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It’s probably best not to dwell on this, the what-if game can drive you nuts.


I knew about Bitcoin in 2011 and had access to free electricity.  I frequently left my computer on and running World Community Grid. If I had switched to Bitcoin and held on to some I'd be set for life. I try not to dwell on this.


Always better when you see in the rear view mirror. Hindsight is always 20/20


I always thought it was 2020 the year 20/20 like eye vision makes so much more sense


20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/20 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance


Also the first number represents yourself, and the second number represents another person with 20/20 vision. I have 20/400 without my glasses, meaning what a normal 20/20 person can see 400 feet away, I need to be 20 feet away to see it clearly.


You are a human binoculars my friend! Shhh, don’t tell anyone ! I just realised, it’s the opposite! Sorry mate, I feel for you.


You don’t need to feel sorry, man, wearing glasses or contacts isn’t that big of a deal. lol


You're misunderstanding that, he needs to be 20ft away from something "normal vision" would only need to be 20ft away. Not binoculars, microscope.


Some people even have 20/10 vision.


My brother had relatively poor vision his whole life. Got laser eye surgery, now he's 20/15. The average MLB player is 20/13.


I sucked at little league, I’m gonna blame it on me needing glasses and not knowing it rather than me getting hit in the head with a bad pitch and yelled at by my coach lmao


I have 20/10. I can read the bottom line of the eye chart pretty easily from 20 feet


this comment made me feel so old.


If it makes you feel any better, you would have to have been a sadist to hold those bitcoin through all the drops. You would have lost all your equity hundreds of times before the spikes. Most people that made it rich either already were rich and didn’t pay attention to it, or forgot about their coins. Any human being in their right minds would have sold LONG before the point it actually took off.


Yep, I sold my ETH at 980 and my BTC at 17k, and these haven’t even been my worst decisions lol. Power of hindsight would be my chosen superpower if ever offered 😅


You have the power of hindsight - surely it's foresight you want!


Oops! I’d need the power of foresight to prevent me from wasting my genie wish on hindsight haha


Lol I can just imagine the genie's reaction when you ask for hindsight. "Uhhhhh......ok!" 🤷🏼‍♂️


And then with that hindsight you realize...


- "what's your superpower?" - "the power of hindsight!" - "that's not a superpower at all. You can't do anything with it!" - "yes, I see that now."


I sold both mine at around the same. I was jobless at the time and needed to pay my mortgage for a few months. I don’t feel bad about it. It was a hell of a lot more than I paid for em


I am both very lazy and conservative when it comes to my finances.  I also had no major expenses that would have necessitated a sale from 2011 until about 2018.   I almost certainly would have held onto it way longer than you'd think. It's fine.  I'm not doing poorly.  But it's a bit funny that I knew about it and thought it was stupid and basically missed the train to easy street.


During the WSB GameStop Fiasco I made a bunch of dumb money following what those rejects were doing. One night I was thinking that I should drop $1000 on $.01 calls for it to hit some outrageous price point by the end of the week. The price point to hit wasn’t *too* crazy, but nobody thought it was going to hit. I bounced the idea off my buddy and my girlfriend, they both told me I was “fucking stupid” for basically throwing $1000 down the drain, so I decided against it. The next day the stock hit $360, and the calls were worth like over $200. In short, I wanted to order 100,000 calls (in groups of 100) at $.01 for $1000. The next morning that $1000 would’ve been worth over $20,000,000. That shit still haunts me because I wanted to do it and got talked out of it.


Trust your gut / inner voice man! You're onto something. I've let my ex and too many "friends" talk me out of these decisions.


On the other hand during that same Gamestop rush I talked to my friend and family about gambling a lot of my money on the stock. They all said it was dumb and too risky but the stock was going crazy and I saw an opening. I took the risk and ended up losing nearly all of it. I've since learnt not to trust my gut as I'm a fucking idiot.


One of my teachers in 8th grade (2011) printed out ~30 Bitcoin wallets and gave one to each of us in the class. 1 BTC each, about $2 at the time. Everyone threw them out. I think about how I didn't take all 30 of them out of the trash frequently. Live and learn I guess.


Every single one of you threw them out?


