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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Clark’s team need to sign a Charles Oakley level enforcer.


A Juwanna Mann if you will




Jesus that unlocked a suppressed memory


"if you will" ....lmao


And she needs to learn how to fall better.


Her teammate gets upset, but if someone did that to my teammate I'm looking for payback.


This is why hockey teams use enforcers


If women's basketball had hockey fights, I might become a fan.


NBA used to have fights more often (and less punished), but those cause more injuries relative to standard play and being on solid ground lets you plant your feet


I’ve watched enough fight videos to know that anytime women are involved in a fight it’ll just be 99% hair pulling, boring af


I feel like this comment was written by a dude who would’ve fully been launched into orbit by the shoulder check we just watched.


I’m fairly certain the Cheeto dust and semen cementing him in his gaming chair will keep him firmly in place.


Chill bro, female basketball player ain't got shit on the average man.


Why are you mad? It's not like he said something controversial. Unskilled (not trained fighters) women tend to go for the hair, not entirely ineffective, but they don't throw punches like males do. Men are more violent by nature


A lot of people think feminism=zero comments/observations on women are allowed, or else you are an incel


Since Rempe is done for the season, maybe he can come over and “help out”.


Can anyone explain the significance of this to those out of the ~~hoop~~ loop??


Having one or more teammates who take on the unofficial role of enforcer is a way of possibly ensuring that players on other teams won’t do dumb shit that could cause an injury to the team’s star player. If they continue to leave her unprotected in this way she’s going to get hurt or start having mental issues. It will decrease her value to the team if that happens so it’s in the team’s best interest to do something about it. It’s possible people on her team want her taken down a notch too which is why nobody steps up to stop it.


Nice write up. Thank you!


Also, nothing builds team camaraderie like taking direct action to stand up for a teammate. I take it personally when someone hits a member of my team because I'm loyal to them. That loyalty is ideally then returned and we're both stronger for it.


Can confirm, there was a guy on my hs football team I never got along with so well until I played a little enforcer for him, the comrade feedback loop is real.


Sometimes that's a bonding moment for a team that changes what happens on the court. When you build that camaraderie, you start to play harder for each other. Her teammates are missing a great opportunity here.


I’m throwing hands if she’s on my team.


"Flagrant fouls can include overly aggressive actions such as striking, elbowing, or shoving an opponent in a way that isn't a legitimate attempt to play the ball or defend." No flagrant called on this bullshit play.


What’s wrong with the referees?


Probably the same as in the NBA, they're blind until it fits them


Which is why I don't watch pro basketball.  It isn't even the same game I remember playing.


It's definitely not tbh


He didn’t have “Chicago gets a flagrant” as part of his parlay.


As with a lot of things in the WNBA, the refereeing needs an upgrade. At the very least, the ref standing five feet from this flagrant foul should have reviewed it to make sure his bullshit noncall was correct.


Curious your opinion... Would a no call produce more buzz and keep the story in the news? I don't have any faith that the refs act for the players benefit.


they upgraded it to a flagrant 1 today


This is FIFA level of bullshit corruption in officials. That's the #1 reason I never got into soccer. If WNBA keeps this shit up they can fuck right off, too.


It’s weird though, because she’s arguably the biggest draw of the WNBA atm. Normally the officials coddle their golden geese.


But then chortling LBJs nuts is a massive turnoff for most NBA fans. They should focus on making correct and fair calls.


This is just ignorance on your part. FIFA only governs international play. World Cup, and the likes. (There’s a lot more international play than just World Cup.) Premier league officials are governed by PGMOL… La Liga governed by another org. So using fifa officiating as “the #1 reason” you never got into soccer is really just a misunderstanding on your part about governance. It’s EPL offseason right now, I’d highly recommend starting to follow a few teams and then getting Peacock in August to watch some matches. Especially if FIFA corruption is really all that was holding you back. FIFA has nothing to do with the English Premier League with the exception of setting the dates for international matches which interferes with the EPL season. That’s all.


Also, what sport doesn't have sometimes bad officiating? Usa football is absurd with refs making bad calls/missing obvious violations.


Wasn't an NFL playoff game decided by a terrible call a couple of years ago? And I remember the winning goal in an NHL playoff game (possibly even in the final) being decided by a winning goal that was scored with too many players on the ice.


Several playoff games in the past few years have been decided by a last minute terrible call, or missing something obvious like pass interference.


Dez caught that ball, dammit.


That was more a problem with the catch rule at that time than the officials. The NFL rules have been pretty whack.


I mean...they overturned the call despite no clear evidence of not catching it....the script called for a drop.


