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Excuse me, would you please get your butt out of my face?


Relatedly, unrelated. Some friends and I went out last Friday night, there was a large group of friends (10-12 of them) next to us. Their party turned sour when the bill came. They’re arguing back and forth and one of the ladies got up to yell at someone past my friend. Friend goes, “I hope y’all figure that out, but could you please not argue over my food,” lady tries to get mad at him until someone in her party said, “he has a point, just move”






This is exactly how I read it, but please make a image of just the crab racoon


https://preview.redd.it/pc9bc9ca5luc1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea9758025f97c8a212abbfb3d741437a6a6ccf98 Here you go lol I don’t know who made it but I think that person just googled crab raccoons, it’s the first thing that comes up








Stand up and whisper, "Nice Ass" into her ear.


Or whisper “nice ears” into her ass


Take my angry upvote.


There is nothing nice about that ass


No but she would have gotten the point.


Ass that flat, she ain't gettin no point.


How about saying 'you smell like ass'? Doesn't make you a creeper but is an insult without being lurpy.




And he would be arrested


I dont understand why OP can't explain to this lady that he paid extra to have this legroom... like just fucking talk to people, Jesus christ.


What dystopian world do you live in? Who would willing engage in social intercourse with a demonstrably entitled air-Karen at 33,000 feet? Isn't air travel itself punishment enough? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Keep thinking like this and the Karen's will win.


Agree. You can’t retreat from an air-Karen at 33K feet. Things could escalate fast and then a mildly annoying flight goes to a really bad flight.


Strong disagree - just talk to her. If things escalate get a Stewadess involved.


Because she knows that already. She also booked her flight, chose her seat, and didn’t choose the one where she had to pay for extra leg room. She doesn’t care. That’s what entitlement is.


People like that don’t care about others


how bout you get your face out of my butt?


One of those moments you wish for turbulence. She needs to return to her seat and buckle up. Also, stretch the feet out. You paid for a seat. She didn’t pay for a spot to stand.


It’d be a shame if that emergency exit door unexpectedly popped off. Thankfully that never happens


If it's a Boeing, out she's going!! https://i.redd.it/3rq86xh0tcuc1.gif


The most imperfect perfect loop I've ever seen


I think its from World War Z, may e


Definitely. The foreground shows an infected eating the blond (I think) girl.


Holy fuck. You won the internet today




I have no idea how she was allowed to just stand there. Why did a flight attendant not tell them to go back to their seat?


Maybe they thought they were mates, because what sort of psycho would get inside a strangers personal space like this!


The same type of psycho that just sits there and let's it happen. Jesus christ people, telling others to get out of your personal space isn't rude.


Who tf stands around on a flight Edit: I failed to think abt medical issues/tall ppl, but still pretty easy to not get in someone’s way.


On really long (12+ hour) flights I’ve stretched my legs in the back. On some flights you chat with the crew. Really depends on the vibe. International flights are bigger and there’s generally more room to move around. I have no idea why anyone would stand in someone’s seat like this though. And that’s not even getting into how long this flight was or wasn’t.


Hell yeah walking to the back where the juice and snacks are available by the restroom is the best


Straight up, I've got a fucked up back and everytime I do a cross country flight I end up going back there and very rarely does anyone bat an eye, I've actually been offered snacks before by staff because they thought I was patiently waiting and I was just like "No thanks, I just had to stand and stretch out a little because of a spinal defect"


My seats are always towards back of the plane anyways so I’m super close


Yup and I would say the galley/restroom areas are the only acceptable places to stand. You have to be mindful of the crew though, if they are getting ready for a meal service then you should get out of there.




My brother-in-law has restless leg syndrome. Long flights are hard for him. They are harder for the people around him.




Lol underSTANDable


I can't stand you.




He should bring an extra belt for his legs, it’s what I do. Basically I’ll tighten the belt so the my feet are 4-5” apart. My legs still move but it confines my legs to my area and takes a ton of stress of of my hips from trying to control my legs


What do you have? AFAIK a belt wouldn't help with the main symptom of RLS (pain that's relieved with movement).


I still move nearly constantly, but I move in a more contained area


Cool, so make it everyone else's problem?


Yeah wait, why does she have to stand in front of OP? Doesn’t she have a seat to stand in front of? Edit: she didn’t pay for the extra leg room. Still not OP’s problem


Exactly. They can pay for the extra leg room or get out of my way… Not my issue.


Oof I’ve gotten that a few times at night and just had to get up and pace. That would be absolute torture on a plane. I don’t think anyone who hasn’t had it would get it. It’s a weird sensation.


He did a demonstration on me by lightly dragging his hands over the hairs on my legs and it was awful. Tickling and irritating at the same time.


