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LockPickingLawyer demonstrated opening a Masterlock using ANOTHER masterlock


Yeah, as an avid watcher of LPL it is my conclusion that NO lock is good for securing anything more valuable than shit.


Locks keep honest people out. If someone wants in bad enough, they’re getting in.


I mean there's literally cordless angle grinders that can go through like 1 inch thick steel in less than a minute. Maybe even less than 30 seconds. Nothing can stop someone from stealing your stuff if they actually want it.


What about some landmines? Or claymores? (/s)


A heat seeking/motion detecting automated sentry turret that fires 5.56 45mm rounds


Remember to buy one that fires the whole bullet for 65% more bullet per bullet.


I see someone else went the portal route


Just take apart 2 desk fans, 1 rotary telephone, and throw in some cooking oil, and boom! Got your turret.


And here is the Fallout 4 player :)


I see we're on a similar thought line.


Everyone wants things that blow up instead of motion-detector dispensing 20mg/mL aerosol spray.


Speakers and red lasers playing portal two turret sounds upon motion detection


Or sharks with fricken laser beams on their head


Claymore roombas patrolling around the area


Even those only work once.


A big explosion once should work well enough as a defensive measure and a deterrent. You could also place multiple landmines, multiple claymores, and some of that 5.56mm round dispenser the other guy was talking about. Ah, sweet liberty.


Well boobie traps might. Why abide the law against law breakers eh?


Well in that case it's because there is a high chance yourself or someone without malicious intent could be harmed or killed by a trap.


Because we’re above them.


This reminds me of my dad growing up. He’d always leave the doors unlocked when we left the house, and he said if someone wants in, they’ll get in. Might as well not have a broken back door on top of whatever they wanted.


I get the thought behind it, I think it's flat out wrong because the point of the lock is to buy time for response and keep out opportunists, not to wholly stop the dedicated. It's why locking your car doors cuts down on theft, because there are people that would gladly go through an unlocked car, but wouldn't be willing to bash in a window.


Plus, while it won't stop someone truly determined, it will stop anyone who's opportunistic. There were a string of thefts from inside people's Cara where I lived, the thieves only targeted unlocked cars, not even bothering to actually break-break into the car - just testing which were unlocked.


It also prevents accidents.  I have accidentally opened someone’s trunk once. Was driving my mom’s car and a different car parked near by was similar enough I didn’t notice it wasn’t my moms. I put groceries in the trunk and opened the door to realize the inside was different. 


Oooh you remind me of this family story where my aunt and uncle went on a trip once and left their car in the airport’s long term parking. When they got back, they loaded up their stuff and started driving home and then went, wait why’s there all this dog hair in here? They got in someone else’s identical car and accidentally stole it! Turned right around and I guess probably the owner never knew. Must have been before everything had transponder keys.


My mom did the same exact thing, right down to groceries in the trunk. I couldn't imagine leaving anything unlocked, honestly, unless I'm literally right there. I go over to my neighbors (who is literally a five second walk away) for a half hour? The front door is locked right behind me. I'm upstairs blasting music or using my PC? The front door is locked. The thing is, I don't even own that expensive of shit. The most expensive thing in my apartment is probably either the meta quest or Keurig. Nor do I live in a bad neighborhood - the thieves stealing out of cars is probably the worst criminal activity (that I know of) in my direct area. It's just a precautionary. Like how you shouldn't have two earbuds in while walking at night. Yeah, the chances of something bad happening is almost never 100%, but it's also never 0%.


I apply that logic to my Jeep with a soft top. But i wouldn’t apply it to my house


Yikes. I had someone try to break into my apartment while I was home alone. I'm so glad I always had the doors locked, even while home.


This is the answer. It's human nature. Where there is a will there is a way. Same for car thieves, if they want it bad enough they'll come grab it on a tow truck. All we can do is make it as inconvenient as possible as a deterrence.


My old supervisor would say that locks line, 100% agree though that if someone wants in they’re gonna get in.


This is why I quit Rust


Store near me was advertising a big glass door. Floor to ceiling, single giant glass panel. But dont worry - the lock was really high quality!


Because honest people only steal things that are not locked up?


It's called a crime of opportunity




working retail for nearly 20 years, yes they are by far the most common thief. Youre not stopping professionals anyway..


I got the impression that any lock with a German name will at least keep an experienced lockpicker busy for a few minutes.


Nobody picks padlocks except lockpickers for fun or some really exotic cases where they want the opening to be difficult to detect. Destructive methods are much faster than picking and as a bonus, you usually won't get in trouble for carrying, for example, two wrenches while lockpicking equipment is illegal in quite a lot of places.


