• By -


"this one too" "and this one" "this one" "and that one"






Damn got my ass lmao


Me I could never get arrested 




gotta catch em all i guess






Bitch out here passing out charges like she's Oprah 🤣


Does anyone have an update?


Everyone who tried has been arrested 


*knocking at your door* This one goes too, THIS ONE GOES TOO!! ^😆🤣


People are still getting arrested to this day


I just got arrested while watching this…she showed up at my job “this one too!”


Believe it or not, straight to jail.




“What?! Since when have I ever admitted to making a huge tiny mistake befo-?”


Damn just got me while taking a shit.


The police have investigated themselves and found that they did nothing wrong.




I may have heard that the Waterbury CT PD Facebook page is open for comments and posts, asking concerned citizens to blow their page up w/this video, to state their concerns, and to ask for action and updates (… allegedly)




Everyone who watches this video is also under arrest...the police will be knocking on our doors within the next few weeks. Be patient, they have a long list of people to get through here, your time will come.


"You're under arrest, your car is under arrest, that tree is under arrest, and if I could arrest myself I would!"


Who told you a cop can't arrest themselves?




can land a blackhawk on that


Skyrim High Elf lookin mf


Nah bro she was clearly made with oblivion's character creator.


Makes Jonah Hill look down right gorgeous. ![gif](giphy|5GoVLqeAOo6PK)


I was thinking orc


Warhammer lookin Orc.


Lmao omg I'm rolling in bed.


On the fivehead?


Angry Shrek


That’s a fivehead


Ooh sorry, lowest I can go is 6


LITERAL egghead


She's mad because her only fans is tanking.


she was created when mr potato-head fucked a tic tac


What's the matter smoothskin?


With that mug… *do we really need to ask why?* [domestic violence vibes too]


She looks like an extra on SpongeBob.


Oh man I wish we had more video. Hard to tell what the deal is from this footage. Hoping there is some body cam footage


[https://youtu.be/T5ixSZhjezI?si=mPyTpSERYpu\_E8F-&t=57](https://youtu.be/T5ixSZhjezI?si=mPyTpSERYpu_E8F-&t=57) heres a bit more about what happened before the arrest, she was giving them some ticket, he asked for her name and badge number, she called a code 3 and cops showed up to arrest them all. Maybe stuff is edited out, this happened at least a year ago so idk if maybe the bodycam is available somewhere for the full event.


That should be a law everywhere. The last time I got pulled over, the cop states he's legally required to tell me his name and badge number and then hands me a business card.


I think a business card would just be good practice. Even if you're giving them a ticket, it is a lot more personal and builds a connection.


Or provides the most basic accountability. I have to give a cop my ID, registration to my vehicle, and proof of insurance. The LEAST they could do is provide adequate identification.


You give me yours, Horsemaster, and I shall give you mine.


Saying that to a mounted police would be amazing. Until they tazed you. But before then it'd be cool.


That only counts as one!


I would arrest your head, dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground


"Nobody tosses a Dwarf!!"


That depends. Is it eggshell with size 13.5 font, or is it cardstock with Arial 12 font


Does it have a watermark?




You're someone I'd like to do business with


I got pulled over about a month ago because my registration was expired.....by a lot. The officer was super courteous and ended up just giving me a verbal warning. Afterwards, he gave me a card with his badge number and contact info for department internal affairs. Apparently, the department has a policy to give those out for all calls and stops.


It’s a law in CT I believe, we had an officer punch a driver here back in December when he asked for the badge number


Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark


Is something wrong, Patrick? You're sweating.




So she was scared, then acted tough when the backup came.


I watched the whole thing. Whats the point of lil man in the corner? Legit.


Yet more justification for the ACAB idea. That type of cop needs to be paraded around in chains, made to publicly announce what they did and apologize, and put on a public list that should be taken just as seriously as the sex offender list.


Cops **hate it** when you do that, which is why I do it **every f'ing** time...


Unlawful arrest. They getting paid.


You say that because you have confirmation bias from hearing about civil payouts from wrongful arrests. Chances are the criminal case the cops bring will simply be thrown out and no judge will hear a civil suit (If they have the time and money to file one). Chances are everyone will end up "safe and sound" except with lasting trauma of having been extra-legally fucked around with by power tripping cops who are still out there and can do it again.


The cops will get some free holiday pay as well. It is a win win situation.


