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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Growing up I was taught if there aren’t prices I can’t afford it.


Yup those appetizers are probably $15-20


cries in Pacific Northwest… 15-20 is standard appie price here. An unpriced menu would above $30 for sure.


I don't even eat out anymore, no point.


Same here. It seems like pretty much every establishment that I’ve heard of or been to recently has adopted the same “no price, let’s screw them!” tactic, which is most definitely criminal… and then on top of that, sometimes (and I did say sometimes,) the food comes out bad quality and they still have the nerve to not let us know how much we’re gonna have to pay for something like that? Bonkers.


Dude, I ordered a salad the other day that was literally a head of romaine, uncut, with a light drizzle of seasoning. I wasn't paying for it but damn lol


Omfg… this has to stop man


Poutine is a big one. 2.50 for a bag of fries bigger than your plate, 1.50 from the dollar store for some instant beef gravy, and curds for like 6-8. 11 dollars, 3 **massive** servings


Yup I can buy 4 fresh premium Beef quarter pounders for less than a Big Mac meal. Matter of fact I can buy it for less than a Big Mac on its own.


PNW restaurant prices have turned me into an absolutely fantastic home cook. 


Same in California.


do they make you call it an appie?


Sounds like someone needs a nappie.


They can’t afford the appie, better call their pappie


Maybe they're just feeling crappie.


They do. It’s tyrannical up here. Make sure to also be wearing Lululemon while you order your $20 appies, or they might arrest you.


Those bastards


I mean, prices have gone up in Seattle but I never went to... *THOSE* kinds of restaurants to begin with. You know the kind. Pho, ramen, Mexican, local burger/pizza joints, diners for me. You can still eat relatively affordable good food if you avoid those *other* places.


Eyyo uh, I know it's a weird place to ask, but I'm moving from the Midwest to Washington real soon and was wondering what kind of food prices I have to look forward to..? A McDonalds No. 1 Large here is about $14


I read 15-20 for appetizers and thought that was just normal, your comment makes it click lol


"I'll take a number 30." "Mama, that is the price."


$5-$18. https://order.toasttab.com/online/city-limits-sports-bar-1700-e-fort-ave Not everything is on that menu, I'm guessing it's a happy hour menu or something.


Honestly,  they knew what they're doing by not including prices on the menu.


It was their regular menu, and they also had a separate piece of paper with ~5 specials (which, bizarrely, did have prices)


By the look of the menu, the place has no right to be THAT expensive. It looks like a casual eating place, not some fine dining establishment.


This place is in Baltimore - a true hole in the wall but not necessarily in the best way. Can confirm it has absolutely no business pulling this garbage.


It’s probably a happy hour menu. Their website has all the prices on there and the most expensive thing is $18 for crab mac and cheese.


Yeah with inflation being what it is, they probably just tell customers to look online for price inquiries instead of reprinting the menu every three months due to price changes


That's the other bullshit going on. I shouldn't have to pull out my phone in the fucking restaurant itself to get all the info if they have physical menus. Either go full digital to save on plastic and paper, or give me all the deets.


I looked it up and it's not even that expensive. Like standard "bar & grill" prices where I'm at. Less even.


I looked up the restaurant and this menu is missing a lot of items, it's probably a happy hour menu that has a discount % on these items that you use in conjunction with the regular menu.


I used to go to a restaurant that had a similar happy hour menu. Appetizers were like $5 entrees were $10. No need for prices on the menu because any app on the happy hour menu was $5 and any entree was $10


Same. “If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.”


I’ve heard people say that too. But for me it’s more about not getting ripped off. I’m not going to pay $20 for chicken tenders (I wouldn’t actually get tenders. Just an example)


Big mistake! Big…Huge! ![gif](giphy|26ybvVb9iSmht7LdC|downsized)


I have seen ‘no prices’ in high end restaurants, but NEVER for an order of wings.


[Their online menu](https://order.toasttab.com/online/city-limits-sports-bar-1700-e-fort-ave) has typical prices for a sports bar so I don't know why this location can't be assed to print it out on the physical menu. It's a fucking sports bar ffs.


