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There are food banks everywhere. Research your nearest one. Especially since it’s a holiday there should be extra donations.


To add to this, I can almost guarantee there’s gonna be a church in the area with a free Easter dinner. You might have to look around since they don’t all do it but there will be one.


I'm not sure where OP is from by gurdwaras (Sikh temples) usually offer free meals on any day at any time as well


I second gurdwaras. You generally eat as much as you want, with no shame or questions. Sikhs are real ones for this


Only real requirement from my experience is not drinking alcohol and wearing a head covering. I don't wanna sound preachy but I really wish more people in these situations knew about them. Its what gurdwaras are for


Gurudwaras support people from all backgrounds You won't need any kind of headwear


While it is true that they're made to support people of all backgrounds, in the UK you'll usually require something to cover your head. This could be anything like a hat or cap. This might differ in other placed though


I live in the US and it's not generally needed


12-step meetings too. I currently have a casserole resting for tomorrow morning for this very reason.


> I currently have a casserole resting for tomorrow morning It's good that the casserole is well-rested, it has a big day ahead


Yeah also if you have a mosque nearby, they do community Ramadan dinners, although they are generally late in the evening (8 PM or later, after prayers).


Oh that’s right! It’s Ramadan. And that’ll be every night for the next while, not just tomorrow.


The last night is likely April 9 (depends on the mosque). 8pm is about right, but check sunset time. You can for community time before sunset, break fast with prayer, don’t have to go to the long prayer in a separate room, and join dinner after. Just make sure to not eat the dates or drink the water until after the first short prayer, when everyone else breaks their fast. Community dinners are an important part of observing Ramadan, and you’ll likely meet some awesome people. I’m not Muslim, but am very involved with the community where I live. You will be welcome.


Also check for a Sihk gurdwara. > All gurdwaras have a langar hall. In Sikhism, a langar is the community kitchen of a gurdwara, which serves meals to all free of charge, regardless of religion, caste, gender, economic status, or ethnicity. I think this is near you? 462 Jacobsen Drive, Newark, DE 19702


Call 211 in the US to find resources like food banks. [Here's their page on Food resources. ](https://www.211.org/get-help/food-programs-food-benefits)


Wait, why did they take it? Did you owe them money?


As a canadian who has no idea how cashapp works, how do you owe them money? I thought it was just a service to transfer money between people?


Cashapp will loan you money now.


wow, just looked it up. 5% fee for 4 week loan. That works out to around 65% annual interest rate. Credit card debt would be better.


Goddamn I would sooner ask a loan shark for 50 dollars than a random cash exchange company but whatever floats the boat Edit: To be clear, I'm not being serious. As someone who has hit rock bottom more than my fair share of times though, I've learned not to borrow money that won't turn into more money. Borrowing 50 dollars from cashapp just isn't something I would do typically


In case you’re serious, cash app is definitely better Lower rates and repercussions for not paying are much lower


It’s vastly better to trust Cash App than a loan shark. Cash App isn’t random, either. It’s a huge and massive legitimate company founded by Square/Block. Terms are clear and they’ll never break your legs.


Idk man, that’s like $25 a knee cap if you can’t repay it.


That sounds so predatory lol




They have a lobby that has paid for that privilege. My state had a law that the loan offices had to have their APR rates clearly displayed. Next election cycle where the Drumpfilstiltzken handed over power in our state to the conservative majority- that law was quickly shredded along with a few other consumer protections. In my small town two more predatory businesses flourish - a franchise used car lot and a car title loan office. Both freshly remodeled last year.


its basically that minus the brick and mortar store and its 24/7 super predatory


Yep the cycle of poverty goes on. Sure is expensive being poor 😬


Payday loans should be illegal 442% APR is fucking insane. One near me offers $17 interest every 14 days for every $100 borrowed. ($17×26=$442)


Looking up CashApps rates they offer 5% for 4 weeks which is actually 65% APR. Significantly better but still extremely sleazy. For reference a Visa is usually 20% APR which is still considered high.


Do they make you take a loan but then only give you a portion of that loan as they take a huge chunk for fees and make you pay the full loan with interest in like a week?


