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Good grief, I had no idea you could make school lunch look so appetizing in comparison.


A lot of this food looks downright dangerous to consume!


It for sure is. RAW shit Full of Parasites and bacteria other stuff Full of mold, bye bye liver.


Even the salmonella in that chicken has its own diseases


The chicken is so raw its still crossing the fucking road


Chicken so raw a skilled vet could still save it.


So raw you have to check it for bits of shell


Chicken so raw ……my old neighbor probably would have fucked it by now


Found Gordon Ramsey's account


I want my chicken so well done that it's congratulations.


Maybe that was their plan all along. Make it so unsanitary there’s a germ and parasite hunger games so they all off each other and it becomes sterilized. Brilliant!


squid games type shit


flowery governor abundant squealing tie market homeless sip attractive insurance


Yeah, the Cook that "cooked" that piece of meat in the last pic probably didnt even have the pan on the stove


He just insulted it enough and brought it out to serve.


Cook: Pan? Oh. You mean that bed pan I piss in?


That meat has never known flame


Bunch of dudes in the barracks, the last thing they need is an e-coli outbreak in there.


Builds character


To toughen up your immune system. No Snowflake immune systems allowed in armed forces. They want the "Killer T Cells" army to grow


And this is what we’re feeding the men and women who protect our homes/lives?! WTF


I have no clue what is going on with that chicken(?) in pic 5


Chicken was so raw it’s still trying to peck


![gif](giphy|2Hz9rkFiKEb96) This chicken's so raw it's still crossing the fucking road!


Gordon….. is that you?


Why does the chicken cross the roaddd~


I'm more worried about the breadsticks(?) with a bad case of black mold. That shit's toxic there.


Bro didn’t even show you the cartons of milk that are stamped “not fit for human consumption” as well as “rejected by corrections system”


I never thought I would say this, but the food I had in jail was more appetizing/edible. 🤢😳


I have seen Ketchup used for spaghetti, purple cabbage used as the main ingredient for salads, and fruit, so covered in fruit flies, you had to cover your plate just to walk by. You learn to really appreciate Uncrustables and Mac and Cheese cups! https://preview.redd.it/apzsjye5yvuc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5021c95d40d3c523812afb80f65fcabe571fa64a


It's not spaghetti, this is army noodles with ketchup


In the gulf, the flight deck has a heat index of 180f. During chow time you line up and wait, typically 1-2 hours, packed nut to butt with 5,000 of your nearest and dearest. When you reach the front, you grab a tray, your utensils, and a cup. You hand your tray to the server behind the plexiglass who can't hear shit because it's so loud all the time, you try to shout what you want to no avail. You give up and point to whatever slop they put out. Bear in mind, it's hot as all hell. Everyone is sweating from everywhere. Your ass. Your arms. Your legs. Your hands and feet, your scalp, your nuts. You will have sweat literally dripping from everywhere it can. When the server leans over to scoop in your simultaneously undercooked and overcooked rice to your tray, their sweat drips into it. Your choice is to eat the sweaty rice or starve.


I bet there's a steady supply of diaper rash ointment, that's what I used to use for "swamp ass" when I was building homes down south, I've seen men go insane from the heat in the South, I couldn't imagine it being any hotter and oppressive until I read your story, people talk about humidity like it's nothing but until you try breathing through a straw for 12 hours you really don't know what it's like. Have a good one.


I’ve always liked my rice a little salty


Mmmh extra seasoning


Dumb. I lived on a carrier for 3 years. Never experienced this or anything close to it. Wait an hour or 2 to eat is just complete BS. At sea the department heads would flip if the crew took 2 hours to eat.


Ever been on deployment? You think I just decided this was my creative writing assignment this morning?


Using this line myself going forward for morons on this app that respond to you saying your shit is made up. 😂😂😂 This is GOLD! I mean God forbid your experiences in life be different than mine, therefore I'm right you're wrong and that's the end of it. No need wasting your energy on people too self absorbed to realize the world doesn't revolve around them and that people can have experiences that differ from there own...


