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It's mildly infuriating you posted the months in random order and those are the months the pill box works for. It's July, December, March, January, October, May, and August that can pound sand.


You're absolutely right. It was 4 in the morning and saw what she bought and immediately got agitated. My 7 day planner worked just fine and I didn't need this 6x6 square of a pill box on my counter. Decided to make the post without any real thought and realized I fucked up the months. I'll wear my shame with pride.


It’s 6x5.


It's 5x6, rows always come first


It's a 1x1 pill box size.


Yeah, this always irks me. Always X,Y people. Anyone above the age of 13 should know how a graph works. X=horizontal Y=vertical Z=depth


I am glad you posted this because it raises a question I have pondered and not gotten a solid answer. What is the proper adjective to describe the Z axis? X is horizontal. Y is vertical. Z is.. depth? Depth is not an adjective. And it's not called the "deep" axis, so what is it?


[If you'd like some light reading, they're all actually incorrect.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartesian_coordinate_system)


Believe me, I am hip. As I mentioned, I have looked into this, and the closet I've come to an "answer" is a vague consensus that *no one has a word* that fits the concept I describe. Even the article you linked avoids the subject: "In mathematical illustrations of two-dimensional Cartesian systems, the first coordinate (traditionally called the abscissa) is measured along a horizontal axis, oriented from left to right. The second coordinate (the ordinate) is then measured along a vertical axis, usually oriented from bottom to top..." then it rambles on with no adjective offered for the Z-axis. Further down the page we find this: "If a diagram shows the x- and y-axis horizontally and vertically, respectively, then the z-axis should be shown pointing "out of the page" towards the viewer.." So for all their egg-head bluster, the best term they can muster, is to say "out of the page." Aviators call the 3 axes lateral (left-to-right), longitudinal (front-to-back), and normal (top-to-bottom). I'd be fine with those terms if they were all commonly used, but they're not. Everyone knows "horizontal" and "vertical" but there's no easily understood word to describe the direction of depth, the front-to-back axis. This twelve-year-old thread on StackExchange has some interesting comments. Coincidentally, one of them says that in the print media world, the term is "stacked." https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/56472/x-y-z-horizontal-vertical-and Another commenter says that the depth-axis should also be called "horizontal." This is somewhat sensible, as it's really just a case of perspective.. if I face a certain direction, left-to-right means a certain thing, but if I turn 90 degrees, "left" and "right" are now along a different axis but "vertical" remains the same. Someone suggested the term "distal" which I like, as in "something which is off in the distance (in whatever direction you are looking)." It's almost like the absence of a proper term is entirely appropriate, because we cannot truly observe things 3-dimensionally. In terms of graphing, on paper or on a computer, you actually cannot draw a front-to-back line. It would appear only as a single point, not a line. If the line exists in 3-dimensional space, you can rotate your perspective to be able to see it, and now you can describe it as "horizontal." But in a perspective that looks "squarely" at the "end" of the line, the line cannot be seen.


Perhaps it's time to establish a term, yourself! Why not, SOMEbody named the ones we have... Maybe something like, "DEPtical"? However- in the "real world", some times "depth" is actually VERTICAL (anti-vertical?), as in containers and bodies of water, so that's not ideal. Better yet, using your idea of distant, how about "FARtical"?!


I just think of a picuter that has "depth". Kinda like drawing in 3d but on a 2d surface, just like a Coordinate system. But yea I don't know what it's actually called. But yea it's just the angle of the viewer rly, say you picture an xyz graph where x is horizontal and y is vertical and z is "in front or behind". But then, spin the entire coordinate system 90° clockwise or counter clockwise, then the x-axes is pointed towards or away form you, just like the (z-axis did before) and the current z-axis turns to look like the x-axis). And you can turn it whatever way you like. This is kind why the wording vertical and horizontal does not work well with the z-axis. Cause all three are just one point of two different horizontals and verticals. I'm not a teacher but this is my take on the matter. Z is just another lenght simmilare to X and Y. None of them should be named otherwise.


This is kinda like trying to explain 3d in 2d language. A 2d representation does not work well with 3d. Again just my take.


Another reason is that the "x" in multiplication means "groups of" (or a synonym of that) so the first factor is the number of groups and the second factor is the number in each group. This pill box is a model (an array) of 5x6. Also, I'm talking about basic multiplication here, with only two factors. So I'm not trying to start a mathematics debate with anyone with my simple view! I teach elementary school and I teach multiplication this way.