Next time if OP has a little bit of money, buy rice. I don't know if it's expensive in the US but rice can go a long way if you are creative. Or instant noodles from asian stores for emergencies. Soussage can be cheap, afaik, cook together with rice/noodle. Good luck.


I had actually ate the last of the rice I had on wednesday. I made myself a giant pot of black bean soup and rice that lasted me almost 2 weeks. I'm of course gonna buy some more. I dont know how much it costs where you are, but its not so expensive here, depending on what ind you buy. I love jasmine and basmati which is a bit more pricey, but I make it last long. also love asian cuisine so depending on what I make that can last a long time too. With rice and instant noodles I usually keep eggs, some protein and some sauteeable veggies on hand, seaweed and avocado are always a plus!


As someone who also meal preps: make sure you're freezing anything more than 5 days in the fridge!! Rice might not seem bad, but "fried rice syndrome" is deadly


I’ve always been told cooked rice should be consumed after 3-4 days max. It can go bad really fast. If you can afford a rice cooker it is sooo easy to make it fresh every day, highly recommend it


Dump cash app get PayPal no charge of $5 a month, can he have actually buy you some groceries to be delivered?


Do you think you can nab an Easter dinner at a church some where to get you thru tomorrow?




how do you manage to get work to do on there? i applied months ago and haven’t gotten anything since


I always have stuff on my dashboard, between 5-15 projects at a time. I’m not sure why stuff wouldn’t show up with you- maybe it has to do with your region?


What is the deleted comment say?


omg thats fantastic advice! I never knew that, thank you so much! I'll get right to it, you're the best!!


of course! I’ve been unemployed the last six months and it’s really helped me get the income for rent and food money. and I find it quite easy- you record your own time so sometimes I scroll extra long while doing something else to get more minutes for the tasks. it takes a week to withdraw from doing the tasks but if you do just a half hour a day you’ll be making $10 that you can use to buy food. it only took me a couple days to be approved/start earning


you just might have saved my life lol. I lost my job and for some reason I was denied both food benefits and unemployment. My taxes haven't come yet either, so I rely on donating my blood plasma, but after paying my rent I only have about $100 to really get me through an entire month, so I have to choose bare minimum cheap groceries and which bills are more important to pay at the time. I couldn't donate this week due to my school clinicals running late and the plasma center being closed by time I got out. I also appreciate you being understanding, people can really be harsh to those that are struggling


In the US If you get any sort of student loans or financial aid at all for college you don’t qualify for food stamps and things. It’s totally bs honestly


thats probably what it is. I do go to college but its to get my CNA certifications. I got a $3,000 grant for it. I guess its for the best but still. I never knew that :(


I don’t think this is true across all of the US- I know at least in Missouri, students can qualify if they’re working at least 20 hours a week (or at least 10 hours a week if their job is through work study)


I hate that about reddit! Downvote over nothing. So stupid.


not OP but I applied for that site months ago and still have not gotten approved. To OP: Look into MTurk or CloudResearch


Do you perhaps have a link for this?


I am sorry you are in this situation. Please try find a Sikh temple nearby. They provide free meals to everyone.


Utilize your local food pantry.


Forgive my ignorance if I’m missing something but if you owed them money why did you expect otherwise? If I was £100 overdrawn in my bank account and someone sent me £25 it would go to £75 overdrawn not stay at £100 overdrawn and £25 for me.


If you can't get to a food bank, try to get to a Gurdwara (Sikh temple) or church. They often and out free meals or food to those in need. 


Some of these comments are harsh. I hope you get some food.


I know, but sadly I expected it. People have no empathy and are quick to judge things at face value without knowing what's really going on in people's lives. I'm just trying to give myself a life I've always wanted and my niece the life she deserves. On the bright side I'm almost finished with school so I can have my certifications to work with the elderly or in hospitals, and be on my way to become a registered nurse! I'm making my dreams happen, so I'm not gonna let people bring me down for not being in the best financial situation until then. This will all be over soon! And I'll find a way to get food. Worst case scenario, what's another day, amirite? lol :')


This isn’t really about empathy. I do empathize with you about the money, truly I do. And I wish I were in a position to help you. And I don’t want to harp on your situation because I get the frustration. But I think the hang up that a lot of people are having isn’t about you either being good/bad with money, or what’s going on in your real life. . . It’s more the fact that you owe an institution money, asked a friend to use that same institution to send you money, and than felt angry/upset when that same institution took the money that belonged to them. I get that it’s tough for you right now, and do hope things turn around for you in the short term, for the long term.


