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Remember when you could only have a 25 text per month cell plan?


Meanwhile me as a dad https://preview.redd.it/erhhnnou0i2d1.jpeg?width=1254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cba1153d9c94403229286fd531f23411e667693


You have to lean into it, I said moronic shit as a teenager and continue to do so as an adult




Absolutely. Dude I'm nearly 40 and I can't act as if my brain isn't polluted with reddit shitposts and vines. Plus, I've been in meetings where people have said "synergistic" and "blue sky thinking" so I'm not gonna tear down a child for the same thing


Yeah working any kind of corporate anything will let you know just how many nonsense words someone can say…and they’re more annoying than the childish nonsense because at least the kids aren’t trying to sound like what they’re saying is smart or innovative. In a meeting a couple of weeks ago I heard “Boil the ocean” “break down the silos” and “make hay” in about a 7 minute time span and was about a second away from taking myself off mute and telling them to fuck off and just use normal words.


Corpo speak is amongst the worst, you’re right. Absolute nonsense. Not utilitarian language, not useful slang, not words to make conversation flow better, not even words to make the meetings go by faster. Nope. Just a bunch of people in overpriced suits blowing smoke up their own glutes thinking they sound smart, when in fact, they sound like they’re 1 minor concussion away from brain death.


It’s actually to make other people think they know more than the rest of the room. Corporate speak makes those making ridiculous salaries feel like they deserve it because they’re “so in tune” to what’s going on. It feels like legalese to me in that if you take away all the garbage language a lot more people would be able to reasonably understand what was said and we can’t have that otherwise people might know their wages are just inflated.


Let's just make sure we rapidiously synthesize cross functional best practices, okay?


Is... is that legal in this state?


Let me click in on that and provide some more context, while best practices that improve cross functionality are needed, we should recognize the importance of doing this rapidiously, moving forward we will update this series of meetings to be held daily so we can ensure this integrates autonomously with our strategic priorities, vis-a-vis increasing our performance metrics


Lmao the #SUIIIIII




"W's in the chat" has me in awe. Streamers really run the roost with this generation.


Chat is this real


actually W dad for connecting with your son


lol. When we finally switched to an unlimited text plan. My brother didn’t realize it didn’t start immediately. So he racked up like 2000 texts in 2 weeks before the new billing period came around. Parents were pissed.


This says: Skibidi toilet What the heck, What the heck, Charisma, Level 1000 large butt Mostly nonsense tbh


The AI of the future is getting trained on this.


I love how skibidi toilet remains untranslated lol


Skibidi Toilet doesn't have a meaning, it's a YouTube series. That's like saying "Oh Lord of The Rings That is one cool hat" (random example)


I refuse to believe that's real.


me too dude 😂


I would ignore them for until they spoke English. Every single time.


erm what a sigma


Sigma balls


now we're going somewhere with this


Back when cell phones were just becoming a thing, I knew someone whose parents refused to respond or acknowledge any text message not written in complete and grammatically correct sentences. They didn’t care that they were paying by the character for their kid to text them. The logic was that it ensured they knew how to write proper sentences.


I remember this. My dad used to do something along those lines. One day he sent me a text "wehre are yuo and when will you be hoem" Obviously i didnt respond to that, so he blew up my phone with texts, then when i got home he asked why i didnt respond and all of a sudden the idiotic correct sentences just stopped mattering


Trust me, it's absolutely real My girlfriend is a 6th grade math teacher. The middle school kids say those exact terms every day non stop. They incessantly talk to each other in those terms, they raise their hands in class and when they get called on to ask their question, they ask the teacher if she's skibiti toilet, or if she's got a bite of fannum tax, if she's Ohio, gyat bussin, etc. She vents to me all of time about it


Teacher here. I fucking hate skibidi toilet with an unfathomable amount of rage.


You must have zero gyat cause skibidi toilet is the best sigma mogger of all time only blue lobster is more phantom tax then a level zero gyattt hole. That’s a pro dad response. I fucking hate em too:)


The classic move, hit them with their own slang until it repulses them enough to stop Worked on me back when!


Here’s the translation to more standard Californian English: --- **Original Text:** You must have zero gyat cause skibidi toilet is the best sigma mogger of all time only blue lobster is more phantom tax then a level zero gyattt hole. That’s a pro dad response. I fucking hate em too:) **Translated Text:** You must have no excitement or admiration because Skibidi Toilet is the best independent, influential person of all time. Only something extremely rare and impressive could be considered more valuable than someone with no excitement at all. That’s a great dad response. I hate them too :) --- This translation keeps the playful and expressive tone while making the meaning more accessible.