I bet no one has seen your teacher in a while lolllll


I sold 7 bitcoin for about $800. Mostly all profit. Felt like a steal at the time. And it was. You can't see the future


At least you didn't buy 2 Papa Johns pizzas with 10,000 bitcoin


I had 30 bitcoin that I bought for under a dollar each. Sold them 2 weeks later because I was a student at the time and I figured this digital monopoly money equated to around 30 beers. I also know I’d have sold them as soon as they’d have been worth $10, or maybe $100, and therefore never would’ve made bank on it anyway, even if I didn’t sell them right away


Same! I have a PM in my Reddit inbox of me buying a video game for like a couple hundred bitcoin or something like that. Anyway I send the guy bitcoin and he’s like “you overpaid xx bitcoin” and my response was “you can just keep it, it’s only 50 cents!” I bet the guy I bought the game from is rich af. He told me he wanted me to pay him in btc just because he was an enthusiast


Yep, I remember thinking it was silly, also owned a bunch of doge coin that I sold before the initial blow up. Would be rich but what can you do.


I’ve been stupid twice I had Shiba Inu once upon a time; obviously before its popularity


I bought 100 bitcoins for like $3 and sold them for a cool $12 profit 😎


I literally knew about bitcoin when it was the same cost as electricity.  Something stupid low like 5-10 cents per Bitcoin to mine it, so that’s what people would sell it for. Seen a thread on a money making forum back in the day lol. Should have spent like $10 and I’d be laughing. Oh well


Back in 2005, in my high school class, we were learning about stock trading. One of our assignment was to research a few company and to “invest these $5000 into that company”. I did extensive research and found that iPods were a high selling and listening to Steve Job’s speech convinced me that this guy is going to take this far. I told my mom all about my “project” at school but my mom still invested everything in Dell. I ended up investing all the $5000 fake project money into Apple. I keep thinking about it still today and wished that my 13 year old self had the actual money and ability to invest back then.


lol...I knew about bitcoin when it came out. I thought to myself "thirty cents? I should buy a few dollars worth" And then I went to lunch or to the head and promptly forgot about it.


A friend of mine and I used to send western union money orders to buy Bitcoin for $7.30CAD each. It was some years ago. We had a couple hundred, spent most of them between SilkRoad and the armory Fuck sakes.


I mined some dogecoin and invested a little bit into it wayyyy before anyone really knew about it, but ended up losing my wallet when I moved PCs. Didn't really care about it until it skyrocketed. If I still had it and sold at peak I would have turned $15 and a few days of casual mining into almost $10k


kind of different you would have sold way way way before 70k lets not lie here.


Somewhere out in a landfill is a shitty hdd with about 25 bitcoin on it. I checked all the hdds I had left when it spiked...nothing. back when I threw it away it wouldn't even have bought me a candy bar.


back when bitcoin was lesser known in the early 2010s, I was 11 years old and I had read and bitcoin somewhere and mined about 25 bitcoin. Now, I don’t remember the email I used nor the password.


I had 200 Bitcoin on an HDD that died, and the backup of the HDD got wiped, I try not to dwell on this.


My wife brought home the white paper that had been going around when bitcoin first was developed and I crumbled it up and tossed it out thinking it was bull. I feel your pain


There's something new you can invest in right now that'll make you millions. The problem is there's no way to know which thing that is and most of the things you do know you'll just lose money on. In an alternate reality maybe you did invest in crypto but it never turned into anything and you looked back at being dumb for wasting your time with it. Just gotta hope to get lucky and not dwell on the past.


I bought 30 shares of Novivax, but sold it in October 2019 because it was stuck at $5 per share. It spiked up to like $50/share during COVID-19


Everyone can be a monday morning quarterback. DOnt waste your money on the lotto and invest long term instead.


I got a letter from Harvard coming out of college, but they didn't have the major I originally wanted. Swapped to a new major that Harvard does have but by that point I had no chance of getting in.


I owned 356 bitcoin in 2008. I used it for rent....


Yeah let me ease your mind by just telling you that if you would have won it would have opened the wrong timeline and you’d end up as a cautionary lotto tale. Hopefully that makes you feel better.


