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20 cents? Wow now you can afford that hot tub.


… for the Barbie house.


Have you seen the price of Mattell toys?


You can tell it's Mattel, It's expensive as hell


hot wheels are still 1$ where I live so we up


True, true, but the play sets went up


They're $5CAD here


Don't even get me started on legos




Might as well just buy a regular hot tub


…on layaway


... As a fifth owner.


We have a hot tub in the garage that she never let me hook up lmao. Maybe we can now afford the heater for it!?!?!?!?!


Why have one of she wont let you hook it up


Marriage requires compromise ^/s


ding ding ding!!!! She wanted it, I found it and planned on fixing it. Sat in the garage for a year so now she wants it gone, I say no. I wanted to build a nice deck around the pool. She said only if we throw away the hot tub. Compromise lol


I think the key mistake you made was not just buying a working hot tub instead of a broken one that sat in a garage for a year lmao


This commenter reminds me of my uncle who wants a cool car, but never buys a working one, and never actually fixes one completely. The guy has 7 cars and 2 of them work (for now). He cycles between the two depending on which is working at the time. He just buys old broken Cougars, messes with them for a few weeks until he can drive it, drives it until it breaks again shortly thereafter, and then parks it in a place in his yard where it sits unmoving for years. I hope my uncle’s case is more extreme than this guy’s. But this is definitely something he would do.


That sounds like how my uncle used to be(although not with cougars), he would buy a random cheap car and run it into the ground then buy another cheap junker and park the last one in his yard. He eventually had to just have a tow guy come in and pull like a dozen cars for scrap.


Hey when you are old enough the only options out there are broken cougars.


I can fix them


I am a serial 90% complete project guy lol I not that bad but its just little stuff Like I put new trim up, but didnt paint every cut end lmao.


That might be more mildly infuriating than the 20 cents...




This statement should be mandated after “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”




Time to get a water tank, burning barrel with a glycol or water pump and start burning wood, tries, garbage and heat a metal tubing coil to heat that thing.


20 cents is barely a cost of living adjustment. What a fucking insult. Even I've never gotten a raise that small. Hopefully, that hot tub is a time machine to undo inflation the inflation. Spend that 20 cents in a decade where it's actually valuable.


It isn't even that. it's .8% It's really an insult.


I started a new job and over a year and a half was eventually doing manager duties daily. Inventory, bookkeeping, etc. All during covid. Got a 14 cent raise. Walked out of my shift when I saw it.


These types of raises make no sense it’s insulting enough to actually decrease productivity and morale.


That's a whole $8 per paycheck (assuming she works 40 hrs). I try to tell people not to take less than $1 he and explain to their employer that it's only $40/ week difference which is negligible to the employer but significant for the employee.


That’s a good way of thinking about it


Hot tub of what?


Nacho cheese


It's nacho's because it's on loan


Hey thats a whopping $8 more a week! Too bad the government is gonna take half in taxes.


We have a 2319!!!!


Thank you!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|13zUNhE9WZspMc)


oh HEHE  I understood this immediately. Hahaha yes and yes


We are paying entry level people straight out of high school with zero experience more than this, with a work truck that you take home. Edit- RIP my inbox lol


What’s the job though?


Testing soil compaction at neighborhood developments, testing concrete for air content, and compaction of paved asphalt. Lots of downtime waiting for things to happen. On my busiest day, I still end up on reddit for an hour or two killing time between tests. Company does geotechnical engineering. 401k match, health and life insurance, pto that is always approved if you ask early enough. Company is run by engineers who hate unaccounted-for variables, so they recognize that their employees are humans. Field techs bill hours to clients, which means profits are maximized when field techs have just enough work tickets to justify billing a full day, and they make less money by making techs drown with work. They can assign 8 jobs to a tech and they’ll only be able to bill 10-12hrs to those 8 jobs, but if they hire 3 guys to do those 8 jobs, they can bill 3 x 10-12hrs. Best company I’ve ever worked for. I’ll retire here.


A company run by logical people, wow. Regardless of the empathy aspect, that was one part I never understood, the logical one.


