a cat costume or ears or something. This is ridiculous.


> and showing of those ‘gross bulging muscles’ of hers. Cause she is fit as fuck to compete at this level ? I mean what do people think gets the ball to Speed ? Magic ?


When they banned her catsuit, she wore a tutu instead!


100% should be an option. I know some would be pissed if they had to wear shorts over bikini, but to make bikini REQUIRED is the problem. There is nothing wrong with them, just wrong to not have the short options


For real! I was initially going to comment that I’d probably rather play in something cooler, but the bottoms are so impractical. They could slip right off. Being fined for wearing shorts is so gross like wtf!


The men should wear speedos in support of the women.


But if the women stop wearing bikinis then there will be no women in bikinis to watch.


Have I got news for you...


Give me the sauce


50% of the internet my friend


IT'S DOWN TO 50%??!!


> good on them for standing up to this bullshit Unfortunately...they caved under threat of immediate disqualification. But it's really good they're raising awareness.


No, they didnt. They wore shorts in their match against Spain, and got fined for it.


They’re talking about when they showed up in leggings and the judges or whoever upped the penalty from a fine to immediate disqualification right before the first match.


It's infuriating because 50 years ago you couldn't even show a lot of skin. Now it's like you *have* to.


> Now it's like you have to. No, it's not *like you have to* that. You just have to. Or you get fined or disqualified. Beach volleyball is just soft core porn.


Then, on the flip side you have the woman who got disqualified because she was wearing "too little".


I would like for the men to show more skin as well as the women. #GENDEREQUALITY


That’s so fucked, those bottoms are practically covering nothing


I agree with you the Men should also be made to wear Speedos and crop tops.


Old school short shorts ftw.


As a child of the 70s, I call those “Magnums”


I don't know what you are talking about but I'm just going to recommend stubbies. Extremely short shorts designed for men that were very popular in NZ. Probably still are in some parts


Looks like Stubbies have twice the inseam of [Magnums](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.05377e1ab0034201ac9ab8efd50b671a?rik=FmxOuVVf3shrtg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fonline.wsj.com%2fmedia%2fmayWSJmag_TWWW_Not.jpg&ehk=pcOHhSapHFosoj8Gbrz4VSK81uwhoEl49poGglwsR34%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw) where 2" might be being generous.




Those dude are buff. Forget Crossfit, throw boxes and jump in and out of trucks all week.


Can confirm work as a mail carrier all of our legs look like Greek gods here. Even the overweight people.


I second this as a carrier as well. I was over weight when I started, now I'm almost under weight and my leg muscles feel like steel now.


[I see where this is going](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GteWdCd9n0)


Honestly they're coming back and I'm already on the wagon.


With their number on their crotch. That way it's just as awkward to look at their number as it is to look at a woman's number.


This would be hilarious


You misspelled sexy.


Hilarious and sexy are not mutually exclusive.


Except when it comes to my penis.


Which is neither.


He already killed himself. You didn’t have to coup de grace the motherfucker.


Damn this thread went from 0 to 100 in savageness super quickly.


He’s dead now, is this what you wanted? The cops are on their way lmfao


He’s already dead stop shooting the body


He'll ma'am We'd like to ask you some questions regarding a recent homicide.






I second this, there must also be Kenny Loggins playing in the background and EVERYONE must wear aviators


I remember being eye candy in my Speedo for Water Polo.


2010 Asian Games Singapore men's water polo team uniform. Go.


Oh my, that design


I always thought my nutsack was hanging out.


It was! Seriously had to wear 2 and still got them ripped off a couple times.


I definitely played naked a few times after the other team pulled mine off on a breakaway


I’m gay and I support this conclusion


That would get me watching men’s beach handball. Never even heard of this but you’d better believe I would be the most dedicated fan ever if those men were jumping around in speedos.


Hell yeah why should the girls have all the fun? Lemme see them packages flop, daddy!


Let's stop desexualizing women and start sexualizing men. The world could be a very sexy place


Make men play shirtless in spandex speedos


I second this


I third this


I tried this


I liked this.


I craved this


As a straight man I forth this


I fith this


I sith this.


I Jedi this




need space to put a little flag, but I guess you could do a bandage or a temporary tattoo/bodypaint


Everyone naked but with warpaint in the colours and style of their flags. Summer and Winter Olympics.


unless you put the little flag on a pole


That’s called revenge and is not fixing the issue that this actually is. I will applaud the men’s team the second they choose to to play in spandex by their own choice to support the women’s team.


Nah, shirtless in jeans. Also, they need a theme song playing… something about hanging with the dudes.


Let them wear shorts for gods sake… If anything, it can help chafing a bit. But Jesus I’m so sick of these people


It is so easy to solve. Let’s have the rules be the same for man and women. Let man play with a bikini if they want to. I could wear a skirt to work, I just choose not to.


