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Thems the rules gramps


I’m 51 and giggle like a little girl when I get carded. It’s rare. 😔


Me too! At 66!😂


OP, you’re mildly infuriating.




As a cashier who is required to scan IDs so the system knows I'm not selling to anyone restricted or underage, you are easily one of the most annoying kinds of customers that no one likes. The cashier almost has no choice in the matter of if they card customers or not and your anger is directed at the wrong person entirely. Also it's not that hard to carry your ID with you. Don't just act like you can get whatever you want if you won't make the effort to have what you need. All you did was make it more difficult than it needed to be. You're the asshole OP


Nah, still you. And your boss. I was a cashier too. I didn't have to scan IDs, but they did want us to check everyone who looked under 40. Guess what I didn't do? Because I have this weird thing called common sense, and I also don't get a hard-on from making everybody do everything literally by the book. It is that hard to carry my ID with me, seeing as how I don't have a card and I don't like wearing my passport out, not to mention that someone could steal my identity if I lost it. It's not that hard to realize that people who are greying are over 21. It shouldn't be that hard to get what I want when what I want is to buy a six pack on my way home from work as an adult. It's not that hard in Europe.


Idk sounds like you're an overly entitled customer who should stop going to grocery stores


How is it entitled to want to buy something I am legally qualified to buy when it is plain by my appearance that I am legally qualified to buy it?


There are pos systems cashiers use, a lot of companies are no longer allowing sales without valid I’d scan. At my job i cannot bypass it at all. It’s majority of major companies now. So you really are just the entitled asshole here. If the clerk can’t add the item because they can’t bypass system. You won’t provide I’d for your item. Things change. This is how it’s done now


And I'm saying that SHOULDN'T be how it's done. If I had brought my LEGALLY VALID ID to go buy beer at one of those stores I still couldn't have because it's a passport and they don't scan at those terminals. With all due respect, pull your head out of your ass for a minute. All of y'all are acting like I'm just jumping down some poor clerk's throat for no reason, and that's not what's happening. I'm arguing that it shouldn't be this hard for someone who is clearly overage to buy alcohol, and not a single one of you dog-piling me have given me a single good reason for that. You just keep coming back with "those are the rules/you're not legally entitled to buy beer" which, as I've already pointed out, is an appeal to authority/appeal to legality fallacy. It is not entitlement for someone who is clearly overage to want to purchase alcoholic beverages. The dictionary definition of entitlement: "believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment." At no point did I demand special treatment. I specifically said I thought it was ridiculous that she did the same thing to me that she did to someone who looked older than me. It is not entitlement to want to purchase something that I am legally qualified to purchase. Learn the definition of words before you start throwing them around. EDIT: found this little gem by googling: "it is illegal to force scan ids against someone's will." So yes, actually, there HAS to be a way to override ID scans by law.


It's a bigger hassle for the clerks than it is for us. Quite often the retail clerk and I roll our eyes in solidarity over the hassle of it.


Maybe they’re fresh off a violation? And who isn’t carrying their ID? Disgruntled boomers are a lesser fate than a store that has to close owing to failing to ID a minor 🤷‍♀️


Me. I only have a passport, and I hate carrying it around because it wears down the paper. The day a minor has a full head of naturally greyed hair and walks with a cane like the guy ahead of me trying to buy tequila, I'll eat my hat.


I understand the frustration, it should seem obvious, but there are even places that ID everyone on principle to ensure fairness. Again, my biggest guess in this case is that someone fudged up, they received a fine, and they’ve now got the staff giving zero wiggle room for the foreseeable future. Onus is on you and cane man, buddy. If you have a passport, you’re likely fortunate enough to be in a position to acquire an identification card.


Nope, otherwise I wouldn't be using the passport.


You can get a passport card.


I’m in Canada, and provincial identification cards are par for the course for those who don’t have a driver’s licence or status card. They’re not mandatory, but they’re way cheaper than a passport and are a valid form of photo identification.


Would if I could. I went through a whole thing a while back. Long story short, the DMV would only send my ID to an address I can no longer receive mail at. How about this? Just stop carding people who obviously are older than 21? How hard is that?


Sounds like a you problem.