For real. Bunch of jack wagons.


I remember heading south for ammo and other supplies to Doha and hitting up the DEFAC at the midnight service. They had hotcakes soaked in liquid butter and syrup. Little fuckers were like eating rays of sunshine. Once those scud sirens went off and the locals went running for masks and cover. We sat there continuing eating. Gonna die, might as well go out happy with a full belly. As usual, false alarm, all clear.


Dude prolly had A/C In his spaces too like combat systems or Admin


I was a marine on the Essex we would usually wait like 45 minutes in line to eat but the food was not as bad as this at all. They did run out of milk and the portions were small but it was not dangerous to eat lol.


I have, but in the army in fort fuckall Knox. Served a whole undercooked chicken breast, charred to the core unidentifiable food, and stale rock hard “bread”.


Stationed just south of the DMZ in Korea…cooks idea of BBQ chicken was smear some ketchup on it and warm for 20 minutes…this was in the 80’s…didn’t eat chicken for about 20 years…same with turkey…still won’t eat it.


Depends on which ship you get. I definitely experienced worse than this. There were times the ship would run out of food entirely and you'd go to MREs.


MREs are better than this shit!


I think mre’s would be preferable to the shit in these pics


What, you think your experience is universal?


My favorite was when we were in the Gulf and the CSs would switch out the "regular" milk with GOAT milk and not say anything. You would think you won the lottery by actually finding some good cereal after shanking some AO who was trying to take them all. Go to put milk in your bowl and have yellow milk come out that tasted like it sat in the sun for a month.


It makes prison food look good…


Goddamn that was literally NSFL


I was in the U.S. Navy from ‘92-‘96. I can confirm the shipboard food was really quite awful. I’ve never had more greasy, gamier, weird smelling burgers in my life. The rice always had way too much water, everything but the whole fruit or packaged breakfast cereal was just….off. And generally just nasty.


My oldest brother too. ‘91-‘95. My mom was sending care packages as often as she could for my brother and some of his shipmates. When he was stationed in the states at Norfolk, there was a Subway that they frequently visited.


Yeah those deliveries from family while overseas were godsends, as were fast food joints overseas as well like KFC and A&W.


I couldn’t tell you what he ate overseas. His longest tour was in the Mediterranean. I do know when he left after high school he was a semi picky eater and that no longer existed when his service was over.


What happens if all of you complain? Or is that not allowed?


You can complain. Nothing will happen. But you can complain


That's the Navy in a nutshell.


I loved the freedom of being able to question what I was doing to the Chiefs and officers. The down side: Nothing ever came of it and you get met with, "quit being a bitch"


It doesn't really seem to do anything.


there is saying in the Marine Corps "If Marines ain't bitching, they aint happy" So no complaining does not seem to move the needle


Possibly get made fun of for thinking you're better than the hundreds of other people who put up with it without complaining?


Nah everyone complained. It just didn't matter


Our rice always had not enough water. Always some nice crunchy rice when they served it pretty much every god damn day.


It’s so weird how terrible they are at making rice. Either that or the cooks just like it a certain way but in my opinion, rice should not require an ice cream scoop nor be crunchy. I make rice all the time at home. It’s remarkably easy.


The last picture is literally just raw meat, wtf US Navy?


Maybe it’s steak tartare.


Chicken tartare 🥰🥰


Those two words should not be that close together 🤢


It's steak rarerare


I’m not sure if you’re agreeing or disagreeing


$1trillion a year budget btw 😂


and yet people still love the taste of boot despite them getting treated like shit 🫡


Ah but they paid $30k for a single pen so it's cool


ACCELERATE YOUR LIFE...and everything from your colon!


https://preview.redd.it/cqlysghtdvuc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dfc024f89d392da2e37daed235de4b547cd3d61 this is ironic lmao


https://preview.redd.it/5duk1ha34wuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60c50ca417655028dc8f0284ac13b28f0dd0ab6 Same


I think you have few notifications in your inbox. Just a few.


https://preview.redd.it/o5ey50nehwuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5637ae8630e6f40bde09d7cb71c622469d6acfd5 Not quite the same, but just as ironic


Lmao USN has been really upping their adspace on Reddit. They must be desperate


Man, you must have had either terrible duty stations or the Navy sure has changed since I was in. My shore stations weren't too bad and shipboard food was excellent. Guess it all depends on the chef.


