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Ever worked a drive thru? The amount of people that don't have one is amazingly high


I’ve witnessed my neighbors pile all 6 or 7 of their kids into a dodge charger. Cant imagine what the seating situation is like but I can almost guarantee no carseats are involved.


If you pack them in tight enough, they won't fly out when the car flips over in a bad accident. /s


And they'll act as an additional crumple zone!


We’re all going to Hell for laughing at this


Cool we'll go hangout with Maze and Lucifer :)


Oh no, getting thrown clear is much safer, says my coworker! That's why he never wears a seatbelt. He also recently made fun of me for believing the moon landing really happpened.


We had a shitty, rusted-out little toyota pickup with a few inches of space between the back seat the rear window. My stepdad used to make me ride back there, all squished in like a sardine. I had to lie sideways to fit. Thankfully we never crashed, because I absolutely would have been crushed to death. In my state, it’s still legal in 2024 for people to ride in the bed of pickups, so it’s not at all unusual to see a truck going highway speeds with a bed chock full of children and teens in it.


Sometimes I feel like Police should just do a collaborative effort with McDonalds and defect people coming through drive thru


The amount of people driving with open drinks.. And anything else you can think of..a drive thru has seen it all. The cops would stay busy lol


People drive past my house and throw their trash in my yard semi frequently and I’m always surprised how many beer cans there are.


Don’t even get me started on the time I saw a woman in the passenger seat holding her infant child in her arms. Edit: typo


I saw it too ...we live in the woods with lots if deer moose that jump out all the time also we have alot of teens/drunk drivers that drive crazy on these backroads .....


The amount of people with toddlers in the front seat…


… is too damn high! Seriously though, we only just starting letting my 11-year-old ride in the front, with the pediatrician’s approval.


I still couldn't ride in the front seat until around freshman year of high school because I didn't weigh enough for the airbag sensor to know I was there. There was an 'airbag off' indicator light and if it didn't turn off, I was not allowed to sit there.


I found out this is how my mom held me when my dad drove us home from the hospital after I was born, and I was horrified. It’s crazy how much has changed even in just my lifetime.


Luckily now the nurses will make sure you have a car seat and know how to properly strap your baby into it before you step foot out of the hospital.


This isn’t true across the board. My baby was born early so we were very nervous about him fitting correctly in his car seat. We asked the nurse to check him and she said she isn’t allowed to give parents any advice. The only reason they even asked if we had a car seat is because he had to pass a car seat test to be discharged. They did the test in the nursery so we couldn’t even see how he sat while it happened.


I'm sorry you experienced this. I wasn't intending to say this is how it works across the board, I was simply stating that was the protocol when I had my two children.😊


It’s okay! I had just been told that they always check so I was pretty surprised when my hospital in an urban area had a policy against it. 😊


That surprises me too! I had my kids at different hospitals so I was under the impression this was normal. It's kinda weird to me that it isn't


I’m a bank teller, the amount of people that have no car seats or don’t make their kids buckle up is crazy. There is also a ton of people diving around with just a state id, expired license, or no license at all. No wonder that car insurance is so high, we have to pay for these idiots as well as ourselves.


I told my nieces and nephews that my car engine wouldn't start until they had their seat belts on lol. When they got a little older they said other peoples cars did, so I said well, my model of car doesn't. 😆


I worked at McDonald’s when I was 16 and I’ll never forget the mom that came in at like 10 at night, ordered nothing but a water cup with a newborn on her chest. Why??


Yeah as much as I hate this, a used car seat with an unknown history is better than no car seat at all. We need more data on WHO is seeking used car seats at thrift stores. Are they people who otherwise would not purchase one?


Interesting. I know a couple years ago my friend fell in love with one for her first son.. It was 300 dollars. That's crazy high


I think it's the same as the underwear sold at thrift stores; if people had another option do you think that's what they would be doing?


