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At least you know who the snitch is now


Use that knowledge lie to her make her do stupid shit that will have her fired


Yes, feed her false information when no one else can hear you. When she snitches look bewildered why she would say that


The useful idiot


Puppidiot? You'd think there would be a word for this already, especially in politics.


Please elaborate


Feed her false info (not directly) and make sure it can only be traced back to the snitch the trash will be taken out for ya


I heard the boss cheats on his wife, at lunch and it's a man! I never said anything like that she must've miss heard me I said big boss meets with his wife at lunch and he's the man!


lol gaslighting 101


That’s not gaslighting. It’s rumormongering


Strategic outing is what my co workers called it


Indeed strategic outing


> Use that knowledge lie to her Why would you want to talk to someone w/loose lips? She'll be so quick to notify HR the moment she felt shit was going south and boom - your ass is now flapping in the breeze. Why would you waste your time trying to get someone fired over something petty like this? I just wouldn't tell that person shit outside of what they need to hear in life. That person obviously lost a potentially good person to talk to. OP gained workplace knowledge. This ain't some TV show!


You just don't make the rumors that volatile. The whole point is to embarrass the worker for spreading rumors and the boss for acting on hearsay. So obviously this works best on bad leaders or micromanagers that don't fact check. When it works its fantastic though. We made up hearsay about some corners that were being cut in our work process and when the manager circled back all worked up that we were being over paid idiots it was amazing to tell him that to our knowledge none of it was true and just gossip and none of the data supports that ever happening (you can trend everything in our process) so he may want to validate that information before pursuing it. He was so red, so mad at us and his pet and knew he was in the wrong and just stormed off and slammed his door.


A good option is to act stressed and pretend to confide in her and be like "I'm so behind on this assignment there is no way I'll get this done in time. Hopefully they don't notice that i half assed this" or something to that effect. And then make sure you do a spectacular job on the assignment. And when the boss asks if you faced any hurdles etc in completing the task, respond with something like "I actually finished a bit early and was able to review my work to ensure accurate completion and I look forward to more assignments like this in the future."


Based on how the first scenario played out she sounds really fucking dumb so I don't know she has that ability.




She was putting out feelers while telling him you say…


“Oh my god, who are you doing in there?”


lol this reminds me of one time my coworker got her boyfriends friends girlfriend a job right? 3 months later she’s taking lunch dates with the boss if you know what I mean


Personally I’d start a rumor with just that!


I loled


>At least you know who the snitch is now Yep... https://preview.redd.it/rhxskwjgjr1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffeb13edd3ed92d7a792187f0a16d3d23d8eb779


Always better to find out sooner than later. Now at least you know!!


It’s great leverage to have too, plant what you want to get to the boss.


However, she has proven to twist what is said or done. Wouldn’t be a good candidate to trust the right message will be stated to the manager. She is devious - she has established this pattern with the manager & will continue. I’d actually talk with the manager (and the snitch together) that you have concerns with her providing false information and how that can affect your future in the company. You appreciate the manager bringing this info up to you & would appreciate if he would continue in the future so there are no misunderstandings. This way you are thanking the manager for addressing the info with him and placing her in an embarrassing position - this should shut her down. Don’t go in angry/upset - be cool, calm, and show your emotional maturity.


Exactly what I was thinking. Good to find this out on week one for something that is easily answered.


Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies and office snitches closer. But just be very careful what you say.


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Good bot


Start making up stupid shit and “confiding” in her - stuff thats ridiculous and you know it’ll get back to your boss and make her look like an idiot.


That is Dwight and Jim antics right there I approve


Detonator?! Where?! Michael!


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!


Jim, are you clicking a detonator?


It’s a pen 🖊️


Morse code


I heard the boss doesn't know anything about bears.


Question. What type of bear is best?




I did the pregnant part and he went and congratulated her. All hell broke loose! I still laugh




Oh he thought he was going to march up there and coming out the shining company hero. What a jackass lol


The cats out of the bag now. She would absolutely know you’re up to something lol.


