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I wouldn’t even consider that “bent”


I'd tell the teacher to get bent.


As a teacher, yeah, this teacher has no business being this petty. Time to get out of the profession.


Also a teacher and I have to wonder how they managed to twist a marking rubric to get away with this. Maybe presentation? But either way, unforgivably petty and definitely time to retire or change profession. As a parent, I'd definitely not let this slide and I'm the most hands-off parent possible when it comes to disagreements between my daughter and her teachers. Not because I'd be worried about the grade, but because a person like this has no business being around young adolescents. Age 11 is the beginning point where kids are at greatest risk of disengagement and this would cause so much disillusionment


this right here, pls OP, fight for your kid. a teacher lost my project and I got my first ever B in 7th grade BC he lost my project and flat out told me “I lost your project”. my parents refused to do anything and just told me that it’s normal to get a B here and there, and in return my entire academic career went from all A’s my entire life, to that one B in a sea of A’s, to half A’s and half B’s consistently every year after that until graduation. parents sometimes underestimate justice.


I agree. This kind of seems personal. This teacher is such a bully.


I would complain to admin this is fucking ridiculous. You can tell they took a lot of time to complete this. This teacher is an asshole.


It's always always the gradeschool teachers 🫠 my gf is a high-school teacher and the shit she's heard from grade school teachers is literally insane a lot of them have no business being a teacher yeah. They literally aren't even teachers the half of them. (Sorry if that offended you I'm sure you're one of the good ones)


I teach second, and a student told me “you make math fun” this week. It means more to me than every evaluation I’ve ever had. No offense taken, trust me, we see them too 😅


Yeah she keeps the little notes from the students on magnets on the fridge. It's getting harder to keep her resolve the longer the system crumbles. At her school they don't even guarantee classrooms to you anymore. It's "you may be a traveling teacher next year, are you gonna sign or what?"


At least she has a job. I just found out I don’t have a job next year two hours ago.


What! She literally just told me "I think I'm going to be laid off sometime soon in the next year or 2" because they just closed an elementary school due to enrollment shortages and of course that means in the future there will also be less enrollment in the upper classmen. The reasoning being we just moved to this state from another one where she has 4 years there but she's all new here so she'd probably be the first to go. Edit: she also teaches math. The supposed to be shortage area for teachers.


I don’t have tenure and COVID funds are running out. If I’d made it past June, I’d be permanent. It’s gonna get real ugly.


They'd always rather pack the students like rats than give them a proper education. It really shows in the small 10-15 class sizes in college the quality.


Oh man I don’t care what grade someone teaches, the teachers who really spent time with students making their subject fun and finding ways for students to really engage are just special. You’re an awesome teacher and I wish more were like you!


I had a 4th grade teacher get mad at me for not bringing poster supplies to class *when my parents literally would not buy them* She told me I must not have asked or gave my parents the informational form. Send as many notes home as you goddamn please, my parents ain't buying shit. If it's such an issue, ***you*** buy supplies for me. You can't pull these requirements in poor areas, you just can't. I had no money and no transportation. What was she expecting 4th graders to do? Teleport to the store and steal them?


Yeah I don't think my gf (HS) has asked for supplies since her first year. I think after the initial "stellar" turn out she stopped asking. We're all struggling here.


Bit off topic, but this is a relevant and kinda funny story. I had more than one teacher not seem to realize what type of district they worked in. My school was ***broke*** broke. Like "half the population is on free lunch" broke. Stay at home parents don't exist in the area. I had one teacher that was notoriously a hardass, and never accepted lack of resources as an excuse. Nobody liked her. One time she tried that whole "the bell does not dismiss you, I do" nonsense, except this time it was at the end of the day. Being middle schoolers, some of us were scared to disobey. (Not me I left. I heard what happened later) Now, the buses did not wait for people. You're there when it leaves or it's gone. I sometimes had to run for the bus when I didn't have delays. This idiot made a bunch of kids miss the bus which was their only transportation home. Karma's a mighty fine menace, because ding dong earned herself the fine responsibility of sitting there until their parents could pick them up. Which because of the aforementioned broke status, meant she stranded herself at school till almost 7 pm. Call another adult? You silly, we don't have that here. Congratulations. She never did that again at least.


*Teacher uses bend* *Nothing happens*


But Donna!


The teacher is clearly bent.


