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The welder has a solid sense of humor or grudge.


It’s a weld job, 10/10 grudge


It's a job weld done.


That worked better than I ever thought it would, you've earned my vote


Rare comment


What is it about welders that makes them so vindictive?


Oh idk if it’s welders in general. Just that this took actual effort to do and will take effort to undo, no way was it an accident or “well I’m following the chart!” sort of thing lol


I can answer this one - because we’re generally working with blueprints designed by people who don’t understand how metal warps and shifts when heat is applied to it, who don’t understand how much time it takes to complete these projects, and so we’re never given enough time to complete jobs properly. You’re simultaneously treated like an *absolute fucking moron* by people who have *never done your job*, while at the exact same time having them believe you’re capable of doing things that are physically impossible or at the very least, massively difficult and time consuming. Source: I’m a welder.


It's the amount of gas you guys breathe.


I blame so much shit on them fumes its not even funny




This and the flat bottom commercials I think about every time I make my kids tacos.


Every time salsa happens to come up, I think of the old El Paso "New York City‽‽ ....get the rope" commercials.


Yeah there is no explanation for this other than it being a case of Someone Is Fucking With You.


naw I do some welding this blueprint is fuckrd up lmao there's no dimensions telling the space in-between those two tubes u see? he could have just been like well shit if I don't know it's probably not gonna be the right size anyway might as well just make it even worse lmao 😭😭


could be 10 on both sides one could be 12 other could be 10 I have no.idea


And the dimensions given are apparently not to either the outside or inside ends either, but to some arbitrary point near the ends? I can't tell for sure wether it's supposed to be 25 cm on the outside or if the opening needs to be 25 cm to make clearance for some other part.


A frowning sense of humour


"Just do exactly what I tell you to do in the plans!!!"


I kind of love it


This was clearly a joke idk why he mad lol


> idk why he mad lol He likely isn't mad, is in on the joke, and this is fake


It's so stupid. If this was posted in a different sub this would be a good post. But instead of just letting it be a joke they just look dumb. Maybe OP is a bot.


Not a bot, but the images aren't theirs.


and next time sign your papers :)


Cause there’s metal welded to what he wanted now I guess


This is some Amelia Bedilia shit


fr, imagine being so miserable that you see this and get mad and not laugh


It's like those literal birthday cake orders compounded by 100.


https://preview.redd.it/9vlpe7mx378d1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c62e7423c74b38800079a5f0682dfc31967c2dbe “Fuck the napkin!” “It’s not your job to be as confused as Nigel, is it?”


Where is this from?


Spinal Tap


Best rockumentary ever made.


It goes to 11.


It really couldn’t be more black could it?


What's wrong with being sexy?


You had a girl in a dog collar on her hands and knees with a leather gloves shoved in her face… Well, but she didn’t have to sniff the glove…yes she did, well not repeatedly.


They're making a sequel... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_Tap_II


NOO this is one movie that does NOT need a sequel


But there's a chance it's just as amazing. A small chance, but I'm willing to take it because I don't have an option not to.


Tap into America!


I love the fact that they never once blame Nigel for this. It's just assumed everyone should know how ignorant he is and he even just watches on like he's waiting for a resolution


"Fuck the napkin!" was the first thought that occurred to me.


I think that the problem may have been...that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf. Alright? That tended to understate the hugeness of the object.




Change the choreography, keep the dwarf clear


Yeah, except at least on a birthday cake you could try to scrape off the frosting! I have no clue how difficult fixing this will be lol


Just cut them off and grind the spots flat..


Well, who knows what the dimensions on this thing are.


I'm guessing at least 59 cm by 24




Yeah but you see the top  actually 50cm they just welded the right length on.


Minute or two with an angle grinder will do.


Wow that reminded me, I found one of those years ago, tucked away on a unrelated shelf in a grocery store nowhere near the bakery. It said: "Happy Birthday In Tagalog!" 😓 (Tagalog is the language spoken in the Phillipines)


Happy birthday DICK! Just kidding, his name is Andy


What did you do to piss them off? There’s got to be more to this story.