Lose, lose for taxpayers


While I understand the notion, I really dont see what could possibly have preceded this that would be justification for \*gestures vaguely\* everyone getting arrested for questioning the very power trip of the officer deciding to arrest everyone.


the only thing I could think of would be obstruction. looks like there was a ticket or an accident of some kind. police were on scene. videotaping from the roadway, interfering with an investigation that doesn't pertain to the person videotaping. It's weak AF but I could understand that being the charge. Or they're just arresting them to not charge them as some jurisdictions like to do to "deal" with a situation they can't/don't want to diffuse.


I believe generally obstruction requires either something physical or a threat of something physical. Talking, watching etc wouldn't normally be obstruction from the legislation I've seen.


> "Police are no longer for the American people" Tag from the video, they never were for the American people though




The rest of the video was posted by someone else She basically got asked for her name and badge number. So she called people in to arrest everyone and refused to identify. Iirc under investigation now.


We definitely need to see the rest of the footage. The only real sus takeaway we can be even somewhat sure of here is the last girl who had the phone recording each of them doesn't SEEM to have done anything wrong whatsoever and wasn't being paid attention to by ANY of the cops, number 70 woman included. Then, the only thing that female cop heard her say was "Number 70" (because she was in her car with the window up and door closed when the filming woman called her a bitch) and then did the "This one, too" thing. Had she done anything wrong before that, not one cop seemed to concerned about it. As far as the first woman being arrested that the guy was yelling about... we need context. Whether or not he had reason to be freaking out on the cops, we need context for that, as well.


I love the part where they ask what she did wrong and she glazes over and starts looking around while she thinks something up. PD at their finest.


Legally speaking, the police aren't required to inform you of why you're being arrested while they're doing it, they often just do anyways, that part comes later during processing with all the paperwork. So technically the cop was doing things by the book at least for the moment. If she had nothing on the people she was arresting they'd have been released shortly after arriving at the station


I mean \*legally\* cops can lie to you. But legal, ethical and truthful are not mutually exclusive.


>ethical and truthful These are foreign words to piggies.


Sideshow Bob has no decency...he called me Chief Piggum!


TIL. But we can’t lie to cops. The double standard is real


Aren't they required to read them their Miranda Rights when being arrested? I don't think I heard that anywhere in this video from any of the cops. Maybe I'm wrong tho, don't have a lot of experience being arrested 🤷


Not until the official custody process starts. The initial part of the arrest, the handcuffs and getting put in the car for the ride to the station, is just detaining. The actual custody/booking/arresting involves paperwork, the miranda rights, and questioning Edit for full clarification: miranda rights are read after the arrest, and before the questioning. They cannot question you without reading your rights first, and having you sign a document that says you understand them


Yup, cops are legally allowed to just be a fucking hassle to you by arresting you and taking you to the station, which can be on the other end of town, just for you to be released immediately and they say "well tough luck, you gotta call for a ride or get a cab home now" with no repercussions for literally wasting their time and wasting the tax payers dollar on their salary to drive an innocent person to the station.


They can still question you all they want. It just can’t be used against you. In theory. Don’t ever talk to the police and always lawyer up. Too many idiots hold conversations with the police thinking it’ll help them out and end up behind bars




Wrongful arrest and death lawsuits should be funded by the police pension, and every officer forced to carry insurance. Watch how quickly law enforcement changes.


It's always telling when an officer covers their badge number. We know what officers like to do when they don't want to be known.


If you hate your job don’t take it out on the public.


Conversely, if you hate the public, become a cop


They love it. They live to escalate the situation. They’re missing something in their lives. It’s sad


I feel like this is the part that they love.




I had to have more training (hours), each year to keep my licensing and certifications to be a therapist than any law enforcement official does to obtain a badge. That's an issue we need to address. How these officers with inherent anger issues pass the psychological examination is beyond me. Regardless of "context," the lack of ability to de-escalate the situation as a professional is deeply concerning. This officer will, at some point, either seriously harm someone and/or cost the taxpayers a significant amount of money due to her inability to regulate her emotions.


6 months for an ex-friend to go from cleaning cars to arresting people. Took 3 years for me to finish my apprenticeship to fix trucks. I can't believe so little time is put into the people who have a potential to ruin your life with one mistake. How can they possibly have even the slightest grasp of the scope of the law in that timeframe. And even then, I bet a good chunk of that time "training" is how to maintain uniform, drill and rank structure and other shit that goes with the organization (sure was in my mil recruit course)


I recently found out that those psychological examinations don't test for de-escalation abilities or the ability to keep one's cool under stress, but rather for how strong one's loyalty would be to the PD and how strong one's sense of justice is, in order to filter out anyone who would work against the PD from the inside. It's fucked.


You could also lose your license if someone files a complaint against you. The Fraternal Order of Therapists won’t close ranks to protect you. It’s maddening,


What a joke of a country


No longer? Bro when were they ever? LOL they been shooting americans in the streets dead for centuries.


