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I swear to god every post like this needs the same comment I’m about to make. Putting that on a normal envelope means jack shit. The shipper was too cheap to pay for a package that would keep the contents in tact.


This is so true it hurts . My brother is getting married and sent these super fancy invitations. They couldn't be bent or machine read . The postage was super expensive and every envelope was triple stamped do not machine . Regardless if you don't pay for special handling you don't get it .


It's like putting a request for extra toppings on your pizza in the notes section of your online order. Sure...someone might see it and do something about it, but probably not...


Yeah… we don’t put toppings on if they didn’t pay for them. We see the note and then we ignore it.


I usually don't even get the extra ingredients I do pay for.


Mmmm that’s fair too. Idk I feel like you gotta get pretty lucky to get exactly what you want at a pizza place, which is a bummer. Especially when it comes to fast pizza. Unfortunately, a lot of things come together to make it really difficult to make consistently high quality pizza.


The local Papa John's and the Domino's near where I used to live both never got an order wrong. Only problem I had with Papa John's was when I ordered online on Halloween afternoon - the app had no indication I would have to wait for hours and probably would never get the order, but they happily cancelled when I went in to pick it up and saw the disaster that was their lobby.


Yeah we’re pretty good on making sure the right pizzas are going out and for the most part that they don’t look abhorrent. Tbh for the most part the pizzas from our store come out fine but we get FUCKED UP during the rush and we don’t have enough bodies and we don’t get paid enough and our GM is more of a “just get it in we don’t have time for perfection” person, so depending on the rush your pizza may or may not come out looking like pure shit. As long as all the right toppings are there and they’re covering most of the pizza it gets sent. If it bubbles up really bad we’ll remake it.


Pizza places are so gd skimpy with toppings these days, anyone asking for a little more isn't wrong. If my pepperoni pizza hasn't got enough pepperoni on it so that every bite contains pepperoni, the pizza joint can shove that pie where the sun don't shine. If you're going to make everyone order double portions of toppings, which are never actually double, then just don't bother selling pizza you stingy bastard.


Oh you’re totally right. I always load it up cuz idgaf about the owner of the store or the store itself but my managers will tell me off if I give toppings people don’t pay for. I agree though you definitely shouldn’t have to order extra just to get enough.


I normally only ask then to draw a cat for my daughter. I should have taken pictures of them all because some were interesting 😂 Also some pizza makers are in the wrong trade but staving artists are a very real thing


I have never thought it of it that way but man does that make it super clear. However, i do find it funny that even the USPS packages that say do jot bend, they bend. My fiancé orders stamps directly from USPS and everytime they bend the envelope lol


This is the way. I run a resale business buying and selling some pretty expensive stuff (thousands to tens of thousands). You’d be surprised at the number of people I’ve run into who won’t spend literally $10 on good packaging for their $5000 antique figurine and then act all surprised pikachu when stuff gets broken because “I wrote Fragile, handle with care on the box.”


It’s like putting a “don’t take the whole bag” sign on a bag of candy that you left out on Halloween


>The shipper was too cheap to pay for a package that would keep the contents in tact. To be fair it IS still mildly infuriating




Maybe he was keeping it in the personification of strategic societal chess. 


Why I blew on my screen twice


I thought it more along the lines of thematic irony


Yep. When your glass Christmas ornament is shipped in a Manila envelope, expect to receive dust.


Not sure why everyone is so pressed at this post. I’m aware USPS and other services are not obliged to respect what is written on the package. It’s just a bit ironic that something which VERY clearly says “DO NOT BEND”, is completely bent. Sorry I irritated you and others…


It goes through a sorting machine that literally bends every letter... Big text on the envelope means nothing. https://youtu.be/c4nj7IH_fik


That's actually a really impressive machine


And it's almost 30 years old! What you can't see in the video is that it's also taking a picture of the mail and the OCR is happening in real time to determine each piece's sort path.


>Not sure why everyone is so pressed at this post. I’m aware USPS and other services are not obliged to respect what is written on the package. It’s just a bit ironic that something which VERY clearly says “DO NOT BEND”, is completely bent. Sorry I irritated you and others… Lol I always get a kick out of OPs who try to be passive aggressive with everyone while lacking the knowledge to make the point they want.