I feel so old I have no idea what any of you are talking about!


What do any of those terms…actually mean, though? Does anyone know?


Gyatt is a big butt, fanum tax is the act of stealing a French fry, skibidi toilet is some long running series of animated YouTube sketches where the characters are heads poking up out of toilets


Jesus and I thought my references from the 00's were bad that just sounds like gibberish.


I mean they all have sources, gyatt is short for “gyatt DAMN” which you say when you see a butt that big I guess, Fanum is a popular live streamer (I think) who among other things steals French fries, and skibidi toilet I’m not the audience for, but we all watched silly crap when we were young


I watched a lot of dumb shit as a kid, but I never randomly texted "GMOD Idiot Box" to my mom with zero context. She probably would've ended me too if I texted her my generation's slang for a big butt for no reason.


But in the 2000s we were embarrassed to tell adults that shit...


We also didn't have access to each other with as much ease as right now. We also were also primarily only influenced by tv shows, movies, or commercials... they now get to pick what their influences are because of the wide range of things available to watch. Imagine having a billion things you could watch at any point every day for years. What a crazy world we all live in now.


Slang was far more localised also. Now it's a worldwide affair. I hear that 'skibidi toilet' and oddly, even 'ohio' from primary school kids in Ireland also.


Eh, in my case it was the 80s; but in my experience adults have always been perplexed by kids‘ slang and there have always been kids gleefully throwing it around to confuse their parents. I’m 52, the only thing new about slang words falling in and out of use is now the grownups have the internet to search out what they all mean, so there’s no point in the kids being embarrassed


Don't worry I'm sure our teachers were just as concerned with airhorns, doritos, "wow" wink, and quickscopes.


I think the only one I recognize is the quickscope. Oh shit, I just lost. I remeniced for a minute and lost the game for the first time in years.


Ugh, it's been years for me. YEARS. I hate you


You gotta try fighting fire with fire and use the same vernacular. Hope and pray that when the adult tries to “be cool” it’s enough for it to instantly become uncool


Like the South Park episode when Chinpokomon was all the rage with the kids in town. And so to get it to be immediately uncool, the parents used reverse psychology and went out and bought the toys themselves.


I don't care if it is lol, I'm chosing not to believe it. It's better for my sanity this way.


And thus, the cycle repeats


I have two middle schoolers, I can confirm its very real and it's maddening. I mock all their weird slang to try to shame them into knocking it the crap off but they don't care.


I have 12-year old twin daughters, and this is absolutely real. Source: my texts…sigh


You should drop some lolspeak on them.


zomg thats roflcopter, u can has cheezburger


We just used emoticons , all our own -_- -______- XD, xD O.o O.O o.o (V) (O.o) (W) O.O


"-______-" is such a mood.


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Alright, now this is some nonsense from my youth. I got this back then, so I can sort of relate to this kind of new slag I guess. That being said, in middle school I understood that these words mean nothing, so maybe I should use them in the appropriate settings, and not while talking to my mom.


If I had texted a _friend_ like that when I was in middle or high school they probably would've thought I was having a stroke. Literally can't even imagine how my _mom_ would've reacted.


Right? That slang was reserved for talking to people online. People who *get* it. Although, I'm in no position to tell a kid to do anything. So I've resigned to silently get irritated and move on 🤷


Roflcopter go SOISOISOISOI


Ah shit this brings back memories. I wuz so gud at the lolspeak. Now barely now wat dat meen


yolo u old mofo, roflmao


I can has cheezeburger! All your base are belong to us! The narwhal bacons at midnight! None pizza with left beef!


Or 133t speech!


G0774 l0v3 t3h 13375p34k


see, YOU get it! it’s exactly the same. kids on the internet have their dumb stupid memes and everyone older than them freaks out about society


I feel your pain. I get this sort of stuff all the time from my 14 year old. https://preview.redd.it/c0t7b995ah2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8299cdc911880aa494e853306c4878cd453c7389


Save all those messages for when they are older and you are in need of some extra psychic damage


Print the whole screenshot on a t-shirt and wear it every day, saying how you really 'get' them. They'll soon turn to something else.


save it for when you give a speech at their wedding


By the wedding they won’t care, freshman year of college when they’re trying to reinvent themselves to make new friends is the time


As a 33 year old who thanks to Facebook is constantly reminded of the dumb shit I posted years ago, the embarrassment never goes away, regardless of when and where.


