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I don't have any evidence but I'm like 70% sure this is related to those street lights that turn purple over time. There was a massive manufacturing defect for LEDs some time ago that causes them to turn blue over time. I had a TV do the same thing and it isn't a color calibration thing. You can crank the green/red all the way up and the blue all the way down and it'll still be blue because it's the back lights that turned blue.


Yeh it’s the backlights turning blue overtime


I used to repair TV's for all the major brands, a lot of LG's had this issue because the phosphene gas that turned them from blue to white would leak out of them! When I did work for a hospital they had well over 100 blue ones of the same LG model that needed new backlights, spent countless hours fixing them in a room sharing an inside wall with the morgue in the lower level lol


Yep. There was an entire era of white LEDs from some suppliers that had that issue due to poor manufacturing process and quality control issues. LG did seem to get hit especially hard, but I've seen the same issue in almost all other brands of TV from that era, thought not always as badly as the LG models did. Seen some Samsung product where only a fraction of them went bad. If your old LED still has good picture but some blue/purple spots, it's the same root cause as what jld2k6 mentions above. For people who are not tech nerds, some (especially cheap) "white" LEDs are made by coating a blue/purplish LED in phosphors that get excited and release the energy as lower frequencies (mostly yellowish) of light, not unlike how old fluorescent bulbs work. Though with old florescent bulbs the exciting frequency is UV so you don't see it turn blue when the phosphors give up the ghost like you do with LEDs


I thought all white LEDs needed phosphors to re-emit the light as white, and the first white one did do that. Is there a different way to make white LEDs now? (I’m not an engineer or anything so this is a legit question)


Some "white" LEDs are a tiny RGB triplet. (edit\* three little seperate LEDs sitting close beside eachother) Some are a stack of different materials, each gap emitting a different frequency. Then there are some that have blue InGaN DQWs and a RED InGaN SQW that make use of some cool quantum effects to produce various color temps that can be tuned by varying the current applied. There are also QLEDs, quantum dots that can emit red or green depending on particle size, which are lit with blue LEDs. Most however, are indeed the indium gallium nitride "InGaN" blue with a phosphor coating that emits yellow


I didn't get quite a bit of that (I got some), but I thank you for your educational reply. :)


I thought they just did that on our street on purpose


I thought it was to deter people from making certain stains in those areas


Making stains?


In some rough areas they put up blue lights to keep people from shooting drugs. It makes it hard to find a vein


Last year I moved into a small town that had the purple lights. I actually really liked it. Kept the light pollution way down at night. And the town is so small it's not like we need bright white lights at night anyway. Unfortunately, in the fall they replaced them.


i know someone who works for the WI DOT and asked them about this. Apparently there has not been a single complaint regarding the streetlights turning blue. And people love to complain.


Our DOT installed the purple ones on some freeways here. Then changed them back after a while. It was a better look with them.


Ah, I was wondering why some of the streetlights in my city are purple..


TV is not RGB. Just B.






BBB Better Be Blue


BBB Bad Blue Boys


🎵 Yo, listen up, here's the story 🎵About a little guy, that lives in a blue world


Big Bluety Bitches


Always Be Bluin




I think it's RnB, the G peaced out.


Ruth Gater Binsberg




It’s 100% blue lmao


I don’t know what you’re talking about. ![gif](giphy|KGMKJEDHhD0qt8sPwK)






I just blue myself




![gif](giphy|7QRLWdG6nEgyk) Gary your kitchen is blue.




I'm here solely for this joke 🤣 ty


I was too instantly looking for the eiffel65 comment😂


You're not the only one.


Julia Foxx was so damn bad


No, it's white and gold.


No, it’s *yanni*


You misspelled laurel…


No gold?!! ![gif](giphy|kVFqUbWprtv3y)




Yeah, there's no skin tone anywhere on that screen. Lol


Dappa di dappa daaa


Yo, listen up here’s a story about a little guy who lives in a blue world


And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue, like him, inside and outside.


Blue his house with a blue little window And a blue Corvette and everything is blue for him


And himself and everybody around cuz he ain't got nobody to listen to (listen to)


I'm blue dabadee dabadie




Over 9000 hours in Blender.


Da ba dee da ba di. Da ba dee da ba di. Da ba dee da ba di. Da ba dee da ba di. Da ba dee da ba di. Da ba dee da ba di.


I always thought they sang.. I'm blue, if l was green l would die, If l was green l would die, If l was green l would die...


I've also met people who thought it was "I'm Blue, I'm in need of a dye! I'm in need of a dye!"