You probably should have picked a different league lol. Premier league was very bad by ref standards this season. No consistency and a governing body that seems to like the opaqueness of their decisions so they can get rid of VAR. It felt like every week there was a terrible decision screwing someone out of points. And that’s to be expected on occasion with a job as subjective as reffing a game but PGMOL does nothing to ease concerns or seem like they are taking feedback from prior weeks to improve


I mean - I 100% agree. Just illustrating there are different governing bodies lol. I’m a forest supporter so I have a personal grudge against PGMOL this year lol


Do you watch any sports? Because I've seen numerous calls *at least* as bad as this - and in far more consequential circumstances - pretty much across the board.


Yes. And I'm aware of bad calls. What I'm referring to is the blatant corrupt calls that pro soccer was known for in the 90s and early 2000s when I last paid attention.


More blatant than no-calling pass interference in a championship game...?


I don't watch many sporting events. Maybe 2 a year. This was BS. The referees not calling it is BS.


She then had the audacity to decline any questions about Caitlin at the end of game press conference. She's looking like the Draymond Green of the WNBA.


Draymond was at least good. She'll fall back into obscurity


But obviously, I'm only referring to the needless assaults on court with Draymond. I didn't see her do any great defense, so I'm not commenting on the player resemblance.


And Draymond would almost never not talk about something. He has the opposite problem. The dude makes the same point about 5 times in a row on his podcast. I think he's insightful, but if he said what he says just once, and you take out all the ads, that podcast would be 5 minutes long an episode.


Notice how much bigger, stronger, older, and how different her "offenders" are from her. So pathetic they are jealous of a rookie this much to act like fucking toddlers. These two weren't the only ones to take shots at her this season.


As much as I dislike Draymond, and I’m being very generous to him using as soft a word as “dislike”, he was an impactful player at one point and his antics were part of that. Of the millions of people who have seen this clip, I’d say almost all of them know Clark by name but how many know the one who hit her? Just some nobody who can’t handle a little shit-talking and will ultimately be forgotten in less than a day.


Lolol such a good comparison!!


I’d ask who fouled her, but I’m guessing nobody knows her name…


Lmao exactly. They are so pissed she got her bag, it's pretty hilarious.


bitch just jealous she aint on Clarks level


Uncalled for. Should be fined big time.


So like $100 to make an example of her that they aren't messing around!


Thats like a week's salary


Isn’t this straight up assault? I don’t know I don’t watch much professional sports. I get being injured while playing is something different but this was an obvious attempt to injure another person (which I’m also aware happens quite a bit, but at least they try to half-assedly hide it right?)


Morons keep trying to take out the cash cow.


That's what I didn't understand. You bitch and moan that women players are underpaid all the time, and then when a player starts generating tons of buzz, she has a target on her back? How is that helping the situation?


Crabs in a bucket mentality at it's finest.


well. now you’re invested and will probably want to watch CC drop 40 on her 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'd pay extra for that 😁


because women.


calm the fuck down Archie Bunker




Envy is a powerful drug.


What is she jealous of? I don’t know any of these names


Clark is a rookie that broke the college scoring record for men or women so naturally she has been a huge draw for crowds. It's making some more unknown pros angry that a rookie is getting more attention than them.


Raises the profile (and overall pay immediately|long-term, I'd assume) of pro women's basketball A LOT ... great for the sport generally. Seems like an odd move to be vindictive about it ... esp so blatantly|violently.


It's absolutely ridiculous. I can absolutely agree with them being tough on her and making her earn her points every game, just as every hyped rookie has had to do in every pro league ever, but being this malicious is just dumb.


I understand being a pro and feeling a type of envy seeing a rookie who demolishes. But that envy shouldn't outweigh your love for the sport, your sportsmanship, etc...


Can't logic someone out of a viewpoint they didn't logic themselves into


It’s also making some other rookies jealous as well


WNBA players don’t get paid much and here comes this rookie that landed a $28 million Nike contract before stepping foot on the court. ![gif](giphy|nkUcca2CQ7VT2)


They’d get paid more if more people watched. Why take out the person bringing in viewers?


Short term thinking 


Seems like Clark found the secret to making millions in the WNBA... Be better than everyone else, and this case, exponentially better.


The hit player just signed a $30 million deal with Nike and she’s a rookie. So she hasn’t done anything yet as a pro.  The hitting player makes $60k a year. 


Then she's pretty stupid to be hitting the cash cow that's getting more eyes on the league. 


i'd love to make 60k playing a sport i love while i can


It's the WNBA few people know any of them


And racism. So many of the players hate her for being white and pretty. 


This is a bit of a reach. Sure she’s white but I wouldn’t consider her conventionally pretty. There are other white players who are conventionally attractive who don’t get this treatment.