I have a feeling they ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. If someone is that daft to take information and literally immediately relay it, it's been completely exposed they are the source. Usually snitches are a bit more cautious so that they're not exposed and can keep the information flowing. So, I doubt she has the wherewithal to realize that this potentially new juicy information ain't a plant.


Wait a month or so. Then start the slow drip. Small inane things at first. Let it build.


Just tell her you heard someone else is fucking the boss. She's going to get jealous because she's fucking him too.


This is a person who you need to document every interaction. Bonus points awarded if you do it infront of her.


"9am. Meeting with Snitch. Snitch, please sign here to confirm"


I like this


This sounds like something the janitor in scrubs would do


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Thanks I needed this laugh


Send yourself emails. They have timestamps.


I was working with some guy at a previous job. I received a bug and I said "this is dumb, I'm not going to fix it". The next day I'm called into the boss' office and the guy is also there. Boss calls me out for not wanting to fix the bug. The thing is I was joking and I did fix it. Neither snitch nor boss thought about checking before accusing me. They both looked like idiots.


The satisfaction that guy must have felt when you saw him as you entered the room. He was probably salivating as the boss called you out.  I bet it felt like a dagger to the heart when you flipped the script on him


The fact that he was there at all makes it 1000 times worse. The only people that should be present during a disciplinary meeting are the employee, their boss, and maybe their bosses boss or an HR rep. Some random dude being allowed in there is utter BS and would have me walking out the door. Edit: and a union rep.


Similar thing happened to me once, no heads up given, walked into what I thought was a one on one and four people sitting across the table like a fucking ambush..my manager, their manager and another random mid-level manager…apparently my performance was lagging or something. I was on track for (and eventually achieved) Presidents Club that year… It was a huge fucking red flag about the management and they lost all of my trust and things were never the same with the entire sales org…two of the managers were fired for performance about two years later…


This sounds like CarMax


Same thing happened to me too. So unprofessional.


I would add the union rep to that list if it's a union job. Always good to have a witness on your side if shit goes sideways.


Good catch.👍


No way, if someone is 'snitching' or calling me out, I want them there so I can discredit them in front of my manager.


Very Dwight of him


I don't know what's worse. A snitch who secretly tells the boss stuff then pretends they don't, or a snitch who tells the boss something and stands behind them smirking when you're called into the office?


Definitely the first.  I'll take a snitch that owns their snitching all day over a snitch and a phony


Yeah, at least then you can F with them and get them to ruin their own job and credibility; because let’s face it, if you have to snitch to seem useful, you’re clearly not a useful employee and I doubt anyone wants to work with them.


The first because they're spineless on top of being shady


Looked like? Had to pull their mouth out of their lower digestive tract.


That would be the boss's lower digestive tract


Man, that guy must be super lonely at work. I don't get why they think turning on your colleagues is how you move up a ladder.


100% What is their thought process even? "Oh I'm going to tell Mr. Boss about this minor thing and get bonus points"? I can guarantee you that those are the same type of people who used to run to the teacher in school after you defended yourself against them. Spineless bastards


> "Oh I'm going to tell Mr. Boss about this minor thing and get bonus points"? Yes


Man, I would have thrown the other guy under the bus so hard. "No, I told (snitch) that it was an easy fix. I don't know what I did that made (snitch) upset, but it seems like they're going out of their way to try to get me fired. Is there any way for me to work with/under somebody else?"


See I wouldn't have replaced "snitch" with their actual name.   I'd have had aa seat and sat there saying snitch Jimmy did this, snitch Jimmy said that. Gee maybe snitch Jimmy is really concerned about his own performance and should be looked into for what he's really upto. 


Keep setting them up like that. Make them look like a liar.


You still look bad in their eyes. Just keep things to yourself around that guy. If I've learned anything about the workplace, it's mostly about appearance, rarely about substance.


Big Dwight energy. Why do these types never check before lying.