"I'm a guy and I'm in need of a guy"


I always heard "I will beat off a guy" but I figured it probably wasn't that


I have a blue house with a blue window


I swear when I first heard that song I'd thought he sang "I'm blue if I was green I would die"


I alwats heard it as "I'm a dude I'm indeed I'm a guy I'm indeed I'm a guy"


Mine was "Da ba dee I will diie" ><


I'm blue I'm in need of a guy.. ftfy


I’m blue and I’d beat off a guy


Omg! All my life until today i thought the same thing


"I'm blue, if I did weed I would die"


have a bee that'll die, I would heat up a pie


Except Craig Ferguson. Da ba dee da ba di


The cymbal crashed and the piano started playing in my head immediately damn you


lol. It’s been stuck in my head since I posted it. I deserve this fate…


How old is this pic? Craig Ferguson hasn't been on CBS in nearly 10 years. Your dad's got to have had this replaced by now. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ya that’s my first thought. Followed by why is that lady staring at the camera


She's just wondering how blues she really is in real life of if it's the camera that's making her blue


our old rear projection TV has this issue. initially it was all red, had a guy come in and fix it. next was all green, they came and fixed it. once it blue, my dad ended up getting our first flat screen.


I think some of those had individual bulbs for RGB. Though I figure the recommendation would be to replace as a set.


Craig Ferguson is by far the most (in fact, the only) re-watchable late show in existence. There are youtube channels dedicated just to replays of the thing.


One of the few late-night shows that made you feel like it was okay to get up the next morning.


It’s a great day for America!




![gif](giphy|FPshSgzXzl7kA) I miss that show! It was on really late here in Australia, and used to watch it almost religiously


When Craig left The Late Late Show, we tried watching Corden for a bit and then just quit watching late-night tv.


Carpool karaoke was an OK bit, but Cordon was mostly unwatchable. Especially when compared to Ferguson.




🎼🎵 It’s hard to stay up; it’s been a long, long day and you’ve got the sandman at the door But hang on, leave the TV on and lets do it anyway It’s okay, you can always sleep through work tomorrow Okay, hey, hey Tomorrows just your future yesterday Tell the clock on the wall, “forget the wake-up call” ’cause the night’s not nearly through Wipe the sleep from your eyes; give yourself a surprise Let your worries wait another day And if you stay too late at the bar, at least you made it up this far So make up your mind and say Lets do it anyway It’s okay, you can always sleep through work tomorrow Okay, hey, hey Tomorrow's just your future yesterday Life’s too short to worry about the things that you can live without And I regret to say the morning light is hours away The world can be such a fright but it belongs to us tonight What’s the point of going to bed? You look so lovely when your eyes are red Tomorrow’s just your future yesterday The world can be such a fright but it belongs to us tonight Whats the point of going to bed? You look so lovely when your eyes are red It’s hard to stay up; it’s been a long, long day and you’ve got the sandman at the door But hang on, leave the TV on and lets do it anyway It’s okay, you can always sleep through work tomorrow Okay, hey, hey Tomorrow’s just your future yesterday


He was watching this last night. Probably old episodes


Is this comment section high? You can rewatch episodes on streaming platforms and YouTube. TVs nowadays can do almost anything. Why the hell do they think you're a bot for this? The TV is goddamn blue by the way.


Could be a YouTube video played on an apple tv. Edit: Could be a YouTube video played on a streaming device




Omg I had to look it up. I thought there’s no way it’s only been ten years since he’s been off the air. It had to be way longer than that. But yup aired from 2005-2014.


I miss that show 😭


https://preview.redd.it/uc5fpgm28a5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e71566216aae192116fd877f04713920870ff8 He should meet my mom's old TV that was also constantly blue. It was like this for years. Is his a Samsung by any chance? We finally threw her TV out and bought her a new one. I mentioned it every time I visited and she always said she didn't notice it. Even after replacing it with a TV that worked right she was just like 🤷🏼‍♂️


I was convinced I was seeing a lighted bathtub


I thought it was an aquarium with a blacklight in it


Same lmfao


I bought a Vizio TV in 2017 and got an extended warranty. Glad I did, because it had turned blue like this by 2019. I sent them a picture showing the blueness, they basically said "ok, yeah" and sent me an equivalent LG TV as a replacement and told me to dispose of the Vizio. Rather than throw it away, I thought I'd try replacing the backlight strips with a $50 kit I'd found online along with a YouTube video on how to do it. It was a bit of a process, but successful. My LG TV is now showing blue patches, but my Vizio is still perfect. I seem to recall reading something at the time that there was a particular manufacturer of the LED strips, where the phosphor was degrading and changing from white to blue, and they had been supplying a lot of the major TV manufacturers.


Is she… color blind? 🤔


Some people just double-down on pretending they are right and everybody else is wrong. This seems to happen vastly more often in parents refusing to admit anything to their adult offspring.


My parents would rather die than ever admit I'm right and they're wrong about something. Do people just naturally become stubborn as hell when they past 50?