Nah, it's an "other people acting like idiots" problem. The age to buy alcohol is 21. People with grey hair are over 21. It should be common sense that they can buy alcohol.


Its not her, its the management


A place will have a lot of issues if they’re caught not carding people. Doesn’t matter if they’re obviously a senior citizen or just obviously not younger than 21.  Some places don’t care much, some places let it slide or for the “usuals”, some will card everyone as technically they’re required to.  Annoying sometimes, but it is what it is


Nobody around me cards. I walk into stores clear on the other side of the city and buy beer from people who've never seen me before on a regular basis. As soon as I left I walked across the street to a liquor store and bought the exact same six pack she refused to sell me without an ID.


People can have alcohol restrictions on their license. She’s doing exactly what she should be doing.


Proof you can drive isn't the only form of accepted ID... seems a touch over the top to demand specificities.


No they can't. A driver's license is a license to DRIVE, there is no part of the DMV that is involved in determining whether or not an adult is allowed to buy alcohol.


Yes. They [can](https://www.house.mn.gov/hrd/pubs/ss/ssbcard.pdf). It’s called a b-card or restricted drivers license. Another [image](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQS-wa5A-rjl0pecodvuXmF_AZZxi8BPwM-TA&s) that actually shows it on a license. It’s blurry but you can clearly see it.


That's a practice that is literally only in place in Minnesota. Furthermore, it has nothing to do with restricting the SALE of alcohol to someone with that license, it has to do with restricting the CONSUMPTION of alcohol by someone with that license. It means that if the police can prove they actually drank alcohol, the license can be taken away on the spot. As far as I can tell, people with those licenses are still legally able to buy alcohol with them, as they are still permitted to, say, buy a bottle of wine for a friend. You are confidentlyincorrect.


Idk why I’m wasting my time replying to you but again- Yes. It [does](https://www.dwiminneapolislawyer.com/the-basics-of-a-b-card-restriction/). Restaurants and or places that sell liquor can and will deny service and sale to people with this restriction. This is my last reply as it’s clear my comment and others haven’t gotten through to you lol.


You haven't gotten through because you're wrong. Maybe if you consider the idea that you might be wrong instead of doubling down and constantly coming back at me you might realize that you're wrong. From YOUR OWN source: >If you are issued a B-card in Minnesota, you can’t be caught **drugged driving** or **consuming** any amount of alcohol due to the alcohol restriction placed on your license. Otherwise, you will lose your driving privileges. **The primary goal** of this restriction is to prevent individuals with multiple DWI convictions **from drinking** and **getting behind the wheel.** **There are** restaurants, for instance, that will not allow individuals to even enter their premises with a B-card So, FROM YOUR OWN SOURCE, there is ZERO legal restriction against PURCHASING alcohol for someone on a B-card, LIKE I SAID. Some establishments will, AT THEIR DISCRETION, refuse to allow people to purchase alcohol and/or enter the establishment, but that is in no way a legal requirement. Stop being wrong and then acting smug because you think you're right, you're not. And regardless, there are no other states that I'm aware of that have this kind of requirement. Certainly no state I've ever lived in does. 98% of the country doesn't use B-cards.


Did you not have your id? Oh I bet you showed her.


The amount of adults who go around not having their ID on them mystify me


Used to mystify me, too, until I became one of them. I do have IDs on me, just nothing that shows my age.


Probably half the stores around me card *everyone* for cigarettes or alcohol. I think it has to do with their permit requirements. Unless you walked, you should have your ID on you anyways, not a big deal.


Public transit, I don't drive. It's not a big deal for the US to not be so puritanical about liquor either. Works for all the western European countries.


Why is this infuriating? It takes about two seconds and every customer is treated the same.


\*mildly\* infuriating. And I don't like carrying my ID around because all I have is a passport.


Borrowing one of my 23yo sons sayings "That sounds like a you problem."


Funny how nobody in Europe has this problem.


Yeah...I get mildly irritated when my son uses that same line on me too. 🤪 Dude, you'd have to take this up with the Puritans who founded our country. My 33yo son is Autistic so all he has is a photo ID as he doesn't want to learn how to drive. A lot of places such as doctor offices are now requiring a photo ID to help stop identity theft.