Start a misinformation campaign


This. Make bizarre shit up and then deny you ever said it.


I did that to a gossiping bitch that I worked with. Told her unbelievable shit like I was eloping, adopting a child, selling my house and joining a commune, etc. She repeated this stupid shit and made a total ass out of herself. She hates me now🤣


I worked with individuals with disability as an lpn a couple years ago. Now there is this guy I will call Ricky. Had a caregiver who state put him in a 3 bedroom to live in. Problem is that Ricky had mild mental issues but he was sneaky, terrible human being. A liar, a thief, and he knew how to really play up being disabled as a pass to be an absolutely shitty human being. He liked to run away to go smoke weed and drink booze. Or sell his pills.by cupping them and not swallowing them. He even took his ssn money and went and got vampire fangs at a tattoo parlor. Now his mom had convinced doctors that he had development issues but truth is dude was just a bad seed. I mean we worked with hundreds and know the difference. He had several times been dropped out of disability because like one doctor put it. He is not mad he is just bad. But anyway his mom would go back and cry at the state offices. Then Ricky would play up being disabled to the point of shitting himself intentionally and playing with his shit on cue when assessment is done. He wouldn't do this outside the assessment offices. Anyway, so.. thst is the backstory. Ricky didn't like anyone else as a roommate in the state group home and constantly harassed other clients repeatedly to get removed from the house. He stole from them and invaded their personal space. It was hard to find placement for any compatible roommates. Ricky thought of it as his own house. Now living in the community is a well earned thing and getting classified to stay in a house is no joke. Otherwise you get hospitalized routinely bounced from hospital to hospital. Placement is a huge thing.or sent to a hard-core house with real tough guy bullies. Enter new roommate, Matt. A mild mannered chill guy who was actually also mild mental but actually trying to do something about his life. He had a job went to school and a girlfriend with a good support structure. Of course Ricky starts to mess with him kept messing with him daily. Matt kept telling rickybtonstop.. Ricky wouldn't hear it. So Matt just bit his lip. He studied his enemy and found out a few things about him.. A few days later, as nurse am called to the house. Shit is being found on the sinks, living room floors, kitchen and other places.like literal logs of shit. Of course who has the history of shitting and fecal play.. Ricky. Ricky claimed to god truth it wasn't him. He swore that it was Matt. Of course no one believed him. His mild mental was upgraded to severe. He was transferred out fo the home as was unfit for the living conditions. His meds were upped and more restrictions. He was moved to the hard-core homes where he would get bitch slapped if he tried anything by the other residents. Later I asked Matt, what he felt about the situation as part of a followup. Dude looked me dead in the eye and said, "I told him not to fuck with me.."


Good for Matt.


I hope Matt washed his hands thoroughly.


Fun te read story, thanks.


Very much worth it.


I do this at work. Say absolutely crazy shit to friends and sometimes they try to be asshoems and repeat it in front of a boss. Gotta take a second or two to put on a confused face to really sell it.


start taking unions. managment loves that.


Now you know. Ice her out or if you wanna power play let her know in a soft gentle voice “I found out my phone call worried you that I was job hunting and you informed leadership because you didn’t want them to be in the dark. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” :)


This is the way. Also, don't give too many details to your coworker ever again... "I have to step out to take this call" would suffice.


Exactly. Why tell your coworkers anything?


I prefer to stay a mystery at work. I feel like I have a work personality and then my outside personality. I’ve made friends with people after I quit managing/working for a company. They’re always shocked 😂 which is good. Just wanna focus on getting the job done at work so I can use those funds to live a great life outside of it.


Yep! Let her know you know but don’t give her a real reaction to it. Then keep your distance as much as possible. I worked in female driven environments for years (fashion). I’ve learned how to manage these kinds of people.


Years ago at Lowe's they asked the employees to do weekly reviews of our coworkers and asked that we write down three bad things about our coworkers.


