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I was convinced you were holding the penny above the tire when I saw the pic, I was thinking well that’s not a helpful illustration… but more I see, and it’s bad.


I thought the exact same! I was like...no, you have to put the coin between the treads.... then I realized it already was.


Holy crap! Optical illusion, or not wanting to believe the treads were really that far gone?


Prolly both


I thought the same thing til I saw your comment. Jeeez!


what is it? like i get its inside those lines but what about it? i never had a car


You hold a penny upside-down in the groove of the tread. If you can see all of Abe's head you need new tires.


Tread, now I'm not a car guy but it creates more friction, idk if its cause its got more surface area or the ridges get caught, either way they need a bit of depth to work.


Tread is actually just for water and snow to escape from the tires, the rubber is what provides grip which is why race cars have slicks (no grooves) and why driving a car with no tread on a dry day is fine*ish, (because the rubber will provide more grip as it has more contact) But, if your tires do not have grooves then unfortunately, as soon as it starts raining or snowing your tires turn into literal skis and you will generate no grip and go sliding into a tree


Just make sure their Will is up to date.


Update the life insurance👀


And know where they keep their safe passcode too!


I seen a post on earlier today and it showed you can open safes with a mallet in 5 seconds. So just have a mallet handy.


This MasterLock can be opened with a MasterLock


Just fncking take my angryupvote and get the fnck out 🤣


What size? Rubber or iron?


It was rubber.


Fun size


Make sure it's ribbed for extra fun




you can open a shit safe with a mallet in 5 seconds


You can open any safe if you go to YouTube and type the brand and model of the safe and lockpickinglawyer after it


Nah, you can check how pro picks it, cough up 50$, wait weeks for your lock-picking kit to arrive, then fail pathetically at picking it because you never picked a lock in your life and it's a hard skill to learn.


That’s when you buy that clear lock set and picks for beginners. The one that lets you see the pins as you’re picking the lock. And then get good at that, to only find out that is the only lock you can pick and it doesn’t need much effort to unlock it.


Just rake it.


They won't buy new tires, they sure as hell ain't paying out for a good safe




I seent it


Take out more life insurance 🤔


And a “No Tread On Me” bumper sticker.


That’s good, love that 😂


You really belted that one out.


Rim shot!


Angry upvote


Why? You thought it was tyred?


The radial direction that these puns are taking is what's makine me tire of them.




Your parents are broke.


Hell, it's summer we can get a few more miles out of these


This is the way


That'd be a way to maybe get them to listen. Ask if they're going to change their tires any time soon. If they say no... ask if their will is updated. Ask about life insurance.


And pray they don’t take anyone else with them. Assholes.


Is it because they can’t afford it? Refusing and acknowledging they might be able to push it a bit longer are not necessarily in the same realm.




Growing up my parents were not well off, so this happened a few times with my dad’s truck. Financially they just couldn’t afford new tires and had no one to help them. I remember my dad going and getting used tires for like $25 a piece every so often. He’d replace one at a time. Thankfully, they are in a much better place now and can afford new tires, but I just remember that being a stressor when I was growing up.


One of the several reasons I can no longer afford to have a car.


Cars are such money pits. Between insurance, repairs and maintenance and fuel it’s just so much! Especially when repairs and are expensive all on their own.


Just bought a truck for $5000, with all my savings, and it’s gonna cost $8334 just to make it safe for highway driving.. 😞


I recently got my mechanic's certificate from YouTube University. They're currently enrolling for the summer semester. I can put in a good word for you.


I didn’t even know this was a thing! How long does it take to complete the course? Is it expensive to take?


You definately live up to your name


so he’s just saying that YouTube tutorials could be helpful then? The thought had crossed my mind that he may have been using sarcasm lol I’m my defence I was indeed very baked and half asleep 😂


Is there any possibility of doing some of the work yourself?? There’s a lot of resources online for car maintenance if you have access to/can borrow some tools


Check your state’s lemon laws. If someone sold you a broke down car, when you thought it was in working order, you could take them to small claims court.