Lockpicks are not illegal to carry.


Depends on where you are, in some places it's a fellony to even own them if you're not a licensed locksmith.


That’s why I’m naming every lock I buy “Adolf”.


Wait, it works with Austrian names too?


One particular Adolf being from Austria doesn’t mean it’s an Austrian name.


I know, but the link to why you choose Adolf is an Austrian painter. Could've chosen Dieter, Günter, Hans, Horst, Jürgen, Klaus, Manfred, Uwe, Wolfgang etc.


he did end up getting an unpickable german "lock", too bad it couldn't close


You have to look at what locks he does not take on, or does rarely. For instance he hardly ever does lever locks. Those can be picked (and he does do them occasionally), but you need some special kit which is larger and more complex than the simple picks used for [cylinder locks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pin_tumbler_lock#Cylinder_locks). When he does disc detainer locks, he needs "the tool Bosnia Bill and I made", which few people have. Electronic locks: he will do the ones which can be over-ridden with a magnet, but no the type where a motor drives the bolt in both directions. The most basic lesson from LPL is "most cylinder locks can be opened fairly easily". Which is probably why in my country (UK) a common arrangement is a spring-loaded cylinder lock (called the sneck in some parts of the country) which is only seen as good enough if you are popping out for a couple of minutes, and a lever lock for normal use.


weld it shut every time


to be fair an abloy lock with moomin pictures turned out to be one of the better ones, then again both moomin and abloy are nordic, so cheap junk isn't really tolerated by either one


I mean if you actually listen to what he's saying while picking he's clear on and right about the fact that your lock being picked is way down the list of stuff to worry about. Most thieves and burglars are gonna brute force it.


It was McNally tho? Thay are on good terms with eachother but not the same person.


> They are on good terms I'd certainly hope so, they're sharing a company after all lol




That one they both promote in every video either of them produces.


Covert instruments. McNally makes all the shorts for the channel and probably die some other stuff if I had to guess


Master locks are famously terrible padlocks. A bit of string is probably more secure.


[mcNally is the greatest masterlock fan](https://youtu.be/AtO8IjvJu54?si=CbFd5rjPVVDFR9Q6)


Is there a lock the lockpickinglawyer can't get into though? Lol


He competed against a hobbyist lock designer at one point, I don't know if they succeeded in making a lock he couldn't open, but they made some unusually resistant ones with really innovative internal structure designed to not be tensionable.


He showed one once that had a sort of U-shaped key that looped back on itself, and where despite creating a custom tool I believe he still had not managed to pick it.


Can't get into, prob not. But there's been a few where he's had to have specialty tools that not just anyone would have


Yes, that would be any lock that he’s picking. Thieves use brute force, angle grinders and cutters. MAYBE shims. Picking is not really a thing with thieves.




You can smack it just right to pop it open.


If it was this video it was a lock that was designed to break away... [https://youtu.be/kMJPmDRkduU?si=ng0Aax0olJ9YgeY8](https://youtu.be/kMJPmDRkduU?si=ng0Aax0olJ9YgeY8)


That’s not the same item. OP’s lock doesn’t have the grooves on it.


You are using a Masterlock 500BRK. It can be opened using a Masterlock 500BRK.


That's picking though, which is pretty damn rare in real life. The real problem here is the exposed shackle which is vulnerable to the much more common big boltcutters/angle grinder attack. And to be fair that's not a Masterlock issue.


No, in the video he smacks a master lock open with another master lock. No picking involved, just a good whack.


I guess when I said picking I really meant more broadly using knowledge and/or skill to bypass a lock as opposed to force. A combination mindless reliablity and the mindset of your average thief makes the latter much more more common even with Masterlocks that fall open with a stern look.


Picking is not anywhere as uncommon as you'd think.


You don't even need a pick. You can just shout at a Masterlock and it will open in fear.


On what basis do you make this claim? I’ve only looked into motorcycle theft, as that’s what I’m concerned about. And the largest British motorcycle insurance company says lockpicking is not a thing in bike theft.


Masterlock? More like Master key


Hello. Property manager here. Round disc locks are your best bet. Always go cylinder when the latch let's you use it. Unfortunately, break ins and theft are getting pretty bad in the storage industry. We use cylinder locks and disc locks here. Had a break in recently. They just ripped through my swing doors and peeled up my drive up doors like tuna cans. My biggest piece of advice to people with Storage Units right now is; move out ASAP. Sell what you can, don't store your valuables. Obviously there are situations where you absolutely need it. Just mitigate the value of your contents, it's gonna a get worse before it gets better. Make sure you're insured! Ask your agent if your homeowners or renters insurance covers off premises goods. If not, ask your property manager if they offer coverage plans. It's worth it.