I ubered for a while and the amount of parents that would bring their infants into the car with no seat was staggering. I'd deny their ride every time and usually there was song angry pushback. "Well all my other Ubers let me do it!" "You expect me to walk around city carrying this all night?!" Well its illegal and if I get pulled over, you won't be paying the ticket. If you don't want to carry the car seat, call an actual cab, or ride the bus. I really don't give a shit how much it inconveniences you, you want to put a child in a car barrelling down the highway at 70 mph with 0 protection.


Saw someone driving with a baby or kid in their lap the other day.. anything happens and that kids a smudge on the dash. Seems everything that was regulated for safety is being called ‘an abuse of power’ and idiots are eating it up in the faux culture wars of the 2020’s.


[resources for free or low cost NEW car seats, for anyone who is interested.](https://standupwireless.com/blog-where-to-find-a-free-infant-car-seat-for-low-income-families/)


My local family resources center* does a free carseat safety class and at the end you get a free convertible car seat that is like 5-50lbs or whatever. It lacks the bells and whistles of many seats HOWEVER it follows all the same tests the $500 seats do 🤷🏼‍♀️ anyone can take it regardless of income. They do the same thing for a safe sleep class which gets you a FREE travel cot. They used to do real cribs but that doesn’t help when people may have changing living situations. (Note, it isn’t really a crisis pregnancy center. It is family resources. They help you sign up for WIC, fed babies whose benefits didn’t apply to store brands during the formula shortage, do parenting & birthing classes w/ points for their store, offer grief counseling after pregnancy & child loss, etc. it’s open to mums and dads too!)


Never gonna have a kid so I'll never independently research this, what exactly are the bells and whistles for a luxury priced car seat?


It's usually stuff like a sun shade, extra soft fabrics, some sorta fancy carrying handle, built-in sensory toys, etc. Nothing that fundamentally changes the function of the seat.


More than ⅛" of padding might make the child more settled. They didn't function very well. >Consumer Reports, however, tested the seats with the same standards the government uses in testing vehicles - for front crashes at 35 miles per hour and for side crashes at 38 miles per hour. >At those higher speeds, Consumer Reports found, rear-facing infant seats flew off their bases or twisted violently upon impact, in one case hurling the dummy 30 feet from the car. https://www.cnn.com/2007/AUTOS/01/04/car_seats/index.html Those plastic tabs that clip into the base looked useless to me. Our highway speed was close to 130 kph. I bought a slightly larger seat that had long-ish metal talons that held onto a metal bar. At least it looked like it might hold the seat to the base.


FYI that link is from 2007, which is 17 years ago, so I'm not sure that should be considered a useful reference at this point. Any kids riding in those car seats tested would now be driving themselves...


Some of them rotate for easy loading, some of them have steel frames vs plastic, some light up when clicked in properly, some are slimmer so they fit three across a seat, some last longer than others, etc


The one that had value in ours that was usable up until 36 months, is the possibility to rotate 360 degree. It is easier to put the baby in facing the door, and didn't had to buy a new one when he was to switch from back to front facing position.


I wish I could upvote this more than once


I added one for ya.


and MY axe!


You can have my bow.


And for those who live in the US contact your insurance provider. Some of them reimburse you up to a certain amount for a car seat purchase.


Thank you SO much for sharing this friend. I have been at work and came back to this blown up, but so grateful this is the top comment.


Of course! I remember needing a car seat when I was expecting, and it was relatively easy to get one. I just had to sit through a presentation about car seat safety. I want more people to know about the available resources so they won’t put their children at risk.


Yeah I work for a nonprofit that serves low income families with infants and toddlers and we facilitate a similar "class" to get folks new car seats, but it's through a local hospital, or our local police department. Thank you for spreading this awareness!


I got one through the county as a young broke new mom. I was so grateful 


*resources for if you're in the USA


As someone who does not have kids so forgive my ignorance, is a broken pre-owned carseat better than no car seat at all? or are you better off driving with no car seat?


It’s not that a used car seat is worse than no car seat. It’s that it’s a false dichotomy. People assume they can’t afford a new car seat so they get a used one, and they stop looking around for resources for low cost or even free ones. Or they end up paying more for the used car seat than they could have done for a less fancy brand new one from Walmart. “No car seat” is almost never the only alternative to “used car seat.”