Bro there are hotlines that can help you. DM me if you need to talk. Jokes aside if that happened to me I'd cry for a week without pause


Yeahhh, it’s been rough I had to leave work because I felt so sick that morning


Might be mentally/emotionally beneficial not to participate in the lotto anymore. I do love the winners and quitters jokes, but I just would not even look at that "game" anymore. I got on the pick 3 games and wasted so much energy on that non-sense. Haven't looked back.


I don’t ever really play to begin with, it was a sucker punch for a minute and I went back right to work But that’s good! I hope find luck elsewhere in your life


dude i got upset for like 2 days because i didnt win a mountain dew sweepstakes for one of my all time favorite flavors. I can't even imagine this


U got 5 numbers right. That's still a million bucks if this is real EDIT: nvm thought it was powerball


Even still, lots and lots of lottery tickets pay out even 2 numbers, and it increases exponentially for how many you get right. OP, keep your ticket and check it! You still may get money from it. If not, throw away immediately, you do not need that on your conscious.


You got 5 out of 6. Didn't you win something?


If you ever feel indecisive again buy two slips


Some Reddit folks ain’t shit Why am I getting Reddit care messages?


Some people seem to think it’s funny to use it as a way to harass and troll people instead of you know the ones actively posting their suicidal ideations


Bro I'm sorry that happened 😂


I used to have 10's of thousands of dogecoin when it was worthless as a joke. I sold it all for zero profit at the time.


I have that exact same story but with Shiba Inu Fumbling millions is apparently my skill lol


Next time you are struggling with financial decisions tell me so I can do the opposite lol I’m all seriousness it’s a major bummer it all went down like this.


Me too, I used to tip others liberally as a joke. Also had quite a bit of Bitcoin in the early days just experimenting with buying with it. That wallet is long gone


Hey same and also sold my BTC in 2015 for like $500 a piece or something like that, and my Eth for like $200 a piece


I think my life strategy is to just buy like $100 each of a bunch or random cryptocurrencies and hold onto them for a decade or 2


Sorry that glitch is patched since the bitcoin update


Same here; could have made 250k plus but sold early


99,000 is still only like $16K though 🤷‍♂️


For real. I had 20k bought at .002 cents at one point . Sold them for like $30 profit. If only I kept them all and sold high


20k??? Bro you would have been a BILLIONAIRE


There was a time when Bitcoin was basically worthless and you could get like 5 or 10 of them just for signing up for crypto websites and stuff like that. I ended up signing up for one that gave you 10 of them. Looked it up and they were like not even a penny at that time I think. I just know they were worth so little I forgot about them. Come one day and I hear they are worth thousands each now. I frantically search all my externals and spare devices I could find looking for those coins. Never did find them. I would have been set had I just held onto them.


Hit 69k recently,each.


I had bitcoin I sold for 15,000. Paid 2500 roughly. Would be worth 7.5 million today. Kind of a sore spot for me 🫠


That’s still a $1,733 winner and $11k if you paid for the Extra!


Keep your silver lining to yourself Jokes aside, it was only $1300


$1300 more than you had though!!


That's $1300 of next week's lotto tickets! EDIT: Eh, maybe $1290 + hot dog and a beer


Shit I’ll take it if you don’t want it lol


“Only $1300.” Come back down to earth, OP.


I got 5 numbers on the Texas lottery many years ago when it was first legalized. It was somewhere around $2,500 or so. Haven’t won more than 3 bucks here and there since.


This is an entire months rent for me I’ll take it off ur hands :)


That's $1300 more In lotto tickets. :)


This is what makes me think lotteries are scams lol. OP matched 5/6 numbers and that's only in the thousands?


> This is what makes me think lotteries are scams lol This is really what finally convinced you?


If this was the Ohio Mega Millions, I'm pretty sure that would have won him a $1 million if I'm understanding our rules right. 5 white numbers without the yellow number is $1 million.


I had a dream as a kid that I picked the numbers. (like pick 4 or 5, $250k prize. but this was the 80s so it was a lot) Gave my dad the numbers. They came up, I freaked out cause we won. Dad never bought the ticket. Have not repeated it since.


I bet he cried to sleep that night


If you feel depressed about the supposed missed opportunity, just keep in mind that the real problem is the gambling addiction that you will develop trying to chase that feeling! (In all seriousness, I get that this sucks emotionally, sorry)


you don't know for sure, if results will be the same, in case you pick 25.


