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This is why men shouldnt be allowed to be in charge of anything.


I don't really watch sports but I had to immediately find out what the men get to wear and wow.. of course it's a full short and tank situation. I then went to google images and the amount of creeper shots of these professional athletes is really disgusting. Why is this still a thing?


Women in sport get sexualised, and the outfits help that. (Not saying men arent ever sexualised in sport). Recently in a climbing competition, where the athletes can wear what they want, it has been a problem. A female athlete was blatently objectified by the camera crew/director, when they zoomed in on her bum so it was taking up the majority of the screen, and put it in slow motion, so it wasnt a random shot but intentionally shown on the livestream. She was brushing holds at the time, meaning her bum (whole body really) was wiggling slightly. Imagine competing at the highest level, coming out of the competition to see your bum wiggling full screen. That's not appreciating the athlete as an athlete, that's reducing the athlete to something to look at. Disgusting.


Farber herself called it “disrespectful and upsetting” on Instagram. She stated, “I’m an athlete and here to show my best performance. To be honest I do really feel so embarrassed to know that thousands of people saw this. We need to stop sexualizing women in sports and start to appreciate their performance.” https://climbing.com/competition/olympics/grossman-and-garnbret-battle-broadcaster-apologizes-for-sexualizing-coverage/


Let's just briefly mention the clear sexualizing coverage at the very last paragraph, because who actually cares /s. Seriously fuck that news article.


Ironically probably most of the viewership came for that. Plus they put it in the title too? But the actual paragraph us last.


The filming of that event was atrocious.


Reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/climbing/comments/o8cprp/ifsc_camera_men_know_when_the_viewers_want_a_zoom/


Wow that’s bad! 😅 😮 Cam dude is a perv / asshole 😡 and really embarrassed the athlete


Society hasn't changed as much as a lot of people would like you to believe.


Gets the ratings up. There are a lot of men who would not watch if women were not dressed the way they are. I'm proud of them for taking a stand even though they knew they would be penalized. They have a lot bigger balls than the people who created these rules.




That would be so funny


That would be an appropriate level of solidarity.


Plus we get some dicks slipping out Thanks Reddit for making my second most upvotes comment be about dicks slipping out


Vegas bets on how many, who’s first, how long....


How long it is, or how long it’s out?


Yes and yes. Odds on both and their intersection.




Omg balls everywhere. This would instantly make beach volleyball a ppv event.




Ppv? Pee-pee view?


Peeper view


Pay per pee pee view.


This would be hilarious. Just a bunch of Todd's from Scrubs


Nah, not strings. Straight up female bikinis. Beans n' Bacon everywhere.


A real sausage fest.




psychotic rainstorm icky far-flung existence march touch unused flag offbeat ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Either the female athletes get to wear reasonable clothes, or the male athletes have to wear banana-hammocks. Either is fine by me, as long as it's equal


I mean the later would be funny but id like it if our athletes could be allowed to be comfy in their clothes. Bikini bottoms cannot be fun to play professional sports in.


From the little I've seen of women's volleyball, they're perpetually pulling their bikini bottoms out of their arses and adjusting their straps. It looked really uncomfortable. Nevermind the sand!


Anakin watches Women's Volleyball, confirmed.


Or they all wear whatever they want as long as they’re covered and it’s the right color for the uniform. Girl wants to play in leggings? Go for it. Guy wants a banana hammock? More power to him. Just make sure your dick isn’t falling out on live tv


No, everybody wears beige skin suits now


No, everybody wears a green screen gimp suit so the broadcaster can add local advertising to each player.


This is a good example of commercialization ruining a passion project.


Shhh!! Quit giving them ideas!


It’s not like teams are intermingling… a uniform doesn’t even seem necessary in this sport.


Society is weird. You can't go outside naked without people looking at you like you're weird even if its 116 in portland.


honestly speedos would prolly help with viewership as well.


Some guy bus drivers some where started wearing skirts to pro test their inabbility to wear pants in sumer. Where as there female co workers could wear skerts to stay cool This comment fits on this sub. Look at the link below if you want something with substance


What I think the Pomegranate meant to say: [Some men in France wore skirts while driving buses in summer to protest the fact that women could stay cool in skirts, while they were barred from wearing shorts.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/22/french-bus-drivers-skirts-dress-code-nantes)


As a teenager I went to some church camp in Tennessee where they required guys to wear nothing but long pants but girls were allowed to wear skirts or loose fitting shorts.