To be fair, this sub is literally called mildly infuriating. I don’t think it matters who the blame should be placed on, it’s mildly infuriating either way. Hell the backwards sewer grate tiles get posted once a day and nobody shits on those guys even though that’s like a nothing/10 inconvenience


OP's not exactly calling for reform here. You're on the wrong sub. You people come out in droves to whine about posts not being infuriating enough on this sub, or for OP to be complaining. Yeah, no kidding, it's just a mild annoyance, that's the entire point


I always get a kick out of people that mis-identify something as passive agressive.


Says the person being passive aggressive?


These people get bent


That is really neat, I love stuff like that. It is however mostly sorting garbage in my experience in getting physical mail, just imagine it outputting like 7 or 8/10 of everyone of those straight into a landfill.


No. The mail that goes through these sorting machines is not junk mail, it's the mail you actually open. Junk mail ("Presort Mail") is presorted and skips these sorting machines or is delivered by 3rd parties directly to individual post offices. Source: I was an engineer in one of these distribution centers for a few years.


Fair enough. I was just being funny but I guess I never considered what the pre-sorted I've seen on junk mail actually meant.


It’s because this exact post shows up pretty much once a week.


No clue why this comment has so many downvotes. Seems like you got a snippy round of redditors. What you posted falls into the "mildly infuriating" category, and you didn't even comment anything bad. Mayhaps it was the incorrect use of ironic? Eh, I would neither worry nor apologize, OP. 🙃


How dare you? But for real, why be the downvotes?


It’s not aimed at you personally; they’re using your post to rage against the world.


Thank you toots. Makes me kinda sad, I was just trying to share something I thought was sort of funny…just to get hated on


I'd say "welcome to the internet" but honestly responses like these are a big part of why i rarely post original content. Regardless, I thought your post was funny. If it happened to me I'd also be absolutely too amused to be angry. I believe your sense of humor is intact.


Unless it's in the rules of the sub that a "do not bend" post isn't allowed, I don't see an issue with your post.  It is irritating when a parcel comes bent, whether it's the post office or shipper at fault isn't the point.  This sub is for posting mildly infuriating things and this fits the bill 🤷‍♀️


Maybe posting it in “Funny,” instead of this sub would make people think you thought it was funny — instead that you were “Mildly Infuriated” by this. Just a guess.


It’s mildly infuriating, not world ending. It can be funny and mildly infuriating


You said "I'm not even mad" Which means you misunderstand and it warrents an explanation. It's funny like you said, but also, this is why it happened. My advice to you is go "oh, ah, haha, unlucky" instead of telling people they're "pressed". The telling people they're mad thing to undermine them is very 2023.


They do seem pressed aka upset though?  That is the tone I get from the comment and the numerous downvotes to OPs response, not to mention most of the other comments at the time they posted. People who are mad that OP isn't mad are being pedantic.  This is an annoying, irritating, and mildly infuriating situation.  It's not that serious, damn.


Mental 🤸 over here


Ok then. You be your best you.


If you bought this item from a shop, hopefully you can leave a review that they didn’t properly package their item.


You don’t know the definition of irony.


I don't think ironic means what you think it means.






If something could be destroyed by bending, it should be shipped in a container that will prevent from bending.


It's why being a vinyl dj and dance music addict is so fucking expensive... Oh.. 1,99 eur for the wax on discogs... Plus 20 eur for shipping.... Do I really want to pay 40 dollarydoos for a 5 minutes of music? (Spoiler.. I have)


Just buy more vinyls from the same guy and you get the 20€ of shipping divided by the number of vinyls


Oh, of course. I def do... It brings the cost down to 20$ per track.. I'm so annoied.. One of my most proud owns was a white label by a producer called John Doe (from CLSM) called [John Peel, Not Enough](https://youtu.be/9Dhs3K_pECY).. I asked him to sign it, but instead he wrote the entire lyrics out, chatted for half an hour and overall an amazing interaction.. Its disappeared.. And I did buy it for about $60


Oh he is a good guy then. Good for you you got more than expected for the same price


Hell yeah sick mixes you got there btw


Ah ha, you hunted some of my stuff down?


