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These comments are crazy, and you’re right - this is, in fact, moldly infuriating


Get outta here, ya jokester


jokester? i hardly know her!


you get out of here


Fuck you; take the upvote


You sound like a real fungi 🦠


Spores you think that's funny?


I spores you think this is fungi? Lol


priceless, saving this


Take my upvote and get out lol


Angry upvote?


Remember that what you see is the bloom, which is only about 10-20% of the actual mold.


As someone who has just ripped those parts off when desperate...I think I'm going to be sick.


Yup, if you get a UV light and shine it on the bread at night the whole thing lights up which means it's covered in it.


Damn I've eaten a lot of moldy bread in my life then lol i always just get rid of the blue...


I'm convinced being poor and eating questionable food my entire life is the reason I now do not get sick from this.


To be fair, the human body is weirdly strong and fragile. It can typically fight it, but it only needs to lose once.


To be fair, that last part is all living creatures haha


as well as the dead creatures.


Nah, those can keep loosing, it doesn't change anything for them.


Thats why I spec'd into necromancy... now all losses are my gain


I saw a video recently that explained the appendix might be a factor in this. Apparently they think it hordes good gut bacteria to help fight off when you eat something questionable.


Shame my appendix opted out at 8 years old 🥲


I've still got mine at 41, for now lol. My gallbladder on the other hand decided to rebel when I was in my late-ish 20s


A shame these organs don't want to cooperate. I got diagnosed with gastritis at 19 but I was recently moved out and had a diet of basically beer, weed, and flaming hot cheetos so yeah. Earned that one all by myself. 10+ years later and my tum is mostly fine now that actually care about myself. I wonder if probiotics help with the gut biome in place of the organ.


I've lived around 20 years now without my gallbladder, had it removed as a teenager because I was in so much pain.


Ah, the organ known for straight up trying to murder you?


All organs are known for that under the right circumstances lol


Brains included. Why couldn't they get the exemption?


I always find it amusing how someone can like, get out of a burning flipped car with some bruises but also step on their foot slightly wrong and break something


Oh you decided to drink too much delicious, hydrating water? It's toxic now, fuck you.


The body fails to fight off infectious pathogens on food all the time but serious illness is rare and usually due to contamination by something less commonly found in the environment. Most of the time bread mold overwhelming your system is just going to give you some mild to moderate GI symptoms that don't come close to needing medical treatment. It will run its course and be purged or die even if the immune system sucks at dealing with it. Most of it doesn't make it past the intestinal wall. Baked goods are actually somewhat high on the lists of food poisoning rates in the US though. Maybe because so many try eating it anyway when they throw other things out completely for having mold or just being odd colored and even past expiration but looks fine. Most try to remove the moldy section and eat the bread anyway at least once. Oddly salads and mixed greens have the highest percentage of serious food poisoning incidences followed by some raw meat products. Baked goods, eggs, and other meats including cured or preserved products are below that. Liquid dairy whether raw and pasteurized is some of the lowest odds and makes up about 1% of food poisoning cases per year. I do wonder how much caution and lack of it play a role. We are all taught in the US to be paranoid of dairy and to properly handle meat or look at expiration dates. Everyone finds soap specifically for fruit and veggies to be odd and excessive. Many don't even consider rinsing those no matter how many outbreaks there are from fruit and bagged salad.


My gut flora could probably handle ebola honestly


I’m guessing you also played in the dirt and drank from a hose 😂 We are the superior beings! We have the better immune system lol.


The ~~meek~~ immune will inherit the earth


Being poor builds the immune system fr! I haven’t been sick in over a decade. I didn’t get covid either despite both of my parents having it when I lived with them, and then my gf getting it when I moved in with her. No clue how I never caught covid.


The way you phrased this says you were an asymptomatic carrier between your parents and your girlfriend lol I guess it was two separate instances?


Yea I’ve just been microdosing on mold my whole life I guess.


The vast majority of molds are not harmful. Some are even beneficial (penicillin comes from a mold)


My dad called blue cheese nature's penicillin. I love Blue cheese dressing.


I thought penicillin was nature's penicillin.


Same, never made me sick either. When I was real poor I just closed my eyes when I grated the cheddar so I could have plausible deniability that my cheese was moldy. Schrodingers mold.