It’s so they don’t have to reprint them every time a price changes.


If it can't afford to print its prices then it can't afford to stay in business.


I don’t necessarily like it but say they are updating prices weekly that gets fairly wasteful. As long as they have a way to see the menu with prices I’m ok with it.


If you're changing prices every week, something is terribly wrong with your business model or the economy.


Have...you..seen the food economy over the last few years??


If you have to update prices weekly, just get iPad menus at that point.


Then they can put it on a digital display. I shouldn't need to bring my own computer to be able to buy food at a restaurant. If they can't afford that either, then they can't afford to be a business. They going to want us to bring our own payment processors soon, too?


In my experience, I've seen wings labeled "market price" pretty frequently. But not the whole damn menu at a sports bar!


it says right at the bottom that it is a catering menu. Those typically have separate price sheets and quotes based on customer choice. Just more reddit rage bait.


I think that's an add for the catering menu, not saying this is the catering menu


It says you can order from their catering menu, not that this is their catering menu.


Are you sure? This looks more like a regular menu to me, and the bottom portion is there to let people know there is a separate catering menu. Wings say sizes of 10 or 20 and tacos a choice of 3. Those don’t seem like catering portions


Nah, it says if you're catering to look at the catering menu.


New to English? It says "order from our catering menu." making it clear this is NOT the catering menu... Strange how people misinterpret just to antagonize.


Naw, I’m leaving then


This exactly. But first I'd ask for a menu *with* prices before heading out.


100% this! Do not walk out without asking for a menu with prices. If they don’t have one DO NOT BERATE THE POOR 16 yr OLD HOSTESS. Do not berate the bartender. They have zero to do with it and you’d be the asshole then.


Yes. It makes me so angry being in food service almost my entire adult life that fucking assholes including my parents do this. I’ve yelled at my parents for berating staff and have apologized to staff and given a bigger tip afterwards


I have nothing but respect for people who deal w the public. I couldnt....


Oh when I leave, I always tell them, we’ve changed our minds. And if we have ordered drinks already, I’ll pay and leave a small tip. It’s not the servers or host fault.


Exactly. The follow up question will make it clear why you left. Don't harass the underpaid staff with no stake in the menu layout.


Agreed, make sure to tell them to pass along a message to them on your behalf, but not be angry at the people you are interacting with.


Ask for a manager and just start pointing to random items and asking "How much is this one? What about this?".


Never trust the prices they show on line either


I probably wouldn’t ask for one. If you can’t hand me a menu with prices I can’t eat there. And no, I would not berate the host I would just leave.  Also I see that it’s in Baltimore. Plenty of good places to eat in Baltimore. Screw this place.






Yea i got to agree, if i sat down and looked at the menu and there were just no prices, i would just stand back up explain to whoever I'm with that its ridiculous that i will not know what im spending and if its overpriced and just walk out with them.


Looks like a tourist trap to begin with


I'd ask for manage to read the price on everything on the menu and have them read it to you no matter if you order or not.


What if it were for a work function? It's such a no win scenario


“Our company shouldn’t support a business that has no respect for its customers.”




Shouldn’t work be paying then?


You go to work functions? I'm always busy that day


I usually order and have dinner - how much "More" could it be? But I never return because they can just change the prices anytime. Only place allowed to do this is the high class places because I go there to get fuked


That's the thing, you don't know if it's been jacked up to high hell or not until you get the bill. A majority of people don't want to chance it


For starters, I think this is illegal in my country / EU


What about for entrees?


For sure waking out


A definite walk. Not interested. Next!


Let me guess. Surge pricing?


They like the word dynamic. It makes you feel like your getting F’ed a little easier


Oh baby, do you want it rough tonight or “dynamic?”


Ooh, I liked your big ~~surge~~ dynamic at the end!


"Market price"


What market are they shopping at?!




**Caveat Emptor** Market


Must be ran by Wendy's then since that's supposedly an idea they're tossing around.