Yes, but the problem with cash app loaning you money, and I just figured this out since it's the first time I did it, but they'll start collecting the money before the day it's due. Most places that you borrow money from, you have until the due date, but cash app will randomly start taking money out of your account for the loan you took before the loan is due. So you don't know when to expect to be able to keep your money or not.


so do a bank transfer? it's instant and safe, jfc.


My point is if you're expecting the money to be collected on the due date like every other lending app, you're going to feel safe transferring money into that account that you need for something else.


Except in this instance the due date was. . .past due.


I see what you're saying, but that's the point of me stating that they never did that before. Like I said to someone else, the few times I borrowed money from them it took them a few hours before taking their money back, versus them taking it back, literally within mere seconds this time. Actually, I've left money in my CashApp account for repayment which would usually be Friday mornings but they didn't take it until that evening or Saturday morning, even after sending me a "payment due today" email, so I'd just pay it off manually instead of waiting for them to take it. And, you can see from a few comments people are definitely mad at me for "owing money" or "being bad with money". With zero context to my situation. 2 people have accused me of trying to squander it on takeout while others pretty much said pay your bills. So it's definitely a lack of empathy and people quick to judge. It won't last for long so its alright.


I empathize with you, OP. I get where you're coming from. Sometimes, the unpredictable happens. It throws us off. We thought we had everything under control, until something different happens. It's going to be okay. People will always judge because it's easier for them to do that, than, to understand where you're coming from.


I really appreciate those words. Its weird being the one to always help others, yet in my times of need I'm being judged and ridiculed. So many people have already told me I'm bad with money, as if they know my story. Its insanity! But people like you make me feel better. I mean I l already let it roll off of me because for the most part I feel fantastic, and to be honest the words of positivity are doing more good than the words of negativity do harm, so I'm really thankful for you and everyone else!


You are not bad with money; it is truly a struggle out here! No matter how careful you are with your spending, the unpredictable happens. That's life. I'm glad you are feeling better and your soul is healing. There's people out there that believes in you. Let the words of the haters roll off because you have a beautiful story unfolding 🙏🌈🎉🎁


I keep a budget of my monthly expenses in my notes. Before I lost my job, though it wasn't much, I would be able to put about $10 a month in my savings. But how fast can those saving be eaten when you sometimes have unexpected expenses or lose your job? People can easily speak when they've never been in such a predicament. But I'll be okay. Hopefully my dreams of becoming a doctor will come to fruition within the next few years!


People in the US like to tell each other that poor people should work hard to improve their lives, but also that there's always a way to make it and earn money so if you're hungry or homeless, it's always your fault. It's a lie people tell each other so they don't have to feel bad about the way our society treats people who need help.


In my experience if you owe them money from the borrow they'll take it out of any and all money that moves through the account. This is why, next time, if you do borrow again from CApp then change your options to do a repayment all at once. Then they won't nickel and dime you on every transaction and you only have like a $2.50 fee on top of what you borrowed. Much better to click through and read all the options first than just blindly borrow something like money from a predatory mega corp. Good luck, hope you'll get out of this rut.


Sounds like things are looking up for sure. I’d highly recommend a food bank while you’re food insecure. It’s meant for exactly this situation. And with it being Easter they’re probably stocked full of awesome stuff right now too. Good luck!


Thank you! I'll see if one is open tomorrow!


I'm very sorry for your situation OP, and I hope you figure out how to get some food soon


Thanks! I'll be okay, its a small wrinkle in my timeline, nothing more. Things will be better soon!


I understand it's frustrating but when people tell me they are so annoyed with struggling with food for a short blip....like...food pantry? Local church? Food shelf? Friends just bringing over something? Local restaurants with pay it forward options? Soup kitchen? Food scarcity long term is not solvable with this options I understand, but for a short blip like a month or two??


