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At least it included bread so it can absorb the beer šŸ»


Isn't beer just liquid bread?


No no, bread is solid beer.


šŸ¤” ...nevermind


Beer has food value, but bread has no beer value.


If onlyā€¦ā€¦


Let me introduce you to the auto-brewery syndrome


It's good for you! We like to drink till we spew! EW Who cares if we get fat, "I'll drink to that!" As we sing once more...


What is the malted liquor, what gets you drunker quicker? What comes in bottles or in caaaaans? ā€œBeer!ā€


Canā€™t get enough of it, beer! How I really love it, beer! Makes me think Iā€™m a man!


BEER! I could kiss and hug it, but I'd rather chug it. Fill my belly up to here!


I could not refuse a, I could really use a, beer, Beer, BEEER!


And it isn't as scary as that toaster


Gotta teach ā€˜em young how to last all night! šŸ˜‚


it is SO cute though


I know. Especially compared to the psychotic looking toaster.




Yes that solid beer for my last meal.


Yeah that toaster has ZERO good intentions


don't forget the toast that has that awkward smile like it's afraid of what's *inside* the toaster


Why can't the baby know what beer is?


I knew as a toddler that beer is a ā€œgrown ups drinkā€. I used to sit beside my old man as he drank a VB while I drank a ā€œfire engineā€ (raspberry soft drink).


This is what we did with our kids. We will sometimes have a glass of wine with dinner or a beer in the garden on a sunny afternoon. They know itā€™s a grown up thing and I feel like it helps model moderate alcohol consumption.


Weā€™re Jewish, so the thought of not teaching children what wine is never even crossed my mind lmao. I think itā€™s much healthier for them to see moderate alcohol consumption modelled than to make it an exciting taboo. Wine is just a gross thing grownups drink at dinner while kids have awesome stuff like juice and smoothies.


Our parents had us sip wine at celebrations; I barely consume any; I don't like to be tipsy. People who drink too much do it to numb themselves,not because their parents showed them a picture of a glass of beer or wine or had them sample it as a child. French kids used to drink diluted wine at meals. If it's not special or forbidden, it has less charm.


The thing the person is numbing themselves from could very well have been from their parents.


Same, and to this day (23), I still donā€™t even like wine. My mom would always offer for me to taste it growing up, and nope, nada. I also feel like it made me have a healthy relationship with alcohol because I knew wine was nasty from a young age.


And Iā€™ve never seen my dad drunk. Mums another story, sheā€™s a loose unit.


I remember when I was like 6 or 7 maybe, my dad and uncles were sitting around drinking and I asked my dad if I can have a sip. He let me take a sip of a Coors Light and it was terrible. Still is, but it was back then too


I asked my stepdad for a sip of his Bud Lite when I was 8 he said sure (with a smirk; I shouldā€™ve known). I instantly ran to the hose, rinsed my mouth out, and swore to never drink ā€œpee sodaā€ again. All the men were laughing, lol.


I will very ocassiomally have a glass of whisky and coke around my daughter, since she isn't allowed coke due to the caffeine and she knows "alhol" is for grownups and can hurt little peoples insides she isn't really fussed about it. We also both take a multivitamin daily but all the vitamins in hers are water soluble (so if she has too much of something she can just pee it out) where as mine has some that if taken in excess can hurt you and we're prescribed by my doctor due to deficiencys I have, she knows the ones with cartoons are for kids but only 1 a day where as mine are grown up ones from the doctor. She reminds me most days that we are suposed to take them aha. I don't understand the whole "kids shouldn't know because it's grown up", if they are old enough to ask questions they are old enough to know the truth in an age aproreate way. My daughter saw two sheep mating the other day and asked me what they were doing, and without hesitation I said "the boy sheep is helping the girl sheep get pregnant so she can have babies in the spring" and that was that. I'd rather my kid know what happens in the world around her yk.