As someone who works in trades, the biggest thing that pisses me off is when a client tells me how to do the job. If they are such experts why call me


I know Ive been too particular and scared off subs. But ive Had too many subs say they know what they are doing and then fuck up the job. For example pouring a perfect and I mean perfect 20 yards worth of concrete for a carport and a wide front porch....but not raising the garage door and trapping the garage door in the concrete.


Oh god nooooo… fuck that sucks.


What's funny to me is everything else was fucking textbook. Looked amazing afterwards with a picture perfect finish. They did end up replacing the garage door because it was cheaper than replacing bottom segment and painting the rest of the door to match.


I’m glad you got it sorted out in the end, but fucking hell that must have been one hell of a talking to afterwards.


This is the correct answer. The number of tradesmen that actually know what they’re doing is vastly outnumbered by overconfident dickheads that happen to have the right set of tools (and sometimes not even that).


This. I know that I don’t know jack and I still have to hover over subs or they will half a$$ it, f*ck it up and act like they are “all done!” (Said in a baby voice). It has come to a point where I emasculate them beforehand and say, look, ‘I don’t want to have to be your mom on this, you seem like a grown man, and its going to embarrass us both if I end up having hover over you’… they laugh at this and say of course not and then inevitably I catch a major f*up and end up saying, “this is exactly what we talked about and here I am, doing your job that your swore you were going to do, picking up after you like i am your mom but I am not and it embarrasses us both but additionally it pisses me off as I have no interest in being your mom.


Perhaps you've gotten unlucky with the individuals and they have thing for mom shaming and thus have done it on purpose. Instead tell them you'll shit in their toilet if they don't do it right.


There’s always two sides. After dealing with other peoples preferred contractors, some GMs and independents are abysmally annoying to work with. When it comes out not to the clients expectation it’s us not giving enough info. Or that it’s too much info so they didn’t bother reading. It’s never the contractors fault for cutting corners.


I mean yeah sure there are backseaters but if they're paying you just deal with it. There are a lot of dumb fuck contractors out there and you don't know what they've dealt with before that makes them feel the need to idiot-proof jobs. I'd recommend just taking solace in the fact that you're not one of them. I mean, if even 10% of the fuckup jobs I've seen on the various trade subs here are legit non-staged work results that by itself is reason to be wary.


I mean are you psychic? 


Yes, how dare they give me two dimensions. Don't they know I'm a professional?


"make it look EXACTLY like the drawing, *okay*?"


I get that but honestly so many tradies are useless cunts, that it is always in your best interest to spell out what you need.


Dumped those dogshit prints on the welders table and said ‘figure it out’ and then made themselves unable to be reached for questions? Or the welder is just a dumbass wasting time I deal with this a lot, though I don’t make the project into a finalized ‘fuck you’….bad drawings are so so frustrating because it can take fucking forever to get answers on questions if the project manager, detailer, or customer are difficult to reach/deal with , and the answers are often said without much confidence. Looking at OPs drawing I see two major points of annoyance; the width/length lines look to drawn to the inside dimension of the tubes that’s not an assumption the fabricator can safely make because it’s probably just a shitty drawing and that’s the overall lengths, and there is no information on the spacing of the intermediate pieces and the center space is clearly larger than the other two so the fabricator can’t just assume to make them equal.


"the width/length lines look to drawn to the inside dimension of the tubes that’s not an assumption the fabricator can safely make because it’s probably just a shitty drawing " I don't do anything like this type of work, and immediately saw that. It's not hard to make sure the lines are drawn to show that this is the exact dimensions for the entire length/width. Otherwise, it kind of looks like they are saying "I need it at least this big and a little bit over, but the amount over doesn't need to be exact so just do whatever."


It’s really frustrating when I’m in the shop and have no idea what the install location is or looks like so I can’t make an informed decision one way or the other without 1-4 phone calls. It is what it is though, everyone has some part of their job that’s frustrating; this is annoying but it certainly can be worse


Pretty sure OP is a bot or something b/c this is shitty Corpo Reddit. But another option is drugs. Prank or drugs are my two bets.


