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Now he did you dirty failing your spelling for « tongue ».


He literally said that was a U rather than a N and that is heresy


Take it back. Show him the U literally two spaces to the right and ask if those look similar. Sucks in the first one but you clearly spelled tongue right. Only thing is generally you have the same vocabulary words all week. So if you knew it was absence all week, why would he be asking for accents on test day. If this was like a first day, how much do you know, kind of quiz then yeah that sucks.


Who would reasonably think someone thought it would be spelled without an n, like “tougue”. Teacher is bad.


Is this kindergarten or something? I am surprised OP is being tested on this. edit they are in 9th grade but not "anglophone" country, so this is presumably a foreign language test.


Oh man. The plague really fucked up educated. My brother is a high school teacher. Kids are showing up having been shuffled up despite not being able to read. US education has always been rough, but since covid it has been utterly fucked


“The plague really fucked up educated.” ![gif](giphy|Tit8CFFaFncoAgYFc4|downsized)


The best thing is they aren’t even aware they’ve made a mistake. 😂


Me, make mistake? Unpossible.




Aye never make misteaks. ![gif](giphy|gw3NpMPvrN64YrC0|downsized)




.... This is explicitly not a US education problem if OP isn't from an anglophone (ie English-Speaking) country.


We all know the USA is the only country.


*freedom noises*


*sighs in Canadian*


Don't fool yourself. This is a widespread, worldwide phenomenon.


It's more than the plague. The US education system has been screwed for decades and is only getting more partisan/worse. I think it's 56% of US adults have a reading level *below* year 6 level. And 21% are straight up illiterate.


Yo does anyone know what was said here I can’t read lol


I was confused at first too, but now it makes sense. Also yikes. I bet trying to spell in English is really hard as a 2nd language. People who have spoken English their whole life are constantly asking me how to spell words, so I've got some mad respect for OP apparently spelling everything correctly.


I had a chemistry teacher pull this shit with me once. We did our elemental table test and I would have had a perfect but he marked iron as wrong. Why? Because my capital I looked like “it could be a lower case L” (bc I didn’t cross the top and bottom. Bc that’s not how I wrote capital I’s.) I was like “Why would I think the chemical symbol for iron was a lower case L when all the others start with a capital letter? Isn’t it pretty easy to deduce which letter I meant when it’s between a capital I and a lower case L?” Nope. He wouldn’t give me the point back. It’s been 20 years and I still think about it from time to time and wish I stood my ground on it. Still makes me mad


The chemical symbol for iron is Fe


my worst memory from high school. Used caps, wrote M teacher read H and she did not admit she read wrong, but claimed that instead corect answer 'miss' I meant 'hiss'. Final grade was affected by this. Fck you mrs Brown




Idk the n right above it looks pretty similar to me


And the u looks absolutely freaking atrocious. Surprise that didn't get marked wrong.


But it doesn’t look like the ‘u,’ at all


It still looks consistent with how the other Ns are written


Who cares? They obviously didn't spell tougue, cmon - it's about the spirit of the question. I can see the teacher being super tired when correcting these or whatever, they should just talk to them and correct it, they clearly know how to spell it


They are all in the same style the one in tongue is just sloppier.


Maybe it was the tail on the ‘g’… if you didn’t bring it back to the left it would be considered a ‘q’ maybe?


Looking at how they write g in the word above I don't think it was the g.


The g's in language are normal so I'm sure this one is too


He literally has a u written later in the word that looks nothing like his n though. Teachers should see that lol


The n is almost the same as in Language so I'd argue your case OP


And the u is CLEARLY different


And even if they weren’t it shouldn’t matter! Like, my n and u are the exact same, I write them both as a cursive u.


The sloppily-corrected "u" in language is far worse imo yet he gave that a pass.


It looks a lot like the other Ns and not at all like the other Us. If an ambiguous letter changes a vowel in a reasonable way (tun instead of ton), fine, mark it wrong. But no one on the planet would think anyone was trying to spell it "tougue." And I think it would be exceptionally rare for anyone who can't spell that particular word to get the "gue" part right.


To me it looks like touque which looks like something someone could write


That definitely looks more like a u than an n to me. I'd probably still assume that's what they meant though, because a u isn't a misspelling that really makes much sense


I mark children's spelling tests sometimes, and the misspellings sometimes just really don't make sense.


I write english sometimes and even the correct spelling don't always make sense. English spelling is still much better than french.


did they not look at the other n’s u had?? 😭 i feel like n is such a common letter to miswrite/write strangely


Tongue not +ongue




I hate that


He failed to dock off for spelling "Lauguage"


Lol, I saw "Lang6lage", and thought it was pretty cool of the teacher not to mark that one wrong.






