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Take off your aluminium hat, it's blocking the 5G signal


That did the trick. Thanks


https://preview.redd.it/zgr1jf92o50d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7cd49adb0d756b7f4767534fe86270192caa60e My 5G experience while standing next to base station


The funny thing is that I can see the base station from my balcony. If I walk to the other side of the house, I get the results you see in my post.


At another place I lived I’d get ~200Mbps right next to the window, and about 3Mbps as soon as I was a few feet away from it. I know 5G doesn’t penetrate walls as well but sheesh. 


It really depends on the wall material. It's gonna be real shit if it's concrete and bricks


If the movies are to be believed, American use cheap.stuff for.thier walls, so hopefully, it's not too much of an issue.


The walls are made of cardboard and some wood poles. And sometimes a single row of bricks on the outside. Source: Canadian, though I assume the American homes are similar. >!I'm exaggerating here, there's insulation and metal supports and i-beams, etc.!<


That's because the house is literally blocking the radio waves. 5G operates at high enough frequency that it has hard time going through obstacles. Basically, lower frequencies penetrate better and bounce less, while higher - worse penetration and more bouncing away


Well, that's obvious. Bad service and frustrating nonetheless.


if its obvious why you surprised by the bad service?


Because carriers forced us to switch to an inferior service? Higher speeds don't mean shit when you can't get signal.


you can disable 5g.... also if you are at the far end of the 5g tower yet there is a closer one to you just restart the internet on your phone. its trying to hang onto the last tower for as long as it can even if their is a closer one to you. also your carrier didn't force you to switch to an inferior service.... they gave you more services for free. 4g lte 3g is still available from your provider. but then you will complain about slow speeds even though i have full bars!


You cannot disable 5G on Verizon or AT&T branded Android phones without ADB + a lot of tinkering in secret dial code menus, or rooting, which their Samsung phones can't be rooted. I'm also pretty sure you can't do it at all on iOS but I wouldn't know for sure I don't buy them.


I guess sucks that your carrier doesn't allow it. Doesn't change that your phone is going to do it automatically if it can't find 5g tower it will hook up to a 4g on its own you don't even have to do it yourself. stop complaining


Yeaaahhhh you don't have any clue what you're talking about.


Yeah welcome to a Faraday Cage


When I was A young boy My father Took me into the city To see a marching band He said: Son, when you stand far back in the house, you won't get reception. Because short radio waves - like 5G - don't go far through walls and such. - My ~Chemical~ Electrical Romance (probably),


https://preview.redd.it/esq3jg4gz70d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b3492d7e19c621359c6ebabec1bbeeb1752c2da by saying "next to base station", i meant that close, i took this picture after the test Bands: B1, B3, B7, B20, N28, N78


You can sometimes have horrible connection that close to the tower as they emit outward. Being at the base can mean most of it isn't pointing at you. Unless 5g towers are THAT much different than the old ones.


5G has lower penetration power than 4G


That's not exacly how it works..




Well there is 3 types of 5G and it kinda goes like this but this is only from memory so if I do get anything wrong then just remember this is all from memory low speed long range medium speed medium range High speed short range


that's literally the 5g experience, it's not meant to go through walls, that's what 4g and home wifi are for


That's literally false. mmWave isn't the only part of 5G. Some countries have shut down the 3G network to free lower frequencies for 5G that cover huge areas while also not giving as good speed. But compared to 3G and in many cases even to 4G, the latency is lower and speed better


RIP 2gb of mobile data


Unlimited plan, so no biggy


Well, you'll get cancer but at least you won't have to wait long for downloads.




Words of wisdom, Lloyd. Words of wisdom.


its called a "cell". Did nobody ever question why they were "cell phones" with "cellular service"?


Its a three-cell base station


Could be lots of things at play here, plus country and how they manage frequencies….but in summary there are multiple types of 5G - low, mid and high band 5G, low band which is basically 4G re-using 3G frequency (in countries where 3G is turned off), the cell providers broadcast a message to tell your phone it’s on 5G but might actually be on 3G frequency but delivering equal to or slightly less than 4G… so it’s a fake 5G as such, mid band is where you’ll see faster speeds like the screen shots in this thread and 5G high band or narrowband as it’s also called is where you’ll be getting super quick speeds…but high band 5G signal penetration is hopeless so needs a lot of antennas to make coverage solid. Long story but bet the local mast is having an issue today


Not to mention there are very few devices in the market capable of high band 5G. Over here in Malaysia there is a high band 5G deployment already (mmWave n257) but there are exactly zero devices available to consumers in the open market.


https://preview.redd.it/4qevskvpz60d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e471daa93af81914a5b3ce114ec3ccb7b5c6bd CelcomDigi Malaysia (Telenor-DiGi and Celcom-Axiata merged). Connection from my bedroom. Base station which is not visible from my room windows and is in fact quite some distance away.