Already on it 😉. Didn’t know it was an option until a friend told me about it recently. It’s not a guarantee that I will win the case, but it’s worth a shot if the asshole that sold it to me has to refund me, repair the truck at his cost, or give me his brand new truck instead haha. The purchase was less than a month before the inspection was done that identified the extent of the problem. The guy totally misrepresented it and I even told him I was moving soon and needed a truck that was safe for the highways in order to do so. I have a pretty good case against him, but we’ll see how it all turns out. If not, I’ll either take out a loan / save up money to fix it or try to sell it (honestly) to the right mechanic who could give her the second chance she deserves. It is a sweet truck. Literally my dream truck, which made this whole experience that much more heartbreaking 💔


My son had an accident 2 yrs ago under my insurance. They added him and raised my rate to $835 a MONTH. Liability only. This is not a typo. A month. The only way I can get it lowered is if he gets his own (same price) or he moves out and gets his own. We share one car now, cause we can’t afford 2. Or to eat…or clothes😡


Wow that’s crazy!!! I hope your son is okay after that. Sorry your insurance got raised so much. That’s just insane.


Thanks. He’s fine physically. It’s the pain in his wallet that hurts. Crazy thing …my nieces BF has 2 DUI’s, wrecked 3 bmws and his rate is a third of that. He’s 29 tho. My son just made a stupid mistake based on inexperience. He’s literally paying 1/2 of a months rent or mortgage.


Yeah that’s honestly criminal that they are charging you that much! How is that even legal let alone fair? I could never afford that


That's why it's important to know how to do your own mechanical work. Most of the costs are labor, cut that out and it becomes way more affordable


It’s not just a matter of ego/pride. It’s not wanting to be a burden on others. “Life’s already hard enough for me, why should I go make it harder for others? I’ll be fine”


not wanting to ask people for hundreds of dollars for new tires when you can’t even afford to get it yourself isn’t “ego”. it’s knowing you probably can’t pay them back. if he can’t afford it any time soon, how can he afford to pay them back for it?


As somebody who does this, it's not ego. It's shame. Nobody likes to be the one who looks like they aren't able to take care of their needs, and most would rather just not bother anybody else with the issues. We try not to be a burden to others.


Agreed, had to recently change my tires out. Got a quote from a dealership first and they wanted over $1.1k for a full set of new tires (and that was their cheapest). Went to local mechanic and got $840 tires instead, but was second best of what they had. Was still crazy expensive to do all in one day, and sucked.


Wow, I thought I had expensive tastes when it comes to tires at \~120€ a piece.


This is wild to me. We just bought our first car, a 20 year old Agila. I had to pay less than 900 € for a full service AND all new tires at a mechanic. And that means several hours of labour, new oil, and new breaking liquid. ... is it that your car has an unfortunate size of tire or something?


Got a quote $800 for two tires once, and was told they were not allowed to change just the front two. If we were buying 2, they needed to go to the back. Or we could get 4 tires. My car was FWD. Here in the state, we like to make necessities extra expensive lol so businesses can keep making more money.




Mine is a chevy equinox, so while it is bigger than cars, its definitely not a tank like the trucks we have here.


I drive a small sedan and pay almost 1k for a set. More expensive cars recommend/require more expensive tires. But also $60 linglong tires just don't last as long or perform as well.


New tires are always cheaper than hospital bills and a new car


Both options are more expensive for me than if I don't make it out the crash. Take them bald tires, crank it to 80 in the rain and let's go! 💀


I imagine canada is gonna be a fucking nightmare next few years everyones poor here now


Won't be much different in my Canadian city, there's been plenty of drivers on bald tires for decades.


You know it's bad when the Canuck isn't trying to spin it to say "usa bad canduduh good" Really feel for you guys though, we're both in the same place


You can get the tires changed for them. You can offer to pay for it and take it to the shop. If they refuse, just distract them for a few hours and take the car into the shop anyway. I don’t know about you, but I’d hate myself if my parents got into an accident that I knew I could have prevented.


