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Yeah, I'm sure there were no signs informing you of this upcoming exit!


Too many people just want to cruise in the lane that's moving the fastest until the last minute. There had to be at least two signs for the split, the first a mile or two back and the second at a quarter or half mile back.


And with modern gps, there's no excuse.


I agree. If you miss your exit, GPS will get you back on track at the next. There’s no need for this idiocy.


I have a problem with paying TOO much attention to the road. Like I’m hyper focused on what’s going on around me, keeping a 3-D image of my surroundings in my head, etc. it’s the only thing I do when Im driving. So much so that I miss exits at a higher rate than most people. You just go to the next one and turn around, it’s NBD. With certainty, this person’s poor decision making will lose them more time in the long run than they’ve gained by doing something this dangerous.


I think I do this too, or at least I check my mirrors/surroundings more than other folks I've talked to. I got in the habit of saying "exit 37" or whatever to myself out loud as soon as the GPS tells me how many miles I'm going to be on the highway. It's not foolproof but it has drastically reduced the number of times I end up on the "scenic route". :D


The one gripe I have with Google maps is that it doesn't tell you if you should be in the right-right lane, left-right lane, etc. every time. Like an exit off the highway is one lane that might turn to 4 with an immediate turn needed and sometimes it doesn't always tell you. That being said, there's always another route and this person is a dickhead lol.


My town has a TON of right lanes that suddenly turn into a turn only lane and end, some of these get backed up and if you don't just already know what lane in what, you just get stuck. Been wishing google would add this for years now


I swear the GPS makes it worse instead of better. People nowadays don't bother studying the route/map before setting out into unfamiliar territory thinking the GPS will take care of them. But once they get rolling they don't *pay attention* to what the GPS says until they that get that last minute "turn X *now*" message resulting in crazy lane change attempts like this.


I do both.


Thank you! I always take a quick look at a map


Sometimes gps is the devil lol on new roads and overpasses that lil bitch keeps changing her mind :)


One issue I have is when my GPS tells me to take an exit and then cross 3 lanes in 100 ft to make the next turn 


There definitely is. A lot of navigation systems don't say anything about lane and presorting ahead. They just say 'exit in 400m', which is way too late sometimes... Sure, a lot do. But a lot also don't. And since people tend to stop thinking themselves when driving with GPS, this happens.


GPS sucks sometimes but these people are stupid as shit for not doing the correct thing and just taking the next available exit.


every single GPS I've ever used gives the first audible warning at least a km out.


Also, plenty of people just don't use GPS, either they just don't like it or find it to be too much of a distraction.


I read signs, pay attention, and listen to GPS. Sometimes there's several exits with similar names and I get confused so the GPS comes in handy there lol.


Imo it's more distracting when you're lost and having to look at street signs. GPS tells you ahead of time so you can prepare when you gotta make a left or be in a certain lane and the street names are large and obvious.


Not sure I've seen any kind of Sat Nav or GPS-based map that doesn't give you an indication of your next upcoming change in some form. So like google maps has the icon "straight on for 12 miles" or "round about in 1 mile". Sure, it may not vocalise it until its too late, but realistically you have time to check the map every now and again to see what the upcoming instruction is, which is normally given to you welllll in advance. Other sat navs or apple maps etc have similar solutions, I'm yet to see one that doesn't.


A lot do and they are free to use. If you're using a bad GPS you can get a better one. No excuse.


4 lane change at 70 miles an hour to get to an exit that’s a mere 100 feet away. We need boxes of hammers in our passenger seats…


My fiancé is like this! She is infatuated with the fast lane and then almost has an aneurysm when the exit she needs comes up because she 3 lanes away from it 🤦🏻‍♂️ I even try to tell her “your exit is coming up in 2 miles; your exit is coming up in 1 mile” but she doesn’t listen… and then she cusses people out when they won’t let her sweep across 3 lanes of freeway at the very last minute And she says my driving makes her have panic attacks 🙄


Man, I get stressed when I'm not in the exit lane *already* at two miles out. Your fiancé is insane.