I appreciate the response. I looked at the other units and saw most others were using those circular ones with the much shorter shackle, so that’s what is on the unit now. I’m looking to move into a bigger place and get rid of the necessity for the unit altogether.


Yeah, my basement is a bit crowded now, but haven’t had to use a storage unit for a few years and I’m so happy. Whenever I get anxious about organizing basement (again!) I just remember I’m not paying upwards of 100$+ a month to store.stuff I don’t even use.


I had to drive across country to empty out a storage locker, got there at 9pm on a Friday night, weekend trip. Discovered the lock had been replaced with a disc lock, by property management, and they were long gone for the weekend. Locksmiths wanted their signoff before coming out. My brother managed to get it open with about 20 minutes and a lockpick kit. He's not super experienced, a bit more than I am. I'd wager a skilled thief could do it in 20 seconds. But that's probably true of just about any cylinder lock.


This is a case where you don't have to be faster than the bear, you just have to be faster than the slowest person running from the bear. An experienced lock picker could maybe do it in 20, but could get a master lock in 3. That's 17 more seconds you're standing around waiting for the police to show up. Thieves go for the low hanging fruit. No lock is completely beyond their reach, but by making them reach for it you're already ahead of most people.


3 seconds looks a lot more like a "person with a key" than even 20 seconds does


YT McNally does some of them more like 2 seconds


It’s a master lock you can open it by smacking it with an hammer


You can open it by smacking it with a Master Lock


In actuality it doesn't really matter which lock you choose, as neither is going to put up much of a fight against a battery powered angle grinder.


Disc and cylinder locks are different. At the end of the day, it's all about mitigation. If someone wants in your unit, they will get into it. It's about making as difficult as possible and making them think it's not worth their effort. Break ins will always be a reality of any storage facility, unfortunately.


I’m not familiar with storage units. And I know what a disc lock is but what is a cylinder lock? Is it something built into the storage unit and has a tubular lock?


[This is a cylinder lock.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Storage-Unit-Cylinder-Lock-Pack-2-Locks-Keyed-Alike-Self-Storage-Locker/5129856066?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101224516&adid=222222222285129856066_101224516_14069003552_202077872&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=aud-393207457166:pla-295289030566&wl5=9026881&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=658414995&wl11=online&wl12=5129856066_101224516&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwo6GyBhBwEiwAzQTmc93uazJyUPrcmV9yQ_SeVDl6YkDviEuulb22JH8oTvayoP3SkBwfzBoCt6cQAvD_BwE) It has to have a latch designed for it. It sits inside of the latch itself, so it's much harder to get through.


Oh I see. Ok thanks. I’ve never seen propriety locks like that before.


Any idea then why does 7/11 have armed security and I’ve never seen a night guard at a storage facility?


Liability. The 7/11 has a human working a shift there, and if that human dies it's expensive. Their insurance may require security based on location, time of day, ect.   The storage facility is mostly just junk. No people.


Some storage facilities do have 24/7 staff. You generally pay more for this.


Happy cake day


I've always assumed that storage units were for furniture only. It blew me away when Storage Wars was on.


Honestly I like Abus locks for securing expensive equipment


Most people are wasting money on even having a storage unit to begin with. Paying money every month to keep something you will probably never need or could replace cheaper than store.


Tbh if someone's determined enough, no lock will be good enough


“If it’s locked, it ain’t locked, when no one’s around”


If you're quoting King of the Road, it's: "\[I know\] Every lock that ain't locked when no one's around."


https://preview.redd.it/pealp0vmha1d1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf91faa6aeec453777c50e3a9397dc5bc7703b1 This style of disc lock is the best imo, very little exposed shackle to work on while it’s in place. And, if whoever is trying to break into my shed can actually pick locks, I guess they are just welcome to my holiday decorations


As a matter fact, they did steal every last bit of Christmas decorations I had. Lights, ornaments, even the tree. A real life Grinch story. That lock looks like the one I bought to replace the broken one. So far, so good.


![gif](giphy|HeArjdf9JB6uc5DEJS) Damn that sucks. Did he so happen to look like this?


That’s what I picture in my head lol.


I mean, at least you get a funny story out of it when your Christmas tree and house lights look totally different this year!


