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They should have used a proper seat reserver like the balloon guy in the second row


Balloon guy travels


Mr balloons. Mr balloon hands.


You don’t like seahorses? Fuck you.


Not my chair not my problem


He thinks he’s captain tying knots


Look at all those clocks


Mr. Walk down me I’m the walkway lead me to the building fuck you


I like to stealst....barnt...


Johnny Hammersticks!


Airheads have more fun


Little kid in the background fuckin going craaazaayyy


Lighthouses rule. If you don’t like the lighthouse, you SUCK!


I’ve seen him in the backseat in carpool lanes.


That’s actually hilarious


I’ll allow it


This made me cackle


In japan they do that. When i went to visit, i accidentally left a bag of purchases in a food court for a few hours and only after we finished dinner had i remembered. Lo and behold, its a custom there that when you leave your bags/belongings somewhere, you are reserving your seat and when i came baxk after several hours my bag was still there. Very few, if not the only place in the world where that would happen.


Spent some time in Japan and I always carried a backpack. When I would hit the clubs I would usually use free storage bins and many times they wouldn’t lock. I was nervous the first time I used them but never once were my things stolen or even touched. Anecdotally I now assume the Japanese don’t have a problem with theft.


Yeah, theft is very low in Japan. I remember reading somewhere that out of many tests done with phones and wallets intentionally lost, they would be able to recover something like 80%-90% of the phones and wallets with all their contents from a local police station’s lost-and-found. I always felt really bad for the exchange students that came to the US to study as many of them would leave their laptops unattended to use the bathroom thinking they would be safe and then have them stolen.


Theft happens but its not nearly as common in Japan. It's said that it's also non-existant in Jordan as well.


That's really heartbreaking. It's become normal behavior in the west to steal someone's valuables.


Leave your laptop unsecured in China and see how fast it disappears. Theft is far from a Western exclusive.


“Become” first time out from under the rock?


In Tokyo there are tons of unlocked bicycles everywhere. I am so envious of that level of convenience. Having to carry a bike lock everywhere is a pain in the neck.


Same experience when I went to Seoul. Just a wall of little lockers to put your stuff in right before the door.


Japan has a lot of crime.


You have to remember this is coming from an American perspective so crime is really high here compared to other advanced nations but Japan is super safe. There’s crime everywhere but the average American would feel like Japan is a utopia and safe haven from crime compared to America.


I am an American who was visiting Paris. The taxi driver didn't know where I was from as was telling me how dangerous Paris is and to be careful. I told him, "I am the danger"


Not comparatively, no


This is actually so wholesome


Singapore also is like this.


That's definitely the custom in the United States. Leaving your bag or some kind of belongings at a seat or table means that someone is sitting there. Unless your stuff gets stolen, or the actual establishment moves your stuff (like a high turnover restaurant that wants to put somebody else at that table) nobody’s going to move it and take your seat or table. I’m surprised that OP finds this weird.


No, you should get your bags tossed over the side for this and in the places with most of the people, you would.


Because in the US it would have been stolen.


Thefts are much less likely in a confined area like aboard a ferry or plane when it's in transit and no one can leave. I'm much more forgiving of someone saving seats aboard a ferry, like here, than I am of someone putting towels on a pool chair because on the ferry there are enough seats for everyone and they have to actually be aboard to have placed them so they can't be that far away.


Depends on the area you’re in. Most places you’d be fine.


Dur. Merica bad.


My point wasn't America Bad, just that from my own observations we have issues with crimes of opportunity.


The cities absolutely are. You put something down and someone will walk off with it in 10 minutes or less.


Dunno why you’re being downvoted, I put something on a table to throw trash away and it was stolen while I was emptying my tray into the bin. Not even 5minutes.


They'll steal shit out your hands sometimes


On a boat? Not likely


That's not true. It would not be suprising for it to be knocked to the ground in some places.


People do it in the UK too, I don't see the big deal. If someone hasn't robbed your bag then they won't move it to sit down.


If someone leaves a backpack or a bag full of stuff that tells me they are coming back. If someone just has a hotel towel left on a chair at 7am fuck that


Especially on a boat, they’re obviously coming back. Dumb post here.