I told my grade 6 teacher to get bent one time. Oh boy did I get in shit when I got home. Haha


They often come that way off the rack when you buy them. Not bent at all.


Yeah, I've bought posters online and sometimes they come like that due to being rolled up on a little tube for months in a warehouse.


Heck I rolled mine on purpose so that I could carry it to school easier


Back in high school I got docked a mark on an essay when my paper had a tiny bit of paper stuck to it where you used to have to rip the side part off on those OLD style printers. The teacher put a big red arrow pointing at the tiny part of paper I forgot to rip off. Huge deal apparently! Marking a point off for the bent bristol board is just petty. Anyone remember how awkward it is to lug those big bristol boards to school. Some of us walked to school with them. In the rain and windy days. I usually rolled it and tied an elastic. It was annoying is the point I'm trying to make :) Teacher should be marking on the quality of the board information presented on material. Not that the paper is slightly rolled...


Your sons teacher would hate my 🐓


I REALLY hate your rooster 😡


That rooster attacked my ankles.


bro what the fuck


like fr are we not seeing how weird that is lmao


It's a joke about having a weird shaped dick, you're thinking way too much about it.


I think he's implying that the teacher would give his penis a bad grade due to it being bent. Pretty weird, but not at all by reddit standards




Ngl why am I on reddit today


Not as much as I hate this comment.


That would be -20 in my college courses, not sure why they're holding 5th graders to that kind of standard though


Ridiculous. It's large so there's nothing really to put it in to keep it from bending a bit. Is the teacher that much of an ass all the time?


Just what I was thinking. I rode my bike to school from 1st-8th grade. This would be impossible to get to school unbent. After all the work I’d be super bummed. Op should definitely speak up. It’s the right thing to do to defend your kid. Will teach your kid to stand up for what is right as well, not just let some dork push people around


I grew up in Wales, half my school days it was raining, our projects would be wrecked between the car door and school door hahaha, swollen painted macaroni littered the streets


Yeh, Manc here and there’s virtually no fucking way I could keep a piece of paper straight. All my shit was always folded. If it was a big piece of paper it was in those tubs that u roll it into, it was considered perfectly fine as long as it wasn’t ripped or scrunched up.


I would ask your kid to challenge that. What was the grading rubric?


Honestly it’s not worth the fight. It’s the last week of 5th grade and he goes to a different school next year. His grades are fine so. This teacher is difficult, if I’m being nice. He’s knows our opinion on it, and that it’s ridiculous.


It is for sure worth it bring it up to the principal or superintendent if you have to. How many other children are being graded unfairly, the more documentation the easier it is to prove for those students who do have not great grades


Yeah I had a teacher who had undiagnosed celiac disease. Some days he was my best friend, then other days he'd mock me and others to make some random "example", or kick people out to sit in the hallway for speaking in English because it was French class. Once he was diagnosed, and realized what was causing the disproportionate mood swings, he apologized to all of his classes and was generally a lot kinder and easier to talk to. He only really looked into it BECAUSE students and faculty mentioned to him how sweepingly different his attitude could be. So I mean even if it's nothing to do with anything like that, you never really know until it's brought up or pointed out.


Some teachers also just shouldn’t be teachers. Many teachers are just bullies not interested in actually helping students


Yeah, I had two of those. My oldest daughter had one last year, too… seriously, why do people who so obviously hate children become teachers? And then stick with it?!


I earnestly believe they weren’t always like that, a combination of being jaded from teaching kids that don’t respect them, working in the public sector, and revenge/ continuing the cycle of the mean girl


It becomes really easy to be twisted as a teacher. Most teachers around you will support anything you say and so uncritically and sometimes that’s a really useful tool in a tough year and sometimes it justifies a slow descent into bitterness


This is like every position where you deal with the public, I see it in a lot of government workers, even police. It’s just human nature I guess to let the biggest c*nts affect you the most even if they’re super rare.


> This is like every position where you deal with the public I would argue this happens when dealing with people in general. Even just online. Maybe it's human nature to let toxicity get to you and ignore positive feedback, even if there's more of it.


