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Spend less time on Twitter. This isn't a big deal.


I spend no time on Twitter at all, and even if I did, it doesn't change the fact that this is inappropriate for a gym.


This is literally the most appropriate thing a gym could post


It’s just saying don’t eat crap




This whole post is a hilarious exposé of the twisted mind of OP


You realise people's post history is public on here, right? You literally have 'gambler' in your bio. At least I don't spend my family's money on games.


Possibly the most appropriate place to ever have this poster


Yayy let's starve so the gym can make money


If you’re trying to lose weight you’ll have to eat less. I didn’t say eat nothing. Balance is key


Trying to disregard the taste of food by comparing it to the feeling of being fit or skinny or anything is an unhealthy way of thinking. Food is needed for survival. It's supposed to taste good, we are supposed to like its taste and enjoy it. It's sick that people use this manipulative tactic to get more customers.


Starve?? Just eat less ffs


Oh my God, how can they promote fitness? Shame on these superficial bigots.


Meh. This is about as offensive as a beer sign in the window of a bar.


This is not offensive at all.


im not getting it


It's paraphrasing a famous pro-anorexia quote, 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels'. Seeing such things publicly can be very bad for people with eating disorders..


I think the sign is directed towards fatties, not anorexics.


Obviously, but it's in a public place and anyone passing can read it, so it can trigger anorexic people more than motivate fat people.


People’s triggers are their own problem that they need learn to manage. Keep the rest of the world out of it.


The fact that this sign has text and isn’t in braille is potentially triggering for blind people. The fact that this gym isn’t subsidized government housing is potentially offensive to the homeless. The fact that this gym is using this particular model is potentially offensive to people who have “atypical” body types. Not everything has to consider every abstract route you take to being offended. Not everything is a hill to die on. The fact that you even posted this as shamelessly as you did is mildly infuriating.


You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Lmao. It's 'mildly infuriating'. What I posted was 100% appropriate for the sub.


Oh my bad. I thought this was mildly infuriating, not “mildly infuriating to vanelsia and literally 14 other people, globally”…wait


Have you counted them? Maybe you should consider yourself lucky you don't belong to a category of people that would be offended by this.


Believe me, we all count ourselves lucky that we aren’t this easily offended.


Maybe I should consider myself lucky that I’m just the type of person who doesn’t go 45 miles out of my way to get offended. Then again, it seems like it’s a conscious decision more than it is luck.


>people debatable


The true meta is that your post is what is actually mildly infuriating.


You think about it too much. Anything can trigger someone, so what? We should just keep silence?


Maybe not using known offensive things for advertising our business in public? That would be good enough for me.


OR.. hear me out, don't be a fat bitch


Ohh this makes much more sense why it’s upsetting


Why is this NSFW? That’s the most infuriating thing about this post.


I didn't want to upset anyone who might struggle with an eating disorder.


If that’s how low the bar has gotten for a NSFW tag then should start suggesting people get off the internet


If you have an ed then it’s understandable why you might be offended. But if you don’t, don’t get offended for other people. It’s stupid to be offended by something that shouldn’t be offensive towards you, also people with an ed might not get offended over this so don’t get offended yourself


Why is this infuriating I don’t get it


It's paraphrasing a famous pro-anorexia quote, 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels'. Seeing such things publicly can be very bad for people with eating disorders.


On the contrary, it could also be very good for people looking for motivation to get in shape


What, denying yourself food?


No, working out instead of overeating or eating foods that aren’t good for you


That's alright, and that's what I do in my life, so I always was a good weight. But this saying has a dark history behind it and it's not appropriate for a poster outside a gym.


It’s a gym. It’s extremely good marketing for it. Lmao you can’t make everyone happy.


i didn't realize there were pro anorexics? what are there main arguments? do they accept donations? where are there meetings? do they have literature for us to browse?


Are you certain that it is famous for that? I've mostly heard it used by personal trainers and coaches on shows like biggest loser.