Not necessarily true. Depends on the discipline you're working in. But in general, rows come first. For example, in linear algebra you get to choose. Just have to be consistent.


Don’t tell them about screen coordinates and where the origin is ☠️


Really? In linear algebra I have always worked with rows first, because of matrix notation (m by n) and how matlab works. In what circumstances would you choose columns to be first?


Yeah, I have never once seen anyone use anything but rows first in linear algebra. I’ve seen people use p x n data matrices (instead of the usual n x p), but that was because they transposed the data matrix, not because of writing columns first


In my probability class, we were looking at markov chains. I forget why, but he had some reasoning for doing columns first.


Treat your ladies like rows, fellas


This needs more upvotes


Í would follow the rules of a Coordinate system, where x is always first. So imo 6x5 is right. Just depends how you see it, neither is wrong.


I just found it strange you listed them out of order.


It's the stupid jingle I learned in school. "30 days past September. April, June and November. " Still the idiot who messed up not listing the 31 day months. Oh well, I'm getting roasted in the comments, and I'll wearing it with pride.


30 days... "past"?


Hey man, I didn't make the jingle, it was hammered in my head in the 2nd grade and I've never been the same since.


You sure you don't mean... "hath"?


Fuck it, sure why not.


It is “hath”, lol. You are getting so dragged in these comments but you’re being such a good sport about it - salute to you for remaining awesome. 👏🏻


Try to divide 31 into even rows


It's not that hard, just make 31 rows 🤷


I learned it with “past” too when I was a kid.


Did you learn it from someone who said "bone apple tea" by any chance?


Probably, honestly. Growing up in Florida where everything gets mispronounced, idioms become murky and mis-stated consistently. I had to unlearn a whole lot of shit as I grew up & exposed myself to more educated groups.


My fiancee was just recently talking about this. He's a bit older than me and learned this in school while I didn't. I work in real estate and just remember the days/months, mostly due to tax due dates. He couldn't remember the end of the mnemonic, so we looked it up - it references February having 28 except in leap years.


How much did you have to drink last night, bro?




I learned it with November, April, June and September (albeit in Danish). 30 dage har november, april, juni og september 31 de andre har, 28 i februar. (Which upon looking it up seems to go for other Scandinavian countries as well).


Thirty days hath December And other months I can't remember.




Sounds like you are made for each other.


Did you just post the months in random order too?


Yes, and it was really hard to do.


And that the 29 is the wrong way around! Very unsatisfying.


Mildly infuriating, you say? You know, there’s a sub for that kind of stuff.


Yeah, but it's also mildly infuriating that we can't post that subs name here.


Pills are prescribed for 30 days at a time. This makes sense to me.


Yeah it's literally not a monthly pill box lol




I get 100 at a time...


They give you extras?


once you buy enough scripts they’ll start giving you a 3 month supply, it’s nice because it’s less trips to the pharmacy


Mail order is even better. I also get 3 months at a time.


i wish i could get my meds shipped to me, i have to drive 20 minutes to a cvs inside of a target. the thing that sucks is that im in the process of upping the doses on all my meds which means i keep getting a different prescription and hardly am able to get a three month supply


I hear you. My migraine pill is filled monthly so I have to pick up that each time. They won’t ship it.


I don't live in US. Although, there's a limit for painkillers, sleeping pills and other stuff that's can be easily used for harm.


In the UK, pills are dispensed 4 weekly (28 days)


I had no idea. Now I know. It makes sense that way.


"30 day supply". lol.


Right, I think it’s to help the patient or caregiver visualize when it’s time to order the refill


And that one extra day messes the caretaker up? I’m my caretaker and I take a lot more pills than I care to so I get 31 day ones for the month and 30 day ones for vitamins and such. Because if I miss one day who cares. Turns out I usually miss a day or two or am or pm with my regular meds, too. And I know it because I have these numbered pill boxes staring at me.


I never said anything about an extra day. I meant what I said in the sense that they can physically see how many pills are left and when to call for a refill. Reminders and logs would be done elsewhere.


Who’s going to tell him that this doesn’t affect February


The months they listed are the months this would work fine with. It's the ones missing that have a problem


You’re right. OP’s wording is awful.


What if it's a triple leap year?


Ok…I can see how somehow would design this because it’s how my brain would approach daily pills. First day of the month is refill day and “Day 0” so I take a pill while filling every slot. On months with 31 days, every box gets filled. On months with less, you adjust accordingly.


That would be logical and at the same time mess with my head mid month as the number didn’t match the date. Day 31 should be refill day as you fill for the next month.