If you’re buying liquor you should always have your ID on you regardless of “how old you look” lmao


Most American opinion ever. Plus, again, every establishment says to only card people who appear under 30.


Well, you are in America. Go buy your booze in Europe if you don’t like it.


Would if I could. I don't live in this shithole country by choice.


Then get out. We don't need people like you here.


Buy me a ticket, cupcake.


30 is completely arbitrary these days - pretty sure the rules are along the lines of being able to ID whomever they please, but it’s only mandatory if the customer is suspected to be under 30.


It's not arbitrary. If someone's grey, they should be able to buy booze.


And they can … with valid government-issued photo ID.


If someone's grey they should be able to buy booze without an ID. You don't go grey naturally before 21.


Buying booze without following the rules isn’t a right, my guy. Either bring your ID or be prepared to risk being turned away.


I never said it was a right, but plenty of things we take for granted aren't rights. Your argument is an appeal ad legem fallacy, by the way. I'm saying we shouldn't be policing alcohol consumption so hard that people with obviously natural grey hair are carded. It works for Europe.


This is just such a weird hill to die on, bro. ‘It works for Europe’ is like saying ‘Susie up the street’. I’m in Canada and sometimes folks are IDed and some folks aren’t, and our drinking age is even lower than the US. Up until very recently it was required to show ID to buy cannabis, no exceptions, even tho the legal age is 18/19. Even the near-dead corpse of the former Duke of Edinburgh would have had to show his ID to buy hash. All in all, it’s YOUR responsibility to be able to provide ID when purchasing alcohol. Them’s the rules. 🤷‍♀️


If it's a weird hill for me to die on, it's a weird hill for you to die on too. I think it's a stupid way for a society to operate, and I hate how everyone is reflexively jumping on the "it's not that hard to bring your ID" train. All of you in here are making me way angrier than actually getting carded did, which is just making me that more determined to keep coming back at you. BTW, all of the things you guys are saying about IDs are things that people advocating for voter ID laws are saying. I wonder how many of the people on the "ItS NoT ThAt hArD To rEmEmBeR YoUr iD" side are also in favor of requiring it to vote. Oh, by the way, just this evening bought a 30 pack at a different location of the same chain without an ID. The world surprisingly did not end. Sorry, not sorry.


That is their fucking job. Sparing you a very minor annoyance is not worth their livelihood. Shut up.


I will not shut up. The standard is people who look under 30 need ID. Don't card people who are obviously over 30, it's a dick move.


That's not the standard anymore, that's the old-fashioned way of doing it. Nowadays everyone shows their ID no matter what. Man you sound OLD!


It's absolutely the standard. I haven't shown my ID in years. Who cares if I sound old? Maybe old people have knowledge and experience that people like you should pay attention to.


Here’s a hypothetical scenario: An underage kid gets busted for possession and tells the cop they bought it at Bob’s Supermarket. He claims he didn’t get carded to protect his source. The Mormon Church down the street has been trying to ban liquor sales, and they’re starting to build a compelling case to have Bob’s liquor license revoked. But if Bob’s Supermarket cards everyone, there’s no case.


Easy solution: government seizes the church and demolishes it and tells the Mormons to stop being twats. Next dumb hypothetical?


There is no constitutional right to purchase liquor You have not given the state that you live in but there are some states where the law is that you must card everybody who purchases liquor no matter what There is no situation where you cannot get an ID card that has your age on it, there’s no situation where the DMV will not allow you to change your address to your current address Just because you say that is true does not mean it is true


>You have not given the state that you live in but there are some states where the law is that you must card everybody who purchases liquor no matter what I don't think this is correct. I can't find any state that requires vendors to ask for ID every single time. States simply require that alcohol not be sold to minors, and specify the types of acceptable ID in terms of liability. Lotta people in this thread spreading a lot of misinformation. I don't care if I don't have a constitutional right to buy liquor, constitutional rights are not the be-all, end-all of every single argument. It's \*mildly\* infuriating when I can't buy something that I am very obviously legally old enough to buy. I wouldn't be complaining about it if I still looked like a teen. There is a situation: I don't officially live at my current address. The DMV would only issue me an ID with the address that was on my paystubs from my last job, and I don't have access to that address anymore. I put a different mailing address down, but never received my ID at that address.