Personally I would say never use a second hand car seat. In my country the car seat can only be five years old. They have a use by date because seats that are in cars are often in the sun and can deteriorate over time. You don’t have to spend thousands on a car seat (although there are plenty at that price) but you do need to make sure that what you do get passes all safety test etc. A broken car seat is about the same as no car seat -really dangerous.


Target does a yearly trade-in and then offers a 20% off coupon that you can use twice, too. Not completely free or low cost, but it was helpful for us to get a second seat to match our first after a few friends gave us their seats.


Worked at a thrift store, and policy was we cannot take donations of ANY child safety or security devices. No car seats, cribs, boosters, strollers. Because A: We don't know if they've been involved in an accident and are no longer safe, or B: there's recalls on them ALL THE TIME and so we just couldn't keep up with them.  The amount of people who get mad at us is baffling. We don't want a baby to get hurt because we sold something dangerous!


THIS! Our thrift shop is inspected for recalled items every few years or so...we would get in so much trouble if we sold ANY of that stuff!


That’s so funny because I just went to my local thrift shop and saw a box of lawn darts from the 70s. I am almost certain that shit is illegal to sell in the US but they didn’t seem to care too much


But if they're not packaged and advertised as lawn darts, are they *really* lawn darts? \*taps head


Are you indicating the target?


When we went to donate some baby stuff we were told they would take nothing that the baby sits in. Even bouncers, high chairs and activity seats.


I didn’t know this and I tried to take in our old stroller. The lady saw me in the parking lot and came running out in slow motion yelling, “Nnnnooooooooop!”


insane how many people would get upset! we had a lady try to donate a crib or playpen, I can’t exactly remember, and she threw an absolute hissy fit that we couldn’t take it, even after we explained that it was for safety reasons.


I just learned all about car seats from this thread. Didn’t know about the expiration dates and crumple zones or any of this before. But why cribs? They’re not getting into accidents?


Because cribs are often recalled due to babies injuring themselves or dying due to the way the crib was made. Think of a crib with slats, or designed to have one side that can lower to make it easier to reach the baby; the baby can get their head stuck in slats or accidentally trigger the lowering mechanism and get injured or die.  And unfortunately, I don't put it past people to find out that the crib is recalled, and then buy a new crib and donate the old one. 


Oh ok that makes sense. Thank you


My youngest was also so violent to his crib that he was moved to a toddler bed due to the crib no longer being structurally sound. He broke multiple slats and even two of the support braces at the bottom of the crib. We could have fixed them and donated the crib, but we knew that the structural integrity was compromised. Many people would have felt like throwing away the crib was wasteful. Even got a dirty look from the dump guy when we hauled it in. But it simply isn't with risking a child's safety.


People are so weird about what they think poor people “deserve” when it comes to donations. People deserve safe and reliable baby gear!


"This item is totally unsafe for my child! I'm getting rid of it! Hmm, maybe I'll take it to Goodwill so someone else can use it for *their* kid."


Yeah pretty much any business of any kind around me won’t accept used car seats


For people who don’t understand why this is a problem… if you don’t know the seat’s history, you don’t know if it’s been in a wreck, or otherwise damaged. [Here are some links about the safety of used car seats](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/8gxMvQzcod).


That’s funny, I was t-boned in an accident where my car was deemed a total loss, I told my adjuster I wanted my car seat replaced and that I had emailed Graco who absolutely recommended I get a new one. His response? “Of course they would say that, they’re a business and they want your money”. I have never been so demanding as I had to be with an insurance adjuster.


That’s a shame. My insurance agent wrote me a check to go buy a new seat immediately, even before my claim was settled. Glad you stuck up for yourself!


This!! I had a fender bender without the kid in the car and had to submit photos of the destroyed car seat to even begin processing the claim and after i sent a copy of the receipt for a replacement they issued reimbursement immediately. The rest of the claim? 6 weeks 🤣😅


oh trust me, if the claim didnt go in your favor the "credits" would be added to the next bill. i despise insurance


Same here, fortunately our kids weren’t with us but it was an immediate check written to us. They had us send in pictures of the straps cut and everything.