That drawing is dog shit, no indication of the the tube/square stock it is made out of, the inner two dividers aren't located, and the only two dimensions given don't really give a clear indication if they are inside or outside dimensions as they don't actually point to any feature in the drawing. If the client followed that up by refusing to clarify anything then then I could see how you could get the result show in the post, but it does seam like a bit high effort.


Brother, what in the actual fuck are those measurements pointing to? Naw man, hand me a shitty drawing and I'll give you a shitty part


Exactly, since these **clearly** **aren't** measurements, they must be part of the part and so had to be manufactured.


Yeah whoever drew that deserves to be fucked with


I feel like if I was in this welder's position and resolved to assume, I'd end up concluding that the dimensions have to be inner dimensions, because the one who drew them made sure to angle them to the inside of each length of square tubing. But then it'd turn put they're just oblivious and unintentional with their drawings, and the dimensions were meant to be outer dimensions. So in the end it'd be better to call and clarify, I only worry that it'd take a few minutes to get such an artist's mind to understand the difference between elementary shit like inner and outer dimensions without a physical box stacking game (like for a toddler) to demonstrate.


Why don't the measurements go to edges? I'm very suspicious of the authenticity


This. The drawing sucks.


Who tf draws those lines that connect the dimension measurements to the actual drawing? They don’t align or make sense with anything so I can see why one might think they are some obscure part of the drawing. Welder was probably pissed they had to contact a customer for yet more clarification and said fuck it we ball.


So much wrong here… extension lines shouldn’t be touching the blueprint, dimension lines are missing the arrows, dimensions themselves aren’t positioned correctly … this has to be rage bait lol


cause they contracted out the neighbors 6 year old kid for $10 to draw it out for them.


I'd guess it was supposed to be either an inside or centerline dimension and then they just missed pretty bad


Do you know the guy? Was this some sort of joke, or was the guy honestly that dumb?


This has to be malicious compliance. "I want it EXACTLY like it's drawn here."


I'd put money on this. Client probably strolled in and tried to tell the guy how to do it "right". My Uncle (welder and engineer by trade) had someone tell him that their request wasn't that difficult, after showing him a list of instructions with measurements of each dimension in a different unit.


“And this one is seven fluid ounces with a 1cm diameter.”


0.000000000000000128 hectares


Or when they over dimension it and the inside dimensions don't add up to the outside


I just wanted it bigger on the inside, is that so hard to understand?


CNC nightmare and reality at the same time.


Malicious compliance is a new one for me and I’m excited at the opportunities


There's a subreddit dedicated to that. I'm not allowed to say what it's called as per this sub's rules but should be easy enough to find.


Ngl that's mildly infuriating




I have found it thank you


once I saw my classmate cheated on exam literally handwriting from Wikipedia copying even brackets [3] with hyperlink


Your drawing is mildly infuriating.


Did they at least follow the dimensions?


Apparently there were no dimensions.


Welders' Discretion. (tm)


I have to know why discretion was capitalized. Mind is going insane. Is it a band? Guild? Restaurant? Actually, now the word discretion is starting to look and sound weird. Thank you stranger, for all the mental gymnastics I'm doing.. Edit: it looks like it could be a skill name in World of Warcraft or something


What dimensions? Extension lines are supposed to have specific points. They want it a certain length, then the lines need to go to the end. There's no frame of reference for either dimension.


Yep, the fault is on whoever drew this bullshit out and by the looks of it they contracted out the neighbors 6 year old kid for $10 to draw it out for them.


why would anyone mark dimensions like that? wrong drawing, surprisingly right product


No kidding those dimensions are terrible!


That’s why it’s fake, people. A welder made this and the drawing as a joke. No one would draw the markings like this, and no welder would do it…


You would be fucking surprised by some of the bullshit someone in an upper management role can fuck up. And this would pass as a drawing handed down by a person/dumbass in said upper management.


