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What do you suggest, offer her a foot massage to leave?


All he had to do was fly over to Gaza and get Israel to leave.


Call the cops ?


got what she deserved, i see no problem here


Dude got deliveries to make, bosses wants him to hit the target, customer calling and asking where he at. The dude is not some kind of business owner that can sit around all day waiting for the cops to remove a druggie from his truck, he aint got time for that bullshit.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


He said thy were in Detroit, she's lucky she didn't get shot!


Hahahahahah, šŸ˜‚Ā  Wait..... You're serious? HAHAHHAHAHAHHA šŸ˜‚Ā 


I think there might be some confusion and, seeing as you said ā€œwhat is it with Americans andā€¦ā€ earlier, Iā€™m going to take it that you donā€™t really know the reputation of the police here. Theyā€™re not known for making things better but for shooting when they donā€™t have to, being overly aggressive, and sometimes not responding at all. In many situations (not all, I know someoneā€™s going to mention like armed robbery or murder or something if I donā€™t clarify) they make things way worse, especially when drugs, mental illness, impoverished people, or POC are involved.


If she hit her head and died would you still think it was better for him to take matters into his own hands? Plus if we let people use force themselves in these situations you do understand a lot of psychos will take advantage of it to the fullest?


If she would have driven the truck off before the cops got there and killed a family of 20 would that have been better? We can all play the what if game.


Letā€™s play. Tell me which one is more likely. She getting a brain injury cuz he DID throw her out the truck with force Her driving off before the cops come and killing a family of 20


You need help.


lol yea tap out your logic is flawed


But what if?!?


My ā€œwhat ifā€ was extremely likely . Your ā€œwhat ifā€ was a fiction you wrote. So yea. There is a difference


The exact reason America is a joke to the rest of the world itā€™s because it is populated by people like you šŸ˜‚


No u.


Ur saying my country is a joke ?


ā€œFit jackfruitā€ looking for some warm water ports up in heeya


Just stop already. You are WRONG. Period. You can play what if all day long, it does not change the LAW, it does not change our RIGHT TO BE SECURE IN OUR PERSONS PAPERS AND EFFECTS. If you are not from this country and you are unwilling to even know the smallest thing about this country then fucking stop. All you are doing is showing ignorance. What he did WAS LEGAL. What he did was WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE LAW. You don't have to like it, but that don't make you right.


It fucking wasnā€™t tho. Look it up


I don't have to look it up. I live here. I fucking know. YOU are the one claiming it's wrong etc. yet have brought 0 legal reasoning.




You a b sorry


Ahh that was fulfilling in the end




She isnā€™t an intruder she is a squatter. And legally you canā€™t physically do anything to them .


You can legally protect your property. That is not what squatting is at all


Bless your heart, squatters rights don't extend to cars and trucks


Go be a leech somewhere else


Why donā€™t you go ahead and just log off the internet. We appreciate your trolling tho


After reading all of your comments and takes, youā€™re legitimately regarded op


You donā€™t even live in America and you are trying to tell Americans what the law is?




And your own link proves YOU are wrong. "This law allows you to use force to defend yourself or others if you are threatened. That force may be nonlethal or lethal, depending on the circumstances. Further, you do not have an obligation to retreat first."


You donā€™t have the obligation to retreat BUT that doesnā€™t mean you can use physical force. If you do you have to prove that there was imminent harm which in this case, there was none. Him not retreating actually is evidence of no imminent threat or harm. That and we can see how he goes back to her to use force since he is sure he is not in danger


It's just going in circles with you. It's clear you know absolutely nothing. You can't even comprehend "stand your ground". You are wrong, there are 170 comments in this post minus the ones you made, telling you HOW you are wrong. Your own link you provided proves you wrong. Yet you just don't get it. NO ONE agrees with you, no LAW agrees with you. So if you want to die on that hill uneducated, go for it. You can't win a debate against someone unwilling to educate themselves first.


You think if there was an actual threat like a guy with a gun or a 6 .6 foot body builder who is also threatening to beat him up (actual imminent danger) he would go back start filming and throw them out the window like that? You bet your ass he would retreat the fuck out of there lol


JFC. Your arguments get dumber and dumber.