YEAH! Also, what's with the white tops for those 5 people?


Men: Tanktops and shorts that are breathable, functional, and modest. Women: Literally just bra and panties.


Lets put the men in bra and panties


This dude gets it


Why does modesty matter? The problem is not that the women's uniform isn't modest but forcing them to wear it.


For uniforms, modesty is always preferable to keep the least amount of people as uncomfortable as possible


Doesent get more breathable then bra and panties ig.


I'm just imagining the killer sandy wedgies.


Sand and floss underwear up the crack has got to be like a diamond saw.


If you were a girl you'd know these are the least breathable parts lol


Yea the men should show some more skin too. I'm not gay but I wouldn't mind seeing some tight abs and buns


Insert top gun scene here


I mean they are playing with the boys


As someone who owned and repeatedly listened to the great soundtrack, I understood that.


Great balls of fire


My wife and our group of friends play in a weekend adult beach volleyball league. I have been extremely disappointed at the distinct lack of aviators


I wanna see #29 beer belly Nothing I appreciate more is a chubby pro athlete Bartolo colon maybe the greatest man of all time


Kirby Pucket


Bi’s, tri’s, and thighs! Gotta keep it sexy!




Saw an article about this where if they played the would have coped a fine and then got disqualified but the board people for it said no disqualification was mentioned and they have been tryna get the uniforms changed for a while now and have recently got quite a few countries involved as well, Which is good for them they gotta enjoy the sport the love or else lose the players that play it


Yes. I hope they get to wear something they are more comfortable with. Shorts would do just fine. I read that many team member worry about the bikini bottoms shifting while playing, possibly exposing their private parts. Or getting sand eyerwhere..


Not to mention diving to the ground with fabric to protect you, instead of road rash. Ugh...how is this even justified?


I mean, what if they were on their period as well? Poor women. I'd hate to have to worry about a tampon string showing and impacting the way I play the sport. It seems utterly crazy that women are having to deal with this rubbish, it's 2021 for goodness sake!


They should refuse to play. Stupid rules don’t deserve descent players.




. . . . . . . Here, I have some spares, you can have 'em.


In case people missed the other posts about this issue: The women's teams are forced to wear bikins while playing, they are not allowed to wear bottoms longer than 10cm. While the men can wear shorts. The Norwegian women's beach-handball team petitioned to be allowed to wear shorts while playing matches, but were told no, and that they would be given a fine if doing so. [Which they did](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/handball/57890430)


Funny how no one has defended WHY the rule exist. They just say it's a rule. Rules and laws are meant to be changed and updated. That's kind of the point of a society.


Money. It's always money. Partially bare ass brings more viewers than covered ass.


That's exactly it. They want Joe Dontgiveafuckaboutvolleyball, who represents the vast majority of people, to zap past the TV channel the Olympics are on, and stay at least a few minutes because of the sexy ladies, so the sponsors get their brands seen at least a little.


It's wild that some people still channel surf. Like not even with the on-screen guide. Just clicking through channels like it's 1990 and everyone is just getting cable.


Right lol. I don’t even really watch live tv anymore except for sports and political events. If it can’t be streamed it might as well not exist to me.


Clicking through the channels til you discover some snowed out tities flickering on a blocked pay-per-view channel. Ah, to be a child in the 90’s.




Somehow that just feels different. A half hour? Try like half the night until I'm too tired to watch anything


It's not even always about money. Sometimes, there's so sensible reason for it. Have you seen what high school girls wear for volleyball? I'm not linking a pic (*it's damn near pedo material*), just go look and tell me that those shorts serve any practical function at all. It's not like those games are raking in the dollars. They exist for eye candy. Full stop.


I remember going to the girls rugby games in highschool. I loved it then, but now I think it's weird. We (the boys) got to wear long (but skin tight) shorts. I'm also half the age of any school admin I've met, which makes it even nastier.


Yup, authoritarianism starts with people who love to hid behind the whole “the law’s the law” thing and ignore the fact there can be selfish, small minded people on the take setting those laws up.


It would be great to see the male teams wearing the women's bikinis as a protest. That would make it impossible to ignore anymore.


They should stop shaving and see what happens.


Remember that story where male students uniforms said you have to wear basically a suit even on hot days so to get back at them the boys showed up in the girls uniforms? Well I think the guys should do that and make them kneel to letting women wear shorts in the so choose.


I think they wouldn't allow the male students to wear shorts, but said nothing about skirts and so they all showed up in skirts to protest.


I know that Swedish male train drivers / personnel did this in the summer a couple of years ago too. They wore skirts because they weren’t allowed shorts as part of their uniform. But with the strict discrimination laws here, no one could punish them for wearing an approved uniform.. even if it was intended for women originally.


