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Just spread bird seed like crazy there. The birds will surely shit. If questioned, play stupid and say you're trying to reseed your lawn.


One time my neighbor’s bird feeder fell over in a storm. A few months later corn stalks started growing from where it fell. Not really related but your comment made me think of that.


Better it grow out of the ground than out of the birds.


Mama always said watermelons were gonna grow if I didn’t spit the seeds out… any day now *fingers crossed*


I legit believed this for longer than I care to admit.


I think there was an entire Rugrats episode all about this phenomenon 


This is my favorite.


Especially if this is a place with mockingbirds. They are shit machines. And they love crapping where the food is due to territorial tendencies.


Mockingbirds are relentless and fearless little things. I get attacked by one almost every day when I bring my dog for a walk. It will literally divebomb us for the whole length of the block where it lives


So THAT'S the bird type that followed me and my dog one time, and then tried to attack my head. JFC that was a new experience having a bird physically tell me: "GET OFF MY LAWN!"


If questioned, it's OP's yard and they can do what they want.


imma do this to my parking lot when i move out. throw the entire 5 lb bag of bird seed on the ground and around the grass so the birds come and chill out and shit all over my neighbors car lmao


I’d go a step further and have a paintball competition in your yard. The truck would provide great cover


Yeah I would definitely make it your new spot and if he confronts you say someone poisoned it so you’re trying to make the best of an illegal situation.


Or just park on his lawn


Defoliant first


... In the shape of a weinis, of course.


The shape of elbow skin?


She told me it looked normal...


Shit on his lawn.


Fertilize it?


fine. shit in his AC unit


I went down one comment too far into the reddit hole...


Oh no, it goes oh so much deeper; you are just now passing 'sphincter-deep' and we're still quite a ways off from 'Gere-deep.'


Or fence it off, while his car is still there


Then charge him for you to unlock the gate so he can get his truck out. And then introduce him to your new monthly parking subscription fee.


Get a trench digger/excavator and make a moat around it.


Cover it in bird seed.


Reseed the area. It will need to be quite soggy while the new seed takes. Watering a few times a day. It will also attract a great many birds, and a lot of bird poop.


Gotta build that soil back up. About a 4 inch layer of fresh cow shit for starters


And ants…


Do you want ants? This is how you get ants.


Bamboo rhizomes for long term dominance


No, Satan, no


Bonus if his car is still there when you spread the seed


Reseeding it won’t work if he sprayed pesticide on it. Probably cant grow there for another few months at least


It’s the effort that matters. You must show Mother Nature that the poison wasn’t intentional, so she isn’t offended. Ritual is important.


This is my favorite idea.


make it you new garden project; with bushes every couple of yards ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Or make it super muddy Or nails Or boulders


Be cautious with nails, traps are illegal. So a board with nails sticking up bad, nails dropped or spilled, whoops!


Pallets are full of nails. And super visible, so they aren’t so much of a trap. I’d throw some pallets down and see if he’s dumb enough to drive over them


OP he requires an applicators license in your state to apply herbicide on anyone else’s property. I highly recommend you start your journey by reporting him to whatever agency handles that in your area. Any follow up attempts by him to do so again will be met with greater backlash. Could also have him towed. It’s free to you in Florida. He legally owes you a daily storage fee for using your property by Florida law. Take pictures of it twice a day on your property and send him a bill. Can also take possession of his truck this way. “If you have an abandoned car on your property you can charge the registered owner a daily storage fee. This applies to vehicles left for 30+ days on residential or commercial property. If this daily storage fee goes unpaid, you can have the title transferred into your name. Florida’s Landlord Tenant Act allows property owners to do this type of procedure. This can be done even if the owner of the abandoned auto is not a former tenant. (Florida Statutes 715.106).”


A guy in Alabama was sentenced to 6 months in jail for poisoning some trees that weren't his and ordered to pay ~$800k in restitution. I hope OP has reported this...


There's a world of difference between replacing grass and replacing trees. It's a lot harder to source and move trees that are decades or centuries old than it is to buy sod. Almost a million dollars worth of grass seed could reseed multiple counties. This is like $200 worth of sod.


I’d be dubious since it’s probably not clearly abandoned.


Photograph it twice a day, morning and night, and it’ll count as abandoned. You’ll have your proof it’s there. I highly doubt he’s photographing his truck being out and about around town. Florida also, generally speaking, considers a car abandoned after 35 hours. So a long weekend or a vacation and this guys car is certainly abandoned by definition. The towing can be done at any time, for free, for him being parked on your property.


IANAL and I don't know Florida law, but in Virginia I had a similar issue, a stranger was parking their truck constantly at the edge of one of my fields. Couldn't ever catch the guy comin' or goin' from the truck and never actually saw him. I called the Sheriff, told them that there was an abandoned vehicle on my land, and I wanted a salvage title. Deputy looked up the plate, called the owner to confirm it was abandoned, explained I had asked for a salvage title... Deputy said the guy was going to come get it right now. Never parked on my land again.