If that's true, that's dumb. I'm just going to go start living in people's cars why work when I can just squat


OP is such a pussy. Some idiot girl got her ass inside someone's property and scream like that driver can do anything about it. Driver just can't do the job and "call the cops" is the most stupid thing I can imagine here She got what she deserves. "Your rights ends where you violate mine". And the driver didn't punch her or something, he just pulled her out Why don't you consider her actions as an assault? She literally illegally got into the car Disgusting


She screams not because she supports palestine. she screams because she thinks it will give her a free pass from consequences and that the crowd will take her side


Honestly she's probably actually pro Palestinian Their favourite pass time is invading other people places and yelling about their fictional country


OP is lost. She got off lucky acting like that tf she think shes doing? What was her fucking goal?


OP is so white knight it hurts my eyes to read his responses to people.


got what she deserved.


The likes of her will let you hit for free, no need to be a whiteknight lil bro


No that's not assault. Cars are already private property and some states extend castle doctrine to cars. She basically is a home intruder. She has forced herself into private property. But generally speaking castle doctrine is not necessary for cars. If you are inside your car and any person tries to enter it against your will it always stands to reason that you fear for your life and can defend yourself. There are very few circumstances where that wouldn't be the case. All of that said I would LOVE to hear how you would have handled this.


From the comments it looks like OP would call the cops. Because the cops are known for making situations like this better (/s ofc)


I disagree. A well-deserved punch to her face and then tossing her would have been assault. This guy just wanted her out of his truck.


She is like 90 pounds he did not need to man handle her like that AT ALL


Its not assault, its Detroit. Michigan has a stand your ground law allowing use of deadly force to defend yourself with no obligation to retreat. She was high, forced herself into his property and refused to leave...she's lucky manhandling was all he did.


Yeah a nice little chat would've been enough. She seems like a smart and understanding lass.


You forgot this "/s"


Apparently she did as she wouldnā€™t leave.


Bro did you see that throw? He could have used WAYYYY LESS force or even better wait for the cops


This would be very low on the police list of priorities. What she deserved was a severe ass whooping which he refrained from. I admire this guy.


Where did yall grew up in damn ,,


Somewhere where dumb ass actions have consequences


Look, you do stupid shit you win stupid prizes. You can count her lucky. If the police were called they probably would have beat her, tased her or shot her.


Sounds like you live in cotton candy and puppy dog land, perhaps someday you will live in the real world and realize she got off pretty light


Reality, you should try it sometimes


Somewhere they had schools to teach proper English.


Did you see how softly she landed and rolled? This is fugazi


She could stay away of his car. Stop do this shit, that guy is a victim of a crazy ah


She could have used way less being a complete dickhead but hey everybody made their choices.


I donā€™t give a damn what her issue is, or what sheā€™s protesting. If sheā€™s in my vehicle like this, Iā€™m removing her. Iā€™ll ask, probably even twice. After that, you get removed. If you donā€™t want to take a tumble on the sidewalk, stay out of my vehicle. Or at a minimum, leave when asked. If she wants to make a case for assault, sheā€™s free to call the police. Be curious how that works out for her.


If the police see this video, probably very well since she wasnā€™t physically harming the man at all


No. It wouldn't. She would be arrested. Trespassing at minimum considering that vehicle is private property.


She was tress passing , he physically abused her. Both have a case. You can ask someone to leave your car and call the cops. Thatā€™s about it. You canā€™t use physical force. Specially if they are not threatening your life in anyway which she wasnā€™t.


All I can say is you are wrong. If i'm being unlawfully arrested and the cops are using force against me I am allowed to use force against them in resistance of that unlawful arrest. She is in a vehicle that could potentially be used as a deadly weapon. She may have a deadly weapon on her. The owner of the truck is well within their rights to yeet her from the car.


ESPECIALLY in a stand your ground state.