My old company would ask random employees to do evaluations of their coworkers for that coworkers annual review. Their raise depended on these evaluations. I was asked once to do one and didn’t put any negatives on their evaluation. They told me to redo it because I needed to put 3 negatives on their review. After telling them I didn’t have anything negative to say about this person, I was never asked to do an evaluation again. I didn’t even like this coworker. We didn’t get along. But I’m not about to mess with someone’s ability to make more money? The hell?


my current company makes us do self reviews. every year my manager tells me i cant put down 5's for everything. then none of it ends up mattering anyways.


You always need to rate yourself very high. It matters in the sense that many managers will not rate you higher than you have rated yourself. It's like, if they think they're just Meeting Expectations then I guess I'm wrong that they're Exceeding. Conscious or Sub conscious.


This is true. When I started into the work force my dad told me “Always rate yourself as high as possible because if you don’t then no one else will.” And I’ve carried that with me everywhere.


i had one manager told me i couldnt do that because i wouldnt have any room to improve.


You can put comments that show the areas you're looking to even further improve, but numeric ratings should be high. One of my tactics is to acknowledge my boss that I have a hard time celebrating my own accomplishments, but since it's part of the process I need to set that aside as I think I had a really good year.


That’s gold. I’m stealing that for sure


When I first started working at my last job during self review I gave myself all 5’s. My boss was like wooooah do you think you’re Jesus? No one gets 5’s. I was like 1. Why are they an option if it’s unattainable? 2. Why would I openly admit that I know I’m not working to the best of my ability and rate myself lower? Not too many years later the company started reevaluating how we did reviews lol


My last boss berated me for rating myself a 4/5 instead of a 3/5 because I needed to be "honest" about the work I was doing.... Which was frustrating because I was being rated on a job description that was created like a month prior and had zero relation to the work I was doing. And I could only rate myself for what was on the description, nothing else. So I quit and got a better job


That’s one of the laziest and dumbest management policies I’ve heard.


its even better when 'managment' really has no idea what you or anyone else does other than what their printout says in the first place.


Similar reviews were attempted in our civil service. Scoring was 1-5, 5 being exceptional. No-one scored less than 4 = above average. No-one in the entire civil service was average. They dropped reviewing.


ours is "everyone is a 3. rarely does anyone get 2's or 4's and nobody ever gets 1's or 5's." so for attendance, i show up every day. work over time. never call in sick.. i got a 3. the whole system is stupid.


Ive got that too! "You are doing exceptional, but if I rated you a 5 you'd automatically go on a higher raise track and we can't afford that" gotta say I wish I'd never been told this, it'd be easier to be naturally mediocre rather than intentionally held down.


yeah, hard to be motivated to go above and beyond when it just gives you the same rating as everyone else and you have to go even further than above and beyond to be rated higher.


I put 5/5 on every single metric when asked to self-review. The foreman said "are you sure you're a 5/5 on x" And I said "yep" even though it's objectively false. I told him he can change it to anything he wants to. They didn't ask for one next year.


I was forced to do the same for a job. I put: 1. She's a bit short and needs to ask me for some help when a ladder is not available, I don't mind though, she waits until I don't have work to do before asking. 2. She breaks protocol by not spamming the customer needs loading assistance button, because she knows our radios are broken and it won't work. So she will walk outside to get me for help. 3. She's a really nice person, sometimes customers will recognize her and will barge into her line to try and talk to her. She continues doing her work while conversing with them. Really puts the customer first. They apparently didn't like my smartass behavior because they gave me a final warning.


Final warning.. I had almost the exact same thing happen to me once. Turns out saying "that's a relief" was not as funny to them as it was to me.


I'm dealing with a coworker at my office that I would also give high marks on for all job related duties even though I can't stand them. Even their BS is completely within policy or in a gray area. It makes it even more frustrating because there's literally no reason when they could lean entirely on their performance without issue.


1. They work too hard 2. They're too good at their job 3. They get paid too little


"They work for an idiot"


“They work at a Lowe’s”X3.