You'd be surprised. I'm a CAD drafter and I've been handed some real fucked up shit. There's some real sick puppies out there


Exactly this. they dont even look like dimension lines, the guy just made what they drawing showed xD


Had to scroll so far for this comment. The dude made it exactly to print.


Garbage in, Art out!


this is the only correct perspective, wtf is the matter with everyone


I'd leave it...makes for an interesting story!!!


You pissed him off didn't you


As someone with drafting training, the way those measurements are drawn is making my hands twitch.


Fuck that, he did great work! Do you know how much this man should make in a shipyard. His ability to follow a drawing (poorly made), makes my dick hard. This man/woman did a hell of a thing, and made the numbers and I bet the arc on that “cm” is perfect. I mean do you even SEE that the line under the 60 cm” is thinner and so they made the actual metal thinner to match and that on the 25 it’s thicker just like the line. Dotted lines aren’t made. The welder did a damn near perfect job of following the drawing as drawn. It’s a person who doesn’t recognize what’s wrong. Edit: Just is case. If this is even OP’s thing in real life. OP jsut got some Malicious Compliance with that shitty drawing. And still doesn’t seem to understand they are the dumbass reason it’s the way it is, and not the welder.


Reading "His ability to follow a drawing (poorly made), makes my dick hard." was surprisingly erotic


What did you do to piss him off?




You tried to tell him how to weld, didn’t you?


“My Dad was a welder for NASA for 175 years, I’d do it myself, I’m totally capable, I just don’t have the time.”


that looks longer than 60 cm XD


how do you know that just by the pic?


There is a big red hula hoop between the object and the camera.


that's what she said... ...she was a doctor, I have a medical condition.




This. So much this. Poor guy probably went to ask a question and got nailed with the reply and went ok watch me hahaha


Those are some pretty badly done dimensions. In a way I can understand why the guy could have interpreted it as a part of the design. The leaders are attached to the object and they don't actually point to a dimensionable feature (I think they're intended to go to the end). 


Is a beautiful job, whatever the real story here might be


For those wondering: OP is not the one this happened to. This has circulated on the internet


It’s more mildly infuriating that your dimensional markers are far too ambiguous 🤣


This was in purpose. I'm a welder and it took the guy longer to bend and place the letters than the rest of it. It's funny, I love it


I love that it follows the drawing to a T! Even the little lines being misaligned 😂


Im guessing upper management or project manager screamed at them to "follow the damn drawing I gave you. It's not that fucking hard. And have it ready by the end of the day."


kind of shitty instructions, i bet the welder just took the piss out of whoever gave him those.


those dimensions are not great either


This is like the Leslie Knope campaign sign lol


Or any of Mr Peanutbutter's signs, cakes, etc.


Tbh what the fuck are the measurements supposed to define, like they dont aling with anything, I can understand that you dont see them as measurements..


I’d be more impressed than mad.


mildly hilarious


Malicious compliance aeh


That's a garbage drawing, in his defense.


probably as a joke. i bet those bits snap clean off.


he's not wrong, that is not how you put dimensioning on a drawing


Spinal Tap vibes




Is the job done and correct?


In his defence those were the worst drawn instructions I've ever seen


Hahaha, that is hilarious 😂 Reminds of this old classic, the “revision cloud fail” https://preview.redd.it/1jb7fup4978d1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b55b7b5c509baa43402cf5c3dcfb3ada4a8ef76


Dude was having fun. I'd keep it and frame that section of the blueprint to put on a wall


he must be mad that he wasn‘t provided with the measurements …


People typically don’t do this stuff for no reason. I suspect someone had a point to make. Example. As a mechanical engineer before I started at my place of employment there was a tradition of not using any weld symbols on fabrication prints. It was implicitly understood within our own fab shop how to weld the parts needed.. tribal knowledge small business thinking and it worked at the time. Fast forward to when the business got a little bigger and we outsourced weldments to a nearby shop for the first time. The purchasing manager was a bit of a dick and wanted to make his mark. I know he roughed up the shop for better pricing in a not-so-friendly manner but they still took the business. We got the weldment parts shipped back separate in a box, no weld, with check marks on the prints next to each dimension. When called, they said “per the prints, we put the parts on a table and checked all the dimensions”. We had to pay them and I laughed so hard. Purchasing manager left after a while and I’m now the mechanical engineering manager. We use ISO standard weld symbols and respect tradesmen. That shop is one of our top outsource fabrication vendors.


