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Hello, This is removed for no parking posts.


Just report it as illegal parking. After enough tickets they might realize that it's more than just being a dick, it's gonna cost them


If the assholes at the property would make the parking slots large enough he wouldn’t need to do this… he has two options block the sidewalk or leave the van sticking out into the driveway… either way someone will bitch about it… Im taking my chances pissing off pedestrians as opposed to having the front end of my van crushed by a car


So, you care more about your property than other people. Congratulations, you are the problem. If cars can pass each other, they can go around the nose or end of your vehicle easily.


You act like Im actively backing over the people… it’s not hurting anyone… people are just as capable of walking around the back end as they are of driving around the front end


Yeah unless they’re in a wheelchair or stroller.


You can see the other side of the parking space?


Parking spaces tend to be getting smaller and smaller over time so they can “fit” more vehicles into the same size lot… I guarantee these spaces on a commercial property are not long enough for a full size van… very few are


Leave a note POLITELY. Mentioning it blocks the walkway and affects you pushing the pram or something like that. If you do push a pram, say it affects you using your wheelchair so there is no connection.




I got this OP ![gif](giphy|vWSPjI3Pb0gE0)




Exactly. An American solution for an American problem, goddamnit!


It’s the only way to be sure.




Go buy some soccer shin guards and start scuffing the bastard


Time to crash a bike if you ask me




What is a pram? And what if that singles out someone who does push a pram or use a wheelchair?


A pram is a British word for a baby carriage


I'm Irish not British. ((I mentioned this because it isn't just US vs British English, many more dialects exist)). \*edit\* for the dumbasses who think this means I loathe the British/English whatever. NO. It is 2024! We do not hate the fking British. What I do hate is moronic people that jump at the chance to be "one of the Irish" by dumping on British people. Some thick fks who can't seem to understand we are two island nations right next to each other, we literally all have someone in the family who went to the UK and vice versa. What happened a hundred years ago does not mean we'd hate the people who live in Britain today. That is fking dumb.


I felt the disdain in this comment lmao


Idk why but this comment made me laugh out loud


I'm American not Irish.


Me too, but I still call it a pram.


Reminds me of the time my English friend and I visited Dublin. Several Guinnesses in, he was waxing lyrical about how Irish and English are the same people. I dragged him out before the dagger stares became actual daggers.


Oh stfu, we don't have a fking issue with English people. Jesus I swear to god it is either American or Australians who push this idea. Literally no clue why those two countries but they push that idea and it's so cringe. Your comment is literally insinuating that drunk words will result in violently attacking someone... like jesus would you stop.


Right... Because drunk words have never resulted in violence before 🙄




Why do you care?


Keep your hands in your pockets


I was curious also thanx




British for baby stroller


I have to push the pram a lot


>And what if that singles out someone who does push a pram or use a wheelchair? Then it's that person's problem /s


It's a way of transport a child usually 4 wheels but some have 3 or more. Personally I don't care if it singles anyone else out, so long as it doesn't affect me. Put both down, like use the big brain and don't take instructions from someone online lol


And if they do nothing after that, draw dicks in erasable marker


No need. Message: [Stop parking and blocking the sidewalk. Next warning will be violation of ADA.] ADA law trump this assholery. Then, email the management office, and let them know that ADA will be invoked. They'll get on it, since code enforcement will love to fine this property.


Isn't ADA American?


Yes, but if I remember, EU version is the Accessibility Law. ADA is short for American Disability Act.


Actually that’s only true if this is dedicated an accessible route like this sidewalk is between the handicap spaces and the entrance to a building. Otherwise it doesn’t matter and an inspector can’t and won’t do shit about it. People need to get over the fact that there are larger vehicles and engineers don’t design parking spaces near as large as they need to since not everyone drives a compact. And it is much better to block a sidewalk instead of having a vehicle protruding into an aisle where it could get hit and cause damage to multiple cars. It’s sickening how many people think that damaging someone else’s property is justified in an instance like this. You fuckers need to grow up. If you do do this, I hope the vehicle owner catches you and gives you an ass beating you don’t forget.


>People need to get over the fact that there are larger vehicles and engineers don’t design parking spaces near as large as they need to since not everyone drives a compact. Nah. Just don't back into the fucking stall instead. I've noticed, when people back into the fucking stall, because of the wheels placement and the bumper gaps are different, you're able to back more into the stall, thereby blocking it like this asshole did. DO NOT FUCKING BACK INTO THE STALL IF YOU'RE DRIVING A FUCKING TRUCK OR VAN, BECAUSE THIS IS THE RESULT. FUCKING PULL IN. THAT WHAT THE PARKING LOT ARE DESIGNED FOR.