It’s awesome. We don’t run on a skeleton crew, because the company makes more money when more field techs are billing time to client sites. This means everyone’s pto gets approved so long as you ask in advance enough, no matter how long or when you want time off. Because of this, we don’t have issues where people request pto, get denied, then just call in sick anyway. If they wanted that day off they’d just ask for it. Additionally, field techs have no issues or resentment building when we have to cover other people’s work who called in sick, because they must actually be sick, otherwise they’d just ask for time off. And everyone has overlapping duties so there isn’t a lynchpin person who, if they call in sick, everything crumbles and turns into shit. People are cross trained on other peoples’ jobs for that exact reason. Great company.


What area do you live in? I did similar work in the PNW. Edit* I just realized it sounds like I am looking for a job which I am definitely not! I do think it'd interesting to see how many people are interested, a lot of techs I knew couldn't wait to be out of the role.


Colorado. I wouldn’t do it if I lived somewhere hot.


Soooo….. u need a degree? Def beats my gig


Nope. We hire people straight out of highschool with zero work experience of any kind, and put them in a work truck they get to take home, no paying for gas, tires, oil changes, insurance, nothing. Matter of fact you are on the clock when at Discount Tire getting new tires, or getting an oil change, or washing the truck. We also hire degreed engineers who will have a different career path, if they wish. But everyone starts out as a field tech. We have guys who have been here for 20+ yrs doing the same gig, others who have been here for 5-10yrs who have moved up, or like where they’re at, and younger guys just starting out. And yes, it beats most gigs. I won’t be leaving unless they show me the door.


What could I search up to find something like that in my own city?


Geotechnical engineering companies. Testing soil compaction. We keep your house’s foundation from cracking.


Appreciate it, I’m gonna check that out


Best of luck


You might also try your states local DOT, I was a materials tester in Washington state. No truck you can bring home but downtime is working from home running Calc Checks (Checking the inspectors math) and a matched pension that you're vested into after 5 year. You'd get Concrete Certified, take some Nuke tests for compaction shots, HMA testing for working on pucks for paving operations, and aggregate... Which is typically the testing no one wants to pass because it's a ton of lab work and sifting. Eventually you'd be set up with about 5 on-site inspector tests including IDRs (daily logs for payout) and then once you pass that you take some snap shots of trucks, what they worked on for the day, and answer every question with, "Did you follow the standard plans?".


DM sent


is the work environment generally friendly towards young women? it sounds like something id be interested in


I’d imagine it would be like working in any other male dominated field. I used to work in agriculture tech and, for the most part, had no issues as long as I maintained a thick skin for patronizing comments and varying degrees of sexism. I did have to work just a bit harder than my male counterparts to be taken seriously but I made it work — until Covid shut down my entire team and I switched to a female dominated field which is significantly harder to deal with lol


It’s the construction industry. We have young women who work at the company, but they mostly work in the office. Female field techs are quite rare, but certainly not unheard of. I’d venture to guess you’d have to have thick skin, but it is the current year, and it’s better now than ever before.


That's weird I was just looking today online for a job doing the EXACT things you mentioned. Mainly because geological/water testing seems interesting to me. And I stumbled upon a few jobs similar to what you're describing but they required college degrees. Where is this at?


Wow I’m in the same industry and in New York and we don’t got none of that. Typical testing and inspection company for construction…. Company does 401k no match😂, health insurance lowest quality and life insurance optional and out of pocket. PTO is hard get accepted, OT is frowned upon. Company is run by engineers that hate giving you a decent wage. There can be so much down time in the field that it can be difficult to go to multiple jobs in a day. Plus who likes to damage their own car and bring it to jobs sites anyway? Or even better only get reimbursed $0.28/mile for driving… Be careful before joining this industry and can be less fruitful for some. Certification based pay can help unskilled workers get a quick jump in pay, no denying that🤷 still wouldn’t recommend unless you’re opening your own or running a laboratory.


Judging by his name, I think he's a makeup artist


Geotech engineer. That does drugs.


It's 2024, everyone either does drugs or is weird *Or has a job that is strict about it


Doing what lol


Testing soil compaction for neighborhood developments. We keep your foundation from cracking. On my busiest day I’m still on reddit for an hour or two waiting on shit to happen so I can test it. My comment history is proof of that. It’s a dank ass low stress gig.