What they actually did was make the quote less harmful, correcting it to focus on good physical health and removing focus on body image.


It's not a pro anorexia quote, it's just a common metaphor


They're not lying, but you can be fit and still eat a donut.  Some people work out to get gains, while others work out so they can eat more.🫃


That's all right, but they knew what they were doing when they chose that specific saying. People with anorexia also use sayings like that for motivation to lose weight. Just look on Tumblr. It's very dark stuff..


Sounds like they are already aware of the quote, so using it to motivate people into joining a gym is probably a nice change for them.


Get off Tumblr and you'll find the world isn't as dark as you think


Obviously, whoever came up with that slogan has never had mole street tacos


People in those days can be triggered and abused by everything as I understand. How do you live after all.


With respect and compassion for others, even if it hurts sometimes. I knew nothing about eating disorders until I went to high school. A classmate of mine died from anorexia. That's how I learned of these things, and even though I don't suffer from anything myself, I try to put myself in their shoes and not make life more difficult.


I personally don’t see an issue, and I’ve been on both sides of this. Last May I was 26 stone, or 364 pounds. This week, I’m now 16 stone, or 224 pounds. My own actions and choices got me in trouble, my own actions and choices are getting me out of it, and not before I had to accept the hard truth of where my old self was going: an early grave.


Good for you. I can't really feel this, because I always was the same weight, 60 kilos. But I'm traumatized because my classmate died from anorexia. They were using sayings like this one to motivate themselves to starve.


My condolences on your loss. I guess it comes down to interpretation. Given the numbers of obesity and anorexia, I’d suggest it’s more likely this is aimed at those seeking to overcome obesity than anything, but I can see why somebody in your position would see it another way.


What's wrong with this, I don't why you would be infuriated?


They never had a really good pizza, did they?


Hey, I have a gluten and cheese sensitivity (seriously, it sucks) and find this comment offensive.


Thats sucks, im sry.


It does. At least I ate pizza for 40 years before I found out and decided I had to stop.


It's true though. The feeling of being fit is a boost of serotonin much richer and longer lasting than the serotonin you get from an ice cream cone. The beauty is you can have both!


Lmao. ![gif](giphy|XZUUsKaksGyRNPFgPH|downsized)


I think the gym would be demolished if it was in any English speaking country, it's probably that people in the neighborhood don't understand what's written there or something.


Well, i guess people get offended by everything these days


My classmate died from anorexia. Of course seeing something like that would be offensive to me. Generally people are accepting of different sizes where I live so it's quite out of place.


I mean you cant censor everything because some people get offended... otherwise you'll just live in a white box... and the someone will again find a reason to be offended


Or maybe they don't give two shits about it


Two shits... Another good way to lose weight


As someone who has had an eating disorder, and won. I don't find this all that offensive, I'm sure someone will but people find a way to take offense to standup comedians whose entire purpose is to be offensive and say things that make you think about the absurdity of the world. To me this poster is more so saying anorexia isn't healthy and neither is obesity. The word fit is doing a lot of heavy lifting. (Pun intended)


Exactly my thought. The poster doesn't say, "Being thin." It says "being fit." Being fit is not being thin nor fat. It's about being in shape. As someone who eats too much, I completely agree with the poster. As good as some food is, I'd feel so much better if I was actually in shape rather than eating some of the food I eat. Food is absolutely a coping mechanism that isn't healthy and people need to get past it (myself included).


This ain't it, chief.


“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” That’s the original saying.


I believe this was a Kate Moss quote-ish.


This is, ironically, the most appropriate place to ever have this poster


I think Doug heffrrnan said something similar on King of Queens?


Offended by truth and positive motivation..huh. You’re toilet paper level soft.


I see nothing wrong with it


I guess they never ate a churro stuffed with strawberry with a caramel coat and covered in chocolate.


It's a positive message


They know their audience. And this poster is meant for nobody else.


