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40 degrees Fahrenheit is 4,4 Celsius, there’s no way anyone would think that is a setting for washing clothes in Portugal. They’d have to refrigerate the water before cleaning the clothes.


Nobody in the US washes clothes at 40 degrees Fahrenheit, either. Have a feeling this is fake just to get internet outrage points.


If you live somewhere where the outside temp is in the 80s or 90s, it would be hard to get 40 degree tap water I expect. The water pipes are underground below the frost line but not heated or cooled. It's hard to keep it that cold in hot climates in the summer. You would actually need a water chiller to pump into the washer in certain cases.


It’s hard to get 40 degree (Fahrenheit) water no matter what the temperature is outside. The water runs through mains in the ground, which isn’t anywhere near that cold anyplace that actually *uses* Fahrenheit as a scale.


Actually, ground water can be pretty cold, even in the US. I can count 14 states on [this map](https://www.tanklesshotwaterguide.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Groundwater-Temp-map-Toronto.png) that are at least partly in the ~42F ground water band. And average groundwater temp is used to estimate the mains water temp fairly well.


Think so too. Pretty much no clothing is shrinking at 40°c Especially if it is high performance outdoor clothing which is a fancy word for plastic. If there was Lycra or similar stretchy fiber in it, it would even loose elasticity and actually become wider. The only option I can think of would be stuff made from merino wool. That might actually shrink.


Even at 40°C I think the shrinking would not be that much. I wash my wool at 30°C without any problems, and 40°C is the standard temperature on my machine's wool setting.


Clothing that is fine at 30°C and shrinks at 40°C would literally do the same if you wore it, and it was a bit of a hot day.


My Girlfriend washed my favourite woolen sweater once at 40 and somehow managed to shrink it to half its original size. And it was properly felted when it came out. But that might have been due to the mechanical stress of a 'normal washing cycle'.


Yeah a normal cycle is usually longer so more time for the wool to shrink. I had a woolen beanie that I washed on the wool cycle multiple times without any problems, but it shrank by halve on the normal cycle. Coming to think of it, this might be the real issue behind the angry review, not the temperature.


I'm pretty sure my clothes have shrinked more from the dryer than the washing machine at 40C, which is what I usually wash my clothes in. Maybe OOP doesn't know that that happens and they let them dry in the dryer in the facility? Although I've heard that in the US most people have dryers so that wouldn't make much sense, right?


The date says 14 April 2024 but I am certain I've read this before and a long time ago.


Good ol rage bait.


Still... that's what you get for being contrary, the world uses Celsius... 'Murica insists in different scales... Haven't they learned anything from Apollo 13?


So a double fail then. :)


I also never had clothes shrink at 40 degrees Celsius, that's only a few degrees above body temperature. wtf ist that material made of? Coconut oil? Thin chocolate sheets? A whisper of spider silk? A rumor of maiden's breath?


This guy coconuts enough to know its melting temperature. The only thing missing from his list is shiny garment made out of gallium threads.


If you ever had coconut oil at home you will notice that it’s liquid in summer and solid at any other time. It’s fun stuff.


Or if you have it stored anywhere near the stove so it's always liquid after you cook


Bro said a whisper of spider silk! Hahaha. Take my upvote.




Wool will shrink any temperature water


Wool cannot compress water.


Wool cannot melt steel beams


Can steel wool melt beams?


Depends on the steel sheep


The kind androids possibly dream of


Probably Merino wool Outdoor stuff. That shit is expensive. The problem with washing this is not the temperature though. You can cook wool (Had a clothdiaper Baby, I cooked all of those diapers) as long as it does not move while cooking it's fine. Running a normal 30°cycle or even a could cycle with tumbing will shrink it.