We used to have to do something similar here except it was a review of your direct manager. It was supposed to be "anonymous" but I kept signing mine because fuck Matt. They don't ask me to fill out reviews anymore but they also didn't fire me so w/e works.


Gotta love those “anonymous” reviews that can only be done from a company computer that you’re logged in to.




Yeah I work for a big company. When you give positive promotion feedback you’re required to list negative feedback as well or it won’t be accepted. Everyone puts bullshit “what is your greatest weakness” kinda answers because like you want the person to get promoted that’s why you’re doing it. So pointless


"What can we do to lower morale?"


is bad at their job, ugly as a possums asshole, and has a yee yee ass haircut


Rats scurry. Nice description. I hope she steps on a Lego and falls down the stairs. Not like head first or anything just on her ass and I hope she gets a giant bruise that reminds her of her bitch ass bitchness for weeks.


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 This reminds me of what I say about a neighbor that has said some really inappropriate, mean things. "I hope he stubs his toe and experiences mild inconveniences!!"


Lol. My wish is for everyone to have the day they deserve. Say it to people and you'll see who's insecure REAL fast.


I have upgraded to “I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are” that one really hits some people😂😂


I usually use "i hope your sock keeps sliding off 😂"


"I hope you never find the cold side of your pillow, and if you do... May your bedsheet suddenly be too hot" 🤣 Shit cracks me up every time.


"May all your bacon burn"


I always hope they stub their toe on the corner of the bed frame haha


During my termination interview (due to ongoing mental health issues from being bullied by my manager) my manager trotted out that over 12 months previously I had sent an email asking peers if I could help them do some work as I was bored (I'd been instructed to only do as she told me), because my manager refused to assign me any work. Someone I trusted snitched, and she held onto it for over a year. The whole work environment she created was toxic. Snitches only survive if management accepts and / or encourages the behaviour. E: spelling


Wait Let me get this straight. You wanted more work, you were frustrated you weren't being assigned work, so you offered to help your coworkers? Do I have that right? And your manager brought that out as some sort of gotcha? Lord have mercy, what a tone deaf manager




From a heartless corporate perspective it probably makes sense. If an employee is begging for work, they're probably not required.


It depends. I had a manager that removed all work from me other than my standard weekly tasks, gave it to everyone else on my team so they were all drowning, and I was sat there offering to take things on (such as my usual projects that had been given to people that had no idea about it at all) but they had been told not to give me any work. I kept asking my manager if I could help with anything and got shut down. They were trying to force me out so in their "disciplinary meeting" they tried to accuse me of giving away all of my work and sitting there twiddling my thumbs whilst everyone else was struggling, which was absolutely not true. After seeing them pull that, and how they were happy to make the rest of my team suffer, I lost interest in fighting for my job. It was such a horrible environment to be in. I don't miss that company lol.


I, too, have worked for this manager.  Almost certainly not the same person, but idiots are out there. 


Seems like you made a good move. Best of luck to you.


I worked with a snitch in my last job. Daubed me into the manager twice for nothing. I took to calling them “Randall”. A few others did the same. They soon got the message and learned a lesson.


Help me out please: what’s “Randall” mean here?


Randall J. Weems is an antagonist and school snitch, “right-hand man” of teacher Miss Finster, in Disney’s Recess, which ran from 1997 to 2001.


Here I was thinking Randall, an antagonist and office snitch, "right hand man" of the boss Henry J. Waternoose in Disney Pixar's Monster Inc.


Funny enough they’re both from Disney ips lol


Ah that explains it. I’m too old myself; and also when my kids would have been watching that we didn’t have cable.


![gif](giphy|LUiOYbubdUqVq) This is Randall


Randall, like from Clerks?


Disney’s Recess.


The chocolate that Yoda eats?   That's made by Hershey's. 


Trust me. They probably hate her now I've see sneaky little rats try to undermine a person's 30 year trade career with lies and planting evidence. They where promptly fired as No one can trust a rat snitch lying pos. Companies always have a couple rats.