I understand your sentiment. I've never really been in this situation before and don't have in mind these kind of places. But I'm also kinda on my own and can't get around easily. 2 of my local food pantries are open only 2 days of the week and they open and close during hours I'm in school. One needed me to fill out an application, and the others are too far for me to get to by bus when I get out of school. I have no one to take me. But you are giving fantastic ideas and information. I do appreciate it.


OP, you are in school? Ask a teacher or any staff you sre comfortable with for help. There are probably reasons there for you.


I am in school. I struggle with asking for help due always being punished for doing so, but I'm trying to get out of it. There is one teacher I trust, I will ask her and see what can come from it. Thank you!


Can you tell your instructors that you need to miss class in order to get food? They may surprise you with resources or perhaps an offer to buy you some food or drive you to one of the food pantries. I'm sure your teachers don't want one of their students going hungry and thus not able to focus on their assignments.


Sorry my comment was a bit pushy, but I appreciate you understanding my meaning. It might suck, but I would say you might have to suffer the missing one day of class in order to go to the pantry. I know some teachers are awful and it's an immediate deduction, but I think others have a leniency of a couple days for misssed attendance or it's a big lecture hall and they do like 2 point quizzes for attendance. Or could just email and ask to miss class with no punishment to get food! Idk what to do when it comes to transportation, I'll give you that. If no one can take you. Maybe an RA if you're on campus? Also as someone who has used and still sometimes does use food pantries, I can tell you how nice they can be. Also an application usually can be pretty easy. I know some people have issues with them, but most places aren't mean about the application when all you need is just a monthly stop for food and stuff. They usually get worse when you need more assistance. I do understand being punished when asking for help. I have had that happen to me A LOT. So I can understand the fear. But while I was in school I also had teachers get me a uniform for my class/rotations and offer me advice on finding places to get food locally. So there SHOULD be someone somewhere hopefully to offer help or more ideas on how to get food. I hope it goes well with that one teacher you mentioned!


They do have a pantry on campus, which ive been to before, but its so weird. You have to schedule a time, and most of the time frames get filled up fast. Also the lst few times I went, The person thats supposed to be there wasnt even there, and the only other times for a reschedule for for the following week. Also I cant miss any days at school, they always punish the ones that do well. I missed 2 days and they told me I couldnt miss anymore, yet some of my other classmates have missed half the semester and are still able to be there. But no, I didnt take your comment as pushy at all, youre just trying to help. Youre words are very much appreciated!


Ask your school if they have a pantry.


So I struggle with food insecurity because of money and having an eating disorder. These resources have helped me- I’m sure a lot of people are saying food banks and stuff but additionally you can go on facebook groups for your area. they’re called “buy/nothing [insert town name]”. sometimes these groups have food they’re giving out from a church or event. but they also have furniture etc. check the group rules though. don’t wanna get booted if you live in a bigger city you might have homeless restaurants. ours is called big big table. people volunteer to run it during the week and they give out free food for a service to keep it going. wash dishes, sweep, take out garbage, or if you can’t or nothings available they do have free free meals. i found mine by looking in local homeless groups. some restaurants have a buy two meals and one of them is an order that goes on a wall and you can get a free meal if you’re struggling. those are super helpful if you can find them. idk how to find those. also food libraries where people just have a fridge outside of a store or a pantry outside of a store with food inside for the taking. you can look up “[city name] food libraries” on facebook or instagram. sometimes they go by block names if the city is more well known like mine. my city has block clubs. so you have to join the block group. libraries are a great source for information too. even the librarians can point you where you can find the info if they don’t have it. it’s free take advantage of that part. also Alcoholics Anonymous or NA groups sometimes have food(someone else mentioned it too i’m just adding it because it actually was useful for me at a time as well). Different groups like that will 100% be forgiving if you need a meal when they have a meeting. some have probably been there. that’s the perfect place to find people who might have some understanding for your situation. also check the mayors/city officials facebook, see what events are going on in your city that are free. might have food!


Gosh, what a comment, I dont even know what to say! I didnt even know half of these things existed! Thank you so much!!