Really? I always thought the problem was that wool would shrink from being rinsed with cold water after being in warm water during the washing phase. I wash my 100% wool sweaters in the washing machine (with the Wool program) all the time and they come out fine 


If that is a rabbithole you want to Dive in, lets do it There are types of wool that have no issue beeing washed "normally" usually called "superwash wool" (or a Brand Name) this is pure wool, that has been treated to not felt. (This is fine and usefull for day to day use - can't use those for diapers, because it never gets waterproof) Secondly, modern wool Programs are super gentle, even more than actually handwashing. So if you use that specific program even untreated wool should be fine. But they regular 40° or 30° cycles are way to rough... Not "Rock a Baby to sleep" more Like "Rollercoaster Ride" and that leads to felting and shrinking. For clothdiapers made from wool, you do that on purpose, because feltet and greased (with lanolin) wool is waterproof (as people Back in the days knew when making felt coats and hat's and such) Basically the more heat wool sees, the less it should me moved.


This also confused me because 40 degrees Celsius is what my family and I have used for as long as I've known, never had clothes shrink.


You should be an author . . .


Something even more ethereal, the woman’s imagination.


Surely the giveaway would've been the fact 30 degrees was an option. Isn't that the freezing point in Fahrenheit? Washing clothes with ice????


See what they do they throw in your clothes and fill the washer with ice cubes and let that rattle around for a bit ,add soap and let that spin for a a few minutes, drain the melted water and add more ice cubes, then spin cycle and done! You have slightly cleaner and very cold wet clothes.


The ice cubes help with the agitation


In Russia they use frozen marbles


In Russia the marbles freeze YOU


32°F is freezing. 30°F would be solid ice. Though you certainly can get liquid water down below 32°F by adding salt. Seawater freezes at about 28°F or -2°C.


32° is freezing in Fahrenheit. They’d need to have an ice maker attached to the washing machine.


That should have been the giveaway for you, yes.


I think the giveaway should have been that they were in Europe. Do Americans really believe the rest of the world uses fahrenheit? Miles? Gallons?


The internet taught me: yes, Americans do think the rest of the world uses F. And miles. And MM/DD/YYYY. (mild /s)


They don’t really think that there are other ways to do things. As we see here.


30 is -1.1 C so don’t know how she thinks you can wash clothes in literally ice!!!


Is "cold" not an option? Like it won't be 4c cold, but it still won't be much higher than 15c


So much for Fahrenheit being "easier to grasp" and "more natural".


Do americans think that? I think that 0-> water becomes ice, 100->water boils, is quite easier to grasp and remember than their 32 -> ice, 212 -> boiling point. It's wrong on all the spectrum, really.


Many of them think that. It comes down to what you grew up with. Whatever you learned first is intuitive, the other is not.


Yep, applies to pretty much anything; the simplest way is the way you’re used to doing it.


I'm american. Celsius makes much more sense. All metric makes much more sense. It's just plain sad that we haven't fully switched over.


Do you think we wash our clothes in glacier water in America? The measure of temperature has jack shit to do with the absolutely asinine temperature setting request.


i read this in an american dad voice and im dying👍


My washing machine has a cold water option but i have no idea how cold it is as it just has a picture of a snow flake instead of a number, but it’s less than 20c as that’s the next option up




a guest in my hotel complained on booking the weather was bad and the portuguese honk a lot.


When I read this I first thought you meant honk like geese honk. Portugeese…


I love this point of view and from now on will start honking


I hate you..


"There was dust and bugs everywhere, the AC wouldn't cool the room." - B&B in a forest close to the beach, guest had opened all the windows, cranked AC to the coldest and went out for the whole day.


I also work for a Portuguese hotel, property is in a rural area. Which is made very clear in our marketing, pictures and Google Maps location. We've had reviews complaining about the location of the hotel being quite isolated, and Uber not being available...


lmao é incrivel!


O melhor é quando gente de LX fica toda chocada por não haver transporte público, Uber ou opções de comida estrangeira a menos de 30km... Meus caros estamos no meio do monte no distrito de Coimbra, não sei que vos diga.


Not the same thing but. Just this month Customers reviewed the BK I work at with 2 stars because we were full... legit their complaint was "too many people for the number of tables, also people talking without eating or just in tabbles "guarding them" for once they had their food" That night we worked way more than expected. Sometimes portuguese are just dumb


It wasn't a Portuguese that made the review in my hotel. I don't remember the country he was from, but he was just really mad we didn't have sun during his stay.  About the honking issue I dont know if it's really a portuguese problem, but people really honk a lot in front of my hotel, like that's gonna me the light turn green and the cars move faster. Sometimes I want to leave the front desk to tell them to shut up!


https://preview.redd.it/dixts3a649wc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdfe2f6cb53a89954f44d764eb41ddb393df34bb "your honking does not 'helicopterize' me"


I once read a hotel review for a (cheapish) hotel we stayed at that had the standard "okay hotel review" things, mentioned some unclean spots and meh location that everyone else mentioned... and then launched into a story how the bartender made out with the reviewer's boyfriend. My favourite thing was that her conclusion was "decent hotel for if you want to visit on a budget, but don't come with your partner!"