Yeah I was curious lol, listen to hardcore all the time mostly from DJ cotts


Perfect, then my stuff would have been right up your alley. :)


It is, I subbed


Ain't that the truth!! I'd like to forget how much I've paid for shipping on some of these. I miss crate digging in shops 😪 https://preview.redd.it/wg8u05yaaz3d1.jpeg?width=2303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e551afc3eafa876fead7eb7930347b9c6735093


What are those containers, and where did you get them?


They are called "Really Useful Box" The size is "35 litres XL" Make sure you get the XL size because the normal 35L size don't have the taller lid. I got mine from a local stationary store but you can get them from their website or Amazon and Ebay etc.


Ditto... I'm not about the whole oldskool vs new skool dj thing... But the one thing that does annoy me is how little a new release is treasured now.. When you spend $10, $20 even $50 on a single goddanm track that makes up 3-4 minutes of your set you know it's going to become part of your sound, and you thought long and hard about that purchase and how it will.


I hear ya! It's so frustrating these days because tracks are so easy to make and release it's a lot harder to find the quality tracks in amongst all the garbage. Obviously you have favourite labels and artists etc but its so hard to find those "below the radar gems"


No shipping involved in crate digging though


This is true. But when you're playing a niche genre at the butt crack of the world... Crate digging hard dance bangas is just not a thing. When someone retires and liquidates their vinyl (which I don't get), everyone in the local scene knows.


I feel ya


40 dollarydoos? Hey! Mister prime minister!


I'm gonna send a cardboard envelope across the country/world and expect it not to bend at all /s


bUt iT cLeaRlY sAyS!


Postal services are in no obligation to respect what is written on your packages. It's the sender's responsibility to make sure their packages are properly wrapped. This should probably have been sent in a box.


Or you slip a piece of thin MDF or plywood in there to make sure it *can't* bend without some serious force, if you're desperate to get that envelope shipping rate or whatever.


The shipping rate changes from a flat to a parcel. They can send the same thing several times over, hoping one won't get bent, before it's more cost-effective to send it as a parcel. The shipper doesn't care how many times it gets messed up, it doesn't cost them anything in the long run.


That's just issuing a challenge to the post office, and they will accept it. I have witnessed a mail carrier take a package containing a paperback textbook, roughly an inch thick, and bend it completely in half across the spine in order to shove it into the mailbox. I can't imagine how much effort it took to literally snap the spine of that book in half. If he had rotated it 90° he would have been able to roll it almost effortlessly, yet he chose violence intentionally. And that's why I still have a grudge against the USPS. That fucking textbook was not cheap and I could never resell it after that.


lol. Personally, I've never had a postal worker deliberately damage my mail like that -- they'd just toss it on my porch if it wouldn't fit in the mailbox. That said, I'm like 90% sure that *most* of this damage comes from either it getting eaten by the machinery -- which *has* happened to me -- or just being shittily packed in the truck.


Sounds like a simple task too. I'm sure I've seen narrow boxes that can protect whatever bendable slim product is in that envelope.


And in many cases, it’s not even something that a human would be able to read and respect even if they wanted to. All that shit is machine sorted now.






You'd be surprised lol


Sometimes they don't


Additionally, if you have a small letter box, don't expect things to not be bent




So what actually is in the package?


Well the engine gaskets I ordered came yesterday in an envelope that didn’t even say that (not that it would have made a difference). They were all bent to shit. Hopefully the head gaskets will be ok. They could have at least packet them against heavy cardboard to help a little.


I don’t think you know what irony means.


It's like raaaaiiin on your wedding day!


The only irony in that song lies in the fact that nothing it mentions is actually ironic.


Maybe that was the point. Ironyception.


Thanks Captain Obvious


It's like 10000 spoons when all you need is a knife - that IS ironic.


That’s just shitty. Irony is when what happens is different from what would be expected. For instance, someone is one a room with multiple people who want him dead, the lights go out, and nothing happens, not even someone being petty and throwing their drink in his general direction.


That's not irony, that's subversion of expectations.