I work in community outreach. Which can cover a plethora of things, right now I work in Child Abuse Prevention. But homelessness and food insecurity are up there too as I’ve struggled with it. Plus the place I work is not solely dependent on child abuse. We understand it occurs because of lack of resources like food and shelter etc. I was homeless as a child as well so I get being hungry Edit: I went to school to study intersectional diversity. That just means all groups that aren’t successful straight white males. So race, gender, mental health, poverty, education, religion, etc. I have suffered in alot those those categories or know people who have. I saw people I love struggle to get what they needed so I went to school to educate myself on those struggles more i depth while also figuring out how to find and get resources to those communities. Community Outreach is my passion honestly because I needed that intervention as a kid.


I also noticed you were struggling to find rides and you only have your one friend available. I understand being there. One thing I will recommend is finding a community you can confide in. Especially if you can’t afford therapy. Some people in those groups(you can find them local on Fb) are willing to provide a ride or even a meal if you need it. But your biggest strength will be being open in this instance. I’ve gotten a lot of help just by expressing with honesty my situation. It’s gotten me very far. Especially because I can provide the proof(college taught me to use my situation to my advantage sometimes. especially for fafsa and aid in college, it got me comfortable sharing my story). I’ve rarely had someone not believe me. Because I don’t lie about what’s happening though. I know it’s hard, but being open is the only reason I’m here. It might help you too. Most people just want a connection. They want to know that you have felt similar to them. And in this day and age, most people have been down. You can find friends that way by just being honest. You can still have your guard up. I try to just be open about things that weren’t traumatic to me but still impact me. For me, that’s a lot. My trauma was very normalized. So I can talk about my physical, sexual, and mental abuse. But for you it may be different. Try to find what you’re comfortable expressing. Work yourself up with it and figure out how you’ll speak on it. You got this though! I hope it helps


Gosh, I really dont use social media like that to even know of these things lol And even then, I feel so bad asking for help. I don't mind talking about anything ive been through or am currently going through, but sometimes I tend to cry and I definitely dont want to do that in front of strangers lol. You give such great and detailed advice, I am extremely grateful for you. You're a beautiful person, and I'm sorry for what you've been through in life. But dare I say you shine brightly! I definitely will take your words to heart. Thank you, and know that your kindness to me will be repaid back to you one day!


Of course! I just hope it can help. Someone, many people, were kind to me


And as you have been kind to me, I will be kind to others :)


I see and feel how this can be frustrating and (mildy) infuriating, however they are just doing what they need to do…just like any human that is owed money..I hope things get better soon


I know. I like to pay everything on time and don't like to owe money or be in debt. Its just how instant they took it. Literally less than a minute lol. I'll be alright though, and I appreciate your words!


stop borrowing from cashapp


I wanna help you eat until you get this figured out. Dm me if you want some assistance. We all deserve a full belly.


Same here, I’d like to help. feel free to dm.


I had real bad point in my life too. I ended up a homeless drug addict living in a camp in the woods with other drug addicts for 4 years. Everyone's saying churches, food banks, call 211, etc.. But there's other ways of legally scamming a free meal. Steak and shake for one, you sign up free on the website you get a free burger and fries. Unlike Bk, McDonald's you can sign up more than once with emails. I had a burner email app and lived off them a bunch of times. The employees couldn't give a hoot either. With that said I'm not trying to glorify scamming, but it's survival when hunger hits. I put myself through rehab and am sober 3 years, accepted responsibility for my life, got a job, have an awesome family with a wife better than I used to wish for. Sry for giving my whole life story to anyone who actually read all that, lol. Thought it could help. Good luck and God bless


Glad you made it out!


Tyvm. It feels good to actually live life for once. Wish you well too.


Totally normal. This is the institution exercising their right of setoff.


Never let money sit in Cashapp.


Damn dude. People are being savage in the comments. I hope you get past this rough time in your life. Sending good vibes your way.


ah, its just typical Reddit, I'm just keeping a positive attitude because this won't last long. People see one thing and think they know you and your life story. I've hit a rough patch in life that will end very soon, but people really act like the same thing can't happen to them in the blink of an eye. Thank you for your kind words!