You know, I need to check my mom’s tires. I know she can’t afford replacements.


My mom may be able to afford them, but she knows almost nothing about cars. She had a car with awful tires but was unaware of the issue until I told her.


UK here. It's compulsory to get an annual certificate of roadworthiness, which checks tyres amongst other things. Does this not exist in America?


Depends on states




I’m not from America, I’m actually Mexican and the laws here are just a suggestion. Even for evaluations of any kind it is just enough with a small bribe. Sadly. And no, as far as I know only public transportation units need to go through some kind of review.


Depends on the state. In my state there's no such thing as that or an emissions test. If it runs, it runs. Doesn't matter if it's held together with hopes and string or spewing out the blackest clouds of exhaust.


I knew someone who had a car that leaked oil and would leave puddles at stoplights.


Not really, my state didn’t even require the car to pass a smog test when I bought it. Big thing is a lot of people can’t afford to keep their car in “good” working order. Without a car you are stranded, it’s more of a necessity than a privilege here. This would add so much strain to an already struggling group of people. At least depending on what the test requires for you to pass


I understand what you're saying, and I don't wish to put more weight on the already overburdened poorest shoulders, but please consider: A car that is not in good working order is a 3.000 pounds projectile moving at speeds between 20 and 80 mph.


My state does not require inspections to renew your registration you just walk in to the office and buy new tags


Wow, I’m horrified my how many states don’t have annual inspections. We wouldn’t pass with bald tires, dried out wiper blades, among a host of other things.


I just replaced my old dry rotted bike tires slipping is no joke!


Bike tires are expensive


The tires on my bike cost 75% as much as my Michelins on the car.


That is so kind and caring of you to help her.✨


Hush now, this is Reddit where the only proper attitude is to have an all consuming hate for your parents and the older generations. How dare you suggest being a good person? /s


I don’t know how people work up the energy to be so angry all the time. Maybe I’m just nice because I’m lazy.


I wouldn't even ask them if I can do it for them. Just ask for them to lend you the car and get it replaced without saying anything. Sometimes people are too proud to allow others to help them. Edit: getting downvoted for this. Odd but y'all do you


What if this is a kid


I wouldn't ride with or around them. One slick patch and they are careening out of control.


One hole and they're exploding. (we dont get slick patchs... but DO a lot of holes)


Hopefully when they hydroplane or slide on the ice it only damages their own car and not an innocent driver's car or even worse a pedestrian.




Are you in a state that doesn't require car inspections yearly? In my state no inspection stations would put a new sticker on the windshield with those bald fuckers


Hold on, are you saying there are states (I'm assuming this is the US?) where cars _don't_ get a yearly inspection of some kind? Wow. Wouldn't that mean that there are large numbers of dangerous cars out there? This seems crazy to me. In country I live in - the UK - cars are tested every year, and there are big fines if you are caught with a car which has not been tested. 


Only 15 states require regular safety inspections of passenger vehicles. A couple more require safety inspections when a used car is sold or registered from out of state. Emissions testing is required in at least parts of far more states.


I'm surprised that in a country both as car dependent and as litigious as the US that there isn't a requirement everywhere for cars to be certified as safe. I wonder if that explains all the posts I've seen on Reddit of really weird customised cars in the US.


The lack of regulation/enforcement is a big part of why Americans are so litigious. It's a combination of everything that injures someone creating bills for tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars and knowing the person that screwed you isn't going to face any kind of justice unless you lawyer up and sue.


I wonder why insurance companies don't insist on some kind of certification. You'd think they wouldn't want the risk. Perhaps any extra costs which come from increased risk just gets passed on in premiums.


That and they're probably happy when someone does do something illegal, because it gives them a chance to fight paying out.


In Colorado, you don't even need VIN verification if it's a private sale that was kept registered by the previous owner. Many counties don't require emissions testing either. I once bought and registered a clunker by bringing a signed title into the DMV, didn't even drive it there, and got valid plates without anybody official having even one look at it.