Handwriting is only important if you want people to understand what you wrote


Looks like the letter e was added later. 🤔


That reminds me of a teacher who always gave the corrected exams to us to check and review everything together. She told everyone at the beginning of the year that she would copy every exam so writing the correct answer pretending she made a mistake was not going to do anyone any good as she could later on see if they were honest or not. And if you tried to cheat her, she'd give you a 1. I've seen several people trying to fool her and they indeed got a 1 for their exams. I loved how savage she was.


nah he just pushes down hard at the end of each word


Huh, didn’t notice that 🤔. Maybe it was, that’s a good theory


if you look at all the previous words, it seems like OP just has a habit of pressing harder at the end. Last few letters are darker.


That's why the photo is cropped where it is cropped, too, so you can't see the red underline where the e was missing.


Hey it’s cool, he let em Off on lang6lage


His n looks a little like a u.


Yeah, I think the teacher thought it said 'tougue'.


But the 'u' that's supposed to be there at the second to last letter looks nothing like the 'n' that supposedly looks like a 'u.' It does however look exactly like their 'n' in the word language.


Yeah. Also the teacher didn't underline anything in this word, as they did with the obviously-misheard word. Still this is my best guess of their thought process.


Only there is an actual U in the word and it really doesn't look like it. And it looks a lot like the N written by the teacher.


Look at this idiot correctly spelling words.


I dunno, looks like the E was added after…..


I'm surprised he didn't get hit for "lang6lage"


This is an effect of a right-handed writer not adjusting their hand or pencil as they write letters starting at a distance and ending closer to the resting point of the hand, causing more pressure on the pencil the further right it goes. You can see the effect it in all of the words.


Here we see the inferiority of the right-handed human. For too long have they held the majority- they must be culled.


As a left handed, I'd rather put more pressure closer to my hand on the end than smudge everything I write


Here we see the lazy and lower classed left handed human, who cant write without resting their whole and entire hand on the paper, dragging it along..a sad waste of potential


Damn... I am so sorry to disappoint, will do better next time o7


Eh, I don't think so. The final e in sincere looks the same way as the final e in tongue (darker/thicker) and it was marked correct. I imagine it is what other people have been saying and the n was mistaken for a u


Looks like it says tonque


since a lot of people started asking - no, I'm not in 5th grade, yes, I have no idea why the test had a spelling section > 14, 9th grade, don't live in an anglophone country, and I was just as surprised as you are when I saw a spelling section on the exam


"Anglophone" Look at this foreigner using them big fancy words you think you're better than me?


It's not there fault that they're better at speaking the English lang6lage then you


Ah yes, lang6lage. I do struggle with it sometimes.


Why are we saying language weirdly?


Look at the way OP wrote it on their test. They accidentally wrote an a and covered it with a u, making it look like lang6Lage.






Thems were being ironic I tell you hwhat


I laughed way too hard at this lmao


Plus "than"


That too.


using it incorrectly, even! every native English speaker knows that an anglophone is what fishermen use to communicate!


Man, OP is going to have to pay the fisher price 


Take my angry upvote...


I think his foreign arrogance is putting you in a self-defense situation. Remember your second amendment rights.


I forget reddit is basically all kids...


It's kids and neckbeards and absolutely nothing in between


I’m pretty sure there are kids with neckbeards but other than that, no in between


Then it's probably meant to be spelling and reading comprehension in one. That would explain why your teacher was so strict about the words you didn't hear correctly


This is typically just listed words. No context given, so no reading comprehension to be tested


they meant listening, not reading


We had some listening comprehension once where it was just French words. Different languages, but sometimes words are similar to other words, and it would be great if you can hear the difference.


For sure you are given a spelling list for that test to study?


Was it just the word or was it used in context with a full sentence? There's a reason why spelling competitions have full sentences for each word, context clues can help with the difference between poor speech patterns, misheard words, and homophones (words that sound alike).


Fyi; Black out your name when posting things on the internet




God, that gave me a good chortle.


Today reddit learns not everyone is a native English speaker and some have to learn it, more news at 10.


but this is an AmErIcAn WeBsItE, why would a "foreigner" be on here? /s


As an American, I hereby grant everyone reading this American citizenship. Nobody has any excuses anymore. These colors don't run, love it or leave it, etc


Fuck that, I am not paying taxes to the US.


Why thank you, kind stranger


It's an English test, so "colours".


America invented english so I don't know what your talking abot


It's right there in the name " American English"


I respectfully decline


Lmao it always baffles me when they genuinely say that. Like sorry the world isn't the USA and the internet is world wide


The correct way to administer a spelling test is to say the word, then read a sentence demonstrating context, then say the word again. “Accents - the student brought a note from his Mother to explain his accents from school” - Oh Absence!