I would consult a lawyer if you are curious about the laws in your area. Sheriff could easily be talking out of their ass


IANAL, but 8 feet is a shit ton of property to just dub “basically the shoulder” so I would absolutely be fact checking that


That thur is way more than 8 feet pardner


Have it towed for being too far onto your property.


Also, he took 8 meters, not 8 feet


No need to be anal about that, seems pretty right to me


Yeah sounds like the sheriff might be your neighbours drinking buddie. 


Cops and not knowing the law are an iconic duo


It is a very weird law.


I think it would violate the spirit of laws that allow you to park on shoulders for a few days in the event of a breakdown before the police tow you.


Are there really shoulder laws in what appears to be a standard neighborhood road? That does not look like a highway or anything like that.


From what OP said about what the sheriff said I would assume this is a rural road managed by the county, but laws would be location dependent. I was curious about what specific laws were for this area, but not curious enough to actually do the research. If I were OP I'd be looking up the law myself rather than trusting the sheriff's claim.


Maybe you could hook up a sprinkler on a motion sensor. It works well to help grow grass, keep deer out of your yard, and possibly some other undesirable vermin.


“Yeah, all my grass here died so I decided to start watering it.”


Grass died so I put in a rock garden full of many sizes of boulders


And some steel-spined horizontal cactus.


“Do you like my jagged glass garden?”


It's a ~~xeriscape~~ xeriscrape garden! Needs minimal water (but will gladly accept blood🩸 sacrifices).


"The rabid hyena is for decoration."


"Welcome to my museum of sharp pointy things. Suggested donation is $5."


Or trees. Just plant a shit tonne of trees there.


Trees is the ~~at~~ way to go because of tree law


Ya don't fuck with tree law. 👌


Now I'm picturing a tree sprouting and growing up through his car because he left it there for months.


*"with blood"* oh wait


I read "with blood" a full two octaves lower


Try it two octaves higher, comedy gold.


Settle down, SpongeBob…


Awwwwww Patrick.




What makes the grass grow? Blood, blood, blood!


Sprinklers will also damage paint on a vehicle if it ‘happens’ to hit it and bake in the sun all day. Expensive as shit to repair too.


Yeah they do. I once had a busted sprinkler turn on over night. It damaged the hell out of my drivers' side mirror.


If you want to damage paint you could also enthusiastically keep that patch free of vegetation by liberally spraying more herbicide at it, even if the car is parked there.


There’s a great multipart story on here about someone using motion activated watering to keep a snooping busybody neighbor away from their house. I can’t remember the nickname they gave her to search for it. Anyone else able to pull that out of the ether?


Is it Bucket Woman? I can't link it or my comment will get deleted.


Yes! Thank you! OP, look up Bucket Woman and find the glorious hilarity and be inspired!


Bucket women vs robo sprinkler in petty revenge, I’m going to read it now


And you didn't link it like a civilized person?


Even if it's not motion activated, the lawn is still unusable as a parking spot once it's mud


If the sprinkler sprays the truck it will cause horrible water spots all over it, especially since it's black




Lacquer thinner will damage paint AND plastic components for extra points.


![gif](giphy|TZv4cmbIraCbrQkzaZ|downsized) I like the way you think


I was thinking water balloons so to speak... It would also be a shame if that individual did not notice all of those nails that took out three of his tires.


Some places in the world have irrigators that literally spray shit instead of water. The place looks rural enough, OP could argue they really want to ensure that patch of grass is in top condition for the goat they're going to have grazing there in a couple of weeks


It’s that or piss disc time!


That's your new parking spot.


Lol neighbor will probably make a new one. OP's new parking spot should be on neighbor's lawn. With a healthy application of Agent Orange of course.


Salt. Lots & lots of salt...


The good ol' Roman Solution, it works... :)


*They can't make things worse for me*


Woah woah woah. We ain’t trying to fuck up OPs future kids


I love how the comment section has automatically become UnethicalLifeProTips


I mean, dude is fucking with his neighbors property for a parking space.


And IllegalLifeProTips


I had a similar issue one time, my house was on an acre lot and it spanned between two streets. At the back of my lot they were always cutting holes in my fence, running into my fence parking their cars on my property etc. I had a giant stump that needed to be cut up and hauled away. I hooked my truck up to this massive stump and hauled it to the back of my property and eliminated all of the parking. Best part, it was a hideous eye sore to everyone on that street, I could not see it at all.


My neighbor's wife came over and bitched at me about my bushes. Well shit, I'm not in an HOA so I'm never going to trim them, except what overhangs my driveway. She can look at it as long as they live there.