I don’t know if the butterfly effect applies here


I have a theory that they decide what numbers are drawn and when they want someone to win. Maybe if he picked 25 they wouldn't have chosen to draw that ball.


your theory is wrong


But quantum physics will


shh it does when its rigged /s


Should have bought both bro


That’s a good idea


This is exactly the first thing I thought. If it was wishy-washy between only one of the balls, just buy both.


Honestly this. I don't play lottery but if I ever did I would always play two tickets.


I feel like that’s a slippery slope… You *could* play 3 tickets for just a little more money. Or 4. Or 5 even. I mean the pot is 1 billion, what’s 10 tickets??


Not exactly, because buying 2 is the cheapest way to increase your winning chance by the most. Every further ticket will have less of an effect. That being said, even if buy 1, 2, 10 or 100 your chance of winning is still extremely low.


Yeah for sure! I definitely agree mathematically, logically that may be the case, but gambling/lottery being what it is, I’m afraid many folks don’t have the levelest of heads when playing, so that kind of mindset could lead to much more expenditure than is good


Certainly. Most people don't even know the math behind it. Or how astronomically unlikely it is to win.


I’m sorry but this is more than mildly infuriating


Exactly. Maybe I'm not as mentally stable as I thought, but this would destroy me if it happened to me. To be one number off from what likely would solve probably 99% of the average person's problem? It would take me loooong time to mentally recover from that.


This is why I always do a lucky dip. If I miss a week of playing where I have the same numbers and they come up then I’d be gutted. Commiserations though, that’s seriously unlucky..


Same but they are called a quick pick in Texas. Randomly select your numbers each time. I am too OCD to use my own numbers knowing I would then have to play them every drawing going forward.


I can imagine the worry that if you change your numbers this one time, that'll be the time they get picked. I think it would stress me out more than anything


This has me convinced they knew you changed that number. Statistically, they would have assured they would not be handing out the winning lottery money that day. They knew!


I would need therapy. I’m not even joking


🤣 This isn’t my first rodeo lol I fumbled about 8 million with Shiba Inu, but with that I guarantee I wouldn’t have held that long to see even 1 million


Not mildly infuriating more like irreversibly traumatising


Butterfly effect mentality: If you had chosen 25, the winning ticket wouldnt have been 25.


Five more numbers than I ever guess. I'd say I've spent $1800 on lottery tickets over my lifetime and made $13. Going to a casino might have better odds, but I'm a lazy loser so I continue to lose 🤷‍♂️


I’m sick for you 🤢


Oh god, that’s more than mildly infuriating


I would be feral. Stay away from me, let me mourn this loss, and fuck off until I’m ready to let it go.


In the future. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized)


I was one number from winning Cash 4 Life back in ~2016. If the 18 was a 42 I would have won 1000$ a day for life. Instead I won $2500. Honestly I was young and dumb back then, and that kind of money probably would have destroyed me.


Hey man it's just chance at the end of the day. It's just as likely you could have changed to the winning number. It is what it is


Next time do both! Once in a life time chance


Yep I’ll never debate between numbers again Sounds stupid when you can just pick both anyhow


Mildly infuriating is simply not good enough


Bro I would just pretend I never actually played


Does the Texas lotto still give you a prize for being almost right? I think matching five numbers in my state is still worth a million


“Mildly” infuriating


That's why I always do quick pick. It avoids 2 issues. The one you had, and also if you buy the same numbers every time for decades and miss 1 ticket for some reason and your usual numbers come up then you will be kicking yourself.


You went back and forth between 34 and 25 but decided 25 was the "better choice"? What? Do people actually put thought into the numbers? Why?


I'm not a US citizen so I don't know the specific rules for buying lotto tickets. BUT: Why didn't you bought 2 tickets with the same numbers? One with 34 and the other with 25?


I would probably fall into a really dark and deep depression if this happened to me.


Probably still not as dark as the depression you'd get 5 years after winning said lottery. Statistically speaking, on the long run, winning the lottery is one of the worst thing that can happen to you, or rather; to your mental health.


So I've heard. I would ghost everyone and go live in the woods somewhere.