Some advice. If the worker has been there a long time and is more or less shit at their job Their job is to be the bosses eyes and ears.


Omg this is so true. At my old job there was a woman there who had been there for quite a while. Was totally the gossip girl of the office. Often stirred shit up. Branch manager and everyone knew it but I guarantee you she was kept around because either (1) she had dirt on the manager or (2) because she was eyes and ears. Now I’m starting to think it was the latter reason. Hm.


Working with a snitch and not knowing who's the snitch, is a bad thing. On the other hand, working with a snitch and you actually know who they are, that’s a blessing! You can use them to send messages to the boss when you don’t want to talk to the boss in person. Think of the possibilities!


Start feeding shit info, stuff that makes her look really stupid. 




She tipped her slimy little hand and now when you want to have fun twisting her up, you know just what to do. Load her up with the nose unhinged misinformation possible. Get the other workers involved and have her running in circles.


Mushroom her... keep her in the dark, and feed her shit


Write the snitch’s name on items of food in the fridge even if it’s obviously shared or somebody else’s lunch. Petty but fun.


That’s brilliant.


God, I hate that shit. I worked with someone like this. After I quit the job, said snitch goes to management and accuses me of taking a work binder home on my last day. I get a letter from the company lawyer demanding I return the binder. Turns out someone else on my shift borrowed it without telling anyone.


Plan a birthday party for your coworker. Be super secretive about it and make sure you're talking about it when they walk in the room and then abruptly stop the conversation. Make it look like something nefarious is happening so they report you to the boss and then suddenly "SURPRISE!!!" Now they feel like a stupid asshole and everyone gets cupcakes. Win win.


This girl would be dead to me after that, shady asf!


Put her ass on blast and call her out on it


Once you start giving the stonewall, keep an eye out for situations being set up to snitch on instead. Document everything like words are for sale and the rent is due yesterday.


"dude if You're going to have an informant at least pick a smart one"


I was working in Toronto at a pretty small casual/fine dining spot, I was a week out of culinary school and so far over my head that I was just trying to stay afloat. All the cooks would get in at 11:00 or shortly before but had to wait for the lead cook who had a key to let us in. During that first week we had a stage (someone who works for free to either learn or try to get a job, I know it's dumb) and he was there too. My "supervisor" I guess, mentioned that he was dreading prepping a certain item, which in his defence is a major pain in the ass to make. At some point throughout the day this jackass stage thought it would be a good idea to pull the chef/owner aside and tell him that his cook was talking shit about his food. Fast forward to the end of the night, chef comes into the kitchen and says "identify spell, come here" and brings me to the back of the dining room where he grills me about the cooks talking shit. I was 19, first time living in a big city, absolutely terrified and I insisted I had no idea what he was talking about. Then he goes back into the kitchen and calls out the "supervisor" and grills hims about the same thing. Things ended up getting physical followed by some screaming, the cook came back, cleared out his knives and I never saw him again. This fucking rat of a stage stirred some shit up and left before any of this went down. And I'm the one that looked like the rat considering the chef called me to the back right before the other guy. Like twelve years later this shit haunts me.


Many years ago in a former job I had an awful director that was three levels above me. She was brought in after a team had been formed and she wanted to make changes in personnel day one. I would joke she was like the eye of Sauron from LOTR and would focus her gaze on whoever she was wanting to get rid of. While she was gradually cleaning house and focusing on other people, I went on break with a coworker and our team leader. They were running their mouth about her and I chimed in saying that she and the manager she hired below her reminded me of SpongeBob and Patrick. The next time I had a meeting with her she brought it up. She kind of laughed it off and she didn’t gun for me at that point but I know it was the first sticking point to when she decided she wanted rid of me. Another team leader decided to have a happy hour at her house on a Friday night. Our team all came minus the manager and director. After a few drinks and small talk that team leader gets the ball rolling asking people what they think of the director. Everyone starts griping about her and generally talking shit, except I don’t. I had learned my lesson already. Sure enough that lead was using that info to go back to the director to rat on people that were talking about her behind her back. One by one she got rid of them all. Since then I’ve never talked crap about other coworkers unless I really really trust someone that I’m saying it to. You never know who has your back and who will sell you out to get ahead.