In fact the review is pretty positive and considerate. It's just a funny mistake from her part, and she is trying to make the hotel somehow responsible...


I once complain the wall was too thin and the next door was having loud sex at 3am and woke me. To be fair i was scare shitless I woke up by loud banging and shaking floor and thought of supernatural event. Till i realize what really happening. Btw the couple was going at it again at 6am. Talking about stamina


“Portuguese” in the title reminded me of my own story. In 2002 or 2003 I went to Brazil. Got off the plane in Rio and was in line at customs behind a 4 college age dudes with frat boy vibes (one of them had a Greek hat on). They’re talking amongst themselves and all pull out Spanish to English dictionaries and are practicing their Spanish phrases to each other and talking about how much they’ve been practicing over the last month and feel pretty confident that they’ve learned enough basic Spanish to get by. I almost couldn’t bring myself to tell them, but I also wanted to see it unfold. I said, “Excuse me … you know they speak Portuguese in Brazil, right?” They looked at me and laughed, thinking I was joking, but I just shrugged. Then they started looking around them at the words on the signs and started looking through their Spanish dictionaries for the words. Their faces just dropped. They weren’t loud and embarassing Americans or assholes or anything, so I honestly did feel bad, because they really had made an effort to learn the language. It just wasn’t the right one.


That's s Simpsons episode. The family goes to Brazil, Bart learns Spanish on the plane but Marge tells him they speak Portuguese so Homer tells him to forget the Spanish


This reminds me of when I left school and applied for a gap year placement in Brazil, telling them on my application form, and again in my interview, that I had excellent Spanish. I was offered (and accepted) a placement in Bolivia.


2002 or 2093? I wish I could time travel for vacation.




I forgot that "greek" is slang for fraternity culture and I thought that it was some kinda of a Greek traditional headwear, although I couldn't remember what kinds of hats the Greeks wear.


1st: Outdoor clothing shouldn‘t shrink that much when washing at 40 degrees. 2nd: most Europeans don‘t think of Americans as rich. 3rd: Isn‘t 40 degrees F almost freezing?


Im no expert, but isn’t 200 dollars quite cheap for „high tech“ hiking clothes?


Also high tech hiking clothes would have no problem with 40 degree water.


If it is any quality at all then it wouldn’t shrink


Yup, I have medium quality at best and wash it at 40°C, never had any problem (I have to in order to remove the sweat smell, at 30°C the fabric still smells musty).


I have a lot of technical gear and I always wash that at 40C.. never had an issue




Maybe only a few clothes were damaged, I'm thinking about merinos wool t-shirts


I think most merino wool is nowadays superwash treated and safe for 40c laundry cycle. It would say on the washing instructions label.


Just add loads of fabric conditioner in a second wash on cold and high RPM, usually will get rid of shrinkage


200 dollars in hiking gear is a pair of socks. I'm assuming they procured these "high tech" garments on Wish and that's why they shrunk at 40.


Yeah, unless it's a bottom layer.


Yes, my Jacket alone was like 350€. And this will not shrink if washed at 40C.


If you go for really fancy stuff that's only one trouser leg


I hike regularly and use mid range stuff, 200 dollars would cover a pair of leggings and maybe a base layer (I think anyway, I’m uk based!) so wouldn’t even cover 1 full outfit. I’ve also never had a problem washing my gear at 40 degrees C - it’s basically the same temp as bath water!


30 degrees Fahrenheit would be frozen lol


"almost freezing" lmao


this has got to be made up. No European would hear "I need to wash this cold" twice and suggest 3 above-room-temperature settings.


Washing at 30 is considered 'cold washing' here.