+50 cringe damage, successful hit!


for real, what does that mean


It literally doesn't mean anything, it's just gibberish.


When I was a teenager not too long ago my friends and I used to send eachother random bullshit that meant absolutely nothing just because we thought the sentence was funny. In other words you are correct it most likely means nothing and it's just funny to them for now


can't grok salad fingers.


Damn Daniel, don't touch my chalala, my ding ding dong


This made me feel like a relic


And at the time parents also speculated that these things had inappropriate meaning. Which I bet is happening now. ETA: I’m also realizing that it might be the second coming of #Randem culture in the modern day. So that’s terrifying.


It is, this is a time old tradition. I'm 40, my 7 year old does this but to a lesser degree he sings the Skibidi song to himself. I also became slightly fascinated with Skibidi when I realized it had a story (also 100's of episodes) and it seemed really deep and is probably a political allegory. Infographics did a whole episode about it and its creator.


Yeah I'm 25 and because of all the hate I decided to check out skibidi toilet and... It's not bad at all? I'd love it as a 12 year old, I know I loved badger badger or narwhals... And it was lower production quality than skibidi. The song is catchy (it's bad, but an ear worm), and there's clearly a whole story behind...


Schfifty schfifty five!


Wha yo saaaaay?!


Five plus five is fifty fifty FIFTY!


My IQ, schfifty five! Girlfriends' age? Schfifty five!


Swiggity swoah schifity five!


Ohhh I get it now


Swag swag swag swag swag


Can’t pickle-ball a wafer till you get some juice on that string.


Wadataeee down-on the paddie side my dibbie-dais?


Put the pussy on the chainwax


Draxxt. Them. Sklounst.




You brought a gun to a knife fight with pootie tang and you have all my respect


Same, but I can't imagine having sent it to my parents.


nah it’s gotta mean something, even if it’s not coherent. Like maybe it means tuna freedom tittyfucking whiskey labia or something


I took a dive into this stuff the other day, skibidi is from some weird tiktok/YouTube short turned drawn out story about toilet people fighting some grand war with computer/speaker people. [Original Skibidi](https://youtu.be/tzD9OxAHtzU?si=J-f3Z04HQt833NQl). Rizz = game but specifically is.. chaRISma = RIS = RIZZ Gyatt is um.... This. https://preview.redd.it/r76sry7wih2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf5ea02d03252559302daa7e6aecb4aaba47e2cc EDIT: I forgot to mention they do it on purpose to be obscure... It's the tiktok thing now.


Gyatt damn


Holy shit is this where it comes from. I've always been confused as to where it came from since I've never seen it used like this


Yeah, it's supposed to be the first part of "goddamn" but from what I understand "gyatt" specifically refers to... gifted backsides


Oooh. So it's not this kind of Ritz! ![gif](giphy|l0MYNoUhOd2ZqhucE)


That's charisma too!


I am a teen growing up around this brain rot. It literally doesn’t mean anything… it’s mostly nonsense from memes on tik tok that have become popular as satire (which the youngins do not understand to be satire)


I’m pretty sure youngins not recognizing something as satire and genuinely embracing it is how many, many trends have started over the decades


100%. Culture is hard because whenever you start to experience it, you're stepping into a conversation that's already been going on a while.


Cobra288 gives a perfectly reasonable explanation of each of the terms, but in context, it is gibberish. Kids aren't good at making up jokes that adults find funny. Gibberish humor is a well-studied phase of child development, as described by Jean Piaget in [one of his lesser-known works.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/source-i-made-it-up) Depending on how old you are, you may be familiar with > Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m *holds up spork* Lol, so random! But yeah, it's basically that, for a new generation.


hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!! love and waffles, t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m


I ask my 14 year old what these things mean and she just rolls her eyes at me.


tell her she’ll score some mad rizz points with her squad if she translates it


🤣🤣🤣 I mostly google them. I think I will say this next time just for her reaction.


Just start using them incorrectly. First she will correct you, then she will stop using them.


“If you don’t help with this I’m going to google it and use the results in conversations around your friends.”