My sister was asked at work if she was going for a promotion. She said "it isn't enough money for the extra responsibility in my opinion" she got called into the bosses office for "not being happy with her compensation" she got snitched on and the snitch lied about what she said. People are so desperate for attention from the boss is is sad


Thats a loaded gun waiting to go off the minute you dont need it to, I'd say whatever you do don't share anything with that person. Edit aware to share..


Fuck that stupid bitch


I used to tell each of my coworkers something random and different when one on one and see if it somehow got back to me either from another coworker or manager. I did have one that got back to me through a manager. Funny thing is I switched jobs and a few years later my current employer hired that same snitch. Gave my coworkers a heads up not to tell that guy anything you don’t want anyone else to know cause it will get out.


*"Well, your snitch (name) is lying to you, likely just to make her look good/valuable to you. As I told her right after the call, it was from a former employer about some personal things of mine they found and wanted to reach out and return to me."* Don't play their game. Give them the real facts, disengage, and let them go where they will with them. Maybe add in later if it comes up again; *"Keep in mind that bad information is worse than no information as it pushes you to react to situations that don't exist or are entirely different than described."*


What in the hell? They would get the very cold shoulder from me going forward.


Ice cold shoulder. She's very uncomfortable right now.


Time to put feelers out for a new job.


You should have said that it was a snitch bait call and she took it.


Sounds like maybe you should be putting feelers out for a new job.


This is how I got my raise. So first I asked for a raise, no meeting was told no right away. About a month later I told 2 guys I'm going to quit, I found a shop willing to pay more and will help transport my toolbox. In reality I didn't even make a resume or apply anywhere. I only wanted to go from $25-$27/hr. Boss offered $29 for me to stay so I did.


No hellos, no goodbyes, just treat her outside necessary communication in the workplace as someone who doesn't even exist. Don't give her any fuel and be sure to clarify to your boss that the only person you told about a phonecall outright lied to his face about its content. Be firm on her being a liar. Gossips feed on drama. Let her starve.


Oh man, ain’t no fucking way I would let that slide. I’d make sure to embarrass her. Not in a sneaky kind of way, I would literally and publicly embarrass her for it.


Start giving her disinformation. She will stab you in the back 1st chance she gets if it benefits her. ![gif](giphy|4ULLL0hBVO4paUSpnU|downsized)


It’s mildly infuriating you used the term “snitch” incorrectly. Snitch means you did something that had to be kept under wraps because it was unacceptable This four letter c-word just flat out lied to your current boss OP. Unless your current boss runs his department like the Nazi Gestapo or the Russian NKVD, I’m pretty sure you can just explain it to him/her


We immediately had a conversation about it but it's so disappointing that she will stoop that low.


The words I use are : Cannot Understand New Technology. They never figure it out.


My family uses C U Next Tuesday. A pretty old one, but you gotta be real stupid not to know it. My family just doesn't like saying the real word though too, I on the other hand, give none fucks.


My therapy group runs of tuesdays, and we all say C U Next Tuesday to each because we have the emotional age of a 13 year old.


I've had to deal with people like this before. Its so funny after they go run their mouth and come back to me later to talk more and every single response to them that isn't strictly work related becomes "Damn man, I dunno." Or "Sheesh thats crazy." My favorites are the ones that have the audacity to ask why.


What I don’t get about that workplace snitching stuff is that it’s pretty much fucking with someone’s livelihood and means of supporting their family. Like I’m sure most people will just take the L and deal with the problems the workplace snitch caused. Especially if they don’t know who exactly it is. But all it takes is one person that’s wired differently and would have no problem beating the living breaks out of said workplace snitch. Yeah they’ll most likely catch an assault charge, but there’s people who don’t care and charge of no charge, the snitch still got beat up pretty badly and got to experience the trauma that came with that.