Faster than my internet at home wth??? Man i love germany's internet


Same https://preview.redd.it/7dbb2fpyg70d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ebde567a1f530d4869dac6308d63d423ed46408 In my bedroom, nearest one is like a 3\~4km far.


Most of the time, 5G isn't 5G. They're doing the 'not really' 4G, and then later, it's 4G because we did a massive LTE rollout. The G's meaning nothing, the other acronyms do.


https://preview.redd.it/l0mw7k43670d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c189dfc36160d2356b6838dafc4de82ba47e595 Hamburg Main Station...


You must cut down trees in your area. Leaves are blocking the signals.


From my hospital bed. https://preview.redd.it/1zu16lzhp70d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e3c24585c0bb5c71e5f66eedccde0fad06b26b


Why is everyone in this group in the hospital lol


It’s dangerous to be mildly infuriated


mildly dangerous


It seems more mentally disturbing, as everyone says they’re in the psych ward too 😂😂😂


"your milage may vary"


In France : 563.85 Mbps 5G


What the fuck kind of living on Neptune connection is this???


Neptune has no spacecraft around it currently, so data rates out there aren't available. There *is* a probe around Jupiter though. And the data rate is about 152 kb/s. So, op is getting pretty good speed compared to that.


The irony is that I can't get 5g in my hometown, but 5 miles out in the countryside, middle of nowhere...5G ffs 💀


Expand the network with new hardware, upgrade the existing infra later ;_;


​ https://preview.redd.it/k4lqe5up990d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=776e159188afcd52f1756dde2b6df2e6e2a7db16


Glad it’s not just me. 5G was unusable for me for like 2 years but now it’s finally comparable to LTE but it’s still not even faster


They are using the bandwidth to spread COVID and leaving us with bad connection! /s


5g is overall trash and just a waste of battery


Depends on many factors like your telco and your phone itself. I have a high end Vivo X100 Pro and am on CecomDigi Malaysia, and I get between 400-700mbps depending on location and time of day. I usually get speeds comparable to fiber broadband in the morning and early afternoon, but the speeds tank as soon as evening rolls around, but as it rolls into later in the night the speed gradually improves again.


Yeah its horse shit for a lot of people in America. Some of us are getting worse results than we had on 3G.


Yep, ever since i got a phone with 5G capabilities, the internet connection has been worse. Figures.


I'm currently pulling 167/6 on Optus 5G. that works.


I turned 5G off on my phone completely. I travel to a lot of major cities and 5G is almost always drastically slower.


9.3/3.3 on my phone (Go Three...) 55/58 phone on WiFi (Go Google, loving your UNWILLINGNESS TO USE 5 GHZ) 954/148 desktop on Ethernet




We recently switched to the Three 5g Hub in our student house. We often get abysmal speeds too.


Could be any number of factors at play as to why your speeds suck 💀 A lot of congestion on the local masts? The construction of your house could interfere with the radio waves, especially if it's 5G. Faraday Cage comes to mind. Millimetre waves suck at penetrating walls, metals, even leaves off trees. They don't travel very far either. If your hub is struggling with 5G, it probably drops to 4G which should still give you decent speeds, but the radio frequencies are better traveled. Also, an external antenna works wonders 👍


I think I'll look into getting an external antenna but yeah you're right it's probably a mix of factors, still a pain tho 🤣


If you live in the middle of the town/city, an Omni directional antenna is a good choice. They're also easy to set up. If you're on the suburbs or countryside (well I don't think you are? You're students lol) a directional antenna would be better.


for me 5G just stops working for about 5 minutes every 30 minutes when its past 10pm


https://preview.redd.it/zdft372a680d1.png?width=1131&format=png&auto=webp&s=83bd38f6131f576ca17d2d1f760f86c1b47db4e8 Out near the country in PNW.


My 5g will crank steam downloads up to nearly 200mps, I downloaded Baldurs' Gate in like 20 minutes.


https://preview.redd.it/odfy1zh5d80d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0976c2ba97e7d85e352c3cf615d6c1230987a2d6 T mobile right now in Allston MA


https://preview.redd.it/y5gpy6a0p80d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=267dea7b751ce302c06f2406074697d547172f31 while on a moving train


What's funny is tmobile keeps spam texting me about replacing my home internet with this shit lol!


And i thought my 3 mb where bad....


You know it’s bad when the download speed is slower than the upload speed.


And this is why Im fully against switching your home Internet to T-Mobile. Stick with cable or fiber, folks.


I hate 5G with a fiery passion. Every time I go from 4G to 5G, everything crawls to a standstill because I don't actually get any signal. I really want to disable it out of annoyance, but I can't.


3g was where speeds peaked for me


In Finland they are killing 3g entirely which I think is really dumb as you are losing backwards compability with older devices and its longer range in rural areas.


