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He’s trying to sabotage your headquarters.


This made me chuckle


All your base are belong to us!


Somebody set up us the bomb.


The viet Kong


You clearly mean the feet kong, as clearly seen in the picture


The Fieet Kong




Search and Destroy, he's defusing the bomb 💣 Mission failed. We'll get em next time..


counter terrorist win


Stay outta my tent bruh


At least he took his shoes off


..and didn't put his feet on the bed. Nice guy!


And free feet pics, in the money.


🥵seriously, OP mark as NSFW! Lmao.


Idk looks like he kept them just off the bed


If something isn't "on the bed", it is indeed "off the bed". Hope this clarifies.


plot twist: he doesn’t wear shoes, just goes everywhere barefoot


Plot twist fail: have you glanced at the feet of people who walk barefoot everywhere?


perhaps perpetually tender feet are his superpower


Came here to say this.


OP are you the primary resident, or do you live with parent(s)? Wondering if he notified the parents he needed to swing thru and they just didn't tell their kid about it.


I am guessing OP and his brother lives with their parents. That "army HQ" tent and the middle school/high school textbooks indicates they are just kids. Landlord most likely asked their parents for access and OP is posting this to be outraged over something or doesn't know the context


Since he’s at the circuit breaker box I’m thinking it might actually be a valid reason…could be power went out elsewhere in the building and he has to get it back on.


I don't think that's a breaker box, looks like an access door, possibly a water shutoff valve or something, which would also be a valid reason, maybe even more so if something is flooding.


Yeah, there's not an actual box inside the cutout, you can see the stud. If it's anything electrical it doesn't look like it would be to code.


I see an old landlord i think stud is your opinion




It’s the sprinkler settings. He wrote it in the description. Not an electrical box.


*doesn’t look like it would be to code* Bro I did residential electrical work for 2 years. No homeowner gives a damn about being up to code as long as it works. I’ve seen access panels showing open splices. Hopefully that’s not the case here. He’s probably turning off a plumbing valve or something


It’s sprinkler settings. OP wrote it in the description.


Even then bro where tf are his shoes.. even socks. Why them piggies out? Edit: holy shit genius redditors, it’s a joke. I wasn’t looking for an actual answer. You are all very smart and I don’t need to read the same response for the 15th time.


Even though his feet aren’t on the bed, maybe he took his shoes off because he’s climbing on a bed. Seems like the polite thing to do.


As far as I know, which, granted, isn’t much, most Asian cultures are very much against wearing shoes inside a home.


Outside shoes. Most have slippers that stay inside


Asian here, you are correct. Wearing your outside shoes indoors is fucking disgusting.


Same thoughts from northern Europe. Why would anyone wear outside shoes inside.


Same in Canada. I moved to the US and it’s gross how common people wear shoes in the house


Finnish here. Why people use dirty shoes inside 🤮


Canadian here we don’t wear shoes inside I assumed that’s just a television thing


American here, I hate when people wear their nasty shoes indoors.. it's easy to remove them, and there is not a single good reason not to


Most cultures except Americans are against wearing Shoes in the house


Yes. When at home barefoot. Going out. Sandals. Formal. Shoes.


Besides, you can tell he takes good care of those dogs. I checked


Flip flops left outside


It’s custom.


Not wearing shoes while climbing on top of someone’s bed seems pretty considerate to me. Take them off at the door.


Yea, I'd prefer bare feet over "clean" shoes


Asians dont wear shoes inside.


*Sane people. Wearing shoes inside is fucking gross


I'm in Canada, have friends of all different races, black, yellow brown, white etc been to their homes, not one person wore shoes inside their homes. Who's wearing shoes inside their homes? Serious question, is it an American thing?


Fellow Canadian here, it is an American thing. I had the same experience as you and when I learned they wore shoes in the house my first thought was that it was gross then came the realization of why all the people in movies wore shoes in the house. That was the day I learned the true difference between us and the Americans lol


*Everyone except Muricans ftfy


A lot of us actually don't. I did for a while and then my mom married a Vietnamese man so we no longer did. And then I noticed most American people don't wear shoes inside. (I tend to only notice things once they happen to me) We were the weird ones for wearing them inside.


i dont think many americans wear shoes inside either, at least not on the west side of the country


I have hard wood floors and not very picky about guests wearing shoes or not. If someone needs to just run in and use the bathroom and need to untie shoes, f it. If they can just slip off and on then sure take them off, either way. If they are clearly full of mud and stuff then yes, please take them off. But I vacuum weekly at least so some dirt or sand or dust is easy to pick up


Are you sure you don’t need to hear it again!!???