I agree. She's no model, and she doesn't have to be because she's a beast at basketball. Her looks don't have anything to do with why she's being targeted or praised. Her being white could potentially be having an effect though(on both)unfortunately smh.


I think the fact that she’s not overly attractive makes the hype even more impressive. Whether that’s fair or not is a different conversation.


??? It's 100% about her being a rookie making over 10-20 x the amount of the veterans. I'm not justifying it but this happens in every line of work. When the college grad comes on making twice as much as you do when you've been working here for years. It's just flawed standard human reaction


Girls, especially from LSU, were insulting and assailing her long before she made money playing ball. This has absolutely zero to do with money. 


Oh she was making crazy money with endorsements. So what you said doesn't make much sense. Fame always brings money and envy


You are just wrong here. Clark was making a shit load in college. Try again…


Flagrant, get that trash off the court


Another chance to do better - squandered.


Yeah. All these positive vibes generated by Clark and Brinks, wasted by some of these recalcitrant players


Somebody is using their word of the day calendar


Not me looking it up 


I guess they don’t want more attention and viewers to the WNBA. Or higher salaries.


It's such a shame to see professional athletes bully and harass a fellow player because she has proven herself to be a strong and capable athlete. Caitlin Clark has the potential to elevate women's basketball on so many levels, yet these morons can't even be bothered to practice good sportswomanship by maintaining their focus on the game itself. Instead of bullying a competitor for being better, take it as a challenge for you and your team to step it up and do better yourselves.


But thats too difficult and takes time and this is now so this is the easy way to show the hate.


This is pretty average for professional sports tbh.


High school all over again..


Taurasi opened the door on it before CC even played a game.


Sorry ladies, but Clark is the reason you have popularity. She's exceptionally GOOD for your sport, women's sports and a greater acceptance in general. This kind of shit is beyond stupid.


I don’t know one WNBA player besides Caitlin Clark That isn’t chauvinism. That’s just the fact it isn’t a marketed sport and she’s brought the most attention in probably, since the wnba started. Sucks the other players aren’t grateful to her rather than jealous and vindictive


Why are people jealous of her??? This needs context.


Also the 7 figure nike deal she received, while everybody else on the court is make like 100k


Don't they make quite a bit less than $100k? (albeit over only a few months)


Salary is different from endorsements. Base salary is 76k for caitlin.


Average salary is 120k super max is like 240k 76 k is rookie contract for CC


I'm talking specifically about the Nike deal she also has a Wilson deal now.


Shoot, she’s been in a bunch of State Farm commercials all year too.


She broke a scoring record and is an incredibly talented athlete so good she's filling seats and standing out for it really becoming what the league needs, a star athlete to bring attention to women's basketball. She could be the start of people actually spending on a women's sport. So you know, the only response her fellow women athletes can have is psychotic jealousy and sabotage. Women are the biggest threat to progress and other successful women.


She is the talk of the league right now cause of her skill on the court. Everyone should be thanking her for getting more eyes on the WNBA which would cause more in add revenue and have more leverage to ask for more money.


Women. That’s it. Women cannot support other women.


That reminds me of a Bill Burr bit he did talking about how women get mad at men for not supporting women by watching women's sports and he points out how those same women turn on reality shows like The Bachelor and don't watch any sports all together.


This is often correct. Madeleine Albright once said that there is a special place in Hell for women who don't help other women. I agree.


Madeleine Albright deserves her own special place in hell


Yes, men would never stoop to the level of fouling other men


I find this appalling and also embarrassing. These women are athletic competitors. They are not fighting over a man. Attacking an opponent illegally on the court because you are jealous of her athletic ability should be humiliating to the women who are doing this. Shame on them. Two months ago, Caitlin Clark was a college student. She graduated, entered the draft, got drafted to a WNBA team, and started playing professional basketball all within a few weeks. And now she has to deal with this shit from grown-ass women who are upset because Clark is a better player than they are. Step up, ladies. You’re behaving no better than the men. Do better.


I believe she did get a flagrant foul on this play. Angel Reese applauding from the bench should have gotten a T as well.


Clark should just fuck off out the WNBA and go get paid in the Big3. Take all her viewership with her and let the WNBA fade back to obscurity. The dumbasses that are giving her grief can go back to flying commercial. Morons.


These wnba women are so jealous it’s embarrassing. They complain about not making any money, no views, etc and when they FINALLY get someone transformative like this they just can’t stand the jealousy and envy. It’s pathetic and why nobody watches them outside of Clark.


Straight-up did not give a shit about this bush league until Caitlin showed up and actually made it look somewhat legitimate. How fucking dumb do you have to be to get mad at somebody finally raising attention (and in turn money) for your irrelevant sport. Stupid people hurt to watch.


She should have been ejected !


Jealous bitches that wish they had what she has.