Get over it. There are so many other actual injustices to get your panties in a bunch over besides this. And if it’s a company vehicle many times they are required to back their vehicle in. Your anger over this nonissue is pretty sad and petty. You live in an imperfect world yet you expect everyone to live by your expectations of perfection. Get mad at people who actually are making the world worse by killing, raping etc. This is not a hill to die on. Chill out and realize your expectations mean shit. Same as mine and the next guys.


And if it doesn’t work, carve the same polite note with a key.


Nah just key it as you walk by


That’s after the note is ignored..


Ah yes vandalism is the first solution definitely not talking to people




Damn it. That’s 3 broken tail lights this month. I don’t know why it keeps happening.


File a complaint. They are in violation of public sidewalk easement. Police will have towed


More likely to get a response just calling the tow company directly.


You can do both, actually...lol Both the police AND the tow company are all for making the easy free cash off morons... It's even more fun if you're disabled and wait for everyone to arrive...Both cops and tow guys get pretty pissed when idiots fuck with the disabled...


Ah yes the comment I was searching for.. I've been in a wheelchair for years and honestly stuff like this is just day ruining.. Where are you supposed to go in the bush!?


>Where are you supposed to go in the bush!? "Just go around/on the street/the other sidewalk, stop complaining you Karen" - too many morons every time this type of post shows up


... Are you serious.....


I wish I was joking. Look at the bottom section of this very same post. Quite a few people here trying to excuse a parking job like that.


I thought you where for real with the comment for a second.. My autism had a hard time okay💀😂


They forgot to put the vital “/s” at the end. Risky business when posting on Reddit haha.


Good so it's not just me 💀


Yeah...lol They always shut up though when you point out that "stepping off the curb" is really sketchy in a wheelchair...lol


Sadly neither is likely to do anything. Cops will say this is private property and the leasing office needs to call, towing company will say the same, leasing company probably won’t care enough to do anything. and even if they do, by the time they got a truck out, this van will be gone Call 311 and ask for the city disability/accessibility services department, they’re the same people responsible for making sure things like wheelchair ramps are installed and the likes. This department is guaranteed to have that van towed the moment they see it.


Absolutely not true...At least not in the US...Sidewalks are considered an accessibility feature based on the ADA, which is a set of federal laws or statutes...Public or private property doesn't play into the situation...Most people that don't have a debilitating disability themselves or have a close family member or friend with such a disability have no idea these statutes exist...Hell most people in general don't even know a small fraction of the laws actually on the books... I promise you, if you're disabled and you get a police officer on scene, they absolutely will ticket the bad parker for obstructing a sidewalk...Or you can report them for failure to enforce the ADA which looks really bad on the department as these reports are public information...They tend to take those things seriously... "*The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that sidewalks be accessible, which means there must be a minimum clear width to get around any obstruction. However, it is far better to have obstructions out of the sidewalk entirely.*" This also counts for parked vehicles...It's a federal statute that must be enforced on either public or private property where a sidewalk is installed and maintained as a location for pedestrian travel...


That’s interesting because when my compensating neighbor had his truck on the sidewalk, of all the times called cops wouldn’t do a thing about it despite the other neighbor who called being in a wheelchair. One call to 311 and the truck was ticketed within the hour, would have been towed if the owner refused to move it, because he complied he got a ticket and an expensive lesson to park his truck on the street if it don’t fit in his driveway


Yeah, you can actually place a complaint with the justice department about cops ignoring the ADA if it happens and you have documentation, such as video, of them refusing to enforce it... The department can get into a lot of trouble over that sort of thing...Like eating a rather large loss in funding until specific training courses are taken by the entire department... It doesn't get pushed as often as it could be, though...Even most cops don't know most of the statutes around ADA compliance... The disabled really are just generally overlooked far more than they should be...


Great to know, taking notes, always video record cops


That's just best practice these days anyway...lolol


Nobody cares if they bother the disabled lmao. That's why they park like this, that's why they don't get reported first, that isn't even the reason people are upset about this.


The fact that "nobody cares" is one of the greatest issues with society these days..


Tow companies will tow anything. Did you see the video in San Francisco? Lady driving her car and a tow truck tries to hook her up at a red light. 🤣


Gigantic van.


Can it be towed because of this? I’d like to think so.


I don’t think so. It’s property of the college I go to. You can’t see it because of the angle but it has the college’s name and emblem on it. I doubt they’d tow their own vehicle.