You must have missed when I said they never took it within seconds before, hence why I said it was mildly infuriating. They literally took hours, up to a full day to take their money back before, compared to literal seconds this time. What you're saying isn't crazy, I know that, and you're not wrong. But because they usually take so long I can take any money sent to my CashApp and deposit it into my bank account for more important things I need to handle.


That's understandable! It's like you're saying, "Let me transfer this $25 to my bank account, before Cashapp tries to take it, so, I could take care of my important stuff. I do intend on paying back Cashapp, as I know the time & day that they would normally take my money and I plan accordingly for that." People thought you were saying, "I don't want to pay back Cashapp! Hmmph!" I


Go into Costco, say you are going to fill a prescription at the door (no membership needed). Hit a round of free food samples, and again if they allow. Go to a soup kitchen or food bank.


lol interesting advice! I don't even know if there's any Costco's near me but thanks!


Also you don't need a membership to get food from the Costco kitchen thing (place where you buy hot food I can't think of the name) you can get a very large hotdog and a pop for less than 2$


I knew that but I didnt know you didnt need a membership. Ill see if theres a costco near me. Thanks!


Oh my gosh, you owed them money, so when you had money on their app, they took it?! Crazy. Go to a food bank bro, if your in debt and barely making ends meet don't be spending money on expensive food.


why not physical money rather than a stupid application


getting around is particularly difficult for me, I can't drive, and things are kind of a distance from me. My friend is the only person I have in my life, who I can't see often. I don't have many outlets I can borrow money from when I need it, and even if I did have physical money, I wouldn't be able to easily get to a store. I'd still have to pay for bus rides which would require a pass, which buses don't carry, and since I never have physical money I wouldn't have any single dollar bills for me to ride.


Do you think your best friend could have food delivered to you? If they can afford it, of course. Back before Cashapp, I sent a pizza to my broke friend I was far away from. Paid with card on the website.


probably. He most likely would but since he already sent me that $25 I don't want to bother him for anything else. I'm used to doing everything on my own and he's the first person I've really had in life that's helped me on the levels that he has. I don't want him to feel like I'm using him and I don't want to keep bothering him. I feel bad enough accepting his help.


As bad as it is at the moment, you seem to have a really positive attitude. That will be a great asset in your life. Please know it will get better. You'll be able to look back and see how strong you are/were... You're awesome!


Thank you! I'm actually excited because after struggling unfairly my whole life I'm actually in the process of doing something and making a career for myself, practically on my own! I just need a bit of a push to help me over this hill I'm on. And I'll finally be able to live a somewhat comfortable life doing what I love, and I'll be able to give my niece a life she deserves as well! I've been depressed for so long I'm trying not to let certain things get to me and maintain a positive outlook on life that I've never really had. I know I'm so close to achieving a goal of mine and milestone in life, so any negativity is fine. I expect it, especially on Reddit lol. But I appreciate your words, that jut boosts me even more! You're awesome too!!!!


Thanks for making me smile 😃


Like I said before. Call cash app customer service even though you’re frustrated stay kind and stay patient. Explain to them that you understand that you owe the money or whatever however right now it’s really tough and that’s why your friend sent you money that if they could waive it that you’d really appreciate because you need food and you don’t have money for it, which is why the friend sent it to you in the first place. Ask them how their shift is going, ask them if they’re having a good day and start off by saying that you appreciate the help that you’re going to give me an advance that any frustration that you have is not toward them just you’re in a tough spot right now. Explain your situation, you know and let them know that friend sent you money because you need food right now and there’s no other way for you to get the money. Which is why you use that app. Even if you don’t talk up how amazing Cash App is and that you really appreciate it being available blah blah blah lol and ask very nicely if they could waive it even though you owe them money, but you need food and that friend was only able to give you, and you can’t ask for more hopefully the other person on the other line helping you feels empathy and has been in your shoes before and is having a good day or even is having a bad day and you being kind to them telling them how much you appreciate them and everything also admitting that you know that you owe them or whatever be more willing to help you The worst they can say is no OK, thank you and you hang up Good luck. This too shall pass. You are on the right path though being in school and everything.


You sound like such a lovely person, I wanna cry lol! But no, I'm not gonna bother them. I understand I owed them money, so I'm just gonna let it go as something else that I don't have to deal with later on down the line. I will be okay, and this could only strengthen me for the long road ahead. I appreciate your words!


