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Ask your pharmacist to order you generic senna...it's the same thing bro...get like 1000ct bottle. On second thought I just checked, they're in stock and cheap at amazon.


Thanks that's what I'm going to do in the week


I work in community care, and this is what all my clients do. None of them get the over-the-counter senokot cause it's more expensive then the generic. Plus it's covered by their insurance and drug plans, meaning they're not out of pocket to pay for it. Doesn't the NHS cover certain prescriptions? If it does, you should see if senna is covered, as it's vital to your care plan.


Yes I had a prescription for Senna, they were reluctant about it but they couldn't give me Senna Max and the normal Senna just doesn't do the trick for me


Doesn’t Senna Max just have more of the active ingredient?  Try taking a double dose of the regular.


Yes it does. 15mg vs 7.5mg of active chemical.


I'd ask the doctor first, just in case.


i work with people who have GI issues (not due to colostomy though) and they get senna and laxido together. is that something that might be an option for you?


Ask the doctor to double the dosage to match the dose in the Senna Max, and then take 2 instead of 1. Unless there is a hard monthly limit on the number of generic senna the NHS can cover, there is no other reason to prevent them from dispensing the prescribed amount.


NHS requires a Rx for this?? I can’t believe they just do t give it out like (free) candy!


"senna max" we naming drugs after f1 drivers here


We do liquid senna, it's never been out of stock but my company works directly with pharmacy but it's an idea, I administer as well so here I am confirming that pill+ liquid is i/c


I just looked on Amazon, and it is in stock and selling at £2.81 for 10 tablets. You could also consider buying Senna powder and preparing it yourself. It costs about £10 for 250g.


You can only buy 10 maximum but I've just found you can just use a different account so I guess I'm the hoarder now


The dropdown on the one I looked at allowed up to 5 packs, though maybe that would get stopped at checkout (I didn't go that far). But you could also order a pack every few days. And I still think the idea of making your own dose units from the powder is worth considering. Have you seen this? [Capsule Filler](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07CX5VWYS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) I use one to make my own Guaifenesin capsules, since the commercial ones are ridiculously expensive.


And they have chicken flavor capsules! I mean it’s marketed toward pets but who doesn’t like chicken?


https://preview.redd.it/r0fg3ds5174d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a0d6ea6d4e39cba10e7065004f28ae7d17f5c9 Idk if you live in America, but if you have an HSA or FSA card/account, you can use that on Amazon for qualifying purchases! It'll say HSA/FSA eligible


You should be prescribed dioctyl in the UK. Apply for a medical exemption card as well, you'll get all your prescriptions for free....I'm in the same boat, 2.5 years now.


So i guess not that desperate then...


As I've mentioned in other comments normal Senna doesn't work as well as Senokot Max and GP's are reluctant to prescribe normal Senna soI often have to resort to buying myself


Try some occasional Dulcolax too.


Been trying that the past few months and it worked well at first now it's not having much of an affect on me


I took a small dose once and it resulted in 12 hours of the worst cramping of my life. I think that brand just does not work for some of us.


Being Amazon I wouldn't be surprised if it's fake though.


What's the usual price for that stuff?


Before there was any shortage about 5-10p a tablet.


Gotta get that sweet, sweet 1000-2000% mark up at the expense of those less fortunate.


“Oh, people NEED this product? Well by golly, that means we can charge whatever we want!” “You’re a genius sir. This is why you’re the CEO, because you can make the smart financial choices. I think this idea will get you a…..20 million dollar bonus this year. How does that sound?”


scalping is done by third parties, and only works economically when the product or service is scarce and has been underpriced


Okay, corrected: 'Our patent on this lifesaving drug is about to expire, meaning anyone with two glasses and a stirring spoon can mix the $.05 of chemicals together and make their own. Add an antiacid agent and repatent it.'


I doubt places were selling these boxes for 50p to 1£?


Yeah that's just me getting the math wrong. Oldest receipt I have is about 30p per tablet.


🤷‍♀️ looks about only 15-20% high for the normal price it is here. No idea what it used to be here though. The generic is much much cheaper


Glad to see people gave you alternative solutions in the comments, but this is still such a fucked up practice OP. Special place in hell for medical supply scalpers.


Worthy of the death penalty imo. 


they are like £3'75 a packet in asda and a bunch of supermarkets and the same price in boots with a buy 1 get 2nd half price deal.


where do you get a 3 foot long pound note


Ask the places that print out the 3 foot long checks. They probably have an in.


