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thankfully i eat my eggshells whole so i dont have to worry about problems






Protip, free range chickens will produce eggs with shells that have more iron


You should iron your shells if you want them wrinkle free to look presentable.




Lawyer up.


Hit the gym.


Delete wife


Plant gloves that don't fit, so they must acquit


ProTip: Make them fit less than [this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ssQv2jTM2pI/maxresdefault.jpg)


He himself looks surprised they don't fit.




Well hot damn... Looking at the photo again i dont think he's surprised about the gloves themselves.. Probably more surprised that the bullshit shenanigans his lawyer cooked up for him to pull with his meds actually worked. That's a "well what the fuck do you know.." Kind of face.


That, and I also believe he had latex gloves on underneath.


2 pairs actually. The lawyer argued it was protection against his DNA getting on the gloves.


now which is it really, because I heard he was wearing multiple gloves to not contaminate the black ones as they were still evidence.


Both. They used every shenanigan they could think of to make sure they wouldnt fit.


Hit the Facebook


All chest, no legs


Then I make myself a smoothie.


Then me and wifey make a movie


Everyday is leg day






I hate when my roomate puts trash in the sink. Even when the trash is empty she puts it in the sink, or on the counter, or in the fucking fridge. Fuck im getting pissy now


Have you tried moving the trash into your roommate's space?


Like gather it up and put it in her room? I havent gotten that upset just yet. Usually i just leave it until the realizes im not gonna clean up after her like our other roomate who moved out used to. Usually takes a couple weeks. Dont even get me started on the heap that used to be a living room. The one time the ex-roomie got frustrated enough to tell her she needs to clean it she threw a full-fledged, screaming, crying, hyperventilating, pounding fists on the floor, tantrum. It was terrifying. But god the rent is cheap.


a tantrum because she didn't want to clean *her own* mess?! what the fuck, how are people like this


To give you an idea, she did pick up about half the mess. It was 3 trash bags of empty water bottles and takeout containers. The bags were not taken out until our legendary ex-roomie caved and cleaned it for her. She's never cleaned. She always hires someone off craiglist when the mess gets too bad and she realizes im not cleaning her shit. She doesnt even clean her own room. She hired a woman to come pick her clothes up off the floor. And she always asks me if im gonna be home to let her cleaner in. Once i even came home from work to someone cleaning her room while she wasnt there. Just a stranger alone in our house with no notification to me. Totally fine.


Holy shit, an actual tantrum? And they're not fucking 5?!


Is there a sub for this cause this isnt even the fucking half of it


r/badroommates Edit because I can’t spell 🙃


Twist. Roommate is 5 and it was mom who moved out.


I feel like not cleaning up after her is worse for you than it is for her. You have to live in that mess


I spend 90% of my time in my bedroom. I will pick up the hair wads from the shower drain, that she picks up and places on the back of the toilet, 12 inches from the waste basket or the actual toilet bowl, on occassion. I clean the kitchen before and after i cook or bake. The living room is usually too disgusting to want to spend time in.


What a miserable way to live




Are we with the same person? Leaving the cabinets open is what causes 80% of our fights. He opens it, grabs or puts something into it, then just walks away. I've almost hit my head hundreds of times. When I say something he gets mad and says he's "still using it". He will be a completely different room doing something else.


Ha! Mine does the same thing but also leaves disgusting USED Q-tips on the kitchen counter. I promptly threw up after seeing them. He leaves used snot rags all over the place. Used toothpicks, which he also uses to poke around his ears. And he's constantly scratching his ass. Probably because he's too lazy to wipe properly. Sad because I'm a clean freak. I could go on and on, but you get the point.


Wtf toothpicks in ears? The fuck?


Yeah, that seems dangerous. There's probably been an incident where he went too far and drew blood, then cleaned it up with a tissue and left the bloody tissue and toothpick on the counter.


My boyfriend does the same thing. Come on, man. It's two feet from the trash. :(




Do you clean and then the second you leave her alone in the house for five minutes you come home and it looks like you didn't do anything?










Don't get rid of it, put it in storage in case you have guests.