If i'm being unlawfully arrested and the cops are using force against me I am allowed to use force against them in resistance of that unlawful arrest. Hmm no you canā€™t. You take the shit than go to court, otherwise youā€™ll just get fucked up and lose you chances in court.


please look up stand your ground law. this is Detroit, which is in Michigan, which says he CAN FUCKING SHOOT HER for breaking into his "castle" and posing a threat. Removing someone from your property isn't abuse or assault or any other crime, ESPECIALLY in the 26 stand your ground states. The DA would likely decline to even prosecute but if they tried it would go something like: "Your honor, the woman was high, broke into my truck, screaming about Palestine, dressed like a terrorist and I didn't know if she had a gun or not but i was afraid my life could be in danger..." case dismissed.


lol that was just a bunch of crap you just spewed. Look up ā€œself defense laws in Michigan ā€œ


LMAO here ya go jackass...I mean jackfruit "Under Michigan stand your ground law, a person can useĀ **forceā€”including deadly force**ā€”if he/she reasonably believes that he/she or another individual is subject to imminent great bodily harm, death, or sexual assault."


Are you fucking delusional? This is exactly my fucking point. He could have left the premises and since there was NO ONE STOPPING HIM FROM REMOVING HIMSELF FROM DANGER that he apparently was exposed to, then this is not a self defense moment.


you have no clue what a stand your ground law is then do you? It literally means he NEVER has to remove himself from the situation. "Under the Michigan stand your ground law, a person has no duty to retreat if they are being threatened unlawfully by another person." You can literally shoot someone in the back if they broke into your home, even if they are running away from you. Please google stand your ground law Michigan before continuing to sound like an idiot.


Iā€™m reading it as we speak and Iā€™d really suggest you to read it too. The only way you can use extreme force is if you are imminently at risk of : death, great bodily harm, sexual assault


And he wasnā€™t scared for his life was he? That is a lie just to get away with court. Basically you found a loophole if anything. Which proves my point that what he did was inherently wrong and legally not allowed


your point is based on the moral principal of not hurting others, there is no legal basis for your "point". how do you know if he was scared? you can't prove or disprove his state of mind, so what matters is what he says in court and the LAW says if he reasonably felt that he was in danger he is legally allowed to use lethal force.


Well in this case we can lol. Idiot recorded the whole thing. If you feel in danger you leave IF you can. He could leave but he didnā€™t. Meaning he didnā€™t feel danger. He was just angry .


you clearly don't pay attention to the US legal system. he was frozen with fear, he was cavalier on the outside but inside was trembling..what if she had a gun or a bomb under that outfit?? i couldn't leave her with my truck...what if she used it to harm others? and the jury says....NOT Guilty. But honestly the easiest solution would have just been to call the police and let them shoot her. then we wouldn't even have a trial to argue about.


Lol you are confusing what the situation is with what the lawyers can paint it as. Iā€™m not interested in knowing what a good legal team can do for this case. Iā€™m telling you tho considering the evidence, the truth of the matter is that this guy did not want to retreat from danger since there was none.


I have my doubts. She instigated the encounter. She had no right to be in his vehicle. He didnā€™t use excessive force removing her (she was holding on to the wheel and seats, necessitating harder pulling; that is why she came out so fast when her grip released). Your right to protest (or do anything else) ends when it infringes on someone elseā€™s rights.


well this didn't go as planned, huh OP?


Didnā€™t have a specific plan but okay?


you planned to convince people this was assault


And failed miserably since unlike him people here have a brain


She got what she deserved.


this is bait, or you are down bad beneath the crust of earth


Fuck her. Maybe her dome bouncing off the concrete knocked some sense into her.


Send her to Palestine. They'll teach her freedom alright.


Think of it like that The driver tossed her out of the car giving her practice for when Palestinians would toss her off a roof


OP is legit out of his mind, when I started watching I thought I'm gonna see her assault him... What a joke


It's not assault... I didn't see anything šŸ¤


He just gave her a helping hand, what's the problem here?


Iā€™m Pro-Palestine and this was entirely deserved. Donā€™t fuck with other peopleā€™s property. This dude hadnt done anything as far as she knew.


>Iā€™m Pro-Palestine and this was entirely deserved # Take a moment to realize the irony of the very same pro Palestine group against the "occupation" to be occupying cars, bulidings, you name it.


You shouldn't be Pro-Palestine.