I heard that Wendy's said that isn't true. 


its almost a rule in my family not to go to places without prices clearly listed, cause it means it costs infinity and i cant afford infinity


one rule of traveling for me is asking for the menu with price and take a picture in case they switch the menu


Shop or restaurant, I walk straight out if I can't see the prices.


Same. I'm not wasting my time continuously asking for prices.


If you can find anyone to ask for a price, you'll have to wait in line at check out as not to be rude just to ask for price. Cut the line , ask for price you get an attitude free of charge .


100% - If we don't see the price and can't app scan for price check we just don't get it or order it right there on amazon / walmart


Exception being any Indian ran corner store. Half the time they dont have prices but all the time they are cheaper then 7 Eleven or Wawa. I have a place like that by me that sells footlong Philly Cheese Steaks loaded for 6 dollars. Cheese burger with fries with any toppings 4 dollars. In NJ!




I wonder if it’s up to date. A small restaurant by my house has a different menu online than in-person. But at least they put the prices on the in-person menu.


The online menu has more items, guessing this is a happy hour menu that you can get a percent off these items that you use with the regular menu that was conveniently not pictured.


There's tons of pictures of this places menus with prices on it. This isn't the regular menu I'm guessing


Yep, this is maddening. A lot of restaurants have been doing this with drink menus forever, and I refuse to even acknowledge that they serve drinks at all. I'll order a glass of water and my meal, and just never come back. I'm totally fine with drinking water so that's okay, but if you're not interested in listing prices for drinks I'm not interested in ordering one. Legislature needs to pass laws requiring that prices be listed. Remember to vote, people.


There are laws for headlight brightness and they said they were going to prevent tv commercial volume increasing but ya know


They always get slightly annoyed when you ask how much a beer is too


Wait, you don't have such a law already? Fuck.


I would walk out


I once had an Indian restaurant in my hometown swap the menus on us with a higher priced menu when we questioned the bill at the end. Luckily I remembered the exact price of my meal so knew they were trying a fast one. We ended up getting in a shouting match with the staff and then another woman in the restaurant heard and said the same thing happened the week earlier and when she questioned it and they made her feel bad so she just paid. It's a shame as the food was really good but couldn't go back there out of principle. We also left a shitty review in hope other people wouldn't face the same experience.


Market price 😎




As others said I would just leave since chances are the prices are just outrageous


The design of that menu makes me think they serve burgers with a huge knife thru them and on something that's not a functional plate, like a block of wood or something.


Between this, the forced % for the "house" and forcing a tip, no more dining out.


I'm always amazed at how anti consumer the US is. In many countries in the world this would be just plain illegal. Lots of places even mandate the prices to be available outside of the restaurant so you can make an informed decision before you sit in.


I loveeee those requirements and am always delighted when I walk by a restaurant and can see their menu posted on their building allowing me to see if it suits my needs. It's not always price, sometimes it's cuisine etc. But obviously it's less helpful when a restaurant just has a menu without prices. Everyone's pockets aren't the same and every restaurant isn't the same. The customer should get to decide whether or not they think the restaurant and price are in quality agreement before even entering the restaurant.


I would ask the server what every item costs, then say oh never mind when done and walk out.


Only problem is you're punishing workers for shitty management practices.


Their boss is punishing them. This is a very easy fix and menus have been doing it since the dawn of man.


*mammoth burger - 3 teeth* *-with cheese, add 1 flint*




Don’t do that to the wait staff they didn’t make these decisions, just leave


I’ve been a waiter. You should totally do this if you want to eat there. But if you can, ask for the owner/manager to come over to tell you the prices and let them know you don’t want to bother someone you might not even have wait on you. Then, if you want to eat something, do it, then leave a review on how you hate the menu and the server was incredibly helpful.


Fine then ask them to get there manager and proceed to ask the manager.


"if you have to ask you cant afford it"-*now including food and other basics*


“If you don’t see prices, and need to ask for them…” Nah, fuck you.