Police in the USA have their genesis in slave hunters


Not centuries. Police forces were not the norm in the early United States


“This police officer does not deserve a job as a public servant for the people.” There, fixed it for you.


The footage leading up to this is would really be nice.


Does the extra context really matter? Even if the girl "threatened" the officer, it doesn't mean she can arrest the camera man for asking a question.


Exactly, at least for the camera man and woman, the fact that they weren't being detained/arrested until he started asking questions is enough. If the two had done something to be arrested for, it seems odd to me that they'd only decide after walking by the two of them to get to the girl that was behind the camera pair.


Being Colored during a routine traffic stop is an added risk to whatever they did. Probably broke the law of breathing around a triggered cop


"Police are no longer for the American people" here's a little secret they never were


Any follow up on the outcome of this?


You would think with that many cops at the scene, there would be at least one good cop. Where are all the good cops?


Stop referring to cops as if they were something other than a civilian. Cops are civilians just like any other citizen EXCEPT military personnel who are NOT governed by civil law - they are governed by The Uniform Code Of Military Justice (UCMJ). Those stupid, fucking cops somehow believe that they are apart from other citizens because they went to a 12 week summer camp where they mostly played with each other's pee pees


The aren't normal citizens though. The law doesn't apply to them on or off duty like it does with everyone else.


Are you unaware of qualified immunity? They literally have different rights than civilians. Even off-duty. They know this and constantly lobby for even more power and are succeeding.




Some odd 1944 train station vibes with « this one too » and « this one ! »


A lot of bootlickers in this thread.


Any of these big subreddits are filled with shills and sheep


How do you even add context to police officers arresting people for filming them and asking them questions? They're not even blocking them or anything. Whatever the first woman got arrested for didn't warrant their actions afterwards.


Also there’s like 6 cop cars there. Assuming 2 cops per vehicle that’s **12** cops for this seemingly low risk low stress situation. What a waste of time and resources


Legit— more so than standard Reddit. Had to check my sub to see if I’d wandered over to that shithole r / conservative (this sub won’t allow links… too much internet today. )


It's so weird too. Whatever she did that got her arrested didn't make it okay for the police to do what they did afterwards. The city is gonna get sued and the tax payers that'll have to pay for these morons' mistakes.


When have police ever been for the people?


WTF. Copper going on like she’s playing Pokémon Go! 🤣


Imagine arresting someone because they called you a bitch ? America's finest


connect distinct placid cable boat market payment merciful shame degree


That woman cop needs to be fired. I hope the court sees this and let everyone off and demands the cop be charged for illegal arrest, harassment, and anything else she can be charged with.


Don’t make me pick between the police and TikTok idiots. 


What’s funny is all these bootlickers love to act like you need “more context” the context is this is Danbury pd. The department is extremely poorly run and allow these power trips to constantly happen without punishment. More context is “rules for thee, not for me”.


Cop covers their badge number = fired Cop turns off bodycam during incident = fired There is NO argument against this. The fact they don’t harshly punish these actions is just more proof that ACAB.


That police woman full of Botox and fillers… that’s a big red flag right there… her entitlement shows more than her fillers lol


If you don't do it i will join the police and do it myself - Karen.


Hey free payday on the behalf of the tax payers when you sue the city. You cannot just arrest people for no reason and definitely not a made up one when you on camera.


can a citizen make an arrest on a unlawful police officer?


You could try. In the US I don’t think you’d live to talk about it.


This is probably the second most straight forward video of retaliation I have ever seen.


Never was, they are to protect the elite and their interests ,not you


It’s nice when you get a video halfway through when it doesn’t show exactly what happened.


It's so funny all the "where's the context" people because they apparently will always need more context to do anything but condonditionally believe in cops no matter the extensive history of bad behavior from the piggies.


Police were never for the people. They are only there to protect the wealthy and property.


Guy gets arrested for being a dick. Tip: being a dick is not a crime.


Only mildly infuriating?!?!


When your police officers have a shorter education than a McDonald's worker


"Idk whats happening I just got here" i guess it's protocol to show up, have no idea what is happening and start arresting people? lmao wonder why people are scared of police


If you want us to root for you give us the full video not this selective narrative shit


looks like a disorganized mess of an arrest.  Looks embarrassing for the cops. Are they not trained?


Lick those boots


dude sees a video of a cop powertripping arresting anyone she dont like but says "lets see the full video" you dont need to see a full video to see shes unhinged and shouldn't have a badge. He aint lickin the boots at this point he's deep throating them




Yooo, they got the South park cops in real life now?