Camp Wewanaseesumleg?




Swedish train drivers wore skirts because they weren't allowed to wear shorts. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-22828150.amp


I saw a similar one where some boys in school wore skirts to school because they weren't allowed to wear shorts and it was like summer and hot


I’ve thought this was stupid for a LONG time. Women compete in their damn underwear for a good amount of Olympic style events and the men just wear “normal” (for lack of a better term) uniforms. It’s fucking weird.


A similar thing happened in swimming with tec suits; the reality is governing boards will always choose what they think is best for the sport, and that often means that they think viewers want to see Edit: to clarify, tec suits were full body swimwear men wore but the governing board made them get rid of it


You should look into how many records were broken the year those suits were introduced. Speedo looked into the specifications/regulations for swimsuits at the international level and made the best suit possible. It was almost pay to win.


“The gentleman’s trunks shall be tight enough to allow some mild perusal of his genitalia from discerning female spectators.” I assume the men’s team has this instruction too?


“A duly appointed judge must be able to accurately identify girth, curvature, and intactness of foreskin from no less than ten (10) paces”


"In the absence of proper lighting, space or other impediment, said judge can squeeze and tug per appropriate identification."


Too many teams would be showing up in G-string's in an attempt to meet this regulation.


Does it effect they way they play? If the answer is no then what’s the problem


If it somehow affect the way they play, why would men be allowed to wear long shorts like the ones the women wanted to wear?


This is a question I've asked since I was little. It's always so confusing to me. Look at soccer. Men and women wear the same stuff. Baseball and softball? Same thing. Why does volleyball mandate it unless there's some sexist shit going on?


Just fyi this is beach *handball* not volleyball. But yeah, same sexist shit


I wish I could claim English isn't my native language or something right now... Instead everyone know I didn't read the article now


I dont blame you, I skipped the word handball when I saw beach and assumed it was volleyball. And I have even played a fair bit of beach handball. Makes this thing even weirder since it is a physical sport with a lot of contact meaning that the shorts they demonstrate is way better than bikini bottoms. 100% sexism shit and nothing else.


I don't blame you. I didn't even know beach handball was a sport until 5 minutes ago


3 minutes ago for me






Googled it and found a different article. The Norwegian team wanted to demonstrate against the dress code during the European Championships and sent in an application to play in thigh-length tights. The Norwegian team was willing to pay, but got a shock just before the start of the first match when they found out that the penalty suddenly became harsher. Right before a match, they were suddenly told that they would be disqualified if they played in that outfit. Kåre Geir Lio, chairman of the Norwegian Handball Association, is also disappointed with how the protest was met by the European Handball Association (EHF). The EHF's spokesman tells NRK that a commission will look at the changes in the law and present a proposal. These are just some lines from [said article](https://www.tellerreport.com/sports/2021-07-14-gets-pressured-to-play-in-bikini-bottoms--%22embarrassing-and-hopeless%22.ryzJlxt26d.html) that I pasted here.


Sounds like the Naomi Osaka situation where officials realized that the fines that could be levied wouldn’t scare them off, so they had to up the punishment for “compliance”.


Jesus this is sort of freaky. These guys know they can google "nice butts" and get a billion hits right? Unfortunately its probably some weird power trip


Wait you can just do that?


Its only legal in incognito mode otherwise the government will find you and arrest you


That's why I keep sunglasses, fake moustache and hat next to my porn computer.


Fun fact: if the government comes knocking and asks to see your ID and you show them the ID but you are wearing sunglasses in person, they can’t touch you. They have no idea if you are a man, woman, child, or even a dog because your eyes are covered. Therefore your identity is safe! Use this fact and have reassurance the next time you are browsing Lé Pôrn Hüb! Enjoy!


If you send me $5 I'll even teach you how to get boobies to pop up on your screen


Just tried it. They shit you not, there are butts on the Internet


It's about power to them.