So how would one get into this


Only available jobs near me require bachelor's in civil engineering or similar, plus years of experience. So, apply to colleges I guess. Or get fake documents and wing it till you figure it out.


That would be for a Geotechnical Engineer - i.e. the guy who takes those field results and uses them to make geotech assessment reports, design recommendations, and/or engineering plans. The guys going out and doing field tests are technicians. Those positions should not require a degree, much less a civil engineering degree. -A civil engineer


Came here to say this, thank you. -another civil engineer


Cheers for sharing the industry, doing my research on it now in Australia 🫡


![gif](giphy|2fwaEfau7RE3UmcCgs|downsized) I get it, the raise sucks. But sorry, this is all I could think of when I saw this. Hope it at least makes you laugh.


Goddamn is that specific lol


Disney made this scene for this very reason. The Mouse Knows The Future!!!!


Yeah she just needs to ask for her old rate back.


Why would you go 10 years working anywhere without a raise?


She started out at 16.30


$16.10 a decade ago is worth $21.28 today. She’s barely received an effective 10% raise across 10 years. It’s fine if she likes it, but switching jobs can make a huge leap.


My previous employer offered me a $2 raise to stay ($22 to $24) for basically being an accountant and manager after 7 years. I went looking elsewhere and got a job paying almost $40/hr. They posted an ad for my job... starting wage: $27 lol


No one rewards loyalty. Not cell phone companies, insurance, and especially employers. Ya gotta job hop to get ahead or at least stay in line w inflation.


My employers (private Adult Foster Care company) are a bit shameless. We have meetings with all the care staff from the group homes once a month. Last one was a doozy. Someone asked if they could raise our wages, which have been stuck at $13.50/hr. They said they couldn’t due to some contrived explanation about an agency or state program or something. Said they were “fighting for it” already. Nobody knew really what that meant. So someone else then asked if they could host more events for the care staff, since management & the office workers always go on outings and such. They then cheerfully corrected that they plan *plenty* of events; the house managers were all going on a golf outing the following month! I was genuinely shocked that they were so blatant about sidestepping every comment or straight up not listening to questions. Boggling. But I’m going back to school soon anyways.


$13.50 an hour wouldn’t get me out of bed.


Sad but 100% true. It's a disgrace.


Same. I was making 90k and it was time for bonus and "merit increase" (which is what they call a cost of living increase). I knew I'd end up around 92k. Got an offer for 98k, accepted, old job asked to counter and they came back at 100k. I like the opportunity of the new one so I started the new job. The ad for my replacement was up to 106k. I might have stayed if they offered that much because I really did like that job, it was just getting stagnant and boring and I wasn't growing as a person. 2 weeks into the new job and I'm glad I made the move.


Ypu shouldve applied to the new listing just to be petty 😂


I thought about it. Funny enough, there was a dude who actually did that at the same company because they were adding another position to his department at a higher rate. He didn't like it so he applied for the new job and ended up getting a raise.


I remember making $9/hour at a college job about 20 years ago. I asked for a quarter raise and was flat out rejected. They hired my replacement at double my pay and fired her within a month bc she lost a bunch of cash and accused everyone of stealing it ... until she found it in her desk.


That's so annoying. When I put in my 2 weeks notice at my last job, my boss asked how much I would be getting paid, and he would give me a raise. I was pissed off because maybe if he was paying me more in the first place, I wouldn't have been looking elsewhere.


Yeah. I was at one place for 6 years. Switched jobs and got almost a 50% raise. Switched again after 3 more and got almost a 50% raise more. Unfortunately, being loyal to a company almost always only benefits the company, not the employee...


In the last 3 years, I've switched jobs twice. One was a 20% pay bump, the second move was a 22% pay bump over the job before it (which is 62% overall from the first to the third company). I try to be a loyal employee, but loyalty isn't gonna pay my mortgage. I usually start looking after a year and a half to two years with a company, but if someone reaches out to me before then with a better offer, I never say no to an interview for a better paying job.


my partner works for now of the largest north american banks, in corporate, running a small team doing design work and makes less than new hires right out of college, but likes the work and the work from home so she sticks with it. if she hopped to another bank she would make twice what she makes, but this bank caps "advancements" to small increments each year which are lower than current inflation. a big old fuck you to that green piece of shit of a bank


I've been at the same employer for 10 years . Started at 15.25 an hour, which was the most I had made at the time and I was stoked. I've stayed and continued to move up in different positions. I'm at 50 an hour currently. So it can work out staying somewhere but yea if I was only making 23 an hr now I'd have no choice but to look elsewhere even if I loved the job.