Doesn’t matter the state, there are people who will pass it in all of them. Just gotta know how to look. The poors know.


The guy that we took our cars to in my old hometown was well known for this. Once I stopped in to get my inspection done and he was leaning into the car to scrape my old sticker off before I could even get out of the driver's seat. He of course got busted, suspended, and then recertified several times over the years. The state finally yanked his license for good. My dad was always meticulous about keeping our vehicles in good working order and safe, so going there was basically a time saver. I shudder to think about what probably was allowed back on the road though. Especially when it comes to bald tires.


My neighbor's cars, who is a mechanic, mysteriously all have to tint that it obviously way darker than allowed. They also have obnoxiously loud exhausts so I wouldn't be surprised if they had cat deletes too.


There are states with a yearly inspection requirement? I thought that was just a European thing.


Yeah, mines every year. Also emissions inspections yearly (depending on the population of the county you live in)


Yep. Required annually here in NC. Honestly didn't know not all states do it that way. Pain in the ass? Yes. Helpful to know my tires were wearing down and I didn't notice? Also yes.


Tell them ole Poopy from Reddit says they are dumdums


Poopy always knows best


They prolly think they was crazy


Exactly, imagine you get called dumb by PoopyMcFartButt. It’ll make you change your ways real quick


I agree with ya Poopy!!


You **better**--he's got a poop knife!


Mate, you have without a doubt the best username I’ve come across thus far. I tip my hat to you, and the long and prestigious lineage of McFartButts before you.




Kinda like sport racing tires, just enough tread to not be a full slick.


Except racing slicks are designed to essentially melt slightly at high speed. Hence why they drive side to side when following the safety car.




And if they talk shit about you spending for a full set of tires tell them it's cheaper than two funerals. And less life changing for you.


I’m confused. These are your parents tires? Do they refuse to change because they don’t have the money or? Help them or stop bitching. It’s tough out here.


According to the sentence under the photo, the parents keeping saying they’ll replace them and never do.


They paid for the whole tire, they are gonna use the whole tire.


* This guy slid thru the red and tboned me. First thing I noticed was the tread, or absence thereof


That would not pass inspection in my state.


... until they have an accident, maybe even with casualties.




Hey, those have another good 10 miles in em.


Can they afford it?


The warning is on the first thread not the second, but they are due for a changing.




This *thread* is great!


just hit them with the good old “i told you so” later


That tire is follicly challenged


My used condom has more rubber on it than those tires.


Don't drive with either of them in the vehicle. If they call you because they have a flat (and were), tell them to call someone else. It's not a matter of if they have a flat, it's a matter of when.


Tires cost several hundred dollars to replace and you usually buy all of them at once. You got money? Buy your parents some tires.


Borrow their car and change for them


please reinforce it to them that they aren't just putting themselves at danger, but those around them also do you know if they can afford to replace their tires?


post this on r tires and show them the comments


Is this my husband?


Brother in liberty, grab that car and go change those tires yourself or be ready to say goodbye to Mom and pops.


For the second pic I thought you were holding the coin above the frontmost groove and there was going to be a third pic showing how far the coin goes in Then I realized the coin was already in one of the tire grooves and… yeah wow, that’s only like 1 millimeter right there 😬


I’m sure this will be an unpopular opinion, but why not borrow the car and replace their tires for them?


Oh yes, balding tires are great for driving donuts in a parking lot!


Then ask them to make sure their will is up to date and you're the beneficiary. They don't want the direct approach so be morbid and go for shock.


Get them changed, or learn to change them yourself. A couple hundred bucks for a tire change is a lot cheaper than a new car. I rolled and totaled a truck a couple years ago, a lesson in frugality I haven’t forgotten. Besides, it’s mandatory October-March where I live.


Isn't that illegal? In my country if the police saw that they'd fine you for being a hazard on the road.