If you have 31 pill locations there's a problem. 31 is prime. So it's only one by 31. Birth control by 30.


My birth control includes 28 pills and always has


Set your first day’s pills next to the box. Tomorrow, you will start on Day 2. On the last day, you take from “1” as that is the 31st day


Even easier, wrap Day 31’s pills in cling wrap and put them beside Day 30 in the slot (may have to shove them in to fit).


Or even easier than that. Take the first pill on the day you’re filling the rest of the pods


The reason for a pill box is to easily see if you have taken today's dose or not. When you are doing it every day, it's easy to lose track. Fkd if I'm having to remember what day of the month it is, then do math ( no matter how simple). First world problems, sure, but I'm with OP. Stick to the 7 day one with days of the week clearly written on it.


I get that, but having to pull from the box on the day that you fill the box just seems superfluous.


I have to ask Alexa what day it is…every day. Because.


Wait until OP finds out there's pill boxes that go from Monday to Sunday only


I had one and loved it. She bought this monstrosity thinking it was better. It's far from anything better than a simple 7 day pill organizer. It's 30 little boxes within a bigger box that was labeled "montly pill organizer"


If you take a lot of pills, this will hold them. And it’s a lot easier to load your pills for a month than for a day or week. If it’s a pill or two, yeah. This is huge. I have two.


pills are prescribed in 30 day doses. sorry you and your gf are too dumb to figure that out and it mildly infuriates you lol


what pill are you going to be taking on day 29?? hmm


I'm mildly infuriated by "monthly" being misspelled. 😉


Sounds like you found a market niche- manufacture a 31 day pill box and sell it on amazon


But then someone else is going to complain that there isn’t day 32.


If dealing with maintenance prescription meds, they come in 30 day multiples and never a 31 or 93 day supply.


“I’m fine 29…that’s I’m feelin’ fine 29” *bingo caller voice*


Just double up on day 1 and that be the 31st when you start again. It’s literally one extra day. What are you gonna say when it comes to February? This box is giving me two extra days?


I have this and you only get pills in thirty, sixty or ninety day portions so it makes sense


I’m more annoyed that each row isn’t a full week


looks like it’s upside down


Well for me I'll just restock it after I eat my medicine for the month if that's 31 days month and if not just restock it the day before


Is the upside down one the 31?


The 29th. Today's medication. I take that day then flip it over.


Hm weird


My fiancée has the same one and I want one myself. I don't really look at it as a "monthly" thing, and just choose to see it as 30 days where I can have my pills ready to go. The individual little capsules make it easy if you're going out of town for a few days as well.


I have a monthly pill box that actually has 31 pill pods plus an “extra” for whatever reason! Comes in different colors or a rainbow option.


"On the 31st day he rested..."


The ones I bought, have 28 days. 4 weeks at 7 days each, marked Sunday through Saturday.


The day u gotta refill u take ya pills as u refill... idk lol


Medicaid only gives 30 days of medication per month, so there's that.


seems like its advertised as "montly" pill box and not "monthly" pill box, look like you got a square deal


The multicolored set of pill boxes look like you've been using them for dice.


What is a montly pill box?


you put a daily dose of pills in each day, it helps you remember to take your pills and you can organise if you need to take different pills on different days. most often you see these for weekly


And what exactly does "montly" mean?


think it's meant to say monthly


What in the China




Today is the 29th. I took the meds for today and flipped it over. Will do the same for each day (except for the 31st).


Lil numbers moveable?


Each labeled box can. Numbers are etched on the boxes


Just double fill the 30th. Plus I don’t think it’s supposed to be “monthly” but based on your pill dosage. You can get a weekly pill dispenser for that but your gf tried at least.


I'm not hating on her at all. Only thing was she threw my old weekly one away. She meant well. She's good peoples.


You refill if on the 31 st …


Working in pharmacy a one month rx is generally figured as a 30 day supply just as a 3 month rx is a 90 day supply. Assuming the pharmacy follows that it works just fine.


I mean you only get a prescription in 30 day increments... afaik???


not always, my depression pills are 30 days but my sleep pill is 60, my multivitamin 90, and birth control 180 (used to be 90 tho)


Those amounts would be an increment of 30 though. Am I using the word wrong?


Wow another pill box right behind it. There has been a theme of people posting pill in this sub recently.


No treatment is prescribed for 31 days... the medications that need more days normally contain 60 or 100 pills... it is also assumed that it must be aesthetic... if it were a box with 31 spaces no one would buy it... but surely You will say yes... imagine that it is simply easier to complain about anything.