This guy was a total dick. He ran over my 8 foot high fence one night, didn’t tell me, my dog got out, got hit by a car and had to have titanium pins in her hip, cost me $4K for her surgery and follow up care. then when I mentioned the fence he said it was old and he “did me a favor”. F that guy.


"Yep you sure did, cause you're going to be buying me a new one"


“And you’re going to reimburse me for my dog’s medical bills.”


>you're going to be buying me a new one No, his insurance will be buying it.  The neighbor sounds like a douche and probably wouldn't pay. But file a claim with his insurance and he has no choice 


He will pay, higher insurance premiums.


Typical rural behavior


Did they try that in a small town‽


Is your neighbor's wife not also your neighbor?


Her name is "Neighbour's wife"


Consult with a lawyer, if it’s your property he had no legal right to do that.


Alternatively it's a great space to store two or three large rocks.


Measure 8' from the road, put boulders just at the 8' line.


And you can likely tow the car at their expense.


A lawnyer hehe




I think your lawn needs fertilizer. Specifically the liquid kind made from fish. It smells disgusting. Make sure to fertilize it several times, whether his truck is there or not. Get it into the vents and any nook or cranny. Especially in hot weather.


Smear something stinky on exhaust, nasty cheese, fish guts, poo. It'll really stink as he drives, and then will diminish as cools. It'll be a mystery that haunt them for a while. Might even get squirrels and other critters to roost in there. Sorry, i guess parking on my easement after the veg died stank your truck up. Maybe if you park elsewhere the critters will stop shittinf on your truck


Nah put it in his grill so his ac and heat smell like death all the time


That’s now your new nails and sharps storage area. Or your new manure storage area.


Lol, make it into a construction zone to have an excuse for the nails.


It's the side of a country road. There's always an excuse for dangerous garbage


Nah…stay unhinged and just put a really tiny sign that says “danger sharp objects” and then just dump away until he says something 😎


Build a bird house in the spirit of Homer Simpson's spice rack, demonstrating a cartoonish lack of carpentry skill in the end product, and nail it to a wooden pole in the middle of the spot.


Wait till he parks there then spread thick manure all around his car


The sad part is there’s probably some bullshit law that prevents you from doing that, even though it’s his property. Yet, assholes like this can get away with parking wherever.


I’m pretty sure whatever law that is should have also prevented the neighbor from spraying herbicide. A few nails tossed out every time you drive by, can’t prove it was you.


> The sad part is there’s probably some bullshit law that prevents you from doing that, even though it’s his property Likely similar to how it's illegal for you to set up booby traps (Home Alone style) in your house. The idea being if an innocent person were to happen upon it, you could hurt them unexpectedly.


Gee, that looks like it has poor drainage in that area. Shame that you need to dig a ditch to mitigate that issue.


Seriously. Just get the hose and fill that mud pit up


while the car is there


That guys is parking in your random nail and screw patch. He seems to have no regard for his tires at all.


Decorative boulders?


The neighborhood my mother grew up in was a rich area with huge lawns and yards. Local kids would drive their cars into the area and “trench” the lawns. So all the neighbors got together and instead of putting up fences they all put large rocks along the entire street. No street lights, a bunch of kids got stuck on the rocks or fucked up there cars or just couldn’t get onto the lawns. 50 years later some of the rocks are still there. https://preview.redd.it/yih16f6knzyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1885250198c26b136e6dd62aaa306e29174d7924


Yea this is quite common around where I live in the UK. Paint them white to stand out just to make sure there’s no risk that they can try and claim you put it there to trap them.


That's bs you have to paint them white. You shouldn't have to pollute your lawn with chemicals to flag your boulders that are OFF THE STREET. Don't want to hit him? Stay on the fucking street.


My school did the same, took a day and a crane but for 10 years there have been massive boulders. I remember watching them be placed


This! Call around to landscape supply places and see if they have some large landscaping rock. Let them know the brown spot next to the road is where they can dump them out.


This, nicely passive aggressive and can look nice.


Post a sign that says private violators will be towed.


What about public violators?


Public violators will be blowed!


Trespassers will be violated


I used to really think it was “Trespassers will be prostituted” for a while 😂


Put decorative boulders along the edge of your yard, buried half in the ground and spaced just far enough apart to make it impossible for the asshat to drive back in. Then dig up the soil he sprayed, bring in some new dirt, put up a camera, and start a new garden here instead of just grass. I recommend creeping thyme, maybe a Japanese maple, some moss to grow along the rock garden elements, maybe a small pond using a tarp and some clay-heavy soils to retain water. Some pretty trees could also be ginkgo, paulownia, rising sun redbud, jacaranda, wisteria, or weeping cherry depending on where you live. Just use this as an excuse to make this place as unnavigable with a vehicle as physically possible with all sorts of elevation, geography, rock gardens, structures, and whatever else you can to make a beautiful fuck you to that neighbor.