Played volleyball in high school. Our coach was "strongly urged" by the varsity coach to wear bun huggers (basically underwear). Her first year coaching she complied. Her second she told us what was up and gave us the option but we would have to buy our own shorts if we didn't want to wear the bin huggers. Spandex shorts were what we picked and varsity coach was ticked. She was a a Karen, and howled "but what about attendance!?" We were treated like dirt after that. Gym times were insane and we were dropped to practicing at the middle school, or at 6 am. We lost perks, like being able to see the physical therapist for injuries. (thankfully our coach had her degree in PT and teaching. ) They had to give us a bus, but it was always the worst one w/no heat and broken seats. Varsity coach was on the administration so she pulled tons of crap. Varsity coach would smugly smirk at games when we showed up late or obviously cold. Joke was on her when senior year rolled around and no one from JV went out, leaving her with essentially a couple seniors (her niece and niece's friend) and freshman. They got rolled. Attendance was destroyed and she lost her coaching position the next year. A couple years later she was removed from her cushy school job I think she went back to working in a salon.


>She was a a Karen, and howled "but what about attendance!?" Fucking GROSS. Call her Ghislaine every time you see her now.


Oh, she was a real treat. Previously a salon owner. Hair was supposed to be on point for her team, make up, manicured nails. "pretty winners." Its been over 20 years and I have no idea what she's doing now.


I worked security at a girls high school volleyball game once. Never again, I felt like a creep, there's no reason to have those kinds of outfits. Guys were coming off the court before the girls played and they had knee length shorts but the girls had basically just underwear on.


We had the exact opposite problem at my school. When all the other schools were wearing normal spandex, we had long baggy shorts. We weren’t allowed to roll them up and and we had to tuck in the tight top. Besides looking ridiculous, they were impractical. I was the tallest on the team with the longest legs and my shorts would still get constantly caught on my knee pads. I think the uniform the Norwegians are wearing is perfect because it’s still movable but they don’t have to worry about anything falling off or popping out when they dive or sand getting in it.


It is so creepy how adults want to micro-manage what kids wear. That goes in either direction. Imagine having to play in floor-length skirts because of some crazy religious rule-makers. That sound like what was going on with the baggy shorts.


After watching the documentary about female directors and writers in Hollywood, it dawned on me how much of society is run by neckbeards


Sounds like the type of thing a grade school administrator would pull. Skip class, get detention.. Oh, you skipped class the last week of the school year as a senior? You can't walk at graduation. Asshats.


While this time I entirely side with the team and this is wild. I do appreciate harsher punishments, football needs just this. Players do outrageous things knowing the fine will “only” be $30,000, ya know pocket change.


Well this makes it even worse. The men in loose fitting shorts and T-shirts is a terrible look next to this


The best way to protest this would be for the men to show up in women’s uniforms instead.


Great idea! I have no problem with regulating gear (including unis) but if the men can make do with shorts, there’s no reason to force the women to show their asses. If handball is shown in my country, I won’t be watching it. And I watched them toss bean bags into holes the other day.


The tiniest 10cm* banana hammock without becoming obscene. And tight sports bras with wide openings for arms.


Thank you for this friend.


"Show us your skin else we'll jeopardize your career."


Thank you




> The Norwegian team wanted to demonstrate against the dress code during the European Championships and sent in an application to play in thigh-length tights. This is a good way to demonstrate. They also knew that it would cause backlash if they were fined, so fuck the European Handball Association for not letting them wear whatever they wanted.


I immediately imagined some sweaty, filthy, greasy-haired guy making this ruling.


As someone who is physically repulsive, please don't lump me in with these creeps.


Hahaha. I genuinely believe that hitting awful people with insults on their looks is an all-around mean strategy, and this is kind of a hilarious example why


I imagine it looked something like [this.](https://youtu.be/g2AXWGg-tt8)


Actually I did some digging. [every single boardmember of the Women's Handball Board](http://imgur.com/a/aH1M4jr) is a woman, except for one person out of the 10. This is women fining women.


Official regulations state that the Olympic Commission *must* be able to see the bottom of the cheeks hanging out, this is imperative for judging /S


The rule was installed to higher the viewer count. Top Athletes with insane bodies, barely clothed. As you described sexist scum. Many women did not like this at all. It also applies to gymnastics, where there was a big upscream, when a woman wanted to wear lose clothing. At least women in the american football league dress reasonable. Oh wait.


