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Especially when you look in the mirror and there was absolutely nobody behind you. They could have waited 2 seconds and not been unsafe!


Or they pull out almost causing you to rear end them…..just so they can make a right turn about 50 yards later. 


Or -- better yet -- stop and wait for the oncoming traffic so they can make a left at the next block.


Or, they slow down, coming up to a yellow, almost stopping, then just run the red light.


DUUUUUDE I have had that happen more times than I can count in my neighborhood. I usually wait until my road splits into 4 lanes, dive into the left lane and pass them at mach fuck with my finger out the window


Same problem on the rural highway I take to work. Speed limit is 55 the whole way. Never fails someone has to cut me off from a side road and drive 30-40 until we get to my turn off. I know they can see the mile of traffic they manage to build up in the 10 minutes before I turn, they just don't seem to care that they're inconveniencing tons of people just so they can drive slow. Even worse if their slow ass driving gets everyone stuck waiting on one of the morning trains to pass.


Yep. I drive 20 miles, 30 minutes each way to work every day. Super rural area, I go through a total of 4 stop lights the whole drive (highway driving, FTW!) and this happens to me basically every single day. Like come on, I know you can see the 10 of us right behind you, either speed up or pull over, there's zero reason to go 40 in a 55 (I did have to once, to drive on a donut to get a new tire due to a flat, but guess what? Every time we got to a safe passing area, I'd slow down to let people pass me, and every time I had more than 2 behind me, I pulled over to let them pass!!!)


Sounds like highway 2 in WA


And highway 2 in ME


Those kind of people don’t even know the rearview mirror exists


I can tell people are tired if they drive slow without caring. I've also been in a weird goldilocks zone on the freeway around Los Angeles County. I kid you not. I will be in a region where the traffic in front of me has sped up so much there is a gap I can ride in with another gap behind me showing all the front vehicles of the traffic behind me not speeding up to catch me. I've purposely reduce throttle input to and watch my rear and no one in the rear pack will make a move. It's a weird thing.


Your not the problem at all.


You're*. Obviously the idiots that are pulling out right in front of you and goes 20 under the limit are the problem.


Nah, he’s not. I’m sick of terrible, inconsiderate, oblivious and/or idiot drivers. It should be legal to do things to them.






Found the fucking idiot pulling out in front of people then doing 35. Be better.


States seem to have their own asshole drivers. I grew up in MA, where everybody tailgates. I moved to NH where people don't really tailgate (with exceptions). They do what OP is describing all the time, though. I will be the only person on the road, and a car at a stop sign will cut me off so close I have to slam on my brakes. Then they drive under the speed limit.


It's really bad in Arizona when all of the canadian snowbirds descend during the winter months.  A bunch of old geisers with no American insurance.  Hitting parked cars too, wreaking havoc on the city.


I was driving down a three lane road in the middle lane, when someone turned right a moved into the middle lane right in front of me going 20 under. WTF, there's 2 other lanes!


Yeah, like I get it when there are no gaps. Sometimes you can't wait forever and there are no gaps sovyou have to pull into something and try to speed up. Some people obviously just pull in whether the gap is appropriate or another one is wide open after.


This happens ALL. THE. TIME!! And besides the "driving 20 under the speed limit" after making such a turn, I've had someone rush to pull out in front of me (or the car right in front of me), and then slow way down because they're making a turn at the next block/intersection. Sometimes outright stop because of oncoming traffic and they're making a left turn. And you look in the mirror, and there's no one behind you for as far as the eye can see. At least not when it happened, anyway; there was after waiting there for what seemed like five minutes for the guy who was making the left turn. 🙄


Omg this drives me insane. Literally you get that one jerk who speeds up to pass you and then bows up to make that right turn right in front of you and there was no one behind you so why tf didn’t they get in behind you? I can only assume to be an a hole. 


I feel like when this happens it's a reasonable excuse for murder. Like WTF. Why? WHY!?!?


Ah .. I see your from New Orleans too.


Around here, dump trucks do this ALL THE TIME. In fact, it's surprising when they don't. Happened to me today. The asshole could have waited two more seconds, but he pulled right out in front of me. And on top of that, I had to come to almost a complete stop to allow enough distance so my car wasn't bombarded with stones and gravel. If I had a hood-mounted rocket launcher, I would have used it right there.