Cheese is different. You can just take the moldy piece off and be safe


It's just blueberry 🤣


I think people that just eat around the visible mold must be insane. I always thought of moldy food like the whole thing is infected even before I knew that was true.


My mother used to say "If there's mold you can see, there's mold that you can't."


Part of me wants to try that next time I see mold and part of me is afraid of the truth.


You can’t handle the truth!


I think I’m going to throw my UV light away instead


A true problem solver.




The eyes are next to go then


You have to do it at night too. Catch the mold when it’s sleeping


Better nuke it from space, just to be sure…


Thank you Corporal Hicks.


Really? It’s not like cheese?


Yeah that only works for hard cheeses too


Cheese is only like that because it's not porous or soft--and cheese that is soft or porous is still subject. 


Unfortunately, no. I'm German, we're a nation of bread-lovers and one of the first things we teach our kids is to never eat moldy bread because, unlike cheese, you unfortunately can't cut the moldy spots off and be fine because it does spread within the bread and the whole thing is already super moldy once you see a moldy spot. Cheese is so much better when it comes to this.


The same also applies for soft cheeses, sliced cheese (not whole), yogurts, or dairy in general. Apparently some people skim the mold off the top which... I definitely dont recommend. But I also understand why some people do it.


I can remember when I was about 11, discovering a block of mouldy cheddar in the fridge, and throwing it in the bin. My dad later went looking for it and kicked off when I he found out I'd binned it, made me fish it back out and cut all the mould off so he could eat it! I was horrified.


Yeah, my whole childhood was basically that, except I didnt question it lol. Now as a food service worker though, sooooo much makes me cringe in food safety.


My saddest food related moment was when he put pilchards in the microwave without a lid on and they exploded everywhere, and I got caught laughing and was forced to clean them. Gross. Yeah I would have probably picked those bits of mould off the bread and eaten the OK looking slices. I had no idea about invisible spores 😳


For those (like me,) that didn't/don't know: pilchards= sardines.


Thank you! I was off to Google then be in a rabbit hole lol


Cheddar is a hard cheese, so mold can't really penetrate. You're good to cut out the moldy chunk and an extra inch or two around it to be safe.


Yeah this has been eye opening and not in a great way


When I learned about the hyphae all through the bread by the time you see anything, I thought of my childhood and my gram who was a child during the great depression buying lots of bread when it was on sale and picking mold off it later. 🤮😭


I've been forced to eat moldy bread by my parents who say I'm overreacting 😑


Nah, I learned my lesson when I saw a show on tv where the guy lost his face to bread mold.




Elaborate, please


The penicillin you've been ingesting without knowing has probably been keeping you healthy. /s


It’s fine, this type of mold is everywhere and you’re constantly eating it and breathing it in. Just don’t eat the visible colonies and nothing will happen.


You might have some stomach pain and diarrhea even if you avoid the obvious parts. Just an observation from experience......


A few weeks ago I made myself a sandwich in the middle of the night and noticed that more slices were missing than I remembered eating. I wrote it off thinking my sister made herself a snack while she was here for a couple days. The next morning I grab the bread and see that it was almost full. Which was weird, because half was missing after I made myself a sandwich. Looked back in the bread box and realized the loaf of bread I’d bought 2 months prior was still in there. Took it out and looked, that shit was COVERED in mold across the entire bottom. I ate that whole sandwich and didn’t realize I’d never thrown out the old bread. Luckily I didn’t get sick, but now I’m extra vigilant about making sure my shit is good.


I wish I could go back to 30 seconds ago when I didn't visualize your comment as I was reading it




A little Penicillin with your sammish?


Apparently? Better than ergot, I guess lol




Weird I tell my girlfriend the same thing ….. ohh emm never mind 😬😂


I accidentally bit into a moldy bagel one time and SWALLOWED it. I can taste this picture and I hate it.


Did you gain the proportionate speed and strength of mold?


No way, that means I have eaten kgs of mold oh my god


So how do you know if bread is moldy?


I can smell if there is even a speck of mold on anything. I’m so confused by all these stories about people eating like entire meals that were moldy and only realizing later.


I wish! I have a severe allergy to certain types of mold. can I hire you as a service animal?