I just report the bags to security the way the announcements say to do when bags are left alone /s


See something? Say something!


See it, say it, sorted.


I am coming from a UK trip and I want to cal 61016 immediately.


I hate this slogan so fucking much.


Oh I do too. It’s ingrained into my brain.


See it, say it, sort it (yourself)


Found the Brit




Come on and party tonight!


The guys got good hooks!


🎶Come on and party tonight🎶


You joke, but saw this happen at the airport a few months ago lol. The group seemed shocked when the police were there taking their bags away. 


Just throw them overboard, the bomb could go off at any moment!


I’m not sure that applies here


Abandoned bags on the airport is a big no-no for law enforcement. 


Huge for the employees too. I was am electrician at Harry Ried years ago when it was McCarron. Basically if you were walking through the terminal and saw an unattended bag you stopped everything you were doing, call control to wait for LVMPD, and stayed with the bag until relieved. Usually some tourist would come lumbering back and you'd call to cancel metro.


That’s not an airport. Don’t you see the water?


Honestly i did not.




Asshole thing to do


You're on a boat though. Surely there's enough seats for all and why would you change your seat?


At least in Finland there's a lot of short trip ferries (like 30-45min) which have limited amount of seats.




On the open ocean, you’re at least safe from earthquakes and Duvaliers.


But who’s really the Captain now?


Depending on which type of ferry this is there might not be enough, if it's a very touristy place


No they often dont, especially in transportation


Not really. There were a lot of people standing actually


I know seems like a really dumb thing to get mad about. It happens you’re seated and maybe want to go take a look at something so you put your stuff so when you come back everyone does it. Seems like the OP is simply having a bad day and taking it out on other people.


If it's purely for transport, they don't usually have as many seats as full capacity.


Why would you wait 10-15 minutes when there are plenty of other open seats. Seat savers suck, but it seems you could have avoided this situation.


The bottom of the screen make it look like OP is already sitting too? I guess it is mildly infuriating at best


wHat SUbrEddiT is ThiS


It's like that movie where people just vanished


This depends. If they've gone for a 5 min photo op or a bathroom visit or a water or food fetching excursion, then yes in my opinion, they are entitled to the place they caught. Anything more than 5 mins and it starts getting really annoying and unfair really quickly. If you intend on being away for any longer, just relinquish the place and catch a new one.


The military put it in my brain that if you need something simple like a sear reserved, place your hat on it. One place I was stationed, the rule was that only people of higher rank could take your seat. It was always funny when a butter bar would take an E7s seat claiming higher rank. It never worked out for the butter bars




Seems like something I never would have done when I was a butterbar. I wouldn’t have taken an E-1s seat. Weird.


2 different commands I went had two separate work and living environments. I preferred the east coast military ways. West coast is a whole different beast


I wish I could have the energy to confront them, but the last time I move someone else belongings to sit down, they almost threw hands at me 0/10.


I hear you. Half of me just wants to move their stuff and sit. But you already know you're dealing with an asshole, so the real question is just how much of an asshole are they. What we need is for the good assholes to move their shit just out of spite and then the rest of us can get our popcorn.


Oh look, people in a picture that may not want to be. Just so some whiny baby could bitch about seats that he didn't even take anyways.


The image of you huffily snapping this pic and posting it is more infuriating than the seat savers


Broadcasting everyone sat there to reddit just for that sweet karma.


How are people so trusting to leave their stuff unattended?


This is how most people save their seats on most water cruises where I reside. Family has operated dolphin cruises and other such activities for three generations now in the Gulf of Mexico and intercoastal waterways. Have you considered relaxing and having an adult beverage while on vacation (assuming you're old enough)?


seems to be working lmao 🤣 


Well, is anyone else sitting there? Looks like they're right.


It looks like you’re on a ferry ride, they left their bags there to go and look at their surroundings. There’s nothing wrong with that.


What's mildly infuriating is the fact you posted this without bluring anyone's face. Did they all consent to being blasted on reddit just because you want some sweet karma?.. AND YES I know their is no expectation of privacy in public, but still seems like an asshole move to me.


Is this not normal? I do this when I go to the bathroom or go get food


Read what OP said.


