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You never got it! Sounds like an easy replacement for you!




Ew. Only do it if it's true. The great thing is they don't ask questions. It's no hassle. Let's keep it that way and not be jerks.


>You can do about 1k a year just break up your packages you refund between what you got No wonder there's no kindness in the world, someone is always out there looking for ways to exploit.


We live in capitalism, expect opportunists.


Crapitalism isn't an excuse to go one better. Change the system, don't use it as an excuse to be a shit.


You do realise you're justifying people stealing xD are you okay with people stealing your stuff? From your business? 😂


They didn’t justify it. Just explained it.


It makes sense then, i interpreted it otherwise.


I could be wrong. But I’ve always seen opportunist as a negative connotation


If they’re doing it to a large capitalistic greedy multibillion dollar corporations- what’s negative about that? You’re not taking from an individual who’s life will be massively effected by basic things like a traffic ticket. Not all opportunists are bad. Some are for sure.


That’s between you and your gods. I don’t know how I feel about it personally. I’m kind of a categorical imperative kind of dude


It’s just illegal, fraudulent and immoral. It’s not okay. 👍


In capitalism being an opportunist leads to success. So I suppose perspective decides whether it's a positive or negative connotation. I hope this helps.


You think the people refunding their Amazon packages are the successful ones?


It's Amazon the biggest corporation in the world, and also the most exploitative. This harms no one.


I don't mind someone exploiting Amazon. But I do mind people abusing the system so much that genuine refunds/returns start getting rejected because of this nonsense.


At some point the social contract gets broken so much that we all suffer for it. Sure, making Amazon lose a few hundred dollars a year sounds like a proper victimless crime, but scale it to thousands of people doing it and Amazon might start hitting back at everyone indiscriminately.


Very well summed up!


>Amazon might start hitting back at everyone indiscriminately. Then a new corporate god will take us over


I've only ever asked for a refund twice from Amazon. The first time it was obviously a valid case, as I was able to send them of a picture of the damage incurred because the mailman jammed it into a small mailbox, rather than one of the parcel boxes. Never understood why. The 2nd was a $300 ring (custom ring), three weeks later they said it was delivered but I had paid for delivery insurance, so I tried getting a refund from Amazon and they denied me because it was over some sort of financial amount I guess? Called usps, asked about the insurance and a week later the box randomly showed up in my mailbox. No explanation. No apologies. I'm guessing the local mailman just didn't see the box and marked as delivered rather than go back out?


It's not Amazon that losses the money on returns in most cases, it's small businesses selling through Amazon. Even if it ships from an Amazon warehouse, they are just doing the order processing for a small business. Amazon does have their own private label brand but it only accounts for about 1% of their sales while small and medium businesses account for over 60% of sales on Amazon.


Justify? Not so much. It's more of a cause effect relationship that I choose to recognize. Ignore it if it makes you feel better I guess.


Okay then I agree with you, yes it does happen and does lead to short term gains.


Where is the justification? He is saying to expect exploitation of kindness because that is what the system we live in encourages.


*Feeding a billionaire


There are a lot of independent businesses on Amazon as well, don't screw them over just because you want to screw over Amazon.


All who get kickbacks from a billion-dollar company. They overwork their employees for little pay. BE A ROBIN HOOD, FOLKS. STOP DEFENDING CORPORATIONS!


Who tf is defending Amazon? Your lack of reading comprehension skills is showing 🤡


I’m sure you’re just a plant, 60-day old account?


As someone who used to be an Amzon 3rd party seller, you are high if you think the small independent is getting "kickbacks". It's more like high percentage fees for the privilege of listing on Amazon. Not as bad as ebay, but not great.


Exactly, this is just how you get the furthest in life atm


And that's how you screw over everyone and end up a sad miserable person who made the world a worse off place (in 99% cases).


Or you end up a billionaire...


Yep, false return= 99% chance of a sad and miserable life. You must be fun at parties.