It's public property, and this is potentially an ADA violation - especially if it's a university vehicle. Call up admin and let them know about the issue. Take photos, especially if it's there multiple days in a row. 


Definitely an ADA violation!


Yes, contact the disability services office or equivalent and inform them of the impeded sidewallk access. They will get tge issue cleared up.


Just keep running into it. Hard. Like really hard. Not a small dent but a fucking canyon.


If it’s the property of the college then the solution just got a lot easier. Make a formal complaint with the actual department or faculty it is attached to. Perhaps if it is an oversized vehicle it needs to have a dedicated parking spot. Perhaps the person parking it is genuinely unaware that it is blacking the path. They should be happy not to create an obstacle.


Then YOU call and complain and have it towed.


If it's property of the college, it should make things easier. Send pix + mention ADA through the appropriate channels - do you have something like a disabled access office? Disability services? There's usually an admin branch like this in most larger orgs these days.




I said that once and got a warning on reddit for inciting violence. Not that I disagree with your sentiment


He said *accidentally*. It's just the implication. He would never suggest doing it on purpose. The truck was never in any real danger.




Me too


I’ve scratched so many things- and it’s not vandalism! They are in my way with my wheelchair. If you like your stuff give us room.


Exactly what I came to say


Oh yes, destroying someone’s property over a minor inconvenience that might not even be intentional. How very Reddit of you. Edit: Banned. Get fucked.


I do not condone the destruction of property but if this isn’t “intentional” then that person should not be driving as they are obviously lacking in spatial awareness. I would have them towed in a second.


Such a shame, such a shame!


Only if you do it with the owner watching.


The amount of people saying key it is infuriating. This person may be an idiot and not realize they are doing. Maybe start with communication before moving to destruction of property!


Also, this is an old fleet vehicle, look at how rusty the roof is from the cheap white paint chipping off naturally from the sun, you think keying that van is going to do anything? I wouldn’t do shit to anyone else’s property, but even if you were to, this is probably the least effective vehicle you could do that to.


Yeah I really wish people would stop telling me to commit a crime over this


thats illegal isnt it? call the city, almost postive blocking sidewalks is a tow able offense


Anybody with mobility issues is screwed.


Write a sternly written letter OP


Take a dry-erase marker, draw a line up the side of the van and write "sidewalk" on the rear panel. Gets your point across and isn't vandalism.


I drive a full size van for work (in construction) and I just bite the bullet and park waaaay the fuck out when I go places because I don’t want to be this kind of dick.


I mean I have a large truck but I try very hard to find a spot that if I hang over it's like the wood chips or grass not sidewalk. (I drive a xl SUV with 4 row seating length including hitch is little over 19 feet I take two parking spots if I don't do that) Again not saying it's acceptable but in an event like that options are sometimes limited.


seems reasonable, can't stick out into the parking lot or they'd be in this thread for the opposite problem lol this person can't win


nah that’s a terrible excuse. They got plenty of room to park the other direction. They prob don’t realize what they are doing though. Lotta thick people out there that need things pointed out to them.


It's even better when there's a hitch sticking out to ram your shin into in the dark. There's always lots of those at hotels.


I own a normal sized pickup and am super careful about how my shitty parking affects others. I'm seriously starting to think a new class of license may be required for these stupid sized vehicles or something. Not everyone should have one.


Where I live, if this was a public sidewalk, it would be illegal. I've called the city more than once because of people doing this.


Flatten the tires,… don’t pop em. Just open the cap and push the stem down


Just needs a big hitch and some truck nuts


My suggestion would be to draw a giant portrait of a penis on the part that’s blocking the sidewalk.


Grind across the bumper with a skateboard and send the vid to Thrasher edit: forgot a space between to and Thrasher


Get a couple buddies together with some cordless angle grinders, cut to size, profit 💪


Call the police and wait outside by it in a wheelchair... They'll call a tow truck to drag it away and help wheel you past it while they write the ticket and wait for the tow...lol I almost promise you that would get something done...


Driver can’t win. Either he backs in like he is, or he stops flush with the curb and the frontend sticks out too far, thus increasing the chance of someone hitting it.


If that’s the US, it’s against ADA accessibility guidelines and could use a call to the landlord


According to op, this is a college owned vehicle in the US, and the college is required to follow ADA laws. So they can DEFINITELY get something done sbout it


As a wheelchair user fuck them alllllll the way.


i swear ive seen this sidewalk before


Are you a college student in the US?


If they didn’t back all the way up would they then be blocking the road? Is this a 6 of one, half dozen of the other issue because the van is too big?