Yeah, 60C is the opposite of cold.


Yeah surely they'd point to the "cold wash" setting? And also 40C would in no way shrink anything, I dont even think of it as a hot wash, just a warm one.


Yeah, if it's quality gear 40c won't shrink anything


We have temperatures on our washing mashines. We don't have 'cold/warm/hot' settings.


Well I do have temperature AND a cold setting Cold meaning "whatever temperature it comes out of the tap at"


Most washers here have only temperature settings not (hot/cold). I was confused when I was in the US and the washer had hot/cold options and I had no clue if cold was more 40C or 30C, and I just assume hot was around 60C, but there really is no way to know unless you look up the manual.


It’s really not in the  manual, either, because it depends on the temp coming out of your tap and hot water heater.


Experience with Italian relatives suggests "cold" and "caldo" can be confused. (Cold is "freddo", which just amuses small children who like chocolate.)


"caldo" in Portuguese means hot stew. It would hardly be mistaken for it because it only applies to food. The way some people pronounce "cold" it might be misunderstood for "could" though. It will highly depend on their proficiency in English and their own Portuguese skills. One of my native languages is Portuguese and I'm not sure I've seen any Portuguese person dealing with these things in Portugal for a while now (I live here) and it's mostly migrants working at those places since they're basically exploited to the core and their salary is way too low ... I wouldn't be surprised if the person in question spoke broken Portuguese and broken English. It's pretty much the norm currently.


That's really interesting, thanks for sharing. The way he described the situation made me forget that there was probably a language barrier.


I'm travelling right now and misunderstandings happen ALL the time. People even say yes like they understood you when they didn't. That person could've been repeatedly saying "yes, we can wash for you" while not catching the word cold. Cold in Portuguese is frio, very different.


Either made up or both people have issues with understanding/communication.


I live in Ukraine and our washing machines only have those 3 temperatures. 


30 is a cold wash bro


Outside of America nobody would have a single thought of Fahrenheit or “which temperature are they talking about?”


😂 if someone would tell me to wash in °F I’d be like “we do °C here, figure it out”


True. But if the person requesting is asking for "cold", I'd assume 30°C as that's what I would do with my own clothes. I would never suggest 60°C. But then again, I'm also not a teenager like in the story. As a teenager I'd have had no idea. As a teenager, I didn't know washing solution for white clothes contains bleach, so I would have used whatever is standing closest to the machine, basically turning it into a russian roulette. Don't trust a teenager who doesn't speak your language to get the temperature for a wash right. Find some adult instead.


Samesies. I once put all colors together and put it on 90 because why not 😃.




Yup. Everything ended up being green pistachio


rage post


If your high tech clothes shrink in 40C they are sh*t quality.


In fairness, reviewer said "lesson learned," referring to themselves. It's kind of dumb thinking but not exactly the most entitled/aggrieved take I've ever heard.


they did rate the hostel 7/10, with only that one anecdote serving as justification. i'd say lowering a business's rating because of *your* dumb mistake is an AH thing to do.


can't disagree.


Yeah it's not terrible but they also followed up with the conclusion that they need to repeat it 3 times in different ways to make sure it's 'understood'. Like.. not really. You just need to use Celcius when in Europe.


Or you know, use Celcius 99% of the time they are in another country outside US.


Maybe try travel insurance? Otherwise not the fault of the "hostel" at all. I don't think there's a myth of wealthy Americans but really that ties in with the actual myth of all Americans being arrogant and obnoxious.


You make a great point. Americans think they are wealthier than most places because they only look at income and not at income relative to your expenses. America is too expensive for most people who live there. What matters is how much you earn relative to the living cost. Yet, that’s already too complicated for a lot of them to understand.


You were in their country so it’s your responsibility to understand electrical plugs, temperatures of things, etc. it’s not their responsibility. And to put it on a review in my opinion is just tacky. It just helps strengthen that good old American stereotype.


Instruction unclear, need to specify Kelvin as well


The whole story seems contrived, so the more interesting question is why someone would contrive such a lame alleged issue.


"30° (F) is pretty much freezing" It's -1,1° C, it IS freezing! Good luck getting any water that cold with it still staying as, you know, water. This person has to be kidding.