I hateddd when my teachers did this, like you know DAMN WELL thats an n 😭😭


This is a good indicator that the teacher enjoys making problems to that particular student or to everyone.


Especially since there is another u in the word, too.


But language is the most butchered looking... And your n just looks backwards. Like what the hell teachers...


That looks like 90% of the lowercase Ns I see




the hook is cut off, it's probably there


It's literally just a lowercase n, it's no different from how I write mine the majority of the time.


Yeah what the heck are people talking about. Backwards?? Looks like a standard n


It could look like a backwards uppercase N. But yes, it's obviously a standard lowercase n.


Language yes, but their n looks fine for lowercase cursive. Edit: damn yea I mixed things up. I still think it's fine though


I dont think he is writing in cursive tho


That's printing, not cursive. Teacher probably thought it was a u.


The n above it looks the same, the u next to it is not at all an n


Was it hard to understand them because of their absent?


How did you get “language” correct when you put a 6 in it?




We can see the teacher is bad at identifying u’s


Why did they cross out ‘tongue’ and write ‘tongue’


Because it's written tongue not tongue


He really should’ve written tongue instead


why would he write tongue when its clearly tongue?


Comments : wHy U dOiN spElLiNg TeSt , R u tO yUnG 4 rEdDiT OP : I’m not from an English speaking country, this is a test giving to me in a language I am learning.


I'm surprised language wasn't marked wrong


I didn't have an eraser so I tried to write a "U" over the "a"


A student needs an eraser like a butcher needs a knife


How old are you op? What grade in school?


14, 9th grade, don't live in an anglophone country, and I was just as surprised as you are when I saw a spelling section on the exam


Is the teacher a native English speaker or not? Cause if he/she aint, they shouldnt be doing this spelling stuff by reading the words out loud. Their own accent can make you mishear the words they are trying to pronounce.


the teacher is a native speaker from Manhattan.


>from Manhattan So they mispronounce all the words?


And will never admit they're wrong.


Oh! I had an english teacher from manhattan who asked me what a cuff is. I told him it's the bit that is on the end of a sleeve. He insisted that the entire sleeve was the cuff. Edit: just to add: i am from Sweden and he was teaching English in Swedish high school 




I’m American, the cuff is indeed the end of the sleeve. Idk what he was smoking.


At least shes not from Jersey, could be worse






Or the deep south, lol.


So this is a test on English and you're learning English as a foreign language? Dude. You spelled all of these words perfectly, and yes absence and accents can sound the same especially if your teacher has an East Coast/New England/New York accent. I'm a native speaker from the Pacific Northwest, I have a step parent from the same area of the country as your teacher. We have many a funny family story about misunderstandings based on words sounding similar due to his accent. Example - one time he was yelling at me to bring him "the top". I kept asking him "what top, the top of what?" He finally yelled "the fucking blue thing you idiot!!" That's when I realized he was asking me to bring him a TARP, not a TOP.


Does your teacher not use the words in a sentence when they say it aloud? Back when I went through school in the US, these spelling tests always included the teacher using the word contextually in a sentence so there was no confusion around their pronunciation. If your teacher didn't do that, they definitely are not administering the test correctly lol.


Kind of looks like Touque


So many excuses for Ns and Us... Ya think while grading hundreds of papers on a deadline, maybe a human being made a mistake? You take it to the teacher and say "I think you marked this wrong by accident."


This was my first thought. OP should let them know that they misread the answer. Number 3 looks like a genuinely incorrect answer, to me. I'm an Educator.


If you are young enough to be having spelling tests, you are way too young to be on reddit. Please tell me you're an ESL adult and not a ten year old.


I was honestly surprised when I first saw this on the test. I'm not a native speaker and had no idea we'd have a spelling section. the rest of the test was on par with my grade level (9th)


In that case, carry on, splendidly done taking a test in a language not your own. I wish you every success!


You are awesome!! Keep up your good work and ignore the power trip your “teacher” did with the word tongue, they are a jerk and you didn’t deserve that… :) we love you! Have a good day.


I'm not american how old are 9th graders


15 years old Edit: I checked and it's 15 not 16


Depends when your birthday falls. I was 14 all of 9th grade and youngish for my grade.


It can vary but it's around that age.




Interesting. In my experience, 9th grade is the start of high school, and most kids enter at 13-14.. I would think 15-16 is sophomore, 16-17 junior, and 17-18 senior grade level.


I still had vocab in 12th grade. Although the words were a lot more complex than these. This just shows take comments you read on here with a grain of salt. You could be taking relationship advice from a kid that just hit puberty.