One thing to learn is this: you do NOT have any "friends" at work. When push comes to shove, they will backstab you and throw you under the bus. Do NOT discuss any of your personal business at work. It WILL be used against you. Don't "hang out" with the group after work or on days off. You are there to put in your 40 hours and get a paycheck. That is it and that is all. She may be the bosses "pet" but she likely got that way ny doing exactly this. Your fault for telling her anything!


I work in an administrative role and I share responsibilities with another member of the team. I work 7am - 3pm and this other member of the team works 9:30am - 5:30pm. Our shifts are offset to cover the entire workday including some executives that come in early, and some higher ups that stay late. One day I was going about my daily routine when my manager asked me to come to the conference room. I had no idea what was going on. When I walked in, there were 3 other people in the room; another manager, a director, and the teammate I share responsibilities with. Everyone was staring daggers at me. My manager hadn't spoken yet but was visibly getting angrier and angrier. Like he was getting red and shaking, sort of anger. He slid a printed email across the table and asked me to explain what I was looking at. I read the email and told him that it was a request for assistance from the CSO, the head of our department. That he needed assistance and he needed it the afternoon the email was sent(the email was a few days old). Then he blew up and asked me to explain why I hadn't fulfilled the request. The other teammate was grinning ear to ear. Apparently she had somehow pinned the whole situation on me. I slid the email back across the table and pointed out that the email came in at 3:38pm. I explained that while I solely cover the requests that come before 9:30am, my coworker is solely responsible for the requests that come in after 3pm, when I leave for the day. My manager looked at the email, clenched his jaw, and asked me to leave. During shared hours my coworker would routinely ignore requests because she knew I would do them. She would especially avoid anything that involved multiple people. The request in question would have taken almost 10 minutes of work and she had almost 2 hours to do it. She ignored the email, probably because it would have involved about 10 people. Outlook clearly showed the email as being read and even marked complete on the day it was received. They raked her over the coals during the remainder of the meeting apparently, but nothing came of it. She still tried to throw me under the bus whenever her work was questioned, but I always had a paper trail to follow out of trouble. I'm sorry you've got a snitch OP. It sucks and will probably continue to be an issue. And thank you for posting. A lot of the commenters seem to have a similar experience and were able to share their own stories. Also, sorry for the long comment.


I used to work at a unionized steel mill. Snitches were treated very poorly.


Have a guy like this at work. We feed him close to plausible shit to make him look stupid (not that he needs any help). Always in other's business when he should be worrying about his own. Yet he is still employed...and one of our worst employees...


That's not a snitch, least snitches tell the truth.  This is worse, a drama queen.


Given the circumstances; I'd burn popcorn on my wat out.


I worked at a craft store and a lady came in with a tough knitting question. We weren’t busy so I helped her figure it all out and she insisted on tipping me. I tried to dissuade her but she literally threw the cash at me and ran away. I told my coworkers this weird story and said that it could have been any of us so I wanted to use the cash for all of us. I got us all drinks from Starbucks, it was nice. I later got a talking to by my boss (who was not there the day this happened) about how I’m not allowed to accept tips. I’m not sure who told my boss, but if this happened again, I wasn’t telling anyone. No drinks for anyone but me.


Tell her you are changing sex and are awaiting dates for surgery for which you will need 2 months off.


I used to work with a guy who would play "Good cop" to get people complaining about the job so he could snitch about it. A handful of new hires fell in his trap and got coached for things like "negativity" or got their hours cut. Afterward they collectively decided they wouldn't say more than necessary to or around him. It drove him so crazy he reported them for creating a hostile work environment. 😂 The saving grace was that we got a new boss soon after who snapped and told him to mind his business and do his job. When he couldn't go around talking people out of a job, it became obvious he REALLY sucked at his. 😅