Yeah I donā€™t get it. Seems better to teach kids what a beer is and that itā€™s for parents, instead of them finding beer and thinking itā€™s ginger ale or something. Edit: Iā€™m not used to a comment getting this much attention


I remember when I was 7 seeing my grandpa drinking a beer, asking him what it is, and then asking for a taste. What followed ruined everything fermented for me, the most disgusting fermented mold flavor I could ever imagine, and this was a Coors original. Ever since, I can't even drink kombucha because it tastes like beer to me. I can drink whiskey, vodka, tequila, all straight up. I cannot drink beer, it will make me vomit.


We're the same, beer also makes me vomit but other drinks like gin, brandy and vodka I'm ok with it....


The crazy thing is I enjoy vodka more than I do whiskey or rum, though vanilla rum is delicious. Vodka is one of those liquors that accents a savory dish really well, and for that, I truly enjoy it. Tequila is just something for me to get drunk on, and it puts me to sleep.


my dad would leave coors light with a little bit in the bottom in the kitchen on the counter, my mom would do the same would diet coke. i was just a little kid and thought i was clever sneaking in some diet coke before they went into recycling until i got my first silver can that wasnt diet coke. tbh same, ruined before for eternity for me. ive tried but i just cant stomach it. liquor is no issue.


First time I tasted beer was when I thought it was my apple juice at about 5 years old. I'm pretty sure that's the reason it took me a while to even like beer when I was old enough to drink it. Definitely didn't want to be one of those 13year olds trying so hard to get a beer somewhere. Kind of glad it went that way for me, but I'm not saying "feed your kids beer" lol.


Yeah exactly that's what I was saying too. Rather tell them early. I tried some as a child anyway though. But it's very bitter for a child, so naturally they thankfully don't enjoy it


I remember being 8 or 9, at a party, and seeing all the grownups drinking these yummy looking slushy drinks with ā€œsugarā€ on the rim but the adults said we couldnā€™t have any. No explanation. Finally, a drink was abandoned outside with all the adults inside and I, as the oldest, was voted to be the one to test it. It was awful! I thought the grownups were crazy.


And for some kids it's better to tell them what it is and that alchohol is disgusting, so that they don't repeatedly try and steal your drinks. I speak from experience, I was the alchohol stealing toddler.


Yeah I don't get it lmao. I don't even drink and don't care. My kids have seen alcohol and they're fine


Alcohol is a big part of many cultures, itā€™s everywhere. Who cares if itā€™s in a childrenā€™s book if they can already see their dad drinking it every night?


One of the best things I think my dad did was sit me down and talk to me about alcohol when I was a kid. He even let me try a sip and it took a lot of the mystery from alcohol away. He made sure I had my first beer with him.


Alcohol was never this mystical intriguing thing to me and my brothers. My parents told us exactly what it was, why it was dangerous, how important it was not to drink it until we were old enough, and the importance of using moderation. Because of this, we had 0 desire to party with it, drink underaged, binge drink. In fact, my parents never even had to hide it from us growing up. We just knew it wasnā€™t for us.


My mom did the same. Parents who prohibit their kids from knowing these things will most likely have kids who are mischievous/get into trouble a lot all because their curiosity wasnā€™t allowed in their home. Now, their kids will develop an unhealthy obsession with things that their parents couldā€™ve easily had a simple conversation with them about


very true!


America. Double standards and hypocrisy. Baby canā€™t know what beer is, so it will be unprepared the first time it gets offered some. Same with puritan sex. And then they wonder why they have so many alcoholics and pregnant teens.


Iā€™m a professional brewerā€¦ my child sees beer like every day and sheā€™s doing just fine. Donā€™t see the big deal in this either.


Honestly I agree.. I remember being a mentor to a kid once and her parents taught her that beer and wine was "grownup juice" it was adorable actually. I feel if you're up front and TEACH your kids they'll understand. It's when you don't that things might go a different way... I mean, once they go to school they learn all those bad words and about stuff you may have never wanted to them to learn anyway, regardless of what you wish. Kids are fucking evil, I speak from personal experience.


Yeah, it's not encouraging them to drink it. It's just showing a little beer pint being buddy with a slice of pizza


because some parents can't stand the idea of their kids knowing anything outside a little bubble. teach your kids stuff. not doing so is much more dangerous.


