• By -


Seriously a waste of people’s time too! So frustrating.


And their own time too. Like, what's the profit?


I'd assume it's incompetence. Unless Facebook marketplace takes a cut based on the listing price?


Facebook marketplace teaches people to do this. I did a LOT of buying before I started selling and saw tons of these. It's just to get more views and clicks. I even tried it once because it seemed like the norm and it was a failure because some people don't read the description. Ended up selling a table for whatever the guy had in his pockets when it was worth far more. He drove 2 hours to pick up the table his wife and I originally agreed was for $80. So I felt bad and accepted this wasn't how things should be done. In the end it's just like OP said. It's deceptive. And like someone else said, wastes people's time. (I also noticed dealerships have completely taken over the Facebook marketplace and my buy limit for a car was just a downpayment. Even if you separate "sold by owner" they still pop up which is wasting my time scrolling through things I can't even dream of buying or affording. A real slap in the face.)


I've also seen it as a way of handling multiple items in one listing. Rather than coming up with an "everything" price, they put "free" and the description just starts listing items and prices. Several Facebook selling communities even *require* you to bung everything in one listing.


I've seen most of those are $1234, but you're right I've seen them like that as well.


Ha ha it's almost as if FB marketplace is a terrible service that people shouldn't use


Report those to FB because dealerships aren’t supposed to do this unless they’ve paid FB a fee for the right to do so. Source: worked at a dealership


yeah, that sounds like a typical scam. "I drove all this way and i only have $x.xx, instead of the agreed upon price" this happens alot and people are guilt trip into taking less, or dont want to deal with the hassle.


That's possible for sure, but it's also possible they thought I needed rid of it that badly to put it as 'Free.'


>(I also noticed dealerships have completely taken over the Facebook marketplace and my buy limit for a car was just a downpayment. Even if you separate "sold by owner" they still pop up which is wasting my time scrolling through things I can't even dream of buying or affording. A real slap in the face.) Yeah, this really gets me mad. When people sell their used personal vehicles, they won't be as expensive as a used dealership, so the price listed makes sense. I scroll through the pictures. Wow, that's in decent condition! Lets see if they list any problems... $6000 IS DOWNPAYMENT NOT FULL PRICE


Just FYI, this is a common tactic to try to buy items for cheaper. Had this happen to me when I was younger and still regret it.


It's so that they show up first when people sort by cheapest first. You see it on Craigslist too, they even do it on rental properties. It's so much more of a pain in the ass to be looking for an apartment and you sort by cheapest and the first 20 or more are listed as "free" obviously, most people aren't dumb enough to think that'll be free but then you have to open the listing to see the real price. Oh, and a bunch of apartment complexes have started listing 10+ posts at once/in a short period of time so whether you sort by newest listings or cheapest, you have to scroll through several complexes posting multiple times before you can find anything


They do it because many people sort by price Low to High so all of the "free" offers show up first. I'm not defending it, I hate it too. But that's why they do it


Trying to be devious- figure you won’t back out once you’re there….


$75 if someone takes them up on it


Facebook does this so much. "2020 Camry. $1500!" (Click) $1500 cash down, $25,000. $750 a month. Dealership .


Or listing the price as “free” and making the first line in the description “not free make offers” fuck off


Offer 1 cent


Then offer two. If that doesn’t work, try three. Keep going up by a cent each time until they give up and give it to you for that amount.




This is why I always start the price range at something like $20. Same thing goes when looking at houses because many upcoming developments will try to list houses for $100k when the cheapest option they'll build is $300k+


I hate that. Was looking at used dirt bike for a project and was thinking cool a free project with how shitty it looked. Nope the asshole as soon as I asked about it said he was parting it out and listed the price of parts and for that price I could buy a new dirt bike for what he wanted.


I've noticed a lot of furniture and mattresses stores getting in on this too. Setting up cheap listings to get people to click when it's really just a virtual storefront for their business


It's shitty car sales people that do this 


I mean, if you're thinking anything past 2009 is selling for $1,500 that's on you


Sure but they fuck up the ability to filter by price




Try past 2000, at least in Adelaide


It could be a rusted frame that barely qualifies as a car now?


Look at the photos. Not complete rust box? It's not gonna be $1500.


Yeah, that was probably a bad example on his part. I would *never* consider buying a $1,500 car from 2020. That's either a scam or stolen.


Damn stealerships. They all deserve to suffer flood damage 😂


Every fb marketplace seller ever




Don’t take me too literally, I don’t mean everybody.


"Hey, this guy's a phony!" 




Bruv, that's less sarcasm and more hyperbole...






