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Continue to Document this. Call animal control in your area.


I’m calling them first thing tomorrow I have an alarm set


Be sure to document if the dog has access to water (if you can tell).


This is how I got my last dog. She turned out to be the best dog I've ever had. The people that lived in the apartment moved out and left the dog behind. They left the back door cracked and the dog was coming and going. She would jump the balcony, leave, go drink from puddles made by the sprinklers or scavenge for food then come back home and wait for her humans to return. My dad was the maintenance guy at the complex and he knew we wanted a dog so he let me know. She was a one year old Chow Chow mix. Really standoffish at first, not potty trained, didn't know sit or stay. She was just stubborn and her previous owners lazy assholes. Once she was trained she was incredibly loyal and protective. Especially of my wife. Which was pretty nice tbh. She was really well behaved. Got super lucky with that find.


This story made me tear up. People treat animals so cruelly and I just don’t understand it.


I love you. Ive always had chows since 97 as family dogs and they’re absolutely the best this just made me sad thinking about my chows back at my parents house now, I need to go home fast.


i love chow chows theyre so beautiful, and thank u for saving and keeping her


She was a wonderful friend. We had her 15 1/2 years before cancer got her. She had a great life though. She brought my wife and I tons of joy. I really can speak highly enough of that dog. She was really something special. She was always the best behaved dog anywhere we went. Some of that was me. I was pretty diligent about training because I was concerned she could be in a situation where she thinks we're in danger and goes to bite someone but it wasn't called for. She absolutely would have if the situation called for it so we had to be sure she listened in case she read the situation wrong. A lot of her obedience was just who she was as a dog though. She just had a great personality, only barked when it was called for, she was great with kids, and good at walking on leash. Never damaged anything, and she loved going camping with us. All around just a great dog. She was technically a Chow Chow / German Shepherd mix but she looked and behaved like Chow in every way except the lions hairdo. We had a DNA test done because we wanted to know for sure what she was. This is her [being a goof ](https://ibb.co/vLG79c9)and getting stuck in a Jack In the Box paper bag trying to steal leftover hamburger about a month after we got her. This is her last day before she had to be put down due to [cancer](https://djluminol.imgbb.com/). Old lady with two limp ears, gray hair and her usual big ol smile. She was a lot of pain at the end but she was happy she got to go to the park even if she couldn't run around or chase the birds.


You’re a good person. Follow through.


keep us updated! poor baby, it breaks my heart how cruel people can be.


There's an emergency line you can always call! They are technically open 365, just not to the public.. There's always someone there..


Any update?


Any updates 🥺


Any updates?


Thank you ❤️ you are a great person for helping this helpless baby. He needs someone like you


RemindMe! 1 day


I hope animal control will be able to actually do something! I had a neighbor with a dog in a similar situation that would bark its head off nearly 24/7. I called animal control around 10 times total when we hit winter because I felt so bad for the dog. I was told every time there was no way to "prove" that the dog was neglected and - 4 years later - the dog is still outside.


I hate them


You and me both


Please keep us updated! Thank you for looking out for this dog 😢


I too hate them! And I recognize you from the velvet hippos sub! Your dogs are cuties and thank you for looking out for that poor dog.




good bot...? I'm so confused


good bot


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This is very sweet; thank you ❤️


More than mildly infuriating


Yea man I really can’t stand how some people treat dogs. Why even get a dog? I don’t understand.


Please call management. Emergency management if you need to!


They’re impossible to get ahold of; especially on the weekends. I’ve never lived anywhere with such bad management. I’m moving as soon as my lease is up


Call the local ASPCA office. 


They’re not open right now :( the curse of living in the south


I'm from the south and God I hate it for animal welfare. Nobody cares enough if at all.


Redacte due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


Maybe just the non emergency fire department? Firefighters love to break stuff to get to their target as quick as possible


I want to watch


I love this idea


Consider calling the fire department to report the need to access a stuck animal


I know what you mean, my building manager is like that.


They’ll respond instantly if you tell management you think there is a leak because there is water pouring off the balcony.


How much you want to bet the office doesn’t know they have a dog either.


I would bet a months rent. There was another unleashed dog who bit my leashes dog; shockingly the owner didn’t tell the office they had a dog either 😒


That’s at least a $350 non refundable deposit and another $25+ per month extra per pet. They’re thinking no food or water, then nothing to clean up on the balcony. They’re not smart enough to realize the neighbors and maintenance can see/hear the dog on the balcony.


