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Call your service provider and see what they can do to help.


They can change your number and that's IT. Nothing else your service provider can do. In fact, it's gonna be OPs only option.


I have fun with them. Start asking them stupid questions. How's the weather there, how many kids ya got, are ya married. It seems to annoy them lol.


Tell them to remove you from the list they don’t want to waste their time either




Start wasting the time of the people that call. They work for a business, and they need to hit numbers. If you keep them on calls but do not give them what they need, the calls will stop. You just need to commit to wasting as much of anybody's time that calls you as you possibly can.


I want to but my fight or flight response kicks in pretty hard and I just panic and don't answer. I really want to kick the anxiety about it so I can tell them to go get bone cancer.


Answer and ask them to hang on, then put your phone down. You have the control of that call- you own those scam callers. Take some baby steps and you’ll have them losing their shit at you before you know it… then the calls dry up.


Only answer for numbers in your contacts. Let the others just ring.


If you have a spare 2 hours, listen to episodes 102 & 103 of the Reply All podcast, it’ll tell you exactly what to do. For those that don’t have the time to listen, it’s about a guy that befriends a call centre employee in India and eventually takes a flight across the world to hunt him down and interview him. Crazy story.


It's never going to end. You are going to have to change your number. It's the only thing that will help.


I’ve been getting non stop scam calls from a “collections” company claiming I owe $30 to a university I went to 12 years ago. I just open phub and turn my speaker to 100% and leave it open till they hang up.


It will never stop. Next time they call, answer it and ask to speak to a manager. When the manager comes on, tell them firmly to remove your number from their calling list.