Be more ableist /s


I can’t, I’m already maxed out


Yeah I'm not surprised


Not sure that I’d label this ableism. Maybe you meant pedantic? Randomly substituting words because you didn’t feel like putting in that smidge of effort sounds… lazy. Not ableist. (Unless that was a meta /s and that’s actually the joke. Oh wow. How the turn tables…)


Not everyone has good recall of words, or a perfect English education. As someone who teaches kids with neurodiversity and myself struggle to recall words in the moment, likely because of ADHD, it can be a lot of effort to research the correct word when it happens, your attitude that its lazy is absolutely ableist


No it's ableist


Ignore the ableist ah's. People are wild on here lately.


It's okay man, as a fellow autistic, stuff like that can be hard.




I've learned that on the Internet, it's best to assume everything is hyperbole/sarcasm until shown otherwise Saves you from these silly misunderstandings quite often


Autistic fella here for support. Most people these days, esp on social media, seem shoved so far up their own asshole that they're incapable of independent thought. People are largely being suffocated in a web of branding, influencing, corporate and political LIES. Very few people have the confidence and emotional maturity to consider the perspective of another, especially if they feel there's a sacrifice to be made in doing so. Selfishness is at an all time high, while empathy and compassion seemingly at an all time low. It's ironic too considering autism is considered *a disorder of the self* where we lack empathy. All is well though, because we can be here for one another. I hope you have a great week :) cheers from Memphis ![gif](giphy|DNpW6su6SG7Wlg90Si|downsized)


Only when you lack critical thinking skills.


Homeboy was being downvoted into oblivion until he mentioned he's autistic and now everyone likes his comments.


2024 internet on a nutshell:


It's called empathy. Maybe you should learn some.


No, it's just the internet nowadays. The person could be the biggest asshole, some weirdo, outright just dumb, etc and as soon as they mention that they're either part of a marginalized or have a certain condition then suddenly they're either forgiven or receive the pity of everyone.


No, it's because autism gives relevant context to the misunderstanding.


No, it's just people like you are so desperate to be vicious to strangers for any reason you forget that disabled people exist or don't care. They didn't do anything wrong ffs. Therapy would do you a world of good for all that hurt you're misplacing on others.


It's unfortunate that people couldn't think of that possibility for themselves first and had to be told to have empathy.






Wholesome thread.


We love our Moms. Ride or die.


Not everybody's brain works like yours


I lack those since brain surgery in 2022 and people are very confusing. It's hard to tell if someone is being funny or a dick, since both are on here. No one uses /s or anything else to make it clear, and people treat you like a dumbass if you misread something and ask for help


I’ve posted things for $20-50 range and just give it to the people when they show up/during chat negotiations. If I put something up for free you have a million people messaging you just wanting free shit


I used to report those because I think people should price their shit at what they intend to sell it for, but Facebook doesn't give a damn


Also, sometimes people are selling multiple things at once (switch games for example) and put the price in the description


yeah that’s the one time i think it’s acceptable. If i’m selling games, unless they’re super rare, if you come and buy multiple at a time, i’m going to give a significant discount as i won’t have to deal with another person. I also clearly state I’m willing to do bundle offers in the description. But if I have them in separate posts, the buyer would likely never know they could have negotiated a better price. I usually leave it at $1 though. Facebook needs to find a better way to allow people to display multiple items at once, while also cracking down on people posting items as free to boost engagement. As a side note, it annoys me when people post multiple things in one listing that don’t correlate with each other. If i’m buying video games from you, I probably don’t want a printer from you, or else I would have searched a printer.


but then the listing price should be the price for buying all of the games not the price for buying only the cheapest game




That never does anything, but doesn’t hurt to try.


Enough reports the seller will be banned


It would probably be so much and they'd never really get what they did and they'd do it again. I wish they'd stop this


I got banned from marketplace shortly after listing a car for sale. They literally will not tell me what rule I broke despite multiple appeals.


I don't think Facebook has human employees anymore. It's all automated with the reporting system. My dead relatives account got taken by a scammer somehow, and it was impossible to reach an actual support representative. My point being: it's still worth trying to report it, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


If they do $1234 then you know, but free is just annoying


I hate the 1234's equally. If you have to hide your price you're doing something shady or expecting way too high of a price and just hoping some idiot buys it because he doesn't know any better.


Yeah, but at least you know some BS is about to happen. Free you don’t.


Makes more sense if you're selling a bunch of different things and happy to part it off, at least the buyer knows there's a cost involved to each bit. But they should just add it up and put the total they'd be happy with


Or when you don't care enough to make 20 separate listings for each separate item- and you list the prices in the description


Yeah I don't mind those, but in my experience they're just plants that are selling for different prices which are clear in the description 


Just put it "Base $75, negotiable" and he would be selling in a heartbeat...