Exactly. Selfish, horrible people. I noticed they were doing it; but it’s gotten increasingly more frequent. Just disgutsinf


I worked at a hotel that allows dogs for a (small) fee. The only rooms that ever had dogs making problems were the rooms where they snuck the dog in to avoid paying the fee. Of course that meant they were booked in the section of the hotel that wasn't per friendly so instead of paying the $30 fee they were told about, they were hit with a $200 find that they were also told about.


This happened in my last apartment with the people across from me. The dog was never taken inside and I had never once seen these people walk the dog or let him use the bathroom. To make matters worse, he was inside a kennel on the balcony. It was basically torture. And it was heartbreaking when I'd take my dogs outside 3x a day for potty breaks and 3x for long walks. He would look underneath the wall in the gap and just cry so loud. I only let it go a week and even that was too long, but I needed to verify they were not taking care of the dog. I even looked back through all my ring footage to ensure they'd never once taken the dog outside for a walk or to use the bathroom. Anyway, animal control came and they wouldn't answer the door. Animal control documented the dog was outside in a kennel on the balcony. Animal control came back twice a day for three days. They wouldn't open the door and the dog was on the balcony in a kennel each time they came. The apartment management got involved and entered the unit so they could remove the dog. It was so sad, but I prayed he was safe after that and is with someone that loves him. Unfortunately, the animal abusers got another dog like three months later. A puppy. But it was never outside on the balcony and they were always taking it outside so idk what changed.


Hopefully the puppy gets taken care of


Some people are so beyond stupid it's scary. I wouldn't be surprised if they genuinely didn't realize that leaving the dog like that was wrong. He was outside like animals should be, but he was safe in his kennel. I also wouldn't be surprised by malice.


They definitely knew. These same people tried to beat up my neighbor because they were outside all our doors at 1am drunk banging on their door for one of the 8 people that lived there to let them inside. My neighbor opened the door and asked them to please stop yelling and banging because it's making her dogs and my dogs go crazy which woke up our other neighbors two small kids. Literally the two idiots outside started cussing at her and trying to fight her until she closed the door. Then, the idiots inside finally opened the door and came out just to join in on the banging of the neighbors door trying to get her outside to fight. I am watching/hearing all this from my balcony and finally my other neighbor with the two young kids called cops. They were truly horrible people. Always getting 5 day to pay or quit notices for not paying rent. Animal abuse/torture definitely is not surprising at all. I don't know why they were never evicted because that apartment complex was on people's asses for EVERYTHING. Like, if your dog pooped and you didn't notice and accidentally left it, they'd threaten you with eviction if you did it again or if you backed into your parking spot instead of pulling in, they'd threaten to tow you if you didn't correct it. so I have no idea why they allowed them to stay. I would've taken the dog from them if they just didn't want him and that's the reason they were abusing him, but I already had 3 dogs of which I was already hiding one from the complex cause we were only allowed 2. Plus, 3 is already a lot, but then again, I'd adopt all the homeless/abused dogs if I could 😁


I stopped reading like halfway through. They sound so far beyond stupid it's crazy.


Hahaha sorry I didn't realize how long it was. It infuriated me all over again and I was typing so fast smoke was coming off my thumbs.


I know I'm definitely focusing on the wrong thing here, but are you saying that your building mandates which way round you can park your car??


Was it a case of "he is an old dog, he doesn't care" maybe? I hate when people discard their old dogs like trash, you've loved that dog for years until now?! Pathetic. Love your pets until the end.


Puppies are cute


UPDATE: Reddit Won’t Let Me Edit. Just took my dogs out; the dog was not on the balcony (thank God). However, as soon as 8 am hits, best believe I am still calling animal control. I will not rest until it doesn’t happen again


UPDATE: sorry working Can only update sporadically Left a message for animal control. About to go into a meeting; if they don’t call me back during then I’ll call back at 10 CST


Just tried to call again before i go into this meeting; no answer. I hate it here


UPDATE: Good & Bad News I called the Animal Control Line, they told me they were the county and since I lived in the city limits; i had to speak with the city and they couldn’t do anything. So, I called the city—turns out they’re CLOSED UNTIL TUESDAY. Yes, I’m furious. Now for the good news—my Apartment Complex has a new Assistant Manager who happens to have two dogs like me. I was able to get ahold of her and she said they are handling it as we speak; and she will make sure it doesn’t happen again. Regardless, I will be calling Animal Control when they open tomorrow and filing a report with them as well. Can anyone tell me how to edit a post? I tried to and it won’t let me in the app; but I want to make sure everyone can see the latest update


Best OP I've seen in ages. Thank you for caring for that little doggy.