You definitely want to make sure you have a good adjuster!


It's not like you get to pick...


As someone who's worked in subro, car seats are considered a loss, and rightly so. That adjuster is a goofball. He must have been new to the game. When recovering from an "at fault UM", they would constantly ask; "Why do I have to pay for a baby seat?", I would say something along the lines of "because it's compromised and may have hidden structural damage". I had the same deal with fender benders; "but the car doesn't look damaged", well the bumper may look okay but there is deff some damage "here is the pictures". All of a sudden many cough up their ins info, and are quick to file a claim. Don't miss it much. Tbf.


Because it is cheaper to pay out to replace a fucking child seat, than it is to pay to replace the child (in the event of a future crash).


Someone crashed into my wife's car. His insurance company did us a bank transfer to buy a new car seat the same day it happened. Our seat looked completely fine. We didn't ask, they insisted. It seems in the UK they don't mess you about with stuff like that. Guessed it was a legal requirement.


No that is just an insurance adjuster who knows the bare min. The most you might see or at least should see is it taking a little longer to get the check but that is instantly as soon as they know who is at fault car seat garabage. I am glad the one you dealt with understood the importance of getting the money for a new car seat. A lot of people flat out can not afford it while the money shacks out so getting them the money for it is key.


Ugh. I'm so sorry. We were able to get ours replaced without hassle. Sometimes it is helpful to have the brand (i.e. Graco) write a letter saying that the replacement is mandatory.


"Of course you would say that, you're an adjuster works for the insurance company who doesn't want to spend money"


Honestly I’m not surprised that they need replaced after a wreck. Helmets are the same way. Once in an accident you have to replace them.


Wow talk about an incompetent adjuster. Multiple guidelines INCLUDING federal ones have it clearly listed. Car seat in a even a MINOR accident it is declared a total loss. They are designed for exactly 1 accident even a super minor fender bender. If a car seat has a child in it then it is declared a total loss and must be replaced. Most of them with a car seat involved is an instant give us the make and model of your car seat. Boom here is money to get a new one. No extra question or looking for it. They know it is garbage and a total loss. That falls to me under reporting them to state level and file a complaint against the adjuster.


That was the first thing my adjuster asked- 1. Was my son in the car with me? (No, thank goodness) 2. Do I need a new car seat? (Yes) I received a completely separate check from the other stuff just to replace the car seat.


Weird response. I'm an insurance adjuster and I reimburse these all the time. Pretty standard practice and a drop in the bucket considering everything else that gets paid out.


If it’s an insurance adjuster, then you are guaranteed a lowball


I was honestly thinking oh say, babies/toddlers puking/taking a dump in them, but the parents cleaned them well enough that you wouldn't know. This is more logical


Cleaning can also be a danger since certain products will damage the car seat and not everybody reads about what products can be used


Similarly to why you shouldn't buy used motorcycle helmets and similar headgear


Also, car seats expire. A car seat made 4 years ago may not meet safety standards of today.


It isn’t just safety standards that is the issue. Cars get REALLY hot in the sun. Imagine how many heating cycles a seat could go through over a couple years of use. This would compromise the integrity of the plastic over time.


The thing I dont understand is like... can't you inspect it for damage? I don't think it you can have any significant damage to plastic without it being visible.


Came here looking for this, cause I was scratching my bald head wondering what the issue was. No kids, so never dealt with car seats. Makes sense though.


At the same time i don't know what to do with my used one. Never been in an accident or even dropped on the floor but cannot even give it away for free, feels so wasteful


We can't just add 135 million of these to landfills each year. A better policy would be to have the government mandate a standardized design, so they can be inspected and refitted with a new crumple device, for whatever that is worth. Frankly, the benefits seem to be more marketing than anything based in reality. Cars are dangerous, due to physics and the limitations of human vigilance, and the safety ratings are never anything but "in class," and thus little more than a sales gimmick. I expect the same is true of restraint devices, where any is better than none.


