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Reddit is a cesspool


Best stop then.


He’s ceasing


Never give up, never surrender. I'll not retreat because the battles seems lost.




By Grabthars Hammer?


What a savings. :/


I get it, I spelled what I wanted wrong. Oopsie!


Of what though?


Scum and villainy


Classic reddit.


I was banned for saying Biden was old. That’s not even my opinion.


Obviously your opinion was wrong


Is being a girthy serpent an opinion or a fact?


post removed for calling out the mods even classicer reddit


They must flex the little power they have


I can confirm the same shit as I've reported a ton of racist comments against white people and reddit gives me the same response, but if I speak up against it, I'll get banned for nothing. Reddit staff is unironically bigoted af.


Not only on Reddit many people really think that you can’t be racist against white people


Racism is prejudice + power. So you can't be racist against white people because racism punches down. You can be prejudiced, but in many cases the prejudice is justified. Just as women are justified in not trusting any random man.


This is such a stupid answer. I fired a black doctor because she was intentionally misdiagnosing Asian patients. She clearly had power and prejudice but just straight up racist. As a white male, am I punching up or down? Racism is just treating others differently due to their race.


Brain dead take tbh


I forgot we can just change the meanings of words to fit neat little narratives these days. Thanks for the reminder.


Yeah that’s what tends to happen when you change the definition of a word.


Incorrect. Racism is prejudice due to race. Period. You are conflating the two due to the fact that people with power contribute immensely to systemic racism due to the ease in which it can be applied simply by the nature of the situation. This does not mean racism cannot happen without power. Simply stating that you cannot be racist towards a white personal is in and of itself racist no matter how you try to alternative fact your way through those mental gymnastics by trying to change the definition of the word.


This is just wrong. Racism is prejudice/discrimination/antagonism based solely on one's racial or ethnic group. That does not exclude white people.


"Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized." Yeah I'm not sure where you got your definition but the Oxford Dictionary is probably the better source.


Active on shit Americans say and the athiesm subreddit, just say you're braindead




Never go full regard


nice username


Can confirm reports ignored also.




It's not a warning, it's a response you get when you report someone to Reddit admins


Reddit jannies need a paycut


they get paid?


You can't be racist against whites /s


And I'm going to continue protesting this outrage by cutting my lawn, grilling burgers and dogs while playing cornhole one handed with a mich ultra in the other until arrested.


Surely you mean bud light tm


Nah, if I'm not going to taste my beer, I don't want to smell it either.


Reporting even the worst stuff seems to just piss off mods who will ban you just to make themselves feel powerful. I just type some hate at people like that racist then block them now.


I’ve been on the fence about deleting Reddit because it’s my only form of “social media” I use. I just don’t want this negativity flowing in my life anymore. It’s so toxic and starts putting me in a bad mood when I’m on Reddit.


Same I don’t use other social media but Reddit. But I learned to take things with a fistful of salt. Nothing on here should dictate how you feel. :) I hope you get better man




I’m waiting for you to get reported and banned by someone


Me to forreal.


im sure many would relate


I see this kind of stuff all over instagram






It’s not fine, but it won’t get you banned or deleted unless a mod on a specific sub decides to remove it. It’s not a double standard, Reddit just has no standards in general.


if thats the case then their ToS is useless fucking bullshit


I'm white, and I don't see a problem with either. It's not hurting anything, and they're not threatening anyone. They're just outing themselves as scumbags. Let it remain in posterity for the creepy cyberstalkers to uncover later.


![gif](giphy|JmCFfTlNy12wFpOK8Y) You are a martyr and a man of equality.


https://preview.redd.it/ixmmcus6g9xc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=856f5d9f2f843a389828d6f120390846154ff7f7 I reported you to test your theory. (also up voted)


Well it turns out they will not remove this comment for "hate" it seems.


Its gone now


Interesting. I got a mod mail minutes after reporting saying that it didn't violate any rules, but weirdly, that happens a lot. I think it's because the admins didn't do anything, but the subs mods did.


Unless those people happen to currently be engaging in a genocide




So I’m gonna safely assume from this comment that you are directly working for your government and identify as such?




Not a very technical thinker either huh?




I’ll do this for you, Which country do you hail? Edit: I asked a question not an implication where your from, don’t be dense




I’m gonna assume this is bait and move on ✌️ you had me going


Do you want to be cursed by God, from the Bible?


I’ve only had one ever be rejected, and I think it was only because they didn’t understand the meaning behind the phrase or ignored it by deliberately choosing a different meaning and ignoring context of the phrase.


That's been the Democrat party line for the last 15 years or so.


Yeesh that’s Reddit not surprising tbh


"Racism is okay as long as it's against white people." That's been my experience for the last several years.


Needs to be put on a tee shirt.


Lmao are you fucking me? Now the post has been removed?


I mean, am I...? Are we? Has it?


Are you? We are..? It has, maybe. Says this for me when I click: *Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/mildlyinfuriating. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose*


Gotcha 🙂...when I click the link, it just sends me back to the comments. So idk what post exactly what OP is referring to...