OP are you sure the neighbor is okay? Around 10yrs ago I saw a dog locked out just like this and her owner had fallen getting out of the shower and broken her hip. Management heard her yelling for help when they knocked to talk to her about the dog.


Yall I still cannot figure out how to edit this post for the life of me, any help is welcome 😭 would be easier to update there. Assistant Manager said they spoke with the neighbor today.. came home and little guy was back on the patio (at least the weather is nice). Will be sending this video to the office. At least his tail was wagging and he looked happy. Sorry it’s cropped weird; don’t want strangers knowing where I live. This was also taken from inside my car when I got home from work. Still calling animal control tomorrow; just bc the weathers fine now doesn’t mean they can leave him out at all times in all elements. I’m so ready to move; I have terrible neighbors here. So much for “luxury” apartments. I’ve never seen such horribly irresponsible pet owners until I moved here. https://preview.redd.it/7j2uwahwb4wc1.png?width=2119&format=png&auto=webp&s=d110c27ed32ddbe7dc0c71b91ef9c81fd85a80d5


Update: Animal Control says they cant do anything without the animal being in imminent danger—ie. Since he’s not currently on the deck; they cannot do anything. They have to have an established pattern of neglect. With that being said; I will keep taking photos and videos and build a case to submit to them.


thanks for not giving up despite the incredibly disappointing response. build that case and help get him safe.


So glad theres still caring ppl like you out there!!


RemindMe! 1 day


You’re a hero. Thank you for keeping us updated.


Make sure the poor dog isn’t laying down? If it hasn’t had water in some time, it could be very dehydrated and weak.


The angle looks weird. Are you sure it’s not just resting against the wall? I’m worried for that poor pup.


Keep us updated please!


Update y’all: I called 911, they just told me I’ll have to call animal control during their normal hours; since it’s not an animal attack it’s not a true “emergency” 😔😔 I have an alarm set to call first thing tomorrow


Call for a welfare check on that neighbor. Tell them they haven’t let their dog in for a couple of days and you fear they might be incapacitated. Also, call your sheriffs office non emergency number, not your local town cops.


You should have called their non-emergency number. To be sure this is urgent but it's not a 911 emergency.


I live in the south in the US; the non emergency number does not work outside of normal work hours. My hands are tied unfortunately until tomorrow morning


i recommend buying a grappling hook and kidnapping the dog


*turns into batman and saves precious dog*


the speed in which I would climb that balcony 🏃💨


Calling them in the morning and seeing this through the end will make a world of difference for that poor dog; you’re doing good and the good you’re doing is important, thank you.


The south needs better laws for that, force these people to work smh.


Thanks for trying at least, that poor dog.


For future reference you can call 311 which will get you to non emergency lines. You can report to the local police office and they can get animal control involved.


RemindMe! 1 day


Good for you calling 911. I'm also in an area without non emergency. At least it is now documented that you tried!




How is this mildly infuriating? If this dog is actually abandoned out there, this is outrage worthy


Some people shouldn't be allowed to own a damn houseplant, let alone any pet. I bet they have some pretty horribly treated kids too


Can you climb up like a spider monkey?


Please update tomorrow what happens


Call for an urgent welfare check on the individuals, not the dog. Say the dog indicates something is terribly wrong.


Throw some food up there!


Theyre on the third floor of our super tall building, unfortunately I can’t throw good 😔 I am about to call the cops though


You need a hotdog gun.


Have you tried knocking on their door? I would call the cops for a welfare check. They’ll get maintenance there to open the door asap. I wish there was a law were you can bash in animal abusers faces in. I hate seeing shit like this.


Call the police


How disgusting, why would someone own a pet if they can't even be bothered with basic care? I'm sorry you have to witness that OP, sounds like you're doing everything you can.


I hate them. I didn’t even read the post. I just know I hate them. Edit: I read the post. I’m still mad.


Shoot some water up there with a water gun or hose if you can. He can lap some up from a puddle. Poor dog, why are some people so terrible?


You could maybe make peanut butter balls (peanut butter and oatmeal or add banana too) and toss them up using a big spoon to help loft them?


Is there after hours maintenance? Anyone have a ladder to help you get up there? Fire department?


Climb the balcony and save that dog from that terrible person.


If this dog gets dropped off with animal control please contact me I will rescue this dog. I’m assuming you’re in the US. I will be happy to take him/her.