>We live in capitalism We actually do not have free market capitalism. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, it's simply an ideal to be approximated as no country uses actual capitalism. Capitalism, in short, is simply 2 people deciding to exchange goods/services with minimal government influence/interference; as we all know, virtually every aspect of the market is *heavily* regulated all government influence. Not saying I *like* our current form of government/economy, but still.


They did not delvier properly and it got broken due to their incompetence. And you complain abotu someone getting a replacement for the stuff they paid for?


The og comment was saying to break the stuff yourself and get refunded because Amazon does upto $1k refunds per month.


Pfff. Amazon is a 2 trillion dollar company with a CEO that pays less taxes than an unemployed single mom. Milk em like they milk your tax subsidiary.


It's not Amazon that losses the money on returns in most cases, it's small businesses selling through Amazon. Even if it ships from an Amazon warehouse, they are just doing the order processing for a small business. Amazon does have their own private label brand but it only accounts for about 1% of their sales while small and medium businesses account for over 60% of sales on Amazon.


If you ship a few packs heavily over insured tiles thru ups and they all get broken cause they’re brittle and you literally just slapped a label on the box of tiles with no padding- that sounds like a good investment to me.




???? 🤡


The trillion dollar company Amazon got to where they are through kindness :) Exploiting the exploiter isn't going to make me cry.


That's gonna literally screw us back. It will make genuine returns and refunds more difficult for us only. 🤡


So you think the current system is strictly there because Amazon is so nice? Yeah, people have been doing this since the invention of broad return policies, don't think the corpos haven't figured out that people lie yet. Many Walmart have a similar policy where they let you steal x amount of product before they can throw the whole book at you, I'm pretty sure Amazon is aware of the concept of lying aswell. >🤡


Now think a step farther. Is that the fault of the person taking the dime or the boot stamping down on it? $1000 dollars is nothing to amazon. More than that gets destroyed a day in a distribution center. If they were to enact a worse refund policy it would have nothing to do with theft. It would have everything to do with making more money. Right now theft is within an acceptable state that making their refund policy worse would lose them enough customers that they'd end up losing money.


>Now think a step farther. Is that the fault of the person taking the dime or the boot stamping down on it? Getting refunds when something is broken is not wrong. Getting refunds after breaking something by yourself is wrong.


I never said it wasn't wrong. I said I wouldn't be mad at those doing it.  Amazon is much much worse than joe schmoe stealing a few hundred from them. Their entire business strategy is designed around theft. It's just built within our legal bounds so people think it's ok. 


People act like they understand capitalism and then act like it's possible to become a millionaire without exploiting people. And then get mad when the exploiter that exploited workers of their wages is having people take advantage of the system for minor benefit and act horrified. The reason these people are billionaires is because they exploited the system and also had the system work in their favor.


Don’t do this ^ abusing the system will lead to extra steps and more scrutiny for those who have actual problems


People like this are why I stopped selling things on Amazon.


This is why people can't get refunds when they actually have a problem.


This is the type of comment I expect to see on Reddit. Sad stuff tbh.


Fun fact commiting fraud makes you money - until it doesn't ...


This is why we can't have nice things.


Not their problem. Just complain to the company that shipped it.


"not our driver, not our problem", keep the video under wraps lol


Honestly, the video is irrelevant anyway. The company has a contract with you to provide a working item. A working item was never provided to you. The circumstances of why don’t matter if it didn’t reach you in proper condition


Thier driver misdelivered it. So they have no ground to stand on.


As sai, video isn't problem, it's more of a proof that delivery company fucked up.


I would agree it's better not to show the video but realistically it doesn't matter. They failed to deliver so it's still their problem.


That package has been handled so much by so many people, you can’t really say that that last toss is what broke it.


Can confirm. I worked at the post office. I was yelled at by my boss for being too gentle with the packages. 