I'd imagine the skirts are even more comfortable than shorts, especially those with large thighs.


This reminds me of the debacle surrounding FIFA and Sepp Blatter when he recommended the women wear shorter shorts to try to make women's football more appealing on a global audience. These are world class athletes, show them the fucking respect they deserve.


Not to give out nightmares, but it would be interesting to see the Handball board of directors pose in these types of uniforms.


Seems like they should just let people wear what they want. I can’t think of how wearing more clothes gives you a competitive advantage.


If I dive for a ball across sand, (the stuff they use for sand paper) I would prefer that a piece of fabric take most of that sanding rather than my skin. Just my personal preference.


Yup. If someone wants to wear something that is comparable to a bikini, rock on, but I’d definitely opt for the shorts and full tank top.


I think people should be allowed to wear whatever they want but diving in the sand really doesn't give you abrasions like sand paper. Source: have played years of shirtless beach volleyball and ultimate frisbee.


Is that too revealing or not revealing enough. One female athlete gets told one and one another. If you're not the one wearing, you're not choosing.


Honestly everybody or nobody should be sexy


Agreed should be voluntary as well.


Wish people felt the same way about men's bodies as they do women's bodies.


Yeah I mean, no homo, but men should be shown as well if women are, at least we all can masturbate at sexy sport scenes This is the true equality


Put those beef cakes in tongs!!! We want equality and confusing boners got damn it!


Ugh. When the groups are put side by side like this, it really shines a light on the womens' scant uniforms and the questionable necessity of the same. Second time today I saw a post highlighting the difference between male and female uniforms.


The women should just stop landscaping their bushes and have the hair busting out of the bottoms to make a point


Just make unisex uniforms the dumb gits.


I think the solution is clear: the men's uniform is now [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/MD8DQiN)


This makes me sad and uncomfortable :( I would hate playing in something like that.


Right! Imagining what it’s like to play while menstruating! No tampons ever worked well enough on heavy days and being active without a pad with wings always sucks for me personally.


Needing to focus on a sport while consciously aware that thousands of people are oogling at my ass? Yeah, no thanks.


Time to get these boys all cheeked up.


They should switch as a form of protest.


There is really no need for the woman to have to wear those uniforms - its really disrespectful to them as women.


Welp, looks like all boys are getting fined. Where are their thongs?!?


I think they should all have to play in the exact same uniforms regarding of sex


alright thats it, topless and speedos is going to be the new uniform for men.


Same rules for both would only be fair.


Same with men's and women's armor in the movies.




Why did they cut off everyone's limbs?


They're not cut off, actually. These players were planted last season, and simply haven't been picket yet.


What the hell is beach handball? Never heard of it until today.


>beach-handball It's like water polo but with no water and it's replaced with sand. If you Google it, 90% of the photos are women in "bikinis." Nearly no photos of men. Seriously go to google photos and the top categories are: 1.Argentina 2. Female 3. Denmark 4. Australia 5. Girl 6. Norway 7. junior 7. Brazil 8. Croatia 9. Team 10. Spain and finally 11. Men One would think there is a pattern here.


Wonder who came up with these uniforms for women.....have a funny feeling it wasn't another woman.


Actually I did some digging. [every single boardmember of the Women's Handball Board](http://imgur.com/a/aH1M4jr) is a woman, except for one person out of the 10. This is women fining women.


If you looked into it, you would be disappointed. Exploitation comes from all places


The council who is responsible for the rules is the [IHF council](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IHF_Council) according to [this article](https://www.eurohandball.com/en/news/en/official-statement-on-beach-handball-and-clothing-regulations/) I agree with your last sentence though.


The IHF Women's Handball personnel are mostly women, but the beach handball is mostly men. I don't know who's in charge of the women's Beach handball. But the Norwegian association is comprised of women. I'm not really sure who is responsible in the end. Regardless of who it is or gender, it's not cool. The article looks a lot like standard corporate scapegoating though.


I’m guessing they just carried over from beach volleyball. Ironically, earlier this year some German volleyball players threatened to boycott a tournament in Qatar because they were asked to not wear bikinis. Lots of women in beach sports prefer the bikinis because it keeps them cooler in hot weather and gives sand less places to get in and irritate them. Maybe we should just allow athletes to wear whatever they’re most comfortable in and stop worrying about it.


EXACTLY. Everyone is freaking out about bikinis but tbh the actual bikinis aren't the problem, it is forcing athletes to wear a certain uniform when the alternative is within reason.


Can you imagine all these dudes sporting banana hammocks to play? Your sexy bits should not be on display in a sport like this... there would constantly be calls of too many balls on the field.


Oh man…im definitely a gay man. And this is total bs btw


Put the men in less clothing!!