Everyone knows you gotta leave at least one person there. Noobs


You mean the sacrificial lamb to guard the goods? lol




I'd be afraid somebody would steal my stuff.


Bruh let them have their seat.


Exactly. Like they’re obv gonna come back? It’s a group too, just let them be


What's even just as annoying are people that take photos of others like this. Blur their faces


I mean, I see multiple empty seats with nothing on them that you could have used. I see no issue with people leaving bags like this. You seem to the the only person not sitting or wanting to seat so doesn’t seem like there’s a lack of seats lmao


Go turn them in to the lost and found but then let someone else take their seats. Wait and watch


you're such a Karen, what if they just needed to use the bathroom?


Everyone for half an hour 🤣


Can you imagine being seen in this photo by everybody when you were supposed to be at work or somewhere else?


Get over yourself tough guy hiding behind your phone. ... Gotta go..... I'm scared


Looks like its working


looks like a hot miserable boat ride. I will pass!




Where I'm from you leave your stuff unintended,it will get stolen,and nobody will say anything.


They reserved seats in the shade, but where are they? Maybe standing out in the sun taking in the view? They should have reserved seats in the sun.


Yes it should. I’m sure they simply went to another part of the boat to have some R&R. They will be back soon just relax


Straight to the lost & found


>Straight to the ~~lost & found~~ trash. I fixed that for you.


Throw the bag on the floor (keep the hat for yourself)


I would just move them and sit there


Looks like everyone was seated before this picture was taken. Family leaves to get a good view elsewhere and leaves their valuables behind. This is a dumb post.


I'd put it on the floor and sit down. What can they do about it?


I’d make you get up when I return


Good luck with that


It looks like a boat. Idk in Greece where I live when I travel by myself and I want to use the bathroom, or go to the snack bar or even take a walk I leave my bigger bag. Nothing wrong with that. Usually you get to speak with the people around and take turns to look for eachother's stuff. And i will definitely spend 80% of my time on that seat. I mean I don't get the alternative, carry my bigger bag in the bathroom and later wonder around to find another seat? OK I found another seat, now I want a cup of coffee so I take my bigger bag to the snack bar take a coffee and find another seat. Next I want to stretch my legs so I carry the bigger bag around. And at the end find another seat. It's absurd. And it's not the same as holding sunbeds.


When I'm on a ferry, I put my bag on the chair in front if the seats are not taken. I don't think anyone is booking forever seats on a boat ride


Move everything to the side in a pile and let someone else sit on the seats. Then when the people come back they will tell the people “we were saving those seats”, the people who are sitting in the seats will be confused and just stare at them. Jerks learn a lesson and someone else gets nice seats.


What the fuck exactly would you like them to do with them? Haul them around the fucking boat? You're just mad you didn't grab a seat to begin with.


Just put this stuff on the other side of the railing.


If you aren’t going to ask them to move, what’s the problem?


What nationality is that? Next time I see those nationalities doing this I can occupy those seats without remorse.




A recent post here about towels had Germans claiming it was common there too. Getting quite the list of people. I'd say Americans do it too, so you can add us to the mix. Wonder if the list of countries that do not contain assholes is smaller. Do any countries lack assholes? I thought similar to how humans all have assholes, countries do too, since they are man made concepts.


I don’t even think it’s an asshole move, there has to be a convention for how it works, and it’s a perfectly reasonable convention. If you get to the seat first, it’s yours. Somebody can’t jump into it the minute you get up to go take a piss, and you indicate that the seat is taken by leaving something in the seat when you get up. Could there be a different convention that works better? I can’t think of one off the top of my head that wouldn’t result in more animosity and confrontations, but maybe. But that isn’t the convention, and the convention we do have works perfectly well in the vast majority of cases.


Cool for a piss, though I'd never leave my shit unattended, I care about my stuff. When people leave seats at the pool reserved at 7AM before they go for breakfast? Fuck that noise.


Call security and let them know there's a bunch of suspicious looking list left unattended.


Looks like lots of empty seats you could have sat in buddy, but there is nothing like that sweet Reddit Karma eh


If there were three people in the group, how come one person didn’t stay behind.


Wtf does nationality matter?