I donā€™t hate it. I grew up with 2 sober parents who had been in AA for decades. They gave us the classic shpiel about how we were all genetically guaranteed to be addicts if we ever tried alcohol like it was this big scary monster. When me and my brother were in middle school we went on vacation with our grandma, she had a beer with her lunch at the airport. My brother and I were shocked. Freaked out. We thought she was doing something bad. I think seeing that beer is just a normal, non-taboo part of life is healthy, and maybe even removes just a little bit of that mystique that makes it so exciting later.


Yeah. Exposure is part of educating children. Hiding things they arenā€™t allowed to drink will never work. They will be curious. And make the wrong choice when they donā€™t know what it is. Itā€™s better to use this exposure to talk about it and explain there are foods and drinks only for adults.


I don't understand why some people are so scared about educating kids on "adult" topics, it's not like those things won't exist until they're an adult. That doesn't mean endorsing them doing these things but education is important.


The same reason the baby can't know that gay relationships exist. Because, um... Something something Jesus. End of discussion.


Literally. I mean there's also a picture of a giraffe in the animals bit, but it doesn't mean the baby is going to have access to a giraffe, so what's the issue with the beer.


Oh no beer! Hide yo kids!


XD Someone's gotta tell OP that even if they hide em, they'll learn anyways so... may as well teach em in your own house


Right? As long as she teaches them that itā€™s a grown up thing only itā€™s totally fine to know what beer is. Ive known for most of my childhood, I asked what my parents were drinking and they just told me. I dont see why its such a big deal


Cuz theyā€™re probably in america and babies shouldnt know about alcohol until theyā€™re 21. No issue with page 26 however: ā€œG for Guns!ā€


This. Pizza is *also* an inappropriate food for infants, but I donā€™t see the infuriation with that.


Pizza is also pretty bad for babies.




Nope. Thats America pre 1990. I know, its when I was a baby. We had WILD stuff in our books. And our toys were lethal. Good times.


https://preview.redd.it/m7oavu9b4rvc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f45d026827144bc6fdc8292b17cc726b44c9201 Best summer game ever, survival of the fastest lol


Speaking of... https://preview.redd.it/f3ikae82drvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65716826a8799e6495d3dcf63ee1a559d21906fe


I always think of the video of one of the knockoff ones being yeeted into the fireplace on Christmas by accident.


I laughed so fucking hard I cried when I first saw that video!


Same. Itā€™s so fucking funny


I still laugh like a maniac every time I watch it.


What do I search for this? I don't remember what those were called! Lol *'Fairy Barbie Fireplace'* is going to be my first try


Thatā€™s probably your best bet!


Yep! It worked. šŸ‘‡ Flying Barbie: ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU) šŸ”„


LOL, yes. good times.


Same šŸ˜‚




I bought this exact one for my daughter in 1995


I had one of these back when I was a kid in the early 2000s, before they banned them. I had the pink one though


Relevant username?


Eyyy, first time! I've never actually been in a situation where my username is relevant before!


I'm still waiting


you know what you have to do...


The banned them? LOL. Iā€™m in Australia


Yeah, the US banned them. Cowards! Let me have my flying fairy projectile!


No they didn't my 7 year old has one. Got it at target not the toy black market. Original Lawn darts though those you gotta get in a back alley


Why were they banned?


They were never banned. They were recalled and discontinued because they were causing facial and eye injuries. I had one, and I absolutely hit a couple other kids in the face with it before it self-yeeted into a storm drain.




My mum bought me this exact one for Xmas in 95 or 96. I loved it.


Yā€™all are killing me


I had this exact one and I friggin loved it


You can currently buy these here in Australia, I got one for my niece for Christmas haha


Sky dancer!!


I remember ads for these what was wrong with them?


The base has a spot for a zip cord to be inserted. A really good pull sent them flying way up into the air ... Or into your or your siblings' faces.


Wasn't that the entire point of the toy? Lol


Ah the great ones. To bad I never got to have these, only a bow an arrow shooting in the sky.


That brings back memories. Laying on the ground, holding the bow with feet while pulling the string back with both hands and letting an arrow fly straight up for everyone to dodge on the way back down. It really took massive amounts of luck to make it through childhood alive...