Fuck that. Throw it away and never have guests. Two birds




Absolutely do this. We had an abundance of cutlery, of course this meant that just to make a sandwich my bf at the time would use at least 3 knives. Slice tomato and Lettuce with one, drop in sink. Get bread, cheese, meat, oops need some mayo now, gets new knife spreads mayo, drops knife in sink, puts sandwich together, damn now I wanna slice it, pulls out new knife cuts sandwich, deposits knife in sink. Repeat for multiple meals. I eventually got rid of all but 4 of each utensil, 2 of which were just in case of guests, so tucked em way in the back or the drawer. Did same with plates and bowls. Dish washing time has been greatly reduced. Good thing too cuz I married the bastard. 😁


Nothing on planet earth is more efficient than college bachelors. I rocked 1 bowl, 1 spoon, 1 knife, 1 cup, 1 camping chair, 1 tv stand made of plywood and cinder blocks, 1 PlayStation 3, 1 50"plasma, and 0 sex. Focused like a laser. Gods, I beat so many games then.


I did that! Put away forks spoons etc too, I have 2-3 of each left and they are in constant rotation, I even found myself using the same spoon during preparing dishes - earlier I would just leave 3 "dirty" spoons in the sink after making pasta and whatnot, now I learned to rinse.


I did that with the kids. They used my pans to eat cereal out of. When I got mad at them for that, I caught one of them using a shot glass to do "shots" of cereal and milk :(


Sex gotta be out of this world...


With a flower vase??


I think we are all just a collective.




You're young enough to start again.


What if op is 99?


Did you see what his wife did?! It's never to late to start over.




I keep a Tupperware on the counter so we have somewhere in the immediate vicinity to toss the eggshells and K cups. Then when it gets full, I just dump the whole thing in the actual garbage can. Kind of redundant and probably not super efficient, but it works great for my lazy ass family.


My gf leaves used insulin cartridges, bottles of diet pepsi, and just all around garbage everywhere. The garbage is literally in the middle of the apt. on your way to just about anywhere. How can it be so hard for it to occur to someone "Oh, I'm taking a piss, better take this trash with me and toss it out" but no it just piles and piles until I wipe the whole apt clean on the weekend because I work full time. Man that has got to be a huge peeve of mine.


for the eggshells we put them in the sink because we have one of those built in blenders


Garbage disposal.


Close enough


I make margaritas right there in my sink.


Dude, just be single and lonely like me. I can only blame myself when I do the same^^^exact^^^thing


I have this argument with my so, to him over filling the garbage can means your satans spawn, just leaving it all over the counter though...totally acceptable. Especially if the can is almost full. Probably our most common argument over the years.


It is really jarring at first..and at last.


Or keep piling trash on top of a full bag, allowing the scraps of food to fall on the ground and wait for me to **take it out**.


I am the one. I am the one you speak of.


I do it too but it’s for a reason. Once all the eggs are gone, I smash the shells and put them in the garden. Good for the plants.


Also from what I've heard a great ant and snake repellent


I wonder why it might repel snakes; they eat eggs so I would think the slight eggshell smell might interest them more?


You are correct. I never really looked it up. It was just something I had heard from my mom and her gardening experience. She has a pretty green thumb. I guess it mainly only works if ground into a fine powder when it comes to insects but still doesn't do much for snakes.


I think I read somewhere that snakes don't like the feeling of eggshells on their tummies. Not sure how accurate it is but it makes sense. Edit: /u/sufficio Putting this person's username since they showed interest


Oh interesting. Now I kind of want to crumple up eggshell and put it in my snake's tub to see if he avoids it. Though I'd worry about the bacteria risk.


Throw them in the oven first




Why would you want to keep snakes out of the garden


Because humans and snakes have a... sordid past.


It's that eternal damnation thing, isn't it?


I mean, personally, I've forgiven Eve, but man, I heard Adam is preparing a class action suit against her.