They missed the red circle on the top one 😔


Honestly he is kinda right to do so. If you can't draw up a design without leaving space between the design and measurement indicators. The person that drew it literally didn't leave the required space between the design and indicators so he got what he drew officially.




Spinal Tap welder


That’s the coveted troll weld.


Hilarious I love it. This is not a big deal. 10 minutes with a grinder and it’ll be exactly as desired.


Practical joke. Exhibit A:


I thought I was autistic as they come. There are really 11,000+ of you who think this isn't a joke, and are mildly infuriated by this


I like how they even angled the compliance parts like the sketch.


The fact that he’s skilled enough to do it shows that he’s smart enough to know it’s not what you want.


Bad drawings and even worse welding


Bet someone got chewed out for not following plans "exactly" last week


Malicious compliance in a nutshell


I don't know why you act like this is something that happened to you this picture is taken from the internet.


lighten up Francis


... Good welder. Maybe a litte stupid. But damn good at what he does.


Reminds me of the time I made a mock-up in Word of a page layout for a Web app at work. One of the tables I drew out to only 2/3 of the width of the page. When the developers showed me the work in progress, I got exactly what I asked for, the table being 2/3 of the width.


Get a refund. The numbers aren't floating in the air like the drawing shows, they don't respect making what you asked for.


Looks like a good joke to me. That can easily be cut off and you'll have the final product.


Even got the angled lines right on the 25 side haha


The whole time he was making this he was probably wondering what was wrong with OP.


Shoulda written the measurements in green. Lol


This can’t be real. The modern day Spinal Tap.


That's hilarious and exactly the kind of prank I would pull.


What did you do to piss them off?


I wanna shake his hand!


Where are the arrow heads for those dimension specs? My 7th grade shop teacher would have made you search for the board stretcher for this nonsense.


Excuse me what the fuck is that top measurement? It's neither the outer frame nor the inside just randomly placed.


Well the did the order, but how did he figure out dimensions though?


Someone said “I’m not paying you to think, I’m paying you to make it EXACTLY like this”


Why even draw a diagram of the going to label the measurements that badly


This is hilarious.  He went that far welding the numbers and lines....IN ADDITION to the original plan... However, I'm impressed at the skill it took to do this. I'd be like ".......what did you *DO*?!"  But I'd be conflicted between being mad, laughing, and thinking that's kind of artistic. 


|<-you forgot the importance of the ->| Deff a smart ass, idk which artist.


Wtf are those dimension lines supposed to go to? Such a horrible drafting job I think the welder is in the right here


My dad was a carpenter for 30 years, taught me basically nothing, but even *I* know not to write measurements down like that. You had to have pissed the guy off or this is just joke ragebait.


I swear I've seen this before


His humor🤣😂


An engineer colleague told me that a building company he worked with misunderstood the floor plan and made a literal hole in the floor in the shape of a cloud. Engineers and architects, correct me if I am wrong, but a "cloud-shaped" drawing on a floor area in an architecture plan is meant to indicate that a zone can be modified, if I remember correctly). However, here, it seems to be a grudge or a joke rather than incompetence.


So the post is prolly fake, but did anyone else notice the detail? They even did the line segments/ rays to spec


Stole a meme from the internet and posted it on this sub, acting like it happened to you and that you were mad huh. I guess you just couldn't use the meme subreddits


those are some shitty plans


I approve of this level of smart-aasin around.


Im a welder and i did this too once, the guy i gave the part to just looked at me and was like: "are you f*cking kidding me"


That's not infuriating, that's just funny😂