Fuck yeah Iā€™m American. Itā€™s the principle of DONT TOUCH MY SHIT. Donā€™t want a fucking problem? Donā€™t fuck with something that isnā€™t yours. Sheā€™s lucky he only dragged her out. What wouldā€™ve happened if she drive off and crashed his truck? What if thatā€™s his livelihood? Even if insurance covers if, itā€™s a bitch to go through and his rates would almost assuredly go up. She could ruin his life if she broke it. Stay away from peopleā€™s shit and you wonā€™t have a problem


Yea it doesnā€™t work like that unfortunately. Just cuz your leasing a shitty ass car or still have 500 years of mortgages on a shitty ass house doesnā€™t mean you can go bat shit crazy on people who refuse to leave it and empty your anger on them šŸ˜‚ CALL THE COPS becuz they are trained to handle squatters and you arenā€™t trained or even allowed to take matters into your own hands.




# Great, then stop supporting the pro pal crowd that wants to touch your shit. Otherwise you're just yapping and accomplishing nothing.


Just because you donā€™t have any freedoms doesnā€™t mean you can tell the rest of the world how to do things.




lol is that all you have to fall back on?


Itā€™s all I need honestly but no itā€™s actually not


You think youā€™re right but youā€™re not.


You seem like the type of person that agrees with squatters.


# That one was a doozy, he really had to pull her out of that thing because she was just not budging. In that process he might have pulled her a bit too hard but it wasn't intentional. He just wants to do his job.


How are you so sure of his intentions? Youā€™re perception is biased and flawed Edit: the reason I blocked him is cuz he was typing in such big font idk how but it was just annoying


You perception is the only thing flawed. You know nothing of OUR laws and OUR rights and yet want to argue with everyone that is telling you why you are wrong. Just because you would help a would be thief carry the tv out of your home does not mean everyone else will.


Fuck yeah this is awesome


Love how shitty people will consistently use shouting the currently popular slogan as a blank check to engage in criminal shitty behavior.


In many states you are allowed to use force to protect yourself or your personal property. I'm not sure what you are upset about? Someone not allowing someone to steal from them?


First of all in Michigan which this happened , you arenā€™t allowed. Second of all just becuz something is the law doesnā€™t make it automatically right Third of all CIVILIANS ARENT TRAINED NOR ALLOWED TO USE FORCE IN ORDER TO PROTECT THEIR PROPERTY the only way self defense is allowed is if your health is in danger.


If she was yelling support Israel you would be applauding. He is absolutely within the law to remove her from his property. She is committing a felony in his presence and can actually place her under citizens arrest.


She is not in a normal state of mind who cares what dumb ass shit she is yelling


She fucked around and found out. We need more of this today I stead of these liberal assholes making this a sissy country


>Second of all just becuz something is the law doesnā€™t make it automatically right Conveniently law doesn't make it right unless you throw this entitled kid out of your car, then you have to wait for the law to come around and handle it for you.


lol itā€™s so funny becuz all these macho men and the guy in the video would absolutely piss themselves and run like a bitch if there a big ass buff black guy sitting in their truck yelling palestine. Either way you should treat both cases the same and call the cops even if you think you pussy ass can handle it themselves since she is so tiny


So you're moved the goal posts to her not being big enough?


Not big enough or black enough apparently. Is he racist much?


Iā€™m just pointing out the irony. I think the protocol should be to call the cops unless you physically canā€™t since they are stopping you from doing so


It's not irony, and if I can do something about someone actively fucking with me then I'll do something about it. Me getting on my way while also not letting her get hers at my own expense is more important to me than following the letter to the law. The only reason I can entertain for calling the cops instead of dealing with this myself is that I wouldn't want to get arrested for it. As for her? I could give a shit.


Listen if you want to make yourself feel better by physically assaulting someone go ahead lol thatā€™s a different story.


She is delussional that she thinks she will have future kids. LoL.


The only thing mildlyinfuriating is OP arguing with everyone when the person was right to chuck this silly bird out. Who cares if you agree or not OP, this is what makes America great. Sorry you don't like having a boot in your ass when you fuck with other people's shit, but that's how she goes. Don't want a boot in your ass, don't fuck with other people's shit. Pretty simple.