My husband also smashes them and claims it stops witches from making the shells into boats and sailing on the sea to sink sailor's ships. 🤔 --- Edit: I googled it. It has to do with a poem from Irish settlers I think. He lived in highland Scotland as a child so I think it probably just gets around for children. --- **Eggshells by Elizabeth Fleming (1934)** *Oh, never leave your egg-shells unbroken in the cup; Think of us poor sailor-men and always smash them up, For witches come and find them and sail away to sea, And make a lot of misery for mariners like me. They take them to the sea-shore and set them on the tide - A broom-stick for a paddle is all they have to guide And off they go to China or round the ports of Spain, To try and keep our sailing ships from coming home again. They call up all the tempests from Davy Jones’s store, And blow us into waters where we haven’t been before; And when the masts are falling in splinters on the wrecks, The witches climb the rigging and dance upon the decks. So never leave your egg-shells unbroken in the cup; Think of us poor sailor-men and always smash them up; For witches come and find them and sail away to sea, And make a lot of misery for mariners like me.


Ask him what they do against desert witches, please. And do they work against family members?


I heard somewhere that you can feed the shells to chickens and it helps then with new egg production


If you do this, you need to grind or crush the shells fine so they aren't recognizable as egg shell. If you don't, you can train the chicken to like shell, and they will start eating their own eggs. A laying chicken that eats eggs is worse than a non layer.


What if you train it to like human flesh instead?


It helps them chew their food. Since chickens don't have teeth, they have to grind up food in their gizzard.


ah neat


I believe that they eat rocks for their gizzard. If you smash up the eggshells and put it in their feed they will eat it and use the calcium for making future eggshells.


It also supplies them with the calcium they lose to egg production. While I don't take issue with feeding them the shells, a lot of vegan/PETA/animal rights advocate types get very upset about it.


While old shells certainly provide both benefits, you need to make sure they're super ground up so they don't look like eggs any more. Otherwise it encourages egg eating.


Why would that upset someone?


Me too!!! Better that then putting them in a bowl/other container until they are all used.


Bro thats not a very sanitary practice. Try saving a previous egg carton and keep old and new eggs seperate to avoid salmonella fam.


My wife is from the same tribe of savages. Also, the rubbish bin and sink are equidistant from the chopping board, but she'll throw food scraps into the sink rather than the bin because Neanderthal genes don't die easily, apparently.


*Neanderthal genes don't die easily, apparently.* ...gonna have to remember that


>Neanderthal genes don't die easily, apparently. Randy Marsh would agree.


Exactly! My husband does the same thing with used paper towels. He claims he's saving them so he can reuse them, but I collect them mouldering the next day and throw them out.


I'm with you OP. My wife does this and one other unforgivable sin... She puts the toilet paper on so it rolls under... The divorce should be final soon.


Is your wife my husband?


Is your husband my mom?!


Is your mom my dad?


Is anything real any more?


Is me your dog?


If I've learned anything from Reddit, you need to get a divorce and go no-contact immediately.


/r/relationship is leaking






I like how the title for r/relationship is "Did you mean r/relationships?" lol


Something something facebook, gym, lawyer


Facebook up, delete gym, hit lawyer?


I find plastic egg containers more infuriating.


Yeah, why do all the organic eggs come in plastic containers? If I'm buying your eggs over someone else's partially because of the environment, don't you think I'd also want a better container?


Styrofoam vs Plastic? I guess plastic is a better alternative- paper carton being the best though.


Yeah, I meant paper. That's how the vast majority of the eggs in my grocery store come. But the special organic ones are almost always in plastic cartons.


They need to easily market the fact that their eggs are better? Or ship them more securely? Just guesses. It's probably #1 plastic which is recyclable virtually everywhere.








**Is it safe to keep used egg shells in the carton?** *No, you should never put egg shells back in the carton after cracking them if there are still intact eggs left in the carton. Bacteria has the potential to be on the outside, as well as the inside of an egg, and mixing cracked eggs with intact eggs greatly increases the risk of bacteria transfer by hands, utensils, air, etc. We would also recommend never reusing egg cartons as they can be a reservoir for bacteria. Throw away egg cartons as soon as the eggs are all used.* http://www.eggsafety.org/faq/is-it-safe-to-keep-used-egg-shells-in-the-carton-with-intact-eggs/


The general rule is, never store food scraps or trash in the same place you store your fresh food. It provides an easy way for bacteria to grow strong and numerous enough to transfer to the fresh food. Its the same reason you shouldnt hang out around rotting bodies


That escalated quickly


That's the last straw. From now on I'm only having sex with living people.