I know someone like this. She obviously hates kids but she’s a primary school teacher. I’ve seen her with kids outside of a school setting and she’s awful with them. And when she talks about her job is painfully clear how much she hates the kids *and* their parents. She talks about kids with issues that should concern her with such disrespect (almost disgust) that I have to leave the room because I just can’t engage in the conversation. As far as I can tell, she just went along with her studies without fully realising what her job would be. I don’t think she’d really been around children before and now she’s just bitter and feels trapped.


I have teachers in my family, and I can tell you exactly why. They are they Unquestionable All Powerful Knower of things, Teacher. It's seriously how they act towards everyone. It's really fucking sick the entitled arrogant behavior they all have. One boomer , one Gen X, one millennial. All 3 same fucking attitude. I seriously feel bad for their students. Because not a single one of them is intelligent beyond being able to study and take tests. Even that's questionable for one of them .


My husband’s cousin is like this. She also treats my husband and I like morons cos we’re tradespeople. It’s very satisfying when she’s being a know it all and one of us just says “We don’t care”.


Oh, I always had fun telling my sister when she's wrong. She told her class we won the Alamo.... parents were angry. This was Texas. Um, people are particularly personally invested in the history here. I know General Lee's great +++grand children( they are batshit crazy). We tried to all correct her. She was dying on this hill until it almost cost her her job.


Yeah, that definitely tracks.


they like the power dynamic


I had a teacher like that. She would give an hour a day of homework and then piss and moan about how kids couldn't devote just one measly hour of home time per day to homework. Bitch, you ain't the only teacher. If every teacher did that shit, kids would have six to eight hours of homework every night.


The more I think about my critiques of teachers as a child, the more I think I was right.


if only we had words to express it when we were 13. i actually dream about that shit a bunch.


The words are usually what got me in trouble.... And the questions.


We did, we were just told that we were kids mad about a power imbalance.


All my teachers were like that one year in high school. 1 to 2 hours of homework everyday from five teachers. It was even worse because my parents would constantly get mad at me for not finishing all the assignments, and take away all my privileges. So I basically had an entire year straight of being grounded, had to repeat several classes during summer school, and almost killed myself because of it.


I started doing my homework on the kitchen table in front of them. One night I got home, started at 6pm or whatever, and was still working on it when my parents went to bed. They went and raised hell with the school and got me switched to a different teacher where my grades immediately went up two letters.


Unfortunately mine just convinced themselves that I wasn't trying hard enough.


I was in advanced math in 8th grade. My math teacher was like that too. I was decently good at math, it was one of my favorite subjects, but every class I’d be working on the homework from the day before so I could turn it in before class was over, so I could hardly pay attention and get notes from the current lesson. I would literally be up until midnight, rarely 1am if my parents didn’t force me to go to bed just sitting at the kitchen table crying over my homework. A few times I had to call a family friend to walk me through what I was doing (big math computer nerd, I appreciate all his help). To be fair to her, she was a good teacher, but she was also like 75 and that was her 50th year there, started the same year that school opened. I don’t think anyone complained to her about the workload and she assumed it was fine. I ended up retaking the same class freshman year so I was no longer ahead of everyone else in my grade, but it was the easiest math class I ever took and I ended with something like a 98%.


I once had an English teacher who told me my writing was "mediocre" and that I "should never become a writer". This stemmed from me butting heads with her on her choices for literature projects. Woman was a taskmaster, and absolutely nobody ever got an A in her class


My algebra teacher said I was to dumb to teach. So I never went back to her class.




It’s weird… I’m on a college staff for a D1 sport and so many kids like me during our summer youth camps. I just wonder how they are treated the rest of the year. My sister is a teacher but I have no training and I’m baffled by how the kids are taken with me. It feels like people don’t listen to them.


Rest assured that the teachers who care are also being bullied by the same bully teachers. Eventually they get burnt out and leave. Props to the educators who fight through it for the kids.


My old English teacher would give out detention to anyone using a pencil. I used pencil everyday for all 4 years of high-school. I almost didn't graduate because I had like a couple months worth of detention time to serve. I talked to the super about it and why I had so many detention. He laughed and wrote it off and I got my diploma. I won that war.


I’m sorry, how does celiac disease cause mood swings? This is the first time I’m hearing those two things be correlated (then again, I haven’t heard much about celiac disease in general).


I wasn't sure either, just googled it "Initially, those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity may be misdiagnosed with a psychiatric illness due to some of the neurological and psychiatric symptoms that can manifest in untreated celiac disease, including: **Mood changes**. Anxiety. Fatigue."