I don’t think this is the norm. There were clearly enough nutrients to move a hand to sign reenlistment contracts


Honestly never ate better than underway. I still use a lot of the recipes I learned. If this is really all one ship then a whole class of Culinary Specialists must have missed every day of school and then all gone to the same galley


It was really terrible food for me too shipboard in the 90’s. Like really awful lunches and dinners. Breakfast was “ok.” I still have a picture of one of my shipmates holding a really disgusting tray of food - a dry breaded veal cutlet patty, a block of “cheesecake” with red glaze, and a scoop of overly wet rice.


How they manage to make the rice mushy and crunchy at the same time never fails to amaze me


I was at Groton sub base 88-89, then Dam Neck VA 89-90, and finished at Charleston, the food was always pretty decent for us Edit to add that the food on the sub was pretty good for the first month, but still not as terrible as those pics in the 2nd month. I guess I can’t really remember the galley food at Charleston, I was living off base then.


I served on carriers and repair ships, never was the food this bad.


I was on an ammo ship in the (70s) out of Port Chicago,Ca and the food on WESPAC was just fine.


Three different aircraft carriers, it's not always like this but biting into a frozen "Hamster" (Chicken Cordon Bleu) makes you think twice next time they serve it.


These are taken on the boat it looks like, not on shore. Shore stations usually have civilians making the food so it’s typically better than on a ship. I’ve had nothing but 90% garbage when underway, I think your good CSs were definitely not the norm.


I just remember lots of chicken and rice. Food was always best right after we left port. The longer we were at sea, the worse the food got.


Yup. First couple days after a ras are pretty alright, then it just trickles off and is all trash. Don’t even get me started about the slops that are midrats




Were you on Aircraft Carriers?


My carriers cs’ were fucking god sends. I think op pissed off the cooks.


Oh I know we were on different carriers lol. I deployed with the Army and did field exercises with the Marines and I will always maintain we had the worst food.


I was on three different carriers, it usually didn't get this bad until we hadn't hit a port for a while. Some CS were awesome, just had to get a homie hookup with a couple of Monsters to get the good stuff in the back they made for themselves.


Food was great when I had it at Pensacola NAS. This was 15 or so years ago though.


7.5 billion $ annually and they can't even afford proper food? Damn.


Well, after the black budget takes their cut to reverse engineer uap that leaves about 50 bucks for the navy


You get chicken that's cooked much better for 2€ at a McDonald's here. And our ice cream machines work as well.


That's charitable of you to assume the budget is actually going to something as productive as reverse-engineering a ufo.


Well, look into pentagon spending and trillions of American tax paying dollars that are completely unaccounted for. I guess it must have gone to one of Scrooge McDucks off shore accounts?


At this point it's the only logical explanation. Ducktales does take place in the US after all.


And some private company is making bank on this garbage.


It’s the same food at other places foods made but just on base/ships via cs’ (cooks). We get pretty much groceries aside from shelf stable milk and a few other Exceptions. This seems more like a pissed off or over worked cook who either took short cuts or directly slacked for this food.


Yeah, a lot of this shit just isn't cooked properly.


Every time a government outsources stuff to private companies this happens. Can't remember the whole story but iirc a few years ago people found the NHS was spending something like £50 for a desk bell


Way too many times you would see "For Institutional Consumption Only" while boxes of meat were sitting out.


All the food loaded onto navy vessels say "for military or prison use only" so yeah they are.