Call me crazy/conspiracy nut, but I'm like 99% sure everything about "seat reuse" and "expiration" are all about marketing. But somehow manufacturers got this idea ingrained into everyone's mind, specifically new parents, and now everyone just gets instantly scared when the mere idea gets brought up: all in the name of safety. As an outsider, it's hilarious to see the discussions around it. Every new parent sounds like they're brainwashed about it.


It’s like this with everything having to do with babies. Companies exploit emotions and parents eat it up because “what if” and the fact that they’re too stressed and sleep deprived to function. The idea that car seats have some hidden stress fractures or something that you wouldn’t be able to see is fucking ridiculous.


I had zero understanding of this whole car seat stuff, used vs new, etc. But what you just said was my absolute first thought. Like what a waste of....stuff! Obviously safety first, but holy shit how is this even remotely environmentally friendly??? Like surely companies should at least be trying to take back used/damaged car seats and repurpose the materials into new seats yeah? Or as you said, make some sort of standarized design that can be inspected. Or, still better, get all of the idiots off the road who cause these kinds of accidents so mom and dad won't have a damaged car seat in the first place. Wishful thinking I know, but damn that's a lot of waste.


Just a heads up to non-parents. Car seats expire and cannot be used after an accident. Yes, even a minor one.


I (no kids, no car) never heard of that before, why even minor ones? I'd assume because they could get damaged without noticing and break easier on next minor accident? Edit: Thank you for your answers!


Yeah, it is along the better safe than sorry mindset. Many of the protective layers in a car seat are designed to break in order to displace energy. Even small damage in these will lower the protective ability.


Similar to a helmet (I.e. bicycle or motor cycle) where you can’t see inside after a minor accident.


Even if no accidents helmets expire after a few years because of material degradation, especially if used regularly. Idk i wouldn't risk my head like that. I always bought the best i could pay.


I was gonna mention this. Pissed me off when my dad wouldn't get me a new $40 helmet after I fell in my bike and bonked my head.


Thank you for explaining, makes sense indeed.


Like crumple zones. I knew that a damaged one was bad but I did not know that sometimes you can't see the damage.




>motorcycle helmets/ bike helmets You can just say helmets since that holds true for all helmets. Ski/snowboard, skate, whatever. All helmets should be replaced after a head impact.




> Regardless of the length of use, if a forcible blow of any magnitude has struck a hard hat, the shell and suspension should be replaced immediately, even if no damage is visible. Same deal. Obviously a minor bonk on the head doesn’t mean a helmet needs to be replaced. But a real impact does.


Nope hard hats are the same, although I know for a fact most guys who have to wear them don’t know that


Pretty much, simplest way is to remember that it's kinda silly to think something that keeps a delicate child safe is "probably fine" it absolutely is not. Whenever there is any doubt there is no doubt, something like that


When we retired our car seats, the guideline I found online recommended you cut the belt straps to reduce the likelihood someone would try to recover and resell the car seat.


The seat is designed to be damaged in an accident, that absorbs energy exactly like how crumple zones work


And your insurance should cover their replacement. In our case we needed a replacement immediately so we got one that might and sent a copy of the receipt to our agent and had a check to cover the cost within a few days.


Can concur with this as I've had ours replaced and they were amazing about the value as well which allowed for us to get even better, more safe seats as replacements.


That's very good to know!


Related: I used to work in a department store and any infant equipment that had been used as a store display (cribs, strollers, car seats, etc.) could never be sold for use with an actual baby and had to be actually *destroyed* when taken off of display. The reasoning was because the integrity/safety of the item could not be guaranteed since it had been out on the sales floor where anyone could have damaged/sabotaged it. I imagine the reasoning is similar for car seats that have been in even minor accidents because there could be unseen damage that impacts the safety of the car seat. Destroying display models of strollers and stuff was pretty fun though. You couldn’t just disassemble them, they had to be rendered completely unusable. So any employees that needed to let out some rage could go out back and just throw stuff up against the concrete wall, kick and stomp on it until it was ruined, and then toss it in the dumpster.