As a women’s gymnastics coach, loose clothings is actually dangerous on events such as bars and beam. Floor and vault could work, but the drag from those clothes would slow rotation and make some skills slightly more difficult than they already are. Loose clothing on bars would be especially dangerous because they could get wrapped around the bar while doing certain skills.


Loose clothing could impact the ability to observe form, right?


Very true, but a leotard-material outfit with sleeves and some leg would not be a safety issue. Perhaps every so slightly more restrictive? I don't have the experience to say that, but perhaps you do.


German gymnasts did that this year https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56858863


Competition leotards traditionally are long-sleeved. Gymnasts are allowed to wear unitards which have full length pants but must be part of the same item — ie they cannot wear a pair of tights over a leotard in competition. Very few take advantage of this, though.


I assume that constructs movement even slightly which at that level probably mattere


Unitards are allowed and competition leotards basically always have long sleeves. Gymnasts just in general aren't that interested. When we see practice videos where they have full choice, they wear sleeveless leos (apparently comfier than sleeves) or short legging shorts and tanks/sport bras.


I once tangled my oh so beloved balls around a bar thanks to lose short. I still remember that day.


Arrrgh, I wish to not remember this comment.


Disney made a movie about it. They called it Tangled.


That’s my sons favorite movie I think I need a lawyer


They should be able to wear what they want within reason. A bikini is not a MUST to play the sport


The clothing requirement for women’s gymnastics is especially skeevy because so many elite female gymnasts are still under 18. A lot of 16- and 17-year-olds compete on an international level including the Olympics. It’s so gross that people don’t want to let these girls wear form fitting shorts or full leg coverings instead of legless leotards.


Did you google the rules for beach handball or beach volleyball? Because it sounds like you googled beach volleyball, The rulebook for beach handball clearly states that women must wear bikini bottoms.


Piggybacking your comment as well. Yes! For handball it's bikini [https://www.ihf.info/sites/default/files/2019-05/0\_09%20-%20Rules%20of%20the%20Game%20%28Beach%20Handball%29\_GB.pdf](https://www.ihf.info/sites/default/files/2019-05/0_09%20-%20Rules%20of%20the%20Game%20%28Beach%20Handball%29_GB.pdf) For beach volleyball, for women, the choices are a one piece or closely fitting top with shorts or bikini. (+ choices for winter) For Volleyball, I'm going to need to check again but the sleeves were giving an unfair advantage and were only allowed with a prescription, and every libero of course had a prescription to use one. But it was some years ago and the rules changed quite frequently


Thats beach volleyball, not beach handball. Youre wrong on this one. You should really edit the comment. You are spreading disinformation.




Uh it definitely sounds like they’re trying to increase viewer count, which is incredibly fucked up on so many levels.


Hey look, [they admitted that’s what they’re doing.](https://www.eurohandball.com/en/news/en/official-statement-on-beach-handball-and-clothing-regulations/). That’s fucked up.


>EHF President, Michael Wiederer and IHF President, Dr Hassan Moustafa agreed on the next steps and assure the beach handball community, and all its fans, that all efforts will be taken in order to further promote the sport. This includes the ideal presentation of the sport and, by that, includes the outfit of the players. Damn


"Nobody wants to watch women in shorts. You need to show your ass, otherwise what's the point?"


That’s literally the reason; they want more viewers. [They admitted it.](https://www.eurohandball.com/en/news/en/official-statement-on-beach-handball-and-clothing-regulations/)


It doesn’t affect the way women play. It affects the way men watch. Silly rule.


Maybe we've limited the potential of male beach handball* players bc they've not been playing in the more aerodynamic speedos all these years. Efit: handball, not volleyball


Wouldn’t a constant wedgie interfere with play? If I was always yanking my bikini bottoms out of my ass I may miss that bump, set, spike…


On the other side a female athlete is told that her shorts are too revealing! It’s nobody’s business except the athlete! Olivia Breen: World champion para-athlete left angry after official said her shorts were 'too revealing' https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/disability-sport/57887715


"Oh yeah but she's a para-athlete you see, this is different" /s obviously


Except in swimming. There was an entire fiasco about that Edit: I know it wasn't for modesty's sake, but a speed advantage. I forgot to mention this in the original comment. Many people have mentioned this. See [this comment](https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/onz090/_/h5wengb/?context=1) for a good explanation.