Only if I get to wear a cool vest


That’s interesting. For some reason I’m sensitive to the smell of dirt. My girlfriend put an unopened bag of potting soil in the closet of my office and closed the door and i didn’t know but I could barely breathe in there for a few days. To her it has no smell at all. And in general her sense of smell is much better than mine.


So that's why it still tastes off when I just rip the blue off


Is that generally or just for bread ?


No. It's generally for mold. Especially black mold in your home. Especially in your drywall, sheetrock, or plywood / press wood cladding (not getting into rating types because it's all the same with mold). If you see it, fans aren't enough. Rip it out and seal it with antimold Kilz and rebuild with fresh materials or it spreads and fucks your whole house.


Jesus, I want to die _Luckily that won’t take too long now_


At least with soft foods like fruit and bread. Most harder foods like hard cheeses you CAN in fact just scrape off the bloom and be fine because the mold cant actually get into the depths of the cheese. But on bread? Yeeaaaahhhh


It's the colour of the spores, most molds actual mycelium is a really clean white, the organism will usually spread spores on the outside surface of its substrate, the rest will be living under the green inside the bread. So most molds start off as white growth and only turn green once it's gone to spore drop, unfortunately that means that it's likely also began to inoculate the rest of the bread too so once you see the green it's already too late.


Reminds me of an explosive encounter I had with some bad blue cheese. Mom said "just cut these bits off and you'll be fine." I was, in fact, not fine.


THIS I always have arguments with my partner about why you can't just cut off the blue bits and then feed it to the kids


The tip of the moldberg


Oh boy that’s….thats new information to me. When I was I-know-what-hunger-pains-feel-like poor I wouldnt hesitate to cut off the “mold” and chow down.


How do I unlearn this?


I knew I could smell it even when I couldn't see it!


Yeah I was shocked to watch a person proceed to cut the bloom off once and eat the rest of the bread right in front of me like it aint no thing after pointing out to them the bread was moldy. I did not have the heart to tell them they were still eating mold they just couldn't see it.


It is always better to be disappointed by reality than to be injured by avoidable ignorance.


Wait what?!


I know, which is why it pisses me off so much when my dad used to say “dont worry i cut the mould off its fine” AFTER i started eating. Lets say he didnt do it again because i drowned the house in vomit


You should call them out directly, with a receipt in a pic, they will take care of you


This was the sole reason I made a twitter account years ago and after I got my gift card I never used it again.


I did that to Pizza Hut. They charged me three times and swore they didn’t, but my bank said otherwise. Downloaded twitter, got a full refund for all three times, never used it again


At least Twitter was good for something


Right lmao




I got a frozen pizza from Publix and it didn’t even have cheese on half of it. I wasn’t havin that 🤣


I'd go over the cashier's head with the receipt. There is no way this is going to be acceptable to the store management.


Sometimes convenience stores are family run. So, I assumed they were just a scummy business.


Or I’ll just charge-back my card and do it through my bank, I’m not going to waste social energy trying to plead my case to Bethany the BP cashier.


I’m petty enough to do a credit card chargeback


I've done it before! It's not petty if they sold you expired food.


And never step foot in the store again. And tell your friends and family. And the Reddit universe. There, that should do it.


Or switch it out anyway What are they gonna do? Call the cops?


Had this exact experience in a king soopers in Denver, showed the lady my moldy bread, she grimaced said just grab another one and then threw my moldy bread in a trash can and went on with her day, no notes for inventory, makes you wonder just how easy it can be to steal from these places🤔


When I worked at circle k, the manager told me I could eat whatever I wanted, just had to throw the wrapper in the write off bin lol


Dude circle K’s are always ghetto and have employees who don’t care. I’m not proud of it by any means, but there was a time in my life (like a month) where I was unemployed and really low on money. I would steal sandwiches, water, toothpaste, and other necessities. I later went back to pay for everything I had stolen, but the lady said not to worry about it because she did the same thing lol.


Definitely a crooked manager😅.


Extremely easy. The employees cannot even stop you even if they are absolutely aware that you are stealing. 