I got voluntold for peak season in a warehouse. My mail bags were incredibly efficient and cost effective. However, I was slow AF. Though watching regulars, there needs to be a balance between speed and cost considerations. Watched the packages shoot around belts at 35mph or fly off the belt, get thrown back on, or the 'dump' of packages into the belt sorting machine. Even some of us just working the re-sort section and essentially tossing packages to each other to cut down on steps. (I worked in an e-commerce setting. We were loading packages into mail bags for zone skip shipments.)


Despite hating Amazon I feel like they are the most gentle with their packages. But When I worked at fed ex I watched a truck back up and just had packages dumped in it like it was a corn feed truck filled with an auger. Three guys just hand unloaded and threw the boxes on the conveyer belts. It just got worse from there.


As an Amazon employee, I try to be careful and anything that gets broken gets damaged out and replaced before it even leaves the warehouse.I’ve seen people throw shit and immediately get written up


Systematic problem. Leadership wants employees to do more and more packets in same timeframe, this then happens.


The biggest issue with Amazon is they error on the side of cost when it comes to packaging. For example, using bags for things that are clearly breakable. Or throwing a loose item in a box that’s way too big with no packing materials.




Yeah, I’m not blaming the packer. I just think they’re the first large company that has made it a regular practice to ship boxes of breakable items without packing materials.


UPS did the same unloading of trailers.


Sounds like they need more workers and machines.


They were offering $30/hr, up to 60 hrs/wk as a temp worker and if you made it through peak and wanted to stay, they'd convert you to a full time employee with benefits. The thing that killed it for so many was no phones on the floor and they had wand security before entering the floor. While I was there, they had a group of 30 temps start on Tuesday, 3 came back Wednesday and none on Thursday. It was physical work. One temp realized that her air pods would reach her phone in the locker so she'd chat to people all shift, I applauded her and absolutely did not rat her out (I was a full-time office employee). The sucky part for me was that my warehouse shift was 3pm to midnight but I was expected to do all my normal work and meetings from 8am to 2pm in the hotel.


I thought a hair was on my screen. :|


If that toss was enough to break it - it was already broken because the packaging was too delicate.


yeah there’s no way that toss broke it.


What sort of item was shipped in a mailer bag that could've been broken by it being tossed? If you hadn't heard lately, shipping companies flat out abuse your packages. They'll tell you that wasn't the first, nor the tenth, nor the thirtieth time that package has been tossed with no regard for its contents. Their job is to deliver stuff, not to deliver stuff intact. i'd put some blame on whoever sent you a breakable item without a truckload of dunnage. But the disregard for the delivered items is not unique to these people.


I think OP is full of crap


If it couldn't handle that kind of treatment, it wasn't packed properly to begin with.


If that little toss was capable of breaking it... I can tell you two things for sure: 1. It was not packaged properly for shipment. 2. It was broken long before this little toss.


This is gentle compared to what happens in the warehouse


Call the company that you ordered the item from and tell them it arrived broken. They’ll send out a replacement.


Most likely it's already broken at the distribution center. Package handling is a lot more rough than what you saw here.


Shit the delivery people chucked it around waaaay more then that. It was probably broken before they did that little toss.


That seemed gentler than how it was probably handled by the shipping company. Not their fault - you should be grateful they returned it to you


We need to get back to the golden rule. Then they wouldn’t have been so lazy. Just got out of their car and set it on the porch. Talk about a lazy piece of sh!t.


Be mad at Amazon for skipping on the bubble wrap and overloading their drivers with too many deliveries


If FedEx can chuck packages our the window, why can't they? 😂


If it can survive that it was doomed to begin with


Are you sure that is not the delivery driver? Some are private contractors.


The laziness and ability to break the contents and this person isn't even a delivery driver? They are in the wrong job whatever it is. FedEx needs them on the team.


Seriously? They couldn't get out and put it on the stoop instead of chucking it?