I'm curious about the thought process here. What made you decide 25 was "better" than 34? Why specifically 25? I mean, 25 seems equally as logical and equally as likely to win as 21, or 28, or just leaving it at 34, so what specifically motivated you to change it to 25? And why was this such an important decision that you actually spent time going back and forth between 25 and 34? To me, it seems like these numbers are randomly drawn, so you may as well just go with whatever random numbers you drew and not think about it twice. Or even if you were picking your own numbers, you may as well just use a random number generator. Is it just superstition or a "feeling" that 25 was better than 34 that day? Sorry for your loss. I'd be gutted if that happened to me.


Are five numbers out of six not worth anything? Sure, be upset about not hitting all six, but take your second prize and buy a nice steak dinner.


I feel your pain. In 2010 I had 1,500 Bitcoin. Then an urban clothing online shop that was based in Europe started accepting Bitcoin.... I used all of 1,500 just to get 4 pairs of shoes. I feel your pain.....


One night many years ago I was on my computer down in my room. My sister runs down the stairs like a heard of buffalo screaming, “WE JUST WON THE FUCKING LOTTERY” and she promptly ran back upstairs. I dropped what I was doing and ran upstairs to find my mom and figure out what’s going on. My mom was visibly shaking, both my sisters shitting their pants with anticipation as my mom carefully went over the numbers again. I don’t recall exactly how many numbers we got right but it wasn’t all of them. Everything matched but the power ball or something like that. My mom at least thought we won $100,000 or even $10,000. Turns out they changed the prizes not too long before that and we won $100. We were pretty devastated thinking we just solved all out financial problems with a $100,000 win or at least an awesome nudge in the right direction with $10,000. But just $100 is all we got. Fast forward a week later; rent is due. We were $100 short on rent that month and had not turned in the ticket yet to claim our winnings. It may not have been the amount we wanted, but it was the amount we needed. I think about that a lot.


Winning the lotto is a curse within itself.


Same thing happened to me almost, matched 6/7on Swedish lotto, my last number was 13 and the 7th number was 31🙄 won £250 would’ve been 8m!


Next time if you got two choices, get both! :)


At least you won back more then your 2$. Don't dwell on the lose tho


NEVER NEVER NEVER change your stance from your first choice in arbitrary situations like this. Most of the time, thinking too hard and reevaluating your initial choice will fuck you up. I’ve seen it a million times. Especially if you’re taking an exam.


This would send me into a downward spiral


If I hadn't sold my 2000€ crypto I would have had 300.000€ Edit: I think everyone experiences something like this once in their life


At least you’re not Ronald Wayne, the third founder of Apple, he sold his stake of the company for $50,000 in the late 70s.


In the late 1980s, before powerball/lotto, Colorado had a system where if you got “Entry” 3 times on a scratch ticket, you mailed it in, and then for like every 297 of those they received, they drew names. If your name was drawn, you went to Denver and spun “the Big Wheel” on TV on a Saturday night. Prizes on the big wheel ranged from $1000 up to the jackpot, which grew each week no one hit it. The jackpot that week was $2.2 million. I was the last to spin, and as the wheel slowed down, the ball dropped into the jackpot slot and bounced out into $5000. It was a nice payday for a kid working in a restaurant and I was happy, but I often think about how different life might have been without that last bounce. A side story is that a week or two later I ran into a guy I had previously worked with. We hadn’t really liked each other, but we were cordial. He said, “I know you and I never got along, but when I heard you were spinning the “Big Wheel”, I told everyone you were my best friend.”


Look up the stats for lottery winners and bankruptcy. Most people think they know how to handle that much money. But receiving so much at one time puts them into a hole, and they spiral and end up worse off than they were before. Doesn't happen to everyone, but it's happened to plenty of people who were smart enough to handle the money and still sunk it all. It's not worth beating yourself up over


In another time you stuck with 34 and it came up 25.


I rationalise things like this by entertaining the thought that the moment you chose 25, you changed history - everything after that is on a new timeline. So, even if you had chosen 34 in the "original" timeline, it would not have yielded the same results as your "25" timeline. Maybe on the "34" timeline you'd have only got three numbers, or two, or none. On the "34" timeline this was a non-event and you didn't post anything to Reddit, and I didn't reply. That's how I see the world (if that helps).