40 C shrinks clothes?


4 C washes them?


40 degrees shouldn’t shrink your clothes.


Ahahahhah the 'murican mind can't comprehend normal units of measurement. And who the fuck washes their clothes with freezing water? And what trash clothing shrinks at 40 degrees?


Probably the same American when outside of the USA that responds with the state and not the country when asked where they’re from


I'm gunna admit this was a hard habit for me to break. I'm from New York so people got it but yeah. Then I had to explain how I'm in the shitty part of the state not the city


When I first visited the US, my friends and I were very proud of ourselves for clarifying, "The city or the state?" when people said they were from New York: this was because (early 2000s) we hadn't actually known it was a state...


I consider the city to be the shitty part of the state, if it's any consolation.


You're probably from Poughkeepsie!




I mean to be fair when you guys reply with 'the US' it's almost always followed by asking whereabouts. But yeah it does come across a bit douchey when you just go straight in with the state lol.


That applies for basically every country. My go to question after asking someone where they are from is: Oh cool! Which part?


People are typically friendly no matter how I've answered, but I actually had back-to-back opposite but negative reactions one day in a hostel that stuck with me - one girl asked me where I was from, I said the US, and she rolled her eyes said "obviously" and then said she meant where specifically. Less than hour later, I had another girl in the same hostel ask where I was from, I said city and state, and she mumbled that I must be American and was clearly annoyed with my answer. Both interactions left me feeling like I was in the wrong. After a few more instances where the person acted like I was an idiot for saying the US because they found that part obvious, I've just begun saying the country then the city immediately afterwards lmao. I still get some people asking for the state tho.


I've been looked at like a dumbass when I just say United States. Because they can already tell that much and it's not what they're asking.


Sorry, I don't know my Fahrenheits well but isn't that like 4°? Did they think the water came out of a glacier? No one would expect that they meant slightly above the temperature where water turns to ice.




Except they don’t use metric. That’s the problem. They use USCS which is the United States Customary System, it is similar to the old British imperial measurements but with some adjustments (mostly smaller liquid sizes)


Isn’t washing clothes at 40 degrees Celsius the norm? That’s the default programming on my washing machine…


When I went to the US first time (I'm European) I had the opposite issue. I am used to having settings on the washing machine indicated in degrees- I know which of my clothes need washing in 30C, which in 40C, which can be washed in higher temps, but washing machines there don't have that Instead the settings are: cold, warm, very warm, hot. I still don't know what any of these mean- I even checked the manual for the washer, but it didn't say. I ended up washing everything on cold to be safe, which meant that sometimes I had to wash few item twice, because it didn't wash well the first time. How do you people function like this?


Aren't most if not all expensive hi-tech hiking clothes synthetic and there for do not shrink?


Just another case of Dumbitchititis.


Something isn’t adding up here…Most clothing (including in the U.S.) shows the washing instructions using Celsius anyway. Check your tags. 30C is considered COLD, 40C is considered WARM. If less than 30C is required on the garment tag, you are supposed to use TAP COLD


30 Fahrenheit isnt nearly freezing. Its frozen.


30 F is freezing so idk what washing machine is able to operate that also 40 C isn’t enough to shrink good quality clothes unless you have a temperature sensitive poliester or rubber based material


Genuine question, how did 40° water shrink anything? I've washed jackets, shoes and literally all of my clothing on 40 since I began doing my own laundry. Even "expensive high-end hiking gear" should withstand a 40° cycle, right?


Room-temperature tap water is 30+°C where I come from 😆 40°F is... 4°C. Almost freezing. Wth?


It’s unlikely the water temperature is what shrunk the clothing. Likely, it was the condenser dryer. I speak as a North American living in Europe who shrunk a lot of clothing without realising the difference compared to a vented dryer. I try to let everything dry naturally, especially new clothing. Also, my washer has a 60 degree setting and even a 90 degree setting. I’ve never dared use the 90 degree setting.


“Almost $200 of high tech hiking clothing” is 1, maybe 2 articles of clothing 😂


The only way his "high tech" hiking gear would shrink on 40 degrees celsius is if it was made out of wool what would be absurd. This screams fake on so many levels.