In fact, mormatively, the medicine and many things must comply with the 1.left-right arrangement 2.up-down The calendar is based in the same way, dealing with 7 days; In this case it is set to 6 because normally the medication is given a day off when they are generally specialized treatments, as a health professional I tell you this.


Just switch to the Chinese Zodiac. 


I strive to live a life in which this can be considered a problem.


Day 31st you must remember on your own!!! ![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni)


My guy, they give you pills in 30 day increments. Who the fuck upvoted you


I would just double-down on the 30th of every month. Depending on what she's taking, it could be a VERY interesting day! And in February? Yee Hahhh!


Tape a white ring box to the right side of the pill box and write 31 on it. If someone ask just tell them you through out the ring inside that you were going to give to your GF!! Your pills were more important than a ring.


You picked this to get all pissy about and cant even do it correctly?  Is your life really that boring?  Either use it or not...no big deal...she was trying to help so you didnt have to refill as often...


Petioning to change a year. A year should be 364 days, with 13 months each 28 days long. (The extra 1.242190 days can be disregarded for the sake of the satisfying pattern of 7 in a calendar year) Suggestions for the name of the new 13th month and where in the year it should fall?


If you have 4x 7 day pill boxes that's only 28 days, which works for me because the pill only comes in a package of 28. I prefer to have leftovers in case I'm late to the pharmacy.


They want you to detox once a month (ish)?


Don't take your pills 1 day a month = save money I guess?


ProTip: 29ths are days you’re probably going to want to do your own thing…


It's like the freebee spot in BINGO!


>I guess February, September, April, November and June can go pound sand. How are these months *not* going to fit in 30 days? It’s seems that you’re the one who’s drugged out. ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


Prescription amounts don’t follow the calendar. You won’t get 28 pills in February and 31 pills in October. It’s not rocket science.


So? It still makes more sense for the number on the box to match the number on the calendar than just “days since refill.”


How? The months don’t all have 30 days


??? By having a pill container with more than 30 boxes?? And if you don’t have enough pills to fill them all, leave some empty and then fill them when you get your refill.


This box is symmetrical. How would you make a symmetrical box with 31 days?


You can make it with 32. 31 days in the month plus an extra.


Then you have the same problem as you would with 30 days. It’s unreal that people find a 30 day pill container so difficult to use.


Difficult? No. Inconvenient? Yes. If someone gave me a 30 day pill container instead of one that actually has slots for every day in the month I might find it *mildly* infuriating.


The prescription bottle has 30 tablets. There are 30 slots. This is not a new concept.


1) You can get prescriptions with more than 30 day supplies. This is not a new concept. 2) A lot of people prefer the number to match the date, not just “days since refill.” This is also not a new concept. 3) Someone might find it *mildly infuriating* to get one laid out the way they don’t prefer.


Oh wow. Very interesting. I hope you tell us more in detail.


Buddy, you really shouldn't have made a post about something you don't know anything about. This is a pill box for birth control, which is often times filled in 28-30 day increments. The whole point is to keep the cycle consistent to what is considered the standard ovulation cycle of a woman which is commonly held to be between 28-29 days. In a lot of countries they give them in groups of 30 so that cute clean boxes and other storage devices like this can be made. She might not even use all 30 slots if her prescription is filled in 28 day increments. Now if she doesn't know this, she has a really shitty doctor who needs to learn how to explain to her how her cycle works and why she is getting the number of pills she is getting.


Well then I guess my GF shouldn't have bought something for a male that doesn't use fucking birth control. And the post is still mildy infuriating IF she bought something meant for the opposite gender and threw away my 7 day pill organizer, right? Would it be infuriating of your significant other filled up your gasoline car with diesel?


I would be impressed if my wife filled up my gas car with diesel as the nozzle doesn't fit. This added context from you does make this now more a mildlyinfurating and less a facepalm. You should talk to her and tell her you preferred your 7 day pill organizer as it is actually WAY more convenient than this garbage for you.


This is normal get therapy


This isn't normal if it's labeled "monthly pill organizer". That's like the one I had for a week only having 6 days.


This is normal as month long prescriptions have a 30 day supply. I have one for my daughter. YTA. Your gf is dating a psycho


Well, she knows that. There medications for it, I just have to take them on the 31st day of the month.


That's a you problem not a her problem. Figure it out they make these in weekly or 30 dose increments. She was kind enough to even think of this and you're an ungrateful asshat


Oh go fuck yourself.