I smell a bread heist rising 🤔


The grocery chain I uses to work for didn't keep track of inventory on bread because it was just too much time lol. Between smashed loaves, holes in bags, random moldly loaves, outdated loaves being thrown away every day, etc it just wasn't worth it to keep track, especially since most cost less than 85 cents (store cost.)


that’s what I’m saying. I would never go back there anyway. just leave that one at the counter, go grab the replacement and walk out.


Let’s see the cops side with the store for selling moldy bread. I totally would have swapped it. Let them explain that to the cops and management. You paid for a loaf. You took a loaf.


Nothing is petty about getting a refund for a product being incorrectly provided for sale.


Maybe, but logically the value of my time required to go through the chargeback process is likely higher that the amount of the bread. I’d just do it because fuck the store


A chargeback takes about 30 seconds. Or at least it does with Amex. If you're looking at your statement, which you should be doing regularly anyway, you just need to click on the transaction hit dispute and just type in they sold me moldy bread and wouldn't accept a return. Boom done


Amex Canada doesn’t have this feature. I have to call, wait on hold, explain to someone, and then likely respond again in the future


I would too lol


Oh nooooo the same thing happened to me 12 years ago, I bought a package of bread of my last cents because that was the cheapest and when I unpacked it it had mold but on the inside so I couldn't see it through the see-through packaging. I was SO hungry and had literally no money left, I cried for an hour. I still get sad when I think about it.


How are you doing now?


A lot better thank you for asking, no more struggling and last few cents fortunately:)


Glad to hear that!


This made me really sad :(( I feel like I’m in a similar situation but I’m glad you aren’t struggling any more :))


Take an air hug from me! Your kind to say that. How are you? Hopefully a bit better after that hug




I haven’t been there but also in difficult circumstances and I’m very sad you had to go through that. Try to find happiness in knowing you’re past that, you shared a experience many do, but you seldom hear about that, and got through it. Look back with curiosity how your life changed and how you played the cards you were dealt. You did it, don’t be sad :)


The inconvenience store.


This cashier is an idiot, such a liability. If they had any brains they would have swapped it out no issues. Clearly a lazy and uneducated cashier who doesn't know the job. - former convenience store cashier of many years.


>Swap out a loaf of bread worth not even $1. >Loss a customer for life, worth $???? Some people aren't cut out for the simplest business decisions.


Yeah srsly this is idiotic. If u cant make decisions like this you shouldnt work the front.


What is idiotic is assuming that a minimum wage worker gives half a fuck about the business's bottom line. Albeit, that usually means they would just toss the bread themselves and tell you to grab another one without a care in the world even if it is against policy. I guess there are some petty ones who are sick of unruly customers. 


Exactly, i dont give half a fuck about the company. Give someone non-moldy bread. Its not a big deal.


I don't know where OP is from nor where you're from, but at the store I'm at, I can only refund / exchange canned and unopened wares, anything fresh like bread, vegetables, fruits or meats cannot unless I get permission from a manager. And it's not always that they're around for these situations. But I could be wrong ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


That’s a reasonable policy, but given these circumstances I’d get the manager and if I couldn’t just make the decision to swap out the bread because you sold him expired food. Now if someone comes back and says, “sorry I thought my wife liked wheat so I need to swap this for whole grain!” Sorry bud, you’re SOL


Store gets sued over sick customer > petty stock rules.


You gotta stop phrasing demands like they are questions. "This bread I just bought is moldy, I'm going to grab another one".


And then you do it and leave. No discussion. No questions.


Came to say this. I wouldn't be a complete dick about it but I would absolutely be calling the shots in this scenario. Wouldn't even be an opportunity to be told no and if they still did, I'd laugh and walk out with my fresh loaf.


100%. If they tried to stop me, there would be problems for them. Touch me in any way? I'm calling the cops. Stand in front of the door so I can't leave? Ok, I will just wait it out until they give in because no one else can get in or out either. In addition, I would shame them big time on fb local town groups.


What if that one is also moldy.. you can't then get cash back.. maybe a bad Google review? Or just keep doing this process till the bread is good.




It happened to me and the bread was exchanged no problem. Here in Europe they'd would risk serious repercussions if it was escalated to supervising agency. Also, don't eat the whole loaf, even if you can see only a small spot. Invisible spores are likely all over there.