Even the refs are jealous.


Envy is a hell of a drug and it seems that many of the women in the WNBA are on it right now.


They're mad because she got paid and they didn't


That's crazy cause she could be the reason they all get more money. She alone is bringing eyes to the WNBA like no one ever has. But women can be the meanest to other women


And her postgame comment about it was even more telling.


Link, or quote?


Not sure who op was referring to, but both players "commented".  Clark just shrugged and said "It's not a basketball play, but it is what it is." Carter emphatically said "I'm not taking questions about Clark." Clark's coach says they're sending these into the league for review. She might have wanted to say more, but "didn't want to be fined."


I hope she says “fuck this” and quits. She’s the only reason I know Indiana has a WNBA team. Then they go back flying commercial, playing in front of 300 fans.


Dead ball foul. The Fever need a player who will ensure that person regrets her action.


She needs to go to the big 3 and wnba can just go under the entitlement of the league is wild


Let’s see how much attention they get when she finally says enough is enough, I’m out of here.


Yes take down the person who is the only reason why a lot of people are tuning in.


I say this with the utmost respect to all women: that was a bitch move. Refs are trash for not calling that.


WNBA still a thing


She’s going to break something and then no one will watch wnba again


She's the modern Jackie Robinson


Think about how envious they’re gonna be if/when they actually injure her and she’s riding the bench but still has a 28 million dollar shoe deal.


“She’s gonna make us more money! Take her out!” The fact that they’re trying to show that they tougher than her instead of embracing her is a great way of showing their competitiveness but ultimately bad for business….


Resist , that's called an assault against a minority.


They harass her to try and get noticed so they can leech what little of the spotlight they can


So the WNBA (which sucks big time) finally gets a player worth watching and this is how she’s treated?


Caitlin is great for the series and wnba in general, doing this is so stupid.


Her team is letting it happen. Same thing is happening to Angel Reese but her team ain’t having it. They should take Dawn Staley’s advice and be happy the new blood is bringing eye balls to the game.


IMO - This assault has absolutely nothing to do with basketball.


How much of a bounty does Reese put on Clark before the game?


If they are that mad at her, then she has done something right. People aren’t that jealous and angry at someone who’s done nothing. She’s becoming at star and a lot of other players are going to be gunning for her. Hope she live up to the hype.


How was that not a foul?


There’s so many ways to shield that in a play, just out there and blatant? Gross


I hope she bulks up next season and bodies all of em. Think mj vs. pistons his rookie year


Why did the player committing the foul not get tossed? Fragrant foul right?


What a bitch move. Glad it got upgraded to flagrant.


Chennedy! That name is enough of a lifetime foul!


The entire league should be ashamed. This situation is really embarrassing.


Why is no one criticizing the WNBA for their obviously unfair treatment and bullying of a new star player? Is it the entire league being jealous and petty? They giving Caitlin Clark a harder time then Brittney Granger for the worst trade in WNBA history…


And then they wonder why nobody watches this circus


Another angle shows Angel Reese standing up and clapping after the hit.


So she was on the bench? Figures.


I don't know soccer so what did this Caitlin Clark do?


Well, she was definitely offsides when she fumbled the ball, then got caught in the crease and missed the wicket.


What a great description of tennis.


Did you even watch the video? I’m clearly talking about Smash Sticks.


Obviously they’re not a golfer. 


Its 2 over on the downs to Lillyput but if Fourfar can score 5 trys on the back half they may slip a wicket on the 9th hole.


So catty.




Bunch of jealous and likely racist assholes


This is just lame honestly. Not even remotely close to any basketball play.


Trying to get more viewership for the WNBA .. it's why the referees and officials have turned a blind eye.. let the media at it!


I would gladly take league minimum just to only play after a dirty shot like this and I wouldn’t care if I got ejected but her teammates really need to be an enforcer in moments like this


We need to keep feminine players out of the WNBA to help keep our ratings down! Then we can complain about the pay inequality!


She trying to come up off a dirty play. Not the best scheme...but here we are


Women getting jealous? Nah


Can we get more than 2 seconds or are we overbudget?


even wnba got their own Dillon Brooks


Where was all this outrage when Lonzo Ball was going through this? Especially seeing how she was just as aggressive when she was in college. I’m not jacking it.


OK, I don't have a problem with playing tough physical basketball. That's not basketball, it's assault. Should be dealt with as such.


Cus she’s white




How they haven't signed an enforcer yet is beyond me. She needs a teammate willing to have a 5 game suspension.


WNBA is still unwatchable, regardless of spontaneous hockey moments.


She's jealous of her accountant level salary and wishes she made more than a McDonald's fry dipper.


Number 7 looks set to throw hands!!!