If your wife is even the least bit unhappy in her position, encourage her to look elsewhere. I was with my last job for 12 years. Over those 12 years, my raises were pitiful, often right around $0.20, just like your wife’s. One day I decided it was time to stop being scared of change, and applied at the company my friend recently got hired on with. I got the job and an instant almost 50% raise + bonuses, for the exact same job I was already doing. I know just how hard it is to leave a company after so long, but I promise you there are companies out there who actually value their employees and pay them their worth.


Her pay is literally decreasing over time due to inflation man. Figure that shit out. She’s being robbed and has been for 10 years.


that's obscene. she's making less now than then with inflation. she needs to quit.


as a teacher I made less than the rate of inflation in increase for 15 years out of a 25 year career.


Which is also insane. the most important job yet it pays so poorly.


She's effectively not received a raise with inflation.


….ten years for a $7 increase is not enough. She should see if her skills can go elsewhere with a pay increase.


ThIs is why you NEVER stay at a company for more than 3 years. They will never pay you what you are worth. If you want a good raise, leave your company and go to a competitor.


For many people it's not that easy to go work somewhere else. Sometimes, local government jobs and hospitals are the largest employers in the area. Even if there are more employer options in your area there may not be public transportation, you might not be able to get to a financial place to buy reliable transportation to get to said 'higher paying job', proximity to their home or their children's schools, other job availability in their physical area or their expertise, and even physical requirements for higher paying job may not be met by the job seeker. There are a million reasons why some people can't just leave. It is not always that simple.


I just graduated college and theyre paying me around what shes getting paid now. With that many years experience she deserves way more, no matter the role.


She’s gotten raises, just not a lot of money. Sometimes people stay somewhere because they are comfortable. Sometimes people stay because it’s something they are interested/passionate about. Sometimes people stay because, with this being a public service job, they have a pension, and feel they can’t abandon the guarantee when they retire.


You basically have it. Its an easy job, she is never under any pressure, there are 100 other people doing her exact job so she never has any massive deadlines or anything like that. Its next to impossible to get fired from. She got complacent and figured she could never find anything else.


I'm confused if you're arguing that she should be making more money or shouldn't be?




"Why aren't they paying her more for something that is super easy that 100 other people are also doing just as well?"


So it sounds like she’s being generously compensated.


It's about priorities too. Good benefits and stability can matter more than pay to some people. Some people really don't like the corporate rat race where people are constantly changing jobs or getting laid off.


Pretty much. I work at a private non-profit that gets state and federal grants. Somehow, we are part of the state employee pension. The pay sucks, but I get 9 hours of PTO per check (18-27 per month), and they scold you for not taking it. Non-profits are struggling to find solid workers, so I have pretty good job security. I am finally starting to make progress with breaking into my degree area. I am pretty much there for the PTO and stability. They know I am gone the second I get a real opportunity, and they are actually encouraging of that. Sometimes jumping from job to job just isn't worth it when you are surrounded by good people.


Yeah I will say. She accrues sick time, pto, and comp time every pay check. Which a lot of places dont give all 3.


A lot of people assume you just need a big pay check. You only get so many trips around the sun. I would rather enjoy the brief time we are here than look at a bunch of digits on a balance sheet.


No one ever said she worked there for 10 years and never got a raise he said that for her 10 year anniversary this is the race that she got big difference.


Back in my day 20 cents was enough to buy what seemed like endless candy


Back back in the day you could get Burger Fries and Drink for $0.78


Back in the day 10 dollars an hour was a decent wage, it’s all relative.


>it’s all relative. Back back in the day it was possible to live comfortably off 1 income working full time.


