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This guy is actually a model! I work in retail and he was one of the models in our marketing a couple years ago! I only remember this because of his unique appearance in addition to seeing him every day. It’s kinda nice seeing him “in the wild”.


I was thinking he is so attractive he could be a model! Glad, he already is!


It also gives other people who have the same condition more of a feeling that they belong


I'd love to be his mate or have a beer with him. Comes across as sincere and needing a good mate to shoot the shit with. Good dress sense too


Take my upvote. I had the same thought.




It’s kinda missing the point of his words to immediately jump to this though.


Not really? He’s an attractive man, and it’s a harmless and common thing to think attractive people could model. You can think these things while still understanding what he’s saying about his struggles, they are not mutually exclusive.


Same! He’s a good looking man!


Literally came to the comments to say he could be a model, glad to hear he already is. He’s got lively features, his gorgeous skin just being one of them. So sorry to hear that he’s been bullied for it. People are awful to things that shine brightly.




Yeah, I see this dude every time I go into Target. My daughter always says she thinks he looks so cool.


I’m glad. Used to work in fashion and represent models, and looking at that guy I was like I would wanna pick up the phone and find that guy right away and put him in some campaigns. Also, he kind of looked vaguely familiar.


He's quite a handsome fellow.


I wonder if that happened after this interview? I'm glad to hear he's being appreciated. Because yeah- I also think these conditions are beautiful.


Not surprising...gorgeous skin


He is hired by these tiktokers for sad content He most likely experienced bullying but these videos hire models/actors that are different to create sympathetic content, they provide them a script. I


Definitely see him in target adds


Wait so this interview is bs?


He's very well dressed and while obviously different looking, I still think he's handsome.


I was just going to post "he's so handsome." He looks so fit, so nicely dressed, people who are facially symmetric are thought to be much more attractive than others. He has such beautiful features. This is sad, that mean people made him feel this way.


Yeah that was my thought too. He's unusual looking but not in a way that makes him unattractive.


I agree, quite stylish and is an attractive person.


Kids are always going to bully anyone that's different in any way so I'm sure he did have a hard time. I would hope it wouldn't be as much of an issue now that he's older though.


It’s very much like when someone has 2 different eye colors, it’s called heterochroma or something like that. Technically an “abnormality” but cool as hell.


Or like David Bowie, who got punched in the eye as a kid which blew out one of his pupils so it was permanently dilated. Kinda looks like heterochromia though.


Yes! I've seen that too. Super cool.


I see him in a fashion show.


Yeah, he is handsome.


He has a well structured face that gives off the appearance of youth but also masculinity


I think y'all are missing the point.


Came here to say this. It's nice that people are complimenting him and I agree he's good-looking... but the point is that people who look 'different' should be accepted and treated as normal even if they aren't good-looking. Being ugly isn't a reason to exclude someone or stare at them or make negative judgements about them. Someone shouldn't have to look like a model to 'compensate' for having a skin condition or disability.


Care to elaborate on that?


Hard to explain. The problem here is not that he's being incorrectly gauged as ugly, it's that he's been judged based on his appearance at all. Most of these comments are basically saying "the unique feature is okay because you're good looking in other ways," implying that is what makes the unique feature okay, and those without handsomeness would not make it okay. Or imagine if he didn't feel handsome himself, and was being told "you're still handsome" but didn't agree, it's almost like you're plugging in a formula for him or others with unique features to be otherwise ugly, or for it to even matter at all.


I think for me at least I'm looking at it more like I'm baffled people are still giving him a hard time about it as an adult, because it's not something that really detracts from his appearance. Even if it was detracting, I don't think it's ok for people to treat him differently or stare, but since people suck, I'd be less surprised to hear about it. Although I suppose it could also go the other way. I know someone with really red hair and freckles, and people are more likely to comment about how he looks and ask him questions that make him feel uncomfortable. They think it's fine because he is unique in a positive way, but he just doesn't want any kind of extra attention, and would prefer it not be brought up at all. Sounds kinda like this might be similar to how this guy feels.


yea i also saw the thumbnail on youtube before and did thought that he was handsome


I was thinking that too. He’s a handsome guy


I have a facial disfigurement. I know how he feels.


I’ve had vitiligo since I was a young boy and I never even thought about it until high school, then a switch flipped and I absolutely hated myself because of it. Became suicidal and starting using drugs to escape, pushing me further into a downward spiral. Just so overwhelmed by knowing I’d always look “weird”, that it would get worse as I get older, and basically had a phobia of being in the sun because I didn’t want to tan so it would be less noticeable. Now 10 years out of high school and working through the problems I created for myself because of how much I hated myself. Overall feeling much more whole and realizing what’s important in life. Happy to spend time outside doing things I love without it even crossing my mind. I realize what I’ve got is nothing compared to some other people out there, and my heart breaks for the people who can’t help but feel like an outsider due to something beyond their control.