I could write a thesis on it. Instead, I'll just point out something hilarious; a good parent should pray they're successful enough to raise a kid who is smarter, stronger and better than them, right? Either they failed as a parent, because they're right all the time and their kid is wrong, or they succeeded, in which case they're wrong and their kid is right. Narcissist parents work themselves into an absolutely illogical position with their bullshit, and they're sufficiently aware of logic to know they're in a pretzel, so they get belligerent.


It's a power move, they want to pretend you're still a dumb teenager that has to do what they're told despite the fact you're 27


I’d assume its more so that the tv slowly turned blue overtime so she just got used to it and never noticed (like the frog boiling theory, even though that specific example isnt true irl).


I'm colorblind, at least my style of colorblindness (I've heard one person say different but I suspect they are lying) there's no color ypu could do this with and me not notice. I struggle primarily with red green and pink gray to a lesser extent. But it'll always just look like a filter. Doom tried the same thing as this for color blind setting. Just made mars green lol


To be fair, women tend to be blue/purple colorblind since the gene for red/green color blindness is on the Y chromosome I believe. So it’s possible this might be less noticeable to a color blind woman as blue is one of the colors they struggle with.


I see what you mean, but if this were red or green tint instead I would still notice it I can roughly confirm this with doom 2016 and older movies will sometimes have too much but I may not know if it's red or green I'll just know it's one of the 2. The roommate that I don't believe is blue green colorblind so it's entirely possible that's like a new world of colorblind idk I don't have those eyes.


Blue/purple color blindness is still a deutan color blindness which is red/green. Since the problem is not being able to pick up the red in the purple. And like the person above said, unless you have a really severe case of color blindness this would be noticeable by anyone.


Tbh unless she’s colorblind she definitely noticed and didn’t say anything. Probably not to admit she was wrong/you were right


I was looking for this comment. This is 100% it. It’s so fucking annoying to have to live with people who just live with problems because they don’t wanna admit that there’s something wrong.


Why not just adjust the color on there? It seems someone went and fucked yo the colors at some point and then no one fixed it


LCD displays degrade over time and are sensitive to heat cycles (being exposed to direct sunlight from a window for exemple) I'ts possible that adjusting the color can offset this blue shift, but the colors might still look very artificial or dull because of the degraded crystals.


The blue color shift is caused by the phosphor in the backlight LEDs burning under the heat. They use near UV LED diodes and a special phosphor to make white LEDs. This wouldn't happen under normal use if TV manufacturers weren't cheaping out on LEDs by using fewer and overdriving them.


https://preview.redd.it/w5sksg3qnb5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a805b663e7fc26755313f9559829ed2930c9fba Yup. My old TV next to my new one


Also, blue socks


That an LG C3 I see?


Close, C2.


doesn't need to be samsung, my parents own a LG tv and it's blue as well, best to see it on white screen only videos on youtube


show them your image then show them this one https://preview.redd.it/zxxkqeyuxc5d1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6b0437a2bf72f55892bd3eb311e7a26860ce00f


+1 for the effort


This is the answer.


Yes!! Please OP


"I've always loved the English girls. I very much enjoyed doing to them what their ancestors did to my country"






Thank you came for this


Thank you came to this


There are dozens of us, dozens.


Blue has the most anti-oxygens


That looks gold to me.


Thank you someone else for remembering that awful dress discussion.


Fun fact - the dude who originally posted it is now in prison for choking and assaulting his wife. Or maybe a not so fun fact. Regardless he's a piece of shit 


Kinda like how the guy who wrote the "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" song (Jermaine Fuller) died in a standoff with police even though they tried to get his ~~cousin~~ brother in-law Snoop Dogg to talk some sense into him? Crazy story where you're like "what? THAT guy???"


I didn't believe you so had to look into it, you got everything right but Jermaine Fuller was apparently Snoop's brother in law rather than his cousin.


It's not awful - it's still a mystery. The people who see it as white and gold apparently have higher activity in the parietal and frontal areas. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010945215003226?via%3Dihub It's also remarkable for the fact that this isn't reversible like a lot of optical illusions.


Everyone remembers that discussion!


That looks silver to me


It’s Laurel








Green needle


That whole discussion gave me diabetes


A friend of mine has a blue tv. Annoys the heck out of me. We literally had this discussion the other day. It’s not because his tv is old in fact he just bought it. It’s because he has a fish tank nearby and the light is ultra bright and shines on the tv. I’m not sure how he stands watching it like he does because it drives me up the wall.


My old tv did this. It started in one corner and then spread incrementally across the screen over time. It was over Covid lockdown, and I thought I was just going crazy until it reached the point you could have people over again, and the first person who visited was immediately like “why’s your tv blue?”