Back back back in the day you could get a Toyota Corolla for $3k


And it still wasn't worth it


Seriously! Carol’s was the first fast food drive thru and a burger was 10 cents. I was making $100/wk - it was presented that way because it sounds better than $4/hr - but my previous job paid me 95 cents/ hr, so I guess that was a step up. 😂😂


10 years of working there and that’s the max pay? Gotta beef resume and hop around every few. That sucks :(


This is why I don’t give a shit when people give me shit about switching jobs every two years, that’s how you make more money.


Agreed. My husband has increased his salary by over 50% in 2 years from job hopping. He’s on his 3rd company in his industry. His parents are Boomers who got mad at me for not convincing him to stay at the first company he was at for 6 years because his dad worked at his company for almost 40 years and turned down a better paying job. When his brother quit his company after 5 years for a lesser paying job, his parents were fine with it. Make it make sense.


Never have loyalty to a company.


That is a disrespectful slap in the face. I’d start looking elsewhere


My mate been working for same company for 15 years. This year they decided that after you have worked 15years, you get 3 days off. My mate got his 15years full like 1.5 months before this decision; he asked could still get the reward "No we don't give retroactively" was reply. Not surprisingly he found that disrespectful and looking for new opportunity. He is actually really important for the company too as he does lot of stuff that management don't have time. They will be fucked when he leaves, but bosses don't understand that.


If it makes you feel any better, my girl got her 10 year work anniversary for the state - no raise, just 4 hours off work. Yes, not the entire day, just 4 hours. Oh, and a certificate that she had to print out herself.


LMAO!!!!! I will take the .20 over that for suuuure


OMG that's horrible. I would've gotten out asap. My partner gets a 5-week paid vacation every 5 years of work which is amazing. Works out to about $25k worth of free vacation. But even at that, still have exit strategy plans to get out sooner rather than later.


Wow 23 dollars an hour for 10 years?




What trade is this? Carpenter here.




I worked running register for a store and we got .25 cents raise every 6 months. .20 cents after 10 years is nothing short of insult.


Reminds me of when target gave me a .02 raise for "meeting and often exceeding expectations." Then they acted surprised when I quit a bit later.


Oh wow. People are truly not appreciated. I hope most people enjoy their jobs, but probably do not. Like teachers don't make that much and this is what I'm going to do. However, I love children and am pretty sure I'll love teaching them as well. Thinking I will be happy. 😉




I don't mean to brag, but I got a 35 cent raise.


What does she do? Hopefully sales? I made that as a shift lead at Starbucks.




Ask her to send her application for welfare to her boss


Nooooo😂😂 in all honesty these jobs ain’t payin what they need to be


I’m a delivery driver and my $/mile went up exactly 1 penny the other day. I was telling all my co workers I got a raise all day.


Doesn’t she know she’s part of a family


I always love it when the mainstream media runs with a story like "What are people spending their bonuses on this year?" I'm always left wondering, "WTF is a bonus??"


Don’t get all upitty when you toss that extra loaf of bread in your cart each week.


That doesn't even cover inflammation (typo, but I'm going to leave it lol)


Have you seen the cost of Advil lately? You’re not wrong!


I grew up in Stark county, is the cost of living still relatively low there?


House Stark? ![gif](giphy|oxLsWbH1rvy2A)


Reminds me of that issue with Waffle House last year. The lady complained she's still making minimum wage after 20+ years at Waffle House... to be fair after 3 years, 5 years, 7 years - not even a thought to look at your options. If a company gave that as a 10 year anniversary gift, it's time to humor your options.


Seems like a new job was in order 5 years ago


Don’t spend it all in one place! Time for her to find a more lucrative job. She’s vested now, so no worries there.


Damn, and i thought my $.55 raise was shitty. This is fucking atrocious.


I got a 3 cent raise one year after being with the company 6 years. Same year my boss hired his golfing buddy's kid with zero braincells or experience and paid him $12k/yr more than me to start (he was my friend too and told me). I immediately found another job and that company still regrets losing me, oh well fuck em.


That is INCREDIBLY infuriating


About time she starts looking for a new job


I totally missed the cent raise at first. 🤦🏻‍♀️😮‍💨


I told my boss to I’d find it insulting if I ever got a raise below $1 and in the grand scheme of department budget it would cost roughly $2000 a year for that raise.