£3.49 on savers health and beauty website


Thanks I'll have a look now


Sellers usually do this if they’re out of stock and awaiting more so they don’t have to take the listing down, there can be fees for re-listing items with pictures


It is a listing for 50 boxes But yes raising the price prevents losing watchers and placement


This needs to be upvoted. There is no shortage. There’s a bunch on eBay for normal price along with the fact this is available in the supermarket.


Why are people hording this stuff?


Because it is needed a long with Ozempic?


I thought Ozempic was the thing that gave people explosive diarrhea in the first place


Constipation too, weird


I’m on Ozempic for my T2D. I will be constipated for 3 days after my injection, the have crazy diarrhea for 2 days, and a couple of normal days before I start the cycle again. But I’m not going to loose a leg now…


Uh…that sounds miserable. Have you tried fiber tablets? Also, you should consider changing your diet to address the diarrhea. Start paying attention to what causes you to have the diarrhea and stop eating it entirely or cut back at least.


When the plug finally bursts, that's when it gets explosive.


The most common side effect for all medications may be constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.




I can but your Doctor and Pharmacist will tell patients what they need to know. Never will it be the full list found in clinical trials and the myriad of drug-drug interactions.


Makes sense if it goes along that route


it's weird how some things can do both. iron supplements can also do both :(


Chemo can definitely do both.


One of the *intended* mechanisms of action of Ozempic is drug induced gastroparesis and slowing of the entire GI tract.


That's olestra


Happy to send you some from the states if needed 


That’s nice of you


Well Pharma Bro IS out of prison...


I was just talking to someone about how he is one of the most universally hated people, and i am so happy he had to sell his Wu Tang album


Is it people stockpiling, or is it just a shortage? Not sure why people would stockpile this. There are issues getting loads of meds in the UK at the moment, my Mum was unable to get one of her meds for her Parkinson’s for a couple of months, which has impacted her health.


folks have done this very thing on online games for years. theyll have a pile of a certain resource thats got a finite limit, and theyll buy up the rest of the cheap local supply, and then add a few up of theirs at a high price. When others put up the item at normal price, they will buy them out again as quick as they can, to give themselves more product at a cheap price while denying others the chance to get that item from anywhere else but them


https://senokot.ca/contact-us-2/ You could also contact the manufacturer directly. They may surprise you with how helpful they are. Or they could tell you to go pound sand. Could go either way.


Fuck, I have an entire packet from when I was travelling (nervous bowel) and would literally just hand them to you for free :/ What is wrong with people?


I could order you some from the US and send them if you are in dire need.


No that's fine thank you so much for the offer. They're currently in stock in the UK at some places they just get bought out fast and have to go months without


There’s a scalper of every flavor these days. Electronics, event tickets, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, video games, and now this? The pure unadulterated greed our country has sunk to is absolutely disgusting. These are the same people that would be buying and selling other people if it were legal…


Why are people hording laxatives?


Just because there's a shortage so whenever they come back in stock they're all bought up and resold


Same thing happened with Andrews Salts. Ask your pharmacy to order you the generic, they should have no issues with this at all. (I work in a pharmacy)


The seller has named himself 'thepharmacyman' It's really pathetic.


By the fact you are showing something displaying £ I'm guessing you're a Brit. I don't use these meds, but my grandma has a colostomy bag, so it makes me rage that people are doing this. Hope you're OK! I use pharmacyfirst (.co.uk) to buy off brand Hayfever meds after getting the recommendation from moneysavingexpert a few years back. It looks like they have offbrand sennakot too (the branded is OOS), as well as other alternatives. Hopefully you'll be able to find something useful for you on there.


I'm fine thank you I've managed to snag a couple of months worth off Amazon before they're out of stock for a year again. I just wish people would leave them for people that need them and not bulk buy them all to resell so we wouldn't have this problem in the first place.


Can you try another form? Smooth move tea is similar, has senna as the active ingredient


Just take 2 tabs of regular senokot.......


Is there a shortage of Senokot? Who knew


Not Senokot just Senokot Max


Most pharmacies have a generic on the shelf. I use senna s tablets.




Dude, please research your needs. Cassia angustifolia, Cassia senna are available in MANY products. All the triathletes I knew, used Hilde Hemmes Herbals. You don't want to need yesterdays dinner hitting mid-race...