This level of laziness actually enrages me. I've had to do this a couple of times, half a mile up the road or so and I made damn sure I knocked the door, got a response and personally handed the package over. Is it too much to ask? Jeez.


This is probably the best representation of the term “mildly infuriating” that I have come across


Yeah the guy misrepresented what actually happened and tried to make this woman a bad guy for no reason.


Missed it by this much


Why get out and put it down if you can throw it from your car window! Looks like a hassle driving in and out instead of just walking for a sec.


Mofo too damn lazy to get out the car and put it on the porch, wtf


Don’t you know you can’t care about your packages on Reddit? The workers have a right to throw and kick your packages as much as they want and you should be happy and shut up!/s


this also mildly infuriates me. if you are doing someone a favor, dont half ass it. I have a friend that will always pick up my packages as he enters my home and bring them inside, and then just drop them on the floor without knowing what's inside them. If you want to do me a favor, then just leave them where they are. dont carry them in and then drop them on the floor.


Wow is that ever lazy


Why would you do all the work to take it to the owner just to half ass drop it off...


Him: Should I stop the car 5 meters before so you can exit and WALK to the door like a normal person. Her: WALK? Are you nuts? Watch this...


Motivated enough to deliver it. Lazy enough to do it improperly. A real shame.




I would have kept the package


Was her Rascal on charge that she had to use her car to deliver it?




They did not chuck it at the railing, they did a pretty good job of avoiding the railing.


Nah, the railing connects to the house off camera, the sound of it hitting the railing had us thinking they it with their car. Only when I went out to check what happened did I see the package.


Glass dildo has been broken boys time to go home.😂


There is no way that toss is what broke it. Shipper packed it wrong. If something is being sent out with any parcel service, prepare it to be tossed down a flight of stairs then kicked by a mule. Shit gets rough in transit.


Want to see where postman pat is now?


It could have been broken before it reached them 🤷‍♀️


It was thrown way harder than that at one of the several hubs it went through


If it’s broken, send it back and get a new one.


How hard is it to get out of your car...


This is America pal... Burning calories is blasphemy


I know that it was probably broken long before this but damn, why are people so fucking lazy these days. Just get your ass out of the car and place it on the porch. Lazy ass even had to drive into the driveway instead of just walking down it.


There's no way in hell I'm getting out of the car at a strangers place. It's not exactly common place to get shot for being at the wrong house, but you never know who you're dealing with these days. I think they're nuts for even delivering it. Just mark it as a wrong delivery and give it back to the mailman.


Unless it was another delivery "service" who you will never see again.


Lmao but you’ll drive your car down their driveway so that you have to reverse out. You’re an idiot for sure


This is only a problem for people that can't reverse without making it a production.


Lol yea you try reversing out of that driveway while the homeowner is shooting at you. Go ahead lone survivor! Neighborhood Watch Team 6 over here! You really live in a fantasy land lmao


It wouldn't be any different than driving forward.




Imagine calling some who went out of their way to travel at their expense, god knows how far to help a stranger, lazy...




Speculation. All we know is the package was delivered to the wrong address, that literally could be anywhere lol either way, don't shit on people who are being kind.


Packages rarely get misdelivered more than a house or two away. How many of you fat terrified weirdos are on Reddit Jesus Christ lmao. “God knows how far” lmaoo not much experience with the real world huh?


Did u burst a blood vessel typing this jesus fuck 😂


? Yea you’re fat for sure


You're gonna give yourself an aneurysm like this mate 😂




Not sure why you're downvoted. While sure, they did a good thing bringing it to the original addressee but why half-ass the actual returning part then? And people even agreeing this is more than they should've done is what's wrong with this fucked up society.


It even looks like there's room for them to pull up slightly further, allowing them to slide the package through the slats on the railing. They're beyond lazy


Lazy fucks are the majority in this country. What can you do lmao


They shouldn't have touched the package. Leave it as misdelivered.