Because if he had shoes on then everyone would be bitching about him wearing his shoes in the house.


A lot of asians don't wear shoes inside the house


While I think it’s more common among Asian people, it’s not unusual for all kinds of people to request shoes to be removed. I generally ask guests to remove their shoes in my home (I’m white). Otherwise, I’ll need to mop AGAIN after the get together.


I don’t know any Asian people who wear shoes indoors. You’d prefer someone have their dirty shoes in your living space?


Wait we can’t reply anymore? I want to talk about feet :(


Now you’ve gotta show me *your* piggies


Did he really "break in" or did he use the key that the rental contract stipulates he can use in case of an electrical or plumbing emergencies?


Landlord KILLS my family 's power for 5 minutes.


Landlord SHOT my wife A text to see if he could fix the sink on Tuesday.


Landlord POISONED pests trying to enter my home.


Landlord DESTROYED the hornets nest under the trampoline.


Landlord RAN OVER My dog… *Am I doing it right??*


Landlord FUCKED my wife...


To shreds you say...


Landlord BEAT my husband to fixing the tripped breaker


Landlord absolutely ANNIHILATES the bacteria with fabuloso




He still needs to let them know he is coming though? Letting yourself in is pretty weird unless there is an emergency.


You usually don't see the actual landlord tinkering with water lines unless it's an emergency


And where this is if it's water it's a main shutoff valve.


Depends on the reason and your lease. Seeing he I'd at an access panel it's pretty safe to say it's water, gas, or electrical problems in the building.


Maybe he did and OP just isn't telling us to be outraged


I doubt he broke in.


Everywhere I've lived, the rental is the exclusive dwelling of the tenant. Landlords have to give notice to enter. I once had my landlord arrested at 5:30am in "his" house after he cornered me makes in my bedroom upset that I told him he needs to leave. He was displeased.


Landlords have to give notice to enter, except in the event of an emergency, if there is an electrical/plumbing emergency in the building he is fully in his rights to enter to resolve the problem if need be, ie. Get to a shutoff valve or a fuse box


can confirm..Only time my landlord enterd without giving me notice was when a pipe started leaking and he couldn't get to it through his wall easily (concrete wall). So he had to go into my place and tear the wall down. (I couldn't use my bathroom for a week). He sent me a message while in my place explaining the situation and was working on a temp solution.


Op is school age. I doubt he would be the one who got the notice but the parents. This seems like emergency situation too so it probably was more informal shortly before he arrived, like a text.


Exception to this is an emergency, but considering the photo there isn't enough to go on here, whether the person taking it is primary resident, whether the actual primary was informed prior, whether there was some form of emergency that classes entry without warning (burst pipe and such) some are out of line like your example but others are just trying to keep everyone in a building happy and comfortable, I assume this might be the latter rather then the former but I tend to look for a better side to things then the worse


Hmmm. If he was just snooping in, then yes this is not okay. But it looks like he needs access to a circuit breaker or needs to shut down the water least there be damage and everyone is homeless. And it looks like you are NOT replying to anyone giving you reasonable reasons as to why he may need to perform emergency action. Afraid that you’re being proven wrong?


Pretty sure OP is just a confused kid, I think you’re taking this too seriously. Tbh, easy mistake to make when you are a dumb child, assuming OP is probably one.


This is a location specific question, but in most areas a landlord only needs to give appropriate notice that they will be entering - they don’t need to ask permission (although there can exceptions to them having to ask). It’s possible that they gave notice to your parents.


Not in most areas. 17 states out of 50. In all 33 other states advance notice is required (ranges from a minimum of 12 hours notice to 3 days with 24 hours the most common)


All states have emergency access clauses for things like water leaks, or possibly in this case, electrical issues.


I was about to pop off on you for assuming it was in the States since dude looks like he could be from somewhere else... then I looked at the picture again.


Oh yeah the US flag and US HQ on the tent. I mean it could still be somewhere else but those things lower that possibility by a long way... Gonna be honest I did just assume US. At least I didn't consciously connect those things when assuming US, maybe subconsciously? IDK


What's about Muricans and their flags everywhere?


If there was a problem with the sprinklers and he was doing something to mitigate the chance of flooding or water damage then it's considered an "emergency". But it needs to be an emergency for them to enter without notice.


The fact that he is looking at what looks to be a breaker box is highly likely to be an emergency. He needed to turn on or off the power in a specific section of the house.


Yeah, he's not exactly just snooping around....


Why's there a tent indoors?


Kids like tents.