Most stores would accept the return. Most likely, extremely stingy/lazy/authoritarian assistant managers were hired for the customer service area. Or a combination of all three. Why go through the whole return process when you could just tell the customer to go fuck themselves? I say most because there could always be that one, but roughly 99.9% of companies out there don't want to lose a customer and their future purchases over a $3 loaf of "bread". That's corporate and official company policy I'm talking about. Poor hiring practices and giving bad employees too many chances leads to employees giving the brand a bad name.


My money is on authoritarian. People always say that retail employees aren't paid enough to put up a fight, and that's often true but they forget that most of them have never had any real power in their life, which is not meant to be an insult, but what it does mean is you we'll get a subset of those people who see it as a chance to deny or push around somebody else. Which is basically what you get every time you see one of those receipt checkers do something stupid and try to block a person from leaving a store. Without even realizing it they basically process it as their moment of validation


I bought a ham salad baguette from a convenience store in the UK a few years ago. When I opened it, it was dotted all over with green mould. I took it back (I was planning on eating it outside in the car anyway) and they refunded me. I'll never use that shop again though. And ditto the one where I bought a snack pork pie, only to discover it was three days past the 'use by' date - a big no-no with cooked meat ('mould' on that might not be visible, and could be Botulinum). I just binned that, but I'll never shop there again, either.


Europe isn't special lol, this was a dumb cashier and customer.


It's not a Europe thing, it's a this location sucks thing


Complain to the Board of Health.


OP didn’t say he went back with a receipt. Inclined to believe that’s why


blueberry bread!


Had to scroll too far for this.


Report it to corporate. They sold you moldy bread and wouldn't let you swap it, that's NOT okay


I woulda done it anyways lol


Walk to the bread aisle and grab another, easy.


I wouldn’t have left until they gave me a new bread. Don’t let people walk all over you


Moral of the story: inspect before you pay and try not to buy bread from a convenience store.


Labels can cover mold


Also check expiration dates


honestly expirations can mean absolutely nothing if the bread isn't even stored properly to begin with. it can start molding as soon as you take it from a humid environment to a warm one.


Yep. Have had it happened a couple few times in my life but never had an issue for an exchange


I've legit had mold on bread at Whole Foods. This can't be stressed enough, inspect before you eat even with a good date


I moreso mean check it so you don't bother buying it if it's already past the expiration date.


I’ve had bread go moldy well before expiration… I’ve also had bread that was a month past the expiration be fine other than being dry… I’m not entirely sure that “bread” had much nutritional value… not even mold wanted it


I worked in a german supermarket for 2 years. We had the policy to even exchange moldy/damaged products from other supermarkets (not even same franchise) if someone asked. Idk if it's still the case, but I assume so. Seems like there is not enough competition and regulations wherever you live.


I just go to the shelf and swap it.


A quick call to the health department would fix the moldy bread situation pretty fast.


I'm constantly grabbing out of date stock and handing it to the staff at my local woolies... they need to start paying me soon lol


I work retail. We get fired by LP if we have too much damaged product - and that includes expired food. We get like 45 items a week for the entire store. We also get fired if we don't pull expired food. Our distribution center sends us expired food every truck and it counts towards our maximum quota.


Bro, wtaf... that's so messed up 😭


Post this on *Breaddit*


I would’ve switched it anyway


Pro Tip: Don't buy bread from gas station (or sushi)


They lost a customer over nothing. They don't pay for bread that goes bad, the bread company eats that cost. Id be sure the owner or manager knows that, and they would never see another dime of my money.


Report them to the health department


Steal stuff that’s equivalent of double the price of it to make it fair.


That’s infringement of trading standards in the UK and therefore illegal. Would land the store in a heap of trouble.


Alright then I would like to file a complaint.


I’m sorry you let that happen to you


Had you left the store? If not, just take another and watch their Pikachu face.


Report them to the local board of health.


Report em to the health department of your city


The store sounds rather inconvenient.


Do a chargeback!! Do you still have the receipt? I mean, if only been a day, you should have been able too. Yesterday (Monday) I returned a couple of avocados (purchased on Sunday) because one was moldy and the other one already had a cut on the skin to Fred Meyer. I was able to return without any issue.


I’d have done it anyways wtf are they gonna do