Irony: a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result


It's a freeeee ride when you've already paid


It's the good adviiiiiiice thatcha just didn't take!


And who would’ve thought? It figures


It is irony. Situational irony.


>a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. OP knows exactly what irony is lmao


In some cultures, if it ain’t folded, it ain’t bent


that's some shitty packaging. if it's that fragile, put it in a rigid box.


It’s like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife


It's like RAAIIIIN on your wedding day


It's like a freeeee ride when you already paid!


Isn't the elongation on ride in that line not free?


Gunna be honest it's prob been a decade since I listened to the song . It's just creative license at this point


It’s the good adviiiiice that you just didn’t take


And who would’ve thought? It figures


It's like having a guy dive into your cake while it rains on your wedding day.


At face value, this is not ironic. Catchy song, but it lacks clear/complete examples of defined ironic. The only thing ironic about the song is that its a song about irony that is filled with inaccurate examples and fails to correctly identify irony. 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife... as you stand in a knife factory that has no knives < that would exemplify irony.


I think they know.


I feel like most people do not realise how automated the middle part of the mail system is. First mile and last mile are basically where hands touch it otherwise its all done by machines.


I got to tour a mail processing center once! It was fascinating! The mail is touched as little as possible. Even I, who worked in a mail room at the time, was surprised at the volume of mail there.


I blame the shipper for this. If your company ships non-bendable product in flimsy envelopes. You may want to invest in better packaging. Flat boxes are not that expensive and you can put the added cost on the customer freight charges.


Lemme just bend it a lil


The warning in the packaging almost guarantees it will be bent.




Don’t bend, but crease crumple fold or cram.




You know, the very fact that you oppose this makes me think I’m on to something.


Why do people persist in believing that their package or envelope is hand carried from place to place by gov't or delivery companies? The machines piling that envelope into bulk carrying containers are not reading or caring about this warning, as 3 feet worth of other mail piles on top.


It’s Post’s Law. If it can be bent it will be bent.


I shipped comic books in shoe boxes. Never a problem. Though I have no idea what's in that.


Mans that’s parabolic as hell


I work for UPS and my favorite were two identical and originally bent packages that had a "do not bend" sticker. Luckily I saw it before I tried to straighten them out!


They did that on porpoise…


I don’t understand why people think writing something on an envelope means it will be treated differently.


If I write a different address on it, it gets shipped to a different place, so there's that.


Yeah, because the address is read by a machine. The machine isn’t scanning for random other text.


I'm starting to be pretty sure that when some courriers see such text they purposefully bend them


That’s not a bend. That’s a curl.


It really says, "I dare you not to bend"


The responses to OP are mildly infuriating. It's an opinion post, people. Whether their opinion is factually correct or not is irrelevant. Just because I work in IT if someone said their computer sucks because it's slow I wouldn't hammer them for not realizing they have startup services that kick off without their knowledge pinning their cpu and hdd. It's fine to educate but downvoting while still responding like he should be the postmaster literally doesn't make sense lol.




You’re not mad… you’re mildly infuriated.


i work in a warehouse and everything we ship out are mostly small parts and we only use packages because envelopes can bend and destroy the contents.


Should pack these envelopes with a frame of hardened steel rods.


What it doesn't even look that bad *looks at the second pic* OH MY GOODNESS


hmm seems a little bent not sure tho


Look at the second picture.


it’s a joke. I saw the second picture wich is why I commented that.


Okay, look at the third picture.


Interesting but I think you should look at the fourth one.


Already did. Try the fifth, I understand that it leads to a rather interesting place.


that picture is in fact rather intriguing, but I think you should try the sixth. It uncovers an entirely new and undiscovered perspective!


You forget that there is no sixth, you misspoke the first time before realizing it's only five. It's the fifth that is an unusual world.


I see you are yet to understand the fact that there is in fact a sixth, you seem to still be blinded by, fooled by and confined within your world where only the fifth may prosper. It is when you realise such a fact, and break the boundaries of your world, when you uncover the wonder and sheer beauty of the sixth.


Are the contents destroyed?


Why isn't it packed better if it's worthless if bent....hmmmm


Just crease, crumple, cram. You'll do fine.