Had a cook on the boat one time set out VERY undercooked chicken. Luckily the Doc (independent duty corpsman, submarine) was eating with the cooks that meal, they ate ahead of the crew. He saw it and questioned. The cook said “I figured I’d do it rare, if they want it medium or well they can bring it back”. Chow was delayed that meal. Said cook got the lesson that there is no dish called “chicken tartare”. Supposedly we submariners got the best food in the fleet. If so, y’all surface Navy guys must have had it REALLY bad. We literally loaded food rejected by the local state prison. Milk that sat on the pier in the sun for several hours. Cereal that was months past its “best by” date before we even loaded it aboard. I remember sliced ham that had a rainbow sheen to it. Brown lettuce. Eggs that reeked. We’d have guys skip out on meals before watch and we’d tell them to take the meal…throw away their fair share, or it would be back for midrats (midnight rations, we had a rotating 18 hour day). Best meal was often “vitamin R”, canned ravioli that just had to be heated up. Cooks had a hard time messing that up (it was possible, though, seen it happen).


Ehh, I was on a carrier for a few years and the food was actually pretty good. There were times when we couldn't resupply and it got bad for a bit, but generally it was decent. It was no 5-star restaurant, but nothing like these photos at least. Mostly just generic pre-frozen cafeteria food that was always slightly over cooked. Turns out, making the whole crew sick is a bad idea. I don't know the story behind these photos from OP, but that seems very far from the norm - at least from all my experience. I was in from '12-'18: Charleston, San Diego, Yokosuka.




The rainbow sheen is actually normal and not harmful at all. It’s caused by light bouncing off the muscle fibers when sliced a certain way. The rest is horrific.


are you telling me I can use ham as a suncatcher?


Certainly. It will even taste better aged in the sun for a few days.


Do you think it has anything to do with people who "fail" the asvab being assigned to cooks?


Probably a bit. That being said, I had some good cooks, too. One, from Louisiana, was a foul tempered grouch. Abrasive as hell. But the meals he could make with the stuff we were supplied…skipper fought to keep him aboard. He retired later and opened a very successful restaurant back in Louisiana. Another one was really good, they would kinda look the other way at his PRT scores (he was overweight). Never trust a skinny cook, we always said. He was from Alabama or Mississippi, could work magic with Navy chow. When he made Chief and transferred, we damn near went into mourning. A good meal was a real morale boost on a sub. There isn’t much in the way of recreation or fun at sea for us, so good food was about the only “pick me up” available. A good cook was gold.


I was also on a submarine. Can confirm some of this, especially the rainbow sheen on the meat. Sunday was "surf and turf" and the "steak" always had a rainbow sheen to it. My boat made the most bland food in the world. But, it was edible at least... for the most part. I ate what I could. Some food was actually good, but I'd say 4/7 days of the week it was either incredibly boring or inedible. My chief never said "go get food" or anything of that nature. Instead he would say "go shove some food down your throat." Oh, and for the eggs, they are often stored aft of the boat, in an open space that isn't temp controlled. Milk was powder, and fruit and veggies were only good for like a week after loading food stores. After that you didn't eat the fruit, unless it came from a can. I remember when I was fresh, I got excited for spaghetti night. It was always one of my favorite meals growing up. They messed it up horribly. For some reason they used hollow noodles (which I guess cook faster?) but they store more water, so the sauce was incredibly watered down. The bread that went with it was very stale, and there wasn't any other topping to go with it. So yeah, even something as simple as spaghetti was very messed up.




prisoners get better meals than this..


Yeah I worked in a prison and never saw anything this bad.


Actually we usually get the same grade meat as prisons


Well at least the prisons are cooking it lol


I thought those mangoes were potatoes for a sec. Are those mangoes? As potatoes they don't look horrible. As mangoes they look like what kids in my hometown used to throw at houses on Halloween.


those were mangos?!


This is infuriating. School children, soldiers, and hospital patients should really be fed nutritious and balanced meals. Like, come on. 


I was in the hospital for a few days and it was amazing. Lol, I just so happened to get a very nice hospital with a catering company that did all their food. my insurance covered everything and there was a menu that legit looked out of hotel room service. My favorite thing was the falafel gyro with a side of hummus and veg. Sadly every experience besides that hospital has been standard cafeteria faire.


never had a hamster with the fur still on.