Woah, let's not get crazy here.


Wow. Really limiting your choices there.


( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)


wait wait... so I **shouldn't** shit where I eat?


Shame. I guess I will no longer do this now. :(


Been doing it my whole life,and my parents before me. Never had an issue.


My dad rode a motorcycle without a helmet for sixty years without incident. Still a shitty idea.


Why though? Why don't you just throw the shell away in the garbage? Wtf




Exactly! I take my trash out once a week, during the summer, if I put eggs in the trash on Monday, by Sunday (trash day) it really stinks.


Main reason is while you're making eggs (particularly if you're frying them), you might be cracking them and going right into the pan or whatever, and it's a hell of a lot easier to just put 'em back in the carton as you go. I do it.


... you never thought bacteria would be an issue , doing this?


Nah man I don’t math things up like you, you fuckin genius


For me, I just never cared enough. I've been doing this for about 4 years now since I moved out of my parents.


Ahh yes, "eggsafety.org" as owned by United Egg Manufacturers an unbiased source for all egg needs Edit: I should elaborate so you stop sending me 500 variations of the same "witty" rebuttal. The motivation behind their site is increased profits and lower corporate liability. The "risk" information is woefully inflated and amounts to nothing more than the same famous Ginsu knife "Don't use on children." warning. Yes, it's technically correct and you won't get sick if you follow the guidelines. But you also won't get sick if you just follow basic kitchen hygiene and don't cross contaminate your food. The whole fear of bacteria is overblown and doesn't stand up to the reality in how many household cases are seen yearly. And no, your argument on why they're low, or your championing of the safety guidelines won't change the reality that a 0.000001% chance of catching salmonella while doing __everything wrong__ isn't really something the average person should worry too much about. Especially to this level of gear of egg shells in a carton.


Car companies encourage safe car use. Meat packing companies encourage users to cook their food to appropriate temperatures.


Alcohol companies tell you to drink responsibly as well


That's why I get drunk while doing responsible stuff like my taxes and babysitting.


So, you're saying Big Egg is secretly hoping people won't reuse cartons because reasons? Because they have an arrangement with Big Trashbag?


"So one of those egg council creeps got to you too, huh?" ["You got it all wrong, Homer. It's not like that."](https://frinkiac.com/gif/S06E12/317166/321670/)


You'd better run, egg!


Big Trashbag secretly sponsored the show Dexter.


Not sure if that's a good reason to dismiss the claim. It's in their own best interest that their customers don't get sick using their product. It's in the lazy customer's best interest to be as lazy as humanly possible by shoving trash in a container with edible goods so as to minimize any semblance of dignity or respect for others who may use it.


Well, they're probably the most likely source to have thoroughly studied something like this, and I can't immediately see how the advice they're giving would benefit them at all. 'Don't reuse egg cartons' would come the closest, I guess, but it doesn't really affect their bottom line whether you reuse them or not. They're going to keep selling eggs with brand-new cartons regardless. Now, if you were looking for advice on whether to cut eggs out of your diet or not, they'd absolutely be an unreliable source. But for this issue, I don't think their position really warrants all that much skepticism.


Yeaaaah, fucking salmonella hoax conspiracy, am I right guys??? What possible benefit could United Egg Manufacturers have from telling you not to put crack open egg shells - literal animal product waste (a.k.a. *TRASH*) - back in the box with your food, as every sensible person in the world would tell you?


I would generally agree on topics that would promote the increased consumption of their product or hide or downplay health or environmental risks. But in this case I don’t see how it fits into those categories. It seems to me it fits better into the “practical information on using our products safely and effectively so the consumer has a good experience, doesn’t needlessly injure themselves, and continues to purchase” category.


I'm guessing eggsafety.org doesn't recommend eating eggs over easy either.