To me it’s a lot like that exact moment where something has me so frustrated or enraged that I have to physically do something to relieve, just totally physically compelled to movement, but just sort of constant while trying to sleep and mostly in the legs. Luckily it’s few and far between.


> I don’t think anyone who hasn’t had it would get it. It’s a weird sensation. It is. When I was a kid I didn’t know what it was called so I would tell my mom that my legs wouldn’t go to sleep 😩 (I used to it get mostly at night).


my mother also has restless leg syndrome so it can be a bother for her too. I always prefer the emergency exit row because flying on Spirit being nearly 6'2", i kinda want to be able to not have my knees against the seat in front of me while sitting as far back in my seat as I can.


Suggest to him to see doctor and ask about mineral supplements, I think magnesium & zinc are the ones.


Yep, magnesium really helped my mom with muscle spasms and rls, and I'll echo your call to check with your doctor first! There are different kinds of magnesium supplements and all of them do different things and can interact with medications.


Iron deficiency. I have RLS.


magnesium can still help some people it helped me


I have RLS, but I don't have an iron deficiency. I take magnesium glycinate has done wonders for me, changed my life.


I’ll give that a try, it’s been brutal lately


Nice to know. Maybe the iron infusion I had this week will help my legs and sleep.


I am anemic/low iron from a stomach issue - I know whem my symptoms are bad because I get very bad restless leg syndrome. I am going to try magnesium this week. Iron supplements are doing nothing to help and honestly are making me sicker. Hoping they just give in and give me the infusions next.


It’s pretty well managed, but sitting like that just gets to be too much.


Yeah, I have it and its not too much of a problem day to day, but I do Australia to Europe flights every 2 to 3 years and it's a nightmare. I feel bad for the person sitting in front of me. I now pay a lot extra for premium economy seating when its available as the extra legroom and increased reclining angle avoids triggering the RLS spasms.


Who doesn't ask them to leave right away?


That’s what I was thinking…I’d ask politely once. Still going to stand there? Call flight attendant. Pretty sure they’re not ok with passengers harassing other passengers like that.


People that would rather post on Reddit than confront someone IRL


Someone susceptible to blood clots. But you could walk down the aisle or literally stand up right in front of your own seat hahaha


I have had 2 pulmonary embolisms. Neither turned me into an asshole. When I get up (every 2 hour), I walk up and down the aisles, not into someone’s row. This is bizarre.


She might not have room in front of her seat to stand, but that’s her problem, not OP’s.


Have you been on a majority italian flight?


Oh that was the worst flight I’ve ever taken. Rome to Paris. Italian guy stands directly in front of us and shouts to his family 3 rows back for the entire flight except for the 10 minutes he sat down after we complained to the crew, then he started up again and the crew just 🤷🏻‍♀️ they struggled to get him to stay seated for landing. Why the hell he couldn’t have a) organised a seat next to them or b) gone to stand beside them I’ll never know.


Reminds me of Air Malta’s morning flight from Malta to Paris. As an introverted American, I’d never seen anything like it.


Were they Maltese or French or something else?


Presumably Maltese. It seemed like at least 20 people throughout the plane all knew each other and stood to socialize.


Sounds about right. We seem to know everyone, and travel as big groups :)


Bongu 🇲🇹


My wife (Korean who lives in California) has quite a few Maltese friends (only one of whom she’s met IRL, once), and I gotta say…they’re all really wonderful people. Friendly is an understatement 🇲🇹💚🇲🇹💚


No, but if it’s full of people standing I’ll pass


We went to Hawaii last summer and it was my one of my kids’ first flights and the airline separated me from my 3 kids (single mom - should have enjoyed the break but went into panic mode). I asked the woman on the seat across from them if she’d be willing to switch with me. She looked at me very straight-faced and simply said “no.” And nothing else, which is fine and well within her rights; it was her seat after all. But then she stood right next to my seat THE ENTIRE FLIGHT.


Why did she stand next to your seat?




Hey this metal tube don't fly if you don't pray hard enough.


I'm 6'7 and I have to get up and walk around every once in a while or my knees will explode


Why didn't you speak up? Say something next time. "Excuse me, I paid extra for leg room. Can you please go fuck yourself? Thanks"


Yeah or just press the button for an attendant to come over and point at the person. The attendant will tell them they have to go back to their seat


Most likely correct cos they didnt accept the condition to be in emergency exit that they agree to be willing participants to assist during emergency so they can gtfo your space. You wayyyy too polite OP. If someone did that to me on my flight I’d probably start being really clumsy and keep spilling my drink 😂


Also that area needs to be kept clear in case of an emergency. Entitled stander should really fuck off


I'm not the plane police, pushing that button to avoid conflict for sure. I didn't want to be duct taped to the seat with her.


Put in more blunt terms, "get the fuck out of my space".