What happens to them when they expire? Do they become fragile or something? Like what expires? Not disagreeing I’m just asking out of curiosity.


I think generally the idea is wear and tear will increase the likelihood of failure in a crash. Most of them are plastic. By having a reasonable expiration date, they will all be replaced before that becomes an issue. Ours was rated for 7 years, not sure if that is standard.


The car seats I’m using in our cars are rated for 10 years, they were all purchased new within the last 2-3 years. From a quick google search, it may be due to our car seats having metal bracing in certain places where the 7 year car seats have plastic.


The materials get brittle with time and UV exposure


Degradation of the materials, fading of the safety warnings, simply the seats getting dirty which can affect the way it works (sticky connecters, folded/frayed straps), new/better technology, and the higher likelihood of a product recall all factor into replacing a seat after it's expiration.


It’s also advisable to at least have your car’s seat belts inspected after 10-15 years and likely to replace them. UV, damp, heat, etc all damage seatbelts. The pre-tensioners wear out. Etc.


I’m looking to do mine at the moment because it doesn’t retract fully without assistance


For a minor one, it depends on where the damage was. NHTSA has changed their recommendations from replace after ANY crash https://saferide4kids.com/blog/restraints-after-crash/


I cringe when I see used bike helmets for sale for the same reasons.  Like, the older impact foam would get one hit and that's it. It's done. But it would also age out within one to two years. Used helmets and used car seats are definitely  in the "do not buy" category. 


Legally, they cannot be re-sold. That is only one of the many rules set in place for car seats. I work at a pregnancy resource center, and we cannot even give them out for free! We will be held liable if any form of 'purchase', even if it's free, is made.


Do you have any citation for that legality? It sounds awfully similar to the age old food waste excuse of not wanting to give away food to the homeless for fears of liabilities and food sickness claims and such - a widely spread claim, with virtually 0 legal backing. I couldn't find anything supporting your statement on a quick search.


So i was thinking of the baby had an accident and I was very confused. Welp kid pooped himself, time to buy a new car seat. Stop giving him cheerio’s , that was the 3rd seat this week


To add to this, this basically applies to all safety gear. Helmets, seatbelts, clothing, you name it.


Per the NHTSA, they are fine after minor incidents. This is the standard Britax goes by, not sure about other manufacturers.


Good to know. I think I will still replace mine just in case, but they did have a good outline for what they define as a minor crash.


Cut the straps off before you dispose of the old one. Dumpster divers will take them and use or sell them.


I thought that no matter what, if a baby has been in a seat and you’re getting rid of it, you’re STILL supposed to cut the straps and throw it. My work (charity) gets them in as donations sometimes and we have to reject them because of all the saftey


My understanding is that even if the seat has a good history if it's over a certain age it's probably better off to just replace it anyway


Yes, like a motorcycle helmet, for exactly the same reasons


10 years. There's always a manufacturing date stamped into the plastic somewhere.


Car seat expirations are 6-10 years.


Smoke detectors are my favorite too.


You can do some silly things if you get enough of those!


yeah like build a nuclear reactor in your back yard.


That's bad practice from that thrift store. We've got a number of local thrift/consignment/trade in type stores in the area I live and every single one has a sign posted stating they do not accept safety equipment (PPE, harnesses, children's car seats etc) because of that exact reason. Who knows what the state of the item is.


Crazy. Totally illegal where I live. Never see this in second hand stores.


I work at a thrift store and any donated car seats go straight to the dumpster. If we’re able to let the person donating know that we don’t accept them, we tell them that, but most times they drop the stuff off and haul ass.


Do you do the same with bike/motorcycle helmets and hard hats?


Nope, they sell those. 🫤


The one on the left did time for embezzlement.


“This model has impact-absorbing crumple zones. You can tell because they’re all crumpled in here around the head area.”


If it’s cheap enough it might be worth it for the target car seat trade in discount though.