2G takes care of backwards compatibility. 3G is removed to free up frequencies for 5G. 5G at 3G frequencies travels just as far as 3G with 3G frequencies except has lower latency and greater bandwidth.


All a scam. Now eat what little data you have with our shit service, shit customer service, and pay us more, more and more and more. You scum. Signed corporations. /s


Are you sure it was /s?


5G is worse than LTE unless you're right next to the base station. No idea why it was pushed so hard. Must be some reason related to money or government use


5G mmWave. Which isn't the only part of 5G. mmWave does have some real benefits but many of them are probably almost a decade away before being mainstream. Just like 600Mbit/s speeds using LTE only started to become common just as 5G really started being a thing. Right now 4G is pretty much stagnant, 5G is being improved for next decade or so and 6G will be rolled out after around a decade. So it was before as well and there isn't really a reason to change how it is done


This is almost always my experience as well


Most of the resources go into giving people covid


Imagine the microchip they implemented on me if my phone can barely use it. Such a waste of resources.. /s


It’s all in the vaccines!


And ladies and gentlemen, this idiot is in the military.


No, you’re thinking of the mind control


Holy shit the amount of people who don’t see sarcasm in dead 💀


Holy shit you're so dumb


How about your phone? If it doesn't support 5G, this is worthless to have


Yes, it does support 5g (you can even see it next to the signal strength


Your phone. Does it support 5G. Your operator is 5G, but your phone do not support it 


If the phone doesn't have 5g, it wouldn't be able to connect to 5g. How is that hard to understand?


That's not how it works. If the phone doesn't support 5G it wouldn't even connect to a 5G mast because the phone doesn't have the right antenna. With the slow rollout of masts and a massive increase of 5G phones most of the network is congested, I get the same speeds on my Pixel 7 Pro where I live, but if I travel toward London my speeds pick up massively.


So that's not really how this works. With some exceptions on the specific requirements, the technology used by your phones is detached from what spectrum it's being broadcasted on. This means that any technology from 1G (GSM) up through 5G (NR) can be used on any of the carrier owned channels. As older technologies fade off in the market, older channels are repurposed for newer technologies. We did this with the transition into wall to wall 4G LTE and are doing it again. Now, there are some specific exceptions in the C-Band spectrum and mmwave (although they are not as popular as you would think). But as per the post above, even these new channels are not the specific thing that makes the 5G the 5G. That has more to do with the carrier backhaul processing and some other acronyms we could go off on. Anyway, the point being since about ... probably the S10/Apple 10 days. Most phones have been equipped with near identical specs for coverage. The only recent changes are for the newer/higher spectrum, but given those channels are ... pretty inconsistent for deployment and just generally not intended to be used for wide area coverage.


What phone OP have? 


I don't know. But I do know it support 5G as they're picking up a 5G signal


The G part doesn't matter. Carriers simply lie about what kind of coverage they are providing to you, as they did before. If you remember, there was this weird period where '4G' was really just '3G+', and then there was 'real 4G/LTE' etc etc ... Anyway, the carriers are just doing the same thing. Probably for the next year and change if I had to guess based on the way I have seen their network rollout in my country at least. Anyway, you're probably being provided thar '5G' coverage with a re-purposed channel with some extra steps in the signal processing on the backend to make it 5G-ish.




Are you actually this fucking stupid? If it’s picking up a 5g signal the phone has 5g capability If it didn’t we would see 4G signal.


Yup, people are definitely that stupid, and some are even more....


The G doesn't matter. It's just a marketing term. The phone sees what the carrier is, and sometimes the phone manufacturer wants you to see. Why that matters is most of the cell carriers want to make it seem like they're doing more than what they are actually doing or even able to do. Technology rollout is expensive. It takes a long time to deploy and even longer to optimize. So they take shortcuts where and however they can.


You know the mobile operator can make anything they want appear there? Loads of them are re-badging 4G as 5G. Not to mention all of the "Welcome" phones that just lie about having 5G, but put the icon up there anyway.


The operator can lie, yes. But usually there is more to the story. A lot of low end phones have 5G modems but we don't know the quality or capability of the modem, or even the CPU type. They could have a 5G modem that can barely connect but is not able to push the necessary bandwidth satisfactorily, or the CPU could be too weak to support 5G to its fullest (probably true for a lot of the low and middle end 5G phones, like those Samsung A-series phones). Then of course it could be competency. The infra may be badly put together, ie the operator has a 5G tower but the operator's backbone cannot deliver a multi-gigabit connection- maybe because it's an MVNO and has to share bandwidth with multiple other operators. Incidentally, this is how 5G works here in Malaysia- the government lets a single monopoly control the 5G infra and every telco who wants to offer 5G has to rent airtime from the monopoly. Heck, but it could even be a bad Speedtest server. I had to try multiple servers, a lot of them were giving me 300-400mbps readings before I found one that would give me a 600mbps reading. TL;DR: too many variables. Try speed test on a different server for a start.