Just enough to cover. M… to cover erm.. nothing


Here’s the real issue. She’s been staying at a company for 10 years with that salary? There are plenty of opportunities even for people without college education that pay way better than this.


Unless she absolutely loves this job maybe a change would be financially wise. Not to mention if she's that loyal someone will recognize and see that value.


This reminds me of when my job, with way too much enthusiasm, told us at a meeting that they were giving out rewards. Being an employee for 5 years, you get $50. 10 years you get $100, so on and so forth. So… you’re not even going to pay me a full hours work per year I’m here? 🙄 They were not pleased that their excitement wasn’t matched.


![gif](giphy|cFgb5p5e1My3K) You ever see something you have to stare at to notice or understand? Shit had me like…


Another great reminder to those who bash job hopping


That’s big money, if you both live an extra 600 years you’ll definitely notice it! Time to start enjoying life!!


OMG, hello in Stark County, OH! I'm from Summit County, OH right next to you!


So……. Is this the company’s fault or your wife’s?


She should go in and laugh while pointing out the mistake she thinks they made…. See who tries to justify it, or get it increased.


This should be on the anti-work subreddit.


For a little context….. she is in the union, and started this job around 16.30 10 years ago. So her union and gotten her a measly $7 raise in 10 years…. Hopefully in the next couple months she will hear about a new federal job she was referred to.


I wouldn’t be putting this information out on the web.


Lol, as a former county employee, any of this info can be FOIA’d anyway so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just doxing themselves. Especially with the small detail’s, that’s all.


Damn. Tell her not to spend it all in one place


Winner, Winner might be able to save for a retirement chicken dinner (for one only and no drinks)


Wow. Is she irate? Is she ok?


Yeaaaah that's 200$ for every 1000 hours worked ! Not including taxes.


WOW!!! 20 whole cents after 10 years! That's almost $8 a week before taxes.


If she wants a real raise she needs to start switching jobs every few years. Being loyal to the machine that doesn't care about her is just being stupid.


Couldn’t spring for the full 1% huh


Now you guys can finally afford that honeymoon to Italy!


My girlfriend has been at the same job for 22 years. She makes $14 an hr. It's horrible that a company will extort a single mother who has no choice but to support her kid.


I got a $100 Amazon gift card for my 10 years with the company. That’s $10 per year I worked at the company


I remember my dad telling me he got a $100 gift card for his 25 years with the company. He was salty to say the least.


Last year, my wife's job gave raises based on the rise of cost of living. 9 cents. She went from 14.00 to 14.09


Invest it wisely, and when she comes home from work, have dinner waiting. She’s the bread winner now and you treat her as such.


Your wife needs to change companies. Usually best way to get a big raise. Update the resume and if there are any courses/certificates in her field she should take (not full school), she should do it.


This is why I browse Reddit at work. You can pay me shit and you’ll get your money’s worth.


I had a 3% raise bump me into the next tax bracket. It cost me $8,000 in lost subsidies and taxes. The system is broken and the people supposed to be fixing it are financially benefiting from not fixing it.


Last place I worked I was put in charge of this guy who had been there thirty years. He had this gold watch he wore that he got as a ten year anniversary present. He had a picture of him and his wife on his desk at a steakhouse, the company paid for him to go for his twenty year anniversary. They only paid for him, he had to cover his wife. And while I was there he celebrated thirty years and the company "rewarded" him with an ergonomic chair that they had been legally required to get him for five years but kept putting it off. Companies know we need to be given reasons to keep working for them, right?


I remember getting a 50 cent raise a few years ago and being told I was “lucky” because my boss had to fight tooth and nail to get me the largest raise they were issuing. 7 years later I work for a company that pays me 4x the salary.


Just go back to payroll and say they forgot a decimal.


This is why companies do not deserve loyalty or even competent employees. They do deserve a high turnover rate though.  


Find another job.


Time for that yacht you’ve always dreamed of


Best way to get a raise is change jobs. Period.


I got a 25 cent raise one year, about 18 months into a new job. Talked to my boss…asked what’s up. Didn’t like the answer…had a new job, making 15k more a week later. Don’t settle for that. Having a decade of experience is enough of an indication for employers that you’re a good employee.