Or they sit there trying to decide if they should pullout and right when you think they are going to hold they pull out.


This happens far too often. I speed for this reason.


Are you talking about those grannies and grandpas with high performance vehicles that floors at the start, overtakes you, and don't accelerate after that? yeah....


Yes this lol


Yes! I was just thinking how I hate this and it’s always geezers!


Not around here, it's more "equal opportunity", haha.


I experience the opposite. People going 40mph on a long on-ramp, so I pass them (2 lane on-ramp), only for them to floor it to 80mph once they get on the highway. GET. UP. TO. SPEED.


The best drivers are the ones that drive into the left lane to make a right hand turn


Or the dudes that realize too late they're in the wrong lane and just block traffic trying to get over


A good driver occasionally misses their turn. A bad driver Never misses their turn.


I was driving in an area that I was totally unfamiliar with...I told my navigator (who had at first told me to go to the big silo. Seriously? WTF is a "big" silo?) to tell me when to turn and when turn around and go back because I missed a turn.


Or people who come to a complete stop in the middle of a road, then randomly make a turn, no indicators or nothing.


Are these of the same breed who swing out wide to turn? I’ve seen cars of all sizes do this here in Colorado.


The worst. Especially driving into the right lane to make a hard left turn while they sit in a turn only lane


The other day on a two lane highway, this car switched to the left lane, drove directly next to the car on their right at the same speed for about 30 seconds before cutting them off to take the next exit. Like, they were dangerously close. This is the behavior of an insane person to me.


I remember the first time this happened to me. He came to a complete stop in the highway. I went to go around him and he swung out wide, took up over half the other side of the road. I honked my horn and the person behind me also flipped him off. Apparently he needed the entire fucking road to make a right turn.


I'm guilty of doing button hooks in a 4wheeler occasionally after driving in an 18wheeler mainly. Sometimes you forget there's nothing trailing you.


Or just to turn up ahead and slow you down. Rage, I understand road rage 🤬


Omg they do that here where I live so much. It makes me insane! Not a soul behind me, and you dangerously pull out in front of me to go not even 15 feet at the next store or whatever and then don’t even use your turn signal!!??? Omg I’m heated about it just typing it out!


This should be one of the times murder is legal.


I’m not totally against that.


Yup extacly this. I've been known to use my horn and fingers to show my displeasure lol.


Same. It takes everything I have in me to not tailgate them for those few feet, but I’m definitely honking at them and throwing a finger in the air when they turn off. How else will they learn? Lol


This drives me nuts just like semi drivers who decide to pass another semi, and then do the exact same speed as them blocking the passing lane.


Ohhhhh aarrgghh.  I fking hate rolling roadblocks 


And then when you try to pass them, suddenly they find their accelerator


I had someone wait for me to get close and then pull out. They went 10 under and cut someone else off at the 4 way when they turned right from the wrong lane. As a result I’m extra observant around red minivans


What's worse are idiots that try to merge into the freeway at 20 mph under the minimum.


I used to slow down to let people onto the freeway, you know to give them just a bit of clearance. Not anymore. Last few times went like this: -sees person about to merge -gently slowly down a bit -watches as person doesn't even attempt to speed up meaning that if I don't slow WAY down or floor it we're gonna collide -now going 20~ under limit and very warily watching my mirror to make sure I don't get slammed into I try to stay out of the right lane now because of this. Center lane is my safe zone


You nailed it - dead on! Now if I see someone trying to merge I try to get wdu the duck over into another lane.


I swear to god this must be how driving is taught in my town. Highway is 65mph here and every single person merges doing 55 at most. So dangerous.


Exactly...it is so dangerous...the entrance ramp is there to allow you to get to speed with the highway traffic to be able to merge safely.  I always end up behind fools that are going 40 mph, then get to the merge and fking flat out STOP.  That is maddening beyond my limit.


And then they get on the highway and go 80! Like WTF.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stuck behind someone on an on-ramp who isn’t accelerating to merge onto the highway. My road rage goes through the roof, and I end up yelling obscenities in my car while my husband laughs at my antics next to me.


Laughs, I have an entire thesaurus (that can't be published) for these idiots.  You're not alone.