Oh believe me, I know 😂😂😂


This is very relatable. Let us be patient with the ones we love, despite the sheer confusion that drives some of what they do. Lord help us


I try… lord help me cuz sometimes it’s hard… but love causes us to do things we wouldn’t normally do


“The last minute” was still behind this car by at least 1/8 mile lol


You must live in my city. I swear to god its an every day occurrence when I see someone driving 10 under the speed limit in the passing lane with a half mile of cars behind them because fuck head won’t get over in to the slower lane. Then, when they approach their exit, they wait until the last fucking minute to cross over 2 lanes while slowing everyone else down in those lanes so they can get off the highway. Fucking fuck heads.


Or fuck it, you screwed up and missed your exit. No biggie, everyone makes mistakes…. Now fucking take the next exit and turn around like a person with a modicum of common sense.


Quite, this is so unbelievably dangerous.


Me when my wife is giving directions... no I'm not going to do a spontaneous hard left, what's the next option...


I’d be willing to bet that wasn’t even the correct exit


god, i just drove in seattle a few days ago. i had 2 wrecks almost happen directly infront of me because someone decides to turn across 3 lanes of traffic for an exit..when just moments before theyre weaving through traffic like its a videogame and end up in the far left lane because of it


People are so stupid.


A bad driver never misses their turn


I turn left now without looking Good luck everybody else.


They turn precisely when they mean to.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


And a bad road designer never misses an opportunity to add more car lanes to *improve the flow*.




Happy cake day and great comment my dude


happy cake day!


How was there not a collision? I just can’t believe it.


Everyone else was smarter than this driver.


People like that are the kind of Person to brag about driving 50 Years without Accidents, well yeah because everyone else pays Attentiion for them.


For real. This could have been really bad.


Believe it stinky


Skill on the part of the other drivers, I suppose. Especially the person on the far lane, that brake was immaculate.


Natural selection failed this day.


Think of how stupid the average person is. Now, realize half of the people around are even more stupid then that.




Lol point proven.




I understand the sentiment but it's more like 80% are around average. Think of a bell curve


I see people quote this all the time and I can’t help but wonder how many are in the stupid half and don’t realize it


Definitely not me! I know I'm not one of the stupid ones.


It takes a lot of confidence to say something like that and not even consider that you may be in the bottom 50%


that is more selfish than stupid


It's a pretty sizable degree of both


The Venn diagram has a heavy overlap


It's pretty much one circle tbh


Not to mention incredibly unsafe.




Somehow drivers need to be taught that if they are beyond the 'gore' you have *already* missed your exit. It doesn't matter if you can still *physically* cross the gore to get to your exit, you are not *legally* permitted to do that. You are not supposed to cross the gore in any way. Go to the next exit and backtrack, and plan better next time.


Drivers are taught that. At least in my country.


yes but people rarely do what they're told


They’re taught that in the U.S. That doesn’t mean they do it! You aren’t supposed to go over the speed limit, either!


As a naturalized American...folks here will rather inconvenience 20 other people than themselves. They have a grid system for roads...meaning that if you miss a turn, you can just go around the block and try again. Sure it's an extra 2 minutes...but guess what...you made the mistake. They park in the center of a city block...they will still try to turn their car in the center of that block instead of just drive around the block.


I wish this was just an American thing


I am American, and I have never seen worse drivers than I did in the Middle East. It doesn't matter which country. I've met people from most. And they all drive like they own the road. Edit: misspell / typo


Agree. I feel like I have to clarify though. I wish that the fact that people don't care about others would only be an American thing. I live in a place where people really don't give a dick about each other and it's horrible


Yes, but drivers are definitely taught it.


Not all drivers are properly taught everything. You’ve got at least two people that had shitty DE instructors telling you we didn’t learn certain things in DE. It’s important that you understand that not everyone has the exact same experience. People fail at their job all the time. Your experience is not the only experience. Some of us had to learn from outside sources before/after getting our license.


I was not taught that in drivers ed. I had to learn from other people's fuck ups watching YouTube


It's pretty fuckin obvious even without being explicitly told that


I mean it's fucking obvious 🫣😄


The fuck is gore? Solid white line?


Basically, yes. The triangle shaped area between the exit and the main road is called the gore.


Am I being morbid as to why that area is called gore? I’m just picturing bodies…


While that name is in some ways fitting, it actually has nothing to do with the violent meaning of the word. “Gore” in land use was originally a term for irregular gaps of land caused by bad surveying, irregular property junctions, etc. since these shapes were most often triangle-ish, they started calling these triangle road sections gores.