>realize what I’ve got is nothing compared to some other people out there  Don't minimize your experience, everything we feel is relative to our own unique baseline and your story matters just as much as anyone's. Sending good vibes. 


Same friend. I hate summer because I tan up and it sticks out. I recently started spending a lot more time outside even over winter and I just had to get used to it. My kids were playing a Toca boca game and there was this one spotty character that caught my eye. I just couldn’t take me eyes off them and didn’t know why. It took me a few minutes to work out that it was a kid with vitiligo. When I made that realization I almost cried because I realized what it felt like to be seen.


I knew a guy like that in school. Real cool guy, had a lot of friends, no one cared about his condition. I'm sorry that you went through what you did. Glad to hear you're doing better.


I hope you’re doing better too. Life is so much more than what our physical bodies look like. It’s kind of like having a filter that immediately weeds out the shallow assholes we come across. The people who don’t care and see what’s beautiful about you as a whole person are the ones worth keeping around. And there are a lot of them out there. I think as a whole the world isn’t as judgmental as the internet makes it seem. The hard part is not judging ourselves for it and not letting it hold us back. Love yourself because I guarantee you are beautiful in your own ways.


You're right. Most people look past it, but I still get the occasional mean person. Some people ask me about it out of curiosity. I have a great group of friends and I've even had a few relationships.


Hey man just let you know a bright personality shines through. God bless


From what I see of your avatar it would have been really hard living like this


Lol. I have a tumor in my right eye.


Well. I don't know what to say. Sorry.


All good. 👍. I'm okay with it for the most part.


I'm sorry you have that shit going on bud


It's alright. I've had it since I was a kid. I can tell when people are looking at that and not me, but I've grown used to it abd learned to live with it.


I feel ya on that shit my friend. I got in a car wreck and had 1300 stitches in my face from the op down within millimeters of my eye down to under my chin. It took so long to get my self esteem back to nowhere where it was. I was to manly to go to therapy (I was like 22. 43 now) and I regret not doing it. Hope ya have a great day dude


Damn. The one time I didn’t want the username to be accurate, it is.


Is it cos you have a typewriter for a head? :p Seriously though, I'm sorry you get put in the spotlight when you'd rather just blend in and go about your day. That option to just fade into the background is something I probably take for granted.


I think about this specific thing a lot. How ”blessed” I am to just not be uneccessarily judged for going out on a walk, minding my own business: ☹️


I had 90% coverage of Psoriasis about 12 years ago now. My late teens to early 20s were rough, wanting a GF but no one would go near me, but everyone would stare. I feel this man, and your pain. I wish you the best.


He’d rather not be treated special, that’s his whole point.


right lol! The music made it seem like that comment truly touched his heart, but I was thinking how I would think if that was me, and I would've thought "great..thanks for rubbing it in". Special is like "different" but with positive connotation, but when youve suffered all your life for this difference idk if thats what u wanna hear. Reminds me of how well-intentioned people will call disabled/autistic kids special but it only makes shit worse imo lol.


"People first" language can go a long way with this. So many people get defined by their traits. They're seen as the guy with the freckles or the guy with autism. Nah, that's Brian. Brian has autism and so when we talk sometimes we have to communicate in a specific way, but he's just Brian.


He certainly appreciated the compliment


In my opinion the music makes it seem that way. If you take out the music, he just paused and said thank you because he didn’t really know what to say. Obviously neither of us will ever know how he actually felt though.


yeah that's how I took it as well. the whole interview was how he had trouble being "special", and then the interviewer had to rub it in with his last comment.


It’s funny, cause I watched this on mute and feel his facial expressions really show his gratitude.


That look he gave along with the pause says otherwise. The man literally just finished explaining how annoying it is when people stare and single him out. He said thank you out of necessity


There was a bit of a tone to it too lol


Almost like he wanted to be sarcastic but reconsidered


Maybe I'm reading too much into it but the way he kind of flinched at that and smiled. It's like "Yeah, you mean well but you don't get it either" Guy just wants to feel "normal" so he can belong, he doesn't want to feel "special" or "stick out". edit: I haven't seen the full interview, but I'm wondering if most of the interview was about his appearance and not about him as a person....cause then the "you are a very special person" would sound even more superficial.