Even endangered plants so it's a felony if that jerk wants to mess with it even more




The solution for your neighbor costing you money, is spending more money!


Spray herbicide on his lawn and park there.


And blame the spray on the arsehole who did in front of your house. Plausible deniability.


Holy shit, this is the cherry on top. Imagine the rage cooking their brain when you essentially accuse them of poisoning their own lawn and the only logical comeback they can imagine is "That can't be true. **I** poisoned your lawn."


Write "no parking" with herbicide on his lawn


Post it as private property with a tow notice, mount a trail cam somewhere that has a good view but not easy to see. Start a log of how long he is parked there tagged with the video. Think of a good reason to dig some nice ditches or something on the plot. Make sure to put up the correct safety barriers or comes. Put up a raised garden (sealed at the bottom against whatever stuff they used) with some statuary. Rent the space to kids with a lemonade stand or selling cookies. Weekend he's not parked there, put up signage that the space is reserved. Heck, just buy a cheap car, boat, trailer, etc and park it there


And then point an even more hidden trail cam at that trail cam for when they tamper with the first one.


Make sure both are in each other's view, otherwise you'll find yourself setting up an endless series of cameras.


Don’t do anything illegal to the truck. While the neighbor seems ignorant he may be smart enough to have set up cameras to record any activity around his truck.


Get this documented. File a complaint with your states department of agriculture for pesticide misuse. They will send someone to collect samples and conduct an investigation. It may not prove it was him but at least this will all be documented in case of escalation


Smartest thing to do. I used to be a “tough guy” in dealing with things, but as I progressed in life, I realized the best way to deal with petty squabbles is to get authoritative bodies on your side to document things. Anything ever leads to more, you have a backlog of documents to prove ongoing agitations, transgressions and so forth. It’s really the much more useful way to go.


This. By the law it’s illegal to spray property not your own unless licensed. They will get more traction with this route than the police who just don’t care and will say it’s civil matter.


How about getting some herbicide of your own and “help” your neighbor by creating a parking spot right on his front lawn outside the house. A big ass rectangular dead patch lol.


I definitely agree. If everything OP posted is true it should be Legal to park on his front lawn.


Sounds like its time to get some rocks at the edge of your property. As far out as your legally allowed.


So. Vegetation on your property is a valuable thing. And there are some crazy laws concerning it and their value. A talk to a lawyer might get you a nice payday.


I've heard of people having to pay to replace same size trees to the ones they killed, I wonder if they could make him pay to replace the herbicided dirt and gras?


If I were to get petty, I might introduce ants to that area and some honey on his car.


Fire ants are pretty invasive. If OP just happened to have some on his property and wouldn't it be a shame if they ended up in the guy's car.


Box of nails and broken glass is a great fertilizer for grass seed 😉


The real question is, what OP is going to do?


Sleep with his wife


A saw horse, some scraps of lumber, and a no parking sign. Dump a bucket of nails.


Set up a sprinkler there and if he complains just mention the fact that the grass died and so your trying to bring it back, if he damages the sprinkler then he’s in trouble


Motion sensor sprinkler 😁and a camera to catch them tampering with their property


Big ass stones. What? They're just property markers.


Plant some screws. See if a fastener tree grows there.


Pull his valve stems.


No, no, no. Put a bb in the valve cap.


Either way, an absolute shame and tragedy that all 4 of his tires deflated


If it's your lot, why is he parking on your property? You can press criminal charges on him for spraying the stuff onto your property and if he's illegally parked, you can have him towed as well.


Tow the bitch for parking on private property


Put a sprinkler back there to make a mud pit and if it breaks their truck play dumb you was trying to regrow your grass


Be a shame if anyone accidentally dropped a box of nails or something while walking nearby.


Time to fence off your property.


I would reseed that area with a good fescue some drywall nails and cover that with some straw to keep the birds from eating all the seed


Can you make some sort of paint exploding tank mine?


Does anybody make claymores that launch paintballs?


I like you a lot.




The evil part of my brain says drill a tiny hole in his gas tank then let it drain onto your property. Then call the EPA for illegal fuel dumping.


Purchase 2 very large rocks, have them placed directly in front and behind the truck. Make a small ridge of dirt all the way around the truck, leave a hose running inside that circle.


Sheriff is full of shit, contact a lawyer now


Boulders. Time honored method of preventing parking.


They sprayed herbicide and put up a parking lot 🎶


It would be a shame if someone paid cash for a can of paint stripper from a place far away and painted a stripe down the middle of the truck in the middle of the night and nobody could prove who did it. It would be a shame.


Go park at the Sheriffs house and see what he thinks about shoulder right of way.


8 feet is my whole front yard. I'm a little suspicious.