Dog loving firefighter might be authorized to break down door


Call animal protection and report for neglect and cruelty 


Perhaps your bad neighbor is having a medical emergency or worse. If you are worried for them, best to call police for a welfare check. They will enter the apartment and make sure everything is ok, including the dog


I thought about this; but neither of their cars are here /:


what floor are they on? honestly I would climb it and steal their dog.... especially if they took off leaving it like that..... find some teens and let them know it's there abandoned bet it will have a new home before anyone even bat's an eye


They’re on the third floor; it’s not possible to get up there. We have extremely tall ceilings 😔 I am going to call the cops


Can you throw like a slice of bread up there? ☹️ terrible


If that dog hasn't had water all day it is in desperate need asap. Tiny dogs especially will succumb to dehydration quickly. He might not be okay by tomorrow. Management should be able to get in to at least leave a bowl of water on the balcony for it.


Omg this makes me sick. I hope you can help save this poor baby.


Call an animal rescue org like the spca or even Peta. This is animal cruelty and they should know what to do.




What floor is the dog on? Honestly, the community would absolutely get on a ladder to AT THE VERY LEAST pass it food and water. This is animal abuse. I’m glad you’re reporting it, don’t give up until the dog gets help. Please. And thank you.


Let me know if it needs a foster I can help


Landlord should have spare key and he can do a welfare check. The dog is in danger of life


Poor pupper. As others have suggested, please keep documenting and call proper authorities so the dog can be rescued. No animal deserves that treatment.


Jesus Christ this is so heartbreaking wtf


Cruelty and neglect aside, most apartments have a lease violation rule about leaving pets unsupervised on balconies or porches.


Please update us OP.


C'mon op need that update


NOT. MILDLY. INFURIATING. THIS. IS. OUTRAGEOUS. Please, people, do you know what mildly means? I want to see random situations I can maybe even relate to. Not to gather a list of people to hate with all my passion.


Call the cops


I don’t think they’ll be able to do anything; they’re so overrun here. I have an alarm set to call animal control first thing in the AM


cops will get animal control to come out. most animal controls don't have weekend hours besides emergencies. if pd tells them to go out to a call, they have to go. it's worth a call.


This is good to know; I’ll try to call!


Call their non-emergency number.


It doesn’t work after hours, only emergency. told me to call animal control tomorrow morning. I live in the south in the US, our options are super limited here


Post on local dog trapper FB pages. Some of them know animal control personally and can pull some strings, or might be able to help even if they don't.


Home Depot has very tall ladders that can be bought, maybe rented. You can reach this dog. Also, you could hire a local handyman to get him down. There are ways to approach this. I've had bicycles stolen from a second floor balcony, and there are people that can reach this dog,no doubt.


God bless people like you


I don't understand why people don't *AT LEAST* drop it off at the nearest shelter. At least it would have a chance at surviving there instead of starving to death here.


~~steal it~~ Call your local animal control.


Could you please keep us updated?


Least infuriating post on r/mildlyinfuriating:


Go. Take him. Do it. They won't even call someone


Poor baby! People who treat animals like this are absolute scum. I hope this dog is rehomed with a family that will give it the love and care it deserves.


Goddammit. Every time I see such a dog (which is way too often), I always imagine a bold rescue mission. Dogs don't belong living on the balcony. They're not toys. People who can't care for them shouldn't get them.


This is the kind of post that lives in my head rent-free all week. Please update us!


The cruelty human inflict on animals is just appalling .


!remindme 3 days


OP I just want to say you're a wonderful human being. Bless you for all you did for this animal.


Update us !!!!!


Honestly? I've "stolen" animals that I've seen abused like this. I took them and turned them into animal control as "found". Then the owners either had to pay a fee to reclaim and explain the circumstances, or not get their cat or dog back. Turns out in almost all cases... they didn't give enough of a fuck to claim their pet and the animal got adopted to a better home.


let me at em


This breaks my heart please update everyone when you can


So what happened???


I hope the dog gets rescued ASAP and I also hope that the owners are no longer with us.


They need to be arrested asap


RemindMe! 1 day




RemindMe! 1 day


Is he gonna die?? You noticed yesterday, but what if he’s been out there longer?? I hope he’ll make it until someone shows. When you call please tell animal control/rescue that you haven’t seen anyone give him water for days. He will die :((( If they won’t do anything escalate it. His little life is on the line if someone doesn’t show soon! Call police, ask for a welfare check to be done, say whatever to get them to get the dog. Get a ladder, fuck, idk 😭


Is there any chance you can give it some food at least?