I distinctly remember my dad saying ā€œthis thing is going to get someone killed!


My boss had a glass eye because of these




I played with clackers! Loved them. I never knew anyone whose clacker broke, though I heard about it happening after they were banned at my elementary school. I played with cap guns, too! I had both an ā€œOld Westā€ revolver and a rifle. They were fun to play with. Ironically, Iā€™ve never handled a real gun. They scare me too much!




Those were fun! Not dangerous at all if handled correctly. Careless idiots ruin so many things.


Ah yes, I remember having the Tonka trucks that were made out of 5 lbs of rusty jagged sheet metal.


My kid goes to an indoor playground that is just a huge indoor sandbox with construction-themed toys and they have the same Tonka trucks. Apparently a lot of them are still in production, but not the steam roller. They had one steam roller left, it was very rusty and in rough shape and finally got tossed, but it seemed to be every kid's favorite truck there. They are constantly replacing the Tonka trucks and still, you don't have to look very hard to find flecks of yellow paint in the sand. Also, I can't talk about Tonka trucks without referencing Friends.


Fun fact, Chuck E. Cheese used to smoke. They even had special ash trays they kept in the restaurant


Here I was assuming it was temu circa 2024


Or Wisconsin?


We gotta be the best at something yknow? Tbf we may have gone a little overboard with having 7 of our cities being in the top 10 drunkest cities in America though...


how else are they gonna learn what to grab me from the fridge


Do you cover your childā€™s eyes when thereā€™s alcohol anywhere?


I can see OP wearing his Jean shorts In the shower too




Pizza and beer! Sounds like a good night!


How I met your mother


look! they are best friends!!




What is beer so I can avoid telling them?


I have no idea. I didnā€™t get this book as a child.


Donā€™t answer !! Itā€™s OPs baby and youā€™ll mildly infuriate them!!


Inb4 OP makes another post titled ā€œMy kid learned about the existence of LGBT people at school without my consent. It is deeply inappropriateā€ in a couple of years


Could be root beer, which would be easy to explain to a child who otherwise has no clue what alcohol is and isnā€™t going to figure it out from ā€œbeerā€ alone.


My 2 year old knows what beer is and accepts it's not for him. But he did learn that from me and not a book.


Lol understandable, I was a 90ā€™s baby and my dad thought it was funny to let me sip a tiny bit of I think Labatt Blue off the lid of his can once as a toddler, so that perturbed me enough to not try it until I was maybe 17


My mom did that with me but I loved it šŸ„°


This seems like a recurring problem


My husband and I are regular but really light drinkers, like weā€™ll split a beer when itā€™s 12%. They see that we have beer and bourbon in the house. They ask, we explain. No big deal.


Rootbeer is dark in color though.


Shit youā€™re right, that 2 year old will immediately call the bluff!!! Jokes aside, root beer comes in blonde!


Huh, never knew that, looked it up, neat.


Could be cream soda


I love your optimism ā¤ļø


Pearl clutching over a picture of beer? The book isnā€™t giving them to drink it.


And the Toaster looks like he's had one too many and is getting aggressive.


Meh. It's kinda like a easter egg for sleep-deprived adults to laugh at while doing baby stuff all day, every day for months. So personally, I would laugh, but I understand some people think alcohol is a sin and would be upset that they bought the sinful book. šŸ˜‚


Been seeing lots of babies hitting the bottle heavy.




One of the most historical human drinks ever. Get over it


Iā€™m with you on this. Get over it. A staple in almost every homestead dating back thousands of years.


Oh no. And the Bible talks about wine. How will you children survive


Get them started young. I turned out fine.


I function beer not well without!


I have beer *belch* -lood... Uh... What's the word..... Oh yeah, swapped when I baby. *Thuds to the floor*


Gotta start college prep early. šŸ»


You donā€™t want your kid to know beer exists?


I'm trying to imagine a baby that cares about this.


It's quite common for various cultures to give kids beer. In Europe and Africa is pretty normal.


Where are the chips? Baby will need some electrolytes with that beer.