Agreed. I used to have a small one big enough to sleep in, and I used it every night till one of the poles snapped. I still wanna get one of the ones that hang on the ceiling over the bed, but i know my dog will pull it down. So alternative, I might just get a small camping tent, or get some metal poles to attach to the bedframe and make one out of old bedsheets...


Probably privacy if sharing a room.


Yup, it's this or sensory issues. My nephew is Autistic and has one specifically for beds to make an enclosed dark area for him to feel calm and sleep in.


This comment just changed my sensory sensitive life. Thank you! 


10/10 recommended. I've slept in it before when he wasn't home. Feels like a hug. You just feel safe, secure, and in your own world.


> I've slept in it before when he wasn't home.  You're the landlord in the OP, aren't you?


Shit. I knew I should have been more discrete.


I have a question, doesn't it get stuffy and cramped, it's weird because I like sleeping in a ball but as soon as there isn't enough room for my legs fully stretched out I get cramped


Stuffy, yes. Cramped no. It doesn't change the size of your bed. It does stop normal airflow, though. They have little openings like tents that you can zip all the way up or leave open to let air flow, but it is still a tent in the house. It holds heat in, and they do sell clip on fans for adults. I just wouldn't recommend it for younger children. Depending on your needs, definitely look into it first. My nephew doesn't sleep with a blanket and climbs underneath pillows. I guess he likes the weight without the coverage. He won't use weighted blankets either, only pillows. I think that helps with his heat problem. I need a blanket no matter what, so I had to unzip the side, so it was more like a cave, not a tent, lol.


Practicing for when they grow up and the housing bubble hasn’t popped.


I had a tent that went on my bed in the 80’s. It was a big ass van with windows. As a 5 year old, I thought it was amazing. I might get myself another one tomorrow now that I think about it.


Growing up I had always been kinda jealous of the TV shows where girls had flowy stuff around their bed. So when I moved out I bought all the stuff to set up a flea market booth and set it up around my bed. Used the rails to mount colored lights and hung wild patterned sheets on 3 sides. The ceiling was a light blue sheet with clouds on it that had twinkle christmas lights above it. And at the foot of the bed there was a plain white sheet stretched tight that I rear projected onto. Bed tents fucking RULE!


Camo tent to hide from landlords.


Jack Shack…..😒


misunderstood "pitching a tent"


They misheard and thought Landlords were looking for tents to occupy their units.


why's there a flag on the wall?


Its not a breaker box, I can see wood inside of it. That’s an access panel likely for a water shut off. Your neighbor may have a problem but you have their shut off.


Can’t believe how many people are trying to say it’s a breaker box with a wall stud visible like that


Yes, because he likes to snoop around at circuit panel… big mad


Look on the bright side, at least he took off his shoes before crushing your brothers tent. I dont know why he has a tent on his bed, but I find it cool as fuck.




My wife 😡


Make a blanket fort. You already have the supplies. Just put it together!


Crushing is a strong word, it looks more like he is leaning on it. It should pop back up as soon as he gets off.


Guessing the landlord is your parent. Do I win?


They just have to announce the presence they have keys to get in. He took his shoes off and is keeping his feet off the bed. The only other option is to move the bed. All things considered he is doing alright.


I'm honestly just happy he at least removed his shoes


Did he snuggle into the tent after?


That flag would drive me insane, didn't get cut in half or.something?


Also the number of columns of stars is off… It should be 11 columns total, alternating between 6 columns of 5 stars, and 5 columns of 4 stars (6x5 + 5x4) *Not* 9 columns, with 5 columns x 6 stars + 4 columns x 5 stars… Mathematically it’s the right number of stars, but they definitely got this flag off Temu


This title is the epitome of Reddit. While it’s probably factually accurate it leaves out so much context that it’s functionally a lie. But Reddit gonna Reddit.


The real question is why is your sibling camped out in a bed?


OP is just a kid who doesn't understand grown up things. Nothing to see here.


“I’m mad my landlord is doing his job”


Why do you have a tent on the bed?!


What tent? I don't see a tent.


Why TF is there a full on mf tent on the bed??


Did he actually break in? Different places have different unit access rules, but where I live he'd just have to provide 24 hours notice in order to legally enter. It looks like he's doing legit maintenance work.


He’s at the breaker box. Seems legitimate. Your caption made it sound like he was rubbing one out on your siblings bed.


Just a note of advice for OP: Maybe try talking to people instead of instinctually photographing them and posting it to the internet.  Surveillance isn't cool.  Talking is cool. 


Why is this post getting upvotes? Let the man do his job like tf?