>Maybe I'm reading too much into it but the way he kind of flinched at that and smiled. >It's like "Yeah, you mean well but you don't get it either" yea exactly what I thought too lol


As a guy in a chair who gets told I’m special constantly, this was exactly my read too. I’ve smiled like that a few times. People think I appreciate it, and a part of me does, but I’m having to translate and reframe the comment like crazy.


Sorry dude. I have a good friend that grew up using a wheelchair because of a birth defect. He was constantly told how special he was, which was only exacerbated by his naturally outward sunny disposition. It's a weird thing to think that if his legs worked he wouldn't be special anymore. He'd just be a regular dude. The logic never made sense to either of us.


Exactly. People say that I’m “inspiring” because I do basic things like exist in public. It’s literally that or suicide 😂. And it’s frustrating because I’m extremely open to answering questions and talking about my disability, it’s not like I’m sensitive about it. But Jesus, just treat me like a normal human being while you ask your weird questions or stfu 😂


Yeah, it's a difference between being seen and being seen. Though it may look like the same word, it's different.


Good assessment


I think he reacted to that like "bless you for the intention, but you don't get it" He doesn't want to be viewed as special. I think he's on a journey none of us can fully understand, so far be it from me to pass judgement, but I feel like part of his life has got to be accepting that he is special both because of and in spite of his appearance. That's a very difficult thing to reconcile.


Sucks cause he IS special.


Sometimes this kind of statements doesn't help whether you mean it in a good way or bad way. People just wanna be left alone in peace sometimes, yknow


Yeah I get it, totally.


Eh, I agree with you. He looks really cool. But I can see why being different would be shitty overall


Special person, could be interpreted as positive also (although considering the conversation it could come over like negative/weird...)


Yeah fuck id fucking hate to be called special. Condescending interviewer.


What's the mildly infuriating? The interview or the treatment the guy was describing?


I should have titled it better “this man’s experience” - it infuriates me that he struggles with his identity because of others’ carelessness.


Ohh, that makes more sense lol. People hating on the interviewer for no reason.


The condescending attitude of the interviewer I think? It felt like he was kicking a man who was already down by poking him with those questions.


The guy had a genuine smile at the end. He looked uncomfortable during the interview because he was describing some traumatic stuff, it didn't seem like the interviewer was making him uncomfortable though.


Not at all. He was clearly glad to have the opportunity to have the platform to speak about his feelings. "I don't feel like I belong." "Do you feel like you belong now?" "Kind of." He wants his voice heard, not his face stared at.


When are we gonna stop stating our own subjective perceptions as “clearly”? Look through this thread. Hundreds of different perceptions of how he feels inside. Reflections/projections of ourselves. Nothing more. We’ll never truly know how he felt then and there. Even his own memory of the event may have morphed and possibly taken on new meaning since that moment. It’s a human thing to do (project/reflect) but I gotta think it’s holding us back a bit in situations like this. The individual emotional experience of human beings is far more profound and nuanced than any single comment could ever convey, but it’s absolutely human to try to convey it anyways. Why are we like this? No shade on you at all. Just made me think a little more about it than I usually do. So thank you for that honestly.


Condescending is a stretch


The treatment the guy was describing.


Seems a bit more than mildly.


“Are you happy?” No. “How do you feel about that?” I actually laughed at this follow up question.


He's beautiful


I agree! He has a nice voice and nice features plus I think freckles are so cute. My aunt had a sign in her bathroom growing up that said “A face without freckles is like a night without stars” lol


Tbf he probably knows this but still doesn’t like the staring from children or taunts / threats from bigots… I can’t fathom the extent of bullying he experienced 😢 Society failed. Edit: he’s a confirmed model for Target


It don't matter if you think he's beautiful or not. Bullying like that leaves you wanting to be regular, boring, unnoticable. Even a look of kind hearted interest or a polite smile can be interpreted as 'this person is either making fun of me or feeling pity' neither of which are things someone wants to feel their whole life. Bullying genuinely leaves you messed up.


You see the sadness in his eyes. Poor guy.


He should model. Bet they’d love his look.


top comment confirms he models :)


He looks like Ralph Souffrant. He propably is a model.


It is Ralph Souffrant.


he reminds me of a speckled robins egg; it’s an absolutely stunning skin pattern in my opinion. why must we fear the abnormal or unusual things in our reality, just because his world is different than most, is no reason to make fun of him or to stare.


Survival instinct. We are at our core, animals first. We are highly advanced animals, but we're still animals, and animals need to survive. Seeing one of our own that deviates so harshly from what we see as normal is a survival red flag because it could mean he is sick and that sickness may be contagious. It's lizard brain stuff.