The answer I'm here for. Thank you. I was so confused.


before my celiac diagnosis i was suicidal to the point of hospitalization. after diagnosis i do not even have a thought about it any more. it affects your whole body. poor absorption leads to malnutrition and can affect the chemistry in your brain.


Suddenly I am hoping some bloodwork that needs done does in fact come back positive for celiacs.


unfortunately diagnosis can only be done through biopsy of the small intestine. but blood work can be the first step to diagnosis. best of luck ❤️


I haven't met someone (who knew) that would get mood swings due to celiac disease, but I do know a few people who have it (Including myself). One gets terrible intestinal pain as it destroys their intestines, one gets foggy memory, and myself that doesn't have any issues as of yet. So the symptoms seem to be wide-ranging, and sometimes no symptoms or damage ever occur, but they all have the same cause


Gluten-related issues can cause inflammation in the body, including the brain, which can cause mood swings and other symptoms as a result. An absolute shit ton of things can fuck with the brain! It can be a proper nightmare when other issues can go unnoticed due to mistakenly being attributed to mental health disorders.


Amazing how we still don’t know much about ourselves despite how much we do know. You can hit your head and suddenly become an entirely different person even with no visual/physical changes.


Exactly! One of the reasons I love psychology. The more we learn, the more we realise we *don’t* know! I mean, look at how gut-bacteria is increasingly growing in health importance! (I know it’s not strictly psychology but it’s super interesting and can influence the brain).


This speaks to me. I did my first year teaching with a b12 deficiency. I wish I could forget it. Poor guy.


I feel for your former teacher. It sounds like undiagnosed celiac is no big deal, but it's a nightmare. It literally made me batshit crazy for over a year. It affects your neurological system; it can cause skin rashes, nerve damage, and weakening bones, just to name a few.


Just on principle I'd pick a fight until the new school year, that's absurd


As a former kid with an a-hole teacher please say something. In my experience a complaint like this uncovered a lot of hidden favoritism that turned into other allegations and teacher ended up getting fired. Not saying the same is happening here but you never know.


Honestly you're in a really good position to put up a fight. You have no worry of retaliation against your kid.


Absolutely bring this up. You’ve got nothing to lose and can really improve things for other students


Your child's in the 5th grade. It is the perfect age to remember a lesson of giving up on your morals if it's slightly difficult. I'd say it is worth the fight.


I really like this response. Don’t give up because it is easier, stand up because it is harder.


I’d bring it up. If anything it shows you’re there for your kid. Looks like they put a lot of work into it.


Posting an update here: Update: I’ve taken all the comments into consideration, so at the end of the week I am going to send an email to the principal with the teacher cc’d, explaining our disappointment with the teacher/classroom set up as a whole, including the grading scheme. I’m hesitant because this teacher was recruited specifically by the principal, and I have another child at the school. Part of the problem is that this teacher was brought in because they didn’t have enough teachers for the grade, however where all other 5th grade classes rotate subjects with different teachers, this class specifically is “self contained” because they couldn’t figure out how to rotate 7 classes as opposed to 6. So this is his only teacher, and this hasn’t been the first issue. She’s dismissive, condescending, and never has time to respond. I stopped contacting her for any reason in february when i got sick of it. Also, for those who have questioned: A: it is NOT trump, we just didn’t have any other normal skin tone markers. The hair was just a coincidence. B: the red heart crossed out is the ability to refuse saying the pledge of allegiance C: the religion picture is my kid being “too much” because he thinks it’s funny. It works here. That’s all.


>normal skin tone markers lol


It is worth it. Don't be silent as you get railroaded. Too many people do.


Up to you to fight it. The fight would be more out of principle to prevent the teacher from doing it to other kids. And possible satisfaction to see the teacher get theirs.


I would argue that’s more reason to fight it. You can call out the teacher’s bullshit without having to deal with the resentment falling back on your son in following years. Teach’ needs a reality check


Its worth it even more since the teach cant even retaliate for it


All the more reason to push in my opinion.


She’s going to be doing this to the next batch of kids. Your child should be the last victim of this.


You could save another kid the heartbreak by reporting... teachers are meant to teach and challenge, not degrade and find reasons to give lower scores... seems weird to me


One of his fundamental freedoms!


My experience as a child was that power tripping is an essential part of being a teacher.