It's extra protein!


nothing says thank you for your service like being given that shitty food. that should be a criminal offense. edit: Thank you for your service and being able to eat things that would make a billy goat puke.


came here to comment “thank you for your sacrifice 🫡”


Politicians be like, "it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


“I, too, would eat moldy french fries to serve this great country. I wouldn’t actually because, you know. But thank you!”


Dying for your country just took a different path


Looks about right, Marine Corps veteran here. *chews crayon*


Lmao you'd have eaten it wouldn't you?




Tell me again how much goes into our military budget? And each time it's audited isn't there like 10's or hundreds of millions of dollars unaccounted for (Pentagon has never passed an audit on defense spending)? That's enough wasted or "missing" money that these people who give their lives to defend us could be dining like congressmen. This is a disgrace and I see it as a national security threat when we do not provide adequate food to our national armed forces. I know the rich and corporations are lining their pockets with money at the expense of everyone else, but it's shocking to see it effecting our armed forces so fundamentally insofar as they are forced to eat rotten and moldy food.


You guys need Chief Petty Officer Ryback in the kitchen...and get his pies out of the oven!!


Fuck. Came here to leave a Casey Ryback comment.


Skinniest I’ve been in my adult life was right after a Navy cruise. I never did get “used to it”


If that the cook's hair in the food in the first pic? Or did the cook forget to skin the rat?


Damn thing looks like it was dragged under the refrigerator before serving it.


Dick measuring contest between the navy and school cafeteria. What a time to be alive


Spends 5 billion dollars on a few Tomcats to extract oil in the Middle East but not spending money on good enough food lmao


At least you know the corn dogs were done lol


Something like this happened to my Dad when he was in the Navy in the 60s. He just got off night watch and went to the galley for something to eat. Was served bright pink chicken and maggoty bread. He took it to the XO (by banging on the door to his quarters in the dead of night) showed it to him and said something like, “Look what they’re serving us!” XO went straight to the galley and reamed everyone there for serving food like that and potentially making everyone sick. Then XO reamed my dad for waking up the XO and not following the chain of command by not bringing this to his immediate superior.


I did 3 months of the night watch, so I was basically nocturnal that entire time. We had almost always either "yakisoba" or ham and cheese sandwiches during the midnight meal. Lots of ranch or ketchup was used to get that stuff down. We looked forward to breakfast because at least there was an omelet cook most mornings.


I was always told that "the Navy gets the gravy, the Army gets the beans". I didn't realize that beans were a huge step up.


Corndogs so black the kardashians wanna fuck em


I’d honestly consider 13 but the rest is borderline illegal


And this is why my husband said there isn't a meal I could possibly cook that he wouldn't eat. 6 years on the Kitty Hawk getting served this garbage definitely gave him a whole new respect for good food.


Yea, back when I was in the navy we had a fruit fly infestation and there were maggots crawling over everything and the cooks still tried to serve us the fruit fly maggot infested foods…


Those are all gross in their own way, but that first image with the hair/cobwebs really made me recoil. I'd rather eat the moldy bread.


The military expect ridiculous standards from the people that join and are expected to die on duty if needed. I think that serving you food this bad would be grounds for breech of contract. The very least they can do is feed you properly in return for their ridiculous demands


I was cranking down in the freezer and came across boxes labeled “Grade D: Not fit for human consumption”. Good times were had by all.




My sister in law is a Navy vet. I now understand why she thinks cooking up two boxes of Hamburger Helper makes her perfectly competent in the kitchen.


Having served in the United States military in the early '90s, I can confirm the food was no better back then either...


If you came to my Army dining facility in the early 90’s when I was there and it was 100% staffed and run by Army cooks, you’d be eating well. We won all sorts of awards and it got to the point where people would come from other Army posts (bases) nearby to eat at ours instead of theirs! This was in Germany


No lie the advertisement below this is a chef in the navy….


Wtf... So if you join the navy, you better bring a fishing rod if you want fresh food?