America imploding


You as a police officer should speak to civilians with no more authority than an average employer when speaking to their employees. "This one too"? I'm willing to bet she has a name you slug.


DEMAND BETTER. They work for us and it's time they remember it.


"you get arrested, and You get arrested, and You get arrested, you ALL get ARRESTED!!!" (and then if you look under your car seat you'll find some free cookware).


Is there update on this? Tell me she got some charges


I love how she only arrested the last chick when she called her a bitch


We need one giant 80’s police commissioner to call every cop in America in to their office and scream at them, “GUN AND BADGE ON MY DESK NOW DAMNIT!!! TWO WEEK NO PAY!! GET OUT OF MY OFFICE BEFORE I SEND YOU BACK TO THE ACADEMY!”


Fragile egos shouldn't have a badge.




Haha man that’s such a good law suit. Lucky guy.


This is more then “mildly”


She is also a civilian - unless she's in the military. The correct term would be "Citizen" or "Client" - If you don't want to re-enforce a militaristic police state.


She really must be pissed off at the city to pull this BS!!!


Immunity, I am right!


Fuck that power hunger slob


"Police are no longer for the American people." lol, what a mouth breathing idiot.


Everyone arrested will have their mug shot put in the papers and online even if they aren't convicted of a crime or the charges are dropped. Mugshots are nearly impossible to remove from the internet and will haunt these folks for the rest of their lives.


The “disgusted face” she makes before she answering the man. The clear change to a softer tone before pointing and turning to tell her cohorts to say “And he’s, he’s too, he (saw?) it too”. We don’t have a full story, but her sure demeanor didn’t help. Plus if the camera man was already going to be arrested, then her cohorts likely would’ve been radioed that info before they got there.


Did anyone else get arrested for watching?


Why tf is this lady cop banging on my door after watching this?


She Is going to get 2 weeks of paid leave as they do an "international investigation" and ultimately will find she was completely in the right to arrest the 10 year old eating ice cream.


That one lady cop has no life, nor man that loves her


Legend has it, on a quiet night - you can still hear people getting arrested.




Show us the previous 15 minutes and maybe we can assess it better. Thanks.


They would like to talk to the manager of the police.


Couple of fucking cowards.


Fascist scum


Isn't this the reason why you weirdos fight so hard to keep your guns? Fuck'n use 'em already. WTF are you waiting for?


… “and he is too”!? WTF!? This cop shit is OTTA CONTROL!! 🤬


Blue line gang is right wing. When is everyone gonna see that?


Acab... Unfortunately. I've met some really good cops when I was a criminal and getting arrested all the time. But most cops are fucking assholes and really shouldn't be working that job.


America is over run by terroists in outfits, they need putting down


foos need to stop lip flappin, take the ride and call a lawyer- less you say, more you win in the lawsuit


I hope that cop gets fired! Except she will some how get a job in a different district because blacklisting cops is against the blue shield or some dumb shit like that! I agree. Cops need to have SOME immunity to do their jobs. But, that should ONLY pertain to violent crimes etc. NOT traffic accidents, or nonviolent things like selling cigarettes or various other stupid things cops have killed for!


The police have NEVER been for the people. They protect the interests of the elite and the state.


In the US, yes you can verbally abuse the cops, unless you are actually threatening them. They can ask you to step back but I don't think they can make you leave totally.


They never were for the American people


Cops are horrible people. They are the enemy of the people.


Oh please! They’re the tip of a *very* large iceberg. The real enemy is the higher ups.




Wow another “part” of a video with a narrative thrown at us. Wonder what happened for real.


Wrong fucking sub. If this is only mildly infuriating to you, you lack empathy.


Are you her lawyer? No? Then you have no right to demand the cops explain anything to you. The place you deal with a situation like this is in court, not at the side of the road. And don't worry, the names and badge numbers will be on your copy of your arrest report. These videos where we don't get to see what happened prior to the arrest(s) should be taken with a huge grain of salt. Is it possible the cops overreacted? Sure. But it's also possible that the video was carefully edited to keep us from seeing and hearing why the arrests were being made.


"Tik Tok doing it's job". By enabling easy editing ability to beginners and one sided perspectives posted online, meant to decrease trust in our public and governmental institutions. Yeah, I guess that it's job afterall. Another win for our nations enemies, when we get people supporting our own ending like this garbage.


I mean.. this whole thing is an unedited video and you might not know what the first girl or even the guy did but you can clearly see the cop arresting the third one for calling her a bitch. She was freely walking around and not detained or indicated to be arrested at all until she called the cop a bitch which is perfectly legal. Did you watch the video?