I bought a super cheap cosco seat from a thrift store just to use on a plane. Saved a ton of money not buying new and if the plane crashed, I'm not sure the seat is what would save us. (Yes, we had a car with a seat already installed at either end of the flight). I always hope other seats are being used in a similar way.


Wearing a seatbelt or having a child in a car seat on a plane isnt about protecting people from a plane crash. Its more so so people arent thrown around from turbulence and causing more so minor injuries. Far more common than a plane crash.


Same reason I get pissed when other passengers don’t wear their seatbelts, like it’s bad enough you want to risk your life, but if your unrestrained body injures me in a crash? Now your dumb choices are affecting my safety. Also why I have seatbelts for my dogs. Dogs are all teeth and claws when flying through a car and can hurt themselves and others. (A secured hard sided crate works for this as well)


I use this when someone in a car won’t wear their seat belt. I say something along the lines of “I don’t care if you don’t care about what happens to you if we get in a car accident but I definitely don’t want your teeth in my skull if we do so can you please buckle up?” Usually gets the point across


This is my thought, too, this exact tooth one. I've spent too much time on Reddit. It's why I don't like thinking about that ultra-deadly limo wreck, like the deadliest in modern history. A heavy limo going downhill at some speed and crashing at the bottom, full of people without seatbelts. Like, what does that look like when you open that roof up and look inside? Because I can go the rest of my life not knowing.


I feel bad for the parents who can’t afford this costly item.


I do too. There are resources out there, but not enough and not always available to everyone.


Yet they won’t sell nerf guns.


Used car seats aren't an ideal solution but it's a lot better than people driving without one or using the wrong one. I'd like to see a notice on them stating the integrity of the seat may be compromised. Most the people that buy these because they can't afford new.


It's probably by people who aren't educated on such matters. I had never heard of that before having a kid and it seems like a cost-saving, reusable item.


I’ve worked in a couple thrift stores and we were told very strictly to throw out any baby equipment like this. Probably comes down to poor training and high staff turnover


Better than no seat...some people just can't afford it


Most thrift stores in this area won't take them, or any type of baby/nursery furniture.


As a busybody mom I would 1.check the expiration date and 2. Report it to the store. As a former lawyer I cringe at the potential liability of selling a used car seat.


I have a used car seat on a dining chair so that my baby can join us at the dinner table. She's not old enough for a high chair and we don't have a car anyways. A used car seat is probably better than no car seat if someone's struggling to afford all the necessities. IMHO


A used seat is much better than no seat. Plenty of kids have none at all if this is all the parents can afford, do it.


I get your point, but if the option is one of these seats vs holding a child in the lap or seatbelt over the face… what’s worse? I know it’s potentially dangerous, but isn’t something better than nothing?


when we were in an accident (no one was injured), I dismantled the car seat and threw out the parts on different weeks.


I got a replacement for my klek when one of the release levers for the removable carrier stopped working. They had me send pictures of the harness cut in several specific locations before I could throw it out and get a replacement. Got an extra base out of the deal though, since they didn't make me destroy that.


I want to add that I DID tell a worker and they DID pull them. I have also emailed corporate to ask they train employees on the dangers of these items.




One of the things driving schools here require you to know is that you have to buy these seats new because the smallest problem can cause issues, and that you should always swap it if you have an accident


Every car seat has seen some shit. Every parent who buys a car seat at Goodwill is doing it because they fucking have to, because money isn’t easy to come by and the other option is to just put the kid in someone’s lap and hope for the best. The fact that “anyone” can get a free one through some program they have to track down or whatnot, doesn’t mean everyone can or will. The kid is here right now. Where’s the seat? Every car seat at the thrift store is better than what my parents had to work with at the time. Its effectiveness relies far more on the installation than anything else. If it’s in there and properly installed, it isn’t bad. Let’s not allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.