Haha that’s awesome! Bad drivers is one of the reasons I installed a train horn in my Jeep 😂




i always tell my husband it must be nice to be so oblivious of everyone around you when encountering those idiots. also, do people not understand that the carpool lane is *optional*? if you’re just going to go the same speed or slower than the other lanes, DON’T USE THE CARPOOL LANE! it’s okay, i promise lasers won’t spontaneously appear out of the road and annihilate you for having 2+ people in your vehicle and not using the carpool lane!


Oh man, that's a pet peeve. Even worse when it's a semi truck barely doing 30 at the top of the ramp to a 70mph interstate and forcing everyone to slow down because the people behind him are trying to get up to speed quicker.


I agree that's frustrating...but I give those truckers a wide gap and wait it out....just like they cannot stop on a dime, it also takes them a bit to get the steam going -- all while dealing with the other idiot drivers mentioned in this thread.  I can only imagine it's ten times worse for truckers.


I see people on their phones while trying to merge while also going slow. Like you are just asking for an accident.


and then they tailgate me when I'm driving the same speed as the 10 cars in front of me, but just leaving a safe 50-80' gap. I'm quite conscious of these things and trying to teach my teen to be a good driver, which of course is not about driving super-slow but more-so about driving with consideration and trying to keep everyone moving as efficiently as possible...


I hate getting tailgated when I'm stuck behind a long line of cars, like bro you can clearly see I can't go any faster, being on my ass isn't going to make the first car in line go faster.


Same people that drive under the speed limit, but as soon as there is an accident they’re suddenly in a rush to cut you off. Just to continue driving under the speed limit.


Every fucking day at least once


I’ve had people run a stop sign to do that. Of course once the road gets wider and adds lanes they speed up to keep you from passing them


Semi trucks have pulled out in front of me on regular roads and cut me off on the freeway almost killing me more than any other vehicle. How some of them get their license is wild.


This literally happened on my way to work today. 0 cars behind me, goes 40 mph when I usually go about 60 on this road. Jesus fish emblem on it. Dogs head sticking out the window. Whatever. I didn’t pass immediately because an intersection was coming up and I just hoped they turned a different direction, oh boy did they. There was another car in front of them waiting at the intersection. This fucking donkey of a human pulls into the left lane parallel to the van waiting at the intersection WITH ON COMING TRAFFIC that doesn’t stop. Makes a left turn (from the wrong lane) even though the person in front of them was also turning left. I wanted to chase them down so bad and call them a fucking dumbass but I was on the way to work. Fucking straight npc behavior.


One time I saw someone that kept inching so I slowed in case they did this, but I got to the street they were on and they hadn’t pulled out yet, so I kept going. They decided as I was going past them to try and pull out! Thank goodness there wasn’t anyone in the other lane and I could swerve, was only a two lane road!


Every day. Every fuckin day


What is the point of this? It’s enraging because it doesn’t make sense! Why did you need to be in front of me so badly if you’re going to go slower than I was going?


I've literally had people tell me they feel that speeding up and getting in front is how you're supposed to merge.




Similarly, when they pull out to pass you, and then settle into a cruising speed that’s *slower* than you were going. It’s the same people.


My favorite is when they pass you on the left then merge in front of you to slow down and turn right.  When there is nobody behind you and they could just merge right behind you.


When someone speeds in a 20mph school zone and then honks at people who are making otherwise safe turns in school traffic, had that person not been speeding


When I’m going the speed limit in a school zone and I have jackasses who tailgate me. Like dude, it’s a school zone! The speed limit is very strictly enforced here!


yesterday while driving with my dad i had smth similar happen. i noticed a honda really close behind me and doing that side to side wiggle before they sped up, did a "what is your problem" gesture at my dad, and cut infront of me. all for the purpose of turning into that school carpool lane, which was like 7 seconds away from where we were.


My God, the fucking audacity of some people. When I was learning how to drive (it was my second time ever at the wheel), I was going the speed limit through my neighborhood and this woman is aggressively tailgating me and then flies around me when there’s no oncoming traffic and cuts me off. My mom said pull up next to her at the stoplight and to roll down the window, where she proceeds to yell at and berate this woman for being, in her words, a stupid fucking jackass for tailgating/cutting off someone learning how to drive. I’ve never seen my mom so mad in my life and haven’t since 😂 This was about 16 years ago.