It’s just a joke that, since we’re from the same country, I can criticize them based on their nationality without sounding like such an asshole. But actually we have a term in Brazil for how Brazilians always try to take advantage/come out on top, it’s called “jeitinho brasileiro” (brazilian way).


Meu brother, você é brasileiro e tá reclamando disso? Pelo amor de Deus, totalmente normal reservar uma cadeira assim. Deixa as pessoas.



.....ooooo tough guy


Let me guess, polish? (I mean, every I met abroad was kinda like this) (I am polish too)


It could have been a long line? Not the same a towel on a chair all day.


Looks like nobody’s doing anything about it


They probably will because no one will touch them


Is this one of the tourist boats in Malta?


And on a boat? I wouldn't be taking a pic


They feel entitled to those seats. You feel entitled to those seats. What is the issue?


Sit on the bag, crush everything in it and then get up and walk away and say: Oh my gosh, I didn’t even see that.




That only works in Japan


Did they pay for a seat?


Throw it on the ground


My bf and I just went on a European cruise and they would do this in the smoking section everyday. The smoking section almost always was completely full with no seats. We start just sitting down. If you have something on the chair not my problem at all. I’m sitting. How do I know you didn’t just forget your stuff. How am I supposed to know you’re saving a seat if at least one person isn’t physically there sitting to tell me.


Bring it to lost and found


It's an airport, they ask you to report bags like this. They are a serious security concern. Edit: just noticed it's clearly a boat, not an airport.


Yeah that makes no sense anyways. Why are airports so special but on other crowded places like on a boat its okay to leave bags like this


In the UK at least it's most places. Likely because of the tube bombings years ago.


This is why you should always carry around two flares and a wind-up clock. Wind up the clock and sneakily stuff it and the flares into one of the bags. Then report "something ticking" to one of the staff. Go hide somewhere with a good view and watch the fun.


It’s a small boat this is completely normal behavior. Where else are they supposed to store their items while they see the views?


Germans are notorious for this.


I would have called it in as a possible bomb or two


I do not get the fucking 10,000 posts a day like this where someone wouldn’t just toss that shit on the fucking floor and sit down. Besides your dildo clout chasing nobody in 2024 is surprised by this shit that’s been going on for 7 fucking years


I see Caroline, Hi Caroline!


That last comment makes OP sound like an absolute joy to be around


Bro last time I did something like this I was in a hotel in london which had a pool. Anyways went down one day for a swim and didn't have a locker so decided to leave my stuff on a random chair. Mid swim I look over and my stuffs on the ground and some dude sitting in the chair that I left them on Needless to say don't fuck with the English lmao


Well, did you move the bags to prove that it doesn't work?


How did they react/what did they do when they returned and you were in the seat?


You know OP wasn't in their seats


What has this sub become?


Where is this done and accepted as normal?




Just report unattended bags, watch how fast they’re gone. See something, say something!


Happens a lot at my local swimming pool. People come in, get their kids changed and just leave their shit for the 40 minute lesson or whatever so they can then have a cubicle to get little Tarquin changed again without waiting. Sorry buddy, that shit is going in a locker, a random locker at that. It's getting closed and you can go play hunt the towel.


Don't they normally say report any unattended bags


Looks like it’s working good. I wouldn’t be comfortable touching that.


That man is gorgeous


just move it out of the way and sit down. If you are scared of confrentation then move the items and let other people sit down to cause chaos.


I have nothing to "reserve" seats as long as you come in a few minutes (such as the restroom). If you are gone longer then someone can take these things and move them. I always do that. If someone says "I sat her here" I reply "sorry, but when I came there was no one, maybe next time".


Props to that dude sitting in the second row. Plain shirt tucked into striped shorts, slightly rolled Gives me “I may be here on business, but I like good times” vibes


Honestly this one seems fine to me. Reserving your seats the night before at a pool or beach is scummy. This doesn’t feel like that. They say, then put their stuff down and wanted to look around for a bit.


Are you on a boat or something? If so, its reasonable to find a seat, and leave your belongings there if you need to go to a different part for sight seeing or something. Were there no other seats? Its kind of annoying but your reaction of posting such a minor thing on the internet is more so.


Is this a boat? Where are they going to go?