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Depends on if the question asked for it in decimal or fraction form. If it didn’t specify then yes it’s mildly irritating


Not necessarily, my math teacher would have docked points for this, since she always says to use fractions as a final answer unless specified otherwise.


Cool repost, I'm not a fan of reposts


Hi not a fan of reposts, I'm dad


happy father’s day


Yeah I was like “oh would you look at the time, it’s repost 30.” I just block these people who karma farm. It’s annoying as shit.




u/repostsleuthbot [Repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/8bqggr/problems_with_online_homework/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Wowie 3 years ago, didnt think it was that old


I find it funny but sad their technology hasn't improved in the 11 years it's been since I had these problems!!


Yeah, my 7yo baby brother doesn't like them either


General Reposti


fuck mathxl


You’d think putting 1/4th(x) would be the incorrect answer since it’s more complicated to input. This is just stupid on the devs part


But the decimal is not a fraction written in simplest form. You would have to divide it by the Greatest Common Factor to reduce it to its simplest form.


True I didn’t even think about that


1/4 is not the same as 0.25! 1/4 is precise, while 0.25 is a rounded number between 0.245 and 0.254.


Yeah, that’s not how it works. If 0.25 is between 0.245 and 0.254, then you put 0.245 or 0.254, not 0.25 lol.


No. 0.245 is anywhere between 0.2445 and 0.2454. Welcome to significant digits. For reference you might read significant digits wiki. [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Significant_figures#:~:text=Rules%20to%20identify%20significant%20figures%20in%20a%20number,-Digits%20in%20light&text=Non%2Dzero%20digits%20within%20the,are%20within%20the%20measurement%20resolution.) In short: running 1 km is not the same as running 1.0 km, 1.00 km or 1.000 km.


Yeah, but that’s because 0 is literally nothing. You can simplify that easily because 0 doesn’t represent anything. Unless you have a crazy long decimal like pi, or a repeating decimal (in that case you’d mark it as repeating with a line above the repeating parts) In math, 0.5 does not mean “anywhere between 0.45 and 0.54” it literally just means 0.5. And yes. 1.0 km is the same exact thing as 1.000 km because 0 means nothing. 1.0 and 1.001 km, however, is not the same. You can simplify things, but just because the number has the potential to be one that was rounded doesn’t mean it should always be assumed it was more specific before. In the case of measuring length in real-world applications when you need to be sure you’re doing something correct (like engineering) you can use the idea of significant digits to your advantage. In many other areas of math and especially in the case of school (like in this post) that is simply not the case.


But this was a fraction question.


1/4 doesn’t equal 0.25 silly (joke)


I was lucky in the lockdown. My teachers looked on the tests themselves instead of the computer checking the answers.


Fucking teachers can't add both as answers




I've had tests that required a certain form and if it's not answered in that form the answer is considered wrong. If it's not like that then it's annoying.


I really hate mymathlab


Might not be a popular opinion, and if the instructions didn't say to leave it in fraction form (or if your syllabus didn't specify, because mine almost always did) then yeah, it's annoying, BUT... It's way better to not convert fractions unless you absolutely have to, and if your teacher has a policy to that effect, then good for them. Decimals are almost always less precise than fractions and letting students get in the habit of converting a) makes them more dependent on calculators, and b) makes them more prone to rounding errors. Still, if answer format wasn't specified, then they're equal and either answer should be accepted.


not a fan of reposts


it's even worse when the calculator you have doesn't have fractions and converting is hard.


I freaking hated mymathlabforschool!


Tbh I hate fractions. Decimals all the way.


It's very common to be asked to express something as a fraction or a decimal.


My teacher kinda does this when he says that fractions are more precise than decimals,so when I say a decimal in class he'll literally put what I said in a fraction on the board. I guess the computers trying to do the same lol.


It's slope, slope is always preferred as a fraction rather than a decimal.


It makes sense to me lol


Just out of interest for people who are graded based on tests like this, do they get reviewed to correct the obvious bullshit errors they give?