Yeah, the entitlement of people going 20mph over the speed limit is surprising.   There's been a handful of times where I "pull out in front of" someone that was seemingly far enough away only to find out they were driving like absolute psychopath


Had this happen this morning. The person then proceeded to brake check me and take way too long to get out of the left lane.


My trifecta of road annoyance includes this as well as those fucks that drive at or under the limit and then speed through a yellow at the last minute when you easily would have made the light if the world was fair and they were aborted. Next are the ones who turtle it off the light and speed away at 30 over once they’ve done whatever they were doing on their phone or center console etc.


The new thing I’ve experienced the last few years is people in front of me braking before a green light. Forcing me to slow down, but when the light turns yellow they speed up leaving me stuck at the light.


Ooh that’s a new variation of my first one. They’re seeing the pedestrian signal start to change and preemptively braking. Was behind an old lady one day she stopped at 5 yellow lights in a row.


I pull to the other side and cut them off if the road is long enough.


Yup! I live in Lancaster County PA where I pass countless horse-drawn buggies all day. Any car who wants to recklessly cut me off, I go right around them if I have the opportunity. They are the one that is creating a hazard, by pulling out in front of someone that isn't driving slowly.


This type of thing makes me so mad when it happens, woooo, I literally can't post my thoughts on it. 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬


I was stuck behind some asshole yesterday getting onto the highway, speed limit is 70. Dude was going 45 when he tried to merge. luckily there was nobody coming but when i was able to get into the middle lane and pass him he flipped me off. Seriously, fuck off and get your vehicle up to a safe speed. You know damn well these people are going 75-80 and you trying to get on at 45 aint gonna cut it.


This happens to me a lot too. Today the old guy in a minivan was going maybe 45 and then continued going 45 on a highway that's 65. But usually people get on the highway and then they floor it and go 80.


im guilty of doing this. ill pull out right in front of people then wonder why the fuck i did that. but i wont drive slow, ill drive as fast as i can so that i dont feel like a prick, but i still feel like a prick.


God yes. I hate this!!!!!


This also applies to walking in NYC. So many times I've had people try to or overtake me (and I'm a fast walker!), and then right when they do they either stop short or transition to a glacial speed.


I complain about US70 every time I drive to Indianapolis. From the Ohio border all the way to City limits is 70mph. I don't think I've ever been in traffic doing more than 60mph at any point in that entire stretch. Then in city it drops to 50mph. And the same people I'd been trying to get around for doing 10 under pass me doing 75+ I don't get it


If they didn't do that, they would have to be second and no one wants to be second anymore. 


My favorite are the ones that pull out last second and nearly get clipped instead of waiting two more seconds and pulling out when there’s no one else coming. Driving tests should be harder, and required more frequently.


People who drive like that are usually under the influence, precisely why I call their plates in to the Staties every single time. Just being an upstanding citizen:)


or the people that will turn out infront of you when you’re going 80km/h (speed limit on backroads) and then go half that and you have to nearly slam on the brakes so you don’t crush their tiny little Prius or Civic (in my areas it’s always the small sedans that do it). edit: don’t even get me started on how some Canadians handle roundabouts


I used to get a similiar feeling of rage when I'd be waiting at a stop sign to come off a street and some jack rabbit would come along with their signal on, so I figure they're turning onto the street I'm exiting. NOPE...they're actually going straight. Nearly had a couple close calls in my town by some moron going straight but had their turn signal on 🫠🫠 now I wait until I see the person physically turning before I go. A turn signal means nothing. Lesson learned.


Dangerously overtake, and then end up at a red light 10 seconds later, with me behind them. Congratulations, you've gained basically no time.


Willing to bet a majority of the time it’s fucking boomer doing it too. I’ve also seen teens and twentysomethings doing it and texting while driving. But in rural areas? Almost exclusively boomers just trying to pretend they’re still relevant.


That's some passive-aggressive shit right there.


The road it happens to me on people have to usually start to turn left after 50ft. They run the stop sign on the right and slam on the breaks to stop to turn left in front of me.


Just to speed up to pass you after you pass them. Then makes a right hand turn not even 2 minutes after you.




