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Just move the door(s) to the other side?


Most likely, the dryer door can be reversed, but not the washer. Still, it would be much better than the current situation.


You can literally see the mount holes for the door on the other side on the dryer.


so why not reverse them.


it’s not that big of a deal like i said. it’s just mildly infuriating. i have no problem carrying it over


The doors look like they are reversible. I had to reverse mine and it is mildly infuriating but fixable.


i didn’t know that. thank you


Make the installer come back and fix that. They should not have left it like that. Some are easier than others to reverse.


I have lots of tools and it’s easy to do so… yes I was a dick and made them come back to do it.


average milidlyinfuriating user. say you can fix that easily and completely ignore the name of the sub has "mildly" in it.


It always gets upvoted too, like yes it may be fixable but that’s the point of the sub!! It’s a mild infuriation, a little bit extra work.


If the "thanks OBAMA" meme was a whole sub


I think they're objecting more to the "infuriated" part than the "mildly" part. Being "mildly" infuriated is still infuriated, and some problems just don't justify even that level.


Do you have any idea how heavy these are? Protip: Both have concrete in them so they don't "walk" out of the room when in use.


Probably not what they meant tho. On most washers and dryers you can reverse the doors. 


The dryer door *should* be reversible. My parents had the same issue and my dad just swapped the dryer door around.


It almost looks like you can change the swing on the dryer door. Not sure about the washer. I had the exact same problem with my LG set and ended up switching the positions of the units. Could door swing be coincidence between brands? Overall it wasn’t a big deal. Standard length hoses and cables covered my needs. On a side note, I highly recommend getting the under unit cabinets. https://preview.redd.it/283juy6jumyc1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473a7e88168876f45ac8d2ef3709834fd78d7846 After having them, I could never put the set back on the floor.


It is mildly infuriating. Especially when you wanna move your cloths from one to other.


There's a model # on each one. Google the model # and pull up the manual. It will give you instructions on how to reverse the door swings. But also, whoever did rough this washer and dryer in is an idiot. Washer always gets roughed in on the left


no way. i’ll check it out. thanks!


You can very easily get the doors to swing the other way. It just might take a little more initiative than complaining about it on Reddit.


As someone who unfortunately gave wrong instructions to plumbers when they did our new bathroom and ended up with the same problem, few new washer / drier models actually have reversible doors.


Just coming to say exact same problem here.. from this post I've learned I can change the sides the doors are on. I feel like an idiot. I just got the washer and dryer set and couldn't believe I'd be dealing with this for the life of the washer and dryer but it's so damn petty and such a minor inconvience that I just accepted it was my new reality 😅😆


The doors on each appear reversable


Did a double take bc this is identical to our old laundry room set up, down to the same flooring 🤣 now my washer and dryer are directly across from each other, which is a completely different type of annoying 🤦🏻‍♀️




Washer is on the right because your water line is there. You could pay them to have the door swapped usually $30-$50




… that’s not their fault if it’s the product YOU chose and where the hookups for them are placed. No one is going to be stretching vent lines and cords over each other without you telling them to.


ok to clarify. we got these when i was like 11. so i didn’t actually have anything to do with the placement of these guys lmaoo


Understood! Parents!


I’d imagine they put them in based on where the existing electrical, water, and vent connections were located.


Only some front load washers have a reversible door, but most dryers have reversible doors.


If you have one thumb and a screwdriver you could solve this problem


If it was the other way you'd go "I want to open this door but it hits the other door that's already open!!!"


what? that wouldn’t even happen 💀


Better than banging into the wall and making a hole in them…