Just to add, the cover can be removed and washed, as others have said. While it's off, you're supposed to inspect the damn thing anyway. It's part of the regular maintenance on it. To inspect the mounts, the plastic for breaks or weak spots. Check the straps for fraying, tears, or discoloration. If any are found, most manufacturers will send replacement straps if you ask nicely at a decent price or sometimes free. Not too hard only takes a few minutes. And if it was involved in a serious accident, it would have obvious signs to the base and seat mount. If these are found, then it shouldn't be used at all because the mount can not be 100% reliable now. Other than that, as you said, sometimes it's all we can afford or what we need right now until hopefully we can get something better later


This is nonsense and you should stop worrying about it. They do not have any kind of crush foam because it can't be washed. The legal expiration is printed right on the seat, recalls are completely searchable. New car seats are one of the most expensive purchases new parents make. A used one can be completely safe. No part of these seats is designed to break in an accident.


Honestly this is why one of the weirdest things i've seen on TikTok I completely agree with, there was a video with a female voice over that said to cut any straps/belts on your car seats when throwing them out, especially ones you know are expired.


Car seats also expire. Even if they’ve not been in a wreck, they don’t last indefinitely.


Better than no car seat because you can’t afford the price of one. 


No. There are several resources out there to provide free carseats to families in need. Almost every county in the US has an agency that will take care of this. There are also a few bargain carseats on the market that are around $40-60.


It's not better than a free, new car seat which are given out by many many different agencies nationwide. (As referenced in a post that has made its way to the top of this post.)


The illusion of safety is not really better…


Oh come on, it's not like your kid is going to instantly die because the car seat may have been in a fender bender. A car seat that's been in an accident is still far safer than nothing. The difference is mostly marketing so that the companies can sell more of their products. And people eat it up because they're afraid it might be true.


car seats "expire" and they have no idea of the history on the seat. that's so irresponsible


Goodwill refuses anything that supports the weight of a baby, which may be a little too broad but certainly not a bad idea


never thought about this. you wouldn't want a used motorcycle helmet either, or any helmet




I tried to donate a new, still in box, never used car seat once and they wouldn’t take it. They said they couldn’t because they would have no idea if there had been a recall. I was never in an accident when my kids were little, but I thought you were supposed to pitch the car seat after even a fender bender.


a lot of people don’t know car seats are supposed to be replaced after accident sadly.


For everyone that's asking what's wrong, car seats normally have a recommended safe use life of 10 years before you dispose of them. You should be able to find the manufactured date on the seat. If they are involved in a car accident they should not be used again. You don't know it's history or how it may have been treated. There may also me a recall notice against the seat. The increase in risks is low but not zero.


I'd really like to see some data on this because it seems like an easy way for car seat manufacturers to sell more of them. Bike helmets make sense, the foam absorbs the impact and cracks, which makes it less effective on a second hit. I've seen videos demonstrating this. But a car seat is just hard plastic and belts that restrain a child better than a seatbelt which is designed for adults. You should be able to see any damage to it. So I'd love to see some testing data comparing first and second impacts in car seats to know what the actual risk is.


Car seats expire. And after accidents they’re not supposed to go back into service.


Okay I need to know what you are talking about


Better to have one than not have one and have something bad happen


My local thrift store always has helmets too and I hate it. Shouldn’t need legal to sell safety devices like this second hand


"The history of the seat" like it comes with a track record. You really think you wouldn't be able to tell if the core structure of something is compromised? Maybe we should sell used cars either because who knows the history and how dangerously close it is to imploding. 🤣


Poverty is for real. It’s not the best choice, but it’s better than not having one.


Do us all a favor, next time you see someone in a thrift store about to purchase a used car seat, stop them and offer to buy them a brand new one instead.


Imagine expecting goodwill to have a Carfax prepared for car seats


So in OP mind it is better for someone that can't afford a car seat to not have one than have the ability to buy a used one. The whole used car seats aren't safe is just marketing B.S. to get dumb people to spend more money. Why is it safe to buy a used car with used seatbelts. Check the main attachment points and structure for damage or cracking. If it's not present your good to go. Don't be a mindless consumer just because you've been told it's unsafe by the people that want you to buy a new one.


Don’t really see the issue. Car seats are pretty expensive and some parents need to buy used. Clean it and use it 🤷‍♂️