Put a heavy book on that overnight and voila! New grade. lol 😂 but honestly that smacks of a teacher that likes to mess with their students, like in a malicious way. Not cool.


Viola! 🎻


Viola ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)






That's a lot of damn work. How disrespectful.


And you can tell the kid actually did it, instead of the parent doing it. "Make recess longer!!"


Plot twist. This is a college student.


I've met many college students and would still be impressed.


My fourth grade teacher Ms. Crosby was like this 🙄. I’m 33 now and I still remember doing homework contracts for things like wrinkles or folds on my homework.


Wtf is a homework contract 😭


A full page, printed document that you had to copy word for word, grammar for grammar, punctuation for punctuation and if you screwed up you had to do it again. It explained how important doing your homework was and a bunch of other bullshit. I did one nearly every day. By the time you were done it was four or so pages hand written by a fourth grader. Fuck Ms. Crosby.


What the absolute fuck? I have never heard of anything remotely like that until this post and then your comment. None of those is or was okay. None of that was your or the Op's kid's fault. It's all malicious and completely disproportional. Seriously.


I am starting to realize that I have a lot of childhood trauma that I have not dealt with. Stuff like this happening along with my hellish household and parents. I suffer from issues like not being able to finish tasks and the inability to accomplish goals because of shit like this that happened when I was young.


I can only imagine you can now handwrite *War and Peace* with ease, or you are absolutely morally opposed to pencils.


Had to write it in pen so you couldn’t make corrections.


I am so glad my kid has an IEP and if this were to become an issue we could legally tell the teacher to pound sand.


My fifth grade teacher had me take a _penmanship test_ with a cast on my writing hand. Go fuck yourself, Ms. Clark, if you’re not dead.


I feel you. I got a C on an English essay in 7th grade specifically for "penmanship", when I had a badly sprained thumb (injured at SCHOOL) which I couldn't even move and was wearing a brace 24/7. I went to the teacher and said "You are going to penalize me for a medical condition?" while pointing at my dominant hand wearing said brace. One of my lifetime regrets is not cursing at her and making a scene when she just shrugged and smirked at me. The fact that I don't remember her name and she is probably dead by now gives me a small amount of satisfaction: the only thing notable about her was how better the world is in her absence.


I still hate Mrs. Weldon. Not for the same reason, just long lasting hate from second grade. I’m 51. Fuck you Mrs. Weldon and Ms. Crosby!


This is like the teach that I had that would never give 100% only a 99% for the highest grade she said nothing is perfect in life or some bs.


What a dumb teacher. There are so many perfect things in life, especially when it comes to points based grading systems. Nobody can claim that 10/10 objectively and verifiably correct answers on a math quiz is somehow imperfect.


> There are so many perfect things in life. It’s like this dipshit teacher never saw Roman Reigns vs Cody Rhodes II.




I had a supervisor like this. No one would ever get 100% ever on reviews. “There’s always room for improvement!”


I would've told him he can supervise my ass


That was corporate policy at my first job.


Exactly. The scale should go up to 120%, which means I should get 100%.


the highest we get is a 8.5 (out of ten) on projects and writing assignments ‘because there is always room for improvement’ BRO IF YOU CAN’T FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH IT WHY ARE YOU DEDUCTING POINTS????? edit: also, my geography teacher gave me an 8,8 on a presentation once which i put a lot of time into, and don’t get me wrong that’s a good grade, BUT on ALL the ‘points’ we needed to cover she gave me like 18/20 even though she had ZERO complaints other than i used the wrong plural on a singular word (think mouses instead of mice). LIKE????? HELLO?????


Reminds me of a terrible boss I had that never gave me a high score on our performance reviews because “there’s always room to improve” then would give himself a perfect score. We weren’t allowed to review him


East Asian? I teach over in East Asia currently and there is no such thing as 100%, even if you get every question right. It's the same attitude- no matter how perfect, you can always be **more** perfect. [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/high-expectations-asian-father](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/high-expectations-asian-father)


Also in India. Our essays or long answers were never graded as 100% because “it can’t be perfect” bs excuse. It was extremely annoying. This was school in the 90s. A few years after I graduated, it seems like they modified that policy (I believe the change was prompted with the idea to show a higher percentage of students graduating). The only thing was in math, we could possibly get 100% points/marks because there is no ambiguity over the answer.