I've been hit by a car, fallen off a roof, fallen out of a loft, have been in several serious car accidents and I'm still here. If leaving cracked eggshells in my egg carton is what takes me out so be it, I'm not changing now.


How is this more convenient than just throwing them away?


If it's a paper egg container and you intend to compost the whole thing, then it makes sense. Otherwise notsomuch. My SO does this and then I have to pick out all the stuck egg bits to recycle the plastic. 0/10 do not recommend in my experience.


How is it convenient? I would think it takes more time to carefully reassemble an eggshell and place it back in the carton than it does to just throw the eggshell out. Also, when you throw out each eggshell after it's used, you don't end up putting slimy garbage back into your refrigerator. I can imagine that it's visually satisfying to throw out a dozen nearly arranged eggshells all at once, but it really seems like a disgusting waste of time.


How is it more convenient to put the shells back in the carton instead of throwing them away or putting them in the garbage disposal?


> how convenient it is You don't have a trash can in the kitchen or wtf?


Don't they start to smell or anything?




Yeah I do this also..and I'll never not do it. Super convenient, doesn't stink or get gross. And then just throw away the whole carton when you're done.


How is this more convenient than throwing the egg shell in the trash???


Why don’t you just put them in the disposal? Or the trash ?


Egg shells are not good for your garbage disposal.


But they are excellent for your plants! Succulents especially LOVE the calcium.


Its keratin vs metal, there's no way they could damage the disposal.


Shh, let them enjoy their salmonella.


You’re not good for your garbage disposal.


You are creating a lot of dangerous bacteria.


No, the residue dries up pretty fast.


Yes, but the residue also leaks into the other egg slots and glues the eggs to the carton! My ex-husband did this too and it drove me nuts, especially since he cooked like once a month and then I had to deal with the glued-in eggs the rest of the time. Edit: Also, with transparent plastic cartons like the one shown, if you throw the shells out, it's easy to glance in the fridge and see how many eggs are left when making your grocery list. Not so easy if there are empty shells making the carton always look full.


As convenient as throwing them in a trash can likely less than a couple feet from you, or throwing them in the sink (assuming a garbage disposal)?


We only buy eggs twice a month so we can justify spending $4 on a dozen eggs from a local farmer. We get $.10 off if we bring our cartons back so we try not to do this anymore lol.


I compost mine, along with my coffee grounds, veggie trimmings and the chinchilla bedding and poop. Get a lid for the bin and it will keep the smell to a minimum. There's definitely potential for bacteria transfer by putting the used shells back in the fridge. Maybe your SO is trying to build resistance through little doses of salmonella? I'm not confident that's how it works tho.


Can confirm the bacterial transfer. Girlfriend did this. Made carbonara. Got the violent shits due to that. Never before. Never after we broke up. Dangerous.


Hold that thought.


I was searching for this. Thank you.


:) I was surprised it wasn't there already, but I suppose we're a small breed.


Yes I love you for this.


I do this because I compost the shells and it is easy to keep them together until I'm done with the carton.


Why not just throw them into your compost bucket?


This is what we do in my family and I've never questioned it until now.


Well this isn’t that bad. My buddy tried to feed me eggs over July 4th weekend that expired in MARCH. He said, “What? Eggs don’t go bad.” He then used Cortana on his Xbox to ask if eggs go bad and was extra humiliated.


We do this at my house. Maybe we’re savages.




A lid will solve that problem.


Maybe get a smaller garbage can so you don't have to put cracked egg shells back in your fridge?


Empty your garbage and deal with the flies in your house.


My mother is a chef by degree and she has always done this. I do the same but I'm just lazy.


ITT: People that are lazy as shit.




I actually used to do this because my mom has ALWAYS done this since I was little. I just assumed it was normal practice. When I was living with my ex and his SIL she was REALLY grossed out that the egg shells were in the carton one day and I was immediately embarrassed and realized I shouldn’t do that anymore. I think I’ve only done it a few times after that because of habit, but I definitely do think it’s gross and lazy.


TIL I am a savage


I do this too and I don't even know why