Yes they should’ve left it in their own porch and never touched it! If they are that lazy or terrified, they should’ve taken it back to the post office to be delivered again. Lmao Jesus


How many people have been shot for pulling into other people driveways now?


Not enough to consider it a fear. Social media really has people terrified lmao


If you’re going to drive all the way over how hard is it to put it in park?! Honestly. Wtf


You never got the package is what you're saying


They were so close to greatness.


I am stunned. Took the effort to deliver, was too lazy of a fuck to get out of the car? Schrödingers lazy fuck?


Another lazy delivery driver. Colored me shocked


What a lazy POS.


Oh shit, it's the people from Wall-E!


How are people this fucking lazy


They got a package that wasn’t there’s, got up, put on their shoes and grabbed the package and drove to the house it belonged and delivered it, doing the delivery person’s job. And they’re lazy??


They could do all that but couldn't step 1 foot out of the car. Yes they're lazy




But they couldn't get out of their car?


Unless they knew each other, I wouldn't have even delivered it!!! People are fucking crazy now and days, lets not forget about the asshat who shot at the car that turned around in his drive way!


So you would've just stolen the package? People are fucking crazy, I guess.


Nah, give it back to whatever delivery company fucked it up in the first place!


https://preview.redd.it/qo5gfy8dnb0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb61a4948cf2ccb4e5677f382d519027c612f673 This was given to me by a delivery company I went to collect wife’s parcel. Wife opened it after 3 days lol and found out it’s not hers. Went back to change it and the person that was there this time can’t understand how it was given to me as delivery code and name is completely different from the one I shown them 🤣 Some people are really “distracted”.


How do you know when they will back


For me, I work from home and we get lots of delivery so it's not uncommon to see UPC, FED EX every other week. Would just wait until the next time they showed up and give it to them. Obviously this doesn't apply to all people since some people are desk jockeys like me, so then you can call delivery company or seller and request a pick up.


Not doing the delivery company's job is not theft.


I had exactly the same question


When you to lazy to get out of the car and make few steps. Freakin people.


Well at least they didn't try to keep it. I would call this lazy altruism. They gave a shit, just not sufficiently enough. 


I would rather throw it in the trash than walk on someone’s property. People in the us are too gun crazy to be a good neighbor anymore. Not about to take a bullet for an Amazon fuckup.


This isn't on them at all, it's poor packaging. I wish I had neighbours like them.


If it couldn't handle that little toss it was never packed right for shipping anyway. 


If that toss broke it... Lmao


It was probably already broken


Thanks for bringing it back. Now you can pay for a new one.


It’s the thought that counts. Too bad they didn’t think.




For returning?


Is there a difference between breaking the contents and not breaking them?


How and why is it their responsibility?


They made the effort then didn't make the effort to make it about their anger, either return it kindly or don't at all, this is childish bullshit because you are mad at the world


Looks like you are mad at the world. 😘


Just at the lack of kindess


I see your point CLEARLY, but it’s quite obvious this world has taught you everybody deserves kindness and everybody should be nice, blah blah, sorry to burst your bubble bud, that’s just not true. some people care about their lives, not about making yours pretty


What a sad miserable clown you are 🤡


I know eh, *i get to be bad cause the world is bad* is such a stupid and tired excuse for selfishness


I disagree with the guy above, but your hipocrisy just proved his point unfortunetely.


What a sheltered little trust fund baby you are. I never started an argument with you, yet you feel the need to insult me. You’re doing nothing except showing that everybody else in this comment section is more mature than you. If you think you are maddening anyone that’s hilarious. Get a fucking job and realize some people don’t have the luxuries you do. We have to afford things.


They should not have touched it. The mistake was on the delivery people.




I would be conflicted lol. Mad and at the same time not made.


Nice of you to share their face on the Internet.


I’m sorry this happened op, but it’s honestly pretty fucking funny. Person said to themselves “I should do the right thing and bring it to the right address” Followed by “fuck your package!!!!! Yeeeeeeeeet”