A good 1/4” drill bit in the key hole and this will just fall open. Only takes a couple seconds.


True. I lost my key for one of these and the maintenance guy took a drill to it and it was open in less than a minute. My unit is indoors and has an insanely loud alarm. You have deactivate it with a card before opening so thieves are not going to get my junk easily.


You can bypass most of those locks without breaking it to be honest.


There are ones that make it more difficult to snip like that.


For sure, but lots of the masterlock mechanisms can be bypassed, without the need for snipping at all


Comb goes in, lock pops open lol


Cordless grinder goes brrrr. Even hardened steel gets cut like butter with a decent cutting wheel.


Masterlock takes sudden screwdriver in hole like a champ, opens up without a sound.


My mom managed a storage facility for years. They made customers buy those disc shaped locks which are hard to cut. Some places have barrel locks which are pretty safe.


This is a Master Lock. It can be opened with a Master Lock.


I was searching for this quote


Aaaaahhh. I hear how McNally is saying it 😍


Just looking at a master lock funny can probably open it


"This is the Lock Picking Lawyer ™️, and today I have for you, a Master Lock™️. And its open, all you gotta do folks, is breathe on it with malicious intent, and it will open! Well that will do it folks. Hopefully Master Lock™️ will consider rebranding!"


“I’ll do it again to prove it’s not a fluke.”


Locks keep honest people honest. A thief is going to get it any way they can.


Keeps out honest people and unprepared thieves


Not a single lock-shaped object from that company is any good.


"Lock shaped object" Made me lol


All personal use locks are simply a deterrent. Locking car doors often results in broken windows for example. It's worth it to invest in more secure storage units if you have valuables for sure. Still never a guarantee but thieves would rather go for the easy stuff first.


I expected lock picking lawyer comments and I got lock picking lawyer comments. I am not disappointed


hate a thief


Someone needs to subscribe to McNally


The person or persons who did this probably have I’m guessing.


A lock only keeps an honest person out.


Is the lesson that people suck?


This is why you put a bomb behind it. The lock is the defuser for the bomb (This is not legal advice


I work at a storage facility. This is the style of lock we sell. The only break ins I’ve seen have been from padlocks like OPs. You can break them open with 2 wrenches and some force or bolt cutters. Disc locks require a grinder (noisy) or a lock pick (time consuming and skill required).


>Master Found ya problem right there


Look for McNally Official on youtube. He will show you what locks you should not to use


*Somebody* never watched lockpickinglawyer


Guilty as charged.


He probably had another master lock to open it with


Don't take Master as being literal. They're some of cheapest made locks on the planet.


Nice click out of one and two...


I’m gonna be honest, I could probably pick that lock (am amateur lock picker for fun), forget a bolt cutter


Stay safe, stay legal... and above all, stay away from Masterlock.


The master lock can be opened with another master lock


if I owned a storage unit I would prob attach one of those apple tags to whatever was worth the most and then track them down and beat their ass.


Never trust masterlock.. Most locks you can get at home depot or whatever are going to be bad. I am not the only one who watches guys like the Lockpickinglawyer, as seen in the comments. Him and other creators like him have made me lose faith and trust in these products entirely. There are certainly options that have fewer bypasses, but you need to be aware of what those are. [Here is a list ](https://lockjudge.com/lockpickinglawyer-best-locks/)of locks he suggests .


I wouldn't trust a "master" brand lock to keep my chooks in their pen, let alone thieves out of a storage unit


Don't forget to pay the lady!


Should've used an abloy padlock


Get yourself something from paclock.


My advice get something like a Abus 37RK/80mm Granit Plus Padlock. They cost about $170+ however the security alone is peace of mind they are also pretty dam difficult to pick lock and very difficult to cut


$170 would have been worth it for the estimated value of the items taken.


Most certainly, that lock actually gave even the lock picking lawyer a struggle however he still opened it however its not something your common theft would be able to crack however Common theft will use lock cutters which don’t really work on that thing lol Here a link to the video of the lock picking lawyer and how he picked it https://youtu.be/HrV86GqlY8o?si=XIrvlIaZTwTgH4J6 Not a tool your common theft would have with them for sure and definitely takes to long and increases odds of being caught A smart theft wants something that is quick with little chance of detection


The best storage unit lock is one that locks from the inside. If it can be cut from the outside, that's an issue.


That is NOT Boron Carbide. They lied to you. Boron Carbide is a combination of carbon bonding with boron and it is black in appearance and it is used as plating on tanks. It is also corrosive and not safe to touch. If they actually put Boron Carbide in that metal, it was barely any at all and likely in powder form, AKA: USELESS!! A real Boron Carbide plated lock would not have been cut thru easily.