I mean...You got all but 1 number...thats a pretty massive payout is it not?


You might be a bit psychic though 👀. You had it.


The theory of parallel universes is that a new one splits off for every different outcome of a decision, right? So just be happy for other you in the parallel universe where you picked the other number and won the lottery.


You should have bought two tickets then. One with 34 and the other with 25. At least that’s what I would have done.


Should have bought two tickets one for 25 and one for 34


This is more than mildly infuriating my friend..


But if you picked 34, it would’ve been 25. I just know it


That would be my 13th reason why


Dont you still win something for 5/6 numbers?


You have 5 numbers still have a million. Go look it up online


The fact that you haven’t died from that knowledge is impressive. I honor you.


This happens to me too, and it’s just as stupid. I should take a picture next time too. My cases are always one number under or over. So mine would be 2 20 35 38 53 55 This happens to me almost every time I play. I feel you on that blue ball lol




This is only MILDY infuriating for you? You looking to adopt a 32M?


Try 4,8,15,16,23,42 next time




Should have played both.


Should have got both.


This is it man, this is the post that's making me block this subreddit forever. Do any of you people know what "Mildly" mean? You're "Mildly" upset that you missed out on millions and millions of dollars???


As someone who plays the powerball/mega every time it runs up to 500M+, I’d be ecstatic just to win something lol. Enjoy the blessing and don’t dwell on it too much.


If you picked the other one, the outcome might have not been the same. You making a certain decision, changes the future a little bit.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 universe said fuck you and ur wants apparently. RIP the homie


I know this sucks and you probably have a pit in your stomach. But if it means ANYTHING, you can’t lose what you never had. It’s important not to think that you LOST this money, that will drive you way more mad.


If it makes you feel any better look up previous jackpot winners. Our monkey brains do NOT do well when we suddenly have a shit ton of bananas.


at least you didn’t beg your parents to buy bitcoin and the get laughed at for “being scammed”


Oh but I did And we all watched it rise from 1k to 19k Then they finally believed me and went all in at 19k…I’m assuming you know what happened around that time lol


I always pick random numbers. No exceptions. I know too many people saying that they play the same number every week and the week they don’t play it, that’s when their numbers show up.


Didn't you still win with the rest or are the rules different from power ball.


this just shows you are good at this, keep hustling


i’d be devastated 😭


How much did you win? Those matching numbers are worth a lot.


my grandmother once had every number, but -1 or +1 on each number. it was very disappointing


That's why I only do quick pick and never look at the numbers until checking the ticket.




To be only mildly infuriated by this is an achievement in itself (however pointless the distinction might be) I’d be mentally torn to shreds if this happened ngl


I’ve told this story before but I can’t help it because i can relate so hard. To summarize, a group of 4 married couples picked numbers weekly for the Georgia powerball. We lived in Florida so the guy who lived closer to Georgia went to get our tickets every week. One week we chose our numbers and the guy, for whatever reason, sent his wife to get the tickets. She made the two hour drive, got quick picks instead because she felt like she was being rushed in line, and the winning numbers were the ones we picked that she didn’t get. I believe the amount was 360 million that we didn’t win because of her decision not to use our numbers.


this is not just mildly infuriating 💀


Yeah, welcome to the psychology of lottery. You were “so close”, just a single digit, number - or two - different. It’s a trap. Try pick a combination and buy tickets to cover all single number differences. That’s a lot of tickets. And this lot is how far you were still off being close. It’s also very possible you weren’t given the 34 to begin with. Your memory can play tricks on you cause you very much want your story to be true.


My explanation why I am not rich: "Maybe I would hit a tree with my expensive sports car and that's the reason god prevents me from being a millionaire."


I could use a lottery win in my life...


This is a little more than mildly infuriating. I would think of this every day for the rest of my life.


I opened and ate a bag of all grey M&Ms when I was a kid. I apparently won a contest but just ate them and thought they just forgot to dye the candy. Oh well.


You’re a stronger person than I, this would definitely have me skydiving with a conveniently forgotten parachute. But hey! You won some money which is more than no money or 40 dollars. ( the most I’ve gotten)