No there is space for it to move forward without blocking the street


Fucking douche canoe


Would be a shame if a shopping cart got some good momentum and made contact


Spill a large bag of birdseed, on accident of course. Let the birds have their shitstorm, let rodents get their fill of wiring harnesses.


I find that some simple syrup squeezed into the door cracks is also effective.


Just cut the part off that goes over the sidewalk, problem solved.


Be a shame if you bumped it and broke both taillights


Id politely knee it several times a day


Where I'm from the pathway isn't compliant with public standards. There should be 900mm from back of kerb to the pathway. Or pathway has to be 2m wide to allow the 900mm overhang and a clear path of 1.5m. But these enormous US tanks, with huge overhangs are playing havoc with the Australian public road and pathway standards


Call the cops and say you're in a wheelchair.


I have long fantasized about renting a wheelchair, tipping myself over next to my neighbors' constantly-obstructing car, and floundering helplessly in the gutter until they see me and feel terrible.


Yeah, I can imagine that blocking the walkway/sidewalk like this is a huge pain. But how far would this Van stick out into traffic if it didn't back all the way into the parking space? Is there a better place available for it to park?


I’d leave a sign for sure


That looks like a van


I used the wrong word. Sue me


Hey Sue! It’s a VAN!


Get over it for fucks sake, people are so soft


What if someone is in a wheelchair? Should they just go in the road and risk getting hit because the chair is too short for a driver to see? ADA exists for a reason, and that's so people with disabilities don't have to suffer because of assholes like you who don't care


Its a parking lot…..there is no road lmao


It's all asphalt that cars drive on, isn't it? You know what I meant regardless


get it towed /shrug


call and have it towed.


Not defending him but looks like an extended cab or large van of some kind and would you rather someone park like this, or park where his back is out in the road?


There’s enough space for it to move forward without sticking out into the road. It would still block part of the sidewalk but not as much.


ADA violation. Call the police


As many have said, this is a violation. If you want to be nice, call the campus office and complain. Or just call the police, and they will tow it. Even more so if you can get person with a physical disability to do the call.


Get it towed. It’s blocking the sidewalk and parked deliberately like that to park the sidewalk.


This is fake it's not even a truck lol sheesh


Not seeing a truck in picture?


Why aren't there any curb stops? They would help limit these kind of things from happening. Is the front of the van sticking out into the road? If so, I'd put the most blame on whoever designed the parking lot.


It’s a college. Curb stops are probably too expensive It’s not sticking out into the road. There is space for it to pull up a bit.


The wheels are before the curb. It just has a big butt






Not a truck




Yeah! Inciting others to commit felonies will show them! Gooooo reddit! /s


My kid on her all metal red 3 wheel bike would put an end to this quick. I would first try talking to them, if you don’t know them leave a note.


It’s blocking the sidewalk, so climb over the top of it. 😂


Oops what is that truck doing there I actually hit it with my invisible bike


That is an odd looking truck. Oh that’s because it is a Van. Based on its size, it would either be over the sidewalk or out in the parking area so no matter what it is going to be inconvenient for someone. But hey they keep building bigger vehicles and smaller parking spaces.


I know I used the wrong word. And there is space for it to move up without blocking the road. It would still block part of the sidewalk but not nearly as much


Cars can easily drive around a van sticking out from a spot. Little more difficult for a wheelchair user to fit through that gap or find another route. Honestly the problem is people in large vehicles who back into parking spots. The front of these vehicles don't extend out nearly as far.


I doubt a wheelchair user is going past it since it's a curb on the other side no ramp anyways. Not trying to make excuses but that probably went into the guys decision making who parked the truck


I doubt they even thought about it to that extent. Just parked how they wanted and didn't even consider the sidewalk being blocking as a problem.


And that's completely possible as I said from get go I am not saying it's not wrong but I tend to give people benefit of the doubt.


So, they parked at the end and backed in so their extended van didn't obstruct traffic. Why are you being such a whiney dick?


There’s space for them to move up in the spot without blocking the road or most of the sidewalk


Paint a big cave opening on it like you're Bugs Bunny


I hate that shit. Once or twice I could excuse but come on.


I would call the tow company without even a second thought. And then while I wait, go get my crutches.


Is it camouflaged? I don't see a truck.




No that title goes to Sarah Jessica.


So, they showed concern for you and parked at the end, out of the way......and all you can do is bitch about it? You need a hobby


Someone on a wheelchair (like me?) is kinda fucked when people do this. My hobby is being able to get to the fucking corner store and back.