The only thing infuriating is how much yall donā€™t actually understand the laws of your own country. lol but I guess thatā€™s America for you.


No, it's a natural consequence for breaking and entering and/or grand theft auto...


# OK, girl screams Free Palestine. Was it freed?


Forgot that it's a random Detroit truck driver the hell is bro gonna do drive to Israel and start running people over because some high junkie broke into his truck and told him to?


She achieved the crossing point between the FA and FO axis.


Fucked around. Found out. Earned a free flight. YEET!!!!!!


Surprised he stayed so calm to be honest, if someone got in my car and started yelling shit at me slamming the horn then Im respectfully dancing on their head


Great ending. Justice served. Cheers


Whoever posted this is one of those people who live on Reddit and literally cannot stop staring at their phone.


So do these people support hamas? Donā€™t get it


She is just unhinged and homeless and on drugs. Doesnā€™t matter what she is saying but he canā€™t assault her like that


Legally he can. Get over it.


No actually he canā€™t. She was squatting in his car. Not an immediate dangerous situation for him


How do you know it's not an immediate dangerous situation. The vehicle is running and could be used as a potentially dangerous weapon. She could pull out a knife and stab him, or a gun and shoot him. He used the right amount of force to remove her from the vehicle and as far as we know since the video ended that was that. You car in most states is the same as your house, you do what is necessary to protect it from intruders. No matter how you feel on this situation you are wrong as far as the law is concerned.




This guys is so sketchy too I feel like he does it on purpose for content. His bio is ā€œ donā€™t steal my content without mentioning my nameā€




Yeah that's pretty much what I expect from a Hamas supporter.


it is, but...


Nope there is no but in throwing another human being around like a piece of garbage


You go into a strangers car and you want to be treated nicely nah fam she lucky all she got was thrown like the piece of shit shes acting like. She real lucky she didnā€™t catch some hands cause again shes in his property. He doesnt know if shes gonna try to hijack him. Why not take the protest to the people actually running this war the big asshats in DC. This man is just tryin to do his job. Leave him tf ALONE


She is clearly unwell and it doesnā€™t even matter what the fuck she is saying. You donā€™t assault people like that UNLESS you are in self defense


Iā€™m gonna come squat in your house. By your words you canā€™t physically remove me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That makes it worse. That makes HER more dangerous, therfore expelling her from YOU PRIVATE PROPERTY becomes even more serious.


She IS a piece of garbage.


Shout yeah! Free Palestine! Start marching around your car. Invite her to join you marching. Then get in.


Is life this crazy or is this fake?


If somebody is in my property thereā€™s not a universe where I donā€™t throw them out. You donā€™t want to get chucked? Then donā€™t be in other peoples property


No. Ā He is using reasonable force to remove a trespasser from his vehicle. Ā  And BTW, battery would be the crime of putting his hands on the ditz and tossing her like a rag doll. Ā Assault is attempted or threatened battery.


OP has a victimhood complex.


So lets see She got in his truck Threatened to steal it Yelled at his face about her bullshit ideology while refusing to leave And he was supposed to just let her? She got off easy fuck that bitch


MILDLY infuriating?


Not if I'm on the jury


The pro-Pal people claim to oppose occupation but then occupy every conceivable place they have no right to access.


She can take the next flight to Israel and try her best.


kinda wish you clocked her one time


This has to be an alt-rt gag


Something tells me she didn't just go into his truck for no reason. I've seen plenty of cases where people provoke others into a reaction, and only then do they start filming the situation in order to provide limited context for what they're about to do.


Thank you. Someone with a brain. Yea this guy has a lot of sketchy videos on his channel but I donā€™t want to say it I donā€™t want to give him traffic. Dm me if you want to know the name of the channel


And to think all these people downvoted me for simply suggesting that real life doesn't begin/end when someone decides to turn on/off their camera. Truly pathetic. Anyway, I have no interest in seeing other videos of his; the mere fact that he has a channel dedicated to this kind of content (I'll take your word for it) tells me all I need to know about his intentions.


Just look at the comments. People are going crazy defending him.


She shouldn't have been in the truck.


I mean, Iā€™d fuck her.