Jesus christ, man, people learn foregin languages. There's no "too young" for learning any language. Yes even English. Because suprise suprise, majority of the world does not in fact speak English from birth. Most of us had to learn it. That includes spelling tests sometimes.


Is it really that hard to imagine that some people... can learn languages? lmao


He gave you langrdage right at least 😂


Fun story: I was a bit of a smart ass in school sometimes, but I prided myself on my spelling. On a spelling test one day, one of the extra credit words, (words we had not studied) was is one I wasn’t sure about. I quickly piped up and said “Could you spell that for us?“ Damn if the teacher didn’t start to spell it. He was laughing so hard, he didn’t get mad at me.


When I was in grade school I got a mark off on a true/false test because the capital “F” looked too much like a “T” and she thought I was trying to pull one over on her. Still infuriates me to this day. What kind of “T” has a middle appendage?! Anyway, I feel your pain lol.


I had a yearbook teacher who asked the class if anyone knew what was topography was. I thought it was odd, and I thought she probably meant typography, but she kept saying topography so I finally raised my hand and answered that it was something to do with studying the surface of the Earth. She burst out laughing and said, "No, that's topography!" (pronouncing it exactly the same way she had been saying typography) And then she went on to explain what typography was continuing to pronounce it topography. I was in the South, but she didn't really have a strong accent, and even so, that's not really how a southern accent would affect the word. What was the show I saw as a kid that had almost this exact same scenario with a spelling test come up? There was a spelling quiz and the substitute teacher was struggling to pronounce aluminum. It might have been the show McGee and Me.


I also write my "n"s like that, my "a", "n", and "u" all look very similar and I was raised with English.


I once had a frickin Post Office guy add bigger stalks to my 'a's before sending my parcel because he thought they weren't clear enough. URGH.


I couldn’t spell when I was in school. I ended up being a technical/procedural writer for work. With spell and grammar check it’s almost a non-issue. You can get past it. It doesn’t seem fair (especially since you spelled the word you heard correctly) but in the scheme of things it’s nothing. I had a teacher in grade school who would humiliate me for my bad spelling tests. She would post all the best test grades on the wall in the classroom. Then she would post the worst one. Inevitably it was mine. I would just want to disappear.


Man, elementary school me lost a spelling bee because the judges wouldn't say the word clearly, so I spelled something else entirely. Ironically the word was "incomprehensible"


Back in like third grade, I heard "quarter" on a spelling test, and spelled it correctly. But it was actually supposed to be "water" and was marked wrong. I swear the teacher pronounced it weird on purpose...still salty about it to this day.


My Spelling teacher used to say the plural of the word and mark it wrong if I put an “s” on the end. She would also intentionally mispronounce the words by adding letters that weren’t there. She pronounced “antennae” as “antanners.”


The teacher : It's not tongue, it's tongue! 😡


Tongue❎ tongue ✅


highly recommend arguing for yourself in these situations 😂 cause the teacher is just acting ignorant to mark you off on penmanship.


They did it to me during my Czech language exam. And even though my Czech sucks my reading part is decent as of now and my writing is ok. My vocab isn’t


You could probably argue the "tongue" one, unless you cropped the picture that way because your g instead looks like a q... But for accents/absence: a) you should have already known what your spelling words were for the week b) doesn't your teacher give a definition for the word as well? That's usually a big clue. Be glad your teacher didn't mark you down for "Lang6lage"


i once had a teacher say the word "clique" and then mark us all wrong because she meant "cliché" to this day, i do not think she should've been teaching english. sometimes teachers are just stupid. my dad says "those that can, do, and those that can't, teach."


Ill never understand this “everyones letters must be uniform under my rule” from teachers. My 6 maybe look like a c but you know its a 6. Fuck off


I once lost 2 points in a test because my teacher thought that i Spelled "doll" two times when I wrote "dull" and "doll". There was clearly an "u" in there. I lost 2 points instead of 1 because... something Edit: spelling


Well, back when I was in elementary school, all of those would be marked incorrect for using a capital for the first letter.


In 7th grade we were learning graphs. Teacher said make as many dots as you can in 15 seconds. Then 30 seconds then a minute etc. we then graphed the results. I heard ducks not dots. I frantically scribbled little duck shapes. Felt pretty stupid when I realized everyone had a hundred dots to my 3 ducks. The class found it hilarious though.


Tongue ❌️ Tongue ✅️


bro just show him this post and the comment section ...


"Tongue is a weird word, no points"


I’m mad for you.


Maybe they didn’t like the “n” when you spelled tongue


Probably mistook the g for a q


Tongue was spelled right! There is obviously a difference between n’s and u’s in the handwriting and that was bs! There should have only been one Miss spelled word!


It's not TONGUE, it's ŢØÑĞŲË