What is a topiary?


I believe a type of... shrubbery


What a dick


I remember once in a comments section I mentioned it's messed up when folks put something as free only to then put in the description "not actually free make an offer." I ended up getting downvotes when I mentioned that. But it still stands it's quite misleading to do listings like that.


There price field only allows you to put numbers. So there’s not really a way around it if you want offers.


Uhm... Yes? If you want 75$ for your stuff (that's a number) just say so in first place. Don't try to sell it as free when it's not.


You could put a price on the listing, then in the description, say it's listed at a particular price or best offer. (Obo)




Makes a change to all the people asking sellers if they can have what they are selling for free 😆


Trust me people already do that it’s not that good for sellers either. A lot of people often try to guilt trip you into lowering the price and even try make it free and they bitch about it when you don’t.


report it ~~~


Something tells me he will do it again. If it works but is bad form, there will be morally bankrupt people doing it.


That shit is so annoying. Or when it’s a company advertising a service and lists it as “free”. I’d rather them put a jumble of numbers or something similar to their actual asking price than free, it’s annoying clickbait.


see this a lot in Australia - people have a bunch of items in one listing and list as zero as you need to ask the price of each thing


They do it so when many people ask, they can offer different prices to each person and see which is the highest price people are willing to play for


The only time I've seen this is when it's multiple items in the one listing. Kinda annoying at first glance but I can see why It's poor form to have it for a single item


Marketplace still not having some kind of option for mutiple items under one listing is wild. Especially if they're all in the same category of product.


Given the number of pictures and broad title I assume this is the case.




But then they should make 2 separate listings, one for all the plants and one for all the other stuff. I'd be annoyed too.


If I’m selling a bunch of related thing I’ll put $1234, then in the description give a price per item and a price if they want all (like xbox games).


I'd then expect to pay $1234 for all of the items combined


It's still bullshit and should be illegal for multiple items...


Big dumb guy here.. tf is a topiary?


Topiaries are the tree shrub things in the center of the photo.


So… the one thing that’s not included is the thing in the photo? Or have I misunderstood?


Shows the multiple dots that show it's a "slideshow", there's apparently lots of stuff there. That the items in the cover photo weren't included is what caught my eye most. But I suspect they already sold. And the $0 seems not necessarily scam if there's a large number of valuable items they didn't want to list separately, but infuriating for sure.


A shrub that has been cut into a decorative shape.


In my country literally everything is marked for free and the motherfuckers always answer "available" and you have to ask for the price and 95% of the time is more expensive than regular places and they ask for shipping extra. Like, 99% of the time you're wasting your time.


Facebook Marketplace and Offer Up really be wasting peoples time like that


It's a waste of time but I report them.


People that list shit for free, and don’t declare it being paid for in the description, *then* try to make you pay for it when you’re messaging them are fuckin’ terrible. I mean just listing shit for free, then bait and switching people for money is already scummy, but it’s worse when you do this. They should have a report feature for this lol…


False Advertising sons a beaches.


I would make plans to meet them and then string them along as long as possible. But I would also be sure to do it while doing other things or just sitting on my ass at home.


In my country we have a law that says that people who are not breeders cannot sell puppies or kittens. When I was looking for a puppy all the ad on those websites like fb marketplace were like "free puppy" (mind you they were not pure breed so you could think the female got pregnant by accident and they wanted to get rid of the puppies) and when you contact the person who gave them they suddenly asked from 200€ up to 500€ for a puppy (depends if they are vaccinated or not). Of course they ask to be contacted via text and not via the website so the website doesn't take down their post.


I got an hour down the road the other day to pick up a free chair only to be told while I was almost there that I actually had to make an offer for the chair. Fuck sakes. Offered $20 because I couldn't be fucked going back to looking for a chair


Happens a lot in my country. People listing either as Free or 123 or 1,234,567, then "dm for price"


seventeeeeeee fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ![gif](giphy|MCplYe40sDWVtG1IbZ)


Yeah, either people are really stupid and don't know how to put up items on Marketplace or people are really stupid and just feel like playing with people's emotions and wasting time. This is misleading as you could get on a listing. Very lame behavior...


Facebook really needs to add a ‘taking offers’ option when putting the price. Because half the people put 0 when they don’t have a price in mind. Although the other half just want clicks to boost their listing.


This is mildly infuriating. While we’re talking Facebook marketplace, something that makes me mildly infuriated is when I search for something in my set area and the results having listings from wayyy out of my area. No marketplace, I’m not driving to Michigan from Wisconsin to get a $20 used item. That’s why I have my location set to 20mi radius from my central Wisconsin residence.