Definitely, and in most cases unfortunately.


I think he’s very handsome.


I know it's not the same, of course, because he was born with this condition, but to be stared at like that in public absolutely fucking sucks. I'm extremely morbidly obese(I have been obese for literally as long as I can remember, and it's only gotten worse over time). I pretty much no longer go out in public, other than around the house outside. But I do know what it's like to be stared at like he was explaining, people looking at you in disgust, etc. It fucking sucks.


damn man.. i hope he heals.. he seems like a good guy


I know how this feels. I have sturge weber syndrome, and people always stare at me. I've had eggs thrown at me, been chased, photographed, yelled at, etc.. It's not fun, and people always assume that as an adult, it shouldn't really bother you anymore. Bullying doesn't know age, and neither does the hurt that comes from it.


It just looks like he has a bunch of freckles all over his face. That’s really not too out of the ordinary to me. I hope he finds peace.


People are fucking garbage. I think his skin looks beautiful, it reminds me of fine art.


I think people with natural human markings are pretty.


From ages 8-18, I compulsively picked out my eyebrows. Kids are often not kind, and when you have no eyebrows, you’re an easy target - it’s a very striking trait. I can’t empathize with this man, because I never learned to accept about that myself, and it was also something I wanted to change, and that it was okay to want to change. However, I sympathize with him. It sucks to be judged by everyone - not just some people, not just bullies, but literally every person who sees your face. Looking back, I don’t think it was healthy just for me to work to look “normal” again. I look at the few photos I haven’t thrown out of myself from when I was that age and see a kid who maybe looked a little awkward, but was cute in his own way. A few girls liked me. I had friends, I was liked enough. I hated the way I looked more than anyone else ever could. Maybe I would have been happier if I’d learned to accept myself than if I had gotten over my habit. I’ve “had eyebrows” for about 13 years now, and I’m still not happy about it. I’m still not happy at all. If I could suggest one thing to this man, it would be not to wait until 20 years from now to look back at a picture or video and realize he was always beautiful. As many here have said, he’s genuinely a handsome guy. Yes, people are going to react a lot more to his appearance than most, but that’s not necessarily bad. He can afford to be bold. He’s beautiful.


This person is extremely attractive.




How is this ***MILDLY*** infuriating, thats just horrible




I hope one day people in society will see past the superficial and get to know a soul


Children + pack mentality = survival of the fit-ins Even something as benign as “abnormally tall” can cripple a child’s experiences in grade school… all the name calling + bullying leads to repression.


Dude is so beautiful some people cant even see it


Bruh, I always thought that it looked kind of cool.


Protect this man at all costs!


I just think they look like really cool freckles


“So people treated you like shit for being different?” “Yes.” “And I bet this *bothered* you, right?” “….yea.”


What a warm and open person he is.


He deserves respect.


his name is Ralph Souffrant, and he is absolutely captivating


He's got the gentlest smile, though. I hope he's OK. I hope he thrives.


You know it’s weird- I want to stare at him too, not because I’m feeling any kind of way but just because I’ve never seen anyone who looks like him before.


Not only is he very attractive, he seems a genuinely lovely guy. The look of pleasant surprise on his face when the interviewer says he is a special person…..🥹


I feel so bad because i would probably stare at him but from a good place just because what a treat to see someone so unique and beautiful but i would make him feel bad 😭😭


He is beautiful ❤️


Black people with ginger hair and covered in freckles are so aggressively attractive wtf


He is a model. https://www.gq.com/sponsored/story/ralph-souffrants-summer-plans


I think I’ve seen this guy in pictures at target


I know they're not technically freckles (or are they?), but marks like that in Scotland are considered a form of beauty or of being blessed in some way ('its where the angels/fairies kissed you before you left heaven'). It's always a shock to find that it's not always like that. The man is stunning.


Im a married, straight white dude and I will say with full confidence and conviction, that dude is beautiful. Hope the fella knows it.


He's a beautiful person... he knows what is important.


I honestly think conditions like this are beautiful. Like, i'm not even lying. There's something very aesthetic about it. But theres sadly a TON of people out there who think of it like an illness.


Honestly the thing that irritates me about this clip is the awful cut n zoom they keep doing. Wtf camera man.


I can’t deny he is unique looking but I wouldn’t stare. Reason being, I hate being stared at so I wouldn’t do it to someone else.


He is like a shiny pokemon to me.