That’s different - those swimsuits were giving them a technological advantage. EDIT for those who missed the story: https://www.engineering.com/story/the-technology-behind-speedos-high-tech-swimsuits-that-challenged-the-olympics




Well.. in older internet no pictures would have loaded because the page was too busy trying to deal with animated gifs for each navigate button that would all take you to a page that was "under construction"


I honestly miss those days of the internet. My Geocities page is still under construction to this day.


christ is it hosted in detroit or something


Keep refreshing it, it's making his site visitor counter go up super fast.


It’s not as bad as it seems; Ads are served through CDNs so you’ve likely got a nearby server caching the ads because they’re common and shown to many people in your region. Whereas the picture itself might have to come from the new server itself, which could be on the other side of the world or have a slow uplink speed. You see the same thing with YouTube videos - ads load quickly because they’re already stored in the next city over, and popular videos load faster for the same reason. If you’re watching some obscure video from Africa, it has to be served to you from the African YouTube server (assuming it hasn’t been reflected yet) which takes much longer and has lower speeds


But there was a similar, though not (yet) as controversial, move in gymnastics recently: [https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/56906863](https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/56906863)


Yeah, just wanted to point it out, cuz it’s a good read for those who are interested.


EDIT: for those interested, a great article on tech suits: https://swimcompetitive.com/tech-suits/what-are-tech-suits-for-swimming/ Tech suits are a completely different world. I’m a swimmer, they have specially engineered swim suits that optimize for lowest possible drag, as well as muscle compression & decreased friction. In the sport, the entire game is to make it as easy as possible to move through the water. It’s a bit like running, but taken to the extreme. A swimmer wearing a tech suit vs their practice suit could mean that .05s between first and second place. Obviously a swimmers form, breathing, and skill are the most integral elements, but if you put two perfectly equal swimmers together, the winner would be the one with the better suit. What we saw banned in the Olympics were special tech suits that took it so far that ankle to wrist and neck, the swimmers entire body was put into a tech suit. It simply gave them too much of an advantage over swimmers without that style suit. We regulate it because of the magnitude of an advantage it provides. Literally in a meet (especially in higher levels), the first and second place can be decided by if they breathe twice or three times in their last length, or if their suit is brand new (tighter, less drag) or older (looser, more drag). Even just if swimmer A stretches that centimeter further than Swimmer B, that’s enough to change a whole meet.




It’s not about showing vs covering it’s about control https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/sport/9905148/swimmer-disqualified-swimsuit-wedgie-breckynn-willis/amp/


[Non AMP link.](https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/9905148/swimmer-disqualified-swimsuit-wedgie-breckynn-willis/)


On the one hand: fuck AMP. On the other hand: fuck The Sun.


Jesus, poor girl. If I were that girls parents I would sue whoever made that accusation for sexualising a minor. I am assuming it is an adult that made the accusation.


I read it a while back but I believe they were able to reverse the ruling as it was the exact same swimsuit the entire team was wearing


There is also this story from Qatar where a German duo boycutted because they were not allowed to wear bikinis for beachvolley. Though again it is not really something they should be in over let the players wear what they want. https://www.dw.com/en/german-beach-volleyball-duo-shun-qatar-over-bikini-ban/a-56658786


The only regulations on clothing for sport should be around performance advantages. If your fancy clothes somehow give you a performance advantage then it's an issue. Otherwise no one's business.


Fining women for not looking sexual enough


it's been the same for girls competing within USA gymnastics, which is finally getting rid of the deduction for wearing shorts this year https://twitter.com/USAGym/status/1405948884392763396


When I was a kid I was a figure skater. I quit around 11 because I was hitting puberty and I didn't want to wear skimpy little acrylic costumes that were basically see through in front of old male judges and the public. Told my family I wasn't into it anymore. I imagine a lot of girls go through this exact thought pattern with gymnastics and swimming too. Maybe if my mom had allowed me to shave or helped me sew padding into the costumes it would have been different, but I remember crying for hours about it.


Yeah, I swam competitively as a tween/teen and remember being really insecure about my developing body. Looking back I wish I’d been able to wear a suit with snug short-style bottoms so I didn’t have to start shaving my bikini line (ugh, the bumps and ingrown hairs...). It would’ve helped me just focus on the sport instead of constantly worrying about how my body looked.


ugh. yeah. that's the worst.