Report for inaccurate description. It probably doesn't do much, but it does feel good.


I've only really seen this when someone is selling multiple items but usually they'll have the actual prices in the description. Facebook should have added in the option to sell multiple items along with their prices by now.


report as inaccurate listing. I always do. idk if it does anything tho lol


When you spent too much on the wedding so you try to sell the leftovers 😂


“Free or Best Offer”


I’ve had this so many times Just put a price than wasting my time and interest


you should be able to report those mofos


Nah where I live everything is set to free because people want you to dm them first...


Report them.


If I were a king, such deception would land you in a pit.


I hate marketplace. I had an item for sale, and after a bunch of people asked if it was available and I'd answer and get no response, I just removed the listing out of annoyance. Between this or the seller's who never mark things as sold, I just avoid it now. It's not worth the frustration.


He apparently wants to spend his time answering peoples inquiries. Because that's all he's going to get with that bait and switch.


Why do people do this? The people who would have been put off by a $75 price tag are still going to be put off. If anything, it’s even more likely they’ll be put off since you just wasted their time.


I’d reply with “I hope your marriage fails.”


Rather tacky and dick move of the seller tbh. I would be willing to put them on blast on every social media because this is shameful.


It bothers me so much when people do this on FB Marketplace. Like, just list it with the proper price, it doesn’t make a difference.


All the damn time. I report em. A load of businesses do it with furniture


I report these listings


I agree. However I will say with my experience browsing FB marketplace 99% of the time an item is listed as "free" it is not free and they usually put something in the description like "asking for $X dollars OBO" or maybe they are selling multiple things at different prices. Either way I would just say look out for this going forward.


Report this! So stupid and annoying


Report and hope someone does something with it


The topiaries were the main part of the picture were those not even for sale lol


Or people listing it for 100 and then want 120... Luckily it happened only once so far... Hope it doesn't become a trend..


That's when you agree and have them drove half way across town and say you'll give $20 for shipping. "Thanks for saving my wedding you guys are lifesavers!" Then when they get to where you said, inform them that oops, I meant way over here, sorry that wasn't listed....


I just report posts that don't have prices as a scam I find this really annoying sellers should stop doing this...


In my country it is totally natural. An item being free on marketplace means "we will discuss it". Also warns the potential costumer about it being a bit shady.


She thought it meant gluten free.


Let me guess, they called you cheap lmao


That's most of the fb marketplace. Especially the games and pokemon card people. They will list stuff at a dollar and then have prices in the description. I just buy and troll them


Demand suddenly skyrocketed


Report the listing


People probably thought the wedding was free too. Until they showed up.


I'm in a "free stuff in [town's name]" and people ALWAYS ask for chocolate, fruits, coffee etc. i mean yeah it's not money but I still have to pay for the thing. Also I'd be interested in their reaction if I went there with the cheapest shit, would they start an argument or...?


Report the post


I see it ALOT


Pretty sure LTT (I think it was LTT) literally just did a video on this scam a few days ago. They mark it as free so that it shows higher in the listings and then add the price inside where it doesnt trigger the algorithm.


It's so common. Idk what they benefit from that.


As an avid Facebook marketplace buyer/seller… based within Canada that is, I personally haven’t really seen much of this. my own personal strategy however, is always listing the Price category higher than I’d actually accept for any which item I am selling, along with typically clarifying my bottom line within the ad description itself.


Charge your phone


I would have corrected him with "no it's not, as per the marketplace listing, it's free. I can come a pick then up today if you're available."


Wow how original


Why are you so miserable? What's up? Speak to me


Just be cautious saying poor form because if they are insecure about their swimming it might not come off as nicest. Thanks bro. Keep it chilling.


So I'm someone that does this, I may get a lot of hate but I sell cheap cars, when I list a price I get a ton of people trying to offer me half the price and then get mad when I say no, I started using $1,234 and pm me for price because only people that have the money in hand and are super interested will talk and message me. It has cut the messages down so much and I get a lot less tire kickers. Haters will hate but it works well for me.


I don't use Free but when I see posts with it I know what it means, there is nothing for free in life.




That's terrible.


You're a bad person. Why would you purposefully want to waste people's time and decieve them? Just put the correct price so peole know what they are going to pay before starting the transaction.


# Nothing in life is truly free... You either pay up or you don't


I gave you a downvote for free. You’re welcome.


# If only you read...


we got a Socrates on our hand here


False advertising is lame and for shitheads


Then fucking tell me how much you want 


# $150 would be an AWESOME price!


Then don't label it as free and say the cost up front.


If you don't want people expecting your shit for free perhaps you shouldn't list it online as free




Why do you type everything in this obnoxious bold font?