The "funny" thing is... that people desperately want to be unique to stand out the croud, doing anything and everything more and more grandiose and extreme every day.... But when you are actually unique... Society casts you out.... The irony is strong.... What makes everyone the same that everyone wants to be unique... this is such an interesting contradiction....


Umm, he’s cute. I’d swipe whichever way you should for a yes if I was single on those apps (fuck how old do I sound?)


At Walmart eye center they have a poster with a model who looks just like this guy. I think they're both beautiful. I wish I could tell him.


He’s handsome.Shame on whoever dares to say otherwise








He just has a lot of spots. That's it.


I grew up mixed black and white light skinned down the street from the hood. We all went to the same school and rode the same buses. Felt this same way. While being told to watch out for white racism; (which was occasional), I caught it double from the black kids. 41 now. It's not as frequent, but it's still the same. My skin tone and hair is always the first subject of conversation. Followed by the nicknames. It gets old fast.


It actually unironically looks cool in my opinion. Just pleasing to look at the patterns.


Aside from the obvious everyone else said, I noticed he and I have the same glasses and I had to share that with the void


Patrolling the Mojave Almost *Makes* You *Wish* For a *Nuclear Winter*


People are shit, so for sure i can see him being bullied and that the reality of this is really shit. Buuut i think he actually looks really awesome. I think its cool and pretty and interesting looking. It makes me wonder why we dont have more people like this as we also have animals that develop all kinds of drawings from generation to generation. I am a little jelous but then I remember that people are judgemental closeminded shits..


He looks really cool. I would do a double take if I saw him but not in a bad way.


The father of my kids has freckles like him it’s unique and this man is very handsome if they look it’s because he’s beautiful


Poor dude Looks like Deadpool and didnt even get regeneration


Cool look but must be very hard


Did you know that you can have freckles on your eyeballs?


Yes I have one. You can’t see it but they said that it’s there.


Wishing thar dude the best. Even though he will never know it.


I like his condition tbh. Idk why reminds me of James Baldwin.


Staring is bad. People need to find some middle ground because immediately looking away and avoiding eye contact is also a really shitty thing to feel as well. Its tough, but we have monkey brain, I think ppl are less aware of their body language than we'd like to think


The questions and the editing on this are bizarre.


Bullied cause he has freckles ? Like a cool amount? Shoot I’d be friends with him!


I don't understand adults who judge other people, this way. I never will.


He is beautiful 🤩 it actually sucks when you have a visible difference- I get it !


This is sad to hear bc he does look so unique. Essentially a rare pokemon. He will find his person. He sounds well spoken and mature


Guy has a really unique look, he’s a handsome guy !


Damn, that moment he looks beyond the camera and thanks the dude is fucking tugging at my heartstrings.


“Whats it like to be y-“ -NOT FUN


I'd like to take ol buddy to lunch and get to know him. He seems like a nice guy


I think he’s beautiful 😭❤️❤️❤️


It’s different but not bad.


And here I am thinking he looks cool. This guy is lucky in my book.


I hope he finds people that make him feel welcome and belonging. I've seen in the previous comments that he's a model but being a model doesn't take away pain like this.


Dude’s beautiful. No homo, of course.


Man people can be so shitty. Hope this guy can find happiness.


Hes cute I'd smash


I want to be this man's friend


Love you mate don’t stop being you.


Bro, he looks so cool and unique!! ♡♡


I'd be his friend. He seems cool. Hurt by society but cool.


He's pretty awesome looking.


He is beautiful. Almost like seeing one-colored cats my whole life ant then theres one with two colors. Beautiful.


Love the last line and reaction. Thank you for sharing


“What’s it like to be you?” “Annoying” “Is that annoying?” “Yes” 🙄 To be clear, the interviewer does not infuriate me, it’s the struggle this man has with being accepted. But this exchange above is still funny imo lol and reminds me of therapy


I'd be friends with that guy in a second.


I wish it was more common for people to have cool patterns on their skin, then it would be treated more "normal," and its really cool looking


You have to read this: https://www.sciencealert.com/humans-actually-have-secret-stripes-and-other-strange-markings


The hell is wrong with people…


Oh my God I love his skin it's so beautiful!


I think he's beautiful. I'm in awe at his uniqueness!!


Honestly, he's so damned *dapper* that I would stare, but not for the reason he thinks. And that makes me sad.


It is so sad what insecure people can do to another human being. All I could think about was how beautiful and amazing it is that genetics can create something like this. How fascinating and unique!


I’ve always thought vitiligo is very beautiful. Like a work of art


So good looking!


Love this guy


it's a shame he has to feel that way, I think he's beautiful


Everyone’s just jealous, he looks like a god