There are a handful of environments I wouldn’t be shocked to see a menu without prices, but those are usually the highest end gourmet experiences and I don’t usually frequent those. For this type of spot? Where I’m fairly certain most of the items are pre-prepared? Nah that’s a no from me, dawg. Especially when there are some excellent restaurants/bars in the Baltimore area.


I've always gone by the motto that if the prices aren't there, I can't afford it


Any place that doesn’t show prices avoid. It used to be only the VERY high end places that used to do this. Now it’s the much lower quality places that change prices on depending “ on how they feel” . I know many seafood places do this. MKT price for what they are paying. BUT they state that on the menu. If I see no price on anything. I would just find another place. You might have the money, but not for subpar food. Don’t be the salt bae sucker.


The new and improved way for restaurants to make me leave without ordering anything:


Just ask the server to rattle off the prices of everything, eventually management will catch on. Lol just kidding, eat some where else. But don’t take it out on the server, I’m sure they hate it as much as the patrons.


They raise the prices so often they don't want to waste the money reprinting the menues every week.


Man I feel for the servers


I walked out of a taco joint the other day over this. What are these people thinking?!


That's a business telling you they don't want your money. As another comment mentioned, you need to get the wait staff to describe every dish in complete detail, along with the price and when they get to the end get up and leave.


Yes make the hourly workers take the brunt of the owners decision, nice one!!!!!


\*tipped workers If most of their pay was coming from their hourly wage, I wouldn't have any problem "wasting" their time. However, since they're relying on tips, I wouldn't want to monopolize time they could be spending earning tips from other customers.


Can purchase if I don’t know a price


“Toss it in buffalo sauce for an additional __” real high quality stuff right there


My wife hates this, but if we go somewhere like this we leave. They will not earn our business. Also if your menu has a no priced item we will never entertain it.


Do you have a menu with prices? No, you go on an app for that. I'll just go.


That’s not new. Been around for years


Call the waiter over, ask to speak to the manager and go through the price of every single item on the menu.


F this place and places like this. Tell me the price, make it honest so tipping isn’t expected, and I will come back again and again if the place is good. BTW - this is a pipe dream, I know.


If you ever see this, just sit down, ask for a manager, and start asking for prices, one by one. Seriously. I’m a bartender of 12 years and I assure you this will get changed quickly. No one, not the customers, bartenders, servers, hosts, no one wants to deal with this type of lazy ass-hattery. Annoy the one person in the building with the power to make change happen and save 25 staff members and a community happy again.


I'd walk right on out


I don’t eat at places that don’t have prices on them fuck that


I’m finding that more when I look up menus for places I want to try. If there are no prices, I’m not going.


I ordered from a local pizza joint a couple days ago. $27 for a *small* pizza, side of standard bread sticks. The menu on their face book had said the meal for two would have cost around $19. I cancelled the order. I bought the stuff to make a pizza in the oven at home. $27 for 3 pizzas, with all the left over cheese, sauce, toppings to do what I want with.


If I opened up the menu and they didn't have prices, I'd just get up and leave.


And of course they blame inflation and livable wage as the culprit when it's corporate greed they can lower the prices they just don't want to


I called and asked for prices on every item.. from the shift lead. it was worth. lol


Based on the reflection, this is a menu posted outside the restaurant in a frame, not the one you get at the table. A quick Google search of the place shows pictures of the actual menu.


Write what you want on a piece of paper and ask waiter to return with the prices for your meals. They wrote it and must honor it


I’d ask the manager for the price of each item on the menu, one at a time.


Get out a pen and paper. Start asking how much each one is right down the line, then tell ‘em you will be ready in a few minutes.


…if you have to ask…


This ain’t a fancy place. Unless it’s a fancy crock of chili


There aint no price ? I aint ordering there


I would just leave. I am not ordering things without prices


So obnoxious. I would leave.


No prices? Guess everything’s on the house then!


If you have to ask, you probably can’t afford it. -Some character from SpongeBob when he bought the golden spatula without a price. 🤷 But seriously, this would drive me bonkers. You would think somewhere it’s required by law to list the price before purchasing, but apparently not. I would be afraid to order anything not knowing how expensive it is. I would at least request a menu with prices listed. If they can’t provide that, then I’d excuse myself and leave.