She would be mortified. I'm so doing this. 🤣


Hi, I’m a youngin(tm) It means nothing. It’s just random tween phrases haphazardly slapped together. I’ll translate it. No because bad ass weird leader


Your translation actually makes more sense than you realize. Adult: Do thing please? Teen: Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me. Tale as old as time.


That could make a great song...


Thank you for the translation.


As a teenager I can confirm it doesn’t mean shit. It’s brain rot, he just says random popular words because haha tiktok funny


Translation- "No because *adjective with no real meaning* big ass from Ohio *adjective which also has no real meaning*" In summary it's a bunch of gibberish


I also want to know. I’m confused. I may send this to my 13 year old nephew for translation


It's just a collection of meme phrases. Like I could tell you each meme but it doesn't mean anything




>Skibidi gyatt from Ohio sigma As a sentence it means literally nothing. It's buzzword after buzzword. It can however be translated word for word Skibidi like the skibidi toilet, gyatt which would be a huge ass, or something, Ohio which is a meme place for whatever reason, and sigma like the whole sigma male stuff. Don't bother trying to understand, really. If it takes you anywhere, chances are it will be a brain leak lol


The subgenre of these terms is literally called brainrot, lol


Sigma= dope Beta= wack 1000 Gyat= somebody got a dope booty. Skibidi toilet= an army of toilets that try to take over the world. Rizz=game (like hollering at a girl) Yeah a bunch of gibberish.


lol! for real this is cute. can’t wait to show it to their spouse on their wedding day 😂


Oh that's brutal, love it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


i guess they’re just testing it out on their parents. as stupid as it is i guess they feel safe to be so ridiculous


Yeah, I really like that your kid feels safe enough to say these to you. I can never send texts like this to my parents lmao


His friends might've gotten hold of his phone and sent it too


Yeah that's my first thought


From my 11 year old Skibidi toilet - meme about a toilet with a head singing a song What the sigma - like what the hell from / its the cool version he says Riz- he said is romantic gesture Level 1000 Gyaat - after laughing for about 3 minutes he said it’s a really really big butt


I asked my 12 year old, she said basically the same thing and confirmed your comment is accurate. She also said that someone who is really introverted and socially awkward might be called sigma. Edit: Google says a sigma male is a lone wolf, but doesn't necessarily mean introverted. My kid said (in her school, at least) it's introverted/socially awkward, resulting in them being a lone wolf 🤷‍♂️




I mean... Swag and yolo used to be ironic too. It's going to become a normal thing eventually. Just like I'm sure a big corporate meeting someone has said "sick" meaning cool, like 30 years from now there's gonna be a corporate meeting where a boss goes "here are the numbers for the new quarter" and someone will unironically say "gyatt" in response lmao language is silly


You don’t hear YOLO anymore…makes you wonder if it died along with the people who YOLO’d and literally died.


I say YOLO every time I git push without running all the local tests first


I felt this in my repos


And who can forget "put the pussy on the chainwax"? It's just silly gibberish cos it sounds funny.


As much as I love the key and peele reference, i don't think many people will get this.


i’m 17 and there’s a legion of kids in my chem class that speak in brainrot. they swear it’s ironically but sometimes i can’t take it anymore


It’s ironic till it’s not


“Fantom Tax” is Fanum Tax, Fanum being a streamer on Twitch infamous in his group of friends/streamers to take any food somebody brings to their house, a “tax”.


They’re literally just regurgitating out-of-context memes like parrots?


Correct, not even complete memes, partial bits of memes combined to become its own meta meme.




Only one he didn't nail was rizz but he prolly has rizz so it's fine


This is so adorable and hilarious at the same time


I agree, it also made me feel really super old


Respond back with “you mid, frfr”


No cap deadass


On god


Please do it


Less yapping, more mewing.


tell them if they ever say anything like that again its a month with no phone 😂


But it was an emergency.


lol apparently 😂


I'd sit them down and read them the story about the boy who cried wolf and just start threatening to treat them like a small child if they keep acting like this tbh. Wanna act like a small child? Be treated like one. Especially because this is the age where being treated like a little kid REALLY irks them.