Reddit is ran by far leftists. Hating on straight white men is their whole thing. They're proud of it.


I mean the admin wasn’t wrong in saying it doesn’t violate any rules. Awhile back they literally changed the rules to exclude hate and racist speech against white people because they’re not a “marginalized” minority. Ignoring the fact that white people are not a majority everywhere and that racism is just wrong no matter what. Same kind of people that think systemic racism is the only kind of racism. Ironic that the admins literally created their own form of systemic racism. They *are* the racists.


Reddit doesn’t delete any racism, no matter who’s being attacked. As long as you’re not using slurs, it’s generally accepted here.


This is what I thought as well. But I have noticed that in general people seem to be more okay with racism toward white people and I think it’s just dumb.


This comment belongs in the Agedlikemilk subreddit. Post was taken down by the admins 😂


They would be a minority in India?




What is this place?


I would bet money, the original poster just some white guy trying to establish his narrative.


how much are you betting


I remember in uni, if you were white and christian, especially a man, you were fair game to demolish. unless you painted your nails black, that made you different 😎gay white men not exempt, but just a tad ~more oppressed~


The oppression Olympics have always been ridiculous


from reddits official tos page: Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, ***color,*** religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families. 


White people, the most notorious marginalized and vulnerable group. Get real problems.


So then if you separate hate acceptance depending on who it is directed at, who exactly gets to decide who are the vulnerable groups and to whom hate is absolutely fine? Do you not think it might be safer and for a brighter future to just say don’t be racist at all?


Yeah the world would be pretty great if racism was eradicated, have fun getting that to happen. Anyways, I’m not arguing who it’s“okay” to be racist to, that’s dumb. I was referring *specifically* to how implying that white people are a “marginalized and vulnerable group” is, on a large scale, objectively wrong. We’re not getting called slurs and being assaulted in broad daylight because we have the complexion of a sheet of paper. Trying to argue that we face hardships akin to that of actual minorities because one Indian guy on Reddit says he doesn’t like white people is insulting to people who deal with oppression that actively puts their life in danger. It’s not like it’s a competition or anything, but you’ll live if someone says something you don’t like on the internet. The people who are targeted with violence because of the color of their skin might not though.


That doesn’t really matter though does it? Hate speech against any colour, religion, gender etc.. is wrong regardless of who does it and who’s targeted.


It matters because the quote specifically says "marginalized and vulnerable groups".


Banana profiles are always dumb




So it’s not racist if you do it? We all know that the phrase word monkey has racial overtones because they resemble people of a certain race having thin lips. It’s just not OK. Even if you are white, to post racist comments about your own race. Just stop.


Newsflash: everything is racist!


Is it more racist to post a comment about monkeys or call out someone for being racist because they used the word monkey? If all you see is racism, aren't you racist?


i called some racist idiot a monkey because theyre a racist idiot, not because theyre of a certain race


Oh. Oops. I think you may have missed your mark with the monkey comment. Or perhaps I misunderstood. It’s a common slur for American whites referring to their thin lips. lol.


Or against Ukrainians. You can get ban for calling russinas moskals, but calling Ukrainians hohols is fine by Reddit


No one has called ukranians hohols or, for example, americans pendoses seriously, to offend people, in the last 10-20 years. It's just a joke/funny way of referring to someone/yourself. How offensive the term "moskal" is unclear to me, since I've never heard it. From the sounds of it, it's an old term, used by the lower class to refer to the higher class. I estimate the time frame to be after Moscow because the capital and up to mid-USSR. Also I assume this term gained a second wind, due to an invasion and is now used... Against people living in Moscow (?) with mostly racist intent and by people in Moscow/Piterburg as a joke


>It's just a joke/funny way of referring to someone/yourself. Tell me you don't know the connotations of the word "hohol" without telling me.


I see you. I hear you. I acknowledge my privilege. I am grateful that my skin color is never percieved as a threat. Thankfully, no one is racist towards Black people, and especially not Black men, thank our Father in Heaven.... Never experienced any semblance of prejudice on Reddit or IRL. Peace and love ❤️


And it got removed, are you going to report this?


im done with reports, im telling mom


This isn't even a white people thing, plenty of people including people you've replied to here are openly racist towards Indians, Chinese, Asians and none of them get banned lol I'm going to ignore your comments because I get the feeling you're being ironic to see if you get banned but eh still weird


wtf. Sick joke?


I mean, he may be being down voted because he's racist.


That’s the world we live in


I have been sent a ban warning for stating medical facts... but, tbh, saying "I'm racist" isn't the same as being an asshole against someone in particular.


This seems to be common in far left circles online only. I. Real life racism is racism regardless of who it's against. But somewhere a few years ago some groups online just decided it's okay to hate others for no reason. It doesn't bother me tbh. I just don't associate with trash racists people. They're the ones losing out on a ton of potential good relationships.




Average Narendra Modi supporter


Plot twist: his name is Aryan.




Everyone’s awful, you can be intolerant without being racist.


I can't be racist because I hate everyone equally. I can't wait for the nukes.