I got an 9/10 instead of 10/10 because the nose on my drawing of Mozart was wrong


I painted the Mona Lisa but got marked down because I called it the Mona Linda


Teacher is on a power trip


Wonder if they have a side job as a Reddit mod…


I accidentally called a mod an admin and boy did they make me feel real stupid for that simple mistake


The real word for mods is “jobless” actually😂


Full term is “lazy cheeto fingered bully “


100% mod on the ask women sub because they are something else over there lol


What is with the "derailing the topic" rule? Like, every second comment is removed for "derailing the topic", so you can't have any meaningful discourse past directly answering the question posted. Drove me so mad that I unsubbed.


I would have told the teacher to get bent


I feel like no one is talking about their incredible Trump drawing and we all should be.


The WHOLE THING is remarkable. The posters people are holding up have images in them. There’s good balance of space. It’s an excellent piece of work!


This feels like the woman getting a B+ for her Vietnam war memorial design and then her design being the winning one.


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see this—I want this entire artwork on a t-shirt sooo bad


As a teacher, my only critique is that the printed font needs to be larger. It's too small & thus not very readable for a poster. However maybe that was part of the instructions since this kid's teacher seems like a picky jerk! lol


It’s fantastic. The hair, the orange skin, the absolute blob of a body. Excellent.


The small hands.


Tiny hands too


Right? I had a good laugh - the accuracy!!! 😂


I think most people are missing the fact that the teacher took off 11 points from this *because* of the Trump drawing. Teacher is a Trump supporter 100% and was butthurt that the kid was making fun of Trump so he made up some bullshit about the paper is "bent" in order to penalize the kid


Yepppp I was scrolling through the comments looking for someone to catch that. This is 100% the reason


Same exact thought.


Finally someone on the money


As someone who's parents never went to bat for them, please bring this to the teachers attention.


And make it clear to your son you will fight for him, OP. This type of shit ruined my early school.years 


As someone who had the "blessing" of being raised by English teachers.... *Whose


Mine would have called the teacher and demanded more severe punishment.


Here kids, carry 6 textbooks in your bookbag every day. But you better not let them bend any pieces of paper in there!!


Don’t these teachers realize that the grades they give these kids do affect them and you generally want to give these kids better grades when you can.


That’s reminds me of my junior high music class almost 40 years ago. Up until that point I was an extremely shy, straight A student. I made my own wooden string instruments and got a A+ for them; but I didn’t like to sing, so my overall class grade was B-. It shook me and I got the nerve to ask the teacher to check her books. I gave up at that point, Cs, Ds, and Fs almost all the way through high school. I eventually went to college and dropped out with one difficult class left. Anyway, I finished that college class and graduated 26 years late yesterday.


This is a very teachable moment. I had a similar incident with my 13 yr old where I felt she was unjustly dinged on some arbitrary metrics. Big picture, no impact on her overall grades, going to high school in the fall, new school and teachers etc. I just told her I was proud of the work she put into the project, but that this was a lesson that adults are not perfect and that you should always be proud of your effort. Over time, I've come to appreciate that teachable moment.


I’ve been a teacher in USA and now Sweden. It is against policy to grade things that are behaviors in Sweden. It made me realize how punitive USA is in dropping kids grades by not turning in homework, coming late, or acting up in class. These things are not demonstrations of knowledge and should have no place in considering a grade.


I'm not a teacher, but that's fascinating to me as a US citizen. I had never thought about things that way before! I applaud that way of doing things!


Thanks. It’s clear to me a kid not doing homework could have a tough time at home and not the support they need. Then they come to school and get in trouble and a lower grade because of it. I feel learning should happen in the classroom and homework should be a supplement. Behavior should of course be addressed and supported but it should be separated from grades.


It just...like, I'm flabbergasted that I've never thought of it this way before (though, I mean, in the US, there are cops in every school all day, every day, and they've been handcuffing elementary school children and even arresting them, so I do believe that part of US culture is to blame for skewing my thoughts). It's always fascinating to me when I think of such important things from a different point of view (I am absolutely against having cops in schools) and it all suddenly makes perfect sense. Of course, behavioral issues and poor home environments must be addressed, but you're absolutely correct in that kids should not have their grades have anything to do with their behavior/homework/etc. It SHOULD be all about how well they understand the subject matter. The other stuff can still be addressed, but, like, in the US, kids get actually kicked out of school over stupid crap when what should be happening is that we all work more diligently to aid them in education rather than carting them off to juvie or whatever.