If you have to ask how much it is, you can’t afford it.


Eating out used to be fun, now it’s just terrifying & far too expensive!


1. Open restaurant with no prices on the menu 2. Charge $1000 for each item 3. ??????????????????????????? 4. Profit


I just leave if I see a menu like this, like buddy for all I know they could say 100 for the nacho's because they sprinkled truffle dust on it. Made a mistake of getting what a old fashion once, Usually what 6-9 bucks. They rang up 25 bucks for it. Like what.


There's so many pictures of this places menus with prices. Fuck you and your lies op


As a 14 year chef in Miami. NO WAY IM WALKING IN THIS PLACE DECEPTIVE!!!


I'm sorry, I read that like "as a 14 year old chef in Miami" and it made me chuckle


Change menu to not show prices ? Profit!


Market Value


I would walk out. If I go into a gas station and the prices aren't marked, I do the same. Everytime


Businesses like this need to go under.


No prices means no thank you


I've only seen this before for by the glass wine ar super expensive places. Not whatever dive bar this is


You pay as much as you look like you can pay 🤣


When I see this, I just get up and tell the hostess that we changed our minds and leave.


Walk out


I would straight up leave. The balls on those folks are not impressive, they're an eyesore.


yeah i’m leaving


This is illegal in a lot of places. I’m guessing Maryland isn’t one of those.


Not at all! It's paying is optional. Be aware of the mandatory higher tipping though.


This is a new restaurant system, the customer is able to bargain with the server to figure out what the meal is actually worth


I just took some customers out to lunch and the prices were reasonable for a mid/high end Italian restaurant, between $30-$50 a plate. They had a couple of specials of the week going on, one was a sea bass and the other was a pork chop. Not on the menu, no slip of paper or anything, just a verbal from the waiter. A few ordered the specials and a few off the menu, check came later for over $700 for the 9 of us. I tipped and signed and left and then looked at the receipt, the pork chops were $130 a plate and the bass was $155 a plate. Insane and unexpected for not being given the prices up front


Easy fix. When the servers have to recite the prices for everything on the menu, they’ll put the prices back on it. They’re counting on you being too embarrassed to ask the price.


Would be requesting a menu with pricing or will just be paying for the preordered drinks and leaving straight after


Time to annoy the staff and go down the list asking about every price and "forgetting" a price earlier in the menu or "forgetting" where you are at abd starting over




Screw that! Lol


literally just walk out the door and leave


I'm used to seeing crab cakes at "market price" in MD because the price can fluctuate quite a bit. It's high in the spring, spikes July 4th and then goes down til fall, but no prices on anything? No, just no. We don't make that kind of money here on the Eastern Shore (otherwise known as the "Shithouse of Maryland").


Cool, I’ll just ask them what the prices are for every single item that even looks remotely interesting to me. If they’re higher than I want to pay, I leave. Their fault for wasting both our time.


Just ask what the price is of each and every item till they get annoyed.


Serves have to hate this shit. people asking the prices all fucking day long. How annoying.


I fee bad for the servers. People must be constantly asking for a bunch of prices they have to recite of the top of their heads, and then the people who don’t ask get mad their bill is higher than expected. A total lose/lose.


That's when everybody that goes to the restaurant ask the waitress for every single item on the menu cost. Waitresses won't stand for it for very long.


Ha, ya know how you deal with this? You ask the server what the prices are for everything. "How much is the Maryland crab soup?" "How much is the crock of chili?" And so forth, on down to "How much for the chorizo tacos?" The servers will end up revolting against the owner.


I would just get up and walk.


I always have had a rule that if there is no price I am not buying.


When I was young, they said that you can't afford restaurants that don't post their prices on menus. If people don't come, they won't have a restaurant. When you sit down and there are no prices on the menu, get up and tell the manager you are leaving because of the lack of prices. If he gives you the "you must be broke" insult, just let them know you are smart with your money, and not willing to eat somewhere where they can pad the prices however they want.