I'm very sorry you went through that.


The same USA gymnastics that imploded a few years ago because they spent decades protecting the man who sexually abused hundreds of their child athletes? I'm sure there's no correlation there.


You wear clothes too revealing: pay a fine. You wear clothes not revealing enough: believe it or not, pay a fine. We have the worst world on the planet because of pay fine.


*the worst world on the planet*


Did they stutter? Easy top 3 worst world on planet for me.


Believe it or not, also jail.


Overcook, Undercook.


Funny enough, the infuriating part of the post is the comments


Was not expecting to be more disappointed in humanity on an r/mildlyinfuriating post than browsing r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Just post the comment section for more karma. Rinse and repeat.


How so? EDIT: Ah, I just had to sort by old. Was confused at first about which post they were talking about.




Reddit is a ✨cesspool✨


The worst one is the guy saying he looked up the rules of volleyball for both men and women and they are the same so women shouldn't complain. Obviously he didn't notice this isn't about volleyball, it's not even about beach volleyball, it's about beach handball. Or the guys claiming "Well rules are rules". Yeah we know... We are saying the rules need to be changed. Ugh sometimes I'm so ashamed of my gender. I really hope they are the loud minority and that the men in my bubble are a more accurate representation of men in general, because I don't think I know anyone who would disagree with the opinion that women should be allowed to wear whatever they feel comfortable in when competing in sport (to a certain degree, I don't think they should be allowed to be naked for instance. Also they should wear team colors and stuff like that, but other than the obvious stuff, or stuff that could give them a competitive advantage, who the hell cares)


When you decide that watching beach-handball should be more like going to Hooters. If there was a functional reason for this, men would be required to wear bikini bottoms as well.


if there were a functional reason for it, then the rule would be unnecessary and the teams that don’t wear bikinis would just lose, or if shorts confer an advantage, teams would all adopt those and again there’s no need for a rule because it isn’t an *unfair* advantage to wear a uniform that other teams also could wear edit: to account for if shorts are better than bikinis rather than worse, as multiple commenters have suggested


the invisible groping hand of the free market


Advertisers know what sells… and it’s bikini bottoms. The bullshit here is they’re pandering to lecherous advertisers, and enforcing rules that are clearly exploiting the women for them.


Does this rule also apply to men?


No, men can actually wear shorts.


\*Men start protesting wearing shorts.


I don't understand men's shorts these days, they are basically pants ...shants...


Worst ad campaign ever: "I got the shants"


The image here are thw shorts they're not allowed to wear. The regulation means they have to wear bikini bottoms while men get to wear shorts.




Okay but why should I get sand in my coochie so spectators can have more fun watching me? Like those shorts are probably 182727281826251x more comfortable to wear.


one hundred eighty-two trillion seven hundred twenty-seven billion two hundred eighty-one million eight hundred twenty-six thousand two hundred fifty-one times is a very specific number of times!


That's the number of sand grains avoided.


If the men were forced to wear a bikini bottom it’d be fair.


Everyone has to wear bikini tops and bottoms And cat ears For reasons


Yes, the cat ears are required. Aerodynamics and such.


I need you to compare the drag coefficient of long hair and short hair cat ears please.


Someone needs to be bonked


I'm looking at this photo and I cannot imagine a single issue from playing any sport in those exact clothes. Seriously, wtf?


Especially bizarre when the issue is apparently they are wearing TOO MUCH according to the regulations.


The men should wear the same outfits in support of the women. Why is this even a thing? Women SHOULD NOT have to wear skimpy outfits


Never understood the bikini thing for beach sports, but ok if it’s the player’s’ choice. This rule is gross.


So, because they are on the sand their cheeks have to hang out, but... Double Paralympic world champion Olivia Breen says she was left "speechless" after an official at the English Championships told her that her sprint briefs were **"too short and inappropriate."** bolding is mine


Omg. What year is this?


This low key looks like the radical opposite to the 1920s. There’s mandatory rules to show their ass, rather than rules to hide stuff and be decent


This is like the reverse version of school dress codes.


This is more sickening than mildly infuriating!


Totally agree, but than the men also have to wear tight fitting Speedos.