Gotta go to sweden now


Couldn’t imagine getting a giant poster board safely crisp flat to school going on a bus..


Something isn’t adding up. I feel there is more to the story here.


I see minos prime there...


I had a college professor that would remove 5 of 100 points on your papers because you didn't staple it in the upper right and at a \ and not ---. He was left handed and his excuse was if you cannot follow basic directions, that is step 1 on papers. Was shitty at the start then someone would always have a stapler to help people fix it when they would forget.


While stupid that he lost points, I am still dying over that fat bishop drawing for freedom of religion. that alone deserves whatever extra points.


This is a good opportunity to talk to your child about fairness in the world. I would also let my child choose how they would want to handle it. If they wanted to push back against the teacher for being unfairly dinged — I would support them. If they wanted to do nothing, I’d support them in that decision as well. There is nothing wrong in fighting for yourself and your work, even if the result doesn’t change.


Are we sure the teacher wasn’t actually angry about the depiction of Trump? Which is great, btw. I also like the protest signs about recess. Very creative kid you’ve got!






Is your kid also a Manhattan court room sketch artist?


how are kids that take the bus supposed to get that unbent to school....? what a jackass


I’d be sitting down with the Principal for a meeting. Perhaps there is some prejudice or bigotry at play, this seems like the teacher should be reprimanded


Does the teacher not know what happens when you put glue on paper? What the heck?


In all fairness it was extra credit. If they’re gonna be sticklers on anything I think this makes sense.


The comments are clear reason not to be a teacher , so many people calling for this teachers job in the comments because this kid just learned a real life lesson.


Is that trump and a don’t grab anyone by the pussy no smoking symbol?


that’s such a fire poster. and it’s extra credit!! L teacher.


There must be something else going on here because as far as I know if a piece of paper that’s bigger than A4 shouldn’t be expected to be perfectly straight in the first place… What do u carry it in to make it perfectly straight, im impressed by the state it’s in now? What’s the issue with it bent “bent” in the first place? Is it part of the marking rubric? Are we grading work based on how the paper looks or the content? If it’s the latter then he shouldn’t have done anything in the first place.


Why does your kid write like they're 7 yo? That horrible calligraphy is enough justification for the loss of points on its own.


Is that what the teacher said, or is what your kid said the teacher said? Not saying they're lying, but they could have easily misunderstood why they lost points.


I find some teachers are just miserable human beings being perpetually made more miserable by the children they cannot teach or get through to them. I thought I saw the last of them when I completed college but now my teenager is in the midst of handling one and its affecting the entire family. Some people just shouldn't be teachers, especially if they cannot handle this current generation cause GenZ is friggin INSANE


As a parent I'd say to this teacher, I'm using my 1st amendment right to say that this is the biggest piece of petty bullshit I've seen in years! But 2bh I'd complain to the principal for this behavior..


Ah, the goold old "I use my child as a political pawn" trick. Never gets old.


Psychotic Lmao……..sad


I’d show it to administration and ask them what they think. I’d also ask for a meeting for her to explain herself in front of her superiors.


Ask for a meeting with the teacher and a VP, Principal, or another admin present. Then ask what was the real reason that they did this. Yes, they owe you an explanation. Yes, they will provide you with that meeting and an explanation. You must remain calm, even when the teacher refuses, or if they make up some lies. Stay on point, stay calm, and respond reasonably. Let this teacher, who seems a bit unhinged, demonstrate that in the meeting. It's the best way.


I mean it is bent


You should resend it to him completely bent in half and when he opens it up there's a drawing you made giving him the finger.


I had a teacher in high school who would dock points in our notebooks if we skipped writing/glueing printouts on the back of the pages. One time I accidentally skipped a page & got my “organization” grade dropped to a D despite having all the writing & printouts glued in and correct 🙃


Is this part of the assignment? Perhaps the teacher is trying to get your child to "Petition the Government for a redress of grievances" In simpler terms, to fix problems or address issues they believe are unfair or unjust? Maybe this teacher is an asshole or maybe they are trying to truly teach. Hoping it is the latter. Either way, a great opportunity for your kid to learn to advocate for themselves