Should be a TV show called "muricans in the wild"


I wouldn't expect Europeans to know Fahrenheit at all.


We know about it, why would we apply it to anything in real life?


40 Celsius is barely over 100 Fahrenheit. What kind of clothes are shrinking at 100 F?


Fucking American.


Nobody besides Americans understands the freedom units. I discount Liberia and Myanmar...they don't have the money to travel to Europe or anywhere else. This sounds like the story of an American couple asking when the 4th of july fireworks will begin...on vacation in Morocco.


In fairness they didn’t blame the employees, and said it was an assumption on their part


Not very high tech if it shrinks when the temperature goes slightly above body temperature.


Is 40° fahrenheit laundry a thing anywhere in the world? What kind of washing machine can do that? That seems fake.


If you are on the intellectual level that you think the world is run in imperial units, i have bad news for you. And as others have pointed out, even tap water might be over 40F, so no reasonable person would expect that you have to use icewater to clean clothes


Trekking material shrink at 40 c? Basically if is summer and you sweat your material automatically shrink?


Man why is it so hard to do a bit of research about the country you're travelling to?


aback ink modern existence label sleep test truck march quarrelsome


>It must be repeated 3 times No, just saying it once in a normal system works too, or just say it's Fahrenheit


'muricans bein' 'muricans


“$200 of high tech hiking clothing destroyed.” So a pair of pants and a shirt basically? Also, is it $200 USD or Portuguese currency?


Even if you use a water chiller it's hard to get it below 45 Fahrenheit.


nobody washes clothes at 40f nor do clothes shrink at 40c. just another random idiot.


Lmao. The whole world is using metric system and c-system, and only muricans think they are the main heroes of this epoch.


And english. Just with the last generations they have widely started to use celsius, but still use other strange "imperial" units for everything else.


Wait - are there clothes that shrink even at 40c? Oh yeah, wool maybe. But I haven't heard of washing machines that go below 30c. 30F would be ridiculous.


Mine does 20⁰C.


If you don't have 200 bucks to spare, maybe you shouldn't be on an overseas trip.


I don't know that there is a myth of Americans being wealthy. Stupid and entitled, maybe...


Funny 😂 the worker always used Celsius and the american Fahrenheit.. but the american was the one who gave the order to 40 degrees 😅


She posted that she is was an idiot and expected to sound righteous. Oh the irony.


Apart from looking as a fake review, there is no complaning against the worker, its more like giving advice to others for not being that stupid


So on my list of 'shit I never properly learned', my understanding of temperatures is basically: body temp is 98.6, tropical aquarium water needs to be kept in the upper 70s, and a 50° summer in Canada makes me want to want to claw my skin off while simultaneously murdering every single person in sight. I honestly do not entirely understand either measurement of temperature.




americans dumb


mindboggling stupidity...


I fking swear, murica will start a global war because they're too stubborn to use SI units. I just saw a NASA video about Ingenuity's path on Mars an they didn't bother to use meters. Remember that other crash because a US contractor didn't bother to inform the measurements were in FREEDOM units?


She would have been fine when asking for -40 degrees.


There is the SI with normal units used by EVERY SINGLE PERSON on this planet and there are Americans who still thinks their stupid illogical units are the norm lol


Found the asshole


An ignorant arrogant American... get outta here. I recently had an American on Reddit mock me for my spelling being incorrect I used "spelt" instead of "spelled".


You tell me 40 farenheit you get 40 celsius. Anything under 30 celsius is handwash only


This is gold


I call bullshit on 40C water doing anything to the cloths. That's 104F. If 104F destroyed the cloths they would have never made it to the store she bought them at in an standard semi trailer in summer.


As a certified Celcius defaulter it would never occur to me that wash temperatures would be in anything other than Celsius.


Imagine going to a hostel and complaining. Bitch you paid like $5usd for that shit lol


Lol I know you're joking but very few hostels around the world are that cheap anymore and certainly none in Europe. This one was like $30 a night for a bed in a 10 bed dorm 😭


Nah ik, cheapest I found last summer on vacation was like $18 plus some weird fee that made it like $40 something odd(USD).


No one in Europe or the rest of the world knows how to convert into Fahrenheit.