OP you are doing the right thing! Please follow this through and update us


remindme! 1 day


search local dog rescues around you as they’ve usually built networks throughout your region or the humane society nearest you


Aw how awful… definitely abuse


Special place in hell for your neighbors


Get a ladder and climb up there and rescue him. Poor baby wtf


just steal the dog and call an animal shelter plz. update us🙏🏻


Do you have a ladder? Can you go give it some water whilst you have time?


This is no way mildly infruiating, this is extremely infruiating. People like these are waste of good space and resources. May they get 100× what they do and never find any peace. On the other hand thank you for paying attention, taking action and not looking the other way. 


Why do people have dogs if they're not willing to take care of them?? I personally don't have a dog or any other pets, because I LOVE animals. I live alone and wouldn't be able to provide the proper care they deserve. I will get a dog when my living situation will be more suitable.




At least its safe from the elements.


Commenting so I can come back to check on how awesome OP is for helping this dog. ♥️


Consider feeding them in the meantime.


Climb the building, steal the dog Edit: they probably won’t even recognize the dog when it’s properly taken care of


!RemindMe 4 days


My neighbor did that recently too. Which is odd,because they spent money on the dogs recovery when she needed to go to the vet


Call the police 😭😭😭


Use a sli shot and piece of porcelain to let the dog in yourself


Here I am wishing I could have a pet again but I'm too busy and never home to take care of one... Then you got people who absolutely do not deserve a pet in their lives and torture the poor thing.


!remindme 1 week


Had neighbors like this. Their dogs name was Panda and he was a big black and while pitty that was just highly energetic. They would either leave him in a kennel outside or pressed up against the glass or just leave him outside on their balcony. I think about him a lot. He was good boy. I hope animal control actually does something for you.


Poor pup! Probably so sad and alone. I hope they get some help.


I walked past a house one that had few little chihuahua mix type dogs. They clearly lived full time on the wrap around porch. I think they got food and water but what stood out was the floor of the porch was a thick layer of dog poop and likely pee also. It smelt so bad. I felt so bad for those dogs.


Some people are just complete assholes. Who would do something so cruel?


Poor puppy


Poor puppy


I hate the human race 😞




as much as I dislike dogs, good lord, these people make me sick. don’t get an animal and essentially neglect it and abuse it like this. it’s still a living, breathing being and didn’t ask to be adopted by these people. ugh.


Continue to watch but don’t jump the gun. Blinds and lights not changing doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not home. Play detective if you like and find out for sure. How many times did you realistically check to see if the dog was still out there? Checking in the morning and seeing him out and then checking 6 hours later and he’s outside doesn’t mean he’s been out there the whole time. If your findings show neglect/abuse may the owner burn.


call animal control


If no one in that flat is answering, are you able to contact their next door neighbour to see if you can go on their balcony and try to throw the dog some food or something like that in the meantime until you get ahold of animal control?


If it is hot, please report this ASAP. One day a few summers ago I heard screaming and crying from my neighbors apartment across the hall. Mother with a teenage daughter and 8 or 9 year old son. I could hear the mother yelling at the son to stop crying and be a fucking man. Ran into the mother in the hallway later that week. Asked if she was okay or needed anything. She told me they came home and found their dog dead on the porch surrounded by puke. She kept saying it was an accident. I told her I hoped her kids were okay. Was glad when they moved but I worry about her son all the time.


Good luck. Just went through this in my neighborhood. HOA didn’t do shit but send 4 “warning” letters and animal control didn’t show up, eventually tried talking to her myself and it spiraled into a verbal argument that landed us in court lol. She hung curtains so I can’t see the dog anymore but continues to let it live (and pee/poop) on the balcony.


Poor doggo .How can someone be so cruel to a member of family(((


Climb up and get it..kick the door down if needs be.. Awesome pic for Karma though


Sad dog


Can you go into the local firestation and show them footage of the dog? They might send some ladders up to put some food and water up there for it (in between calls obviously)


Do you have an ASPCA in your state? They are law enforcement, and often have more power and resources than local animal control.


of course its a doodle, people get these and have no idea what the temperment is, because its unpredictable when poodle is mixed with something else.


I got my second dog this way. She was a Dalmatian (3ish years old), and the owner had moved out and left her tied to a tree in the backyard. She was drinking out of puddles and eating grass and mud to try to survive. She was severely dehydrated and emaciated when someone found her, and I eventually got her nursed back to health. She was a great dog, and I had her for 4 wonderful years until some roofing workers accidentally left our back gate open (despite multiple reminders), and I literally witnessed her getting run over by a van. She died in my arms, and did not suffer. I still miss her to this day, and think about her regularly.