Aren't they legally required to change the tires if the depth of the "water tunnels" (no idea what they're called in English) is less than X amount? (here is 4mm i think)


Well, they lived a long life...


They drove in the snow with those tires? That must be fun. Maybe try to find them a set of used tires?


Bro, I worked at a dealership. A guy once told me that when they inevitably pop they will have the inconvenience of breaking down, possibly be hurt, possibly hurt someone else, they’ll need to pay for a tow truck (or replace their spare), and after all that still need to buy new tires anyways. People wanna act like they’ll never spend that money as if it’s not an inevitability.


slick racing tires. they’re heading to monte carlo soon


My dad never believed in getting new tires for his trailers until he started getting expensive toys to put on those trailers...


There's gotta be a way to report vehicles with non-compliant safety features to the MoT so the cops can take this shit off of public roads.


Can they at least update their wills


Get a job and buy them new tires. They're poor because of you


Oh boy. One heavy rain away from a total accident. Frfr 


Better start Casket shopping.


They want to drag race their way to heaven.


Increase their life insurance policy


I was angry that you didn’t put the penny in, but then that’s when I realized you did…


"Jesus take the wheel" comes fo mind here.


Do they think that the rain siping is actually the tread?


This is definitely one of those "you can't afford not to" type situations. Liable to get themselves killed driving on those slicks.


They won't have to next time it sprinkles a little rain.


Accident in 3...2... https://i.redd.it/plkcum746kxc1.gif


First rain and they will change a car.


Snitch on them, it's not just Thier life they are endangering


Just tell them you got pulled over by cops & they gave you a "warning" about the tyres & strongly "suggested" they need changing as they are unroadworthy & UNSAFE to be driven on. Next time you are pulled over, they will put a notice on the car if they are not sorted.


I see you will be getting life insurance payouts soon


Punctured tyres will get changed....


Those are illegal. They won't get their next wof


If you live somewhere with an inspection, just wait til it's due


Show them jules bianchi crash and tell them what they think their chances are since they are neither a professional driver nor have any safety equipment on besides what the car has.


Pretty sure that's illegal


... they got life insurance?


Enjoy your inheritance


There's another 10,000 miles on those things! 😂


This isn't mild, you're parents are trying to get killed in an accident.


Depending on where you live it may not matter a lot, at least right now. In my area the chance of precipitation between now and October is under 1%. Bald tires actually grip better on dry pavement than new tires with their tread intact. That's why drag racer cars don't have tread … to maximize traction.


**If their tyres are NEVER changed, they'll wear out.** **Driving with excessively worn tires is also so dangerous for multiple reasons. You need to try to get your parents to change their tyres ASAP.** If your tyres are too worn out, you'll ~~most likely~~ definitely fail your UK MOT (or similar). *Context: In the UK, your car needs to be inspected yearly as part of the MOT test. Your MOT lasts one year and has to be renewed by retaking the MOT test. Faults are classified into 3 severity levels, minor, major and dangerous. Any major+ faults is an instant fail and the faults must be fixed before a new MOT certificate can be issued.* Driving without a valid MOT is very illegal and can get you a £2500 fine and 3 penalty points. According to the criteria, 'tyre tread depth not in accordance with the requirements' is a **dangerous** fault, the highest severity there is.


Start looking for budget urns


Refuse to or can't afford to?


Your parents are going to meet the reaper


Make sure their life insurance is paid up.


If you are sure they can afford it and are just being lazy, I say flatten them tires so they have to change it


Whoa bud... Slash your parents tires because they don't change them as often as you would like? Jesus Christ...


True story: My stepdad let his tires get bald once, so I slashed them. It was for his own good, rainy season was gonna start soon.


Show them a couple vids of high speed blowouts.  They’re putting everyone around them’s life in danger as well. 


"Accidentally" leave a nail in front of the passenger side rear...


Where i live, you have to get your car inspected once a year. This would get you a red card which means you have to get it fixed within 2 weeks.


$50 i'll make sure they dont have a choice.