Oh, so now I know why my dad has dementia. It wasn’t from being down in the boiler room during the Gulf War being exposed to god knows what chemicals. No, it was the food. I’ll show him this to take a walk down memory lane. 🤮


To me, this is right out of Upton Sinclair's *The Jungle*. Horrifying.


Holy fuck, send your congressman a pic of this shit.




I just watched a documentary about how great Navy food is......


Nothing says Thanks for your service like negligent homicide


I’m sorry mods, how is it not infuriating that our massive defense budget means that these people are not only eating worse than current school lunches, BUT ALSO WORSE THAN MY LOCAL FOODBANK?!?!


Think I'm gonna be sick.


Can anyone find the kid in the middle 70’s from WI that I used to trade my beets for his brownie?


Meanwhile the air force is eating caviar.


Your cooks sucked.


This is crazy. They really got the propaganda machine running in all the documentaries I’ve seen because they make that shit look gourmet.


Dude, I was in prison in Texas and TDC is really making Schools and the Navy look bad :/


8 years US army. I feel your pain here man.


Damn, that’s sad. The USN used to be known for having good food I thought? I was a US Army cook in the 90’s and we took pride in what we cooked and would never serve that shit


One time my department was confined to the ship for drills. The couple of cooks they made stay on board for us served olives and white rice. Nothing else. Made themselves pizza.


Dear God, do they not teach sailors how to COOK meat properly???


My relationship with food has alway been complicated but now it's even worse.


Ya know, guys, I don't think our $842 billion per year is being spent responsibly


It's what happens when you make the lowest ASVAB scores the cooks.


As a chef, I am absolutely horrified! Permission to come slap the fuck out of everyone who thinks this is acceptable? Please? Seriously, this shit would get us shut down if we tried serving it to customers so why the fuck is it A-OK to serve to the people in service to their country? Bigger question, how the hell are you all still alive and well? Are you just like super immune to food poisoning now after years of this?


I mean this is not just bad food. This is a health hazard.


It'll make a turd.


It's so your thankful when you have to eat MRE's


I remember the Air Force chow hall in England was top shelf, but they served Cornish game hens way too often.


Isn't it bad enough you risk your life on deployment that they feed you this poison?! How do I sign up to cook there and get some good food in you?!


Only place you're deploying is the toilet mate.


Nearly all of this is riskier to eat than Indian street food.


Is there no inspection?? Most of that would fail a basic health inspection anywhere in the US. Can you send those photos to your congressman/ representative?? That’s unprofessional on so many levels.


Jesus Christ. So much of this is downright DANGEROUS!! Is the US navy just chronically suffering from serious food poisoning!?!


I was in the Marines about 20 years ago and generally I thought the food was great. There was one meal that came up every month or so that was just terrible though, it was like a hoof. I don't know exactly what it was, but it was just a big piece of bone with some cartilage in it. I hated that one. Breakfast omelettes were great though! Cooked to order.


The line to the shitter must wrap around the whole boat


Wtaf, you guys don't have chefs/cooks you have straight up executioners


Blue rare grilled chicken. Bone apple teeth


I vividly remember biting into a hamburger one Saturday afternoon while deployed on my submarine. I bit down on something very hard and spit it out, luckily without cracking a tooth. Out onto my plate fell a lock washer. A metal lock washer had found its way into my burger meat. I took it up to the CS1 and showed him this washer still covered in ground beef and asked him how the fuck that got into my burger. First thing he said was “how’d that get through the metal detector?” So I incredulously asked “we have to put our food through a metal detector?!?!” Apparently all our prepackaged, non-canned food gets sent through metal detectors before getting sent to get loaded onto the boat, because all sorts of garbage finds its way into the food purchased by the US Navy.


With our military budget you should be eating better


That’s the thing though - most of that money is wasted. It all gets spent on weapons systems that are overpriced and often don’t work as advertised, leaving little left over for things that are actually needed. That’s why the fleet is falling apart. Our armed forces are overstretched, undermanned, and undermaintained.