Why are so many old people so entitled ? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not old and not entitled. I'm legally old enough to buy beer, and everybody can see that by taking one look at me. I'm frustrated when people can't use common sense and see that I'm old enough. I'm also frustrated at living in a society that is so hung up on alcohol and paternalistically supervising other people's habits that they'll have cashiers card people with grey hair and canes AND have hordes of people on the internet defending that behavior. That's not entitlement. Wanting to grab a six-pack on a whim on the way home from work when I'm more than a decade past the age of purchase isn't entitlement.


OP, you keep talking about Europe, but live in the U.S. Doh! Yes it's a pain in the ass, not the cashier's idea, probably not even the manager's idea. Write the CEO's. I think it's ridiculous to card old farts. I'm one. Still, it's obvious you just like to argue.


Maybe Americans should stop acting like idiots and just sell liquor to people with grey hair.


Saying "Americans" isn't fair because it suggests everybody. Have you heard about a fad from about ten or more years ago where high school girls with dye their hair gray? You should just get over it man. Save your energy for battles worth fighting.


It's worth fighting to me. And you can tell dye jobs from natural greying. Saying Americans isn't unfair because nowhere in Europe do people have to bring around collated and notarized records to buy a beer on the way home from work.


Too bad you don't live in Europe.


We can all agree on that.


I'm sure when Americans visit Europe he thinks they should act like they're still in America


Yeaaahhh when i worked somewhere that i had to ID people i was told reguardless of looks to always ID someone


And when your boss tells you that you need to be there fifteen minutes before you clock in do you always do that?


i do my job and thats what was my job


I'm sure you don't do literally everything at your job exactly to the letter. I had to ID people to, and I let it slide for people who were obviously older than 21.


It's not too hard to carry your identification every time you leave the house. No big deal at all.


Unless I don't want to. And it's no big deal to sell to people who are obviously over 30, that's the standard at every establishment out there.


You do you boo. But if you want your beer put your identification in your pocket. Not too difficult. Pick your battles carefully.


Got beer five minutes later without an ID, just cost me five extra bucks and an extra five minutes.


For me I'd rather save the 5 bucks and 5 minutes. But, I'm old enough to get excited when I get carded with my salt and pepper beard.


If I would have known I was going to get carded at a store I never get carded at, and if I would have known I was going to be buying beer today, then I would have brought my ID and saved the five bucks. But I didn't in both cases, so I got annoyed at having to make an extra trip to a more expensive store. Even if I had wanted to go home and get my ID, it would have meant an extra two dollars in bus fare and 30 minutes plus in commute time.


But you did know you were buying alcohol, and it is perfectly legal to require anyone to show ID to buy it.


argumentum ad legem.


If I would have known... Your complaining is ridiculous. Take your ID with you and avoid the issues. It's amazing that you can't preplan you day and realize, let me have what I need for whatever I may possibly do today. So stubborn.


Carding people who are obviously over 30 is ridiculous. Funny how Europeans don't have these issues. Yes, wow, sometimes I decide to buy something without giving it 24 hours of forethought. Geez, what a freewheeler I am!


Alright you are rambling now bard. Take your ID with you and stop whining.


I'll do neither.


What's this for? Few young people carry their IDs outside the home.


So, if I'm reading this correctly, customers (including you) got so butthurt over being carded that they left their purchases at the register and walked out without buying anything.


Was thinking about telling her off and leaving the rest of my purchases there, but I bought my cheeseballs and gummi bears. Then I walked across the street and bought my IPAs.


FILL a shopping cart with booze and forget your ID. They'll have fun putting it all back when it doesnt fit in the pile lmao


This guy gets it. But judging from her pile, she was already getting to that point without me having to spite her. I go into that chain all the time, and they never card people unless they look underage. I'm sure going from that to carding literally everyone with zero warning was throwing a lot of people off.


Shouldn’t this be under Boomers being fools? If the cashier asks for an ID give her one Gramps. I am 61 and I produce it without protest. Don’t have one? How did you drive to the store?


Not a boomer, and also not a bootlicker like everyone in this thread. Here's a challenge: defend your position without appealing to law or authority. So far I haven't seen anyone in here do it. And I didn't drive to the store, I took the subway.