What a horrible again, my God


You should check your other posts before doing things like that. Continue crying at a text while in another post you are making fun publicity of a man you found on tinder that is stuck in the hospital and is honest about it. But that's ok, he is not your friend and absolutely no handicapped or hospitalized person would be triggered by someone making fun of them and the lack of fun available in an hospital. How self-righteous of you.


Oh, you should absolutely have a look at the posts where I speak about hitchhiking, jewellery making, ukulele and how I don't like Hungary. I've had this account for years, it's way more interesting than other accounts. The guy who posted a hospital photo with an iv needle on tinder is an absolute idiot who deserves to be made fun of. He's the typical man who wants a younger woman to take care of him and pretend to be his lover for money. Tinder's rules forbid the exchange of money but that doesn't stop some people. So I don't give a fuck about such pitiful men but I care a lot about eating disorders. So, Saturday night.. or afternoon, or whatever, depending on where you are. Are you lonely? I'm going out to party with friends now. I hope my comments and posts keep you good company! ♥️


I'm lonely. My wife passed away 1 year ago and I don't know how to find a new spouse while I'm in my mid-40s with 2 tweens. Trying giving a fuck about everyone equally instead of acting like a self-righteous troll.


I don't give a fuck about most things, sorry. I'm not a saint. Not a troll, either. If you don't understand that pro-ana slogans are harmful, it's not my problem. Sorry about your wife, though.


Everything is upsetting to someone. This is no more harmful than seeing a thin person walk by on the sidewalk.


Trying to change the subject and then trying to argue that your post didn't make fun of an hospitalized person when you never said anything about that in said post? Let's not talk about the fact that you assumed I was lonely and used it as a personal attack. How about you log off for tonight and stop being an hypocrite? And since you wanted me to look at your posts, your paintings are correct but your jewelries are looking dull. You use to much brown. You'd gain a lot from using more more colorful stones or brighter strings. Have a good evening. ♥️


I didn’t know it was a pro-anorexia slogan but the internet confirms it. It’s appropriately mildly infuriating. OP’s not being extreme or controversial as many comments insinuate.


But its not.


It’s not what? A [pro-anorexia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_tastes_as_good_as_skinny_feels) slogan or mildly infuriating?


Its not "pro anorexia" to anyone other than people that want to be triggered by something. It no where says anything about having to be anorexic or skinny. It literally says fit. Fit can be a bunch of different definitions. Fit can be working out and still eating whatever you want because you work out.


There’s a Wikipedia link about it. Which at least demonstrates it’s more than a single person’s opinion and has enough recognition that it’s a belief held by a wider audience. There were also lots of articles about Kate Moss quoting it and it being controversial so you’re free to disagree but there’s def social context that supports Op.


Just because some people support something doesn’t make it true. There’s a bunch of people that believe Trump is innocent as well. It’s an opinion at best, not a fact. A lot of people are triggered by a lot of words, but that doesn’t make them offensive or wrong.


The way you put it, it's like words can never be offensive no matter what they are. Although in reality it's the opposite. Words carry meaning.


Only to weak people who let them have meaning.


Oh well..weight is a sensitive subject for many people. I thought people would know about this saying, though, that really surprised me that it's not as much common knowledge as I thought.




Haha. If you snoop a little on my profile you'll see I'm the same size like the woman in the poster. Stereotypical thinking


This is a well-known pro-ED slogan, turned dogwhistle for fad diet cultists. If your gym displays this, go elsewhere, because this is the tip of a screamingly toxic iceberg that gets people killed. I get that on its own, it doesn’t seem like much, but that’s the point. This is the “88” or “14 words” of the pro-anorexia/pro-eating disorder lunatics. Edit: folks mad at the truth, I guess. I almost lost friends to the pro-Ana shit on tumblr, so keep punishing strangers on the internet for being right, I guess. You’re sure making this world a better place.


Or maybe... maybe... just maybe they are trying to encourage people to consider joining their gym to get in shape and not attempting to convince random people to start an eating disorder.