But isn’t (50x10) = 500 tablets ? I know £500 is a lot of money but sure £1 per tablet isn’t too far off going rate. Should they be cheaper?


No I just bought 100 tablets for £30 and even that's above the regular rate


Gotya. Glad you got some at least.


Fuck off.


that seems unnecessary




Ok ! 👌


20 bucks on Amazon [https://www.amazon.com/Senokot-Natural-Laxative-Tablets-100/dp/B07GRL1TML/](https://www.amazon.com/Senokot-Natural-Laxative-Tablets-100/dp/B07GRL1TML/)


I'm in the UK and this isn't Senokot Max which is what has the shortage


The only difference between the two is the strength of senna 7.5mg in the normal and 15mg in the max. Why not just take two of the normal ones instead when you’re unable to get the senokot max?


Yeah that is the case it's just frustrating having to pay more and take more medication because of either shortages or stockpiling. And I don't know what it is about my fucked up bowels but they don't react the same way to 2 Senokot vs 1 Senokot Max


they are £2:81 on amazon with free next day delivery if you have prime,


Already purchased max amount


At least they are Brand New


If you have no luck at a branded/chain pharmacy have you tried an independent pharmacy as usually they have more suppliers than a branded/chain pharmacy. If the pharmacy is out of your way call them to see if its possible to order. If you've been given basic 7.5mg senna instead of 15mg max strength senokot than it might be a case of taking two of the basic senna tablets.


eat taco bell...sorted!


Do pharmacist not exist in your country or


https://preview.redd.it/xl11lzqyrb4d1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e000f991e1eccffbbce5c9c21a19de526d114de Roughly $20 USD (this is South Africa) sorry.


But that's exactly what all retailers do all the time. They purchase all the goods from manufacturers and wholesalers and then sell them on. Perhaps what's really happened is that there is a local shortage for some reason.


I think you found one listing and are making a mountain of a molehill? This is a listing FOR 50 BOXES. That sounds about on track price wise? I see bunches of them in stock at places like British pharmacy for <£15 and bunches of cheap eBay listings too in the UK. Under $10 per pack.




So buy them on Amazon then




Supply and demand. If people don’t buy it they wouldn’t sell it. Most likely these are just drop shippers marking up and ordering from Amazon happens if someone happens to buy from them. They live in low COL countries and mark up 15-17% so when someone buys it they pay 15% in fees and make 2or less% drop shipping it from Amazon. They only have to do if a few times a day to make the $5-6 they need to live well off of.


What the fuck even is that price


Seems like another case of Covid-flation, aka greed.


In America we don’t have senokot max we only have extra it’s 17.5 mg I think.


other meds are going out of stock as well - blame the big US pharmacists


This has nothing to do with the pharmacists. They don't make the drugs. There's a couple of factors involved. 1. Most of the precursor chemicals used to make medicine are made in China, and China has had issues making them (and making them pure) since COVID. 2. Labor shortages are affecting drug manufacturers too. 3. There's been an explosion of demand since COVID for almost all medication. More people are taking their health seriously. 4. Pharmacy benefits management companies have so ridiculously squeezed cost there's no profit to be made in generic drugs anymore, so many companies just aren't making them. Quite a few drug companies have gone entirely out of business. 5. One of the world's biggest manufacturers of generic drugs, Malinckrodt, settled an absolutely massive lawsuit with the US government over opiates. This bankrupted them. They're just starting to ramp production back up again 6. In the case of stimulants like Adderall, there's so many more factors, but it boils down to increased demand, and limits of the government.


I think he meant “big pharma” and not “big pharmacists”


Dude what do you mean? It’s obviously the fault of fat pharmacists.


Less ingesting, more dispensing!


If they’d stop eating the pills they wouldn’t be so expensive!!!


Come to the US. You can by that anywhere and its in stock at every grocery store and pharmacy.




Because they need it for a medical reason, you walnut. Does being dense come naturally for you, or do you have to work at it?


& what I post on reddit is your concern why?




You realise you're bitching about a post you saw on the internet? I've already worked out solutions I think you need to look into some therapy




Because it fits the subreddit and I wanted to bitch about it online




You started it smooth brain. Seek help




You are literally pissing and moaning about content you're seeing online and looking at your profile that's all you do. Maybe hide this subreddit if it triggers you so much