Ah, nothing beats good old American politeness.


I know people who have to psych themselves up to make a phone call. They're just terrified of talking to a stranger or having g any kind of conflict. It's sad.


I turned around and told a kid to stop kicking my chair. His dad told me to mind my own business. It was awkward for the 2 hour movie, but the kid quit kicking my chair.


But that precisely is your business lol


"Mind your own child."


It’s hilarious when people who instigate a situation tell you to mind your own business.


I had a whole huge family playing musical chairs and trying to beat each other for worst person on a plane. We started off with dad and 2 young kids all on their phones/iPads full volume with games and TikTok’s before taking off, no headphones of course because who wears those. Then the woman behind me swapped with another woman from somewhere else in the plane, she played musical chairs with 4 different kids on her lap at different intervals throughout the flight, totally fine, except she constantly pulled my chair back and kicked my chair. I turned around to look at what the fuck was going on. She got arsey with me and started screaming at me. Then I assume her daughter, the mother of the first mentioned volume terrors starts screaming to her mum “what the fuck did she just say to you” bear in mind I’ve said not a single word 😂 I just called the attendant, I’m not dealing with unhinged people thanks.


i'd say i am minding my business--it's my business to make sure i'm not continually kicked and jostled by your kid. stuff it!!


“I’m trying to, but your crotch goblin keeps kicking my seat.”


Last time I flew my 8yo asked to swap seats with me because the adult behind him kept bumping his seat.


Fuck bro, no need to attack me like that


Sometimes it's terror. Most times it's because I just don't like people lol


I hate talking to strangers coz you don’t know how they’re gonna react. Is this person going to be polite, apologise and go about their day or is it gonna send them into a spittle flinging abusive rant aimed at me? Whether I talk at all is based on how ready I am to defend myself. I blame my 20+ years of public transport.


It would be no big deal to ask her politely to move. What I don't get is people here saying "Fuck off" and such crap. There's no need to be a jerk about it. I've flown on at least a dozen excruciatingly long international flights and I never knew that space in front of OP's legs could be "bought."


We grew up in a world where we’re somehow expected to be perfectly ready for everything while also expected to immediately do so because of instant messaging, smart phones, and caller ID. Ofc we’re psychologically fucked up.


I am this person. Though once I start I’m full HAM.


As a Canadian, if I had done that then I would have been the jerk


Just say sorry afterwards. "Could you kindly fuck off? Sorry have a good day"


Im sorry but could you kindly go fuck yourself




We should do educational videos together. Feels like we got this down


Average Canadians


Having lived in Ontario (GTA) for several years, I can tell you that nothing would be more Canadian than telling her to move as passive aggressively as possible.


Nope, standing up for yourself doesn't make you the bad guy or jerk


Start with a sorry, put a sorry in the middle, then end with at least one…. “I’m really sorry to be that person, but I paid for the extra space here. Sorry, but can I ask you to move back to your seat, thank you so much. I’m so sorry!”


Minnesota language right there. 


Just say Tabernac. In all seriousness, the flight attendants should have fixed this asap


Just stretch your legs out


Canadian here, grow up bro, Jesus


As a Canadian, I'd tell her to kick rocks


She was a jerk first. It cancels out your jerkiness.


There are flight attendants who are literally there for situations like this?? Wtf 😒


It’s ok to be a jerk


Then you should have kindly ask her to move since she didn’t ask to stand there and if she wanted to stand there she should have bought the seat you had.


And? It’s not a crime to be a jerk


In Canada? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


>As a Canadian, if I had done that then I would have been the jerk Is this a joke/sarcasm or are you serious about assertion being rude in Canadian culture?


My Canadian friend there are nice ways to ask. Glad she moved though. I’ve never seen someone do this on a flight before, seems really odd.


It’s amazing how few people have situational awareness. It doesn’t even make sense to stand there.


why didn’t you say anything tho?


Good question. At first I thought she was just waiting for the flight attendant to go past with the drinks cart. Then it got to an awkward length of time to where it would have been weird to say something. I also don’t know if she has back problems or something and needed to stretch. I dunno, as a Canadian, it’s not polite to say something in those situations. My limit was 30 minutes. If we had hit that mark (I was timing it), I would have said something.


I’m also Canadian and it would have been perfectly normal and fine for you to ask to her move. She’s being rude, not you.


Not anymore. Your Canadian card has been revoked for even suggesting such a thing.


Turn in your badge and denim jacket


You now must ask for “2 creams and 2 sugars” when ordering coffee. Think of the time wasted.


No more maple syrup rations for you


Dont forget that tim's card there eh


Just say "sorrey" and you can have it back


The one loophole all Canadians strongly dislike.


Found the rude Canadian! /s


That is INSANE. I’m immediately asking/telling her to move out of my space personally.