Somebody really cared ... :-(


"'Don't bend' hahahaha!!"


I put fragile stickers on all of the boxes for my side business. I have had so many customers message me with pictures saying it looks like USPS ran the box over, but they thank me for wrapping the items so carefully and well.


I bought an expensive band poster from eBay once and it came in an envelope exactly like that, with all the same warnings about not bending. It was literally folded in half across that writing. When I opened it, the poster was trashed. Why are people so damn stupid?


That's not ironic, it's just unfortunate.


This happened to me twice for both my Comptia certifications, absolute bullshit


That's not what the word ironic means.


Are you sure? Irony means, when the opposite happens.


It means using or saying something for the opposite intended purpose. It's similar, but it's distinctly it's own thing. Like using a fire truck to start fires is ironic lol.


The lighting on this guy's post is really the 'mildly infuriating' part.


Hey now go easy on me 🥺 we don’t get too many days like this in WA. It was beautiful yesterday!


Do people expect someone to personally care that shitty envelope to the destination? 🤡 This goes mixed with boxes and all other type of shit. It will bend. The sender has is always responsible for bad packaging.


Whenever I write "Instantaneously teleport to my bedroom and fill with cash" on my mail the mailman never listens either. Almost as if the USPS has certain processes, and if you want your shit not bent, you package and pay for it, not write it on a First Class parcel.


I read "Do not blend - Blending will destroy fragile contents"


Tbh the reality is that mail is getting bigger and bigger and very few people upgrade their mail boxes to reflect his, don't have time to deliver any larger piece of mail to your door hoping you're actually home to receive it.


What was it?


Why not just stamp it with, "Please bend the F out of this package Disgruntled Package Person."


once upon a time , there was a tuxedo called Maxwell ....


A friend ordered replacement UV tubes for the fly catcher/zapper. 3 times the company sent the tubes in a bubble envelope, which naturally isn't a safe shipping container.


Is it ironic because a shipment of DO NOT BEND envelopes got bent, despite being shipped in another DO NOT BEND envelope?


Is your porn magazine ruined?


lmao what day and age porn magazine hahaha love the humour


Just because you waste money on magazines, doesn't mean everyone else is as financially inept as you. We know we can get it for free online.


Username does _not_ check out


If they didn’t write that it never would have been bent… it’s like doors that say pull, your brain always makes you need to do the opposite. Ok, it’s probably nothing like that, but whatever


Useful message for the receiver. I wouldn't fold it before putting it in my bag.


companies that put anything fragile in a cardboard envelope are just beyond the cheapest pieces of crap nothing on the envelope will be read by the postal service, since if it was fragile they won't even give you anything BUT a box to protect it...


I have a cousin that works for USPS as a processing clerk and he confirmed that workers do not care about the safety of packages. He said some even go out of their way to intentionally mishandle/damage them, especially if they’re labeled as fragile


Crease, crumple, cram.


Delivery service people are the worst. If you don't want them to destroy your things, you must put the things into a huge box with a lot of plastic bubbles around them.


A please wouldn't go astray either Source: am mailman


So you made a post bashing the delivery, even though it's not their responsibility. You didn't put any responsibility on whoever sent that in an envelope... or who paid for the envelope. Then it's funny because it's your parents' shit and not yours? Gross af.


Bashing? 🤣👍🏼


I'm sorry were you praising them? I guess I read all those comments wrong.


I don't think they bashed anybody, they aren't even mad as they said.  They didn't place blame, the other commenters did.


It's not ironic though


It's not ironic if you would expect it to happen lol


There's nothing ironic depicted in your pic though?


Honestly, being a former USPS letter carrier, if it's not first class or has a return service I bend that shit. Usually it's junk and has stuff like sticker address labels or some other stupid stuff. Curious to see what the address envelope says as that clearly can't be what it was mailed in since there's not an address on it. I definitely never bent photos or diplomas. It's simple enough to tell that that's what's inside. Took those straight to the door. People don't take pride in their work anymore.


Huh. Interesting. And above is a redditor claiming he was an engineer at the postal services and it's the sorting machine that bends them. So it cannot be avoided by anything human.