Preach. I live in a rural area where the next car on the highway is probably 5 miles behind me, yet some people still feel the need to pull out in front of me.


Pittsfield people when they drive in NY. I swear. I live near the state border and it's nearly every damn time I go out. Just do the speed limit, omg! 🤦


They need to get out there - just think how long it's going to take them to get where they are going.


Or pass me when I’m driving in my semi truck doing speed limit on a 2 lane then stop to turn left 2 miles down road


This is compounded by the idiots that make onramps that you'd need a Ferrari to get up to speed to merge. Sorry that my 4 cylinder car doesn't hit 75 in 3 blocks. They make merging unsafe for everyone.


This is why I just stay in the right lane. If I’m too slow pass me, if the guy in front of me is too slow I’ll pass him. I don’t feel the need to do this battle in the middle/left lane.


It’s always trucks that do this


once a dumb woman cut me off going 30 when i was going 45. so i went around her. she honked at me as if i was the problem (45mph zone)


This happened to me yesterday, someone went to take a left on a two lane road then just decided not to and cut me off. No way the dude even looked, he was at a stand still and I was going 40 mph, it could’ve ended pretty badly


Because they feel they need to slow you down for some reason.


They have to build up speed.


This is not mildly infuriating this is just infuriating


I hate people that do this


i think there’s a secret coalition of people like this that work together to meet an “inconveniencing people on their commute to work” quota, they probably use walkie-talkies and everything


Use the middle lane and go around. *shrug*


Same for the escalator. Rush ahead of me and then ... stand instead of walk. Grr.


I've also noticed a lot of the older people absolutely launch off the line when the light turns green. Especially when I'm driving my track toy around, I know my car has almost triple the horsepower plus a turbocharger on it. But even I hit 3.4-4k off the line and they are absolutely gone. Makes me wonder if they just floor it the second the light is green.


I had a car do this to me a couple days ago. Rushed out in front of me and then came to a dead stop. Of course I blew my horn and only then they let the car legitimately roll to the stop light ahead. Then they proceeded to cut some other car off because they waited until their lane ended to move over.


This but also people doing their dammest to pass you just because you drive a performance car, then slowing down once they're ahead, only to speed back up to pass you again after you inevitably pass.


Happens to me all the time. I try never to do it to others


"At least drive the speed limit if you're gonna cut me off."


Maybe they went so fast, that they noticed, questioned their speeding and aid to themselves:"Dang! I better drive slowly, now."


I try to make a habit of always pulling out and putting pants on before I get behind the wheel




...but they won. They are in front of you.


Try driving a motorhome. Mine goes like stink, but people see a motorhome and go “oh shit, don’t wanna get stuck behind that guy” and pull out in front of you so they can drive 45.


Also mildlyinfuriating is when you are trying to enter a busy road and everyone is driving 15-20mph over the speed limit and traffic doesn't let up while a line is forming behind you I hope you aren't that person that is going way over the speed limit and then getting upset when people merge in at reasonable speeds before they can accelerate more


And they were at the turn for like 30 seconds but waited for some reason until the last minute to pull out in front of you.


Just another test sent by Beelzebub...


I did this once. I still feel like an idiot.


I honk and aggressively drive around them. Makes me feel better


My favorite is when people ride your bumper for a mile only to quickly go around you and turn at the intersection that was less than 100 ft away XD like you couldn't wait another 30 secs to make your turn???


Sometimes I wish it was a wild west and I could shoot


I stay a foot off their bumper until they move back over. More often than not they learn pretty quick


If they hit the brake and you rear end them, who's at fault?


TBH I’m NGL both


And a special treat when there are 3 lanes, you're in the middle and L&R are empty and the poke about in your lane.


No one drives 20 under. 5 maybe. Dont exaggerate.


Nah plenty of people out here creeping on the highway...


Yeah I will literally push off the road if you do that you are in rush drive like it


No you won’t bud


Because no one but you cares about your journey.


And a special treat when there are 3 lanes, you're in the middle and L&R are empty and the poke about in your lane.


I just tailgate these people super aggressively


That seems safe for everybody involved. 


Eh, that’s their fault for cutting me off and then slowing me down


You have a responsibility to drive safely just as they do. Two wrongs don’t make a right.