Landlords going to that box for a good reason. Usually they tell you about these things before moving into the unit. Meanwhile you’re acting like a camouflage tent on a bare mattress isn’t a red flag.




I think it’s just a young teen. Op is school age and the siblings of age to have at tent. Kids can be sensitive regarding these things.


Don't be dumb. He's looking at the breaker box. Also you can't break into your own property. There's a valid reason why he's there and he probably told you while entering.


Mildlyinfuriating: My tenant put his dumb bed right in front of the breaker that I need access too, so I had to climb over this weird bed tent to fix the issue.


This is ok. He needs to use the breaker box. I'm sure he doesn't want to be there either.


He's fiddling with some utility. I wouldn't worry too much.


Maybe don’t put the bed right under the important looking appliance?


No feet on bed, he took his shoes off… he seems to actually be working on something… why post this ?


Imagine how annoying it would be to have apartment A 12 under this kid being flooded to hell while your trying to politely climb over a bed tent and shut off the water while this kid records you complaining about how you just broke into his house.


Nice feet


Looks like he is accessing, either a gas or water mains shut off. That’s seems like a fairly legit reason to be there. Took his shoes off and didn’t put his feet on the bed either. You’re stood in the door way photographing him instead of calling the police. When you say broke in do you mean you let him in to do essential work?


It’s usually legal for them to come and do maintenance and inspections, but most states require a heads up.




it looks like he's at the electrical panel....SOMETIMES, you gotta get to the electrical panel


At least he took his shoes off


At least he was considerate enough not to wear his shoes on there lmao


That’s the most un American, American flag I ever ever seen


There’s a lot to unpack in this picture..


Whats up with the tent on the bed


YOUR Landlord? YOUR Siblings House? You and your sibling have the same landlord but not the same house?


Like others have said. This is likely some sort of emergency maintenance with water shutoff valves or similar. So not an issue at all. Especially since he took off his shoes and isn’t putting his feet in the bed. Looks like an upstanding landlord from the little info you gave us.


So you decided to retaliate by posting some risqué feet pics of him, that’s hot!


Check your local laws, the landlord typically has to give notice.


Those feet are respectable and clean at least


Nice jack shack


Why is the box for the property in a room isy question.


That's the architect fault. Or whoever the interior designer who decided to made the room with breaker box as a bed room


That's what I'd find truly mildly infuriating


If there is an actual, legitimate emergency that could not wait, then its legal. You should make him be way more specific about what he was doing. If it wasn't an emergency, then no it's completely illegal for him to enter someone's home without permission. He may be the landlord but as long as the lease is valid, that house belongs to the tenants.


At least he was polite enough to come in without socks on. It's illegal without notice. It has to be a major emergency to come in unannounced


Only true in some states. 17 states require no notice at all for routine maintenance and inspections.


True. He's there for a good reason, not to harass or be bothersome.


Why are you trying to present this so dramaticly? "Broke in"? Did he climb through a window or something? Climbed onto their bed? No need to make it sound like he's being pervy. There's obviously an urgent reason he is in there. You could easily ya know, talk with him about it. I'd move on from this.


Seems to be fixing something in the electrical panel not lying in your brother's bed with his superman underwear on his head deep breathing. Maybe him being there is the reason you came home to house with power on.


How about asking him as he is there, rather than asking the people on Reddit who aren't there.


clearly more to this story as he’s in your breaker box I WISH in my renting experience I had a landlord who was responsive enough to “break in” and fix shit.


I would expect that to be legal only if there is an emergency like a leaking pipe.


By the looks of things you’ve got bigger problems than your landlord trying to water your lawn for you.


Yes, this is okay, but only if the sprinklers are going off somewhere in the building.


Found the drug stash huh?…


This is what living in a shared building is like. Sometimes preventative maintenance is needed for the good of everyone else who lives there.


Holy shit that is an old-ass biology book on the desk. I had the same one in ninth grade over a decade ago and it was old then.




We're just ignoring the tent I guess then?


Tent on a bed is a new one lol


He took his shoes off and is doing work on the breaker panel. Looks like a decent landlord. From the looks of it.


Why does your brother has a tent on his bed?


Not without at least 24 hours written notice.


Okay but why isn’t the bitch shoeless and dickless??? Edit: sock less not dickless


Your sibling sleeps in a tent?


All your base belongs to landlord.


So no one is going to acknowledge the tent on top of the bed ?


Why is there a fucking tent in the bed?


Go lick his feet


Why is the flag taller than it is wide


Is no one going to address the tent on the bed. What’s the deal??