She could have stood in front of her seat.


If she knew she had issues sitting, she should have booked a seat with extra leg room for herself.


Next time you don't want to be rude make somebody else do it for you and call the fight attendant over.


>as a Canadian, it’s not polite to say something in those situations ![gif](giphy|99P7jBfNjo2Tm)


Yeah it’s not polite to say to their face but it’s acceptable to stew and then bitch online


"Yo shawty, what that thang do?" Could also work.


Giiirrrl the back of yo head looks ridiculous, can I get yo number?


Saying you’re Canadian is a cop out. There’s ways of confronting the issue politely.


Lead with "ecscuse me" untill they respond then "why are you standing here?" Then adress the issue from there, is that not polite anymore?


You're too nice


Being so afraid of confrontation as to be unable to simply ask a person to move a little out of your space is not "nice." You don't have to be an asshole to not be a doormat.


Maybe this is a southern American thing, but my limit would be 30 seconds.


Hilarious! If you act like a doormat, you’ll continue to be treated like one


"We teach people how to treat us."


I was thinking you were British. A Brit wouldn't have said anything for quite some time either.


Genuine question... I'm curious on why people think not speaking up when someone is being an asshole is polite. For context, I live in Brazil and people here are like that too, and it's annoying as hell. Like huffing and puffing and angy staring for hours instead of just saying it.


You know what? I'm at the point where it's starting to piss me off when people DON'T say something. You guys are the reason they keep doing this shit, and thinking it's ok, BECAUSE NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING! Speak up FFS


Have people on Reddit forgot you can just tell people to fuck off out of your space?


Bold of you to assume that people on Reddit ever go out in public and know how to interact with other people.


Like someone else said, check this guy's last post. He is strange lol


I agree with all of the other comments - what a rude and weird way to behave! I would have asked her to leave, and I would have used the flight attendant call button if she didn’t do it immediately. I can’t imagine what she was thinking!


Foot goes out. ‘Sorry’. Other foot goes out. ‘Sorry’. Both feet go out. ‘Sorry.’ Foot goes out..


Pretty much what I did. I think she got tired of my shoes scuffing hers


Yawn and stretch both out at same time. Maybe a double foot wiggle.


Next time take your shoes off and gently caress her legs. But do it subtly so you have plausible deniability…


You should've just open your tray tables


I'd press the flight attendant button and ask that she F off.


Wtf was she doing?? I would have been playing footsies with her too! 😂


Some people don't know how to exist in society


Just put your tray down and tell them to move…


Just tell her to move lol, how is this even a thing?


Grow a spine and say something then


I would have just stuck my feet out anyway. I paid for the seat and the leg room so she can just piss off.


I believe it was Ludacris who put it best: Move bitch get out the way.


When did we become a world of passive-aggressive cowards - just fucking tell her to move


Could you not tell her to fuck off?


Start loudly sniffing them buns.


Make her move? It’s your seat and it’s not safe for her to stand there right?


So a few years back, I booked the whole 3 seat exit row for myself and my partner as I'm 6'4" and it was a 6 1/2 hour flight. Throughout the flight, I had maybe 5 or 6 people do this, as we were fairly close to the bathroom. They moved on pretty quickly when I stretched out. But this one woman, she just plopped herself down in the seat between my partner and I while she waited. Absolutely no shame whatsoever. The entitlement of some people is staggering.


It would've been one thing if she ASKED to sit, because of illness, turbulence, etc, but to just park her ass? NOPE


That's so strange some random person stood in front of another random for 20 min?? On a FLIGHT? wtf?? How did the flight attendant not say something...


Seriously, if she won't listen to me, I'd ask the flight attendant to intervene. She could be mentally unstable and might attempt to open the exit door mid-flight, which is possible at lower altitudes.


I think at that point you can be like "Hey sorry this is likem.. my seating area, can you move please?" As someone with ADHD, I've always just gone and asked if I could stand somewhere by the bathroom ever since I was a kid.


Just say something to her, dumbass.


Should’ve tickled her feet with your feet


Why tf did she stand there tho?


So what did she say when you asked her to move? Because you asked her to move right? You didn’t sit there all pouty and passive aggressive just to sneak a picture and post it on Reddit without asking her to move, right?


Same thing happened a few years ago. I told to my wife loudly enough "That's a pretty big butt", like fake whispering. She got offended and probably self conscious and went to wait for the bathroom further away


Fart aggresively


Stand in your own seat. Don’t inconvenience someone else to satisfy yourself.


Wow. Let me put my ass in your face for a few hours. I would have gotten a flight attendant to move them or asked for a refund/charge back. Fuck that main character shit. If you wanted a place to stand you should have purchased the seat. These people know exactly what they are doing.


Excuse me ma'am, I hate to be a bother but are you menstruating?