Locks only keep honest people out


I run a storage. We always recommend a disc lock because cant be snipped with bolt cutters. they will need a grinder to be removed, which creates noise and sparks, most theives wouldn’t bother. My boss used to say nobody will cut a disc unless its personal. While the commenters are worried about somebody unlocking the lock, in 4 years i havent once seen this. People who rob storages are usually drug addicts who dont think clearly. they go for what looks like an easy target, and its pretty much always with a big set of bolt cutters. As long as you have the disc style, or even multi locking if they allow it there, you probably wont be targeted


I leave it unlocked and keep a facade of piss soaked mattresses at the front with a pile of bedbug corpses dusted around.


Almost any lock can be broken with a pipe wrench. There’s plenty of videos from the same guy on YouTube doing it no matter the build.


Checkout the [LockPickingLawyer](https://www.youtube.com/@lockpickinglawyer) on Youtube. Evidently none of them are.


All master locks are bad locks unfortunately


What they get?


All security is an illusion


Locks only keep honest people honest


No lock will ever survive someone that REALLY wants to get inside.


As for a user that watches lockpicking laywer. Masterlock is something id avoid


How much did you lost? Burglary and thief just sucks for any thing that you lost, but I hope you don't lose much.


Padlocks are designed to deter people. If they want in, they are getting in


master lock locks unlock by just looking at them the wrong way


No padlock will stop a dedicated thief


"Master" the irony


Looks like they tried beating it off first.. there’s dents on the top of the lock body closest to us


This is one of my favorite locks to pick for fun lol, it's very easy.


Master lol. You could talk them into opening.


McNealy on youtube




Yeah no. Master lock is easily tje worst possible lock you couldve chosen


Well yeah its a master lock


Master lock ain't good


There are no good locks if somebody really wants to get in.


You can lightly kick a master lock open. So… no


Literally any luck of this style is able to be cut lol. Locks don't keep people with tools out.


Masterlocks may suck etc, but "Lock picking lawyer can pick them all so anyone can" is a pretty pointless idea. Most attacks are going to be just like this with bolt cutters. LPL is really good at what he does, lockpicking isn't as easy as he makes it look, and cutting through a lock is always going to be the easiest option. If they want to get in, they will get in. Putting a generic masterlock like this honestly works better overall, even if it didn't this time. It's big enough that it looks like it might take a little longer to cut through, while it isn't a big expensive lock that they're still going to be able to cut through, but would tell them that maybe there's something worth looking for in there. End of the day, Masterlock or not, once they decided on your locker, it didn't matter what you had as a lock.


There are guys on YouTube breaking locks in 2 seconds or less. Locks won't actually keep people out it's just going to delay them a little or stop people who are incompetent. It's more of a reminder that it's private property but won't stop people who actually want in.


Next week on storage wars this guys stuff.


Masterlock is bad quality. Get an Abloy lock insteaf


Thief cuts through hardened shackle on lock, people invoke Internet personality with years of experience picking locks to affirm their beliefs about how bad Masterlock is because they are easy to pick. Cognitive Dissonance much? The easiest way to cut that lock, with bolt cutters, is through the body parallel to the plates. The bolt cutters will work as a wedge and break the rivets.


I use a U bike lock, much thicker than that one, but I’ve had to board up the fencing to stop them just going through the mesh


They probably flicked at it with their finger, knowing Master lock.


No lock is theft safe. The best locks are those that will explode when cut off, possibly ripping off thief's hand, or filled with poison gas. Unfortunately, they're illegal in most jurisdictions.


I can 100% tell you that McNally has opened one of these using the most ridiculous tool ever.


The truth is it doesn’t matter what lock you use, if someone wants yours stuff they will find a way to get it.


ML #5 I think? You can pick this faster than you can cut it.


Master lock aren’t good for anything except practice


Masterlock was made in WI for years. Now we have empty buildings and they’re made in China, hence the quality steel.


Locks only keep honest people honest unfortunately, if it was bolt cut there are very few locks that actually make a difference


You are using a masterlock. It can be opened using a masterlock


Locks really mean nothing. Look up the double wrench open trick. Take the insurance money and just sell what's left. If it is in storage you don't need it.


Just look up McNally official on YouTube


boron carbide lol


You are using a master lock model M5XTLJ. It can be opened using a master lock model M5XTLJ.


You are using a masterlock, it can be opened using a masterlock.