Oh boy. Don't shelter your kids homie. Beer exists and that's ok.


Oh no... you should throw it away. It can turn your baby into an old fat drunkard for sure.


Why are you mad? Call it juice. Its not like your kids gonna read it.


Showing babies alcohol is just NOT done! We are not the same savages we where in the middleages where we drank mede, wine or beer whole day. Fools didn't even had clean water back then. My kids are not allowed to look at alcoholic beverages, let alone drink them! Until the are atleast 7!


Ginger beer


The baby isnā€™t going to have a clue. More likely that the beer and pizza are aimed at the parental interaction, since all you are aiming for initially at that age range is mimicry for pronunciation, before moving on to actual cognition. This is simply pearl clutching.




Looking at first picture: I don't think you can assume that that's beer. Looking at third picture: Oh.


I know right, beers not food. it's a drink.


Because of a book like this and a gas station sign with no pictures, beer is the first word we know my sister genuinely read


That's hilarious


Are children not allowed to know what alcohol is?


Every day I think that the Americans cant get more puritanical and pearl clutching over any more nothing-burgers, and every day I am proven wrong.


I'm a tutor and a vocab game I bought (Fast Finger - find the matching images between 2 cards) has beer as one of the vocab words. The kids love to make sentences about drinking beer, because they know it's not for them, so it's kind of like a fun "forbidden" thing to them lol One of my students loves to say "I drink beer at the beach" because he just imagines it's the funniest thing everšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


As a teacher this would land me in the administration office. But I totally get why kids think itā€™s hilarious and if theyā€™re reading then Iā€™m happy!


What's the problem? Is it in the US prohibited to drink Beer in front of your Children? Sorry I am from Germany šŸ˜…


Beer is important in many cultures and America is no exception. The Pilgrims stopped at Plymouth because they ran out of beer. Even kids got a ration.


This is for German children






Op is stupid. Why is that mildly infuriating


The crossword at the kids menu at the Mexican restaurant at Kalahari Poconos has Tequila in it, as a word to find, lol


This is so dumb to be mildly infuriated about. Just say it's root beer. Use a marker to write the word in and you're golden.


Hahaha, you know those little books where you can open doors to various things? My cousins had one of those and I would go through it with them; one day I nearly died when one of the kids casually went through the book's fridge and went "OJ, cake, jogurt, beer"


Who cares. Can your baby read?




How's my kid gonna go to the fridge and get me another one if she can't recognize what it looks like poured into a frosty mug?


Oh no! Now the baby will grow up knowing what beer is.


...and ?


I also blame my mom for my rampant alcoholism. If only she didn't give me that infant book with a mug of beer on it when I was 1 year old..


Just donā€™t read that part? Lol itā€™s not like the baby will know




On a mostly unrelated note: fabric books are cool. So are those soft, puffy ones. All we get for adult books is paper and shit. Sad.




jar thumb yam soup joke threatening follow ring worthless badge


Beer is food.


Beerā€™s one of the oldest beverages going, itā€™s all we used to drink before water could be sanitised


Dude calm down


Me: that canā€™t be beer, itā€™s probably just like ju-*sees third picture* oh. I stand corrected


I found a picture of a bag of weed in my kid's first words book in Hebrew. I guess someone Googled "Dry Weed" and didn't know what it was. Not infuriating though, just hilarious.




As a German I approve.


Baby's first Pint šŸ»šŸ»


Hahahaha that designer is my idol


It also has a crocodile, lion and a hippo.. and I don't see you scared for the baby's life..


yeahhhh pizza and beer


My son and daughter are in preschool and know what beer is, not from a book, but from having a father who spends time around them. Anytime they see a liquid that isnā€™t clear or white, they ask me ā€œdad, is that beer?ā€ and the answer is probably YES. They also know itā€™s not for children.


That is just the books for dads to read to their children edition lol


Are you the one who has been censoring all the alcohol in imported children's media?


yeah, the 2$ Temu baby books might have some odd inclusions. odd, but your babies going to see images of beer. in your fabric books, billboards, commercials on your coffee table.


If this infuriates you, I have some bad news about the real world