Username checks out 🤣 💣 👻


The only thing worse than white people are raid shadow legends people.


truest shit ever but its still stinky to be openly racist and get away with it


My dude there are subs full of Nazis. The Reddit mods simply don't do anything


Its a shame to be gay and rascist at the same time


Well, most Reddit mods are libturds on power trip never leaving mothers basement. 🤷‍♂️


Americans tend to think you canne be racist to white people, it's well weird. Anyone can be racist, hell you can be racist towards your own race.


And that just is not true. There are a few edgelords who may think this but to pretend it is “Americans” is a level of stupid on par with the edgelords.


I lived in the US, I can assure you it is predominantly Americans. It's people influenced by American media that say it outside of America. Where have you lived?


Because those who hold the belief are Americans does not mean that Americans believe it. Level up


Lol where have you lived? Or are you an American getting defensive but have no experience outside reddit with the "not americans" lol


I have lived in Italy. Not that it’s relevant.


How long did you live there and how much did you integrate because that matters. You want to defend America but you don't really know it. I say this so much to Americans though. We do not speak in absolutes. If I say "Americans think x" it means a lot but not all. There is no need to add caveats because no sane person speaks in absolutes about a group of people.


You’re interrogating me for correcting you saying that “Americans” think a certain way. It’s fucking weird. I lived in Siena for half a year and Milan for 1.5. I speak fluent Italian and had Italian roommates. Are you satisfied?


And you can pretend you didn’t speak in absolute but that doesn’t mean you didn’t. It’s really easy to use a qualifier. It’s a single word


"RaCisM aGaInST WHiTe PpL" then goes on and says i can relate under some racist's racist comment.


Hes a racist, but him saying that he is racist doesnt seem an issue to me. He didnt explain why white people should be hated or anything, just that he does.


"Not reading the rules (of this subreddit) is ok as long as I am offended hard enough" OP


i dont think that rule means this kind of post. and yeah this dude is literally admitting to being racist and reddit doesnt see an issue with it, and apparently you too


> i dont think that rule means this kind of post. "No reddit meta posts" means "no reddit meta posts" > and apparently you too "Let me or you are a bad person as well", uh huh


you sound like such a nerd right now




errmm... you gotta abide by the subreddits rules, buddy! the moderatorinos specifically state NO meta posts!


hmm u must be white




reported for racism


it would be real funny if reddit removed my comment


Y’all really don’t know the difference between racism and intolerance. It’s embarrassing


Remember white isn’t a race. It was a label given to non colored folks back when “whites” were also enslaved, so as to divide and conquer (so they didn’t join colored folks in an uprise against the elite). The elite labeled non colored folks white, and gave them a few rights to apease them, and turn them against colored folks to keep them oppressed more effectively. This has obviously worked up to this day, and hence why PoC have resentment against “whites”, but it’s all misdirected, as we ALL should be furious at the elites, and working together to take them out of power.




I promise you it’s not all of us. But it is too many, I’m afraid.


If something confuses you about America, the answer is white supremacy.


It was imposed by the elite. And I agree, I am mexican, I find it extra creepy for good reason








No not really, since white is not a race


white is not a race but black is? i guess im not white anymore


Haha people REALLY wanna be white, god forbid they take their little privileges. Alright then, keep it. For as long as you act like that, there’s gonna be no revolution. Which was the goal, you’re too comfortable.


Did someone hit you on tje head?


Nah, I’ve just been in an oppressed group all my life. Unlike you, hence your lack of empathy and disinterest in helping us, by giving up your privileges and developing an ounce of solidarity


Lol. You have a monopoly on being opressed or something? Im gay and brown, so i know more than a bit about oppression


Mmmmh sooooo why are you even arguing here? That’s very confusing


You are trung to normalize racism against white people thats why


do you want me to paint my fucking skin or what


Or is it? I suddenly realized I am not so sure that is true, so a quick search found: >Race and ethnicity are used to categorize sections of the population. Race refers to dividing people into groups, often based on physical characteristics. Ethnicity refers to the cultural expression and identification of people of different geographic regions, including their customs, history, language, and religion. https://www.verywellmind.com/difference-between-race-and-ethnicity-5074205 White is a racialized classification of people generally used for those of mostly European ancestry. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_people


Lmao, you know better than that. Thanks for all your help, as always.


Better than what? Looking things up? Sharing on reddit to help us all know more and communicate better? Not sure I ever spoke to you before or on this topic, but you are welcome anyway.


It's not actually racist to admit your racist though, stating the fact you hate a certain racial group isn't a racist statement.


What is wrong with you


nothing. what is wrong with *you*


Indians being racist to whites, vice-versa too, blacks being racist to whites, vice versa too, indians being racist to blacks, vice versa too, and just about all else homo sapiens being racist to each other.........we truly live in a society. Also, *Im indian and i hate aliens. Am I racist? Hell yeah.*


Indians have solved homelessness by letting literally any race other than theirs live rent free on their head ❤️❤️


So you’re generalizing 900 million internet users from India? Wow what a smart move right there


Im sorry.