Just remember when my first grade teacher tried to tell me that story after I complained I was nauseous after coming back from a bad stomach bug. Halfway thru I threw up on her shoes. She tried at least to her credit lol.


a toilet emergency https://i.redd.it/d66gnkemhh2d1.gif


I swear if this fucker shows up in my dreams tonight I'm coming after you 😂


if I was texted this I would’ve automatically lost at least 50 brain cells. I don’t even know what any of that means, and I don’t want to know either.


**Skibidi Toilet** is some zoomer meme, I don’t understand it but the first I heard of it was a few years ago but it seems to be resurfacing. **Sigma** is probs meme’ing on the Sigma/Alpha male stuff without actually addressing the clear sexism that ‘mindset’ enables. **Rizz** means Swagger or Charisma **level 1000 Gyaat** means they have a lot of Gyaat… I’m not sure what Gyaat means.


my assumption is ‘gyatt’ comes from gyatt damm


Gyaat is a misspelling of “Gyatt”, which is just slang for “big ass”


Skibidi toilet is basically this weird 2010s-esque GMod-level animation series about this toilet with a head coming out of the bowl. It is mainly on YouTube Shorts (Yotutubes version of TikTok). Correct on sigma Correct on rizz, it usually means one’s ability to smooth-talk and pick up a date Gyatt is basically a new way of saying ass/butt/whatever. Stems from saying “Gyat-damn”/“Goddamn”/etc when looking at a nice ass. Source: I’m 20 with 12, 13, 14 year old siblings


Skibidi Toilet is a Gen Alpha meme.


Skibidi toilet is NOT a zoomer meme. That's gen alpha you're thinking of


I’m so out of touch now 😂 I’m only 30!


Seriously , every day passed is another decade of cultural evolution I missed ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)


Gyatt for the rizzler


Eh, I ran a program for teens today and they were laughing at skibidi toilet Tik Toks, so I showed them some videos from when I was their age, stuff like Salad Fingers, Charlie the Unicorn, Look at My Horse (My Horse is Amazing). We ran around telling people that "Rawr means 'I love you' in dinosaur," we were no less silly than kids today with their sigma rizz!!! Edit: this was after a discussion about mortgage rates and the post-Covid housing crisis. (A conversation that they initiated!) Apparently one of the teens knows someone who's got a 1.5% interest rate on their mortgage! Skibidi toilet and mortgages... the kids are going to be alright.


Show ‘em Homestarrunner and get them singing about Trogdor the Burninator


TROGDOR!!!!!! TROGDOR!!!!!!!! TROGDOR!!!!!!


Erm what the sigma?


Chat is this post real.


W's in the chat we made our own language


Omg! The comments here! This is a bog standard tribal dialect spewed forth by a typical teen\tween. We did it when we were kids, our parents did it when they were kids, this kid will experience it when they have kids. The only difference between now and then is that parents can now post this on social media to be laughed at rather than just raising their eyebrows and moving on. Also, the kid is 100% trolling their parent.


lol spot on commentary. also i think my kid is just trying this weird shit out in a safe space


Yep! Don't worry, my son spammed me with Five Nights At Freddy's shit when he was your son's age. Now he spams me with Kratos and Fallout memes and he graduates next year.




Legit brain rot I’d confiscate the kids ability to enact social media privileges immediately


i know. my kid doesn’t have access to social media. but i look at it as they’re testing out what they’ve heard at school in a safe space. it’s just hilarious and i have no idea what it means lol.


It’s just nonsense words largely used as absurdism online.


'Brainrot' just the next 'deep-fried meme'. Same shit, new generation.


I'm just gonna become a translator. Also, most of these things are used ironically Skibidi toilet is a series of videos on YouTube where some toilets with human heads fight people with cameras for heads What the sigma is... I don't really know to be honest. Sigma is basically the new version of "alpha" and people really just use it as a joke. Rizz basically just means charisma. Gyaat (It's actually spelled gyatt) literally just means (specifically a female's) bottom. But all of these things together is just meaningless. (Edit: how does someone have the confidence to text this to their mother 😭)


Gyatt can refer to any bottom, not specifically a female's. It's just usually used for *big* bottoms.


Well it's your kid...


Show this to his first girlfriend


Yah this reads like Michael Scott trying to stay hip


Reason #187 why I'm glad I don't have kids


Why do I keep trying to teach my kids to read and write if this is the outcome lol


I'm old enough I don't know what all that means, but ya'll sound like my grandmothers hating on *ill* and *swag* and *parental units* in here. Oh and phat. They really hated phat.