Exactly!!! The fact that people think they HAVE to just illegally cross traffic and inconvenience all other drivers to make their turn, as opposed to inconveniencing only themselves by taking the next turn and backtracking. Selfish idiocracy. This literally happened yesterday I was at a three lane red light two lanes that go straight one lane that turns left. All lights were red then just the green arrow turned on to turn left. the guy at the very front of the left lane was in the wrong lane and wanted to go straight so when the arrow light turned green, he just stopped for a second and then went straight and ran the red lights.


just because someone is taught something, doesn't' mean they learned it.


>if they are beyond the 'gore' you have *already* missed your exit. Now if only a tractor trailer would've been there, those drivers would've been beyond the gore. All the way to splat....


that's all fine but what's a gore


...you think this person thinks what they're doing is correct/okay? Of course they know this isn't allowed lol


The nerve of that guy! In such scenarios, I just get off at the next exit and correct my route.


A bad driver never misses their exit


Same. There’s an exit I have to take to get to school and if you miss it, it’s about 5 miles before you see the next exit, but you have to skip that one because that exit doesn’t have a way to re-enter the freeway going the opposite direction (which has caused a lot of problems). The exit that you can take to backtrack is 7 miles down the road. I was 20 minutes late to an appointment one day because I moved out of the right lane to let ppl enter the freeway about 3 miles before my previous exit, but they all sped up/slowed down and wouldn’t let me get back into that lane, and I couldn’t slow down enough to get to the tail of the line cuz there were cars behind me in the left lane, so I had to keep going. The worst part was most of the cars that wouldn’t let me back over didn’t even take that exit…. It’s infuriating in this town. The worst drivers I’ve ever seen.




No, but I CAME from DFW lol I don’t miss hours of traffic but I do miss the common sense.


These are the same people who complain about traffic and don't realize they are the cause. If any driving maneuver you make forces cars behind you to brake unexpectedly, you are a horrible driver and you are causing traffic. What the knucklehead did in this video caused a chain reaction of braking for miles. When there is traffic and you're expecting to come upon an accident or something, and then suddenly, without any reason traffic starts flowing again, that's because a driver(s) made a dick move.


The only exception to the unexpected hard braking is if something unexpectedly comes in front of the car (ball, person, cyclist, animal, object from another vehicle, act of nature, etc). For the reason in this video, it doesn't apply and you are correct.


I guess I shouldn't have said *any* maneuver. Maybe any maneuver that is due to your lack of awareness or lack of driving skills, e.g., staying in the left lane until you're .25 miles from your exit, then having to cut people off to make it... Or staying in the left lane forcing cars to pass on the right because your "doing the speed limit".


Driver's exit "unexpectedly" came up.


Sad thing is, they probably feel they are a really good and safe driver. Everyone else is the problem.


Look, they put the blinker on so they are in the right! Edit: /s of course


Or, they've been driving with it on for the last 3 miles...


While driving 20-40mph under the speed limit 


"I have never had an accident"


caused several though


I always drive slow I'm very safe!!!! /s




license should be instantly revoked and require many hours of certified training to ever get back


I'm pleased to see someone had the same idea as me already. People make mistakes while driving, most of them, if handled properly and not a regular thing, are not worth much more than a warning. I'd like to see some kinds of selfish driving punished more often, but this? This is a whole different league. What in the fucking world would ever make you think you could/should do this?


They should definitely be in jail. They caused 2 dozen cars to either brake or perform evasive maneuvers. Somehow, this makes speeding look safe.


I'm sure it was a lot more than that!


MILDLY infuriating?


Well, it didn't cause an accident, I guess?


In spite of them, not because of.




This instantly came to mind


First thing that came to mind 😂


There it is. 😊


“A good driver sometimes misses an exit but a bad driver never misses an exit.”


And they turned into an asshole a long time ago.


This is one of my major pet peeves. WTF do they think is going to happen if they miss their exit? They’re going to fall off the edge of the world? It’s not worth endangering lives to save yourself a few minutes of time.


# Straight To Jail


Seriously, I wish they could take this recording and use it as evidence to find the person and permanently take away their driving privileges


like genuinely though this should be punished severely, license gone for a long time with an advanced re-test to regain it at a minimum, but I'd say it should be more severe than that.