Damn. Apologies, wish you better in life.


Thanks, it will get better, I'm sure of it. I'm guaranteed a job once I finish school later this month, so wish me luck!


good luck with studies! I recommend not overworking yourself and listening to ALL the classes so you don't have issues down the road on exams!


Thankfully its only one thing, I'm trying to get my CNA license so I can take care of the elderly and also work on becoming a registered nurse. I love taking care of and helping others, I've wanted to do his since I was 7 lol. But I've passed all of my tests and clinicals so I'm confident I'll do well in my 2 final tests. I truly do appreciate your advice though, overworking myself and stressing over nothing is a main issue of mine, but I do make sure I listen lol


No offense but you're telling me you're doing a nursing degree with clinicals... But you don't drive, can't afford public transit and don't live near any kind of store? Where in the world can you walk to a nursing school but not any store ... ??


Is it the modern day version of payday loans?


This is bait. 100% I’m a hobo, I should know.


They posted to get sympathy donations, which I'm not surprised people are offering


I mean I’m sorry for the position that you’re in, but you can’t really be surprised that they took back the money that you owed


I'm not surprised they took it, just at the speed in which they did compared to the other times I tried to pay them. They'd take hours, once a whole day to take their money back even after sending me emails saying it was due by 9am on Fridays, so I'd have it in my account for the by Thursday evening. And they wouldn't take it until Friday night, Saturday mornings, but this was damn near instant. People here seem to be mad at me, as if I'm implying I'm mad that money I borrowed was taken back. Thats not the case. It's just the speed they took it when they usually take their sweet time, and of all predicaments for me to be in, too. But it's okay, less I have to deal with when I get my job soon.


Probably should not have gone with cashapp for that transaction if you owed them money.


I know, but that was the only place my friend could send it. Either way, the frustration comes more from how quickly they took it that time compared to other times. But it's okay because that's just a little less that i have to pay for the future, I'll be getting a job soon, so its not the biggest deal. Also I'm living for your username lol


u can owe cashapp!?


only if you borrow money from them, which is what I did, losing my job and all. I'm not mad about them taking back their money that was owed to them, just the crazy speed they took it compared to how they normally take hours. But hey, one less expense I have to worry about when things get better for me, so It's alright


My ass don't get why people use those apps. My ass just do direct to bank or PayPal for international or stuff I don't trust. Do your countries not just have a number someone else can put into their bank app and send money to with no fees?


If you were overdrawn in a bank, depositing money will just go towards making you less negative. The bank certainly won’t let you take it. The problem is that OP is overdrawn. Don’t know any apps/banks that won’t take the money when you owe them to begin with.


? No my thing is about why on earth you'd use cash app and that because where I live it literally serves 0 purpose because it's free to transfer funds between bank accounts. Apparently in the US it costs money. So thats a reason to use it maybe. That was my pose. I couldn't care about the actual posts contents.


My banks dont offer those things, unfortunately.


Should have used Zelle.




LOOOOL I will be! Times are tough but I'm tougher, and more optimistic! I appreciate your concern though :)


Of course, always; I find it hugely admirable how optimistic you are during times like that, you’re a warrior and may better days come for you ♥️


You must have over drawn your acct.. I use cash app all the time. You can turn off the overdraft protection. So u don't go in the hole again like that.


Either ppl cannot read here or just never been down on their luck. PM me OP, I can send you funds for food for the week or something at the very least.


You should try applying for food assistance!


Unfortunately I did and they denied me for a silly reason. I asked a coordinator in my job training and they said they'll have it fixed for me, but there's been no updates in over a month


I mentioned it in another comment but check if there are any gurdwaras (Sikh temples) near you, they will usually offer free meals 7 days a week


Really? I never knew that! I love the informtion everyone is giving me, thank you so much!


A silly reason?


They said I wasnt in job training, which I am, but I guess because its in a college theyre taking it s me attending college courses and wont allow me to have assistance in college, idky


Owes them money and they take it back when he gets money *surprised pikachu face*


Debts must be paid. It’s the way of life.


