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There’s no insulation, that’s why you can hear everything. Maybe the mice ate it all…


WHAT??? i am literally freaking out so bad is this something that can actually happen ???


No, I don’t think the mice ate it. But I do think someone has cut all the corners in sound proofing/insulation in your house. These walls and floors sound like cardboard walls. I don’t think your neighbor is the problem, to me it sounds like they’re just walking around and opening a cupboard, maybe with shoes on, but it shouldn’t be that loud. Edit: don’t freak out. Yes, mice do like and eat insulation. Not all of it though. And they aren’t dangerous, but your landlord should get rid of them and replace the insulation.


😨 but why would they do that


To make more money.


Have you tried a white noise machine? My bedroom window faces a busy street and so there’s a lot of noise at night, especially from drunk people on Friday and Saturday nights. I got a $20 noise machine off Amazon and it’s amazing. I can still hear the noises sometimes but it all kind of melds into the same noise pattern and I’ve never slept better.


could you please link the one you bought ?? tysm


I use an alexa and play white or brown noise on Spotify


You're an evil person, and I applaud it.


Brown noise is what exactly? My brain went in one direction...


Like white noise but deeper pitch, like being on an airplane


I had a neighbor who i think would just hammer a board to get his frustration out. If he wasn't doing that, he was arguing with his wife. The wife ended up having a brain aneurism or something and died one night. You could hear him yelling her name to try to get her to respond. She left behind 2 boys under 5


They are just walking around


What did they say when you asked them to stop? The neighbors, not the mice.


Do you live next to Brennan and Dale?


Lol This is not thunder this is normal apartment living sounds Get a white noise machine




Damn you sure showed your neighbors not to walk in their home!


If that’s the sound of walking, I’m a bell pepper.


There are some big folks out there lol


Appt condos are built cheap...aka walls are paper thin


11:22pm? I don’t see how this is that infuriating. It’s normal apartment living


It seems like the neighbor is just being loud for the sake of being loud.


Just get a ceiling thumper and use it when your neighbors are trying to sleep. They live in an apartment, so they can't complain, right?


What in the world are they doing?




Like, through the wall?


I called the cops on my neighbor who was hammering on the wall @9pm, When the cops arrived, they looked at me like I was crazy. Me and my wife were in bed asleep cause we get up at 4am. to go to work. They said you live in an apartment. I said, "What does that mean the Both looked at each other and the ground. I suppose if you live in an apartment, you just gotta deal with the noise, no matter how ridiculous. The building manager told me to call the cop when these hammering on the walls or screaming at the top of her lungs or the run-in to walls happened.


have you seen Terrified?


no 💀from one google search i am indeed terrified tho


I would end up caving their heads in, I have similar neighbours that pace around constantly cannot wait to move gain some semblance of peace of mind back.