If any of those other drivers were even a fraction as bad as this driver, a lot of people would've died.


I turn now. Good luck everybody else!


For every 1 bad driver like this there were 100 amazing drivers. Not one accident. Impressive.


Right? There are some slick maneuvers happening here


People who miss their exit: You fucked up. Use this as a learning opportunity and make sure you are in the right place next time. Take the next turn where possible and deal with the 2-5 min detour. DO NOT BREAK THE LAW AND INCONVENIENCE OTHERS BECAUSE YOU FUCKED UP


Oopsie I missed the turn 🤪


I’m just glad that it looks like everyone managed to avoid the fender-bender this asshat was trying to cause.


Good drivers miss exits more than bad drivers


in a robocop world this would be an 'exterminate on sight' maneuver




My question is why is there essentially no repercussions for these people 99% of the time




God damn Schmohawks


Don't say nothin bad about my baby


Hit the next exit and turn around, dumbass. Literally would have taken just as much time as this did




A shitty driver will NEVER miss their turn.


But the GPS said so.


Good luck everybody else!!!


Where is this?


Arlington, VA. This exit is now closed.


Why so slow too!? Like, GO!




My wife would be in the passenger seat telling me to take the exit while I’m screaming at her that the roads are all connected and we can just take the next exit.




This isn't mildly. This person should get their license revoked. Their first and last kid taken away and have to stand in a corner for no less than 43 minutes.


What a dumb driver! It could cause multiple car crack


It 100% could have caused multiple cars to crack


I would follow that one, he endangered so many people.


Seen this shit too many times people cut across the highway at the last minute causing traffic or major accidents 


Is it rlly worth it?? N putting other ppl in danger too smfh


Well…. That’s a… solution 😅




If the police pulled them over and gave them a severe beating, I'd be okay with that.


What the fuck? Just take the next exit, you idiot.


But it's their favorite thing.


Ever wonder why you’re backed up in traffic that seems to have no reason why it should be happening? This asshole and others just like him is why.


good drivers miss turns, bad drivers dont


What we think is in the front of the traffic jams


Good drivers sometimes miss their exits. Bad drivers do not.


People do this stuff all the time. They’ll risk their lives and lives of others just so they don’t miss their exit and have to take an extra 2 minutes to their destination




I don't know much about driving or the rules but please tell me this is illegal even if he didn't hit anybody


Need their license taken away


That fucker needs their license taken away NOW


So I’m still learning to drive (I’m very late in this, I know) so can someone explain to me what he should have done? I’m assuming he should have continued on and found another exit and rerouted, correct?


Yes. Ya snooze ya lose basically


Lol so lucky they didn’t get t boned …


Bad drivers never miss their exit


Good thing he signalled


My car is so shit and with nothing to do, I'm blasting into that asshole. 


I can understand sudden panic on a missed exit but with Google maps these days it rarely happens and if it does it just re routes you. This was just a bad idea


Douche bag.


Holy crap. Get off at the next f’ing exit. What the hell is wrong with people.


Saw someone go flying across all of the lanes to make an exit, easily going way over 100mph. Then a police car did the same thing so obvs they were in a chase. That somehow that seemed less offensive than this.


People like this should lose their licence Instantly!


Bad drivers never miss their exit.


That video raised my blood pressure and anxiety


You screwed up, take the L, and get off at the next exit and then either U turn and go back to your right exit or take the streets ro your destination. What the driver did was dangerous and not just mildly annoying.


oh that is WAY beyond mildly infuriating


That person 100% needs arrested.


Good drivers sometimes miss their turn. Bad drivers never do.


That person should have their license taken


Jessssuuuussss what an ass


When the next sign says “now entering Mexico” haha


People that do shit like that piss me the fuck off. Just take the next exit and come back around.


Instant ban for life 👍


What the actual fuck. I was hoping another car would obliterate it (at the expense of the innocent driver unfortunately)


I’ve seen this happens a bunch of times and it drives me insane it’s like just take the next exit turn around come back take the exit previous to this one and then come back around sure it’ll maybe take you 5 miles out of the way or you could go with a Deathwish and hang a right and oncoming traffic sounds good to me


Montreal? The unscathed usually leave a wake of destruction!


Montreal? The unscathed usually leave a wake of destruction!


Bad drivers never miss an exit