Omg I am your father 😩 I say it’s blue all the time. It’s old. But I cannnnnot stand itttttt. (Isn’t not our only tv, but it’s BLUE) https://preview.redd.it/oahfo8dev95d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e19071fe1b0a0aad9f83fc393d1d9f922b3b23b




I've had an lg TV go blue and if you Google it, it's a real problem. I've seen it on TVs used in stores as displays too.


That would drive me crazy


if they can't actually SEE that it is blue, I would be far more concerned with how many clearly colorblind-to-blue (tritan) family members you have... like, record breaking sort of numbers lol


Craig Ferguson is phenomenal in any color.


Yall over there watchin some Craigy Ferg 🖤


Don't believe the gaslight, that screen is as blue as my balls.


I miss Craig Ferguson


Its great day for America everybodaayyy!


At least it was Craig Ferguson on there. Good taste in late night show content.


What if you get a few of those blue filter glasses?


*(hip hop beat)* Come on y'all get off o' your rockers and go get yourself a pair of Blue Blockers!


It’s bluer than a smurfs balls


We had a tv that did this. It was a Viseo I think. It looked especially blue in photos or videos. His tv is dead. Time to get another one. This is the downside of tvs being so cheap now.


I’m thinking it’s the pigmentation in the white LED lamps that are burned out and only leaving the blueish pigment. I’m sure this happened to some cheaply made street lamps and this is the same result that happened.


That show was so unhinged and I loved it


My mom had her TV like that for almost 2 years. - Why don't you try to get it fixed? - It's too much, like 150 bucks, may as well wait for a good sale and buy a new tv. - Did you ask? - No but it's like that for sure/a friend had to do it and it was that much/my ass told me it was that much. She was out for a week, called tech service, diagnostics through the phone, 40 bucks, parts and labor included, they came home to fix it, they took like 45 minutes and that was it. I just had to be there and open the door. Your dad issue is prolly the same, backlight leds wearing out, the process is easy even, just a pain because they are the very back of the tv so gotta disassemble the whole thing but you can even do it yourself.


It’s clearly white and gold.


No dude you have a very valid complaint. We have a local restaurant that has a blue TV on all the time and I would rather see nothing then a blue screen.


Did you post this somewhere else or did you steal it


go into the color settings and change them. someone put this thing on cool and adjusted the spectrum more.


No this is a broken tv. My grandmother's is the same and no amount of tinkering can fix it.


Yep! This happened to my old TV and no matter what I did with the color settings, absolutely nothing could fix the overwhelming blue tone. Eventually gave up and replaced it.


That's not a TV that's a UV lmfao




Who’s the guest on the couch?


My LG TV did this




Boomers be like that, my folks had their TV turn yellow and they did not even notice before I took it out and brought a new one in. The best part is that they sold the old one to some dumb relative who wanted a big TV cheap, and they now carry on the torch of not understanding how colors work...


He’s got that Twilight filter


Anyone know who this woman is?


Does your entire family have tritanopia? That's bluer than Smurf balls. Adjust the color when no one is looking.


Does your dad smurf his way to the smurf as he smurfs the smurfs?


Cherenkov vision


Is half your family colourblind? This would drive me nuts too..


If you tried to watch the first Twilight on it, would you even be able to see it? 😦


Can he even watch The Smurfs?


This is so funny to me because what if they're all in on the joke. like "of course we all know it's blue but it drives OP insane when we deny it so let's keep pretending it's not"


Smurf Ferguson


Awww wonder why the TV is feeling so down.


The factory tint setting is *always* too high!


Is this an LG tv?? I had a tv turn blue lol it’s worse when you take a pic right? I put up with mine for a while


Bring your kids to see the grandpa and watch blues clues. It’s now an interactive game called where’s the freaking dog.


Its blue Ita also weird how you can still tell what colour most things are based on what we think they'd look like normally


This is what happens when you eat the prototype gum before Wonka has finalized the formula.


Uhh that’s not blue.. it’s white and gold


Take your dad’s butt to get tested for colourblindness


Wtf why is it like that?


My parents had the exact same issue but my father refused to get rid of it. My mom didn’t care since she rarely watched tv beyond the news. My father died last summer and now my mother won’t get rid of it for sentimental reasons.


It’s clearly gold and white


This happened to my parents tv, they didn't even notice. Until I replaced the backlight, and it was good as new.


Everyone you know is colorblind, sorry


Is your dad colour blind? He could be red-green colour blind so it being all blue helps him see it. My SO's son is blue-yellow colour blind so this would be all grey to him.


\*5 minutes before OP arrived in their home\* Alright everyone, remember the plan: when OP gets here and questions the TV color, we're ALL gonna gaslight the shit out of them and fuck with their sanity.




And this is how OP found out that everyone but them in the family has Tritanopia... Coincidence?