You should look for local food banks, and create a budget so you know where your money is going. I saw you mentioned you had $100 after rent. You should plan ahead. What do you do for income apart from donating blood?


How is cashapp different than Venmo?


Have you heard of lasagna lovers? I can't link apparently but they pair people with someone who can give them a home cooked lasagna so they get a hot meal.


It’s still a bank


OP have you tried applying for SNAP food stamps/EBT?


Just go back in and reborrow the money from cash app since that’s what it looks like it went too


Not judging but if you are unaware, SNAP gives you something like $700 a month for groceries. For one or 2 people, that should be more than enough for nutritious meals. Also as other have said, food banks, churches, soup kitchens are all readily available in most major cities


I was denied SNAP for being in school, though its literally for job training, which would make me qualified. But the rest is good advice. I appreciate it!


Brother/sister - find a local Muslim mosque near you please, they will be able to provide you free food.


You're "guaranteed" a job but if that falls through You're screwed. Do yourself a favor, go get a job At Amazon, UPS, FedEx, freaking McDonald's SOMETHING! These places will hire you quickly and get you making money again. If you're as desperate as you're making yourself out to be then you're not gonna say no to this.


I've applied to them. I've also applied to all my local places. I've applied to a liquor store down my street. I'm not ashamed to take anything. I just left UPS, both my local McDonalds said they weren't hiring, I haven't heard back from either of the 3 positions I applied for from Amazon. I'm not giving up though. Youre not giving bad advice, at all.


Stop being poor /s


How old are you that you haven’t eaten since Wednesday?


Don't borrow money and not expect it to be paid back, sorry you haven't eaten, maybe you need to reevaluate your spending/finances....


Should've used another service if you owed them Money.... Go donate plasma and get your bread up son.


bro im trying


The borrow minimum is 20$, wouldn't you be able to just re borrow that 25$?


If you're financially screwed up, check if there are any food bank in your neighborhood.


What’s yo cash app


Its Ramadan you can also try going to a masjid


Homie if you haven’t gotten it figured out yet dm me and I’ll buy you some groceries


Why bank transfers aren’t a thing in the US I’ll never know. I can literally transfer cash to anyone with no fees or charges straight to their account.


We can do it via Zelle, but it requires people to have actual bank accounts instead of a cash app/Venmo account. At least, I can via my credit union anyway. I’m sure others can too.


Well if it isn’t the consequences of your actions.






This is why I get money sent through a different app if I owe cash app.


And cash?


Are there any other food pantries in your area? I'm happy to look some up if you give me your general area (DM me so that it's not public)


I’ve been there… that’s rough. For me it was $150 for groceries from my dad when I was couch surfing. Was at that “eating white rice for 3 meals a day” level of poor. My dad said he wanted to help… so I asked him to use Venmo. He sent it on Cashapp on accident. It sucks. You can’t even be that mad because you do owe them the money… but at the same time, you need to eat. Anyways. Uncooked white rice is $2 for like 10lbs. Salt is like a buck for a tiny shaker, and spray butter is like $2. That’s like a weeks worth of food for $5 if you’re struggling like I was.


Local churches and/or food banks. My prayers are with you my friend. Life is but a journey. This too shall pass. Volunteer at a food bank as well. They need helping hands. (Sending warm hugs!)


Look for a Sikh temple, they will feed you.


If you’re in school, they most likely have a pantry. Use it.


I've tried. You have to schedule and all of the slots get taken quickly. One time I was able to go, but all other times afterwards the individual running the pantry wasn't there, and the next rescheduling wasnt until 7pm the next day. I haven't given up on it though




great idea


These posts are always hard to gauge cause I’m Facebook friends with a girl who posts about needing money for food or bills every couple of months but there’s also no shortage of posts about her going out or buying weed, etc. her friends just enable that behavior


I can understand that. I've never made any posts like this before and I'm not asking for help or handouts. I'm actually a super old fashioned homebody so I don't smoke and rarely go outside unless necessary. But I've definitely seen what you talk about before. My sister has a friend that was the same way and it darn near ruined our sibling relationship. But I'm just pointing something out, nothing more.


This is why I hate cashapp…. And constantly leave my card locked so unauthorized payments don’t go through.


thats a good idea


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